« Animal Watch» Media Strategy

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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« Animal Watch» Media Strategy. Challenges. Awareness Pet-Shops Shelters Education of masses. Idea. « What if you were one of them ? » . Insight & Strategy. Social media is building its hypes on negativity. How to use this? « reverse psychology ». After 4th of October. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of « Animal Watch» Media Strategy

« Animal Watch» Media Strategy


• Awareness• Pet-Shops• Shelters• Education of masses

« What if you were one of them ? »


Insight & Strategy

Social media is building its hypes on negativity.How to use this?« reverse psychology »

Create an emotional bondBoost awareness through generating conversations and engagement by using reverse psychology.

Mid September-4th of October

After 4th of October

Mid September-4th of October«Sokaga At» (Kick «IT» Out) Facebook app or only status updates and Tweets.

«..... sokağa atıyorum çünkü ....» («I kick somebody out; because .....»)

Unfriending Facebook friends to make them feel «worthless»

• Çocuğumu sokağa attım çünkü beni artık eğlendirmiyordu.

• Ev arkadaşımı sokağa attım çünkü yemeğini yerken sağa sola döküyordu.

• Annemi sokağa attım çünkü horluyordu.

How will be the sentences like?

After 4th of October«What if you were one of them, would you give a 2nd chance to humanbeing?»

Re-friend the poeple they unfriended.

Sharing photos on social media via using «#2ndchance» and drawing attention

Letting people to feel «unworthy» in terms of the idea of « what if you were one of them»

Awareness boost for the 2nd phase


Photos with «#2nd chance» on social media

Directing to the shelters for adopting pets Think twice before kicking them out!

Thank you !