Download - YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

Page 1: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward



Page 2: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

1. A FULL-BODY ENERGIZER A great way to meet the day is with a Sun Salutation (or Surya Namaskar, in Sanskrit), which tones every inch of you. A bonus promise: When you’re done, you’ll be in a brighter mood. Even a cup of coffee doesn’t give you as much long-lasting energy!

How to Do It1 Start by standing, hands in prayer at heart center. Close your eyes if you’d like and focus on your breath.2 Take three to five breaths, then inhale and lift your hands above your head; look up to your hands.3 On an exhale, open arms out to sides and swan-dive to the floor, folding into legs.

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Page 3: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

4 Inhale and step right leg back to Crescent Lunge pose. Letting chest lift, float arms above head. Press hands into prayer.

5 Exhale onto hands and knees, then inhale into a swayback Cow pose.6 Tuck toes under and exhale into Downward Dog. Hold for five breaths.7 Step right foot forward to Crescent Lunge, then bring left foot to meet right in Standing Forward

Bend. Inhale arms back overhead and exhale hands to heart.





Look up to your hands.

Align your knee over your



Do this entire flow on each side 3 to 5 times,

then get out and enjoy your day!

Page 4: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

2. BANISH BACK FLAB Bring on the backless dresses: Not only does this series of poses—Locust variations to Bow—help fight bra bulge, it also strengthens and tones your whole back, plus your shoulders and arms. Go through the cycle five to eight times, keeping abs tight to support your lower back. Do it three to five times a week and you’ll notice a difference in no time.

How to Do It1 Lie on your belly, arms out to sides at shoulder height, elbows at 90 degrees (like a cactus),

legs straight and open hip-width and head facing down. Inhale, lifting upper body and legs.2 Exhale, drawing elbows in to sides and squeezing inner thighs together.



Page 5: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

3 Inhale, clasping hands at the small of your back; lift hands, raising torso and legs a bit higher.4 Exhale, lowering body slightly; bend knees and grab ankles.5 Inhale, lifting heels away from butt and pressing shoulder blades back so thighs and upper body rise

off the floor. Exhale, returning to starting position.




Page 6: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

3. SCULPT YOUR BUM High Knee to Warrior 3 to Standing Split does wonders for the backside. Finish the series with a forward bend to stretch out the hips and thighs. Go through the full sequence (on both sides) three to five times, making sure you engage those glute muscles; the last time through, hold each pose for five breaths. Do the routine three or four times per week for best results.

How to Do It1 Stand with feet hip-width apart. Inhale as you bend your right knee and raise it so your right thigh is

parallel to the floor. At the same time, raise your arms up alongside your ears, fingers pointing toward the ceiling.

2 Exhale as you kick your right leg straight back and hinge forward at the waist so your body forms a straight line from right heel to head. Arms can be back alongside your body, or you may use one hand to lightly hold onto a chair to help with balance.

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3 Inhale as you drop your hands to the floor on either side of your left foot (bend your knee a bit if you have to), lifting your right leg as high as you can while keeping it straight.

4 Exhale as you lower your right foot to the floor (remain in forward-fold position).5 Inhale as you slowly round back up to standing, then raise your left knee and arms to begin

the sequence on the other side.

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Page 8: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

4. LOSE AB FLAB This 10-minute sequence—Dog Split to Lizard Lunge to Twist to Downward Dog to Jump Lunge—works all the major muscles in the ab region, plus packs in some cardio to burn off the extra fat on top. Go through the sequence three to five times three days a week, giving yourself a day’s break in between. (For faster firming, you can add in two more days of doing the routine without the Jump Lunges.)

How to Do It1 Begin on hands and knees. Exhale, lifting knees, pushing hips toward the ceiling and

straightening arms and legs to come into Downward Dog. Inhale, lifting your right leg as high as you can while keeping it straight.

2 Exhale, stepping your right foot forward to the outside of your right hand. Bend your right knee to come into Lizard Lunge.



Page 9: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

3 Inhale, lifting your right hand out and up toward the ceiling; look up to the right.4 Exhale as you return your right hand to the floor; step back into Downward Dog. Repeat the first

four steps on the left side.5 Inhale, jumping right foot forward and between your hands to come into Lunge. Immediately jump

left foot forward into Lunge while moving your right foot back; that’s one rep. Continue for 10 reps, then return to step one and repeat entire sequence.




Page 10: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

5. SCULPT AMAZING ARMS Think you have to pump iron to get chiseled arms? Not so! The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward Dog—do the job. The moves engage your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Hold each pose for five breaths, and complete the series five to eight times. Do it three to five times a week to tone up and gain muscle quickly.

How to Do It1 Kneel on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders. Tuck your toes under and exhale,

lifting your hips toward the ceiling. Move your shoulders away from your ears, drawing your front ribs in; push into hands and feet.

2 Inhale and lower hips, coming onto your toes and moving your torso forward, with shoulders directly over wrists. Contract abs and straighten arms; keep your body in line from head to heels.



Page 11: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

3 Exhale, rotating torso and stacking right foot on top of left. Press torso up (keeping your body in straight line) with abs tight. Raise right hand up, fingers pointing toward the ceiling; gaze up or forward. Inhale; return to plank. Repeat on the other side.

4 Exhale, keeping your body in a straight line and bending elbows to 90 degrees while lowering toward the floor. Contract abs; be careful not to round your shoulders forward.

5 Inhale, lowering your hips toward the floor. Untuck your toes; push into your hands, straightening arms, lifting chest and engaging abs. Hug shoulder blades together and down away from ears. Exhale, lifting hips to return to Downward Dog.





core tight works your abs (and helps prevent injury).

Page 12: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

6. GET LEAN LEGS For strong, slender legs, do Chair to Warrior 1 to Warrior 2 to High Lunge. This sequence hits every part of the thighs and calves, not to mention your hips and butt. Staying strong in each pose keeps muscles fired the entire time, and transitioning from pose to pose activates other muscles we don’t often use, helping to tone every inch. Go through the sequence 8 to 10 times (or until you really feel the burn) three to five times a week for the ultimate transformation.

How to Do It1 Stand with feet together. Exhale as you push hips back to squat down, as if sitting in a chair. At the same

time, lift arms up toward ears, holding palms together, fingers pointing toward the ceiling.2 Keeping abs strong, inhale and step right foot back, turning toes out to 45 degrees. Your left knee

stays bent, positioned directly above your ankle.

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Page 13: YOGA FOR YOUR TROUBLE ZONES · 2016-07-21 · The truth is, yoga in general and this five-minute sequence in particular—Downward Dog to Plank to Side Plank to Chaturanga to Upward

3 Exhale, opening your arms, hips and torso to the side. (Turn right foot out a little more, if needed.)4 Inhale as you lift your back heel, turning your toes, hips and torso forward. Raise your

arms up alongside your ears (keeping shoulders down) so your hands are directly above your shoulders with palms facing in.

5 Exhale, stepping right foot forward to return to Chair pose. Repeat sequence on opposite side.


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