Download - Yoga asanas To Keep lungs Healthy


Nadi Shodhon PranayamaReleases the accumulated stress and tension and calms your mind by purifying and balancing the nadis. This pranayama helps the eradication of many respiratory problems and helps counter the side effects of the


Kapal Bhati PranayamaKapalBhati Pranayama improves the circulation of blood and energizes the nervous system, rejuvenates the brain cells and calms your mind. This pranayama also clears and cleanses the nadis which are the subtle energy channels.

Bujanga Asana (The Cobra Pose)The cobra pose expands your chest and improves the blood circulation too. It is helpful in reducing the fatigue, relieving stress.

The Bridge pose or the Setu Bandhasana

Trikonasana & Sishuasana



SetuBandhasana pose opens the lungs and helps in improving the flow of oxygen in the body. It essentially calms the mind, reduces the anxiety levels, stress and depression.

Apart from these Trikonasana and Sishuasana also helps in reducing the stress levels and bringing a mental equilibrium and balance in the body.

Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand helps the brain and the body to be flooded with blood and helps eliminate the stress levels and even depression too to an extent which helps reduce the urge for smoking.

Shavasana which is a posture of resting the body at the end lets the body to go to deep rest and a meditative rest which helps in relieving the stress levels from the body. The Practice of this posture at the end helps in reduction of blood pressure and anxiety too.

