I .-:r: J v I ' e •• .,-. - Memorial University of...

' e I ,....__..., - " \ J ; ! . ·, . VOL. lll. en . S«'lt. BY T8E SUBS(IRIBERS, C OMBS• BRUSHES, ·PerJunlery tANCY GOODS VIOLINS, BOWS, PlNS FISHING RODS- and Ta mg \VALKING STICKS an CANES . P.u.NGES, GARTERS hory, Bone, aud Wood Knitting and Netting PINS and NEEDLES Ditto ditto Tambour and Grosaha HOOKS nod NEEDLES A variet_r of BOO . KS . Clar k'11 Li&)lts, and Mortar LAMPS Silk "GUARDS-warranted ' lL\ ZORS and STROPS, &.c , &.e. Just received from London, per BARXBILL, ALSO, H..t.Nu,-Ladiea' "nd Gentleme,•a \\ IGS & HEAD DRESSES of every •ort . A ... & R. BLACK\VOOD, H ftirdresscrs --- -- -------- - --- -- " TRlTOON " Thns, N.:\1 , with a IIIler o!l came from the lce . -A;tply lo l!Je owner, A prtl :!2, M. BLAKE. 4 SHIP'S BOAT, FOR SALE. Apply a1 the Office of the CouRIER. April 13. BY L. 0' Bill EN & Co. 800 B AGS Nos. J. 'l . and S BREAD I S50 tirb. po••pP 6ne aud 6ue FLOUR 200 firkins t\UTT"tl 100 llnrrt!IS Corn 1\1\et> 1 , tOO Bags lnclian Corn 100 Have BRAN I! 6"1Pit Sui" en•J Offul L I':A T HER '2 Do 4 ci'l Calf Sk ioe I Uo H.us .. itn ... !l Uo Plei'lterin« If AIR 'l Tons CO'tK WOOD 200 Coils Cf)H si zes 50 Do E"(lunvarn, Marline, Hous«Siine anti HAa' BERLINE 20 Do ROPE 20 Ca11lcs P• ••'If Bottled PORTER {S tloz. d&b) Hoxe1 and SOAP 100 Cheat:t :Souchong 8t Gunpo"tler Tea Caska Wa ... birr SOUA too B"'' N a..aorcecl Round an· I Sq u•re J JlO N, Sbeflt LEAD \\ hi1e, UrP en, ami Blnck PAINT &iled nod ltow LINSEED OlL WINDOW 6 Ht,t Dut('he\881 and r.ouotesaes SLATES- !2.(, 12 2!h II, ami 20xl 0 J Ton DYE S l for barking Net• :)beet COPPER, !W, ond 26 oz. WITH 4 L.l808 1&810RTM&JJT or By l'tl. &&'.1' lt6. t;o. Jrut per •· Oriota," from Halifaz, FIRKINS aod ·rub. ,prin1e N uva ..SCo-- tia BUTTER-a auperior anido for famiiJ use. 20 Boxu Fre.b CHOCOLATE 60 J ., 50 Uoxu F1e1b Ground PEPPER 1 8 Ditto COOOA , __ ... 15 Uitto COCO.\ PASTE. A 11 ril (. · S UPER; GINGER. BEER, from abe · .: at Twopence per s..,aaparilfl aiad Rupbef!l VINEGAR. LEMONADE SODA W ATFK •. . A. lc. a. BLACKWOOD. - . Jlr « • 8TB. &Bi 'Co. Cmoro v._ ,.., &Mota• L4DY C••r•at.L, fro• "!lillie tiiiiUiMiatf :- }5{) 8ARRitl.S 8aperfioe rLOUR Jleay'· Porto 50 La• .,... 1'i1ot 8&&-'D j · ·HopbeW81irillatW..,.,a., 8UOA& .., ,. .. POBIC) C .,.._ COPJ'B£ .. · J ,,_ NnaiJooda BUTT£& uv ... - 0£01"11&8. trcla JJ. I . . , v .. a : 2 " . ·K' " . \.. . . . J · .. , ' ' ... , f . -: r: .. I j t ! J ' '\. J ) \ , cJ I I ' ·• ' l I " ... . .. . ., .. . . .• ; --- -.../ .. .. - . •• ...... \ - ., -. I 6' .. ST. JOHN'S, NE\VFOUNDLAND, S!TVRDAY, ullY 27, 1848. . . - - NO.LI, Charlu Willmer'a Europt4.n .. lt1ail, May 6.) TBil !'1\4llrOK BEPUPLia. - , THE REsULT IN PAnts. -The 1 examination of the WBI on Frida;t night at a late hour, a 1 I de Vllle. l''rom nine o'clock in e morni , deta ' chments of tho national guard lined e square in front of lhe Building. In the Hall of St. John an immense pl ittform was with_ llnd tubles for 1 be scrut-&tors delegated fa·um the seve,,.,) mniries and caufu,Qs of the bauliwe. About two hundrt:t.! penons were employed at these bureaux . 'A' hen the ope# ration was completed by the voles of elf· my end thu gard.,. mollile, being comhiued with those of tlae the mayor s of the arrongi oscrnenls with M. A rm4ud i\larrast al 1 lu ir head, ndvttnced anti pro clttimed tho following thirty-four mcmhcr R elected to r.-prcaent io the National Assemuly the of t he Seine:- Thus ma· k t·d \Ye re mern iJers of the t" te cham· be r. •• Thud nuukecl were rut!tnher6 of former cbumber:o, ltut 110t of the late chn•nller. M. Mode· ralt: r.. lv cn1ertnin tho opi- nion• ol tl•d majur11y ol •he Pro\' Go\ •e rn .. meu1. U, r.uu. muuis:s, &C'., &c., undt!r&roocl to coiucJtJe w 11 b 1 he miuuri ty of tha Pro· Yleiututl Go \·erumt!ut. G, . \ten1bers ot' the Prov i_ I Goverume u1. C, Ah . mbel'8 of the Pro v i:ilouu 1 CeLioe.r. ? Ouubtful. 1. •tarnot'cine 259,800 G. C. :\-1. 2. •Dupont (de 1' Eure) 2i5,P$3 G. M. S. •Francois Arogo 24:J,6JO G . C . M. 4. •Gnrr .ler Pages 240, 890 G. C. 5. 1\larroet 2'J9,1Ga G.(.;. M. 6. •Ma lie, 1\byor of Paris, and . - editor of tl!e NaJUm.al 225,776 G. C. M. 7. •C tt abieux G. C . M. 8. IJeraoger, poet M. 9. Carnut 195',608 G. C. 10. BetJ1 mont C. t\1. 11. Duviv1er , Genf'!rat Comm11n- ' d un t or the .\tohile 182,175 M. t2 . •FercHuand de Luteyrie 165,106 13. • V nv in 151,1 03 1 \1. 1-1 . Geuerel ·Goveroor of Alg eria J.(t,l87 M. 15 . •O en:e r, Mnyor of Arrou· 16. Se:cretary General lO Govern .. tso,660 M. me'lt 136,117 M . 17. Buch• :t, A•ljoint to the !\Jay- or ol Pruus 1 S.'i,678 M. 18 . .. Co• ·nin, Prel'ident of the Counc•l of State 135,050 1\f. 19. Corbon, ouvrier, ('nrYt' r in wood,and p• iucipal t-ditor of L ' .fllltlter 1 S5 ,04S U. Cau•etut«'r", Pref e ct of Po- l•ce 2 1. Albt"rr, ouvrier 22. Wolowski, Professor at Con• •ervatoire, des Arts et 133,775 u. 13:3,0-U G. C. Met ie rct M.. 2S. ounier, clockmokcr IJIJ 969 ? 24. •IA•Ir u Rollin l!Sl ,587 G. C. U. 25. J. P. Sc hmilb, Maitre ues Requetes 26. Floroo Z'l. Loui• Blanc 28. A.tjoiut P tt ri8 to Mayor of 12.J ,SB3 M. G. U. 121.140 o. u. 118,076 M. Agaicol Pertliguier, ouvrier, 001 penter 117 ;'2 90 ? 30. Jules Baa.1itle, Suh&cretaty of 31ate 10 Min •s 1 ry ot Affair• 110,226 t\1 31. Proteataot Minister 109,934 M st. •Garoon 100,747 1 33. <1utnartl, Col. of .{rtiltery of No \iooal Guard M. S4. L'Abhe de 104,871 M. . ) It thus that the thirty·four memben fnr tbe department of the Seir.e may be clatef'd -._1 follon twentywtive; ul . rra· democratic, &e •• foar; doubtful, five. There are ao.ong them twelve ex·depulies, two jour. naliats. -tbrce ouvriert, one Catholic clergy- man, and one proeatant cler1ymao, The Guiile cU Franc• publiabe• a of the multiple •lectiona knowo at pre1ent, wll' ch we aiYo below:-- . Laniartrbe.-Teo eleetioaa • Pari,, DfjOn,ll_,oueo, Macoa, Durd.,au.l, .Quimper, BeDaa.A l'•rtltleux, JJne • ...,..m... . . AI'DIIUMt Merrut.-Four electioa•: Parll, Pau le MaM, TouiOVM. . eleelioo1: Paril, Laval, Aux•rre JlarMilla ......, Jr;lide.-'hree eleedoDI': P.rll, II •lant Jlaooa. lle&biooat.-'fbree e[codOM: Pull, Cllatau. fOQ.I 1.- ....... . cl ... hrlla To-.. full, Aliietrt. bdru 1(1o1U n.-Two dection!: P1lris, rthcon. 'l ' wo el ectionC': Purht, Perpigan. Oupoot (lle 1•Eijre.) -'1'wo cll!ctions-: Puri.,, Ev- reux. Ga:nier P• •Ff'8 .- Two election, : P•uis, EHe ux. PaJ? nerre.-Two electioo": Pa• j,.,"'V crsu tlle tt :j Ay1J eq -Two ttlectiona: Alentj fl n, Auch. ?:" . Agrlcol Perdiguer.-Two el.,cuous: Paris, oon. Uegoueee.- T" o electi<?ns, Peria, le It will be seen lha• · amongst tho rnemberf' of the Provisional M M. Louis Blauc, A luet · t, and Floc on, and M. <;arnot, have:s only elected for one place . \ -' . I verc · men t, 'from that <!f . country which he repro sen ts, letters of r\)cognilion w the French republic:- "To the President and MembArt of Provi 'Siu nal Govcmmenl of th.,French Repub- lic.--..:Gentlemcn,-1 have tho to pre4 au,nt to yqu a lt·uer from the President of tre Unil.,d Sfates their env2y ex- lraofdinR.ry and miniAter phtnipotentiary o _ he Republic. In presentin re letter. I aul' ro -express the ancer dolicitu1le which the (t'\cl for the w oln1re of France; nnd to tnake known lo you his earnest desire to cultivate with zeal and \ -"-- col'diality the mo!:lt friendJy relationi between TuE PR(,Vlt\CES. -Formidable Ou'breakj at the lwo repuulics, as conducive to thft high .. R tJ uen.-ln mn 11 y ct, 1 1flicts en . tl· est into!esls of both. · I am t_o ing more or le 11d fatully huvo ClCcurred be- say that he my tn tween tl\tl republ icans nnd the l•pponcnts o( I the French Its ext _ st.ence was the r ep' ublic and with the authorities who f)nnounced fo tho world by the Provutonal Go· 1 IUAh tlo or restore order·. Ro ucu, T_his wos t. hreo -tays during the th1ec days uf lost woek, 1t11 It 1r; ta .the the theatre of a of coutlic:ts infi.. of 1ts ex1stenco . momentous JQ" evere t.hau those which in Paris res vul, when / a11 - Eoroltehns ueon ugituted. "rm-inntc"a' the o, · erthr owof the .guvern . nnd t_o. the heu viesl trials and rnent oll.ou Philipl'e· Barricades were in Pr"v . •slonal has tl.at cily (JU Friday, and Sulurduy 10 reder tng lhe . paramount blch last ere-cle allackt:cl a 11 J dcfcndetl with a s•ngs of 1nteruul pence. Huttoryr\vill record skili. a co and a'n ttl ;{ would ,!.re_ Bl cbnsomrnution .. 1 am happy in u ther cumstnnces hn ve culled for ad amra- tn my on th1s lion. <.; 11 non I•Hl Udd with " round and groj>a" o cc ns ton, us now 1 do so under the authoraty nllernate -tho musket-tho of my government and country; I pray lo sabre-g ve the troops and the nalional · guard 11 be a llowed lo _ntltl my ferveut w.'shctt that. tbo victo , u each of dnyR. A lettQr the r ap uu ltc shall have passoa from yout sn>;tt,mor than thr t;J handred of tuo insurgc 11 ts gutdwg hands :o tho Re of th e .Nat1onnl As. h11ve uee mado prisooer!:t. It was fotsq_d ne- Sl!llluly_ so soon to meet, that body m_ ay cesSRry t barri?dJe with the.-b1ly - lis louou:s by lh e or au• onet, umlerthe ioo of vollies of gq1p 6 .. securang to (H'oS· shot. town has beeo under pertly tho purest glory. · tlal Jaw. · 'l'he chief coounu _ntl has been M replied as to Ge!ierlt1 <hdonner. Senunet. a •e plact-d at 'Cuizen Minister -the Provi s ional Gov each nud a tttrong guard IJ latioued at has charged •me to represent it thia the !treet,supported uy momcn •, to (rom your haqds the first a_ nd arullery wtth lighted ll _ t:J acl of official recogniti on lo the .I<'rerich Re- ttmat ed t here aro 30, 00 ope rattvt'a public. France was the first to lbe the town ol a nd cou le tl.le numher an iodependeoco of the · American Republic, then the . vall,ys_ adj o Ul 'll!!, but t e Iauer tdu1cd yo ung, wenk, nnd still contested, hut which. to t4yang they hud no a und er the fruit fu l influence of the democratic Some colu mns of tho insurgen quitt(>U R Q u- riociple was d es lincd in ha lf a ceutury to in .. en this morowg to excite an msurrec · El· rease to the proportions of nearly a whole bCEuf, L u uviora, lllld Eneux. · Th.-y coulineoL By lhe retributive justice of t!d only at J. : tumuf. bu• their tnumph wos vidence it has lo the _!\merican Re -, sbo•·t, for military furc e deKpatched from Pa- publ ic to ue the fir:H to reCO!;nise thts now ; ris, and nuisted by tht: guard, PUC· French Republic, Bnd solo nflh its signalufJ8 ceeded in suppreuiu 6 the insurrection. lo Lhe ce ruficate of birth of FrEinch deano.c A't al so a co lliPion took placo on tile in wl.ich two persons \vcre Jtill ed. At Limoges mv11t violt:nt pro' ceedings It ave t oken plttce. Al N 1smE's, lhu ion w na at one momcot formidable . Throu g hout rho Rue do D ome vari o u::t ders had taken pl ace . At J{o ch fort, tho l> nl- lot - boxes were:s burn · by the under tile thal frauds, c ootrnry to the iut e r13sls of the Republ 1 caos, hod b&J:u commitled by th o ret•Jrning A great number of the rne m- bflra of tb e old Ch . amuu ofDepulies have a Ire a .. dy secur ed sent8 i.n •he National r\,.ssomhly,•1nd he numb er is doily increusing. Among tho number are scv c r!d whose name!: a re as we ll known in land u in France, such as M. de M. Bc rryor, 1\I. L to o F'au. cher , M . Mauguin. l\1. Ualloul t, M. Duvo r .. gier de Haur11nne At l\1 . 'l'heira hus been dofea ed by n po-rtifaix ( 1\ port er on lhe qu:Jyti). M. · Theirs hu11 nol oppearod aa a for any depurtmont bu\ thnr of B11uches du Rhone, which he reprosauted in the Chumber of Deputiea. Tn.E PaoPAO..t.NDISTs.- The Moni · tew· containa a decr ee on the ttubject of thf' German baudt. It premises . that #pellce ex· iet.. and ought to be c0n1olidated between he eta tee of rbe Confederation and the French R"pnblic, and that theae bands are an object of alarm aod a subject or tn{aunder· atandiog with tho1e 1t . ate•; wherefore it de· . creea tbat all the as.semblagea. of G«mao• on the Ea1tern fronlier •halt be diHOIYed. 'fbo miniatry of war ie charged witb the execution of the decree, which ia ligned by the mem· ben of tba aoYeromeat. Confidence il faet ri1ia11 oo the BourH, and the prie&• of all .tooka ore 'fhe miol is coining ooe-ceaum. paec:e•, from the die" of Dupre, tho eaaruv for the old firfl republic. A&COGlUJ'IOJif o• "r.& UPOa,IO •r .AKIRJOA The fullowln1 acWn. .. .r.n,_,rect by Mr. Ru•b, ''• MiaUfel'of tb_. tJai,ed at Jiri, · Ia , ........ to dae Pro•t.loa.a craoy in Europe. That nig11oture will bring good li1rtune 10 the Republ ic. Notwithstnnd· i; 1g the agitutioniandc1nbarrussmcnts ra ble from such n crisi:t-from the downfall of the and the creation of institutions of qu•to a cllaracter-from so great a d•splacemonl of 111011 and things. to y_ our fellow-citizens, that everything gi ves us the assu ance thnl their good wi:jh es for France will bA Accomplished, and that the Republic w1 ll issue strong nod great from our leeble hand s, ro pass still stronger aud greater into the hnnds of the wh ole nation. What gives us that that the pcoptp are heoceforward ripft lor th ei r iastitutions. · What was,fi fty · five years back ,only the idea of tho superior men of the nati o n, hns passed iulo tho ideo.& and habits of I he whole peoplo without exceplion Th(" which they wiahed for -l'l t.hnt which you have younelves founded-a progressive t?p ublic, but cooaer• vative of the idea:t of property, manufnctures, commerce, probtty, liberty, and ._!he m?ral . and religious feeling at the citizens. It IS il republic of which the first cry was a cry of genero•ity, of frctternity; which to pieces the a m . tllhl political_ re- action; ,which pr luime <lt peace, and w. h1ch, in- place of inscri ' ng on banner the fatal words of e.xpt:opr•auon and proscription •. has inscribed tiJere •he abolition of the death and the fraternity of principles, adop ed. 1\S WC'I hope . th'by '!lll be, by the nationul u1emltly, atreogthened b1 an invincible public of , wbicla eaob chizer.a hu coo11tiuited aajyou eeen, the voluntary aoldier, concentrated in a 1trong reprutentative unity of &overn ent, will make the French Republic glorio\aa eiater or u•e American Republic; and tt may be aai.d oftbe Frenob people and ol tbe Ameticao wba\ a m•n d4ar 10 our two countriea applied to ebem-tba\ 'bey are tlae republica ef · da two · world1. Ai to dte •eo imenta which d•• Freneb penple '.!' ur. wit .h ••n•ibllitj aDd ara- ... titude to abe ciat.6a• and to the 1otera,_.& ofllle Uolc.d Srare•. I eball exl'r••• , .... .. ta'a ,mete word-••err Aaaerioaaa &be heart of ,_._..,.,.,, ... . .. \ . . . . .. . .

Transcript of I .-:r: J v I ' e •• .,-. - Memorial University of...

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VOL. lll. en. S«'lt.



VIOLINS, BOWS, BTU~$&. PlNS FISHING RODS-and Ta mg \VALKING STICKS an CANES . P.u.NGES, Spnn~ GARTERS hory, Bone, aud Wood Knitting and Netting

PINS and NEEDLES Ditto ditto Tambour and Grosaha HOOKS

nod NEEDLES A variet_rof Kni~ting BOO.KS . Clark'11 Ni~rht Li&)lts, and Mortar LAMPS Silk "GUARDS-warranted ' lL\ ZORS and STROPS, &.c , &.e. Just received from London, per BARXBILL,

ALSO, o~ H..t.Nu,-Ladiea' "nd Gentleme,•a

\\ IGS & HEAD DRESSES of every •ort .

.~pril ~9. A ... & R. BLACK\VOOD,

H ftirdresscrs --- - - --------- -----

• " TRlTOON " J.sur1 h~ra 9~ Thns, N.:\1 , with a IIIler ~oa1erinls

o!l ~ho came from the lce . -A;tply lo l!Je owne r,

A prtl :!2, M. BLAKE.



Apply a1 the Office of the MoRNI~O CouRIER. April 13.


L. 0' Bill EN & Co. 800 B AGS Nos. J. 'l. and S BREAD I

S50 tirb. po••pP•6ne aud 6ue FLOUR 200 firkins t\UTT"tl 100 llnrrt!IS Corn 1\1\et> 1 , tOO Bags lnclian Corn 100 Have BRAN I! 6"1Pit Sui" en•J Offul L I':A T HER

'2 Do Ki~s, 4 ci'l Calf Sk ioe I Uo H.us .. itn 'Jo.ott~k•na

... !l Uo Plei'lterin« If AIR 'l Tons CO'tK WOOD

200 Coils Cf)H OAG~-aatanrred s izes 50 Do E"(lunvarn, Marline, Hous«Siine anti

HAa' BERLINE 20 Do ~hnilla ROPE 20 Ca11lcs P• ••'If Bottled PORTER {S tloz.d&b) ~00 Hoxe1 and h :- lf-bo:~~ SOAP 100 Cheat:t Con~o. :Souchong 8t Gunpo"tler Tea ~ Caska Wa ... birr SOUA

too B"'' N AI~, a..aorcecl Round an· I Squ•re J JlO N, Sbeflt LEAD \\ hi1e, UrPen, ami Blnck PAINT &iled nod ltow LINSEED OlL WINDOW GLA88-a~sorre.d 6 ~1. Ht,t Dut('he\881 and r.ouotesaes SLATES­

!2.(, 12 2!h II, ami 20xl 0 J Ton DYE S l UFli~S-uaed for barking Net• :)beet COPPER, 2~, !W, ond 26 oz.

WITH 4 L.l808 1&810RTM&JJT or

By l'tl. MT~W &&'.1' lt6. t;o. Jrut Rueit~td, per •· Oriota," from Halifaz, ~ FIRKINS aod ·rub. ,prin1e N uva ..SCo-­

tia BUTTER-a auperior anido for famiiJ use.

20 Boxu ~ Fre.b CHOCOLATE 60 Half-Rox~• J ., 50 Uoxu F1e1b Ground PEPPER 1 8 Ditto Pr,.par~ COOOA , __ ...

15 Uitto COCO.\ PASTE. A11 ril (. ·

Rerr~81aftl6' B~ti~r•K~•·

SUPER; GINGER. BEER, from abe ~'ouo.t · .: at Twopence per Glaa~

s..,aaparilfl aiad Rupbef!l VINEGAR. LEMONADE ao~ SODA W ATFK • .

. A. lc. a. BLACKWOOD. - . Jlr « • 8TB. &Bi ~. 'Co.

T~&c Cmoro v._ ,.., &Mota• L4DY C••r•at.L, fro• "!lillie • tiiiiUiMiatf ~ :-

}5{) 8ARRitl.S 8aperfioe rLOUR .~:~r=zlwlab& Jleay' · Porto

50 La• UMI~ .,... 1'i1ot 8&&-'D j ··HopbeW81irillatW..,.,a., 8UOA& .., ,. .. POBIC) C .,.._ COPJ'B£ .. i~T~A· • · J

l~.r~ ,,_ NnaiJooda BUTT£& • uv ... - 0£01"11&8.

trcla JJ. •

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• ST. JOHN'S, NE\VFOUNDLAND, S!TVRDAY, ullY 27, 1848. . . - -NO.LI,

(Fr~m Charlu Willmer'a Europt4.n .. lt1ail, May 6.)

TBil !'1\4llrOK BEPUPLia. -

, THE ~LECTIO~S. REsULT IN PAnts. -The 1 examination of

the returu~ WBI conclud~ on Frida;t night at a late hour, a 1 I de Vllle. l''rom nine o'clock in e morni , deta'chments of tho national guard lined e square in front of lhe Building. In the Hall of St. John an immense plittform was ~re~led. with_ bench~~ llnd tubles for 1be scrut-&tors delegated fa·um the seve,,.,) mniries and tb~ . caufu,Qs of the bauliwe. About two hundrt:t.! penons were employed at these bureaux . 'A' hen the ope# ration was completed by the voles of th~ elf·

my end thu gard.,. mollile, being comhiued with those of tlae urrond•J~sE'ment:t, the mayors of the arrongioscrnenls with M. A rm4ud i\larrast al 1 lu•ir head, ndvttnced anti pro clttimed tho following thirty-four mcmhcrR elected to r.-prcaent io the National Assemuly the c.Jt>partm~nt of the Seine:-

• Thus ma· k t·d \Yere mern iJers of the t"te cham· ber. •• Thud nuukecl were rut!tnher6 of former cbumber:o, ltut 110t of the late chn•nller. M. Mode· ralt: r .. pul•licnn~, uud~rtjlooti lv cn1ertnin tho opi­nion• ol tl•d majur11y ol •he Pro\' i~onttl Go\•ern .. meu1. U, Ultllt-d~u.ocrotl', r.uu.muuis:s, &C'., &c., undt!r&roocl to coiucJtJe w 11 b 1 he miuuri ty of tha Pro· Y leiututl Go\·erumt!ut. G, .\ten1bers ot' the Provi_ e~icwa I Goverume u1. C, Ah. mbel'8 of the Pro v i:ilouu 1 CeLioe.r. ? O uubtful.

1. •tarnot'cine 259,800 G. C. :\-1. 2. •Dupont (de 1' Eure) 2i5,P$3 G. M. S. •Francois Arogo 24:J,6JO G. C . M. 4. •Gnrr.ler Pages 240,890 G. C. ~J. 5. 1\larroet 2'J9,1Ga G.(.;. M . 6. •Ma lie, 1\byor of Paris, and . -

editor of tl!e NaJUm.al 225,776 G. C. M. 7. •Ctt abieux 210~ G. C . M. 8. IJeraoger, poet ~04,.Zil M. ~. 9. Carnut 195',608 G . C. ~t

10. BetJ1mont 189~11~ C. t\1. 11. Duviv1er, Genf'!rat Comm11n- '

d unt or the Gtsr~ .\tohile 182,175 M. t2. •FercHuand de Luteyrie 165,106 ~1. 13. • V nv in 151,103 1\1. 1-1. Cuvui~noc, Geuerel·Goveroor

of Algeria J.(t,l87 M. 15. •Oen:er, Mnyor of Arrou·

d:a~eu•ent 16. Pegoerr~, Se:cretary General

lO Prov~ioonl Govern ..

tso,660 M.

me'lt 136,117 M . 17. Buch• :t, A•ljoint to the !\Jay-

or ol Pruus 1 S.'i,678 M. 18 . .. Co•m··nin, Prel'ident of

the Counc•l of State 135,050 1\f. 19. Corbon, ouvrie r, ('nrYt' r in

wood,and p• iucipal t-ditor of L '.fllltlter 1 S5,04S U.

~0. Cau•etut«'r", Prefect of Po­l•ce

21. Albt"rr, ouvrier 22. Wolowski, Professor at Con•

•ervatoire, des Arts et

133,775 u. 13:3,0-U G. C.

Metierct 1~2,3:1S M.. 2S. Peu~i.n, ounier, clockmokcr IJIJ 969 ? 24. •IA•Ir u Rollin l!Sl ,587 G. C. U. 25. J . P. Schmilb, Maitre ues

Requetes 26. Floroo Z'l. Loui• Blanc 28. Ke~urt, A.tjoiut

P tt ri8 to Mayor of

12.J,SB3 M. l~I .8G5 G. U. 121.140 o. u. 118,076 M.

~: Agaicol Pertliguier, ouvrier, 001 penter 117 ;'290 ?

30. Jules Baa.1itle, Suh&cretaty of 31ate 10 Min•s1ry ot For~ign Affair• 110,226 t\1

31. C'oquer~l, Proteataot Minister 109,934 M st. •Garoon 100,747 1 33. <1utnartl, Col. of .{rtiltery of

No\iooal Guard 100,~62 M. S4. L'Abhe de Lame~oai1 104,871 M. . )

It thus ~ppeart that the thirty·four memben fnr tbe department of the Seir.e may be clatef'd -._1 follon :-Moderale~t, twentywtive; ul.rra· democratic, &e •• foar; doubtful, five. There are ao.ong them twelve ex·depulies, two jour. naliats. -tbrce ouvriert, one Catholic clergy­man, and one pro•eatant cler1ymao,

The Guiile cU Franc• publiabe• a li~t of the multiple •lectiona knowo at pre1ent, wll' ch we aiYo below:-- .

Laniartrbe.-Teo eleetioaa • Pari,, DfjOn,ll_,oueo, Macoa, Durd.,au.l, .Quimper, BeDaa.A l'•rtltleux, JJne • ...,..m... . .

AI'DIIUMt Merrut.-Four electioa•: Parll, Pau le MaM, TouiOVM. . C~m.enln.-Fou; eleelioo1: Paril, Laval,

Aux•rre JlarMilla ...... , Jr;lide.-'hree eleedoDI': P.rll, II •lant

Jlaooa. lle&biooat.-'fbree e[codOM: Pull, Cllatau.

fOQ.I 1.- ....... . cl ... iwa.-T~er.odoel: hrlla To-.. Mart~.-TtfCt •,Jeoti~u: full, Aliietrt.

bdru 1(1o1Un.-Two dection!: P1lris, rthcon. r,s~ro.- 'l' wo electionC': Purht, Pe rpigan .

Oupoot (lle 1•Eijre.)-'1'wo cll!ctions-: Puri.,, Ev-reux.

Ga:nier P••Ff'8.- Two election, : P•u is, EHeux. PaJ?nerre.-Two electioo" : Pa• j,.,"'V crsu tllett:j Ay1Jeq -Two ttlectiona: Alentj fln, Auch. ?:" . Agrlcol Perdiguer.-Two el.,cuous: Paris, Avi~-

oon. Uegoueee.- T" o electi<?ns, Peria, le Mant~.

It will be seen lha• · amongst tho rnemberf' of the Provisional Govereunen~. M M. Louis Blauc, A luet·t, and Floc on, and :unong~t th~ mini~lere, M . <;arnot, have:s only ~een elected for one place . \


. I verc·men t , 'from that <!f t~e .country which he reprosents, letters of r\)cognilion w the French republic:-

"To the President and MembArt of th~ Provi'Siunal Govcmmenl of th.,French Repub­lic.--..:Gentlemcn,-1 have tho ho~on-r to pre4 au,nt to yqu a lt·uer from the President of tre Unil.,d Sfates con~tituting m~ their env2y ex­lraofdinR.ry and miniAter phtnipotentiary o _he Frenclb~ Republic. In presentin re letter. I aul' ~ircctcd ro -express the ancer dolicitu1le which the Pre~id f4nl (t'\cl for the woln1re of France; nnd to tnake known lo you his earnest desire to cultivate with zeal and

\ -"-- col'diality the mo!:lt friendJy relationi between

TuE PR(,Vlt\CES. -Formidable Ou'breakj at the lwo repuulics, as conducive to thft high .. R tJuen.-ln v~TY mn 11y place~ ct,11flicts en.tl· est into!esls of both. · I am . al~o direct~d. t_o ing more or le 11d fatully huvo ClCcurred be- say that he approve~ my cour~e tn ~e~ogntz~g tween tl\tl republ icans nnd the l•pponcnts o( I the French ~epuulac, wh~n Its ext_st.ence was the r ep'ublic and with the authorities who f)nnounced fo th o world by t he Provutonal Go· 1 IUAhtlo pr~serve or restore order·. R oucu, ver,n~ent ~t'l Fcbru~ry. T_his wos t.hreo -tays during the la:~t th1ec days uf los t woek, wo~t nlt ~ r 1t11 ~trth. It 1r; n~w ta .the tht~d . mo~tl1 the theatre of a au<:ce~~ion of coutlic:ts infi.. of 1ts ex1stenco. Durw~lh1s momentous JQ"

oi:e~re , evere t.hau those which in Paris res vul, when/ a11- Eoroltehns ueon ugituted. "rm-inntc"a' the o,·erthrow'· of the .guvern . nnd Fr~nce_1exposcd t_o . the heu viesl trials and

rnent oll.ou Philipl'e· Barricades were in daffi\.!ultte~.\_:h., Pr"v.•slonal Gov"rnm~nt has tl.at cily (JU 'hursd~:~y, Friday, and Sulurduy s~cceetlc_d 10 reder tng lhe . paramount blch last ere-cle allackt:cl a 11J dcfcndetl with a s•ngs of 1nteruul pence. Huttoryr\vill record skili. a co ~ge, and a'n o~slinacy ttl;{ would ~his ,!.re_Bl cbnsomrnution .. 1 am dou~ly happy in uther c · cumstnnces hn ve culled for ad amra- tn off~~ my con~,;rRiulnttons on th1s sec~>_nd lion. <.;11 non I•HlUdd with " round and groj>a" occnston, us now 1 do so under the authoraty nllernate -tho musket-tho ~uyopel-the of my government and country; an~ I pray lo sabre-g ve the troops and the nalional·guard 11 be a llowed lo _ntltl my ferveut w.'shctt that. tbo victo , u each of t1 1o~e dnyR. A lettQr wh_e~ the rap uultc shall have passoa from yout sn>;tt,mor than thrt;J handred of tuo insurgc11ts gutdwg hands :o thoRe of th e .Nat1onnl As. h11ve uee mado prisooer!:t. It was fotsq_d ne- Sl!llluly_ so soon to meet, that g~e11t body m_ay cesSRry t carr~very barri?dJe with the.-b1ly - cr_o,~n lis louou:s by lhe C:jtabh~h~ent or au• onet, umlerthe prol~c ioo of vollies of gq1p6 .. sut~ttQps securang to Frnnc~. tbe~b,gbest (H'oS· shot. Th~ town has beeo plnc~d under 1bar~ pertly a~d tho purest glory. · tlal Jaw. · 'l'he chief coounu_ntl has been ~Zive'u M ~martioe replied as f~Hows: • to Ge!ierlt1 <hdonner. Senunet. a • e plact-d at • 'Cuizen Minister -the Provisional Gov • each houa~e, nud a tttrong guard i~ IJlatioued at ~rnmcnt has charged •me to represent it a~ thia the <:_or~erofev_t!ry !treet,supported uy c~valry momcn•, to re~~ive (rom your haqds the first a_nd arullery wtth lighted m~ches. ll_ t:J O~- acl of official recognition lo the .I<'rerich Re­ttmated th~' there aro 30, 00 operattvt'a ~~~ public. France was the first to reco~nise lbe the town ol Ro~~n~ a nd cou le tl.le numher an iodependeoco of the· American Republic, then the . vall,ys_ adjoUl ' ll!!, but t e Iauer tdu1cd y o ung, wenk, nnd still contested, hut which. to rt:~e, t4yang they hud no a under the fruit fu l influence of the democratic

Some columns of tho insurgen quitt(>U R Qu- riociple was deslincd in half a ceutury to in .. en this morowg to excite an msurrec · ~t El· rease to the proportions of nearly a whole bCEuf, L uuviora, lllld Eneux.· Th.-y succeed~ - coulineoL By lhe retributive justice of Pro~ t!d only at J.: tumuf. bu• their tnumph wos vidence it has bolon~cd lo the _!\merican Re - , sbo•·t, for military furce deKpatched from Pa- publ ic to ue the fir:H to reCO!;nise thts now; ris, and nuisted by tht: un~ionnl guard, PUC· French Republic, Bnd solo nflh its signalufJ8 ceeded in suppreuiu6 the insurrection. lo Lhe ce ruficate of birth of FrEinch deano.c

A't Cllit~lsttrrn~in als o a colliPion took placo on tile el~clions, in wl.ich two persons \vcre Jtilled. At Limoges mv11t v iolt:nt p ro' ceedings It ave token plttce. Al N 1smE's, lhu in~turrec ion wna at one momcot formidable . Throughout rho Rue do D ome vario u::t dit~or­ders had taken place. At J{och fort, tho l>nl­lot -boxes were:s burn · by the p~opla under tile b~li~f thal frauds, c ootrnry to the iut e r13sls of the Republ1caos, hod b&J:u commitled by th o ret•Jrning ,ffi~cr. A great number of the rne m­bflra of tb e old Ch.amuu ofDepulies have a Ire a .. dy secured sent8 i.n •he National r\,.ssomhly, •1nd •he number is doily increusing. Among tho number are scvc r!d whose name!: a re as we ll known in En~ land u in France, such as M. de 1'oc quevill~ . M. B crryor, 1\I. L too F'au. cher, M . Mauguin. l\1. Uallou lt, M. Duvo r .. gier de Haur11nne At Mars~i lles, l\1. 'l'heira hus been dofea ed by n po-rtifaix ( 1\ porter on lhe qu:Jyti). M.· Theirs hu11 nol oppearod aa a cnndid11t~ for any depurtmont bu\ thnr of B11uches du Rhone, which he reprosauted in the Chumber of Deputiea.

Tn.E Gta~uN PaoPAO..t.NDISTs.- The Moni · tew· containa a decree on the ttubject of thf' German baudt. It premises . that#pellce ex· iet.. and ought to be c0n1olidated between •he eta tee of rbe G~rmanio Confederation and the French R"pnblic, and that theae bands are an object of alarm aod a subject or tn{aunder· atandiog with tho1e 1t.ate•; wherefore it de· . creea tbat all the as.semblagea. of G«mao• on the Ea1tern fronlier •halt be diHOIYed. 'fbo miniatry of war ie charged witb the execution of the decree, which ia ligned by ~I) the mem· ben of tba aoYeromeat. Confidence il faet ri1ia11 oo the BourH, and the prie&• of all .tooka ore adYa~teioa. 'fhe miol is coining ooe-ceaum. paec:e•, from the die" of Dupre, tho eaaruv for the old firfl republic.

A&COGlUJ'IOJif o• "r.& UPOa,IO •r .AKIRJOA •

The fullowln1 acWn. .. .r.n,_,rect by Mr. Ru•b, ''• MiaUfel'of tb_. tJai,ed Stat•~ at Jiri, · Ia ,........ to dae Pro•t.loa.a

craoy in Europe. That nig11oture will bring good li1rtune 10 the Republ ic. Notwithstnnd· i ;1g the agitutioniandc1nbarrussmcnts in~epn~ ra ble from such n crisi:t-from the downfall of the ~overnn')cnt and the creation of institutions of qu•to a d1ff~::reol cllaracter-from so great a d•splacemonl of 111011 and things. ~ay to y_our fellow-citizens, that everything g ives us the assu r·ance thnl their good wi:jhes for France will bA Accomplished, and that the Republic w1ll issue strong nod great from our leeble hands, ro pass still stronger aud greater into the hnnds of the whole nation. What gives us that confidon~e i~ that the ~,rench pcoptp are heoceforward ripft lor their iastitutions.· What was,fi fty · five years back ,only the idea of tho superior me n of the nation, hns passed iulo tho ideo.& and habits of I he whole peoplo without exceplion Th(" Rcpub~ic which they wiahed for -l'l t.hnt which y o u have younelves founded-a progressive a·t?public, but cooaer• vative of the idea:t of property, manufnctures, commerce, probtty, liberty, and ._!he m?ral . and religious feeling at the citizens. It IS il

republic of which the first cry was a cry of genero•ity, of frctternity; which ah~l~t=red to pieces the a m . o*~g~:ance tllhl political_ re­action; ,which pr luime<lt peace, and w.h1ch, in- place of inscri ' ng on ~ banner the fatal words of e.xpt:opr•auon and proscription •. has inscribed tiJere •he abolition of the paa~of death and the fraternity of natiorrs:--~IJ'tr.e principles, adop ed. 1\S WC'I hope. th'by '!lll be, by the nationul u1emltly, atreogthened b1 an invincible public foroe~ of , wbicla eaob chizer.a hu coo11tiuited himaelf~ aajyou hav~t eeen, the voluntary aoldier, concentrated in a 1trong reprutentative unity of &overn ent, will make the French Republic t~e glorio\aa eiater or u•e American Republic; and tt may be aai.d oftbe Frenob people and ol tbe Ameticao peo~e wba\ a m•n d4ar 10 our two countriea applied to ebem-tba\ 'bey are tlae republica ef ·da two · world1. Ai to dte •eo imenta which d•• Freneb penple '.!' ur. wit.h ••n•ibllitj aDd ara- ~ ... titude to abe ciat.6a• and to the 1otera,_.& ofllle Uolc.d Srare•. I eball exl'r••• ,.... ..

-~ ta 'a ,mete word-••err Fre..,.•~ d« Aaaerioaaa &be heart of ,_._..,.,.,,

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• Con'L ·in iEnglan~ .took · ~bo :r~p~eibllity · ~r ezpen~iture · bee.n aboiu .triltled? ,But . while ·. SBIPIUXG 1 elI tbe mr:aau~.,, whaph. the Sowere.'&D : wae • ad Yl• mauere retl.ai!Jed u &bey, ·were, &bore wu no ·effea•· · ====='====:==:=~~~~:;;;:~;;;;::;:,:~=

. ~ eed to• Ut~'e. Jf' nU•JOr!tY of lhe · wea~~,. of the tiYe ~beck on the espe.iai'~u~ ~the 1ovec.nmenr . ST. J1UL'{'8, N. P., S!lUID:tl, M!Y i7, 1818. Hooee ot C~mmon~ dtsaJJ ed_ of theae mea.' · by Hie·people 'Yho were taxed'tp (uruilb &be mean~ · '·AR.a.v&:D. · · ·

'·\· · ( eures,ihlf C~1oet re11gn.,d,~nd uta t! room tor olhera Etlry mao who lifLened 'to· bim' oughtthorefore to ~fay . 25.-Caledonia> GijcbMat, ltalil\:r· 7 day PUB Ll C M E ETI N G A 1' T II E CO U RT H 0 USE w bo puro ueiL!' pol·~ 1 en noloct o to. t be notiun ro,i~ hia Joice, and tt '!&il••• for FaOC)llire r .. pon• : Jloon.e, J obno!OD .& 'Cci,-eu~or .• ftour. ;nd onoo~'

as reps:~a.t~t.l ao Pttdt~m*'~'· · N he thought that •ibahty ; ,h~· mode ~o anclitidual .chartzes, lJut the Gratta, P-oland, Oporto, ~ da14, MrBride &. ON WED N.ESDA Y LAS 1'. wlun . ruugltt "o well Ill f'_uJ:IRu$1 . ould. not work conce•sioo of tb is principle wou-ld pc:oduce a ulu· Kerr-salt and ,viue. · E .ltZI, 'Hall, Halifax 23 .

Ol'f entering the repo.rten' galtery11

\Ve foJJnd the hadl,r 10 ~ewl~u.~land; hr LhQurh that•f, the ~x· tu!J inOueoce on all. 'rhq had not ilte prolific· days, 0. F. Bown--:-lurob~ ' Jlon. Joal'. KENT had eomtuenced addres:cing the- ecuuvo Couu~JIIc>n advls~::d t~e GoverQ.Ot \o pur" aotl nor the aunny. akiea of other ~untries, bU\..lJte)' ~6:-Heralc.J, McLeod,. P. E. Jsl,.nd, 8 davs P: H

eue a po.hcy OijJJOded to . tbe mterea.ta ol tb~real bad_ tha& more stubborn aoil, and .'the colder .clilne t?arter & ... C'o.-eattl~ and·haj:. · Rolla • E~ ' ehair; the fira'l wortld we caught ..were, tbat :- ltody of tho p~opl~, eveu 1f they wore selt>.cu~d from wh1cb \\IIIII calculated for the raising of 1.-.nly free-.. Syclney,.:5 '~fe, ~ilepo & MClyne11-~aJ. fl.;

Henner knew pultlio opinion on poli1icaJ ques· among tlao:se 10 wholo _rt.u ptsolJie ll~d..cuntiJence, men.; they ha~ magnUluedt har~oure in which the E_• l,w~_,d, Rae} Liverpool, 35 daye, McBride; & tiona so iuen as at pre•ent. '11iat vublic meeting• •hat they ou~ht to be seut ai.Jou& tht•lf busine~SS, to . n~tvie• of the world rrught ride in eafe~y • aod they Kerr-aalt.ao~ co~l. E~izaberb, Coyah,Ait~na werf' the luu through which the BCIIl~reu r-.y .. . of .make room fur ht<lle_r uaen. Now W88 it ~tqt the in- bad lhe nbauatless sroduce 'of the fi•herie., which s ' ·II ~s, Stab•>, ,Ro\• 4- Holm wood -brea4 aod public opinion might be coueeo'tmtetl and mndeef .. •eresl of nllrhut alus ebould be the cue? Ou((lat could be exch"n'e for the production• of every~ br~(.·i•. Sylpb, LaBmuf, .Bay Chal~r, 10 da, fectiwe on 'ti!Jblic ahuses. That in the predent d•y npt tbe ~uue~ lteople of Newfoundl~d-nf~I.Jie other cli toate; th~y haJ· a population, ha•dy, en· .CI_•ft, W .. od & Co.-ltuu,ber. Syl!af riekth:u' progress was int!,itable; anll that invoe idle to to ex.t:rc~e._tllls wboi~JJome cl .. eck on th~• l of Jlable of eud~ring the greatea\ facig.ue aud train· L·~~qKlol, 42 daye, Bowrins 'Brotbers-eah uoJ euppo68, becauee· tbia wna ·a small - communi•y, lt •gh Otticuslo who weres Jl_aul wjth their . ooey? ed loa l ife of' <laui(er; they .hod wom~n, beau~ful uncks. " that we wert5 to stand l'till, while the other colo- Or shoulcf 1 here lJ~ 8 negnl.aon . of pol)ulor raghtt by and chatte ; ant:l witb all these, g•ve tbeth gooli CLIU.Rao·. ..... nin were advancing rapidly, both socially aud those ft'bo by_t.be fuvour of tile JleO~>l~ were ra1eed covernmem and tbey ware fitted to riae to the ~by ~5.- Velochy, An•lereon, . P. F:. Uland Cl'fl politically, erouud us. :.He regreuecithltl in bring- to uffi<"~tt ot ~ouour ottd elpOiumeot ~ At JJrer4ent, on fir~t rank· in the 11eale or-tlritn.iu'!Ju"olonial Em- Wood&. C~:-c~lf•kin~. L tuly Young, 'Hri~u' ;

0g the q••eotioh• ~bleh thPy bad met to d ittCU!S&, •be urravul of a new G~ve;rt_Jor, he '~n:s rec~ivt'd :1~?•1 J•ir.- . cTbe Hoo. seudtrrl4n aal d u anid:tt loud Bydnf'y. Job, Uro,bers <t Co.--ballast. Jcsai '

before lua. f~Uow c~l', he wos not "urroundt.•l surrouuoe~ l•f::e Le~u,l•llveautl Exeeuu\'e Voun· cheeriug.) Coyah. Lonrlon, E . &. N. Srsh:h-oil and ekint!, by those on whoat"leo~operatidn he had a right to c•Hort", wla~ vt:ry ••otuf8lly mduced. tha uov.emor Tbe noxtltpeaker Wl\8 Dr. \V.u.an, ~bo shor 11 &largar~r, Sinclair, P. B biarul, M. Scewart ~ calculate. He wouiJ neverthele~Ja do '' hnt be coo- to lteh"ve r}uu thet.~ :conatitutnl tho r~aa"'clable ~iterated nmcb of what btu..l f~tllt:o fror~ the 1 re., ·· Co.-:-JJ•~k.leci fi~lt.. U•ticurn, ~eag'ber, llnJ 1r3 ~ ceived to be the duty "fan houeet politi<'iau; anJ ciRsa. of t~o. C~IIIQlUtJJty. Poor~;l'~nen. were not an YIOUS epe,.ktn, enJ urge•l ou 1be peo~te to act Ro!unaon, ~roo .. kJD~g a1Jd Cc-t.-11 l njcaty'~ thia wa.t~, nul to cons'ult the w1ehe11 of men 10 rt'&lly 10 Vb lltuout Ho~se; ttud ll so happoll• pe~tct:nbly bul.tnerg•tic~tlly and in coucert,\ couclu- ll!@ll!f. Rap1•lt Ctubbertatln, H11 rtt, W. ~ power, bul to promote'~Sgitation. If tl ... y retuuio- ec.J thul <Jse who vott:ll lh"n.ulelve.a, t~ ttle ardu• •Jr~g ~1. remiudmg tleem tluu th~ people btad~ (lnly to fe.!.Yior-ttundrr~s. Anua1u.lal Kts 1 p E · ed quiet, could tbey mRka any impressiou on those 008 tutl'k ol CLOrnbat ug for tht3 people a nghla were Will 1l m ordt:r to be free. J, lund. U.unter& & Co.-aalt Sealer Ke11~ne · in power, "ho, at their en~e, were t-njo}ing th~ poo_r i be wa:~ u poor UJII.U hin.st:lf, and he verily He was followe•l by ~lr. Eow .. ao MoRRrs who Burh•tdoes, Bain~ J dhneton Co.-fi~h . D\v~' waves and 6~tbes pu·rchs!!ed with the taxes ima,osed ~l.!.e'·.ecl, th.ut wore he ~0 osk It • he c'>uiti ohtaio a in moY~ ~~4th .redolutioh, urg,.d •he l~t~po;t,.nc"' Me K~nzie, Sytlney, M. S1eworc. & Co.- cor~ on the producing cluseB? (dleer~ .) Uut in thi~ ~atuauon C'f umple e,moluuu:u.t w~ucll he llliA'I•t eu- of establt,ahin~ auc-h a sydtem of ~eovc·rnmc nt aa mt:ul. Hanger, GrHhuua, Anrigooit~l•, M. Ste\\~ egitation i• lJt:hovecl theJll to be temperatE', and to JOY for II(:!'. (" O.m•'t tak-e tt," Jrorn mme one in "ould eomm •nrf general co11li•lt-uee. ~rt & (;o.-curu cnt:al and hiclea Curn~nll

.. allow thoae thot «ltfferea from 1hem; the ft tt llle free- tbe _r.rowd.) No. lie ~~ulel ll~t lake auy eituat1on Mr. McAusL.&.N, in moving the 5 h re:~olution, Axtc.>ll, Barbnd·J~ , J. B. llarnee & r.u.-fi~h· dom of action "l•icb tuey rlnim&l for tlremselves; wb•ch would reruov" huu lrom tlle od~uca<'y of the said . that it wn~ nut uucee ·ary for him to euy ""r HdHoo, Slulllug, fi s: tou, Dugbno & FQX .- llal~ 10 remember thut liberty ond churi•y w.~nt hn••d ve~ple'lf rlgllte, Olld be \\OUid 8:l)'.' let ll!t:lll 1101 dtiug OOOU\ the nic~:~ly hali\IICI"d powcrd ofnllllllt6d latH. in hlnd; that tbe Leal llJIXim for tbe rt> tonniug lrUbt hlm or nny other ma.o With u life DJJ('Oiutmt:nr, mnnurchy; lll"Y were !lllch in th ti Bri.tialt ron,.titu · 2G.-t(liza , Bourlrnt, Pintou, C. F. B~nne lt & Cn etalesfTian wns contain'ed in the prec:pt of holy writ when rhe.y ~~~ayed tb~u lr~rttt let them he seul t iou, l~ Whi r h t.hey loc.k~d as 1heir mocld, ,l4at the -r.fl •ru r, Lnurd, Rorhe, lt .. s i11ouc he , Cfor,· •• Thou shell love thy neighbour as 1hyt-elf." Ju olJ? ut '!•ear lluourcss . . 1 he Executeve auJ Legis.. cbangea wb eh. 1he growwg wou1s aud intelf'·g"uce \V~1 ' 1d & C~. -ruol~ts:sl!a o n •i s.unolnes. Sopll~' claiming lil•erty thert· fore w r himselfnnd thoee \\h o lalave Couuclllo re llt:ang . tbud tuken fronlthe riCh o_ll:le people had rendered nt•e.-s:tnry from •in~ to - ~Jnandn, l•.bcrr , Pu· tou. Clift, \~uod & Cu. -acted with hi'm,be would allow tbulru~est l1berty 10 cllll!(de~ ' 11 tlllllbw.s wl,lchrbey woulcl,.ttllow to puu tu_n e , wert~ eec:oomf•li&b~::d hy )•enceable agirt~t ion , h•dlntC. Mury June, Gitchr!Sf1 tfniJf.,:t, L. o· .. t llifose wbo ~•ffereJ from him ; he would uotngitnte ":t:re-- ur ttoe ben~::ht of tlu' nch, ho~ever OlJpr4!4.. Without tbU~~e violent con vul~ions \Yhicb had o~er- Ureeu & _Co.-~n.llust. Alttrgaret Rus~~~ll, ('.,I, lbese qtr&-tiona as Catholic questions, LutaaequRity s!ve ro lire puor . No IUblllber ol •he l::xecut' turn d the d~eJmt iems of olht:r l'ountries. He th~n f•e¥ -oen~Yrttru, E. H~trvey-fi~b. Georg., atfectmg tl1e iulerests of Proreeutots ; not 11s lr~sb, Council wud ulJHt:t-ent "apoauuule for tile u~ ol rhe review of tbe •hft.'e r cnl fur.ms Of Gt,verurnet~t D)lrtley, H alrfu.x, M. Stew on & Co.-balla'!!l . ' but IIi tqually affecting Eu~lishmeu .:uu.J Lh d i'ialiVt:i CJuvtrnlllelll. lie thvu~ht lhl1 Exccutrve Cuuuctd to h (oun" in the urtfer.imt brallches Of the human nf the Colony-for all hed nn rqu~tl in tert-st in free- ~lroulli btt ~vmposed oJ 7 me~ hers, uf wleo1u 5 faruil , _from ~he patrinrchnl up 10 t lt ttt .eettaLiillht:d dom end good gnvernme nt. Butro aunio good go-- tsl.oulol 1!e luglr Utficer3 of thu Guvt'r urn . lll,l!nhl •Jig •n B tam. wt,•cb was lhc odrmrnrion of the world. vernment, to at•nin tl•at tneBFure of rational free' tl •t!lr ~ffi~eo by th_c t~uure 01 be ng ~ust LliO c:d Ill the tie id tl1al the act• of the gov,~ument r e flect ed ~m nnd coo troul over the ir O\' n affo lrS ~ hirh the counc 11 uy 8 '"0J.Orlty '?f. the A:t:;emlll) · The~tu on ' . " charucter ol the peo.,le. That 11 v or : uc utt


ueigbbotlriog c<Jlonisls •• ow enjoyt: tl, it WllS utr.es- ~~ould he rhe ,coloa•ul .~"creta , y, t~~ Colonial . rntPllrg_eut p P-ople cn•.tld nt:ver be deprived o eory for tbem not ro he 1dlc; et woultl not do tQ 1 reat.urc~, the :=surveyor G.t1H~rdl, and tJ1e At:orut!y I tur lebertte'9, nlthou~h for ll tiltle 1h~ir complain•:~ yield a tame nod acfJuie:J<'t:nt suhmi:-s ion tu tbinb

8 opel S•>hcltor Generul. _1 h~•~ opvon.ent.:t tiaili tlla1 ' igbl be uobeecletl hy a gowernnteoc tSntrusted W1th

111 they were; th t y n1ust meet ohjcctioutJ, they mus1

thero wa:s uot JJIIffi•:acut IUtt'~l ll(euce ln_Nev.fuunrl- t u anuch JIOWf'r. That thia exeesai•e power had use the weapons o f or~umet. r, 1hPy must upt:n the lund for th~s. Cl)'illew, tlnlt •t th ~y dt•lnlcueJ th.,ir h en cot,ferred on the (IOVttrnment uf N nwfnund .. eyes of the people to the conJuct of tiJOse "ho t•resa:ut ottit·tultt th~y could _uol rcsa>IRCtl ,lbern i tbe · I& d by the cnn.stuation of llle am~tlgamat~tl Leg.e­abused their power and they mutlt rtmuer theot 11111116 .t1!•ng was S.l~ .of (.;uuu•~a, bu' W~ ttrcre JUt)' · I urtS,wherelO nomineeaof lheCru~n sal audvotell harmless hy deprivi~ t~ thPm of it,ftuerece. Now 8'~Y difficulty exp~:nenctd tho. o ·m till •d~' Utt offi~~~ •'h thd l!frupre:.t~nieliv t'& of the ~eoplt:; thllt '.lie what was the que8tion which nl che prePeol 1no• ~llh .euolpetent me_n °0 e~tch vacuuc.)' l ~ ~·ere they ~ ry firs~' of tbe an~algn~:uued H~t1(6,ll1e ciJ<,~ ment oa~hl to eu~a~e tl1e altent ion of tie~ peovle nl~:~rl~r 10 Novl\ ~cutut, Ne~ Br~na>¥H!~, or efe.u u.•g for Sp"Rker th~ first l•.xccut Yft .Qffic t:r ~~ tb''i of Newfoundland ? He woulu eud~avour nul to tu Prwce~ Et.lwurll l:tlan.t, 111 rtnellJ~ttllW; fur th1s (.;olony, n11.rked Ita charucter o(\euheervlency lead d1e1D utray, hul to polrlt 10 ohj.,r.te, the at- form~~ ~uvt:rnua~nl blll.l lat:eu cou.ceddli •a ull ·the~ t~ Goverurnt:nt. 1\6 lli·J not blume the Colo­taiomeot of wbictl woul" bave the effect of rune· colome~· .. Ht: woulJ •ny that w~~bo~t ~xacutiTe . oral Se-cretory for lakitlg auotiler emolu111e1r' lioraling their iol'tllution,., and of promoting tbe ret!p<m ... •luluy ro t.b" P~'P~~ilr . br_anch Ol!td. l.e~eid· . ~ry office, but be bluntt:•l tile llon• e lor giv·· ~eueral " 'eiiHe of the aubabicenra of the colony. lature, lepreteutllUV~ llllltltUliOII8 w~r.e no~~ but ana.; tl to hun. Tba other leg\slntion of the Huutte lt wu for the arlrnlltAC8"Uf alltbut 1h"y should a mockery, a •lelus•on, and a ftfclre. tfj;~pJe ,u'l.- wa1 of th~ eame character; they rejected Hills for acquire a constitu iouel eonlrol ov"r the puhlie I''X" dent~u.u~ " .1" valuo uf ~reedom ~~~y wourd'. cont$1 W~lfta:)Dg the to" n, a tto tlc!L'rive~ the il~u.,rriou" pendi t ur~ a11rt thet the high ~xecwi\~ nffieera fur lhlll • •t. was hy l!.:xecut.v_dj rupo11111L1hty thar madtlle ci&dteS of LlldlJ• O!t'~llon llfZIUnl fire, by \Vhich ehoul•l bd1 m ade r e,..pnuait.le to thosfj ~no Jilt y

1t1eir daey cuuiJ 11'~Ut'Uttl ttl c: (:-~rnmtint_ to allt:od :o m :tny. of tltem lul'l been d nr.~~urn~d; "nd fur thiathey

-alariee. In the lltfl\inmeul of thi ohjecl •ht'y h Ad tho pul•hc Wal.b, _to promote uduca. 1o~1 to oa•~W l'ulumtut~ an Ar.urie•u H•ll. whtth wu:s a d 1agruco mony and vnri11U8 rltfficuhiee ro ron cncl "ith, It ~as UJJ ~ullltal cuuuuuuacouou~t WJ \!_1 the llr~llor, to at. to the Coluuy. It aJ'IJ pruste1 &8Vt"ral huuc.Jre•l up-h i ll -work to e nguge in pol itical coute

11 18 01 JJre- lt:lld lO puh~ tc work:~, 10 cvll:ttrucc roadfa••u burftf fl•Jund:t for the support I no indtitulion uf wl11cb

• eut; the re wae a ft:t:hng with 111

aoy j11

tavuur of IJ~Illg~! am. 10 f<>t~J"r the Agr.cullure thtl F1:sberi"a the fe~s wore so tl1gh tbal ·, Wdl ouly tor tl~ ch .l· 1binga as th r y .vere, nod it wa~ Po difficult

10 ,Ji .... 0 1 lh" t..:~h 11> i 116 wouhJ ~1 "U u U~paru~~n tal Utfi- 411ren ol the rich. h hall on ~pil~ afll 1beir

f'Dgage them from the lllfluence of a f. llhiou a ltle cer, huveu;; u ll~:~nt at · ~e Cuurrcll ii\)ar.J, llo . u~rbiu.t t:eiUCI!ltiou. cost the Colo!•1 £40 a.ye~tr •·a~~· 'l'lut r.lic

1,,,., ... bo used lh ll rnouey of rho peov iP.

10 mi:~re· u.ort: ~0 c.J" 101111 .to Uldclusrge thu llltSr,b rouuu., of, ~~~ • Ill) t~ptul was to h~ llJeu m _ 1he offi.: otl~ v ut .u~

1~resenr ancl defeat 1he o l·j ·· rtiJ of tl ouse who ISOII~h • j tus otlice uutJ pocket h1s ~ulary; be wuuld 10 •ke It t:-lOO ettch IU au addlliOO to 1h01r O\VII e:~ulufle~t, •urd to atlain for them the be ll fit! of ~ooJ governm .. 0 nr. llt:t:easary tor lllnt, !Jy tl ~bole.eome ptiuur~ frotU in ~h~ tack~ng to ~very improvement bill vasseu, a Ano•her d .tli\·ulty WOR ll•e illtlue nre ol tile lllt:r' wnl•out to. uutrclpate,pullhc ~JJllliUII ; to. Jeurl Ill rh., clnu .. , IIIIJklltg a ••tuutlon for !lOme m •· UJbl!r or lor cautile. cla:~se .. ; 1hey nil ttdmiu.:u the u t ili ty nnrl march of.uupr~\·e .ueut, n~L lubrdy ~o ~e urged un snmu d ptm•lnut'ola u .emu~r. · I t W118 se~u in that necesa11y of •h~se clos:~•·•, rbut it waa t hro ugh lly .puul.c llt;Sc.;oOtcut. ~ 1thout tlu~ ihu es . rnuot lft'Ctto~ of th~ Stree t Act whwb provultSd tor t~e"'er­them that the wnute of 1h<: l.um~u (

11mily wt:re iu

8 lle( CIIllll~lly lte au nnragonl!tlll lJe. w.een tho popular a_( e,hJ alluwtng tho Governu.•ent to tuake upa.n u­

ttreatm.,,u;ure supplielll; hut I here wuf..tnon~ CillO- leu~er~t 111 ~l•e A~t~cSUtlJiy, an.J the (;ov~~nm~Ul enrt uma:e wb teh ~u to he ttul~mu~ .. tl ouly to the _v raml merr.inl men a h«•&.•i lity to popul" r

11g itnlloH, a.ad their nommt'e:t 1 ~1 tbe Lt!g •~lttuve ~ouncal'; t l.e Jury, the n omlnee:J of the ::;bentf, llnd, on rh .. tr pre­

wt1eu 1hey nCf1Uirt-•1 wealth, 1hP. y v.ere too apl to m~uu· e~ requtred by the puullu votec: wou ld be 8bHt,utm•, to be U!f!Ssecl on tl•e whole tu"u, nnll ( Imagine tltal • sufficient qltalilicntion for I he Le- ~t-JeC;ed tbruu~h ttte mftueucc: ol u.e coverurn~lll the fiihermau 'd pig_ to ta.e ta.ken iu_ p:t) lrtl'Ul, al·

~ris.lalive Ctlnmlter; aud when others who IJI\d done 10 &he \1 lJJJt:r House. Auutber rulvautug«:~ wvuld tbouJth th., per~Wnd tmtJOttlng Jl were tnl~re:ot~d on · m~Jre co win the ~onllde11ce of •he people were pre be tb 11 ttJe populur ctsu3e wo••ld otf~r to t~o arc.Juur ly in Wtt_rer Street. It Wtta 3e.,n in the R e venuf'l (erred to the m, it had a tendency 1u produc t:

10 tbe ir of yuutb d 113 lleiC . ro:ad 1or •·h·nnccJue~} ' 111 pubho At"t, whtcfl WllS p •ts--e·l f\lr two yenrs in placu of

mindeliieg u11

t at popular i o~li ru,ion•. Auother ,J1f.. ll ltl. . 'Why was 1t that th" fll i!J.Ubens ·of the lt!g•tl •nf'!,•.nd thua enahred lhc:Governtu. n . 10 cl •peuau fur 6cult1 wne the sufferings of th e uperntiVtj pnvuta.. pru(t>S9•'> 11 were a~c:u\ from •t)ill tnfttJiiUg? Were twt'lv" m••nth~t wrlh th~ eonvoc~t•ion of tile L Pg i4· tion ; thPy h~td the eonfhgrotio n whicl• del'!troy e

11 th.:re uoue of them preeent ? l" Yet&,~' ~~ rt apuud.. lacure. · lt wae.~een bc:sid~~. in the llt~h t! f Ccun11r It -

· nearlJ .ttle whole town, the g tie wiJ ich swep1 awHy eel lruan tl•e g~llery, In •he f out ol wh•ch t""o or let', whece th~ uulepeudcu.t m cmbera, wcsr• thwart ­much oC the produ··e aurl o! the OIH.,n5 for pro · thrcs" youug liarratttora were st:utell_.) But hro wuuld ed hy t~e uffic1"l.:t 10 r.,ue.vllll( the waul~ of t~ae tlre eecutin« t~e ft~hery, the fuil ing fi:theries of sue· hkc 10 at:e tllcHII tn tbtt IU t J~t ot tutt .~ssetuhly, suft~rer:o. lies tlul not Wtdh to ulame uul•••dual11, ceaiYe ieaeon:~ and the de~t~ruc t i •tn of

80 muclt of qud tukrug 11an Hl the JJrocee<.langs of ttJnt m~~l1116· he w:u not th""re Jo 1hrow uoliurn on the Executive

the rood of the1 ·fleorle by the potato lrliJ:bl. Uul .\n~ why Wt. re •hey uot lhtsrtS? The reuun' wu:J or on thd enterp: ic~ing mercb~tntlf of St. Jolto'rt, for b~ hoped that' th O-ale auff.-riu~s WC're uow

81 un ohVIOUd, no c!u111s ••• tl• e communtty ~l.ld keendr doiu~ wh:1t HIIY other uusn ui their si~uution would

end, thtu \ty rhe (avdur of 811 all b<Juntilul God, a ttct:ntctl lhttn tlt~y were i uut.l tht:1 kueo¥ tlllll o ~o i but~" lllam"cl t~1e •yat.em which puttt ttl) much ~:ood Cod-tiat.ery ould follow ft provcrou~ s~AI~ c . urdt: o l p~pulur Ut:ll•ttou W81 lJUl (he re•·•i.,&t lnettjllltl:nble po Ner 10 tlte b ·uula of nny cluel. He tic~laery, artd that wirb an 'Jbunll:.nt h rtrVflst. the run~ to prvl••li10UulmJvuocetneot; b :,t;let the atelllte deJJired to s~::e tbo b41an~e of tb" cvndti tut1un re .. J>eOJ•Ie of Newfoun·llaod W f\U1 tl rise from their 8fJO· at the C~uucrl Hoard ouc" become the reward ot ,;tore.t, an~ that check 11luced on puhlic me •• whicb lhJ, and tfemand tbe recogni1ion of ttrei r poli 1cul gooJ ~t:n leu m the P",l11tlar caute, taa.d lle bcunow- wuultl m .. ke •hem 1lo tlte•r rlu•y. rict.ta. He wotJltl ehortly eXJJlain to tb t:m ~hilt t:c..l 011 tbuttu ~bo t~I•J uyt:d thu t"uutidet.co ·of tl o11 The r•.ttXt ape"lter Wll!f Alr. It J. P••so~t, who be thought lhey ourtht to1&ave"in tbe reconstructi• •n t\~tseaubly, aud tlley •huuhJ tt~n ~tee lrte ' Jawyt!r• ,cttit.l that ' be-d 'tbrowu entirely oo hl.r resuurcefl, .of a cdristitutional Leai•l.llrure and Government ; tlrld"uvotmug hJ ~eam the coufj.leoce of .ab~ l•eor•·tt, . -for Mr. Kent had rubbed him of all tbatiJ" hatt in they furennly lesd a Le•i•lutive AS~~emhly u( JS Another a\lvant•J" would. be u1 it tt•gttrded lilts' tendf'd to aay. He wouiJ.a:tJ howe-ver that he waa Memhere, nf whom 8 conllitUied a:tanjor iry, he · publ_tC~ fre•d; wtule.'he uo,erumenc auutrorled •btS Wftrmly Jiuaclied to reeron•ible soverurueut; and eoneider~d thi• body too •m•ll to COlt; auuc.! puhtlc L.,,,.,ltature, nud • • lell\:ttd •he advu~~d ol IIUhlic he be~te•ell tltal b& Well the first iu t~e c.,Jouy wbu conli1leuce, it f\' U 19 eaellor the G erumcut 1o hhe••Y a.n.O ~•Il .or her cloWH~s, lbtt libttr1r. of. the preea had •JlfJrOpriated il 01 &be ba•ia of hia ,,oJ.tical 'W t D .ower eo m r•ny to their ei•le ••~rocure a ma- wo• only n uauutt; _wtth ~ tiJe a··q~te."'nee ut thtt creed, tor he t~lacr•l 11 un hi• cre~n hanoer at. hia jority for their. meuure'"; or luran indivulual m em · rn .. rcontllu C'ltle~~· Ill tbr• "1"'-'"! ~( ~u-'srhant-at, ~r•l,aleution.. He ttfou~bt .it'nt~ae .. arJ to co mo_re ber hJ bil J!lf!RODM iufluet:Ce to procure the rf'jec- lhtS l•rt~atlf, 'Wialcb ~J18Ui~tJ uu tbesm lor IUt•J ·Or~ tnto lh~ cktaul of did' vraue-vle tj)aa· Mr. Ken• 4uJ, 1ioo of Uee(ol OSI! .. UI'.ell 'pf lettilllhttioo. t-ltt ~'(.fiUI•I Wctl nu~··duraly •ai_,I,C'1tl , Jr U.e ~ductor of 1t (ur lbear Of>IIOneD•Ift }he tori.te, Were gr.,at a olmirers pr:o.ae tO inere&M the rl"preseotat!on tO 3j, to ltj8 pul~hc _J UUtllal u&Jopted a CUQtM Of ·~fetll eXI•O· of . f• 111011111ble . ~OY.trn :neul j bUt i' . Wll• re11110Uei:

,.•ppor ione•l to tbe difr_,rep& di,Hr.ors on tbe lon• 1 aurc. ut t~ubi.C? ~llu•~ll, , lJtt would •ou .'tilMl b•• atl~ btlt17 to tbe re~h .. they wanted, wlu.le the hl~rale ,;.;.1 po uta,ion. He would proJ'O!f& an ioerea•e o1 the vc:rusmg c~luuu.. bt=comw •wall anil beautifully watued reepone•lulnJ to tbe whole peovle. A.cain, ' Leli ~-in U<ulnc. U ftotn 'JO to JS Memb~rs. 'l'tte lc:aa~, tie maght atlvuc:ates •pulJI}o riah,. aod • ·IUYe, •! to !h• EueofiYe, it miahl be. 1(tn·x. fltUdeot for CJoou~ aJ of 10 wu a · enur tiule dique, well .fitted AtiiJtLJt •dYaut•tt• wuoltJ !Jet Lb' .,~ouraaelnem h1a lrltnl'l· Mr. Kent to brlOI oo .apee•fia eh.arpt. to ani· 01lia~ 011 the carpet• at Got,rn111ent · hou~"• WhtoiJ" '~'" ""~tul attiYue&t"J c; ~tear tittw1 • an~ to ~p~ak of JIOl bl•1~1lio1 tbe~u~ero9r, !Jut be but ftot to command !he c6u~aouce ot ·the coun•ry; ~uulcl g1n to t~•o.te 110• en1a-ed i ubfio life. ".o~aJd 8tt1 that he harl no eonftdeo9• •hateur; in

. and tbe more u1. eoua&itute 1htHn a 1,., tro.,•• ' i'"11 lor "llluhtf, ue•Lutsr '•~'~~ lnu~llh, a,~ , 1ne¥n• Sar G4 .. PAao La· fthRcUART, •whp htlt liul~·sym· .:liqu•, lltfJ lu\d~r.ot • -.ir.ale o8t~ fJ,rt cuuoc: llor in Uf.!~ th." lultlrt.·etJI "'' ~i• h•r•u f&J•~1• woullt per~ pa!b1 with the pupulauon ot tbe ColonJ. Mr. ,Jb,ir bcMy. How foulfl ' they luaow auylb•ua of auu buu . to JIOrfJ•f "~ a cwuet ut ~~~ UIJIIUC~a-. ltcAuetan b4eal toat'lletl oa tbe;•liou ••f the aa••I­'J'obf".-e oviuion ~ But h mu!ft be remenr4lON01J that tul •trll¥11.• ~· ~uler "lt1c. btu hs& ll•• Lat•le ........ ~ .Ler .. tatlah,! but. ~ p)i,bL retort on teim

I :k ... thil •etJ c' que wb'o: eurro.ul'l•led_. I b., Uu\'Of• bd uucb ' .o' .. , ~ a •.d ~ .. . l~a .. lot..Kaa .. ee ur .lbeee bJ cenatD &ralltacni~~ of di~e a, he( Comruiue,.

:\In -Runnymede,Gre~nock ,' 1\I'Oridct & Kerr 15. - ~)\fer, Vnrk, HnuttP-11 & Co. · J!). 7"Z~IIIIun ' urt'enuck , J , & w. SteWIUI. ' -Nora Cr"111n, W.l1111i ·fl 1 J. Cu~taclt &. ~ons.

. •rtt~ rc l t«, L iverpool, R. AlliOp & C··. f<~ch pse, L ovurpnnl • J o h Bruthertt & C•J· C rus··•IHr, Porw~sl , Job Brother:< & Co. 25 . -)luq~t~rer, Londun, L. o•uri~n & Co. Jos.-phj lf11l ·fux, &iue , Juhni iOD &. Ct'. Oth"llo, Grt'enock, Huine.- J o ltns1on &. Co 1\\nrin Gr,c~, Lon•lon, E. 8; N. Srubb. ' V~s·a l, Urb~ i l, McBride & Kerr. Cord, Curk • Bow rill!! Brotb.erll. Art~m~, Cttd•z, O . .li". Ut!nneu & Co. ~. -Thi.:itle, lletl•f••x, P., (t~~e·,.,on & Son. r u1r;, L•verpooi,.W . & U. J humus & Cu.

•at~.UOfU N I> A. .

. . Th_e Punrlo~a of . C ork . fV&If ,PaMetl on the 2 1•1 ansr. 1n la1 . .0, loor. SS, atandinJf to ' the wush\·or.l by •ha G ... org" Rouint~on arri~cl he re. '

T hu W ompl1o, froru Demararn to L ·lnclon wu e ;wken to on thts 5 h i1~st., in lar. 49. 43, lo~g l'l by the Gra1i1t nrrivecl ht:re. '

Thts !\louo rai•.eer, uf a~od from Poole to Twil lin· g ·11e, WOS ~pokeu IU ,Ufl 1t1e ;)r,J illbl. , in Jut. 4. J. ~J., lu11P'. 4 . hy th, G t"Orjle Roheueon arrived twrc.

Tbt.> J oh, of " '''' fro:n Sut~~leflnrul to Q11elter, w•~o1 r4f'llkon to on the l~r h ln~t .• in lot. 46.~.W. lu:t. 4$ . 10, out SS tlny•-by tit, Sylle, n rri ved bl'rt:.

Tbe S) llu t:Jtflerienc~rl vcuy beu v y weatl1 ty, ~r­r wd awuy aou1e of lrt:r aiiulz~, and stove ber lo:'tz' bual 1

r.tSSENGER.!J· Jn th" Geor~e Rohiu!'OII from H,.mtJurgh Geor£:11

H.. Rubiiii!IOO, Jr.E q., ~AIUI Mr. J . Htsrrr!!.' In '"~ Uuicorn lor Hnlrfnx, 1\J nt. A•clr ibtdd and

four chthlre~, Jauaea~ G uorli<', J\lr. 1\JcPhll lin c:. Camphel!, Juhn Tucker, A It xur.cle r Tlluin,' J . S~I'Jfehan, Mr. Cbrisue, for S)dUtJ, aut! olin thtt wteerar~ .


ilntttor, Salt.

THIS DAY. (Saturday,) at ELEVEN o'clock,


CLIFT, WOOD .& CO .. Tlae Carl!o of lhe ,Schr. Sylph,fr!Jnl Bny Chaleur, 11:::

2!"'0 11 l'ED \R SHINGLES D • JO M. Scaaoued BOA RO - ALSo---

Tile Curgo of the •• S ophia. Miranda,'' f rom Piclou, I

J 0 M . SeaRont>d Pine ~ 20 M. no Spruce BOARDS 20 1\J. Do · Hemlock

6 M 3 inch Spruce DBALS -.AI'T~R. ' WHIOH-

30 Barrel• .Prime Nova Scotia· PORK 20 Oo / 1J'"(,., lJu BEEF · 50 Tube · lJo · · Do IHJfTEl~ 50 Prime HAMS 30 Cheat• aaaurted TEAS,

On TlJE8D&i',0

atr.io;~l~k~ The followiog articl.,, of FURNITURE, YIZ:

l Ma~~aoy Sprin4£•bottmu COUCH, fsgur.,d

· Damaak Co•erio·Jl · I Maboaaoy Oblon.#'l'M)LE, ntRrly new t Luge do J>ining TABLE • 6 l:>o ~arlo.q• _GH{\_lRS, , And •ome h•ndeome PICTUR'ES.

M., ~1. f I A!!!

Ht "oald'tt•larf• tb•• bodJ, 8nd_add tu lf••n• rtgh~ W'lUid lie • OUhlfNIJ'&liUlf t'4al, aa.k, ~IJ«.. H• trOUicl bo•eY~r' ••J• t•••. t~Jr wyauuo w.ould ~Jg~~· ~•••flipet.J!ftil•fleen lf'Om ttee uut- pora•; htt feL thtuu 4~1 lbrQk ltJAt \btl w .. •• Rj•tation iu reaa•in oorrn1•t wbtle tbey,eulJmit.ted to hat"e h 'P'

_,..,.,..,'~~',....~:'~" --·-- ... PJ r~• ~~~1 th• iut.ahltaut. ut u .. r .. \Yhl«.b only c~rtatu .. a.... w~re hltt:r~d,. wtao n· end-lbc~l h Wd onJJ •b7 their o~li exen•ou• ~' h &.-...... V..a bonell( •ho~lcJ uot baYt.a ~Colu- J.tt:C.:UU.I tO ,..p ad,Yau&o.;ce• l'ro~u a OU~Uie• h wa• dOUid ... if1Jt•roved. 'I

-li!Kantt.1J to (tJartel" l . - ---- .. .. - _ .. = .. J'fu..._.ll IU adntir~. He would 'fOW refer &o Ill" mtttr:ul o( ~~~ • hvle cuaunaun••t.· nut oniJ au llij Jjefatit, Clo aeU, whleJt WU IOIIMlWhat • ana.o urder &o promote J•Ub~rc: IIPprGreUJtstltll, but a110 to

W die ~+7 Cuunell in ~n,rlaDd• kotn bev du"• pabi:C .,.,.tdltuuo; tor wu IL uof w•lli •IU..Iiloilf,-• ......... IM ht&b om. ••• ol' ..... Jluo .. a ; llaat •i•lft ··~·Jb.t , .. , .,htl\)88 ......

:l.tiliiii.Niitir die O.W..• Cellllll1, 'fa., I)MIII!l IJ'ID&UII vf 4 -..iali&Uliull 'o ~lat CulwJ• clYal /

.r;nwo . or :rhree .'V.&SSELS ~ ... pr;occe:d to tJ.• P.tctou, to l~ad-Pu•l• for.lbe Uuited S ate•· • • ~ . ( "·M. STEWART & Co.

ApTU ~9.. ..

' .. ·' ' \

• I

. ' ., . \,J/ ' ..

' I ' ' I

l!lUttJon "S-alts. ' . . •


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f :, . """' . -· _, ' ..,1

~· :. " . 0 . . -: _··. -.. · ·) --;~_ ·. ~ -

r:.. . . . . . . \ .. . /

' .• - '

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_ T-~·E :_1\f oilN. ....... ....... . . . ~

• ( . -·-r .. : ' .. --·

. ' ' .

' . .. .,.-(. . . .... ... . . . ... . . . : ,~.~

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. ~


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•. •, ·• • :.L . I : . . ' •

•, "· \· . .. ., .


~.- ·. t • ""'

'' ' \


- . . THIS D.t\,Y,

(SRiurday), At Elne.n'ro;cloc:k, by

'A · 'OAl\2>. ·n· . . . -:, · <V£ .mll!~-~~®w<il-m~· --~-. - · OF .- .~T - IMPatl~-1 ... , 'P. H. C.A.RT~R '&Co: _ . 4

.llrt now .(.andingfroni'_the Schr·. h;fARY ·JA.K&,

. . ~-.


P. MACPHERSON, (.'Vorlh of Mtiara . RuN IE,- STUART &._Cu.'s

Pre.nisu,) · . _ • The remainder of . lh~ Stock of GOODS be­

Joneing lo lhe Estate of 1\feurs. R&ztNh:; STUART 4" Co ., conai•ti_ng .of a tar"e

a~•orlment of ;

- lJ!AlBW~Amll-~ Viz -PLANES, Sa;._•, Rul~s, Lock~ .

( 1-Hogee, Hammers, Bolt~, Allie· Pulliee­Scythel_, Screws, Comp.asae~;

.lLSO-.l 'I'J:RI£TY Q6'

SHOP ·G~S · \'iz .-SHAWLS, Hnndlercbi~fs, Braces

. Thread•, Ui'llper Towels, ORLEANS l\IERINOS, Net Mu•linll', Check Clothd Lincu, Twines, BOOTS, ~HOES BARVELS, &c. &c.

ICJ"'The sale will ho continued Qn Monday and the f~llowing daye, till 1he whole ar~ dis-t•o••cl of. • '

M"Y 'l7. ------ - -On FRIDAY, the 9th .June,

At TwEt.v E o'clock, • lin II'!! preeiou&/y di&posed . •f by pritJale con -

lrad, uj toh ich d':'e n ohce UHII be gtveu,

A nefllly.erected Brick no~:tted f> WELLlNG H OUS E , in the cot· '"g" style, •otuRtod et tbe Marsh­lull, (nn ohe site of the furmer dwel

lo ng ho u s~ ol N. G 11.1., Esq ., as it stood 1-re. v11>u> to the fir~ of thu 9tlo June ,) now in the ro ns<essio \ of !\Jr. JoHN l\J c OuNN OG H, Archi ­lect

It com mnnJs a •plendid viow of lhe Nar. r ows und Jlsrb. ... mr , a nd i~ in u retired ond sr ... rurc so tuacion-longth 35 fo· l'l breadth 3'2 f•et. I · r•quires a small ou1luy to linioh it complete ly.

Porticulars 89 tn ground rent, te rm of leas~, numl~t· r and disp•·,::.ataun uf ruorn..;, &.~ .• ~n}' ;,. had no nppl ocaliun lo the SultacrtbPr, _at wh u•e o ffice a diaj!rum ul ·he La nd belo'lglllj! 10 the Prcu11oe• may be aeen .

F . R . PAGE, Land Surveyor and Botare Agent.

May '2 7.

~0 bt iltt. --~ -.- --- - - --- -- - .-·

a A cnoofurtuhlc () \ V E L L I N G H ll lh iE " ~ '"the 1\' o•lo·yun C hu.

I pel. A I' ply tu

!ll r9. CO\\' A:-< . ;\luy II .

·--- ---An Ot't'ICI·: lo l,ct ,

Ooe of tbe best si1uatiuno "' \Vu te r -street. ;\ pply to

JA!\-IES IW RN E. ~ ' ay 6.



A CO:I1FOH.TABL~ Sitting Room and Bed Rqums in II finR, oren, cenlral pnrlufthe

T own - Th ese Ro<Hno command a good vie"' or 1he Harbuur, and a rlcaoanl prospect sea­w• rd.

lt1hc ebove Rooms are nut let, tho Prnpri· elor would occomonodaoe 1\ (e..- rc•pectnble Donnlero.-Apply at I he offi~e of thi• pupur .

April 25. , '


~ u Per G&oaoafrom_ Li,11erpool, \r'A~OARP.T p.._R:._ · ( T.ll/LO~, - . · . u&J'.-om·Lond&n, C,.UIOND.lB 11nli G&oltOE

IN returning .thllnka to.hNr.numor9a» iUppPr- , ~ROili~soN froln H11mburgh, 4"c ., 4-c:, 1ers for ' the kind palronogo bealowfld upon. ,l}R~AD-,tioa •. l, 2, and 3 -

him by them •inca bia .commencement. in bu~i- lJ' Ff-OUR--Su'per6ne, barrels and half.bl1 nees, bega to acqu'11int them th11t he has remo. Indi'an Corn Meal-in aiuo ditto v~d oo 11\e head of MoUoy'a'Hill, Duckwortb PORK-"prime American So reel, where, os usual, all o.rdera in his line BEEF-rlillo dillo wilt be diipalched wi h I he ~ret~loot puqcluali. Hainburgn and Nova Sc.otia lv and nealneaa . 1 C 1 • o~:oac, in hog! tends

Sc:l"Gen·lemen fur'nisbing their o_wn Clot rior quality will lind J. K. in- every wny reasonable. every description, uau 111 good ~ay 25 ('2111.) ' quality, in wood and .boUle ·

ALg-botlled., East lndia Pale llro lli£lJ311ll]il9 Champagne-Sparkling, Hock, &c. /

.llRM_Y .llND NJJ.JTY T'J/.ILOR._ TK-\S-Coogo, Souchong,· und Hyson, ;C!ne ......1.._._ IIAvqured

GKNTLKlii!N'S CLOT]KS AND '-!ADII!S' UBIT , Condles:_L~ndon Pa·e~t Moulds, in boxes

MADE in ·the £rst •tylll 1;f ·faohion" SER· from 10 to 60 lbs . eacb VANT's Ltv Es, &c. Orrlerd from :>oap-'-Liverpool and London, in boxes frnm

Out ports, &.,: , puoctua y attel\ded lo . t:i to 60 lbs each H . E. beas· to intimate 1n his fri~nds and Palols-of eve•y de•criptinn, best London

the public i'enerally, I hat he hos ret;owed II Paint. Oils, Wh~i~g, Pu_uy, Tar, Pi o<:h . 1o his ne\Y premise.s, Que~n's Bench, rear of SUGAR-a sup~sur a·rttclo of fine wbste moost H . l\1. Cualom House, arid hopeito ·receive a Duto-Refined sud J.\o~uscovado continuanr.e of his usual ve'ry libef'al. patron- Corduj!e, Oaku'!'.• Naols age . t c.r-:\ewost Fashions lrbm London Promc Westphalia Ha.ns evory Se-~son . 13RIDPORT GOOD!':-Cod Soinea, Caplin

-A~n HAS os lUND- ':>t:)nes, Herring Neu, Cud Bags, Cast Broad CLOTHS, Doeokius, Kersey mores N~ts · , &c ; Fancy and o•her Good•, auitable for the Shot, Sbee o Lend, Sbeel Copper

, P.uming season. Nails tnllsizeo), !roo, Sleel ('2w) Colfe.,, Curr nts

---------:-- - --- - LU~ ;wfou~dland &. bP-st Miramic.hi;

--\vlliRlrAGE AND f ~\RDAGE ~ A.ILY urEcTEn\

By P . H. CARTE &. Co A -alock 1 Superior Bronte Madeira

!\by 25. -iV I NE'S . TO BUII.DEK!;. BI:OOSON, BIWOKi'NG &. Co.


rn1.·, 0 THE Sub•criber• are pror•ored to exllcute

. orders for any quontily of Freo Stone I rom 1 ho Atadia Quarry ,llelivernb!A nt Piclou.

~1ny '.!3. . M STEW ART&. C';o. 30~000 EET 2 and 3 inch Pine and Spruce

T 0 T H £ . I(Y.,_IV"-"' Independent l~lt>ctol'!l of tlie Die· ~v~ · · F 1 d I 5~ _ o SpJ uce Do tract ot • ert' ) ' an : 10, Dn ffooulock I>o -G£:"'iTLE.MEN,-· ' ,-...

H . d . , aecon~ -. jp . 'fp_[!l SCAIITLING avr~g represen•c y uu 10 t.Je " = '-• p· SHINGLL'S . . . · _., ·""'" "'. rne - "' ,


Hou•c uf Generat· Aso~mbly, noel fo~ four yea1a . _, ,• .. or Ot, ~;- . ALSO . .dcvulcd oil m_y l!nugteJI , lO lho- duroh&rJCI of· •• ~ ...... T·.. . - . . (J ..... .. , R ...... , the arduous du·i,s imposed upon ri-.e, nnd 'ae ..! ~!e1f . On8 ~~:rune (haD.,. <1JL •

you· hue observed •he manner in\ which l, \M.~t' '1'··. , used ·my ulmoa.: endeavours to fulll! them, f. ....l.~~--"--------;•\-------slonll (~o~ willi~l: ) preaent 10 yor,~n oppot-· ' ·_- ;_- M, . STEWnivR-T run11y nl so)lnofyuog,bj your votes, I," he-her my · ,,; ll op 11ouns onol conduct have been approved of .,., by you. If, then. Gen · lemt-n, ycm are of ~ L.LDV SAo.E, from igoni•IL, o 1,inion thnt I did ony duly fajthfully, accord 60 UARREL:> Prime POR rng o the lru•t re~osed in me, and never · l!> 40 Do d<l' BF.E uurtercd your rrght~ •hrough a buse subsor. 50 Fr,k n~ Prime BU1'TER. vieo cy o those in power:-if you consider 5

1 - ,:PD'oo 'L



1 ha I never loa · an upportunity of (lromoling the improv~ments effected g•nerally through· out •he loland, but more particulu'rly in our 50 own Di~tric • , then )OU will, I om sure, •up- 45 pur• my bumble cloims to your represent4tion.

In co11clusion, Guntlemcn, 1 hnve a single

·Er DovE ,Jr OIII Brnl JJ 'Or· Lake , B~rrcls Prime PORK, 30 do do BEEF F\rkius do BU 'ifER

' ·E:z: l\l.<nv ANN , from Sydr.ty, '40 observation to make ro you, tha: I am pleued ~f. BOAH.OS nne PLANK

and prcud to observe lila • in the Mighbuuring Colonies, ohat gr~at first principle of I he Bri· •i•b Constitution ,-the llerpon&ibi(ity of t/u E:reculive lo lite People tlu·ocl!Jo{L 1 heir lleprum­talivet ,-has heen acceded to; i is a)n1ost Un• uecessao·y fu r me •o ao•ure you, tha{ if choden o 1 your Hepresent~tive, l •hull consider i• noy bounden du y, witt. •very energy I hot I om

15 Tons SCAN ' f'Ll~G 1 '2 Barrels Prim e PORK 15 Tuba BUTTER,

'E:z: EsPERANCE, from 30 M. Hemlur.lt BOA RD::i 50 Barrels Prime PORK 40 ·Filkihs do BITrr~R

100 Busbr.ls OATS,


possessed of, to clnim the a~me concession for . E:z: HIGHLANDER, {ronr Sydruy, Nowfuundl .. nd. In a word, I sh a! l do my 100 Barrels Prime PORK, 10 do do BEEF ulmos•, as hitherto, 10 ameliorette the condi- :n5 Firkins and Tuus BUTTER lion of ·he bt·avu, tho generous, nild most me• 20 Chaldrons COA~ ritorious Fi.hurmen- bu v.,rybone and sinew E:z: RANGER, fi·om .llnligoni•h, of the country. 30 Barr~ Is Prime PORK

· - I ha•e ohe honor lo r"maio, •40 Firkins RUTTER, den · lep~en, - E:z: A L£XANDER, from Bra.! D' Or Lake,

-THE -~""P'AL Manuca of-lhfl Oulricl Jluzilinry . Your faithful_aen!'nt, 40 Tons Spruce SCANTLING

. . . Pine, Sp.rui:e; and Hem luck

...... Of an ex~C~llent · deac~iptioo.

May 25. ,· (2i)

The C,argo of ) he B-rig '.' Mercury,'' fra<a , • Oienfuego•, conaia(ing of:- __ _

. ' I 190 Punch'eons, I 0 Hoga.beads, 20 Barrell


May 20. 2w. · BY PRIJT.IlTE COJ'ITR.IlCT,

Three. well b-uilt re~pectilbJe '

Belonging ,:11M~~~~!~~ ·~~t~n~~ Military Road, and having a'n entraoco from Avalon Terrace. · The whoM. · are subject to a ground rent or

Eighl pounds Curr~ncy per aunum, renews. ble e ve ry 40 years. .

Term& of puymenl and further perliculu.rt can bo kuown by applic11tion to ·

· /. HOBERT PROWSE, ~foy 18. ' Not .' iub, . -

LU~1Brul.FOR- SALE.· I -<oH#e-

. St~ OR EIGHT C.<IIGOES o~· .

ASSO~E--0 I.Ulti~ER, Deli·verable qllht Po>-1! of Buctou~h ancl Site•

'- ---~inc. N. B, .-Corui&ling of \

PINE and Spruce BOARDS and DEALS · Pine nnd Cedar Shingles H ordwood Plu.nk, Pine Decking Hardwood TIMBER Pino and Spruce Scantling Red .PINE and SPRUCE SPARS, &c., &c.

.': __ For par1iculors apply to , L. O'BJ.tlEN ,&. Co.

l\lny 18. : · (5i)

Landitsg Ex " .Ma•·ga,·et, " fro!ti .P .---E r/sland ,

By ill. STEW.tiRT & -~.


'20 1\I. SHINGLES '20 M . LUMBER.

May 18.

D)' P. II. CARTER & Co. ptN~ •n:t Spruce DEALS · SHI~GLES.


Prime Seed OATS SO Qunrte r Cbests F irat Quality Congo TEA. M~y 18.


<D-.. lP~ m~~Iti)


90 roNS very superior Stovenijton COAL 25 M. Superior buildini _BRICKS

(extra size.) 10 M. Fire BRICKS.

May II.

lily lillo li:l ~Jll~W £liD'll'l ~- <D@o Per "Jo!epfl," f•·oon Halifaz, •

"-7 BARRELS Prime Nove Scalia BEEF u 60 Fukins rio olo do - BU 'J~fER 200 Boxes Smoked HERRINGS.

May 9.

The Cargo of tire brig FAIRY, from ·Note Orle111ll

-CONSISTING ~OF-• We.Iey<m M iuioru.,y Society, w r ll • h~ h•td '" PETER WINSER. 10 M. - Do BOARDS

~~ J''lvlENAI~g~::eR~:~ ~~~- 'J:r~~·c~.[.~o~:~ Aquafnrt. l\·hroh _2_~_. _' !4_s_. ____ ~ ~~k~: . ~~:;.;.~~RK 1, 100 BA2~~~~g~Krfi~e ~LOUR. ll>~en "' bnlf-pnoltM~YeJ• o'clock. -n 'c::Lalt . lo · M. Pine. SHINGLES 400 Do Corn Meal, tof a very auperior

On tu-morrpw, ()3nnony), Sra-on in cnnne':tio~ - ..-:11 o:iOil • qualiay) , · ,wioh ,obi• .~nnireri'-11J, -..:t11 , tie t~re.,cheol i,J ohe . ,. . . . 100 Bushels OATS; · 200 Bags Ihd~· -G.._ORN . above,..11mrd C.:bepel. Afoer encb tiermo~ well .1-T THE ·PRI\11118!1' OF , E~- Greonoi;, from Pictou, •• in rl.e cour~~r-uf ib• Publil! Mflerin.l!', a Collscrion -RENNIE,· STrTART &._110. • 421· Barrels l'rirqo PORK I W. H. HOMAS &. Co, wi ll he maole in aiol ·of tloe. Kellflral oi•Jecli of tbe U1l ll !i_ Cu.k~,t J.OLES aaid HEADS • May 9. l (3w.) ' We•l•pln Mi .. lunny' SI!Ci'IIJ•; - • 9w 1:5

[/"'The nllenlion uf aha fnendt n'ocl •uproor~ere 7'1u undermenliomd .llrtcclei btlon~ing to t11al ~ o . rke ... ' p . , ··aU1'""ER. . mw ~- o _t"':tmnil~· Ll.mtm ~· ·~ r_ .

of the We•fti.•v n Wruipn•ry Soeir.oy, o11d 0 f Chri•· 'EII11te; 70 .--ail aget rame • · ~~ &Uo .""' --llo'Lt:J wa.:. ·-llo· IN ,. ..,....,

cion Mi~iona i ' 1•oeral, it fe•peealidt• arid earne11- TORACCO N .._ d 10 Barre It · Do Bll:EF The CGf'go lllae Bt.>a-t . · "MARY . , "J' rom I , 1

- "1'0 ""1

· : " · Do 're•h OATMEAL ..., t in•ited 'til- h . aboot.ll' Mr•icN, when impor .. DI DE'"F LEA [J Bar nd Sh··t u II • ' OIIOit ~comiotiflP' o11 • • ,ltllemenll will be made. ilfal•rall Ve of tho ~real ~O'l"<s . B T - d Bak F~~. p ' Is . no . Pot -BARI:.EY •' . • • -~ :J

I I ~~ ' I r-'"'llTCict . I • knowlellaed _-r - ~~~ ll'g ·an a e, ryang ani . • "' a·'o-le· I ... "-'PL~ SUGA-n., ., . .. 50 pYNS.-Bright ~euy .1\fOL_ASSES en' p•ura "" er,_ · ~'" · e · GLASS-10x8, 10•7, ·12xJO,· 14x12, 1uR"A a' or • .., """

1.... 500 Brit. Wha·a.e L Yellow Ce'rn futb oa 01 th$ Soel.,ot'•I1M rnoont, · • .-- E U · · ' 11 1:1 •

.' • . · \~· , lt'Al1LKf'IED )iec:retary' . Hawie Pip~!l · . : · · '•· ~ rueoa"• . 11 'J

0• . MEAL · · · _, ·

... N ., • "" .. 6. 7 d 8 . h ~ · 10 Barr~. P.J:ill!e .POR., 00 B t P ' l . DR'"' AD . ,--May W. . "!' , .•'{ . .- I •• •-:-l•t. . -, "• 6-, "• • &Q anc e• . • 23 _,...irklol .' d.o ·.BUT . .&R. ' 2 r '· I ot,... .,.. . I • """ . Ditto Shint~l•, Cork wood · . . . r,-~ ' . " " 30 Ditto Prime PORK 1 • ·• -.

. ·- ·~··01\IB:Dl\· . . LIME-'in ·p~eheont and .bu~lt!- \ . . ·. ;:M:;.:;•~Y..::2i=3_.,..:· ·:....:...,· ' -+".,...,--.-::"-:--:--:--:-:--:---:--'-- 22 I Ditto While Bnnli I

OFFERS' ON. Lll:4SE, ror ioeh • term •• H'f>i!p1,-.pUon~iloa, 'boa•h'•ad ~oil •barrel ~ ,;: . •. , .,', . .. , •• e 8'abeCrlben' . .. ~ ' 'J:iercet Cll_rullna RIOE - W !D11l _be •a<e;~c!' 1!.-n, !f:.a; l?,t 0[ GROUND in CA.SKS~267 ~- qal• ; ; Qiirriil~t Burell, .1."' . .,._, , .E>. '." ,y •Ma.!! .• frum Ba~imore, ~ Brll.• PlTC ~. -60 BrJ1. TAR · (

ate,r jSir'e."et, Cipp011te.t 'prem1ae·· of M,ntrt., pt·rcu s d SHOP'""'""""' • • ..,.. ...... ~, "'6 D., O-D ANGES ' I » U"T, llll8 k C ' :4 befn ,40" (eel io froo_t, 'bJ., ... . • ~0- .rr, • . " ~':'::; : . .; '2' ·oo;.. 1D',4. R~E~· :!; __ .suP.er.fi, oi ~r.~u~ .. uuxet . cn.n' • • . • . • . •.

L ,.0

r. • la ~ A. liD , , D '. 1....,. , ...... 1• ~floe , dlt'• , '6 Dlclo- LEMONS. · ' , ·.. · · • · · a"'!ul ·• •••• 1 epl • : ~i · , . · V'l ,....., ~ ' .n.: · : · " · ·

· . .. · . ·JOlt~ .KH'XHAM , . -.o To111 Prt•~·e.k ·va••· , - 1p ,~ ... 'Moald CANJ:!LES-,61•, Be, ... _rw Cflr1o. of ""·!lrir' •·" Oo&itu., ~· /f'Ofll .'. _ 1 J·:.f'&tr 1~tii'Yiii- Tritte•"oft.h,,..l4t ,, ~- ;· t'JQt:t'iu~ ~ c.pz&N~. . ·, ·j~ .aad· ,.,. -_. ...... ,. : ,.. -.. ,. · · :·-· .-Hi•"-·~·f-~1 · · ·

. -~ ·I CB.lll'Ut Kt~'CBllf .. , ' . ' . AltDt ror tbe Trultee. .. • ··-;I . ' - • : • .JA .. ES FOX 8"1Co. : •' ' 60' lf~q~ S'o;trior l1.;!ta4 'lfA:Y: , )111 27. tiu. 11'17 ~ : ' · · . : ..(Siu•) ¥•1 U:· -· • ; ;. a,·,.ro~ ,lJ;r,.. '

' j "i ~ .1 "" ... -. ' •'I. - f .t ~ ... . .. - . ~ .,. .





' ~.

I.J\11~11Jp. . . ~-

.. • ..

' OUTBRE}A:I\ IN Ll}l~RlCK. · . (Conr•oi;,o.) 7

' . ..


.. ( l'rOtn·tAe-;o®li,. Eoeni~ Mail. 'J\ Tbe Wl)rl!l bl\1 grown old in wontlering at the

Btr•nre mutabilit iea of-fortune aoJ the fickl eness of popul~r fato.\lf ;· atid we baye scarcely hnd rime , to moraliae the fate ·or L owo Pltitippe.:... rhis tlay

~ . the moat po!eot mooiircb io Europe, and the oezt

' ao exile and fugitive on the Briti&h shore-until our

,.urpri.ee•ia iDt!lnllpt~d, anoJ llJ!W cl•ims made upun 'our a!tonilbmeot, by the tUf!! of the populnr tide; "!ticlr ~~~· swept Away rhe leaders of. tbe menaced revolution.of Ireland, ond eenictl &:>Yli..Y before irs irrcsi.stible fury., the elemellta of lll)ftfCby 1\'bicb it

"'s their object ro estebfi•h. Yes, stratige.aod' sutl~err n• th e revul•ion of the ·

pop111nr feeling may_ eountl, it is yet lru~ !hal the great anarclaB• of l~n<I-Sm it b O '.Brieo, TbomiUI 1\leoghet, and JoliJI::aftio1tell-hove I>• come abe ola• j .-ct.s of popular bote and fury, nno l have been uor&o­ly aHe'tl from lmmolftion on the spot hy th e pco· vie whom they were .nuem pting to rui•lead, by the m ercy and proaection ' of those ci vi l .and military eurhoritiea against wloom they were preporiog to

~ cury on n bloody an<i ezretminctio.: civil war. 'l'o ex~ite the people of Lim•r ick-suppn•e•l, af·

ter Dublin, to be their tronghold-to relJeilion nod immedia.te insurrection-those rl1ree men [O'Brien, Meagher, anti l'tl ire bell) repa iml ro rbas cily , and on BaturdRy night cqnvent!d th ei r aay rmitlons ro • 10irrr-th~t is to eay, rbe usual crlertainmenr ol tcry and trenton-to be helq •t tho !Sarsfield Club· house. They entered the ho use •• (ely a nti well ;

ow rhey 1elf•cted th~ir e..,ape muot lJe told in rloe vivid languago of eye•wiln• sse•, lu cle ed the pereon of )lr. Smith 0'8ri~n, oe he e1h1 ui1ed louu•elt' in tlte Court of Queen'• Bench, i• liv ;ng aud uoquaiL

fied ev1dcnce of !he reality of dto re-action nud it•

~ouseq uencu. (H·om the Frttman·, JournaL) ,

The A-Jail, ae well it rnR)', Mint;s an /o triumpht ower the tlisgrhce ful preceeuJ•ng; in Lime ric k~, of whiGh we gitoe the tletuils in uuother coh:mn . The

Attorney_· Gene ml in 1he Conrt uf Q ••ee••'ct B '-' nch ,

the Sftxon Parl:ameHt in \Y c~tlfHII81 f' r, rwd the moh in Limerick, see m to act 10 conrrrr, nnd m Ot! I

J, armonioua ly do they pull to"orC. a lhe r~nme en d .

We nre prepared lor tho offic •nl ohnr~ne•• o l' the lt3.TQed attorney 1 for th e COOfi!ellr S :o; ll f the s~ ntle ·

rneo o f St. Stephen's, but we cot ,fe .. s ¥t'e were not prepnred for the insan ir y of the L•merick ri oters. 'l' faa t th is d isgraceful pro'! eeding w ns n o t t he nee of

the many, but only of thn tn •t~ erKLie fr t\·, w e nu: atill di!rpoeed ro beHeve, yet £'V e..P ,,uurnlllg that h r11

a few tn tere•l into th is p r• ·j P. c t of nt n k.in~-: a brutel

Al<fAUh upon men who :H•' 11 o w hc il · ~ l'fUSt'r.u retl (or their advocacy of t lr ~ peo ph• 1:t ne hr, lb l' re i ~

fV ell in that (uet n l 1t d tt lili OI' In y lh !H Wt have ye t

much to learn , and more im ,,or 1an1 du ·ies to l"' r ..

f orm tha n freeing ourselves from tile oppress .on u f

alien legi•lati cn . 'fhe nnti .. repeal faction iJ, n f coUrfte 1 in e~sr n cy .

T ht. r e is !Jut one way of ullet in t in ~ rt e u n«.ltnio h le miiehief which th is mod BnJ l'llli..-:ida l nr t i.s t· nlt:u ·

laud to effect. L et thu ""' l d country j ui•• es one muu in condemning th e prncceJm~ wf11rh hnlf

disgracttl rbe perpetrator• , lJroul(ht gr ief ro every frieo<! orrhe country, and j .. y 10 all her fo es ,

We r•joice ro lenrn that •he comnoi r'tee of 1he Repeal Aa•ociaticn has rnke n 'tbe in 11iur ivo in th is matrer, entl trust rha1 sucb n demon str3l rnn will ~ rnade now as will for e~ , r put nn end to so•o iti ,,J folly that wastes the naoio.,at l!reueth in inr•r· ner. i,oe conrcntion.

We would foil to ezpre"" our opiuions ditl "·e notetate that it "')'I ngnin8l Mr. Mucbell, •nd no t egalc•t Smith O'Brien or Mr. Meagher, ahe in· dignation o/th~ !Jouirs wuo directed. llut, gralu i­tcu• and untrue-&l!_ were Mr. Mi tchell'• Cl\lunoniee apioo.t O'Connell, they off . .rd no justilicarioo ·r. .. ll!.~ ,P~oc .. e4in&f to wh ich they gave rise- they woulrl ·bne p.-ed, h~rml<lll hy the romh wherein the Emancipntor of tlui mjllions eleepe,. II is fame euinot ·be tarniohe.d by the idle elu:)l e-of an); and, While "0 \Vonld detpair II( our C••Unlry wer~ tiny iadl~oi17 to Ais oerne not resemea, ,vr f•el , "'" mull all thinking men, that the r iM '1't L imerick wao a greater in<iigrljry ~erpA lrtU.o·d ·ngnin01 1he priileiplea l!,od ~he eriuse for which O'Con .. •ll In• boor.ed than e,ould by en1 w.o~tla of Mr. ~tircbell'~ bo oll'erad co bil f•rnt-, ·

' , lr.~II)OUr was preralent thrnul(h to•vn )'~dl e rday to tile 8'8tt that Mr, Bmitli 0'8ritp lind oletmni­rletl ~·i&nirui the l&'(lrraepts!iou o.~ tire r ounty of ,I;lmariet. W:e ·underst•!ld · rbat M r, 0' Btien, frr,~ ~itA the 6eiief .tll~t no' etr~eai•ll ee~vU:e !"oulcl. lle ciOaa to the c:F" of l ';' lnnd •• lour as ••b anfonuoate a~o'wed then ,aelvel at Hlllet:'lelt ~n, " the •tr-"llgth of

' &t.e · r~ r)ri"C from p•blic ~IJb. 1111 frieode,

• . ~ .. . . • •• p

, .

... ~ ' ., . .' . . . ... .. ..

' ·'

·' •

• ( .. ~ . ~ . . . . -·


··•. \ '

) f

•\_· ~

~ ' •

' • .,

.. . ; { .•

.. ••

. .

XH·E: .~oAA-l~a-'>1.. .. . . \ \ I ! .

T~oia o( -~~t~rdny co~iDI ·• ' letter. or lhut h•a e r~d the ·Meraer . . She iu line look-ing: Britlsli &. ~;0 . · ' '!;1-'B~i:e: ~ocltiiy. ma'b1fe~to, ~Zl§ltililtg to 11early four ·columu, acd Yeeael, I he ull beilig' fortned more after th.e 'atyle1 ·••• • ' ' · •

benriog ·rbe iigriature of" Cbarlea G•~•n Duffy,_" o! the New York packe~hipa ti10D the mo\lel BIRLF.S Al';JQ : T,EST,YiE;~TS4iPBuetl. 1:Y the

profe,siqjr t'! be. an _expoai~f tt•e "creed of the. lid~pted · >n lhe aconstru!'tioit o.f British aieamera. llre.fd~0;1~01~.~:~· :,;•;';!~(9;:(r ·~~~coJN~iNdi(•;~~~ Notion.,. . ~ ,She is .built very j\11 fgre and nfr, which (lh•esrhe Mr ·McMurdo,) Wateraueet ,

n(Ocu~< OF KnL4LOK-':! &11!1~11 ~1! --!BE Ye~>~el grca,rlength of ll04lriog and iocrees~d buoy: BaDLU nt price~ yllrY.ill« from .'lld. ·to.29s. •~-R~<:v. McoSRs •• Jc&,.ros ,..,.D '1Jc >tii'GBKM.-y .... oocy. She hos tbree _rncsrs, h nrq "". ·rJgged: She cording ttl aize aud"·bindi6g; Tsi-.u&~Ta (rou: Stl · · rerdoy (Tuea<ray) the Ri;h t Rev . Or#lfanued y 111 • h~• two eo.werful enganee, wnb 80-mch cy~ero, upwa rda. . · . • · · rende.l. ;11 NeuB~h ehupel 10 dictrilmte h'Ci1 y oils . . and 9 feet aar.ok_e. They are the largesa :eng•n.l'S -u.ao- ,

d b u d s 1 d t 1 tb A vRriety o f.Worka· ioaued by the Religio~ Trac1 The clergy of the, liar ond Nenogh denner{<a met rna . e '" t. e nne . rn es, nr_• are aupp oe< WI - SOOie~i amqng which a~~ hi• lo:dship. The Right Rev. Dr. K•im.,dy con- etenm from fou~ ~o•ler!. Bes ules stowage for 860 J ~ otl a'tltl llt~nry'a Commentaty < linued the suspen•ion of the Rev . A. NoiRn , 1'. r. too_• COI\I, _t!tere 18 room for 800 10 1000 ton •. of rrh'• Geuerulnntl C!•urch Hi~tory ~l.onsea, in tbis.apnrt of rho diocese; ~ suspeo- fre•ghL Sbe has . amt.•le oc'co~omndouon for HiO • Cr.uden's Coaicordance


dcd th o Ret. John K enyon , v. 1' .~-.'l'crn~i'rlerry , cnbm JIIU!5."ngers; the 11nloo_ ". 10 80 feet long a t:d Picture Bible anJ Testame.nt · "<: li oJ h d lal W Gr•·gory~• Lellelll •

nnd th~ Rev. James llermingb am P . ' R- orrioo- we up,..,, two rows 01 . •nmg tn •• · .e un• Jum•s'u A'p:rioua Enquirer . , _ kane, till the; un eqijii'<!,Colly ret,rnc•erl rh~ir re- deratnlul she i.s de_s•iued .for · ~~~~ New York ond " Young ~iftn fromiloroe cent •peecbes ii nll letter8 on Repaai.-Tipplrl'.ty llnvre hoe. Cnptnm llarkstnO, the com na•ntl e r ol And on assortment ofB'!ckd on Tbenlo~y, Science Vindicator.' th is •l' lenditl vesse l, receT.•e.J f10or.jho pus•cn,; url N.uurel nod Geoerdl U1atory, aod other inroreotlng

who cnme over wiah him a mo~f1raLifyi n g tcsti. suhJect~. T u F. S t D \2'< ou s P Rll'ITS.-T i 1e U n iltd lri.-11. man, ";'::":~===::=::7=::!'!!!!="':"'':':'!'!!!!~i!\""!'!!!.---=

•.. I m_ouiul, not less deserved by his o · q m•ri• o tloan 0 : ONC""PTION BAY of Saaun"41 hos t, wus • remorkut:ly erne . The nl- \ - ~ rh o•e of the fine 11cnm·•l1 ip which he ~mononds. · __ •

leg•tl cnuse is eufficie ntly remnrkubl t! . l\1 r. Pur-Jon, !hB' proJrieiw .:>f rh e Farm,,";•, Ga:tlle.Fnpplied S1'A>IP OuyiLs, &c.-It oppcoro frn, n PKrlia- I: I,; SIJIISCHIII!o:lt respec t~

metJtary t.lor ument just J-lr inted, tbnt the ~ ·uJ~ :J pro- ' the puhlic .lhnt Ilia SJ~I~tH · 11 e Pu• ke·t EX-Ih e mapbi-ne pow lor priu'ring Mr. ~l irrbelo'spa . duce ofsuunll dotica,lanll outl nsses•ed taxes, nnd PI •SB,Iitted t>p w~h.osp~ oue oab iu, ond, eve•y 1•er. ~ow Mr. P ., t op~cnre, received nmicc fron1 . _ . n •qmsiiH nccomrnounnon .or pnJCSen~ers, is now

propeny tux,'" 1&17, was .£17 ,12.,,9:1-2 ; of w!uch p l 1 in~ herwoen IJ nrbour Grace and l'orru•nl 'c the Auorney·G ouerol ohot he would he con•i•h·red ~ • · ~ ·O•e, £7,31.._.0!;3 wa• fro111 """"I' tlut ic;, £4 .:J.l7,5.71 from lenin!! the former plnce ev~ry Mondoy, Wedn••·

oe n priucipol in I be fi rer !Iegree if loe pul.oli.hed t! d F' ' d 1 k · · lnnd on\! osse.sad 11\'Xes, nud ·.£5,459,3C8 fru 111 1oro- ','Y• no " ny, . ea !! o'.c oc • ontl rbalnuer oa 1~ felonious UJ octer. In 1hs olrJ wny, \"hc ri'U!JOU he l k h tJ d ins isl ed on sLJ\Jmirrir;g thu ' "'·lf~dus'' to counJie l b.:• fore b e wou ld i'er il l1is lil1erty, Tloi• woll n<:counr for the" •taro " nnd breaks in the le aders o ftloe Unilrd

lri!hman, \V i do l\lr. llli11·hell's pithy oh•e rYolion-

peny ond income tnx. l u Engluod , in I S~i , th~ uet 0 c 00 011 1 "wrern:e •ote aye. _. TEnlls.-C•hiu Poasen~:ers 7s 6.1 · RroerR

rcce1pl (or •t •11np d·u•y on ncwspnpcrs nnol """'''"? d' 5 O bl L ' 1 ,. · 1 d:• ' ge ~ . · • UIO s. ou e e1tcrs, !l1 j ~mg ~ IUO 611 .

men1s for udver tosemen iH, amounted IO £'!8-I ,I:JS; Jv?.: L 1 p 1 1 · h · euers on1 nrce s 10 It' aen1 y 1111 ~ r:n0• nnd on ndver :i:semtwts, £133,567 , w hich i~Jh.- lft r· · ,. yunce left nt thu Ex pres~ P 11 cket Office, ll nr bour gest sUm pai ~J Ou ol lv t! rti :!ements in the ltiSc: t 'fifteeu GrJ c..•e, nplJ a t Mef'srs . J.H,J\s FoX Ilk Co.'s, 1\ gl lll.s

"The learn cC cen•or consiUers tiJe remaiu.tler fuloui- ~~ J 1 • ·II '- d 1 · tf d ' yenr•, wi •h the ucoptiou of 1833, wb cll ia amou11t -~ 0 "' s, WI ue u )' lorw.nr ~ . ou• . " cd ro .£1 ~ 71 2'2 . ANOIH~W DRYSD.U. r..

!~ i ii kao•n thnr ~1. Ledru Rollin wn• rec<f\IIY The numb<:r of •hire whic h anived in Hong· N. B."'-:\ . co r eful nnd' •~•enoive man io engog•ol &n.rrietl to nu I riot. lody, bur it ha• nnt hitl.-n -" ,J, during th o Y••ur .J8~7 was G~ i nnmo>ly , •13 to JOke ch•r!!e of I he'"""· &c. - .

lr onspi red that the lady IS iloter tu I b e retltuiJiulale fr ... i Grear Un ..... 14'7 fr~>rn lh~ British Culuuic-, , 11:: lin• fa s t 6"ilin.l! Pucker Boot "l\ ATIV~: Mr . Miachc ll. Hi I om tloe IJnoteJ _SIIIIe., ond, 105 from f,rreign u~·· Jn<u Do'}"· Conuunndcr, hur h. n

GENERAL INTE LLI GENCE . st " ~ :t. 'l"ha tOlQ I tonnagE! uu,taputed IO 2'J!>,.t 05. 23 }9",., copp .. r•·tJ . ~• L ei c~ pp t: r ·fn~>tf llt'''- . 'l .he fo ! ..

1., I f ' . I I k . Cl ' iilolhn(dHyt~ oftluJIIO~ !.awe heeu tletcrtlllll l'CI 011 :-\ '3 H •! o 1mvort:t uuo nnJ..: ont.'t•n Hn cse ~- •

• . B4 , •> : 1 . ~ 80 . Frorn Carbontar,-E.,err l\tontlny, \\ •·rlntStl a)' , Durirg- the r•ronr pcn •c in Pnris. Bank of J::ng·

lnnfl no:es were a1 o prP. nrium of IWO per cent. ore r

fu ll weight soverc ig-utt, in coneeqncnce o( I he g ren h

er foe ili•y they affur&led for concc•lmcut or tra uo·

~urtug 1 ~· ~as ~ .... ,700 p.c u s . or r~S25 ,7 , ' und ., Frub y OtPTilin~ pre•--ieely at nine o't· lork. nd In 18-17 6 .:0,!!90 prcul•, or £~93,~3!). 11oc f rom l'orhtf,nl Cure-On tloc noo rnin ~t• oi'Tu•s· otirr.nro.J >'alue of sugar o.x port~ •J !rom Hongkong tl.ay, Tbur•d uy , and ::Saruotlay na 12 o'cl"ck pre. u r•ns; 11117 omounr~clro £ 14-4,8 ~7 . cl, cly.

She ie cnmplerrly nr,v, and nf 1he lttr~P!'t clu!. po rr . . / f N t( nnd hudt of •he hojt 1t1rttt• rial~, and w11h 1011rh im·

The f1Unnti ry of het"l .. root l'lf!Rr mal"tlfnrturr•l in \._1 = = =r=== .J:=,O==[ =('=fj=·=::;r=-====== pro \·r m eut,c n~ w ill cnmlu ne great top• rd " 11h uou:;u-

Fraoce loti t yenr \\'::lit upw nrd:t of [61 mil li ons or ,..... ) )Q ul romfll n fur PHS:;t ng· · rf!.~JPh ,.J ,.epil ·g Lenll ,; , nml f £ ~£ffi l])0 ~ '{ ('Otnm :l tll le ,J by o rnun ofrhnrpcrer nm.l rxpt · n ~u tt' .

ki!ogrnmmcs, \\ h ir.h is nr in&"rense of JO !ni lli ot•S o ' . The rltnrac r ~r o f rl tit- ~ nri v'' La~e (ur speed uHt l kilogrntnme• on the qunnriry inonufoc :ure•\ II)D pre· . ~nfe y i11 n lrenrty well """'"" •l·ed. ::!h• is-.o• ·•Jruc· rc•lillg y•n r. Til F. SUI3SCRII3ERS IJ~•g lenvo lo nil~ '"tf uu the •u fc•ti• r iuoi)rl~s. "• i o~ d•vut.t! i111o •• ·

The T tlfgrapl& sayr, "\Ve und crsrnnd th at 0 n onnco to thei r r'riencls nnd riUppo t·ro r s, pnrato ~urn pnrteuo rll• hy wult'r ti"l .r IJul:t tu~_ oC!!', Uta• they hnvc RE.:\JOVED to their NE.\-V rtnd \-.lu dt has g•"'•' ll ~u~h »ecuri ' y ~, , ,1 r ot&fidcn··o

nu 1nl1er of English nohlemrn and ~enlh·mcn l1nve h 1 1 11 ._ SHOP' in Ade luide S• rec r, lcndiug immcd i - "'t. • i'"' :r. er cuulus uro .•opttlur to aoy"' tlerrrminrd lo se t on font" s!ibecripti •t.fo rn tet*i· · I N f f I~ E' bl ' h f j H tilt' l•lnnd.

1 • nt e y o r~ 1 rom II Sli> 1s mt·nl n . . S 1 t II k 1 "' k ._ d r rnnni1tl to !\1. Jc Lnn•nr ti np.'' _ W F' h I d .. e ec oo s no r "' twrlp11p,. rs ep t on uoar &or

J .-\rtfl£'t', ... ~q., ,w rc. tl ~ya r c rcn Y lOC'<- thearcommodntionofpoattP.uoerfl . The ex-K in:,r o f F;nnr.o, l t~ r.o!1stantly in t i1c ·•cute 11 d A 1 1 tl •

< n or e rs 111 • 11e ar 1110, as usu:t, WI l J•· 1 C. t · I' 7 r .l S 1 C I ' l! treets o f th ~ rn lHrop o lis . He rnme~ up h ., rh e · d ~ . · tr ;.a 1 •·n rt!l :l'~ngrrl". !'l. ~ - Pron• tt ''"

. ucutneds IIllO espatc ). r ........ ~ .... ~·-Sit~g t e L l'l tds, i 1-0uulJie Ltt · ~nurr..Wes !c rn Hn•lw ny ~lmOolll tluily. 1\1. Guiznr Bento ~\:. l{oin•rtson, · t•r•, t , . 1~ l•vi i1 C in n v~ry un ns re- r t ll liOUR Ulnnru•r iu Pt· l· . ---.._ T.!l¥0ll~ . L~ ne r fll nnd pnrrrl~ left Rf thn IJnr rl'l n n( r.lr. An· h •llll rrPc;ctH lt 1 (t n1 mJil '~ ll, nmJ 1.i uiJnmn dail1 nt 1he 1\l oy 11 . - d r .. w Q u rk, t\f•JlOriile rfn• ,,.. .. n.i8es of M~srs~ tlu n·

___ ~----- -·-·-~-------·---- t er~ \~ lJo . , will b~ JHI I!C luu lly Oll~uded to . .. "

TO flSHEH.J\iEN 1 Ad1 t' l ofle ll tn Clulr ,

T he governmer1t ho'tin ~ !ll••nt down l\1r. [LSt r vf"n­Fon , the , m :nen t er• il e n~inoer, to f'S: rt tr. ine 1he B nkt~ nh..-n c l do ..: ka ~1 nd wurks, his r•·po rt j,. to tir e e ff,-ct thnl th"' Wt, rk s nre th e hesl Ia.• 11:1!11 ~een i thnt mo·re wo • k h~t~ h~cn cion ., in th o timo whic h hn'J

Th e .!lmel"i.can Jl"cf a1ul 'l'wiue

~LiNUI~ jlUTUR ING CO~lP .tNY elops ... d ~in ce llu~ ir ro rnrncu r.., q, e n1 lh nu he lnuJ J'Vo 00. Cmnme?·cia l S tt·t cl , Buston., ev··r hcfor c kno.,n, ano l oh11t thuy hn•·e b .. en con· D ESPE.C:TFULI.Y <"nllthll arlentiun nf the • : ruc •c •l for I••• nioney r~an ouy fi'Oik& of o •imi• l_\, Fr s u r: n~t r.;o; :of N e wfoundland nnd its •i· lur descri 1•rion. <:mi ty, IO their Esrnbli"hrnent for nil tlcscrip·

){ Es r.Rno Snu1 <:qu .nno!<.-The Arlonira ' ty tinmo of NB I'S, SE II\F:S, TWlNF.S, end

hov• d•rerndned to ose• ml1l o 11 rcaor~e B'CJ!II Iorce i Lll\'E S . ofawelv e ves.ell nt Port•m oult• ao ho ~um•tl into The largrr p·• n of the S e ines nntl No lo

. . . . ' , tucd in the United Slate• oro mntlo from two or t hree dtv l!aon• , 111 onlu r th nr or lea R! oeur C ., h f .

1 h ·

1 bT'tON , o.s t. n:t, on a a 1r, t torou:.! l rta, • te n mere mn)' u•l ren•ly for •en in ev•ry respect proven . itself less lin hie lo r o r- moro dur3 b l" ' 'on tt1e shorteet nolirc ,'' l'•gllter eas 'aer t ho I t itan l1em > 111d - - 0 U, j, I

Huss uN Ga~a~ .-An im r orrelion of !lOGO tjrs . o( co•t• le ••· "heaa from Rue•ia rook plane ln•t "'""k, hy a veFO • I Pcr•on• wantiug nny description o f Nt!ls arrived in rh" London du.·ks lro :n O ,lessn . Th~ or Seines, can huvu them m ade to urdcr, ond Rrrivol is of in te re•t os hci ng one of rhe fir s t of tba d cllvct~d at such tirncs no I bey mny be wnru­seaoon frnm I he s •o u rhern pur to of ltu••i•. e d . Snmp le• , nnd nil information cnn t..o hnd,

ARRIVAL or Sr.ra £.-The s1oip \'V cl leolry, nr­rivett in rho !lock• from Culcun11, Mudros , on.! S· . II elena, reapectively, lou bron~hl 2·1 cneka ofaper.ie. eight of wloich were consigned 10 three irulivitlual parties, one t tf ,Jre•oerl 10 order, and I~ coupi~ned

ro two fi rma of ~orumercial emineuce in 1he Ule tro ... poli•. The veo•el ·Melbourne , from l'o rt Ph ili p, has hroughr,beaitles J 8~7 b•gs of copper or. ,7 J lroga

' of •ilver; the Ameri<:nn line of p"ckct f :oip,just urr iv t:d in lit e t.Jorka frotn N Hw Yu"k, one 1tn.1 of

14'J.Iec.ie. e:on!ligne•l to rm intl ir itluu l firm; n1.d cbe .-hi J' O;ufrHrtlr nrrivet.l iu 1hu tlock11 lro~u Cu!cutta

en•l ~lotlras r~sp,r.•ivdy, b•• lornn~ht fr'l m tloe'lot• rer 1•lnee lhren bolt'•• of •pr.r.ie, intl lviJunlly aU· <lre••ed, 3t.d ono buz co>llligoed tn order, .

Chloro form IJoa been ~ucce•afully -~in I<' ranee tn proolucA~ alee11 io l'fttieut• labourin& u'bf!,~r l'uer· peral ih•~nity, ;

1'H" Nr.w STuN SnrP U~<J:ri~~,•.-On Ss· turd•y afternoon lft.r, tu ha)f. poet four o'cloc~, th JI new dlearn-ahi J• 1lnit•d Slaltl, unrll!r ·tile emir mend of Cftt•tain,ihrls•t•ff, orrived ·~ rh i• vorr ,~ qm New ¥urk, ftfter a incceuful !rl l' acrou the A<l•wtic of

on npp lir. ot in n ns nbnvo, 'l'erm!-Un(lc r $100, CAsu; over that sum,

S i:t munrh~' credit frcim dale of shipment, for sotisfa clory Boston accct>tnnce.

WM STOWE, 13oston, J?ece.ruber 2 7, 1847. AGENT .

SO"Snmplcs o f tlf'o ahore Lin ~a, Twines, ond Nel\\:u r l! can be seon,nntl nny informntion given ,on npt•licntion at tho office of }l.STEW" ART &. Co.

Moy 4- •

~~lii:&! ~lll13lllll~~Sl9 JI'JlTGHMJJKER, ·

RE SPECTFULLY ioforrna :>be inhn!li ants of S t. Juho'e and the·, public in geherttl,

that he hu commence4 Bu•int11 nppoeite _tho Pr..,mi~<t:a of 1\J esere, McBtUD& &. K~Rf\, in Wute'r ' Stre .. t, ·wnere he hopee, from t.ia long N's idonce ifl St. Jubo'e, to receive a ab!lre uf Publ ic p4tronoge.


GOLD WEDDING R1NGS; ' WJioluole and lUtnil,


T f_J_E Suh;~;il 1er beg~-;; nunouuce lf; .,.(~ frit:rul~ nutf lhtt publir. of , ~ r. Johu't~ nutl t;onct·p•

tion R~ty, tlrat 1he \'ICTORIA hnf c, llllll •"llc•:rl rttr .n ·utc Ue• w er n liar OOu r Grnr.e AtHJ Purt•t!!l\1 t;uv" on 1he folf::r win~ days:-F•Jr Horhour GrtH' t! on M orldtty, \\ edn r ttde y ond Frid uy ;-fur ,,,ft C uTO nn Tut•sd oy, Thur•tluy nntl Sn• urdny.-Toru•l os U!'tllttl

(tl"The !'lnhsrt ib•r will nor he accounrn hle for nny Nu1e11, or other rt!tUittenced 1 wit hout bei1:g tunde up tu h ie ltrell-ence.

l.e l!ero 'If'' pn,.els left ot tho Book Store of ~f·Co V BRl!T JlROTU&K• , and at the •h"l' of /llrs. FoLt.T, Queen's Heorh, will he rnrefullv ntler,deU ·ac. EIHlUNO Plit::L.A N.

' 1'11 1': Subscriber r··~l'""rfu ' ly'uttimnr e• ro rhein · hn hirn uta of CorJcr ruion Br,y a ud St. J ,,hn'•

oh• : tloc line ne"' packet FAIRY l' lies reji'UI•r ly he• !Ween n igus and Topeail JcuvinQ th e f(JIIIIN pln.rfl un l11 111:doy• , Wcdnesdny s , ontl SnrurdnJ• at t1 o'dnrk, A . !f . , nntl Topsoil , on ' the elt~ run re dnrr~ . nl J~ o'duek, nonn. li'orPs-Cnhin 5~. -~·t,.erngd s •. - l.eucr• nn.l l 'arcel• lell at aloo • hop of Meos ... 1-.M.-Iv•r & Co. , Water Streel, Sr. Jolu,•s, will lae duly f Jrw nrdsd.

JOliN ANTLl,:.

· 'J:"HE Soh•criber, in remrninat thnnks for pa,st fa• vuur!. hetB to n.nnounre that hP.' bns ronlrnenc·

~tf running rhe pack e t boat LOTUS between Car· honeor dOt! rurtug~l CoYe. D•r• ofa .. iling-FrQIII Por · u~•ol Cnve to Curhnnear e•ery Mon•l•y, W•tl·· ne~doy nn•l F i"Tity From Corbonear ro Portuga l CO\·e eYery' u e,.J,y, 'l'hul'dllay, au~ s.rurdny.­~·.re•, Cobin pu•eng •• 7d. 6~ . ; a~eoud cohin, 5s ; Steerage, s.. ·


'f R IN-' l_T_\'_IIAc;--

A II Letter~, PsJiers an•l Pareela ror Trinity Bay il pretJ8t<! oml left rat the ehoJI of M'Couau.r, llao-1'1:1£.U, wilt be attended to hy


THE · -M61NIND ·'. ~OfJR,IER, • l'rint• d and Pu!Jiiah"d tiy Jo1"Fr .i \\·ooos, ar ·~ ;k,

Oallre io MI'Rrs. H. O'DwYI!A. & Co. 'a Jlnc Rnolding», dl~lr.'a Co•e, \Vttter S•z:t<et, (~v•rt ,'£OUD41' 1,THOa8D4 Y, ahd 8~1·u't.DA 1' UIO~U IIIg. ~ t r lftl-•0118 Po UIID esrrrtnCll PfT Oftftttlft ,

' .. ' thirteen d•.l'• fifteen' hour• Sl)e brought £§000 ln· A p' rll !:25, (t.r. \

' _, ' i I ' ... )

:!~B~iaii~~~i~~~~: ·~riP, . 'f)ae lt1'1lllr·•'·'v, Jfih•11•ia, ,,.,icht~ ... r. Li- : ~~=r.:~~::::=.=::==~=~==~~~~ .... • r.-r t•ool on t~e , Uat1o illtitno, '!"" rt·i"ll}~fo N~ ,. (Ci_w~'lfcO)lollQW<D)~~J) If(Q)mm~ .

·ot l.i~J~erl,ck. Yorfl,qD) be; ' h Jet!lldJ. 1,'1\o U11hed B!at~• jathe • JIND OTIJER BLJllvkS, . . 1ir•.' A111tr~11 ~,u.a<ntr Jlr.~~l:~,d "1 pa.Wlt~o,.h~J• ., for $!lit . tit~~~ .Offi~:o o(tbia P•r,r~

· :a.o, P,: • •• ,, · ~o.- :Pailt'Ttl'l~ · ,r(eltl LccW~ at h.~dJi.c• ·opilae · ~IQ!!-NrN•

(.;oliJUaa, cWJ4c IMPIUI nltiee liar !latui-a . · ' 'II ,~._•ork 111'!1, odmil of • . ~ . · . . . ' , , f ,.