Download - Your Guide to Cohabitation AgreementsThis guide explains what a Cohabitation Agreement is, why you might want to make one and the matters you might want to include in it, depending

Page 1: Your Guide to Cohabitation AgreementsThis guide explains what a Cohabitation Agreement is, why you might want to make one and the matters you might want to include in it, depending

Living together (or cohabiting) is becoming more common

There are 3.3 million cohabiting couples in the UK - one family in five. In fact, it is the fastest growing family type.

There are many reasons couples may choose not to marry, however most don’t realise that they are leaving themselves in a precarious situation.

This guide explains what a Cohabitation Agreement is, why you might want to make one and the matters you might want to include in it, depending on your circumstances.

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Your Guide to...Cohabitation Agreements

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Page 2: Your Guide to Cohabitation AgreementsThis guide explains what a Cohabitation Agreement is, why you might want to make one and the matters you might want to include in it, depending

What is a Cohabitation Agreement?

A cohabitation agreement is a written, signed document, often signed as a deed in front of witnesses. It will generally deal with three principal areas:

• Who owns (and owes) what at the time of the agreement, and in what proportions

• What financial arrangements you have decided to make while you are living together, and

• How property, assets and income should be divided if you split up

If the agreement is properly drawn up, the terms are reasonable, and each of you has had separate, inde-pendent legal advice on its effect, a court is more likely to uphold the agreement in the event of a dispute.

It’s also advisable to include provisions for potential future events, eg the needs of any future children.

What is the problem?

Finances and property: It is not always clear who owns what when a relationship ends. Whereas married couples who divorce can have their property legally divided, unmarried couples without proof of ownership do not have the same rights. For example, Fred is named on the deeds to the house and Vera is not, but she has contributed by paying food and utility bills for years. If they split up Vera has no legal protection.

No automatic rights of inheritance: Unless specifically named in a will, or if a valid will has not been created, a cohabiting partner is not entitled to share in or make claims on on their deceased partner’s estate.

Many people mistakenly believe that if couples live together for long enough, or after having children, they become ‘common law spouses’ and automatically develop legal responsibility to support each other financially. This is a widespread misconception.

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Cohabitation Agreements

Page 3: Your Guide to Cohabitation AgreementsThis guide explains what a Cohabitation Agreement is, why you might want to make one and the matters you might want to include in it, depending

Why you should make a cohabitation agreement?

Unlike on divorce or civil partnership dissolution, more complicated rules apply if you split up from someone you have been living with. Living with someone for a certain period of time does not mean you are automatically entitled to some financial support or to share their property after you split up.

There have been proposals to change the law but the government has said that it does not intend to do so at the moment. This means that where a couple has not been married or in a civil partnership, sorting out disputes about property without an agreement can be expensive and take a long time.

A good cohabitation agreement can mean that areas of potential dispute on separation are reduced or eliminated. It’s also a clear way to keep a record of what was agreed when you first moved in together which can help your relationship run smoothly!

What about if you have children?

Parents do have financial obligations towards any children they may have, but there are no equivalent responsibilities for a partner.

Partners are not entitled to financial support even if one partner – often the mother – has given up or reduced work to raise children. This means that person could be left with no financial security, without a home and with no access to pensions or savings.

When should you make a cohabitation agreement?

You can make a cohabitation agreement at any time, whether you are about to start living together or if you have been doing so for many years.

Your family lawyer can help you negotiate this agreement and can write it down in a way that it is likely to be respected by the court in case there is ever a dispute about it. You may need to review the agreement if you move house, have children or your circumstances change dramatically.

It’s important to ensure that the agreement is kept up to date.

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For help & legal advice call 01284 701131 or

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Many couples find the process of making a cohabitation agreement means that they have the chance to think and talk about how living together is going to work financially, meaning that arguments about money are less likely later on.

Cohabitation Agreements

Page 4: Your Guide to Cohabitation AgreementsThis guide explains what a Cohabitation Agreement is, why you might want to make one and the matters you might want to include in it, depending

Your shared home

• It is important to record how this is owned, and ensure any separate agreement or promise is reflected in the legal documents. • Who is paying the mortgage?

• If there are any endowment policies or other savings arrangements linked to a mortgage, what contributions are being made to those and how will they be dealt with if you split up?

• Are you going to insure each other’s lives? Your family lawyer may need to advise you about the implications of arrangements regarding your shared home as this is usually the most complicated area for people living together.

Money and paying bills

• Many people find it convenient to have a joint bank account when they live together. You need to decide what contributions they are going to make to that account.

• Will the contributions into the account be equal and if not, will you consider the money in the joint account to be equally owned?

• What will the joint account be used for and when should your personal accounts be used instead?

• If you are not using a joint account, who will pay which of the household bills and will this be considered an equivalent contribution to something else?

• What about credit cards and debts?


• You have the opportunity to make provision for loved ones.

• You may wish, for example, to agree nominations for death-in-service benefits.

Personal possessions

• Who owns and/or will keep items such as furniture and cars?

• You should consider setting out how to resolve disagreements about them in the event of separation, e.g. each of you picking in turn from a list of items.


• Although not legally binding, consider whether you might like to provide for any children over and above the minimum expected by the child support system in the event of your separation and set down some expectations about how children would be cared for if you were to live apart.

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Things you might want to include in your agreement

Page 5: Your Guide to Cohabitation AgreementsThis guide explains what a Cohabitation Agreement is, why you might want to make one and the matters you might want to include in it, depending

Our specialist family lawyers can help

There are a number of ways our family lawyers can help if you are in a cohabiting relationship:

• We can see you and your partner to outline details of matters to be covered by such an Agreement. • We can draft the Agreement for your approval after taking detailed instructions from one of you who will stay with us as a client. • We will recommend that the other party seeks independent legal advice - we work with other lawyers locally and are happy to make an introduction.

If you’d simply like to find out where you stand or what your options are, you may wish to book one of our £99 fixed fee consultations. This will give you up to an hour with one of our family law specialists during which you can ask any questions you may have about cohabitaion agreements and how they relate to your circumstances.

How much does a Cohabitation Agreement cost?

We offer fixed fee Cohabitation Agreements starting from £750 + VAT. Once we have provided you with a fixed price quote for the agreed work, the price will not change.

For help & legal advice call 01284 701131 or

For help & legal advice call 01284 701131 or

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Call our Family Law Specialists on 01284 701131 or email [email protected]

We can help

Sonja Williams Joanne Matthews

Our lawyers have many years’ experience in drafting agreements for all types of families. We aim to make the process as straighforward as possible and will always communicate in a way that is easy to understand.