目次 Only Connect… Oslo, 12 November 2010. Chance favours the connected mind.

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Transcript of 目次 Only Connect… Oslo, 12 November 2010. Chance favours the connected mind.


Only Connect…

Oslo, 12 November 2010

Chance favours the connected mind

The challenge of piracy

‘Anything by Alarcón or Titinger?’ Huberth asked.

The man frowned. ‘Who?’

That was all. Huberth rolled up his window.

‘You’re both failures,’ he said, turning to us.

From ‘Life Among the Pirates’ by Daniel Alarcon. Granta, 2009

Source: wordle.net

Source: wordle.net

1 Connecting

Moderna Museet: a meeting place

Moderna Museet

2 Opening Up

Photo: Kevin Baldes

Getting connected


Traditional Connected


“The sport is very individualistic, very free-form and very non-conventional - those things have to be in this building and in what we do, otherwise we wouldn’t connect with our audience.”

Randy Hild, Marketing Director

Good at listening

• Recruit people for attitude and empathy• Encourage connection and dialogue• Pay attention to listening• Good ideas come from everywhere• Requires humility

3 Creating a dialogue

Photo: Google

DialogueNo matter,what you or anyone else says,it should be up to the artist who created the inital medium to decide

who,how,where or when it is used or how they choose to be or not be compensated. No one else should have that

power to decide for me or any other artist. I think an artist has the right to say no, I don't want my music,art etc used

in that light,I find it offensive or whatever.

No, as an artist, you should not be extended the courtesy to accept or decline. As an artist, by choosing to put your

work in a public forum you are entering into conversation with your audience. If you don't want it touched, commented

on or otherwise engaged with by an audience, you have the right to not publish it. But fundamentally, copyright was

intended to promote and ensure the free exchange of ideas, not monopolize their use and distribution.

We are at a point where we need to address the massive shift in how we distribute information (art being one form of

information). Our existing laws simply don't apply. Just spend a minute on a torrent search site and you'll know what I

mean. It is evident that our copyright laws are failing.

Copyright originally allowed an artist to make a reasonable living from her/his work for a reasonable time. Now they

can do so for the rest of their life, as can their children and grandchildren. How does this in any way support

creativity? A drastic cut in copyright terms is needed - both to encourage more original creativity, and to decriminalise


The context

Collapse of trust

Death of deference+

End of the expert

New definition of authority

4 Working together

Four into one

Delivering practical tools


Creating the future, together

Source: Ind and Iglesias

Creating the future, together

‘You could say that we are like porridge. First

we're like small oat flakes - small, dry, fragile,

alone. But then we're cooked with the other

oat flakes and become soft. We join so that

one flake can't be told apart from another.

We're almost dissolved. Together we become

a big porridge that's warm, tasty, and

nutritious and yes, quite beautiful, too. So we

are no longer small and isolated but we have

become warm, soft, and joined together. Part

of something bigger than ourselves.’

Göran in Together (Tillsammens). Director:

Lukas Moodyson


Thinking different

• Need to deliver functional efficiency

• Promote and connect as well as protect

• Be transparent

• Let go - encourage dialogue

• Decide on the future, together

Thank you