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The master level priest (later temple knight) of Team Triple Threat, Boromir is frequently the comic relief, and most likely the weakest member of his team. Unlike Roto, he enjoys the attention of girls his age, and is constantly frustrated as they all flock around his apathetic friend- he fancies himself a ladies' man, but he's really just a big pervert. He upskirts various female NPCs as an in-game hobby, and his reputation in the game as a result is dismal. As Triple Threat's only healer, his role is very important- but then again, he's not the best healer around, since his first instinct in a fight is to run for the exit. But despite this he is very skilled, even giving Aradon a hard time. He is very cowardly, mostly having his friends fight on the front lines. He has openly said he uses them as meat shields. But he has great care for his friends, if one of them is killed off, he goes in a rage, and is willing to do a suicide attack to get revenge. He prefers to fight with maces, but has been seen dual-wielding ogre scimitars, or using the Priest-class master item, Mjollnir (a lightning-based hammer with awesome power). In Lost Saga, a Priest is similar to a White Mage.Boromid also frequently breaks the fourth wall. He seems to be aware that he is a character in a manhwa, and often complains about poor exposure and lack of splash pages.Outside the US, Boromid is named "Boromir".