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Trevor Cochran2/18/15Period 2 goldPg. 226 #1-71. The function for A is for running because it is a tennis shoe. The function for B is to hike because it is a hiking shoe. The function for C is for the beach so you can have a open tone shoe went it is hot witch is flip flops. The function for D is casual school just to where at school.2. Darwin used selective breeding as evidence for evolution because for selective breeding to make and organism has a desired trait it doesnt take as long as natural selection. Therefore this is proof that the animals have evolved over millions of years.3. The work of the geologists support Darwins theories about evolution by taking fossils and comparing them from one another to see how they are familiar. They also have the idea of Pangaea so after Pangaea many organisms had to adapt to new environments.4. Natural selection is the process by which organisms with favorable adaptions survive and reproduce at a higher rate than organisms with less-favorable adaptions.5. The work of Malthus helped Darwins reach his conclusion about natural selection because in Malthus reason states that humans grow faster than there food supply so they die and if these animals die from something they must evolve so they dont die from it.6. One environmental variable that affects the size of the population is not having enough food. Another environmental variable that affects the size of the population is diseases. The last environmental variable that affects the size of the population is predators.7. I would expect that most of the beetles would become yellow over time because most of yellow would survive and that would be the favorable trait because all the flowers are yellow. The process that would cause this to happen would be natural selection or evolution.