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© 2012 Christina Morassi | Find Your Ecstatic Brand. All rights reserved. www.yourecstaticbrand.com1

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Find Your Ecstatic Brand Guidebook
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Week 3
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By Christina Morassi
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Your Ecstatic Brand Mentor
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"Create Your High-End
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Signature Program"
Page 2: Your Ecstatic Brand Guidebook Week Ecstatic Brand Guidebook Week 3.pdf(Bigger results, longer lasting results, quicker results, easier, more

The Distillation Process

1) Identify Your Gifts ~ Blend them into One Offering (INSIDE)2) Choose Your Portal Problem ~ Discover Your Niche (OUTSIDE)3) Create Your High-End Signature Program! ~ (PACKAGE Your Ecstatic Brand ~

Create Structure to meet the world.)4) Next week... Marketing! Time to BROADCAST.

5 Reasons to Create Your Own High-End Signature Programs

1. You’re serving a higher-functioning crowd with an abundant mentality. When a client is willing to pay high-end rates, this means they have some kind of wealth- consciousness already. These are clients who are starting off on a higher level and therefore YOU can function at a higher level too.

2. Your clients are more deeply committed in high-end programs. When someone has invested at a higher rate, they mean business and are more apt to do the work. Highly-committed clients are most often a joy to work with!

3. You work less for more money. Think of how this will change you for the better... And also think about how it would change those around you. Do you think your loved ones will be happy when you are working less and making more? Do you know what it will do for your soul to be able to cover your expenses with ease? You will be a much better change agent in the world this way.

4. High-end programs are great containers for Your Ecstatic Brands. It’s difficult to offer your Genius in one-off hour sessions... There isn’t enough structure to put it all in there! With high-end programs, you can find a way to put all your unique ingredients into the yummy stew of your signature program.

5. “You’re not charging what you’re worth... You’re charging what THEY’RE worth.” ~ Suzanne Evans

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What is your Unique Branded System? (UBS)What is the first, most ecstatic result your ideal clients want?

What is the quickest, most effective way to help your clients get the ecstatic result they want?

Can you identify the 4-6 stages your clients go through to get the irresistible result? Look for the themes of the steps you go through with clients, and it does not need to be linear. What are you saying, or doing, over and over again?

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Now take a piece of your UBS, or your whole system, and turn it into a Signature High-End Program!

Some Possible Formats for YOUR Signature High-End ProgramVIP DAY ~ A one-day intensive

90 Day Program

6 Month Program



A block of 10 sessions

What kind of container do you need to achieve your Ecstatic Result with your clients? How much time? How long? How often? What format? Virtual or In-Person? Private or Group? Write it out here!

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What is Pain Island for the ideal client meant for this program?

What is Pleasure Island for the ideal client meant for this program?

What is the transformation you provide in your Signature High-End Program? How does their life change... In regard to money, business, health, and relationships?

Why is your program better than other solutions out there? (Bigger results, longer lasting results, quicker results, easier, more enjoyable, more reliable, etc.)

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Irresistible Program Title Templates ~ By Vrinda Normand of

1. The proven system to get a specific hot result (or blueprint, bootcamp, program, formula)

The Irresistible Website Sales SystemThe Speedy Cancer Recovery FormulaThe Irresistible List Building Booty-campThe Easy Cash Flow ProgramThe Deep Satisfying Sleep Program

2. From Pain to Pleasure - 3-word short title with a longer subtitle

From Confusion to Clarity - The twentysomething's guide to finding your callingFrom Grief to Peace - Heal your heart after the loss of a loved one

3. The secrets to get a specific hot result

Website Sales Secrets WorkshopEvent Profit SecretsBusiness Automation SecretsNiche Breakthrough Secrets

4. The person they want to become

The Master of Enrollment ProgramThe Irresistible Woman RetreatThe Wealthy Thought LeaderThe Irresistible Messenger Inner Circle

5. Get measurable results in x amount of days

Double Your Practice in 90 DaysDouble Your Energy in 60 Days7 Weeks to Super Skin6 Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy

6. Specific result/achievement made easy or simple

Irresistible Articles Made EasySocial Media Made SimpleRapid Weight Loss Made Easy

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Nuts & Bolts of Your Signature High-End Program

1) Where & How

* Is your program virtual? Could be done over the phone or via Skype.* Is your program in person?

• Could be done at a nice hotel - Make sure to find hotels who do day rates.• Could be done in your office or home - Make sure it’s nice enough to invite

clients into so that they feel taken care of. And also keep in mind you may need an assistant on hand to help take care of food and such.

• Could be done at your client’s place, but keep in mind it is usually better to get your client OUT of their current environment so that it will be easier for them to make change in their and not be distracted too.

2) Payment

• You could use Paypal ~ Although this is not ideal as they take a bigger cut.• Merchant Account ~ If you need a great merchant account contact:

Steven Forte <[email protected]> (847) 428-4784

3) Contract ~ Good to have a lawyer draw up a contract for your program, especially for high-end 1-on-1. Ask your local entrepreneurial communities for references for great lawyers who can create business contracts.

4) Guarantee ~

* For high-end 1-on-1 programs, I recommend not offering a guarantee. If you are doing your job right then people’s resistances may come up... This may mean they try to get out of doing the work, and instead you should hold them to the decision they made to work with you. * For group programs, you can decide what feels best for you. Prevailing wisdom for

lower-end group programs is that having a money-back guarantee helps conversions.

5) Welcome Packet ~

* Great to have a packet of questions for them to answer before you do your work together. This gives them something to get started on before the actual work starts, and gives you the information you need to help them. (See example I will post of my Welcome Packet under Course Materials.)

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Pricing!!Price Your Program ~ Money is a vibration and a frequency. Choose your pricing based on where YOU are vibrating... Literally. The factors involved in this are:

1) Your Wealth Consciousness ~ How much have you changed your relationship with money to a healthy one? Books to help you with that are:

The Science of Getting Rich ~ by Wallace WattlesThink & Grow Rich ~ by Napoleon HillBusting Loose From the Money Game ~ by Robert ScheinfeldThe Game of Life & How to Play It ~ by Florence Scovel-Shin

I recommend that you make a ritual of reading a few pages a day of whichever books speak to you. This will help to re-train your brain into a healthy relationship with money.

2) What you’ve invested in yourself ~ Have you invested in a high-end way for yourself? Then this literally means you can charge high-end rates with your clients. Investing in your work in a beautiful way raises your frequency.

3) Your Value ~ Do you value your expertise? Have you worked through any internal conflicts of knowing your worth? If not... Review bonus call and do some reparenting of the young parts of you who feel like ‘not enough’.

FIND YOUR ECSTATIC PRICE ~ Have a moment of tuning in... Find a way to get centered... Get into your body with some simple shaking and movement... Make sure you are breathing deeply... And then tune in to your belly and your hips... ‘Listen’ to what number feels ‘right’ for your Signature High-End Program. One should bubble up that feels like... Yes, THAT feels in alignment. Now... It might freak out your ‘head’... Pay no attention to that... What we’re looking for is what FEELS right in your BODY. This will be a clearer read on what is in alignment for you than what you could think through.

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Introductory Rate Recommendation: Come to a number that is your ‘real’ rate for your program. And then also come to a number that is your ‘introductory’ rate for your program.

Starting out with an introductory rate will help you:

1) Grow into the frequency of the higher ‘real’ amount.2) Give you a built-in limiter when you announce your program to the world, so that

people will grab the first few before your rates go up.

Perhaps you will be offering VIP Days for $997. Well, then I would invite you to offer 3, 5, or 10 at an introductory rate that may be $749.

Again, all of these numbers should come from your body & intuition of what is right for YOU. Do NOT orient yourself around what you think people will pay, but instead what is in alignment for YOU, and where you are literally vibrating.

Pay-in-full or Payment PlanDecide whether you want to have a payment plan or not. If you do offer a payment plan, make sure that the total payments of the plan are roughly 20% higher than the paid-in-full.

Also... Make sure that the bulk of the payments are complete before you finish the program. It is out of alignment for you to deliver the work if you have not been paid properly yet. I’m telling you... It’s all an energy game! :)

BudgetMake sure to do a budget of your costs involved with your Signature High-End Program. Are you paying for a hotel room? Lunch? Extras like massages or such? Make sure to factor in your costs as you finalize the pricing for your program.

Financial GoalsSet your intention of how many clients you would like at what price point and by what date... And then turn it into a mantra to help you manifest! It’s also good to write it down and post it on your walls around you.

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Create Your Signature High-End Program!

The Title of your Program:

The Price of Your Program:

The Introductory Rate of Your Program:

Your Goals ~ How many clients at what price by when?

The Format of Your Program ~ How are you delivering it? (ex. 90 day program, 6 calls in total with extra 2 hour Skype Session to begin)

3 Pain Bullet Points

3 Pleasure (Results) Bullet Points


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If you need help to own your value & worth... Answer these questions to find your credibility!

Your Credibility*How many years have you been helping people get results in your area of focus (niche)?

*Do you have past job or business experience where you mastered core skills in your area of focus?

*Do you have past job or business experience where you helped people in a similar way that you now focus on?

*What are some top results your clients have achieved? (Specific measurable results are best if possible.)

*What are the top results you have created in your own life? (In your area of focus or niche)

*Do you have a special qualification or training in your area of focus?

*How quickly have you grown your business? (Example: I went from0 to multiple 6-figures in just 2 years.)

*How many clients do you or have you served in your business? *How big is the geographic range your clients come from? (Example: I serve clients in over 9 countries.)

*Do you have any big name (celebrity or well-known) clients? *Are you the author of a book or information product?

*Where have you been featured in the media? What have the media or top industry experts said about you?

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Homework for Week 31) Complete Guidebook for Week 32) Create Your Signature High-End Program!3) Get Support From Your HeartStorm Partner if Need Be4) Contribute Your Voice to the Forum in a way that feels right to you (Set aside a

simple 15-30 minutes!)5) Think about 1 or 2 strategic ideal clients to practice your signature program on6) Extra Credit: Discover how to say what you do. Resource through Holistic MBA Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern will give you a great equation to get your elevator pitch when you opt-in for their free gift!

Congratulations... You are that much closer to Finding Your Ecstatic Brand and

Exploding Your Business to 6-figures (and Beyond!)!

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