Download - you buy the seeds, will help you in growing those and 2017.pdf · Christopher Columbus referred to papaya as “Fruit of the Angels”

Page 1: you buy the seeds, will help you in growing those and 2017.pdf · Christopher Columbus referred to papaya as “Fruit of the Angels”

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Amatullah Manzil, 65 Bazargate Street, Fort, Mumbai-1.



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Let your garden define your uniqueness with these amazing and exotic herbs. The nursery, from where

you buy the seeds, will help you in growing those and often you are provided with a self-help manual

to take care of these herbs.


It is a substitute of sugar and

helps to keep your blood sugar

under control. It can also be ap-

plied directly on any cut to heal

the wounds.


It smells like chocolate but tastes like peppermint.

This herb is used in several desserts and bever-

ages. The refreshing aroma and taste soothe your

nerves after a tiring day.


The plant looks awesome with the reddish

golden pom-pom flowers. If put in your mouth,

you will feel a buzz and then numbness. In many

countries, it is used to treat toothache, gum and

throat infection and even for malaria.


You can grow this herb in your garden

like any other pepper plant. You can also

use this in your cooking instead of pep-

per. But, this tastes really very hot. The

black pearl becomes bright red in colour

when it ripens. AFRICAN BLUE BASIL

This all-purple herb gives your garden

an exotic look if you border your garden

with this plant. Also, the flowers can be

used in summer salads and drinks.


The smell is awesome, as it has the

aroma of lemons with the tingling smell

of basil. After a tiring day, this fragrance

really can lift up your mood. BLACKCURRENT


The tantalizing flowers with

their bright red colors will give

your garden a vibrant look and

when those will turn white,

you’ll have a calming effect.

The flowers are edible and

taste sweet.


Plant it in a container and you

don’t need to put much effort on

this. In Mexican cooking, this herb

adds additional taste.

Phone: 22678480 / 22634326

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E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

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According to a new study of global air pollution, India’s rapidly worsening air pollution is now

surpassing China’s as the deadliest in the world. The report was issued jointly by Health Ef-

fects Institute, a Boston research institute focused on the health effects of air pollution, and

Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, Seattle based population health research centre.

Key highlights of the report :

• The number of premature deaths in China caused by dangerous air particles PM2.5, has

stabilized in recent years but has risen sharply in India.

• About 1.1 million people to die prematurely each year in India which has registered an

alarming increase of nearly 50% in premature deaths from particulate matter between

1990 and 2015 period.

Particulate Matter are fine particles, less than fraction of

the width of a human hair. These particles are released

from vehicles, particularly those with diesel engines, in-

dustry, as well as from natural sources like dust. They en-

ter the bloodstream through the lungs, increasing the risk

of stroke, heart failure and worsening cardiac disease, in

addition also causing severe respiratory problems, like

pneumonia and asthma.

Global Scenario: The air pollution in recent times has

worsened in parts of the world, including South Asia,

but it improved in the United States and Europe. Envi-

ronmental regulations in US and actions taken by

European Commission have led to reduction of fine

particulate matter (PM) pollution from industrializa-

tion since 1990.

Page 2: you buy the seeds, will help you in growing those and 2017.pdf · Christopher Columbus referred to papaya as “Fruit of the Angels”

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Christopher Columbus referred to papaya as “Fruit of the Angels” because of its sweet taste, tender consistency and musky undertones. The papaya originated in Central America and Southern Mexico, but is now grown in many other parts of the world. It is the fruit of the Carica papaya plant. The skin is green when unripe, and orange when ripe. The flesh inside is yellow, orange or red. The fruit also has many black seeds inside the center. This humble fruit is really good for health, below we discuss few such benefits of Papaya.

Papaya has a unique taste that many people love. However, ripeness is key. An unripe or overly ripe papaya can taste very different from one at its peak of ripeness. When ripe, it should be yellow to orange-red in color, although a few green spots are fine.

One medium sized papaya contains just 120 calories. So, if you’re planning to lose weight, don’t forget to add this light fruit to your diet. Besides, it is also packed with a considerable amount of dietary fiber that aids weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness and controlling cravings.

In today’s times, often we find ourselves eat-

ing junk food or restaurant food prepared in

excessive quantities of oil. Eating a papaya

daily can make up for such occasional mis-

takes, as it has a digestive enzyme known as

Papain along with fiber which helps improve

your digestive health.

Papayas are rich in fiber, vita-min C and antioxidants that pre-vent cholesterol build up in your arteries. Too much cholesterol build-up can block the arteries completely, causing a heart at-tack. Adding papaya to your diet may be beneficial for your heart. The antioxidants in papaya may protect your heart and enhance the protective effects of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.

Your immune system acts as a shield against various

infections that can make you really sick. A single pa-

paya can fulfill more than 200% of your daily require-

ment of Vitamin C, making it great to build a stronger

immune system.

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• Papaya is considered to be safe when consumed in moderate amounts. Consuming large amounts of it can damage the esophagus.

• Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming excessive papaya.

• Diabetics and hypo-glycemics should avoid consuming fermented papaya as it can reduce blood sugar.

• Those using anti-blood clotting medication should consult their doctor before having papaya as it may interact with those medicines.

• If you have a latex allergy, you may also be allergic to papaya because papayas have chitanases, often causing the cross-reaction between latex and the foods that contain them.

• It is the total diet or overall eating pattern that is most important in disease prevention and achieving good health.

• It is better to consume a diet with variety than to concentrate on individual foods as the key to good health.

Research suggests that the lycopene in papaya can reduce cancer risk. Papaya’s cancer-fighting ability appears to be due to its ability to reduce free radi-cals that contribute to cancer develop-ment and progression.

Papaya leaves are commonly used in the treatment of dengue to help boost up the count of platelets. Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood, says, “Dengue is an infection which affects the blood platelets mas-sively. A simple remedy to get back the platelets count is to give the patient a glass of papaya leaf juice. It is prepared by grinding the leaves with a small amount of water to extract the juice.” However, doctors should be consulted before using any such remedies.

Arthritis can be a really debilitating disease and people who have it may find their quality of life reduced significantly. Eating papayas are good for your bones as they have anti-inflammatory properties along with Vitamin C which helps in keeping various forms of arthritis at bay.

Papayas are rich in Vitamin A and flavonoids which keep the mucous membranes in the eyes healthy, preventing them from damage. Vitamin A in them also prevents the development of age-related muscular degeneration and keeps hair smooth, shiny and moisturized. Vitamin C and lycopene in papaya protect your skin and may help reduce these signs of aging.