Download - Year 6 Kearsley West Primary School Autumn Term 2014.

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  • Year 6 Kearsley West Primary School Autumn Term 2014
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  • Role Play We started with a role play area outside our classroom. Everyone took turns to work in pairs, completing tasks either literacy, numeracy or science based, related to what we had been learning about in class.
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  • Homework Some even made creatures at home to add to our displays!
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  • Some people created their own rainforest creatures that had adaptations to allow them to live in this habitat.
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  • Branching databases Our first lesson was all about branching databases. We went out onto the school field and collected different leaves from the trees. It was hard at first to think of questions that would classify the leaves but we got the hang of it in the end.
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  • Adaptations Our next task was to think about how different animals are adapted to their habitat. We learnt new words such as, brachiating, bill and primate.
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  • Sketching We practised our sketching skills, were very proud of the results.
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  • Logo in flowers We had used The Butterfly Lion as a text to support our learning and in the story there is a part where the image of the lion is created by blue butterflies. We liked the idea so much that we thought we would have a go ourselves, only we would create an image of our school logo. The white school shirt will appear in the spring when the snowdrop bulbs, which are currently hidden under the soil, appear.
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  • Maths too Maths was a major part of our rainforest project, with problem solving, data handling and measuring all being involved.
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  • To wash or not to wash that is the question? When we came to learning about micro-organisms we took all the important facts that we had absorbed and put them into an information leaflet.
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  • In the style of David Shepherd How good are these pictures in the style of wildlife artist, David Shepherd?
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  • Skitch on the iPad We used an app called Skitch on the iPad to allow us to combine pictures and text to describe the rainforest.
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  • Lakeland Wildlife Oasis Our learning was enriched by a visit to the Lakeland Wildlife Oasis. We were able to see, touch and handle some of the creatures we had been learning about, it totally brought our learning to life.
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  • And to finish... Our learning was completed by a team activity where we were tasked with making our own model rainforest, it had to include a reference to all our learning about habitats, adaptations, variation of species, endangered animals etc. We learnt a lot about ourselves through doing this activity, such as who had strong personalities, who was a good team player and who was a good organiser.