End Product: Write a modern version of your favorite fairy tale.

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Transcript of End Product: Write a modern version of your favorite fairy tale.

Modern Fairy TaleOur Desires are not always best for us.

Proverbs 16:3 Share your plans with the Lord and you will succeed.

“The Third Wish”By Joan Aiken

End Product: Write a modern version of your favorite fairy tale.

Path to Final Product

Read, comprehend, and analyze the modern fairy tale, “The Third Wish”

Exam over vocabulary, reading analysis, and grammar.

“The Third Wish” by Joan Aiken

What is a fairy tale?

Story that typically features fantasy or magical characters, such as fairies, elves, or animals with unusual abilities.

Often teaches a moral Usually has a happy ending


Modern fairy tale Have the same elements as a

traditional fairy tale but include details from a contemporary life.

Elements of a modern fairy tale in “The Third Wish”

Details of a contemporary life such as

Drives a car Mr. Peter lives in a modern house Mr. Peter actually knows about fairy

tales and wishes.

Diagram and Label

Diagrammed Sentence

Subject Helping verb and action verb

Adj. Prep OP


Word of the Week

abet (v): to aid, help, or encourage Example: Mrs. Caple provided review

questions for her final to abet her students.

“The Third Wish”20 Questions

1. Define Presumptuous Over confident or arrogant 2. Define Extricate To set free 3. Define Composure Calmness of mind 4. Define Rash Thoughtless

“The Third Wish”20 Questions

5. Define remote 6. Far away from everything else 7. Define malicious 8. Hateful or spiteful 9. What happened after Mr. Peters

saved the swan? The swan turned into a little man all in

green with a gold crown.

“The Third Wish”20 Questions

10. Where did Leita come from? A swan from the water 11. Who thought of the 3 wishes

for Mr. Peter’s reward? Mr. Peters 12. What was his first wish? A wife

“The Third Wish”20 Questions

13. Why does Mr. Peters wish for a wife?

He is lonely 14. Is Leita happy to be his wife? No 15. Why is Leita drawn to the

river behind Mr. Peters house? Because her sister Rhea is still a swan

and she misses her.

“The Third Wish”20 Questions

16. Does Leita ask to be turned back into a swan?

No because she does not want to make Mr. Peters lonely again.

17. How does Mr. Peters use his second wish?

He uses it to turn Leita back into a swan. 18. What does this act reveal about

Mr. Peters? That he is kind, caring and compassionate.

“The Third Wish”20 Questions

19. Why do you infer that Mr. Peters does not use the second wish to turn Rhea into a person instead?

Because he realizes that they were not meant to be people and that they would both be sad.

20. Does Mr. Peters use his last wish? No, because he dies with a leaf

representing the third wish still laying on him, meaning it has not been used.

“The Third Wish”What is an objective summary?

A condensed version a text. Focuses on the main ideas, and leaving

out much of the supporting and explanatory detail of the original text.

Covers all of the important ideas found in the primary text.

Covers the text fairly, without inserting one's own opinion or perspective.

“The Third Wish”Summary

Mrs. Caple will preview your digital or paper summary at the beginning of class tomorrow. This is a learning exercise for a daily grade.

List of Mysterious or Magical Events

Swan turns into little man with crown Mr. Peters is actually granted three

possible wishes Leita turns from being a swan into Mr.

Peter’s wife using first wish Leita is turned back into a swan using

second wish Swans sing to him Any more?

Theme or Central Idea

Collaborate with a partner Determine the theme or Central idea of

“The Third Wish.” Explain how it is developed over the

course of this fairy tale. Each student must write the answer.

ThemeEvaluate the Title

What is ironic about the title? It is called “The Third Wish,” but he did

not actually use his third wish? Why do you think the author titled

the fairy tale “The Third Wish?” So, it would not be predictable because

people might assume it is all about the last wish. It is indirectly about third wish because it shows that he did not need it to be content.


Direct Characterization The writer directly states or describes

the character’s traits or characteristics. Indirect Characterization The writer reveals a character’s

personality through the character’s dialog, or through his or her thoughts or actions.

Examples of Characterization

Page 170 – What kind of characterization is used?

Indirect How would Mr. Peter’s

characterization be different if this were a traditional fairy tale?

He would not know about the possibility of three wishes and would not have the benefit from learning from other’s mistakes when granted three wishes.

Mr. Peter’s Characterization

Page 172 #10, Now, how has Mr. Peters become like others who have been granted three wishes.

He uses a wish do undo a previous wish. How is the fact that he uses a wish to

undo a previous different from others who have done the same thing in other stories?

He does not undo a previous wish for selfish reasons, but to help his wife.

Leita’s Characterization

Give an example how the author directly describes Leita.

Blue green eyes. Give an example how the author

indirectly describes Leita. She misses her sister and happy to be

reunited with her.

Vocabulary Devolopment

The suffix -ous means full of or characterized by.

Examaple presumptuous: presume means to assume or take for granted.

If someone like Mr. Peters is presumptuous, it means he is arrogant or disrespectfully bold.

Spelling Strategy

-ous Words that end in ce and are pronounced "s", change the final e to i before adding the suffix. Example: malice becomes malicious.


Adjectives - modify nouns, they provide specific details such as what kind, which one, how many or how much.

Synonyms are words that mean the same.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Students practice adding ous on page 176 1-3.

Students are to practice 1-3 page 176. Students practice recognizing and

using nouns on page 176 1-5, and Writing Application

Students practice using synonyms on page 176-1-6.

Fairy Tale RubricDistinguished 96-100

Proficient -Target90-95



Modern fairy tale, includes at least two contemporary detail, uses effective technique, relevant descriptive details, well-structured event sequences, and no grammar and spelling errors.

Modern fairy tale, includes at least one contemporary detail, uses effective technique, relevant descriptive details, well-structured event sequences, and few grammar and spelling errors.

Modern fairy tale, contains at least one contemporary detail, somewhat uses effective technique, relevant descriptive details, well-structured event sequences, and grammar and spelling errors.

Modern fairy tale, omits a contemporary detail, does not use effective technique, relevant descriptive details, well-structured event sequences, and major grammar and spelling errors.


Write about how you would feel if you had been snatched out of your life and placed in another role without your choice. What would you miss about your current life. Be specific.