1 st Wave - About 50,000 peasants Included families with small children Devastated the...

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Transcript of 1 st Wave - About 50,000 peasants Included families with small children Devastated the...


1st Crusade

1st Wave - About 50,000 peasants Included families with small children Devastated the countryside, killed Jews Attacked by Bulgars, rest killed by Turks

Main group established 4 Crusader states Baldwin invited by Armenians to lead Edessa Bohemund stayed in Antioch A remnant took Jerusalem, recruited Baldwin to

lead Tripoli Became common for soldiers to do a ‘tour of duty’

in Crusade lands

Conquest of Jerusalem

All defenders were killed Women raped, infants killed Jews burned inside synagogues“He (God) delivered the city and His enemies to us…And if you desire to know what was done with the enemy who were found there, know that in Solomon’s Porch and in his temple our men rode in the blood of the Saracens up to the knees of their horses.”

Letter to Pope Paschal II

Other Crusades

2nd – Response to fall of Edessa (1144) Army of 200,000 – accomplished little

3rd – Response to fall of Jerusalem (Saladin - 1187) Richard the Lionhearted negotiated truce Pilgrims allowed to visit Holy Land

4th – Campaign to attack Saladin in Egypt Instead, took Constantinople Latins controlled it from 1204-1261 Bad blood between east and west more intense

4 more crusades – ended 1270

Consequences of Crusades

Crusades and Spanish Reconquista strengthened papacy Reconquista – Reconquest of Spain against

Islam Urban II authority was in doubt Most powerful time of Innocent III (4th Crusade)

Contact w/ Holy Land led to contemplation of Jesus

Relics flooded Europe Increase of trade/bourgeoisie class

Here endeth material for open notes test

Examples of Barbarian Conversions

Saxons rebelled under Charlemagne Either killed or forced to be baptized

Believed that gods forsook them Only Christian God to turn to

Norsemen converted following King Canute King of Danes – Over Denmark, Sweden,

Norway Almost all Scandinavia baptized by 1050s

Hungarians King converted – took name of Stephen (Saint) Forced conversion of subjects

The Papacy Late 800s – Pope Hadrian II

Cursed Lothair II, King of Lorraine because of Lothair’s adultery and warmongering

Epidemic broke out, Lothair died Next Pope – John VIII murdered

Aid poisoned him, broke skull w/ hammer Sometimes two or three popes at a time Rival popes often tried to kill each other

Stephen VI had rival exhumed, publicly humiliated Simony (buying of a church position)

common Wealthy, powerful families controlled papacy

Attempts at Renewal

Abbey of Cluny, France Legally excluded the Pope Became headquarters of reform

100s of monasteries Attacked simony Started movement for all clergy to be celibate Lost momentum because of money

Bruno of Toule – product of Cluny movement Became Pope Leo IX in 1049 Led to a time of Papal reform