Download - Zero-Waste and Sustainability Education



Sustainability EducationBy: Elijah Anakalea-Buckley

What is Zero-Waste?● Zero-Waste is a system that minimizes the amount of trash that

goes into the landfill through a method of organization in rubbish. ● From recycling to decomposing materials, zero-waste only

sends necessary materials into a landfill.● This program was set up by Hawaii Prep’s own Noah Dodd, a

middle and high school garden coordinator helping with reviving native and sustainable plants of Hawaii.

● He is constantly working with the land to produce healthy, sustainable foods for Hawaii. He and others created this system to lessen the damage on the land with off island trash.

How to?

● Separating certain plastics, foods and paper goods to either decompose or recycle helps our landfill situation.

● With some volunteers and help this system is extremely efficient and effective.

Our class separating all the rubbish from our local Pumpkin Patch

The composting Process,HPA Upper campus

Databins Total number of bags

collectedAve weight of each bag (lbs.)

Total weight (lbs.) % collected by weight

Major items identifiedin bags

Compostable 66 8.89 586.74 69 Serving plates, napkins, forks, spoons, food, paper,


Mixed Recycle 13 4.90 63.70 7.5 Foil, shiny plastic

HI5 26 4.00 104.00 12.3 Cans, plastic bottles, glass

Land fill 20 4.50 90.00 11.0 Styrofoam, plastic cups (shave ice), used diapers,

disposable gloves

Total weight (lbs.)

844.44 lbs 100%

Zero-Waste Station

Landfill● Styrofoam● Certain Tin

Foil● Certain


Compost● Food● Paper

Plates● Paper

Napkins● Certain

Plastics● Used

Cardboard● Any wood

Hi-5● All Hi-5

Bottles● All Hi-5


Mixed Recycle

● Clean Cardboard

● Certain Bottles

● Certain Cans

Why Use Zero-Waste?

● Not only does Zero-Waste minimize the amount of trash going into the landfill, but it helps bring back nutrients and life into the land helping other plants and foods grow.

● This action helps better our air quality and feeds the people. Having this cycle is the true meaning of sustainability.



● The culture and directive in Hawaii are perfect for sustaining and revitalizing native Hawaiian plants through programs and hunting restrictions for native species.

● Expanding sustainability has become a major priority as a people, we are taking initiative to preserve and protect the land and resources (ex: Mauna Kea and the World Wide Voyage).

● The Hawaiian islands have close to if not all 13 climates that exist.


● A great example would be my home town of Waimea● It is such a short range of town we can have some of

the heaviest mist in the country while being able to still grow coconut and mango(coastal plants).

● This variety of climates and the richness of Hawaiis ecosystem lets different growing practices flourish, as well as livestock and fishing.

● We are only 20 minutes away from the beach while right next to the highest mountain in the world.

Hawaii Prep

Hawaii Preparatory Academy is a college prep school based around the idea of community and sustainability.


● Hawaii Prep has a completely off the grid building called the Energy Lab where programming and computer classes take place.

● It was created to start a system that most efficiently uses natural resources in the school.

● We also have a garden directed towards the old Hawaiian planting styles, trying to sustain Hawaii with its own culture instead of business and industry.


Many colleges in the world offer sustainability courses and degrees to help better their environment and I ask, “Why not Hawaii?”


One of my goals for the community is to spread the Zero-Waste initiative even further, so that we can reduce the damage being done to Hawaii. I hope that this system will be in every community and then moved into school systems, helping communities become blue zones with new forms of compost.


I hope that one day my island and neighbor islands will have college courses on sustainability and technology helping to educate everyone about environmental problems and the steps we can take to reduce our impact on our living systems.

Mahalo Nui Loa!