+ Our father. by Lauren McGoogan. + Meaning toward our god. God our father. These words describe...

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Transcript of + Our father. by Lauren McGoogan. + Meaning toward our god. God our father. These words describe...


Our father.

by Lauren McGoogan

+Our father

Meaning toward our god.

God our father. These words describe God's nature and character and summarize the truth of being.

Who art in heaven.

Jesus explains that God's nature is to be in Heaven and man's to be on Earth. Here the word "Heaven" means Presence of God,

and the word "Earth" means manifestation.


Hallowed by your name.

The name of a thing represents its essential nature and character. Jesus says that the nature of God is "hallowed (sanctified)"






“Thy kingdom come” is our mission to manifest God’s ideas in the material planes if we justDiscover the plan he has individually outlined for us and accomplish it, all doors would be open for us.


Your will be done.

All obstacles would vanish, and in consequence we would enjoy happiness, success, money and all of the Father's virtues. 


On earth as it is in heaven

We must harmonize ourselves to that end  with God's Superior Will because in His Will is our Peace.


Give us this day our daily bread

For that end we should put our mind beyond the apparent material channels, changing our limited belief and placing our consciousness in the only Infinite Source that is God.

+And forgive us our trespasses.

Sin is the se

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separated from God, a

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cause of all s

uffering, it

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at feeling of

separation.  I

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sensation of a

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personal e

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everything is One


As we forgive those who trespass against us

To forgive people who have done us wrong, who have sinned (trespassed) against us.

+And lead us not into temptation.

Don’t let us be blind sighted by bad things we do, don’t let us be tempted into evil.

+But deliver us from evil..

Evil, selfishness

and all suffering

come form

the negation of

not recognizing

this idea, since what

you do to other you

are doing to yourself. 


In this clause we ask to be

freed of all difficulties Or just as the ending to our
