© 2011 VMware Inc. All rights reserved DBA Guide to Databases on VMware Solution Presentation - Don...

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Transcript of © 2011 VMware Inc. All rights reserved DBA Guide to Databases on VMware Solution Presentation - Don...

© 2011 VMware Inc. All rights reserved

DBA Guide to Databases on VMware Solution Presentation - Don Sullivan – Senior Systems Engineer - Database Specialist


Don Sullivan – sullivand@vmware.com

• Oracle Certified Master, Server Products Trainer for Oracle University and consultant with Oracle Advanced Technology Services - 1998-05.

• Oracle SA for Polyserve/HP – 05-10

• Vmware SE DB specialist 2010 – Present

4 Confidential


Introduction Understanding VMware Performance Designing Databases on VMware Developing and Testing Databases Migrating Existing Databases Securing the Databases Running Databases on VMware Monitor and Troubleshoot Database Performance


The Trend…

• Large, multi-core servers becoming commodity• Increasing number of CPU cores, memory, network bandwidth

• Traditional “one app one server” model is out dated

• Increasing demands for high availability• Business going global

• 24x7 internet

• Economy demands to increase IT efficiency• Reduce operational costs, increase productivity

• Reduce HW and SW costs

• Increasing manageability challenges and security concerns over database server sprawl


Reduce Infrastructure and Software License Costs

Reduce Infrastructure footprint through consolidation while maintaining full database isolation

Increase utilization of software licenses

Accelerate Database Lifecycle from Dev to Production

Reduce provisioning times from weeks to minutes

Self-service provisioning

Enable testing of databases with production clones

Experienced DBAs Look to VMware…

Improve Quality of Service

Built-in HA provides protections to all database environments from production, development, to QA

Simple and Reliable Disaster Recovery manager per site instead of per database

Scale on demand to handle database spikes/peak utilization

Quality of Service

App Lifecycle

App Costs

Understanding VMware Performance

% o

f App



Application Performance Requirements


800 Mb/s

16 GB

2 vCPU

1. Source: VMware Capacity Planner assessments

ESX 3.5


9 Gb/s

64 GB

4 vCPU


> 350,000

30 Gb/s

255 GB

8 vCPU

< 10,000

380 Mb/s

< 4 GB

1 vCPU


20% - 30% <10% - 20% <2% - 10%30% - 60% Overhead

>95% of Apps Match Native Performance on Virtual Machines

SQL Server Scale Up Performance Relative to Native

• At 1 & 2 vCPUs, ESX is 92 % of native performance At 1, 2 and 4 vCPUs on the 8pCPU server, ESX is able to

effectively offload certain tasks to idle cores.

• 4 vCPUs , 88% and 8 vCPUs 86 % of native performance

Single VM Performance: Well-Known Database OLTP Workload †





e (R


to 1




Intel® Xeon® processor 5500 series based 8-pCPU server

RHEL 5.1

Oracle 11gR1

In-house ESX Server

† A fair-use implementation of the TPC-C workload; results are not

TPC-C compliant

< 15% overhead for 8 vCPU VM

8,900 total DB transactions per second

Near-perfect scalability from 1 to 8 vCPUs

60,000 I/O operations/second

The average Oracle DB fits easily in a VM



Oracle DB2-4 CPU

4% utilized



Oracle DB4-8GB

50% utilized

Disk IO

VM350,000 IOPS

Oracle DB1200 IOPS

Network IO

VM30 Gb/s

Oracle DB2 MB/S

Source: VMware Capacity Planner analysis of > 700,000 servers in customer production environments

IBM pSeries

9 Power5 Cores

100% utilized

OnCourse Application125,000 total users

12,000 concurrent users


8 virtual CPUs

50% utilized

“ We have been able to virtualize our most demanding Oracle Databases on x86 servers. We now have the confidence that vSphere can handle our largest transaction-processing databases with ease.”

Rob Lowden, Director of IT at Indiana University

Migrating Oracle 10g from UNIX to vSphere

Designing Databases on VMware

vSphere High Availability Features

VMware HA• Detects operating system and hardware failures• Automatically restarts failed database virtual machine• Provides a simple and reliable first line of defense for all databases• Can be used in conjunction with Symantec App HA to provide application

aware protections

VMware vMotion• Enables live migration of database virtual machines from one physical

server to another without service interruption• Can reduce virtual machine planned downtime• Perform host maintenance any time of the day

VMware DRS• Monitors state of virtual machine resource usage• Can automatically and intelligently locate virtual machine• Directs compute resources where needed • Maintains database response time and SLAs


Hot-Add Capacity1 vCPU

2 GB4 vCPU64 GB

VMotion to More Powerful Host

Provision Additional App Instance in Minutes

Dynamic Scaling on


Scalability on Demand









Application Coverage

VMware FT





0% 10% 100%

VMware HA

VMotion(Planned Downtime)

SQL Failover Clustering / Oracle RAC

SQL Database Mirroring / Oracle

Data Guard

Transforming Availability Service Levels

Clustering too complex and expensive for most applications

VMware HA provide simple, cost-effective availability

VMotion provides continuous availability against planned downtime

VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager™ (SRM)

• Relies on storage replication• Allows creation, maintenance, and execution of automated process to

facilitate site recovery• Safe testing without impacting production environment• Self-documenting

Conventional DB Consolidation is Difficult

Multi-Instancing Shared Instance

Shared OS

orcl orcl orcl orcl orcl


Shared OS

Shared Instance


• No OS isolation (configuration, security,


• No load balancing across physical


• No OS isolation (configuration, security,


• No Database isolation

• Resource isolation depends on DBMS

Resource Governor

• No load balancing across physical


Ideal Platform for DB Consolidation


Legacy DB



Fast consolidation with P2VIncrease performance!


2 Preserve isolation in VMOS isolationDB isolationSecurity isolation

3 Guarantee resourcesReservationsPrioritiesMaximums

4 Load balance across nodes


Developing and Testing Databases


Provisioning on Demand


Fast, Self-Service Provisioning


Lab Manager (and vCloud)Developer /QA

Streamline Testing with Snapshots and Clones


Archive for Fast Roll-back

Exact copy of production


Run more tests faster


Move changes into production


>Faster testing>More accurate testing on exact production copy>Lower cost testing infrastructure













Migrating Existing Databases

P2V with vCenter Converter

• Easy to use, wizard driven process

• Converts multiple local and remote physical database servers simultaneously with centralized management console

• Creates one-to-one mapping from physical server to database virtual machine

• Stop database services (leave OS running) for hot cloning of database server to ensure data consistency

New Database Installation

• Install new OS and database software on VM, then migrate data from physical server

• Works well when planning database upgrade with migration

• Works with VMware Templates and Clones for rapid deployment of multiple databases

• With RDMs, data can swing over without backup/copy/restore

• Minimize downtime• No additional storage requirement for migration

• When used with native database replication features (such as mirroring, log shipping), the database VM can run side-by-side with the physical server to minimize migration downtime

Securing the Databases

Better-than-Physical Security

• More granular security compared to native database consolidation

• Minimize the database “surface area” per VM

• Allows customization of security at VM level• Install/enable components and features as needed

• Enable network protocols as needed

• More selective administrative and db owner privileges

• Database patching and change management less risky

Running Databases on VMware

Reduce Plan and Unplanned Downtime

Protect Databases against Hardware Failures

• Built-in, host based high availability

• Simple to configure and easy to manage

• Protects against hardware or operating system failures

• Provide first line of defense for all databases on the host, including production, development, QA, and etc.

VMware HA with Database Mirroring for Faster Recovery

• Works in conjunction with native database high availability features

• Protection against HW/SW failures and DB corruption

In-guest Backup

• Standard method for physical or virtual

• Agent runs in the VM guest and handles database quiescing

• Data is sent over the IP network

• Can affects CPU utilization in the guest OS

Array-based Backup

• Backup vendor software coordinates with VSS to create a supported backup image of the databases

• Snap-shotted databases can later be streamed to tape as flat files with no IO impact to the production databases

Manage Patch Upgrade

• The Challenges• Patch/upgrade may introduce bugs, regressions

• Uninstalling a patch/upgrade may not be possible

• Rolling back a patch/upgrade requires a rebuild of environment, and restore data from backup

• VMware Solutions• Enable testing with production clones, reduces the risk of regression

• VMware Snapshot Creates a snapshot of the state and data of the database virtual machine at

a specific point in time Allows DBAs to easily revert back to the original state of the database virtual

machine before the upgrade

Manage Legacy Databases

• The Challenges• Organizations need to maintain legacy database due to

regulatory/compliance requirements, and other reasons

• Legacy databases not are upgradable due to vendor support, HW compatibilities issues

• Older hardware tends to fail more frequently

• VMware Solutions• VMs can be cloned and stored in a virtual vault/archive, then powered

on in the event of an audit or discovery request

• Virtualization abstracts the OS/app from the underlying hardware, enables legacy database to run on the latest hardware

• Legacy database performance can be improved significantly by moving to the latest hardware

Monitor and Troubleshoot Databases Performance

Host Level Monitoring

• vSphere Client:

• GUI interface, primary tool for observing performance and configuration data for one or more ESX/ESXi hosts

• Does not require high levels of privilege to access the data

• Resxtop/Esxtop

• Gives access to detailed performance data of a single ESX/ESXi host

• Provides fast access to a large number of performance metrics

• Requires root-level access

• Runs in interactive, batch, or replay mode

Key Metrics to Monitor

Resource Metric Host / VM Description


%USED Both CPU used over the collection interval (%)

%RDY VM CPU time spent in ready state

%SYS Both Percentage of time spent in the ESX Server VMKernel

MemorySwapin, Swapout Both

Memory ESX host swaps in/out from/to disk (per VM, or cumulative over host)

MCTLSZ (MB) BothAmount of memory reclaimed from resource pool by way of ballooning



Both Reads and Writes issued in the collection interval

DAVG/cmd Both Average latency (ms) of the device (LUN)

KAVG/cmd BothAverage latency (ms) in the VMkernel, also known as “queuing time”

GAVG/cmd BothAverage latency (ms) in the guest. GAVG = DAVG + KAVG


MbRX/s, MbTX/s Both Amount of data transmitted per second

PKTRX/s, PKTTX/s Both Packets transmitted per second


Both Drop packets per second

Database VM Level Monitoring

• The primary tools and methodologies for monitoring database performance have not change

• Monitoring tools• SQL Server: Perfmon, Profiler, Dynamic Manage Views

• Oracle: Statspack\AWR

• Time-based metrics reported in in-guest tools may not be accurate, use host level monitoring tools

• Focus on identifying bottlenecks instead of time-based measurements• CPU bottleneck: high processor queue length

• IO bottleneck: high disk queue length

Host CPU Saturation

• Typical symptoms

• DB Instance Sluggish performance with no appearance CPU, memory, disk resource issue

• ESX Sustained high host CPU utilization, with avg. > 75%, peak > 90%

High VM Ready time

• Common causes

• CPU over commitment

• Unexpected guest VM CPU saturations driving up the host CPU usage

• Solutions

• Use vMotion or DRS to redistribute VMs to other hosts

• Use resource controls to ensure resource is available to DB InstanceVMs

• Check hardware assisted virtualization is enabled

Guest Memory Misconfiguration

• Typical Symptoms

• Oracle\SQL Server Low buffer cache hit ratio, low page life expectancy, high number of lazy writes, high

number of checkpoint pages/sec

• ESX Ballooning > 0

• Common Causes

• Misconfiguration of Instance memory and/or insufficient ESX memory reservation for VM

• Solutions

• Set VM memory reservation = memory provisioned

• Set policies which disallow over committing of CPU resources

• Analyze vCPU utilization and verify that vCPUs are not idle

Monitoring Disk Performance with ESXTOP

• Rule of thumb:

• GAVG/cmd > 20ms = high latency!

• What does this mean?

• Latency when command reaches device is high.

• Latency as seen by the guest is high.

• Low KAVG/cmd means command is not queuing in VMkernel.

very large valuesfor DAVG/cmd and GAVG/cmd

Insufficient Disk Sub-System

• Typical Symptoms

• Oracle\SQL Server High number of waits for PAGEIOLATCH_EX, PAGEIOLATCH_SH

• ESX Disk Latency is high, GAVG/cmd > 20ms

• Common Causes

• Overloaded or misconfigured storage sub-system

• Sub-optimal query execution plan

• Solutions

• Make sure devices are configured properly (caches, queue depths)

• Check networking settings (for iSCSI/NAS)

• Increase memory to reduce need for disk access

• Index tune queries to reduce the number of IOs

• Use storage vMotion to balance load across storages systems


• Visit our partner central for Solutions Toolsets http://www.vmware.com/partners/partners.html

• Running business critical applications on VMware http://www.vmware.com/solutions/business-critical-apps/

Best Practices, Reference Architectures, and Case Studies

Microsoft Apps (Exchange, SQL, SharePoint)



• Performance White Paper http://www.vmware.com/resources/techresources/

• Performance User Community http://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/general/performance