President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve in the army against the South. President...

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Transcript of President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve in the army against the South. President...


After Fort Sumter….

President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve in the army against the South.

The Northerners thought the war would be over in about ninety days.

First Bull Run/ManassasJuly 21, 1861


•General Irvin McDowell led the Union army toward Richmond, Virginia.

•General Beauregard’s Confederate troops intercepted them.

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• The battle lasted about five hours. General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson continued to fight until reinforcements arrived.

rebel yell

When the Rebels charged with a terrifying “rebel yell,” the Union soldier ran back to Washington D.C.


Jefferson Davis appointed General Robert E. Lee as the Commander of the Confederate Army.

President Lincoln appointed General George McClellan as the Commander of the Union Army. McClellan was too cautious and was not aggressive in his battles against the Confederate Soldiers.

Robert E. Lee

The War at Sea

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• The Battle of the Ironclads also is

known as the Battle of the Monitor and

the Merrimack.

•This battle was off the Virginia shore.

•It was the first naval battle between

two ironclad ships, the Union’s USS

Monitor and the Confederacy’s CSS


March 9, 1862


Neither ship could sink the other! The Union kept the Merrimack from

leaving the harbor and destroying Northern ships.

Marked a new age in Naval warfare- metal covered ships.

The armies met in a corn field along Antietam Creek , Maryland.

Antietam was the single bloodiest day in American history!


Confederate: 10,318 casualties (of 38,000 engaged)

Union: 12,401 casualties (of 75,000).

•McClellan had forced Lee’s army South but had failed to take the opportunity to destroy the Rebel army.•Lincoln fired McClellan and hired Burnside.

Draw 2 photos for each of the 3 battles.

•Have a real person involved in the battle

(Jackson, Lee, McClellan, etc.) like your photo.

•Write a comment naming the battle.

•Write a comment from someone else giving

details of the battle.

Need help- use pages 466-472 of your textbook.