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Laravel Forge:From Hello World to Hello Production

Joe Ferguson

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Who Am I?

Joe Ferguson

PHP Developer

Twitter: @JoePFerguson

Organizer of @MemphisPHP

@NomadPHP Lightning Talks

Passionate about Community

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Step One: Hello World

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Create our projectVia Laravel Installer: laravel new hello-world

Via Composer: composer create-project laravel/laravel hello-world --prefer-dist

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Where should our project live?

I prefer to keep things in ~/PhpstormProjects

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Mac/Linux/Windows Apache MySQL PHP

These are all great tools

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Is your server running MAMP?

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Why not develop ON the server?

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Do not develop ON the server

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Develop in the same environment

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Servers are expensive

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Virtual Machines are cheap

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Our Use Case:Duplicate our server environment

in a local virtual machine

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Installing an OS takes time

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Vagrant allows you to:• Create a server• Configure a server• Delete a server

…over and over and over..

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Which Vagrant?

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Laravel Homestead“Laravel Homestead is an official, pre-packaged Vagrant "box" that provides you a wonderful development environment without requiring you to install PHP, HHVM, a web server, and any other server software on your local machine.”

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But I need…

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What’s in the box:

• Ubuntu 14.04• PHP 5.6• HHVM• Nginx• MySQL• Postgres• Redis

• NodeJS• Bower• Grunt• Gulp• Beanstalkd• Memcached• Laravel Envoy

Fabric + HipChat Extension + more!

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Getting Homestead

Install the box:vagrant box add laravel/homestead

Clone the Repository:git clone Homestead

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Configure HomesteadDefault: Hello World:

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Update /etc/hosts192.168.10.10

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Ready to vagrant up

Our code will be shared from our host machine

And mapped to the vagrant machine



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How I use Homestead

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Install Homestead

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$ vagrant up

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Why do I prefer per-project?

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Sharing your Homestead environment

Do not version control:


DO version control:



you should instruct potential collaborators to run the make command for themselves

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What now?

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How to access

These are ports forwarded to homestead

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Connect to the Database

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Connect via a browser

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Connect via SSHYou could do this:

But this is easier:

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Homestead is awesome!We now have a local dev environment we can easily use, break, and restore

without having to reinstall the entire operating system and developer tools.

Break something?

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Staking your own Homestead

I like to customize homestead AND

make sure I can easily update from upstream

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Fork Homestead

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Update your Homestead

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Use for extras

./vendor/bin/homestead make —after

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What could do?

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You may not need after.shIt is important to have a way to easily

reproduce your development environment so that those one off changes you make

are documented and two months down the road you don’t destroy & up your environment

to find out you have stuff missing

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Step ??? Go make something great

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You've written tests all along for your app right?

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PHPUnit isn’t the only option!

• Behat• phpspec• Codeception

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Codeception• Selenium WebDriver integration• Elements matched by name, CSS, XPath• Symfony2, Laravel4, Yii, Phalcon,• Zend Framework integration• PageObjects and StepObjects included• BDD-style readable tests• Powered by PHPUnit• API testing: REST,SOAP,XML-RPC• Facebook API testing• Data Cleanup• HTML, XML, TAP, JSON reports• CodeCoverage and Remote CodeCoverage• Parallel Execution

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Acceptance Testing

Functional Testing

Unit Testing

• Our methods work

• Our product works

• Our product works as intended

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PhantomJSPhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable

with a JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling,

CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.

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Codeception + PhantomJS

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Basic Acceptance Test

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Automate our Testing

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• Great for OSS projects (And free!)• Easy to set up• Easily test multiple versions of PHP• Hosted on Travis Servers

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Jenkins CI• Easy To Install• Easy Configuration• Multiple Languages• Probably Overkill for PHP• Hosted on your servers

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TeamCity• Easy To Install• Easy Configuration• Multiple Languages• Nice middle ground• Hosted on your servers

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Build Config

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Build Steps

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Edit Build Step

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Step Three: Hello Production

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Traditional Deployment

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Better Deployment

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But you still have to…

• Update Dependencies• Run migrations• Update Assets

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Continuous Delivery

Production can be updated anytime

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Continuous Delivery VS

Continuous Deployment

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Continuous Deployment“Deploy my code every time tests pass”

Continuous Delivery“We can deploy whenever we want…but we control when”

Magnus Hedemark:

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Laravel Forge

“A simple way to deploy your laravel applications onto blazing fast servers”

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Forge is Homestead and more in the cloud

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Forge is not a server host

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Forge uses your servers

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Forge uses any* server

*Any Internet accesible Ubuntu 14.04 x64 Server

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Laravel Forge• Unlimited Servers.• Unlimited Sites.• Unlimited Deployments.• Push To Deploy.

Laravel Forge Plus• Share Servers With Teammates.• Unlimited Servers.• Unlimited Sites.• Unlimited Deployments.• Push To Deploy.



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Adding Servers To Forge

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Adding a site to a server

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Adding a ssh key to a server

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Adding scheduled (cron) jobs

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Adding daemons (supervisor)

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Creating server networks

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Server Monitoring

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Update Server Meta Data

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Adding our hello-world site

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Install our Git Repository

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Configure App Deployment

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Continuous Delivery!

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Deployment Log

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Setting Environment Variables

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Queue Workers

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Configure / Install SSL

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Enable Quick Deploy

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Quick Deploy Branch

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Quick Deploy Branch

Continuous Deployment!

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Recipes a bash scripts that can be run on any of your Forge servers.

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Cooking up Recipes

Think of recipes like our in Homestead

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All the things!

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Not All The Things

Some things we were doing in we can do via Forge:

• Queue Workers• Cron Jobs

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Create Recipe

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Run Install Bower Recipe

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Forge Emails You Recipe Report

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HipChat Notifications

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Slack Notifications

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Restarting Services

Edit PHP Configuration

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Delete the server

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Deleting a site

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Zero Downtime Deployments with

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Envoyer10 Projects - $10/month or $100/year

20 Projects - $20/month or $200/year

Envoyer Plus

Unlimited Projects - $50/month or $500/year

Envoyer Premium

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Add a project

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Adding a Server

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Add the SSH key from Envoyer

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Test Connection Status

Envoyer now connected to our Forge Server

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Project Path

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Our first Deployment

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Deployment Recap

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Deploy when code is pushed

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Free Video Series at Laracasts

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Local Development: Use Homestead

Remote Deployment: Use Forge and Envoyer

Automate built tests and configure Continuous Deployment

Practice Continuous Delivery if not Continuous Deployment

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Joe FergusonTwitter: @JoePFergusonEmail: [email protected]: joepferguson

Contact Info: