Biology of Belief

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  • 7/22/2019 Biology of Belief



    OF BELIEFUnleashing the Power of Consciousness,Matter and MiraclesBy Bruce H. Lipton, PH.D

  • 7/22/2019 Biology of Belief


    The Evolution of the Study of Evolution

    Since Watson and Crick revealed DNAs double helix structure to be the hereditaryactor hypothesized by Darwin, the Central Dogma o the study o biology has beenthat genes are predominantly responsible or our physical characteristics, our health, and

    even our emotion and behaviors. Te concept o Survival o the fittest has emphasizedcompetition between organisms over cooperation, although both survival strategies canbe observed in the natural world. Different elements o nature are in a delicate, dynamicbalance with each other and with the environment. Harmony is everywhere in natureTe field o biology has emphasized the competitive nature o survival and neglected theimportance o cooperation.

    The Magic of Cells and the New Biology

    Cells are complex, smart entities that can survive on their own.

    Cells analyze inormation rom the environment and select appropriate responses.

    Cells are capable o learning (called cell memory) and can pass inormation on totheir offspring.

    Te structure and unction o cells are intimately intertwined.

    Cells hold the key to understanding the mechanism, as well as the meaning o lie.

    An individual can be seen as a group o 50 trillion single-celled citizens workingtogether, sharing one amoebic consciousness.

    Cell communities are role models or groups o individuals.

    In contrast to the Central Dogma, which tends to view individuals as controlled bytheir genes and in constant struggle with each other or survival, the New Biology seeslie as a cooperative journey o powerul individuals who can program themselves tocreate joy-filled lives. Te ully conscious mind can trump nature (genes) and nurture(environmental programming).

    What Can We Learn from Cells?

    Humans are made o cells, so it ollows that we must share some basic behavioral patternwith them. Te structures within cells, called organelles, are the unctional equivalentso the tissues and organs with human bodies. Te first lie orm on earth was a singlecell. Multicellular lie-orms were originally loose colonies o tens o thousands o singlecelled organisms. Because increased awareness o the environment results in increasedsurvival capacity, and more cells means more awareness, the evolutionary advantageo combining led to colonies o millions to trillions o interactive cells. As complexmulticellular organisms evolved, it proved more efficient or the cells to differentiate,

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    Summary Information

    From the book The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Powerof Consciousness, Matter and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton,

    PH.D. Copyright 2005. Reprinted by arrangement with

    Mountain of Love (

    All rights reserved.

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    meaning individual cells took over specific tasks. Overtime, this pattern o differentiation became embedded inthe genes o every cell in the community o cells, whichincreased its overall efficiency and ability to survive. Humanorganizations, Henry Fords assembly line or example

    employ this same principle o specialization and cooperationwith the result o increased productivity and efficiency andconsequently enhanced survival potential or all members othe community. Highly organized associations o millionsand trillions o cells eventually became what we now reerto as single entities, or example, a mouse, dog , or human.

    Was Lamarck Right?

    Fify years beore Darwin published his theory o evolutionbased on the concepts o struggle and violence, Jean-

    Baptiste Lamarck presented a theory o evolution basedon instructive cooperative interaction among organismsand their ever-changing environment. He proposed thaorganisms acquire adaptations necessary or survival andpass them on to their offspring. Tis idea that organismcan pass on their adaptations has long been dismissedas incorrect, but today, Lamarcks theories are beingreevaluated based on new findings in cell biology. Hisemphasis on cooperation over competition is also receivinga resh look, with the increased awareness that cooperationplays an invaluable role in the survival o the biosphere

    and in light o the many symbiotic relationships that areobserved in nature. Recently, it has been ound that genescan even be shared across species, throughgene transfer. Tisprocess speeds up evolution by allowing species to pass ontheir cell memories to other species, and is a good exampleo the important role cooperation can play in the survival oa community o species.

    Quick Overview of Cell Biology

    Cells are an assembly o protein building blocks.

    Te human body comprises over 100,000 proteins.

    Each protein is a linear string o linked amino acidmolecules, similar to a pop bead necklace.

    Peptide bonds between amino acids in the proteinbackbone can adopt different contours. | 3

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    2 actors determine the contour o a protein:

    1. the physical pattern defined by the sequence o differently shaped amino acids

    2. the interaction o electromagnetic charges among the linked amino acids

    Te final conormation o a protein molecule reflects a balanced state among itcharges.

    I a proteins positive and negative charges are altered, the backbone will twist toadjust to the new distribution. Tere are three ways in which the distribution oelectromagnetic charges can be altered:

    1. binding o other molecules, such as hormones

    2. enzymatic removal or addition o charged ions

    3. intererence rom electromagnetic fields (e.g., rom cell phones)

    Proteins bind together when they are physical and energetic complements, interlockinglike gears that fit together.

    Te constant shape-shifing movements o proteins are the movements thatpropel lie.

    Roots of Genetic Determinism

    When two strands o double helix unwind, each strand can make an exact, complementarycopy o itsel. Tereore DNA molecules are sel-replicating, and were assumed to beable to control their own replication. Tis supposed capability, combined with its role asblueprint or the bodys proteins, led DNA to be seen as the primary determinant o anorganisms traits. DNA became the star o the show, and the Age o Genetic Determinismwas born.

    Beyond Genes

    Te one gene-one protein theory prevailed until the Human Genome project oundar too ew genes (25,000) to account or all the proteins ound in the human body


    Te human body contains only 1500 more genes than a spineless microscopic worm

    Single-gene disorders affect less than 2% o the population.

    Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are the result o complexinteractions among multiple genes and environmental actors.

    Tere are not enough genes to account or the complexity o human lie or ohuman disease. | 4

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    Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of

    Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.

    Most diseases are linked to genes; genes are not the sole cause.

    Genes are not sel-emergent: they cannot turn themselves on and off .

    Genes do not have the ability to control lie, because they are dependent upon

    environmental triggers to determine when and how they will be expressed.

    Epigeneticsis the study o the molecular mechanisms by which environment controlgene activity.

    Findings of Epigenetics: Genes are not Destiny

    DNA blueprints are not set in stone at birth.

    Factors such as stress, nutrition, and emotions can modiy genes without changingthe basic blueprint. Studies o protein synthesis reveal that epigenetic actors can

    create 2000 or more variations o proteins rom the same gene blueprint.

    Tese modifications rom environmental causes can be passed on touture generations.

    Proteins are turning out to play as crucial a role in heredity as DNA.

    Te flow o inormation in the current understanding o biology starts with anenvironmental signal, then goes to a regulatory protein, and only then goes to DNA,RNA, and finally a protein is coded. Tis is opposite o the previous assumption, inwhich DNA was the driver.

    It is now clear that two mechanisms exist or passing on hereditary inormation:

    1. genes (nature)

    2. epigenetic mechanisms (nurture)

    Epigenetics and Disease

    Epigenetic mechanisms have been ound to be a actor in many diseases includingcancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

    Only 5% o cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease toheredity.

    Epigenetic alterations, not deective genes, result in many cancer cases.

    The Magical Membrane - The True Brain of the Cell

    Te nucleus has long been thought to be the brain o the cell, however, it has been oundthat afer enucleation (removal o the nucleus), cells continue to survive and engage in allnormal unctions o a cell except dividing and reproducing protein parts. Tereore, the | 5

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    nucleus cannot be the central inormation processor, as it isnot necessary or the cell to unction normally and respondto its environment. I the nucleus is not the brain, then whatpart o the cell fills the role o inormation processor anddetermines how to respond to the environment?

    Te cell membrane holds the mechanisms by which thebody translates environmental signals into behavior. Teimportance o the membrane has been underestimated byscience because it is so thin that until the development o theelectron microscope in the 1950s, its existence could noteven be confirmed. It is now known that i the membraneo a cell is destroyed, the cell dies.

    Te three-layer structure o the membrane can be thought oas a bread and butter sandwich, using the ollowing analogy:

    I dye were to be added to the top o the sandwich, itwould seep through the bread, but stop at the butter,because o the oily substance would act as a barrier

    Now two kinds o olives are added to the sandwich,one with pimentos (stuffed) and the other without(unstuffed)

    I dye were added now, and the sandwich were sliced inhal, we would see that the dye stops when it hits thestuffed olives

    But the unstuffed olives would provide a channel throughwhich the dye could flow through the buttery layer toreach the other side o the membrane sandwich

    In this analogy, the bread and butter together representthe phospholipids, which contain polar molecules (thebread) and non-polar molecules (the butter layer).

    Te olives are proteins called Integral MembraneProteins (IMPs) which allow nutrients, waste materials,

    and other orms o inormation to be transportedacross the membrane.

    IMPs act as a stimulus-response team, and can be dividedinto two groups:

    Receptor (sensory) proteins which monitor theenvironment both inside and outside the cell

    Effector (action-generating) proteins which respondto the environment signals

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    ogether, the receptor and effector proteins act as a switch, which translateenvironmental signals into cellular behavior (reerred to assignal transduction)

    Receptor proteins can read energy fields, suggesting the possibility o uturepharmaceutical-ree medical treatment

    All effector proteins, when activated, can serve as signals that activate genes

    Interaction with the Environment Determines Cell Behavior

    Tere must be flexibility in how genes are expressed, or cells would not be able toadapt to changing environments.

    DNA provides the blueprint, but not the control o the operations o the cell.

    A cells operations are primarily determined by its interaction with the environment

    not by its genetic code.

    Te cell membrane, by way o receptors (or awareness) and effectors (or action)exhibits intelligent behavior that controls the behavior o the cell in the same waythat the brain controls the body

    The Cell Membrane as a Computer

    Te cell membrane can be compared to a computer chip in the way that it acts as asemiconductor with gates and channels. Te nucleus o the cell is like a memory diskor hard drive, programmed by DNA. Te nucleus is removable, once the programs are

    downloaded into the cell. Environmental data is entered into the cell via the membranereceptors (keyboard), which then trigger the action o the effectors (the CPU). Viewingthe cell this way allows the ollowing two corollaries to be drawn:

    1. Computers and cells are programmable.

    2. In both cases, the programmer lies outside the computer/cell.

    Te second conclusion is significant because it challenges the gene-centered view o cellbehavior. Te knowledge o the central role played by the IMPs in the cell membraneleads to the understanding that we can be masters o our ate, not victims o our genes.

    Quantum Physics and Biology

    Physics is the oundation o all sciences, but since Einstein concluded that E=MC2 thefindings o quantum physics have been largely ignored by biolog y and medicine, becausethey dont fit in the matter-based world o Newtonian physics on which biology is baseduantum physics tells us the ollowing about the nature o the universe:

    Energy and matter are one and the same-it is impossible to consider them aindependent elements. | 7

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    Te universe is one, indivisible dynamic whole in which energy and matter aredeeply entangled.

    Te atom has no physical structure.

    Matter can be defined both as a solid and an immaterial orce field.

    Every material structure (including human beings) radiates its own uniqueenergy signature.

    Yet doctors are trained to disregard the effectiveness o alternative treatments that arebased on the idea that energy fields are the key to influencing physiology and healthsuch as acupuncture, chiropractic massage therapy, and prayer. Conventional researchhas completely ignored the role o energy in health and disease.

    Holistic vs. Reductionist Approach to Healing

    Te reductionist view o medicine acts on the principal that i there is a problem in thesystem, such as disease, the source o the problem can be identified as a malunction atone o the steps along the chemical assembly line. Tis approach leads to the developmeno magic-bullet drugs targeted to fix the broken spot, or to a ocus on aulty genes andan effort to design better ones. However, the quantum perspective shows us that theuniverse is an integration o interdependent energy fields, constantly interacting with oneanother in a holistic system o inormation pathways. Te reductionist view disregardsthe act that changing one element o a system will have proound effects on the rest othe system, and on its unctioning as a whole. Recent research in mapping protein toprotein interactions in the cell has demonstrated the physical presence o the complex

    holistic pathways theorized by quantum physics.

    Dangers of Prescription Drugs

    Drugs interact with more than one protein.

    Drugs can affect similar signals/proteins in different bodily systems, due to the acthat the same proteins are used in different systems.

    Whereas the human immune system is specific (i.e., targets only the area with theproblem), most pharmaceuticals are distributed systematically throughout the body

    causing the many side effects associated with the drugs.

    Most drugs treat the symptoms, but not the underlying problem.

    According to conservative estimates, iatrogenic illness (illness resulting rom medicatreatment) is the third leading cause o death in the U.S.

    Massive quantities o drugs prescribed in the U.S. violate the Hippocratic Oath takenby doctors to First do no harm. | 8

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    Need to Integrate Newtonian and QuantumPhysics in Medicine

    Newtonian laws apply to higher levels o organizationsuch as organ systems, people, or groups o people. Mostdisease is first detected at this level. However, the processesthat instigate the disease are likely to have started at themolecular level, where quantum physics apply. o trulyunderstand and effectively treat a disease, an integratedapproach that takes into account the micro and macro levelo unctioning is necessary.

    Many studies over the last fify years have demonstrated thatthe invisible orces o electromagnetic energy prooundlyimpact every acet o biological regulation. Tese energiesinclude:

    Microwaves Radio requencies

    Te visible light spectrum

    Very low requencies

    Acoustic requencies

    Tese energies impact the ollowing processes,to name a ew:

    DNA, RNA and protein synthesis

    Protein shape and unction

    Gene regulation

    Cell division and differentiation

    Hormone secretion

    Nerve growth and unction

    Understanding energy fields is important or medicinebecause vibrational requencies can alter the physical and

    chemical properties o an atom just as physical signalslike histamine and estrogen can. It has also been oundthat electromagnetic requencies are a hundred timesmore efficient in relaying environmental inormation thanphysical signals such as hormones and neurotransmittersTis opens up a whole new avenue or the treatment odisorders and disease. However, while these energy fieldshave been utilized in scanning or disease, or example inCA scans, MRIs and PE scans, biological research hasor the most part ignored, and even shunned, their potentiaor use in treatment. | 9

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    Bringing the Mind and Body Back Together

    Since Descartes philosophical separation o matter and mind in the seventeenthcentury, traditional bio-medicine has been based on a matter-only universe. Howeverthe findings o quantum physics reveal that the physical body (matter) can be affected by

    the immaterial mind (energy), since the two are actually inseparable.

    Toughts are energy.

    Energy can activate or inhibit the cells proteins.

    Energy is more efficient than chemicals.

    Tereore, the power o the mind can be more effective than drugs.

    Tere are many well-documented but unexplained examples o mind-body interactions

    such as the religious practice o walking on hot coals without getting burned. Suchexamples are usually dismissed by traditional science as irrelevant exceptions. Withinmedicine, it is not known why some people are inected with HIV but never developAIDS, or why some terminal cancer patients experience spontaneous remission o theirdisease. Te mind-body connection may hold the answers.

    Positive Thinking

    o harness the power o the mind over matter, it is necessary to understand the roles othe separate but interdependent conscious and subconscious minds.

    Te conscious mind:


    Can produce positive thoughts

    Te subconscious mind:


    Relies on instinct and learned experiences

    Re-plays old stimulus-response behavior programs

    More powerul than the conscious mind in terms o neurological processing abilities

    When the desires o the subconscious conflict with those o the conscious mind, thesubconscious mind has the advantage. Conscious positive thoughts alone are not enoughto override years o hard-wired programming. It is necessary to learn to re-write theseprograms i we are to have control over our responses and behaviors. | 10

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    The Evolution of Self-Consciousness and Free Will

    Fundamental reflexes are passed on rom generation to generation in theorm o instincts.

    As larger brains developed, with an increased neural cell population, organismsgained the capacity to learn rom their experiences.

    Tis conditioning becomes hard-wired in the brain, resulting insubconscious habits.

    In most animals, this subconscious conditioning characterizes all o thebrain activity.

    Humans and some other animals have evolved a special region o the brain (the pre-rontal cortex) associated with thinking, planning, and decision-making. Tis is most

    likely the area o the brain where sel-consciousness resides. Te sel-conscious mind isextremely powerul. It can:

    access much o the data stored in long-term memory

    observe and evaluate programmed behaviors

    decide to change the program

    override the subconscious

    The Power of Perception

    Te perceptions that we hold influence our behavior. Our ability to learn is so remarkablethat we can download these perceptions rom others (parents, teachers, etc.) withouthaving to learn them rom experience. Tese perceptions then become our truth, andpart o our hard-wired program. Te problem arises when these perceptions, which maybecome part o our subconscious programming without our awareness, turn out to beinaccurate. Because they are not inallible, these perceptions are actually belies.

    Belies can control biology, but these belies can be true or alse. I we find our subconscioussaddled with alse belies, we do have the capacity to consciously evaluate our stimulus-

    response program and change old responses, but it requires dealing with the powerusubconscious mind.

    Growth vs. Protection

    Cells exhibit two opposing responses to environmental stimuli. When in a toxicenvironment, they retreat rom the threatening signals (protection). When in the presenceo nutrients, they gravitate towards the lie-sustaining signals (growth). Tese basicgrowth/protection behaviors are also essential or the survival o multicellular organismsTese behaviors have evolved or survival, but there is a catch: the mechanisms within acell that support growth and protection cannot operate optimally at the same time. Energy | 11

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    diverted to one goal means less energy is available or theother. Additionally, while growth requires an opening up othe system to the environment, protection requires a shuttingdown o the system to shield it rom perceived threats.

    Unlike single cells, multicellular organisms can respondto both signals simultaneously, but at a cost to overallvitality. For example, humans can survive under stress romthreats, but constant stress leads to a chronic inhibition ogrowth mechanisms. Furthermore, eliminating stress onlybrings an organism to neutral. o ully thrive, we must alsoactively seek joyul, loving, ulfilling lives that stimulategrowth processes.

    The Role of the Nervous System

    Te nervous systems job is to:

    Monitor and interpret environment signals

    Organize appropriate behavioral responses

    Te nervous system has two protection systems:

    Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis-protectsagainst external threats

    Immune system- protects against internal threats such asbacteria and viruses.

    Te HPA axis initiates the fight-flight response, whichincludes the ollowing:

    Stress hormones are released into the blood.

    Blood vessels o the digestive tract are constricted somore blood is available or extremities (arms and legs).

    Visceral organs experience inhibition o growth-relatedunctions o digestion, absorption, excretion, etc.

    Te immune system is suppressed.

    Conscious brain unctions are slowed.

    Te HPA axis is a remarkably well-designed system orhandling acute stresses. However, it was not designed to becontinuously activated, as it ofen is in our modern stressulenvironment.

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    Effects of Chronic Stress on Health

    Research suggests that this hyper-vigilant liestyle is severely impacting our healthAlmost every major illness that people acquire has been linked to chronic stress. It isimportant to look at the areas o your lie that cause stress, and determine the source o

    the stress. I it is ear, then gaining control over the ear can allow us to regain controover our lives and our health.

    In the words o Franklin Delano Roosevelt, We have nothing to ear but ear itsel.

    Letting go o ears is the first step towards creating a ull and satisying lie.

    Conscious Parenting

    Parents are very influential in their childrens mental and physical development. Beginningin the womb, the childs environment will have a powerul effect on all aspects o his or

    her lie, even on those areas typically thought to be determined by genes. Parents can acas genetic engineers or their children by influencing epigenetic mechanisms startingprenatally and continuing throughout childhood.

    Children learn an incredible amount o inormation in the early years o lie.

    Tey learn by experience as well as by observation.

    Tey ofen download their parents belies (both implicit and explicit belies).

    Tese belies become hard-wired as synaptic pathways in the subconscious mind.

    Tese truths can shape the behavior and potential o the child throughout his or herlie in a negative or positive direction.

    It is not until children are older that they are able to consciously examine the beliesstored in their subconscious.

    The Subconscious and the Conscious - a Dynamic Duo

    Subconscious mind :

    Te subconscious is an emotionless database o stored programs.

    It exists only in the present.

    Its unction is to read environmental signals and engage in hard-wired behavioralprograms.

    Te programs are stimulus-response based behaviors.

    Te stimulus can come rom the external world or rom signals rom inside the bodysuch as emotions, pleasure, and pain. | 13

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    Conscious mind:

    Te conscious mind has the power to be spontaneouslycreative, and respond in new ways to environmentalstimuli.

    It can be sel-reflective and observe behaviors as theyare occurring.

    It can stop an automatic behavior and create anew response.

    It can think orward and backward in time.

    While the subconscious is the autopilot, the conscioumind is the manual control.

    Te two minds together make a powerul team, becauseboth can operate simultaneously. Tey can cooperate, suchas when you learn a new behavior consciously, and thenpractice it until it becomes part o your subconscious. Teconscious mind can over-ride automatic programmingbut only i it is paying ull attention. Te subconscious isprogrammed to take over the moment there is a lapse inconscious attention.

    Energy Psychology

    Te biggest stumbling block to realizing the success that weconsciously desire comes rom the limitations programmedinto our subconscious. Sometimes we can be our own worsenemies. In order to over-ride negative belies and createnew behaviors, it is necessary to change the programmingin the subconscious. However, this cannot be done by orceor by simply reasoning with the subconscious mindConventional methods such as drugs and talk therapyseek to suppress destructive behaviors. Newer methodscapitalize on the findings o quantum physics, and ocus onthe connection between energy and thought as the point oinfluence on the subconscious.

    Conscious Conception and Pregnancy

    Te best way to eliminate negative and unhealthy patternso thought and behavior is to ensure that they are neverprogrammed in the first place. Conscious parenting canresult in positive messages and healthy cell behaviorsbeing programmed into childrens minds rom the time oconception. New research is showing how the environmento the womb can influence many aspects o the childsentire lie. | 14

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    Genomic imprinting occurs in the womb and shapesthe brain, laying the groundwork or personality,temperament, and higher thought.

    Along with nutrients, the etus receives other substancesrom the mother, such as stress hormones i the motheris chronically stressed, or excess glucose i the mother isdiabetic.

    Suboptimal conditions in the womb that lead to lowbirth rate have been linked to a number o adult diseasesincluding diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

    Up to 51% o a childs potential intelligence is relatedto environmental actors such as the mothers drinkingor smoking during pregnancy, or exposure to lead inthe womb.

    ouch (or lack o ) during inancy has been linked to laterstress levels, social development, and violent tendencies.

    For ourselves and or our children, genes represent ourpotential, not our destiny. Parents have the power to actas genetic engineers or their children by supplying theirsubconscious minds with positive and healthy messages.As adults, we have the ability to take charge o our lives,once we realize the power o our sel-conscious minds to

    re-program our subconscious programming.

    Spirit and Science

    Te conclusions o quantum physics mirror those oearly civilizations, in which matter and energy areintertwined, and every object in the universe possesses aspirit (energy).

    From biology we know that each individual has sel-receptors (human leukocytic antigens) that are related

    to the immune system and reflect the unique stamp othat individuals identity.

    Each cells unique set o identity receptors are located onthe membranes outer surace, where they act as antennasby downloading complementary environmental signals.

    Tese identity receptors read a signal o sel that doesnot exist within the cell, but comes rom the externalenvironment.

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    It is the authors belie that people are spirits in material orm who receive inormationrom an environmental controller, or Spirit. As we live our lives, our experiences are sentback to that Spirit, and thereore the consequences o our lives exist outside o and lastlonger than our bodies.

    Survival of the Most Loving

    We are spiritual beings who need love in the same way we need ood. We can learn romthe lesson o cells that the best way to advance human civilization is to come together ina global community, in which cooperation is valued over competition. Te best way todo this is to join communities o like-minded people who are working towards a worldin which the most loving not only survive, they thrive. | 16

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