Download - Youth as a Nation Builder







Rev Dr. Ayuk, E.S


The book is dedicated to God Almighty and all the Youths in Nigeria.


Firstly, I acknowledge the Almighty God for giving me excellent wisdom, Knowledge and understanding, above all the divine direction to package this book.

Secondly, I will appreciate my dear wife Mrs. Pastor Magdalene Sunny Ayuk for her love and continuous support for this book.

I thank the National Chairman of the People Democratic Party Alhaji Dr Bamanga Tukur,(con) Mr. Yakubu Shedam The youth president of Nigeria for his able support and a National Youth Leader of the Peoples Democratic Party,Hon. Abdullahi Hussaini Maibasira. Also my beloved friends and brothers Barr. Ojong Nicholas Agbor and Barr. Clement Manyo Oru Assam.

Let me use this opportunity to thank Mr & Mrs Owonifuja Fatai O. for their immense contribution toward this project. I acknowledge Dr. Lanre Adebayo, the Director General of the People Democratic Institute for making this dream a reality. I thank Hon. Victor Abang, SA to the Senate President for his moral and financial support toward the packaging of this book.


Although Youths in Nigeria have suffered non-representation of what was known, thought-of, or experienced before and at the instance of good governance. It is quite embarrassing to know far more that youths only have been managed as instruments of violent and destruction.

This book Youths as Nation Builders in Nigeria provides contemporary, simple and memorable guide to the leadership positions of our generation. It is therefore a definite landmark, commendable contribution to scholarship and a bold attempt to solve crude political mastership problem commonly referred to as Political Fathers. The book is seasoned like a dish with the requirements of the day.

Youths as Nation Builders are to make use of the government promises of youth participation in development, policy formulation and implementation. The book provides youths the opportunity to examine strategy for implementing the policy agenda on youth participation in governance. Stakeholders in government at National, State and Local Levels should be aware of the socio-economic consequencies of week youths participation in governance as its been manifested in social vices, youths poverty, insecurity, unemployment and underdevelopment. At the moment the National is faced with high level security challenges, this can explain how and why we should design the institutional frame work that will reframe the mindset of the youths from restiveness and digression. What tools, principles and methods work best for a comprehensive design of action system which contextualizes and under pin youths in the overall development planning system of all governments and institutions in Nigeria as a positive step toward greater development performance, poverty reduction, reduction in crime and violence and the delivery of the Millennium Development Goals, vision 20:20:20: in the contexts of the transformation agenda of Mr. President .

The book shall provide in practical terms the performances of responsible youths in Government. Taking cognizance of all the sceneriors in the youths system and sub system, pro youths policy formulation, maintenance and intagration, and effective ways of operating and checking for adherence to good moral conducts, standards, concepts and practice as well as stabilization of the change occasion by youths imbibing excellent moral values. The book also demand for instrument for stabilization of specified goals and solutions an well as tools for monitoring and evaluating youths progress in governance. Only the morally upright youths, should play strategic role in Nation building, our governments should build functional, organizational and institutional capacities to ensure youths engagement in National Development as contained in the transformation agenda. This book is a sensitization that strengthen demand for more practical actions that metamorphoses from a world of hopelessness, crime and violence to a new world of hope, orderliness,peace and perfect transquility in the development policy design, and implementation at all levels. The book provide a road map on how the youths should conduct themselves for a comprehensive youths participation, perspective participation and functional engagement in National development planning and governance.

Daniel Webster in one of his books quoted if we work on marble it will perish. If we work upon brass, time will efface it. If we build temples, they will crumble to dust. But if we work upon mens immortal minds, if we imbue them with high principles, with the fear of God, and love of fellow man, we engrave on those tablets, something which no time can efface, and which will remain memorable in the history of man kind.

The youths in the society began to deviate from God moral conducts based on the thuggery orientation given them by corrupt and selfish masters. Their masters rather than telling them truth about life, deceived them and threw them into a world of falsehood and so a Godly and up right orientation must given and a solid foundation must be laid to exhume the youths from a world of hopelessness, crime and violence to a new world of hope, orderliness, peace and transquility in the development policy design and implementation at all levels. This book provides a roadmap for how youth should conduct themselves for a comprehensive youths participation, perspective participation and functional engagement in National Development planning and governance. The youths had suffered in the past, like sheep without shepherd. They lacked orientation on how best to develop the potentials in them. The isolation from leadership, in the past traumatized their development as youths, this can easily be seen through the way youths roams the streets and villages in the society, with their youthful potentials in thorough subversion, the negligence of the youths derailed their future development as well as compounded their woes of hopelessness and despair. They resorted to become objects of armed robbery, ritual killings, examination malpractice, thuggery, hooligans and miscreants in the society. The woes of the Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Kidnappers, and Militants etc. youths in the past are attributed to lack of education, direction and orientation. These are due to the negligence of the past leaders towards youths development.

The good life of the youths supposes to be an embodiment of excellent aspirations, Future Leaders and force of integration and unification in the society. But through negligence by the past leaders to develop the potentials in the youths, many of them became contumacious rather than integrative elements in the unification of our society. This depreciated our societal values, forcing many to constitute nuisance to the society today. The book is written in order to restore, unite, re-energize and re-vitalize the mental consciousness of youths, which had been infiltrated with high moral decadence. It teaches the youths how to curb their aggravated social vices, and creates direction and guidance on how to make meaningful impact in the administration of the society where they belong. The past leaders imbedded a hopeless future in the youths as well as the un-exploration of unique potentials in them. This forced the youths to be unguided in their moral principles of life, whereby they live as if tomorrow does not exist. Their ways of living indicates a tragedy of doom creating a gloomy atmosphere and betrayal by those they entrusted their future in their hands. This book is put together to re-orientate the youths, on how best to attain relevance in the society, and how to eschew violence. The book infuses youths with knowledge, which inspires direction, and enthusiasm towards self-development.

Youths as Nation Builders is a book which in great measures creates awareness, on the roles of youths to stabilize their positions in the society and how best to protect democracy and its dividends. It also implores youths in leadership to erect structures, which will develop the youths in the future. Furthermore, it calls on the leaders to refocus on more solid values of developing the potentials in youths, which will sustain them in future, rather than dissipating energy and resources on some current populist selfish agitations that are always retrogressive and stands as an impediment to the progress of the nation. The book implores the leaders to create foundation for legacies, which youths will build on for their future benefit.

Our founding fathers and Mothers of this Country who came from very humble backgrounds, amiable and impeccable, were able to co-ordinate their reasoning faculties to live sacrificial lives contributed all their might to ensure that Nigeria as a Nation remain one united Nation and to ensure that Nigeria as Nation must be freed from British imperialistic tendencies that in capacitated our united existence and created us into regional blocks like Northern Nigeria, Western Nigeria and Eastern Nigeria. Imperialism totally destroyed our loved cultural and traditional beliefs and practices.

They began the demolition of our well adhered moral conducts giving way to alien practices. Our founding Fathers and Mothers came together irrespective of tribe, religion, language, culture or tradition to put British imperialism to an end with the attainment of independence in 1960. The encouraged inter-tribal marriages and sang the song of peace, love and unity in their different regions. They introduce civic education into our schools curriculum to teach moral conducts that will enable our youths build a better Nigeria. They were not corrupt, not sectional, not greedy, and not over ambitious but respected everyone and lived accountable and transparent lives.

The advent of the Military in Nigeria bastardized the morally laid foundation; first civic education was removed from curriculum and was replaced with social studies, then began the moral decadence in our society as moral education was no longer taught in schools. The situation became worsened with the coming of corrupt civilian regimes that empowered youths with arms and ammunitions for their selfish interest and later abandoned them. These youths became nuisance to the society, forming themselves into criminal gangs like the Militants in the South-South,Boko Haram in the North, kidnappers in the South-East, Robbers and ritualists in the West.

Our founding fathers and mothers of this country were with famous achievement. They lived noble life worthy of emulation by the citizen of the Country. The following were heroes and heroine before and independence, Bayajidda, Oduduwa, Usmandan,Fadio, king Jaja of Oprbo, Queen Amina, Mohammed El-kanemi, Nwanyereuwa and Fumilayo Kuti. Then came Nigeria independent heroes like Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Sir Abubarkar Tafawa Balewa, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Herbert Macauley and Sir Ahmadu Bello.

These founding fathers and mothers ensured good welfare packages for their subjects, they promoted the existence of peace and unity in their areas of control and authority. They maintained law and order, they could easily step down for others. They promoted and protected the interest of their subjects. They organised their subjects so well that the goals of their societies were achieved.

Our politicians today rather than following the foundation of our founding Fathers and Mothers resorted to promoting states of origin syndrome, tribe, crime, violence, thuggery and all kinds of vices that have rendered many youths useless, that if not by the help of God would have turn the Nation apart. However, Nigeria is blessed with all manner of potentials that can still stand out to portray the qualities of good leadership as taught by our founding fathers and Mothers. We have youth leaders today who shun bribery and corruption, who break religious and tribals barriers, promote inter-tribal marriages, friendships, and believe in hand work, honesty, and accountability and transparency. They have love for the Nation and respect for fellow Nigerians.

The likes of Mr.Ekpenyong Ita Director General, State Security Service, added modest achievements to the service by giving a good fight against Terrorism and insurgents. According to the Guardian Newspaper of 16th September 2013, the State Security Services graduated 385 Cadets, the Kano award of N14.2billion IPP contract boasted the efficiency of the service. The service under the able leadership of Mr. Ekpenyong Ita was able to create a formal platform for undertaking consultations that brought about the most recorded achievements. With the promotion of education and the continous training and retraining of staff, it has equipped the service against crime, violence and terrorism. The State Security Service in no small measure has been able to curtail the activities of looplums, Boko Haram, Armed Robbers, Kidnappers, Ritualists, Millitancy, Child Trafficking and Prostitutions, to mention but a few. The State Security Service in Delta state has a new detention facility meant to enhance its operations. The modern complex, designed for high profile suspect was built and handed over to the security outfit by Niger Delta Development Commission

The Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, Popularly referred to as Revenue House, Mrs. Ifueko Omoigui Okauru, is efficiently and effectively gathering revenue for the Nation, for appropriate and adequate planning for the teaming youths population, and for President Goodluck Jonathan Transformation Agenda to be successfully implemented. The Federal Inland Revenue Service, under the Leadership of her Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Ifueko Omoigui Okauru, is part of its ongoing reforms. Seek to maintain successful track record of consistent Personal achievement for atleast 16 years, of which a minimum of eight years.

The Mid-term Report of the Transformation Agenda, according to National Bureau of 29th May, 2013, the Federal Inland Revenue Service has contributed immensely to Community Service, Women and Youths Employment Scheme. The revenue accruing into the National Purse, from the Revenue House is been accountably and honestly used by the Federal Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, for the provision of houses for the low income earners and infrastructures for the development of towns and cities.

Abubakar Dahiru Mohammed, Inspector General of Police, inline with Mr President Transformation agenda since his assumption of office has been working tirelessly in the last two years. He has been uo to the task in tackling one major problem confronting President Goodluck Jonathan administration which is Insecurity. The Nigeria Police Force under the leadership of Inspector general has decisively dealt with Boko Haram in the North, Piracy on the Nigerian water ways, Kidnapping, Pipeline Vandalism, Armed Robbers and a host of other security challenges across the country. Abubakar Mohammed came at the time of high insecurity in Nigeria. He is a tough and radical officer, who has actually given criminals and terrorist tough time. He is providing a model leadership to the force, and has been able to check the increasing criminality. He ordered the removal of police checkpoints across the Nation. The policy of zero tolerance to corruption has since lead to the dismissal of some officers. His eagle eyes are on to purge the force of corrupt element. Through him, the bulk of the corruption perpetrated by the police at the various road blocks, and police stations have been reduced to the minimum through various reforms executed. According to Frank Mba, the Police Public Relation Officer, that the police under the present Inspector General are a discipline force that regularly evaluate the conduct of its officers in order to ensure orderly policing. The Inspector Generally has been working very hard to redeem the image of the force and transform it to a new police, so as to restore public confident in the force. He makes sure that the policy is in the investigation base. Plans have been concluded to expose officers and men of the force to intelligence and detective training programs to do away with the crude and reactionary fight against crime. Abubakar Mohammed decided to boost the moral of officers of the force by proposing fifty thousand naira minimum wage to a constable and has put in place other welfare packages for the hardworking officers. President Jonathan in the last two years has increased budgetary allocation to the force and this has enabled the force under the present Inspector General to acquire sophisticated weapon and equipment to fight crime, to sustain the transformation agenda of Mr. President. Today Police officers are been given award for their gallant and responsible performance across the nation and at the peace keeping operations across the globe. The case in point is that the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Area E, Festac town Lagos Damien Okoro who was able to Shun Fifteen Million Naira bribe to do his work without fear or favour . He was conferred with meritorious award and certificate of bravery by President Goodluck Jonathan on the gruesome murder of Cynthia Osokogu, a post graduate student, murdered by her facebook friends in Lagos.

Mr. Donald Duke, former Governor of Cross River State, Senator Lyel Imoke, the present Governor of Cross River State, Dr. Emmanuel Oduaghan, Governor of Delta State, Nuhu-Ribadu of EFCC, Nassir El-Rufai of FCT, Dr. Dora Akunyili of NAFDAC, Godswill Akpabio Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Barr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN) Governor of Lagos State have shown that with good knowledge about Nation building that brought turn-around on the development of the society. In the past, we had seen that youths were unfairly maligned, in the leadership of our society, so in view of the present situation, it is a privilege to put together this book to educate youths on how to sustain their relevance in the society and how best to protect their leaders from detractors. Youths can redeem their incarcerated potentials, when they coat themselves with good moral conducts; it is the only way to arrest hopelessness, idleness and vandalistic behaviors in their lives. With the book youths as Nation Builders the youths can discover wisdom and dynamism in their lives, which will propagate better conducts in the society.



Youths in the society have dreams and aspiration. This is vital because it provides, ample opportunity to make decisions, which can take one to his aspiration or in making the choice of a leader who will take him to his dreams. Youths aspire to live in unity, diversity, and to dwell among people who are peace oriented but when these aspirations are daunted by self-seeking leaders in the society, they always turn to harbinger of despair, making accomplishment unattainable.

The emergence of youths in leadership today is attested to the fact that youths are learning from the past history. Our past leaders have deceived us greatly with their old fashioned pattern of leadership, making us to live on empty promises and falsehood. While their pockets are growing every day to our detriment. Today where is Structural Adjustment Programmed? Where is operation house for all Nigerians by 2010? Where is Operation Feed the Nation?, and where is Poverty Alleviation Programmed? Look at the state of roads, schools, hospitals and electricity, even petroleum and water board are all-malfunctioning. Where is the hope of the youths under their leadership? The self-imposed political elites then, misled us and severely devastated our aspirations. They were busy building sky scrappers and private schools, without any attention to our public schools.

How long can we be driven by blind emotion? Must we continue to live a subordinate life to elites who never see any thing good in our future well-beings? As youth who have the abilities and the capacities to stop wrong leaders from ascending the thrown, It is most appropriate we stand our ground, to protect those who are already there, instead of making our selves available tools for mischief makers, who are only out to pull down our youth leaders in government whom we have found to be credible. Let us in one accord unite together to keep them there and get more youths to join them. We must encourage our present youth leaders to exterminate all unwholesome structures of our past leaders.

The crises in many States of the Federation are reflections of youths shattered aspirations. Our leaders in the past found joy in keeping us idle in order to use us to assassinate, victimize and disorganize those considered as political enemies. They refused to create jobs, because they will no longer lure us to perpetrate their evil, when we all have veritable means of lively-hood.

How long will the youths continue to be available as weapon of destruction? The complexity and perplexity of the situation in the Nation have made youths in a society to reach an alarming proportion of violence that requires a vivid answer to this question. Can Nigeria produce excellent Nation builders?

The youths as Nation Builders are a blessing to this generation. A society that has no youth as a leader should know that their future is not guaranteed. In other words, youth leaders should know the aspirations of the youths in the society.

The youths are in need of societies with good societal values, society with good plans for their youths sustenance and realization of their dreams. The duties of our leaders are to create jobs and improve the standard of living for the common man. Inspired leaders who can maintain high level of justice and fairness to the citizens, leader who will repair roads, upgrade the hospitals and school and leaders who are so visionary about a better tomorrow.

As youths are aspiring for more leadership positions, there are things the youth in general will not want from their leaders.

(1) We dont want leaders who will use our resources only to flex muscle with their political rivals.

(2) We dont need leaders who are poised to destroy our tomorrow again.

(3) We dont want leaders who are money and war mongers, because they lack visions to implement structures for youths development.

(4) We dont want leaders who are drug patrons

(5) We dont want leaders who are in sensitive to our cries

(6) We dont want leaders who always apply divide and rule principles.

(7) We dont want leaders who smile in the face of blood shed.

The emergence of youth leadership is a sort of relief for the whole youths in the society. It has proved that youths have overcome unbearably, Intolerable and melancholy state which the past leaders placed on them. So we need to maximize our support for those in leadership in order to excel in our aspiration. A look at the political and religious crisis in the past in some parts of the country you will understand that it was youths that killed themselves. The cause of this was the past leaders insensitivity to some sensitive issues and their inability to manage the youths. One thing youths should know is that, for us to kill ourselves in political and religious crisis is tantamount to gross misinformation and wickedness that resulted to marginalization, unemployment and lack of education. Now that we have hope of a better future, we must learn how to have high regard and value for our dear lives. We must note that those who incite us against one another never partake in such violence. For decades, youths had been subjugated to failures and rivalry, accusation and blackmail, using one to maim another in the name of politics and religion. Now is time to face realities, realities in a way that, those that incites us to crises are afraid to die in crises. Under normal circumstance, which youth in his right mentality will accept to die for a million naira? We should relent from making ourselves available for those mischievous men in our society. The truth is that any one who incites youths to violence is mischievous in his intention and he is poised to put the progress of our youths to stagnancy. For our aspiration to materialize, every youth in the society now must raise valid objection to the instigation of our dangerous political elites. It is significant to stand in opposition to their schemes to create havoc. The progress of this society is not for adult, but for youths, because we are the propelling machine of every society.

The foundation of progress we destroy today will affect us tomorrow. The domination of our past leader will continue to exacerbate if we fail to put up strong resistance to their inducement.

In the history of mankind, no good father who meant well for his children will allow his children to die in violence; no good father will sit down comfortably seeing his sons and daughters roaming the street in idleness. How can a loving father be comfortable with his daughters becoming commercial sex workers and sons bathing in streams of blood during crises? Youths indulgence in drug, child trafficking, abuse of any kind and other criminal activities that are inimical to our welfare is as result of negligence by our leaders. Our lives in the past were endangered with their manipulation of our mentalities, but today, we are out of the wood, because we have our own youths in leadership. With this in mind, we must try to reject the antiquated policies of the past leaders on us, and then embrace our youthful leaders who will design structures to take us to our aspirations.

As youths are living in expectation for better future, we must do everything possible to dissuade our political fathers to stand aside and watch youths with vision to create a turn around in the leadership of the society. Now that youths with good moral background are in leadership in Nigeria, it will be a collective responsibility of youths to up-hold themselves with good support towards their leadership, considering the level of crime in the society. We need to ask another question, must we kill our fellow man before we become prominent in the society? The answer is No. Crime of any sort must be denounced; to embrace our peaceful living that has been known for community love and hospitality.



Who is a genius? A genius must have a vision, must add values, must be a leadership culture and must be focus. A genius must be a servant to his followers must be industrious, should be polite while discussing with his followers. He must be accessible to his followers; He must not be far from his followers. He must be a well disciplined person, must be impartial as to be fair to all his followers. He must be able to communicate freely and easily to the larger society. He must be tolerant because his followers are made of different characters and attitudes. He must not too rigid in handling issues affecting his subjects. He must be intelligent, brave and dynamic enough to face any situation. He must have interest in the problems of his subjects. He must be honest, transparent and a good follower.

To acquire a true genius one need to learn from the past. Despite our ingenuity and great learning, we are still entangled to leadership failures because we lacked knowledge in making the choice of our genius. Bitter experience of violence and brutality still linger in our memories simply because, we have sold our birth rights. One thing to note, Is that the history of the past is in a better position to dictate leaders with stupendous knowledge about leadership. The likes of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, chief Obafemi Awolowo, and Alahaji Tafawa Balewa, were leaders who laid foundation for better society. But unscrupulous self-seeking politicians emerged and destroyed the foundation.

They are leaders who only sublime us below conscious level, leaders who suborn us to failures and lawlessness, leaders who cannot substantiate their emergence in leadership with clear evidence, bastardized the structures of leadership build by our founding fathers, leaders who are busy stunting our progressive processes, are these people our true genius Samuel Taylor Coleridge in one of his books wrote, if men could learn from history, what lesson it might teach us`. But passion and party politics blind our eyes, and the light which we experience gives us the rays which shine behind us. When history is created in leadership and success, it is appropriate to meditate on its general effect to the society, when such history will be easily forgotten, it has adverse effect on the aspirations of any peaceful community. In our society today, we have not learned from the past. Since the coup of Aguiyi Ironsi in 1966 till date, it has been a history of one failed leader to another, must we continue in this way?

As a responsible son or daughter who is less privileged, my utmost task is to pray for my country, state and locality in every election year. Right from the days of old, I have been a crusader of total eradication of the oppressive tendencies of the leadership of old, against the youth mandates of tomorrow. My dreams and aspirations are to see a genuine intellectual and a more determined troop of capable youths, with foresight pedaling the boot of governance of our dear Nation. A genius who is logical in his approach to strategize on fundamental issues, a genius who is rational and evenly distributing the dividends of democracy, or a genius who is conscious in assessing the level of performance. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo came close to be the genius, but was cut short in actualizing his performance. The yeaning of the people of Nigerian grew stronger after Alhaji Tafawa Balewa administration collapsed.

It is not surprising that Nigeria, particularly Northern Nigeria remain under developed, since the insurgence of Islamist commanders in the north, combatant militant in the south south, kidnappers in the south-east, and ritualist in the south-west and many other pockets of bloody groups. Many governors tested leadership and left without significant impact in their states, all they left behind are disappointment, failures and frustration marks on the citizenry. In 1999 Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria came to Power; there was the insinuation that he might be the true genius. His emergence brought relieve to the people of Nigeria. With quality manifestoes, the people looked unto him, to implement reforms which can change the lives of the common men in the Nation. As a peaceful man, Chief Obasanjo was able to contain the atmosphere, which stirred up violence and disorderliness in many state. Is peaceful resolution to some controversial issues in the country made the Nation true heartland of the West African Region. In Chief Obasanjos era, Nigeria was not only the most peaceful Nation in African but the most habitable Nation of the Federation of Nations in the world. Chief Obasanjo used the resources of the Nation for all. But what are the legacies for the Nation to build on which his leadership left behind? Take a look at education, health, power, culture, road, aviation sector, sporting facilities e.t.c was he able to fit into your dream of a genius in leadership? Nigeria is in dire need of a genius as a leader, the political environment of the society had been traumatized, that without a genius with unique potentials, the society will continue to reel on the influence of the corrupt elites. At the search of a genius, we must be conscious of the fact that many politicians are jostling for the number one post, many of this leaders nurtured the believe that their aspiration are what the Nation need to excel, while many believe that with their financial Buoyancy, they can plant themselves as genius in our leadership even to the detriment of the people, Nigerians must be careful in collaborating with leaders with selfish desires.

To be a genius in leadership or in business you must posses good and practical idealism, the desire to correct the ills meted to the masses by past leaders, and the desire to liberate the Nation from the continuous grip of self-centered individuals. We shouldnt first be thinking of our self-satisfaction or personal enrichment; rather, our utmost priority should be centered on satisfying, the needs and yearnings of our people, so that we could make ourselves most acceptable in the society. At the end, we need to ask ourselves this question, how many leaders had grown to the next level of leadership from their various Local Council Areas, States, and the Nation at large? You can never be genius when you are self centered, power monger, and when you dont have any positive agenda towards the upliftment of the people. Politicians who fall in this category can only go miles, always deceiving the people in believing that they are God sent. They are oblivious to the fact that, they have nothing to offer the masses, rather than pride, arrogant, pains and despair, which have been unconsciously imposed on the lives of innocent citizens. A genius is a genius, and can only be born not made.

While dreaming about genius, you must not allow your conscience to be dampened from its rightful position. Throughout history we have despotic and dictatorial leaders crowned with barbaric tendencies against the youths due to their selfish ambitions. These leaders mesmerized their followers financially to fan the flames of their emotion in order to commit unspeakable atrocities, ranging from political assassination to maiming innocent lives and properties. The principles of freedom and justice, security of lives and property can be greatly affected and endangered when their dream of a genius is tampered with. In some states, politicians who lacked grass root culture went to churches and mosques to liaise with leaders to legitimize their claims as God sent. Even traditional rulers were lured into political maneuvering in all this, the attributes of a genius cannot manifest, because the potentials are not in-built. Like in many states where maneuvering and blackmail are the orders of the day, people go willingly and happily fighting for politicians who are not genius.

A man, who believes in his dreams, cannot fight for it to manifest physically. People who fight to actualize their dreams are those whose values and believes are molded by the false philosophies of the day. While some believe that their politicians are superior to others, and thus deserve to be dominant. Thanks to almighty God for the lives of Nigerian Citizens, what a peculiar people? Where unity in diversity reigns, religious tolerances are guided by the principles of peace. The youths in some states never believe that fight is inevitable part of the natural scheme of things, or some kind of biological necessity. Though Social Darwinism fostered the ideas for example, that fight is a legitimate means of eradicating those species not worthy to survive. People in many states of the federation dances foolishly to the drums of political crises, they forgot to think of the millions of people, who had died in the hands of unscrupulous politicians.

Today in Nigeria, people unanimously agreed that Shame will follow the man who will lure them against their leaders. The mixture of religion, tradition and politics by those selfish politicians cannot induce a single Nigerian to condemn their leaders. Many politicians had already seen their aspirations to leadership as unattainable, they now fashioned instruments or weapons for destruction, and find their ways into the lives of some barbarians in the streets in order to use them to cause violence and destruction on the masses. Nigeria should be a hospitable and peaceful oriented people, and should not in any way dance to the drums of mischief-makers.

The youths in Nigeria should not indulge in crises that will make the Nation ungovernable and inhabitable, because this will paralyzed economic activities and moves the Nation backward. It requires patience, zealousness, commitment and dedication to make it real; so all hands must be on deck to achieve this goal. We must not allow any one to stunt or truncate the developmental policies of this administration led by His Excellency Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, President and Commander-in-chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. We need mass support of all youths and elders of the Nation for effective transformation agenda of the Nation, in the shortest period of time. For many years the progress of the Nation had been stagnated, but today like the biblical Jews in the wilderness, Nigeria has finally settled in the promise land with President Goodluck Jonathan as the Moses of our generation, what a relief?

With the avalanche of beauties in the new face of the Nation we can be bold enough to accept our inheritance. Now that those who struggled in vain to disrupt Gods ordained leadership had failed, it is pertinent for youths to rally round the present leadership and give overwhelming support for it to excel. Youths had suffered empty promises, vain and false manifestoes. History is made today with emergence of a good visionary leader. He is a youth, full of wisdom, ideas, has the technical capability for infrastructural development and above all has the fear of God. What a genius in time like this, time has gone for empty promises and diversion of funds meant for hospitals, roads, schools and other public utilities to few individuals account. President Goodluck Jonathan meant well for the Nation and should be given the support to forge ahead. The way his Federal Executive Council was constituted, it is glaring that this present leadership will touch the lives of every community and clan in Nigeria, given the desired peace and perfect tranquility. Unlike the administration, where few individuals held the Federation at its jugulars, looting us to stupor. Today the story of Nigeria has changed, we have found our dream builder and a genius in His Excellency President Goodluck Jonathan, and therefore many of us had disagreed with Hogel philosophy on life, because we have learnt from history. Today, we have the premonition that our president will take us to our aspirations, there is indication that he has come to serve and to serve well. We deserve something far more dependable than fallible human philosophies of the past leaders. We must avoid the tragic mistakes of our past leaders and the crises which rocked the administration of some Nations. Let us begin now to think of what will guide us as united entity in order to attain our aspirations.

We dont have to allow ourselves to be sucked in conflicts, by people who are desperate to destroy our destiny. The paramount factor which can guide our aspirations to its actualization is to live by example not by emotion, we have casted our votes for President Goodluck Jonathan to lead us, so let us protect his leadership from sniffers who will always do anything possible to frustrate his good programmes for the Nation. To God be the glory for the emergence of this genius. In his transformation agenda, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan dwell extensively on his transformation agenda by establishing good governance, building institutions and consolidating democracy, looking at Nigeria as a divine project. Within his few years as President; he has been able to breath life into the Nigerian Human Commission by bringing it out from the shadows of military legacies. He enforced the right to free and fair elections and promotion of democratic society. He practicalises freedom of the press and expression, more importantly he ensures there should be effective remedies for human right violation.

President Goodluck Ebele Jonethan demonstrated a high level of ingenuity by promoting the independence and effectiveness of the legislature by institutionalizing independence of the legislature/Executive, the President neither interferes in the selection of the Presiding Officer of the National Assembly, nor temper with the legislative oversight of executive projects. There has been excellent collaboration between the legislature and the executive in fiscal responsibility through the MTEF.

President Jonathan did not face the issue of corruption lightly. He has been dealing with the dragon decisively and with the developing challenges, ensuring fair hearing as the eases roles in.

President transformation Agenda met with stiff opposition from the insurgent (BOKO HARAM) in the northern part of Nigeria. He is able to adopt new approaches to fight insecurity by protecting the state against terrorism and insurgency. The Judiciary was not left out, as their independence and the integrity of the administration of justice in Nigeria, with the National Judicial Commission liaising between the Judiciary and Government.

President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan demonstrated a very high level of pragmatism and charismatic ingenuity in economic and social performance in the following areas:- global developments, domestic developments, job creation, fiscal developments, monetary sector developments, financial sector developments, capital market developments, and external sector developments.

There are basic key reforms and outcomes in the financial sector, fiscal policy, power sector, Petroleum sector, ports, aviation, public sector, data generating process, agriculture, education, health, economic co-ordination, infrastructure developments and foreign polices.

The Government of President Jonathan has a very high score card in governments and cultures; the National Identity Management System has been put in place to ensure the true nationality of Nigeria. His Government is a Government of accountability in the public service and the use of public funds. In Foreign Relations and Economics Diplomacy, the President is putting Nigeria in the right perspective in ECOWAS, African Union and the United Nations, and other bodies, particularly now that our Nation has been chosen be a member o the Security Council of the United Nations, this is a big plus for the President.

The President in his transformation agenda thought it wise that for economic to be sustain, the productive sector must be look into holistically in the areas of oil and gas, agriculture, trade and commerce, manufacturing, solid mineral and metals, water resources, culture, tourism and entertainment, science, technology and innovation.

The provision of quality and affordable infrastructure is the cardinal objective of his transformation agenda. A number of power generating stations have been commissioned by the President to boost the light sector. In the area of transportation, rail transport has been resuscitated, after seventeen years of deadness. The sea and inland water ways, roads and aviation, are all perfectly functioning with massive innovations going on in these areas. Housing and urban development, information and communication technology have received a boost and a pad from the President.

The Private Sector in not left out as it is fully receiving support for the President Transformation Agenda, and the outcomes of these supports are glaringly seen and felt by all, this in because of his driven zeal to transform the Nation.



What should the government and business tycoons do to brighten the future of Nigerian youths to reduce youth poverty and inequality, stop insurgency and violence, kidnapping, armed robbery, ritualism and human trafficking so as to build National social consensus, empowered local economic machinery and fast track national transformation agenda by providing a conceptual youths skills for socio-economic analysis of youth engagement approaches, towards enhancing prospects of youth projects and programmes design for excellent management and delivery. The government should be able to put in place strategic planning skills and techniques, create enabling environment, that oversees communication system, that will promotes advocacy and youth management knowledge, management processes and competencies.

Our hope of a better tomorrow and higher participation of youths in governance can go along way by the government allowing the establishment of youth clubs in schools where young people or peer groups can meet each other and take part in various activities that promotes good moral up bringing in an atmosphere of genuine cultural and moral enthusiasm that will further breeds competition, hardwork, honesty and accountability.

The government should be able to organize regular leadership training for youths across the nation by establishing youths centers where youths meets to receive leadership training in all areas of life and to share ideas that promotes peaceful co-existence among the youths, these centers should have youths hostels that provides cheap and simple accommodation and meals. From these centers, talents can be discovered that will be used for the economic and political growth of the nation.

Looking at the case of urban distractions, the rural impoverishment and their gross consequences on youths development, one may wonder, of what foundation can youths attain their prospects in life. Actually youths have long been isolated in this society, where decisions of personal gains took precedent rather than the collective interest of the masses and this forced the past leaders to lay foundation, which affected the development of youths. They deliberately conditioned the youths in vicious circle of imperialistic tendencies for decades because; they lacked visions of laying good legacies. The precarious situation, which youth found themselves, have made them to remain under-developed, because there was no legacy to build on. Our past leaders only implemented reforms which wrestled with the welfare of the society. While we are busy reducing our trousers and skirts everyday, they were busy buying new ones, because they easily outgrown the ones they had.

Since the inception of democracy there has not been any that had raised the hope of the citizenry than this present youths leadership. The foundation of our hope has now been laid. Today our destiny has been positioned for us to drive into a blissful future.

Today, our hope for tomorrow is to start planning for a better future. With good conducts, the youths in leadership will provide intellectual leadership expected in the new millennium. To achieve this legacy of hope, the youths in leadership should avoid exhibition of gross indiscretion and never should they mix up selfishness with leadership. They should know that they are not of the class of yesterday again, their actions and inactions have grave implication, for the polity and integrity of the youths in the society. They should not act like past leaders, who failed to take into cognizance the salient fact, that they have youths at hands to develop. As leaders, you need to arm yourselves with immense moral background to sustain your character. This will help you withstand external influence, which suborned past leaders to failures. With articulated moral background, you can build in yourselves, visionary policies that can sustain youths in future

It is not an exaggeration to say time is life; with a Nation like Nigeria that has celebrated her 52 years of independence to ensure that almost everything in life is somehow configured to time. The life of every youth is structured to last for a specified time, according to Gods reason, purpose and plan. Where the Nation is today in view of youths development, it gives a strong indication of what we have done to the development of our youths. The level of socio-economic, political and religious consciousness we give our youths today to a large extend determines where the Nation will be in life tomorrow.

Apart from governance, the youths should be able to be taught to have business mindset, no longer a matter of choice but the compelling necessity of life, these days, that white colar jobs have become a nightmare following the teaming unemployed graduate roaming the street of the Nation. We must strive to derive maximum values from our youths. This Nation must not waste or misuse our time but must work very hard to cultivate excellent, hardwork and honesty in the attitudinal patterns to our youths to enable us invest our time wisely, prudently and productively. The result will be peace, rest, orderliness and timely achievement of youths goals and visions.

Youths management have become very crucial that government at all levels, corporations, rich individuals, consultants and experts in youths management should be drawn in to shape the youths mind set. We must properly prioritize the critical goals and issues that concerns our youths to enable them achieve success where others might have failed due to poor management of the youths

We have seen men like Chief Julius Ama Orji, the Ochiri Ozuo Eda who as a youth under very harsh economic conditions, unbearable political atmosphere, was able to tailor his mind out from crime and violence but chose the right way of doing things, he was able to rise to a pinnacle of success by sheer dint of hardwork and is vehemently bent on contributing to the Nation and blessing the lives of others through his experiences, his ordeals, his challenges and progress especially helping youths to rise above their limitations and inspire them to greater heights

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity and The Federal Ministry of Youth Development must create new business outfits or ideas that will be beneficial to the Youths and invite top business magnets who should come and share their experiences or introduce their businesses to the youths to emulates, ideas got from this magnets would go a long way helping the would be business youths to stabilize and grow. Without an iota of doubt, our youths will rapidly develop into a unique brand that cannot be ignored in all spheres of life. The National Orientation Agency must intensified effort in rebranding our Youths by coming up with giggles, posters and adverts that will remold the Youths perceptions and aspirations, giving hope to their dreams. The Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation must organized seminars, symposiums, and conferences to re-enact our Culture and Tradition for the Youths to imbibe.

As a youth, you must strive to keep to your moral principles of good conduct, respects, caring and loving one another. Self impose discipline should be your guiding principle that will easily be evaluated by all. When one believes in himself as a leader of an immense quality, he doesnt need external pressure to reform other youths in the society. Now is the time to develop our future. You as leaders have no reason to fail. If we fail whom do we blame? You can only succeed as leaders, when you believe in your ability to create impact in the society. By creating employment opportunities for the youths. Assisting youths in paying WAEC or NECO registrations, pay bursary and scholarship allowances to youth in higher institutions. The impacts must be seen in infrastructural development such as; hospitals, schools, markets, electricity etc, that will touch the lives of the youths and the people in general.

Today leadership has changed hand; our hope must be established in the society, youths took to violence and crimes, when they lacked hope of survival. The negligence of our past leaders forced youths to take arms against their leaders. Look at the cases of Alhaji Asari-Dokubo, of Movement for the Emancipation of Niger-Delta, (MEND) Ganiyu Adams of Oduduwa Peoples Congress (OPC) and Raph Uwazuruike of Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) the Boko Harams, these youths are today fighting because of the negligence of the past leaders to develop the youths in their various regions. Their agitations which were misinterpreted for secession was to see their youths develop today, for better tomorrow. The involvement of youths in the crisis of Niger-delta today is, as a result of no good planning for the development of the youths in the society. Youths are today enrolling in militant groups, and oil pipe lines vandals and thieves, because they are tired of unemployment. The hope and aspirations of the youths were thwarted, due to insensitivity of their past leaders who had no ideas on how to plan for a better future. Today we are in a crime prone society, trying to lay the foundations that are supposed to be laid for decades. What a situation?

There is no doubt that youths in the society need peace and progress. They need quality education and good condition of living. But how can the youths survive under a leadership which is bereft of ideas and moral principles? How can they live in peace, with leaders who have dislodged them of their inheritance of better development? Really one can see that youths suffered restrictions in the past. Restriction from happiness, restriction from peace, unity and progress. They were restricted from good condition of health, good jobs, good market condition, even from the unique potentials, which God deposited in youths. Infact, they are restricted from all the glamorous incentives of life, they are not accessible to their political representatives both State and National Assemblies. While the past leaders are growing younger everyday, the youths are growing older, what an experience? No record of difference between a youth of thirty to fifty years old or an elite of sixty to eighty years. So it has become obvious that, the years youths spent under the leadership of the old school politicians are far shorter than the years they will spent in old age. What a great difference?

There is one thing about life, that nature can never lie, and no matter how they have redesigned the youths, their destiny can never die, though it may be delayed. The destiny of the youths has been restored today. They had found their ways back to leadership and one objective they need to accomplish is to build the society with good foundation about the future. Our hope has been established, and will be embraced with joy to the amazement of those who misled us in the past. Youths should wake up from their slumber, to denounce those things that fashioned their futures in the past. They should denounce the use of arms to achieve their aspirations now that there is room for dialogue in order to design a better future. How long shall youths continue to die in arms struggle? You must drop the arms and encourage the youths in leadership, to create room, for proper planning. Hope should be embraced as the only legacy for better tomorrow, if youths must excel in life.

At the close of the 20th century, statistic showed that about 60% of the Nigerian population is made of youths. A situation in Nigeria that an average day nearly 10,000 youths contacts general diseases through sexual immoralities. Atleast a rape will be committed within a day, why a murder committed within a day. Nearly 2,000 would divorce, 3million watch things not fit for human viewing, 90million can of Beer will be drunk, and some 2,740 youths will get pregnant with over 3,200 abortions. Over 3million smokes cigarettes, Marijuana and even take cocaine. This is a simple sample of a single nation like Nigeria.

The reason for raising up promising youths as our hope of tomorrow in a Godly way by both clerics of the Christian and Muslim religion cannot be over emphasize because when we fail to raise the youth in a Godly manners the consequences are enormous. Many Christian and Muslim parents lament their youthful waywardness despite their efforts to bring them up in a Godly way. These religious involvement and strict monitoring of our youths, our society is daily worsening as our youths continuously involve themselves in crime and violence. Parent must learn to teach true values in our youths. Many parents today are confused as to work true values of life are, hence their inability to inculcate into their children certain values that can help shape their lifes positively. When parent fails, youths will be left for other youths, neighbours, peers, movies and television to teach them whatever seems good. Parent must know that the youths will have today are leaders of tomorrow. Parents must endeavour to meet the basic needs of their children. These involve providing of good shelter, cloths, food, education, moral and spiritual support and availability. Many pastors and Imams and their workers of great commitment suffer a great deal from being victims of wayward youths as a result of not been available to ensure they live the example of what they believe before them, and ensure they lead their youths to personal faith. The question is when have you as a parent called a child and one on-one taken time to preach to him with the hope he or she will come to the knowledge of salvation.

Parent must be firm in correcting their children, both the Holy Bible and the Quran spelt out ways and methods in which children should be discipline in order to help the youths to imbibe certain Godly behavioural patterns that will take them to their mountain tops. Youths as Nation Builders and as our hope of tomorrow must be given parental brought-up that will not end until each youths is gainfully employed, after we have given them basic education, Formal and Informal that can help them to be self-independence.

The youths aspire to have a Nation that profess solution to the problems of National identity. Youth should be encouraged to marry outside their ethnic group. People with different religion should be encouraged to tolerate each other. More unity schools should built by Government and rich individual to encourage youth from different background to come together and interact with each other. Tribalism, ethnicism and quta system should be discouraged. National Youth Service Corps should be intensified to check a problem of National identity as Corpers are posted outside their state. National Cultural and Sport Festivals should be organized in a rotational manner from Zone to Zone. National symbols like National Flag, National Anthem and National Pledge must be practiced and recited by every youth. All these attempts are towards National integration.

In conclusion parents are products of the youths. Genuine Godly upbringing of the youths through true Biblical and Quranic ways of raising Godly youths must be taken very seriously because the mantle of leadership of tomorrow will be passed to them. Government at all levels, corporations, rich individuals, parents and religious bodies, consultants and experts in youth management must put their hands on deck to ensure that our youths truly remain our hope of tomorrow.



There are three factors that evolves in Nation building

Ability to ascend to leadership as youths

Ability to sustain the leadership

The buildings of structures that sustain a Nation.

Youths who struggle their ways to leadership, need every youth in the society, to stabilize and to sustain their positions. The sustenance on the throne cannot be attained without due support of the youths in the society. In this regard, it is mandatory for youths to do everything morally right to support and sustain their youthful leaders, who have good intentions for their growth.

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was successful in his leadership in Nigeria because he was quick to recognize where he came from, he was a product of humility and obedient child to his parents, and so was able to adhere strictly on the custom and tradition of his parent. He respects morality and upheld honour and glory for his dear Nation. He never deviated from the laid down tenets, no wonder he has lived a very visionary, discipline and gallant life his watchwords are accountability, honesty, transparency and hardwork, and therefore he received an over whelming support of the youths in the Nation. At the end of his leadership, there were legacies on which youths in Nigeria today are developing their future. In the Federal Republic of Nigeria today, eighty five percent of the leaders in the society are youths. Today its the sole responsibility of youths to rally round their leaders, in order to sustain them to deliver the dividends of democracy.

When youths in the society pledges their poor leadership uncompromising support and loyalty for their leaders, those who extenuates their poor leadership qualities before now, will be kept away from disrupting the good intention of our youthful leaders. Our roles as youths in the society are to peacefully secure this leadership for the future. We must learn to keep from those overbearing, insatiable, selfish politicians, who never think of any think good for the youths. God designed our liberation from the mental slavery of our old school politicians, so we can never groan in pains and anguish again, if we do not allow ourselves to be used by politicians, who do not have the welfare of the youths at heart

The building of structures that sustain a Nation brings to bear Chief. Raymond Kayode Aworinde who is doing business, touching lives. He is a successful businessman and the Chief Executive Officer, Aworinde Investment Limited, Whose Businesses ranges from Hotels, Night Clubs, Agriculture, Import and Export, Transportation, Haulage, Real Estate and General Contractor in Nigeria. He is the Agbaakin of Ibadan Land. All his projects are geared toward generating employment, providing services for the people, preventing Capital Flight and providing locally produced goods for Nigerians. Aworinde investments are multi- million Naira Company in Nigeria and fully involved in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Scholarships are being given to brilliant students from poor background, vocation training is also offered to teaming youths to take them off the streets, while giving them meaningful future. His organization equally makes donations to Universities and other higher institutions of learning across the country to support human Capital Development. His business helps to create a prosperous and more equitable world for every aspiring youth. His advice to Nigeria youths as been that no Nigerian youth should condemn another, but should be supportive to neighbors, remain focused and be hard working, the sky shall be beyond their limit.

The youths in the society, should know that time has come, when all should do every thing right to defend their ascension to leadership in order to enable us build a strong and verial Nation. We must break away from politicians, who before now had lured us to ex-voto. Time has come, when selfishness should be extruded in order to embrace, the spirit of harmony, peace and progress, which are meant for this generation of youths. Our present grip to leadership must be protected, if we shall lay legacies, upon which the foundation of our tomorrow will be built.

Youths, in no less measure, should endeavor to curb youthful exuberance and should purge their adulterated minds, to avoid further entanglement into complications. Those who looted our treasury will not be happy seeing us, carving out meaningful means of livelihood for our tomorrow. So we should beware of such politicians. This is time youths, should see themselves as builders of tomorrow , this will enable them shun activities that may mar their social disposition, or other things which will easily complicate their moral values in the society, e.g. Robbery, corruption, cultism, assassination, and militancy. Abstinence from drugs and violence will help to acknowledge the realities of the rascality which had impeded our development, far beyond our imaginations.

One-thing youths should write, at the back of their minds is that, progress cannot be achieved, in a society that is full of chaos and fracas, peace is the only element, which generates progress, so youths must imbibe, in the spirit of peace to achieve success. With peace, the youths in leadership will be guided, to give their destiny meaningful direction. No leadership will succeed, without the support of the youths. The crises which has in many occasions, destabilized the progress of many States of the Federation, may not find its way again in the society, if youths play their roles effectively.

Now that youth with ideas had emerged in leadership. There is the tendency of eschewing rancors and bitterness of mind, but with oneness of purpose irrespective of religion, political party, state of origin or language, we should be able to work for the development of our various localities and society at large. The society is the inheritance of youths; therefore they should not allow politically motivated instability, to undermine the progress. Anti-social activities will affect youths development. The calamitous experiences, which undermined the progress of many states in the past, should serve as a deterrent to the youths presently. The youths in leadership need our support, to uphold the structures, which shall improve the youths under-development of the past. Youths must unite with the leaders, to achieve this goal in the society.

We have human rights embedded in our constitution, such as; freedom of movement, even participation, freedom of worship, freedom of association, freedom of religion, freedom of expression etc. today, our guiding principle is we are leaders of tomorrow should be with this principle, the efforts of the youths in leadership will gravitate, the chances of better tomorrow. With God on our side the present leadership of youths in Nigeria will take the Nation to the right place it deserves among other Nations of the world.

The youths in the society, should understand that, they will have a difficult task to achieve what they believe, because those who impeded their development will try to en-force them to relinquish their inclination on things, which can generate success for the youths in leadership. As youths in the Nation prepare their minds for development, detractors should be kept at distance. Youths should master enough courage to curb distraction, because it is a weapon for people without hope. Distraction today may hinder progress tomorrow. Distraction can also serve as an impediment and retrogressive, to the foundation of future progress. So all the elements of distraction should be avoided, in order to harness democratic values for future development. Recently, the exploit of some youths in leadership had left indelible marks on the society, that youths are more mentally positioned, to give the Nation befitting developments. Looking at the initiatives of the youthful Governors in some states and Ministers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, you will believe that youths have the ability to create, innovate and fashion out structures for the benefit of the future.

In the petroleum sector, Mrs. Dizeani Allison Madueke, the Honorable Minister of Petroleum Resources is using her wealth of experience to add value to the Nations hydrocarbon resources.

Since her resumption in the Petroleum Ministry, she swift into action by dealing squarely with the problem of inadequate fuel supply which has been persistent years back, she made sure the stable price of the products in maintained; supervise by the Petroleum Products Marketing Company (PPMC).

The Minister was able to put in place a credible and honest crop of PPMC management in February 2011 till date, no major fuel supply and distribution issues had been encountered.

The Minister has made it possible that PMS supply to the Nigeria markets is stable, robust and hitch- free and available across the Nation at a uniform price. The years of sleeping in fuel stations looking for fuel to buy is now a thing of the past.

For effective fuel distribution nationwide, the following lines were re-commissioned, Kaduna Suleja lines, Kaduna Kano lines, Suleja Minna lines, Kaduna Gusau lines, Kaduna Jos lines, Port Harcourt Aba lines and Warri Benin lines to NNPC distribution products into their depots, some of these depots have not worked for over 15years. Since the Minister came to power, there has been re-action and rehabilitation of the pipe lines, as they are considered to be the safest, most efficient, quickest, cost effective means of distributing products with a country as large as Nigeria.

Through the help of God, Mrs. Dizeani Allison Maducke has been able to overcome the harvest of challenges that are militating against a process of seamless fuel distribution in recent times, NNPC/PPMC under the leadership of the hard working Minister, has put in place sales strategy by selling product as a matter of policy to Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria as well as NNPC retail and private depots owners.

The production capacity of these products has tremendously increased to the meet the yarning of Nigerians.

In Cross River state, Donald Duke (Former Governor) uses his youthful experience to transform Obudu cattle ranch, which is one of the best tourist centers in West Africa. He established the first castle in Africa, promoted entertainment, industries, Agriculture, gave loans to youths to be self employed and registered students for WAEC in the state. Today in Cross River state, the Executive Governor, his Excellency Senator Lyel Imoke has continued on the Millennium gold of Donald Duke with the opening up of rural roads across the state, has improved the unimaginable development done, in Agriculture, Education, health, Etc. Dr. Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom state is another personality that has done beyond human comprehension in the areas of infrastructure and human development. (His landmarks, which are speaking for him) Barr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN) the Governor of Lagos state is another youth that has vowed to improve the well being of his people by his developmental programmes. Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iwela, the Honorable Minister of Finance and the Coordinating Minister for Economy achieved the highest return on the resources of the Federal Government and the coordination of fiscal policies and raising the efficiency of the legislation and regulation governing the operations of financial accountability and transparency and the preservation of practices of public money in the following areas:-

The co-ordinating Council of Ministry of Finance was established to coordinate the fiscal policies the Federal Government and the local governments to ensure fiscal discipline and in a way balancing the economy.

Economic and Financial analysis Department was established.

The Honorable Minister implemented a plan for the preparation of a medium term budget for 2011 2013 and applying the zero budget by the Council of Ministers.

Mechanisms for calculating the budgets for the Federal Universities and colleges were developed.

The provision of adequate housing for the locals amounting to the tune of four billion Dirham was given to eight thousand beneficiaries; housing loans at a total cost of 16 billion Dirham was given to thirty two thousand beneficiaries, while Government bears all the expenses and benefits of the loan.

The foundation of these youthful leaders had made them remarkable of our generation. It is the role of the youths in the society to rally round these youthful leaders, in order to give them the required support to excel. The youths must be liberated from the stronghold of our past leaders who mesmerized us with old-fashioned mentality. Youths in the society should understand that no leader had ever mobilized the youths than this present democratic setting. The integration of youths as Nation builders is a step to promote youths development. So youths must uphold this, to m ake their presence felt in the society.

The Central Bank Governor Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi has demonstrated a high level of integrity and commitment to service as contained in the Mid-term Report of the Transformation Agenda in the National Bureau of 29th may 2013, clearly unveil remarkable achievements. In the Country Strategy Paper-African Development, 1st January, 2013, clearly revealed that the Central Bank of Nigeria has come up with Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure. Samusi lamido made further Liberalization and Development of the Foreign Exchange Market. The Foreign Exchange Market witnessed unprecedented stability most of which include the following.

Unification of exchange rates between the official and inter-bank markets and resolution of the multiple currency problems.

Facilitation of greater markets determination of exchange rates for the naira visa-vis other currencies. A number of achievements recorded since the introduction of WDAS, for example- parallel market appreciation first time in 20years. Convergence of official and inter-bank rates, thus unifying the two revision of the Foreign Exchange Manual. Sales of Foreign Exchange to Bureau -De Change main effort to gain access Foreign Exchange to small end users, bridge the supply gap and develop the local Bureau-De- Change (BDCS). The Central Bank of Nigeria under the youthful leadership of Governor, Sanusi Lamido, Sanusi consolidated the banking sector that was a course for concern.

Owelle Anayo Rochas Okorocha even before he became the Governor of Imo state, he has a low beginning of a former street hawker, a classroom teacher who later became a successful business man and a philanthropist of repute. His activities span the key areas of Education, Health and Social Responsibilities and Economic Empowerment. He founded a non-profit organization. He is more concern in alleviating the sufferings of poor and building the youth for a better tomorrow. He used all the positions he held ranging from President, Red Cross Society, President/ Founder, Rochas Foundation Inc, President Rochas Group of Companies Limited, Prochancellor, African Bussiness School, and former Chairman, Board of Nigerian Airspace Management Agency to greatly influence the behavioural patterns of the Nigerian Youths. He is down to earth and sees life as a vapour that appears and vanishes away. With this Philosophy of life, he is bend on putting smiles on the abandoned, rejected and poverty driven youths across the Nation. His vision and mission on earth is to totally eradicate ignorance and hopelessness in the lives of Nigerian youths. He promotes unity and National intergration amongst Nigerian youths, he believes that to erase differences in Religion, ethnicity and class will be the best practice in Nigeria. He has put in place massive infrastructural development in Imo state. He remains the Commander, Defender and Model of Nigerian youths. Rochas Okorocha of Imo State who is very outstanding in his development programmes, is a youth sent by God to rescue Imo State from the verge of total collapse and infrastructural decay and economic shut down.

The Honorable Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Senator Bala A. Mohammed has in no small measure made proper use of the Department of Engineering and the Department of survey to adequately follow the Master Plan that establishes the Federal Capital Territory and its environs. He ensures effective supervision of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Abuja Metropolitan Management Council that manages and maintains all FCTA offices, National Monuments, Secretariats Contributed Immensely to what Abuja is today.

Senator Bala A. Mohammed made sure the Development Control Abuja Metropolitan Agency does not compromise with the set standards. There is Internetwork Connectivity Service between the Federal Capital to other States of the Federation.

The Nation News Paper of 17th September 2013 reported that FCTA repatriates 2,000 illegal aliens to rid the city of criminals, it also stated that in its determination to boost the tourism profile of Abuja, the FCTA and the Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation have been able to organized cultural Carnivals.

Abuja Environmental Protection Agency is a playing a vital role in the protection of our environment in all spheres of life.

On September 16, 2013, his administration restates plans to make Abuja among top 20 capital cities in the world. 20th June, 2013. Federal Capital Territory Administration won over 70 court cases in 2012. Abuja Rail Mass transit project Phase ll (Lots 1and3) 22% 25.57% and the project has since commenced, 200 million of infrastructures cost $1.6 running simultaneously.

More roads are being opened; more schools are established to contain the ever increasing population within the territory. Acquisitions centers are built to solve the issue of unemployment faced by youths, at the end of each training the youths are empowered financially.

The youths in the society should appreciate God who made it possible for these ones who have been tested, by using their verse knowledge to exterminate the notion, that youths are incompetent, when it comes to leadership, their fresh mental disposition, created light to the generation of youths. With them, youths are beginning to realize that, they have sold their conscience and destiny in the past to evil merchants in politics. The emergence of these hard working governors is another blessing to the youths in the society. With them youths can retrieve their conscience and destiny, from the hands of those, who oppressed them previously. With good conscience, youths in the states will do everything morally right to sustain these youthful leaders, in order to create legacies, on which the future of the youths will be built.

The Minster of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, Chief- Edem Duke has been able to positioned the Ministry and the country in the global map of Countries that earn revenue from source apart from oil. The Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation with it Parastatals such an NTDC, National Council for Arts and Culture, National Troupe and the National Gallery of Arts to mention a few have shown that Nigeria like other countries, can earn huge revenue from marketing Tourism, Arts and Culture.

The Minister has created enabling environment for Tourism to thrive. It is currently looking into the Master Plan that promoted support for the Nations Tourism Outfits such as Tinapa Business Leisure and Conference Resort in Cross River State and Olokola Cultural Resort in Odon State. The Ministry has not relented in its efforts to preserve the Nations Collective Cultural Heritage and to use our Culture to promote Tourism.

The different departments under the Ministry have been contributing to the socio-economic development in the country. The Ministry is examining ways to create an understanding and harmony among the different religious and ethnic groups

The Ministry has launched Tourism FM and Radio Station meant to give Tourism the right place in our economy. The Minister has been rehabilitating the Museums and Archives nation-wide to effectively position them as famost Tourism sits for Tourism and visitor alike. More importantly, its develop a more vibrant relationship with UNESCO, European nation, African union and other development partners for the advancement of culture and Tourism Nigeria.

A new National Cultural Policy has been launched as well as the organization of workshops to implement the policy. Nigeria vision 20:2020, the first National Implementation Plan 2010-2013 for Culture and Tourism in achieving results.

In Nigeria, youths should know that among them are people with selfish aspirations, but the true support of all the youths will keep this self seekers at bare, while the supports that were given to these performing Governors and Ministers, should remain total and complete. The youths should not conspire against the present leadership in these states and the Nation at large. The Nation must be united to avoid instigation by oppositions. Those who felt they are disenfranchised should wait to see how far the leadership would go in turning things around for the Nation. The surrogates among youths, who always struggle to lead by all means, should be avoided to forestall imposition of corrupt and inept leadership in the Nation. Those political masters, who do underground calculations to make sure youths remain in darkness, should be avoided, if youths must move forward in progress. While youths are playing their roles, the youths in leadership must strife to imbibe in honesty and commitment in leadership, knowing fully well that youths are out there in the society, are more prepared to work with those in the various states , in peace and unity just to attain the expected goals of the citizenry.


Nation Building

The inspired gesture of every youth in the society is how to break free from abnormalities of life, in order to embrace a society, which is built around peace, unity and hope, with right thinking personalities pedaling the boat of leadership. But when the system negates this Nation, the society will be clouded with restiveness, hopelessness and retrogressions, forcing the lives of the youths to dwell in failures and disappointment. Yes the future of any youths in such society bleaks when the leadership is bereft of ideas and policies, which can sustain youths for better tomorrow. I will continually draw our attributes to the excellent performance of youths in the likes of the President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and some `Governors as a clear manifestation of how creative youths can be in leadership. This has shown that our creative and perspective minds are previously tied down and flustered by leaders, who only wanted us to constitute nuisance to the society. The youths today are standing up to reprobate the self-styled system of old school politicians. With the emergence of youths in leadership, the youths today have so much to celebrate for.

The Transformation of Agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan is a wonderful testimony of itself that always reminds us of the potentials that God has imbedded on the youths. We are living witnesses of the President testimonies of his humbled background, how he tied his fate and believe in God. As a youths he was very cautious of the deviating tendencies that are alien and inimical to our society that have corrupted many youths. He was focused, not minding the harsh environmental, economical, political and poverty driven atmosphere that was unbearably intolerable, but tailored his mind to succeed in life. Some of our able Governors and performing Ministers have arrived as other dynamic leaders who will not only serve as torch lights, but also as advocates of their generation. Anyone who has traveled to their states since the ascension of democracy in Nigeria, would have seen the speedy transformation of the states as testimonies of their efficiency and equity in leadership. These able Governors have put down undisputable developments that eyes can see and hands can feel.

Today people can have access to pipe borne water right in front of their houses. The educational sector is not left behind, they have restructured the educational system in their states, the education system in states is a thing of joy because, in every community there are schools with good facilities that makes studying conducive, some Governors have free education at all levels. Unlike previously, where nails tore school uniforms of pupils everyday.

One thing to note is that Nigeria is in Gods hand. No individual or group of individuals can disorganize the plans of God for the Nation. Those who want to instigate fighting in the Nation, using their State Houses of Assemblies or the National Assembly to destabilize constituted authority or those who may think that barbaric method of fighting through the provocation of youths should watch out because, the youths in the Nigeria are more matured and well organized to know their aspirations and how to actualize them. The youths in Nigeria, should know that politics is a game, at the same time; they should believe that any game that is devoid of their collective interest cannot work. Our youths have come to understand that some politicians are masters of deceit and vain philosophers as well as brilliant satanic orators. The youths in Nigeria should be aware of the strategies of the detractors, to disrupt any good leadership in the Nation. But one assurance is that, the entire youths in the Nigeria are well informed and have been prepared in their minds, because they understand the agitations of false philosophers to be completely fallacies and selfish oriented. What can they now tell u0s with the splendid performance of the present leadership of the Nation, No politician, no philosopher can turn any youth in Nigeria against the present constituted authority.

Youths in Nigeria must be warned not to take any false agitation that can create unnecessary tension, tantamount to raising the emotions of the people, against their leaders. The youths believe that democracy and its dividends in Nigeria must be protected. We must refuse to be disenchanted.

Every youth must understand the fact that the foundation laid today will be sustained tomorrow. With this in minds of the youths, they must never allow those who feed on crises to continue subverting their sense of reasoning. No youth is ready to be drawn to crises, just to satisfy the curiosity of a certain man.

The concept of the youths in Nigeria should be on things, which will gravitate the Buildings of the Nation to grater height. So the false philosophers should stand aside to watch the present leaders build accommodating and hospitable Nation for all.

We all have realized that man dominates man to his own advantage. So all the false agitations on the youths cannot derail their moral values again in the society. Youths in Nigerian must understand that, history is very significant and they must learn from it. George-Hogel in one of his books said that, National government has never learnt anything from history, or act upon any lesson they might have drawn from it. Actually, many states of the Federation today are victims of history; they have never learnt any lesson from history of bad leaders. That is why they clamor for leaders, whom they even know are incompetent to take them to their aspirations. Thank God for the good will of the youths in some states of the Federation. They are youths with articulate minds in choosing leaders. They are youths who refused to be misguided in their thoughts and actions. They are youths who refused to be hurried to fanaticism and political struggle, they believed in one principle of being leaders of tomorrow. Today, youths in Nigeria refuse to be blinded with passion, for a course that is retrogressive. They should always make the best choices during elections.

The decision of the youths to support our leaders today will be of immense benefit to our aspirations, and cannot be preyed by the ever shifting theories of men, which have brought pains and misery to many states. The youths in Nigeria should in totality refuse to fall prey to the political antics of imposters. We the youths should always opt for good leaders who are with simplicity of nature, God fearing , priceless, not arrogant or power drunk, but must be peaceful gentlemen or ladies with the potentials to take us to where we rightfully belong.

Like the biblical injunction of Ecclesiastes. There is time for everything under the sun. Time to live and time to die, time to work and time to eat. Time to destroy and time to build, looking from this Bible injunction; one may understand that now is the appropriate time to build. Our leaders had in the past destroyed all our developmental structures, because of short sightedness, but today our match to a new Nigeria; we can start building structures that will sustain our future.

For any leadership to build a vibrant society, the future of the youths must be prioritized as No. 1 agenda in their programmes, many leaders have failed because they never consider the future of the youths as an obligation, their leadership owed to the society. Today, if we must build a strong Nation which will effect the lives of the masses, we must know how to organize the youths because there will be repeated pressures from detractors which will always pressurize the youths to relinquish their full support for a legitimate government, to pave way for leaders who will only come to rub and stain oil on their shoulders.

A society which intends to progress, must learn how to curb the activities of detractors among the youths. One important thing for youths in Nigeria to know is that th