Abraham lincoln 16th president of the usa



Some questions/answers concerning Abraham Lincoln

Transcript of Abraham lincoln 16th president of the usa

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Answer He was the 16th President of the United States and was born in a log cabin in Kentucky on February 12, 1809 and killed on April 15, 1865.


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QUESTION: Was his father rich and educated or poor and uneducated?

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Answer His father was a poor farmer and carpenter

and is considered to have been almost illiterate. He lost farms three times after boundary disputes.


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For how many years did Abraham Lincoln go to

school and what kind of book did the family have

at home? Answer

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Lincoln had less than a year of schooling. I‘ve, however, read that his stepmother urged him to read and that she was very

close to him The family owned a Bible and spent many

hours reading it..


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Despite the fact that he didn‘t go to school he became a........Lincoln said that he had been helped by many people.


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Answer He became a lawyer. He would walk 17 miles to the county courthouse in order watch the lawyers work. He sat in the back of the courtroom and watched them as they shook their fists and became red in the face!


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Question When he was 21 he moved to Illionois. Do

you know what he worked as then?


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Answer He spent a year laboring on a farm. It is said

that he and his fellow laborer split 3‘000 rails in that year 1830.


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Question He worked in many jobs and he would always

try to work on a skill which would help him when he became a lawyer.

Can you think of some impotant moral attitudes he

wanted to stick to?


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Answer I‘ve read that he tried to be honest and fair

when he worked as a shopkeeper. When he worked as a postmaster he tried to

get along with people. When he was a surveyor, a person who

measured land, he tried to be accurate with the measurements.


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Question His wish to become a lawyer remained and he

studied without getting any sleep. He borrowed books from a .................. in the evening, read them during the night, by the light of the fireplace, and brought them back in the ...................

He passed the test in ........... and became a lawyer.


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Answer- Neighbour- Morning- 1836


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Question During this period he was elected to the

Illionois legislature by the WHIG party. This name was chosen to echo the American

Whigs of 1776, who fought for independence, and

because"Whig" was then a widely recognized label of choice for people who identified as opposing tyranny.[2]

What‘s the Wig party called today?


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Question Do you know who the educated Mary Todd, a

member of a well off Kentucky family was?


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Answer She was Abraham Lincoln‘s wife. Despite the fact

that she suffered from terrible headaches and that she was also mentally unstable, she supported her husband throughout his presidency and was also with him when he was shot at the Ford‘s theater in 1865. She never ricovered from that shock.

Before she married Abraham Lincoln, Mary was courted by Lincoln‘s his long-time political opponent Stephen Douglas.


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AnswerIt started in 1861And it lasted 4 years


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QuestionWhat was for Lincoln the most important thing in this war?


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AnswerThe President wanted the United States

to remain one nation. It was in danger of being

divided into two nations; the North and the South.


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What did he say in his inaugural address in 1860 as far as slavery was concerned?

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Answer„I have no purpose, directy or indirectly,

to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.“


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QuestionWhat was the most important success ofhis Emancipation Proclamation from

1863and the 13th Amendment ?


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AnswerHe was able to achieve two goals.1. Freeing the slaves and abolishing

slavery in the Southern states for good.2. The country was able to remain a

united nation.


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QuestionBy whom was Abraham Lincoln assassinated on April 14, 1865?


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He was killed by John Wilkes Booth, an actor with extrimist views concerning politics and slavery.