Download - Xreaa Sec J Jl. D. H. DIRECTORY · Brandon's cottage, and then rowed through the Upper Lake, Long Range, under the Old Weir Bridge, to blie Mid dle Lake, thence to Ross Castle. The

Page 1: Xreaa Sec J Jl. D. H. DIRECTORY · Brandon's cottage, and then rowed through the Upper Lake, Long Range, under the Old Weir Bridge, to blie Mid dle Lake, thence to Ross Castle. The

mm Y.W-




j FROM IRELAND j Loving: Echoes.

Praise, and the world will heed you; Blame, and it iheeds you not;

For a word of praise in the memory stays,

Never to be forgot; ' Or, If chiding be remembered,

It is only for its siting, But loving words, like songs of birds,

Are for ever echoing.

Look for the fragrant roses, Not for the thorns and weeds,

For the crimson sky, when night is • nigh,

And the golden sun recedes. Glistens the starry Dipper,

Sparkles til>e Milky Way, Through midnight trees the clear eye

sees Glimpses of the dawning day.

Praise, and your friend will hear you, Blame, and he heeds you not.

For a word of praise in the memory stays.

Never to be forgot; But if chiding be remembered,

It is only for its sting. And loving, words, like songs of birds,

Are for ever echoing.


On the evening of May 30 the an-snual dinner of the St. Malncliy's Col­lege Students' Union was held in the college, Belfast, under the chairman­

ship of Most Rev. Dr. Henry, bishop of Down and Connor. There was a large attendance of clergy and laymen. Among tihe toasts were "His Holiness the Pope," proposed by the Most Rev. Dr. Henry; "Our Bishop," proposed by Dr. Peter McCauley, president of the Northern Law Society, and responded to by the Most Rev. Dr. Henry; "The College and the Union." proposed by Mr. T. J. Campbell, and responded to by ATe.ry Rev. Henry Laverty, V. G.;

. and "The Clergy and the Laity," pro­posed by Most Rev. Dr. Henry, and responded to by Rev. J. O'Laverty, P. P.; Dr. Dempsey, J. P., and Mr. .Tolm Malone, solicitor. Strong references were made by the various speakers to ithe extreme harshness with which the present university and collegiate sys­tems of the state bear on the Northern Catholics.

ARMAGH. With sincere regret we have to an­

nounce the death, on May 29, at the venerable age of 78 years, of Rev. Brother J. A. Gaton, who, after a la­borious and devout life, passed to his reward at the Christian Brothers' House, Greenpark, Armagh. The de­ceased brother was born in Preston, Lancashire, in 1823, and entered the institute of the Christian Brothers in 1845. Almost the entire of his reli­gious life was spent in Ireland, where, at different periods, he taught in Bel­fast, Monaghan, Mullingar, Tralee, Lfcnei'ick, Tuam, aiid for live or six yeans in North Richmond street, Dub­lin. After years in the South and in Dublin, he settled down in his old home at Greenpark, where he spent tihe evening of. his useful life, at his favorite avocation, the religions edu­cation of children.

CAVAN. On May 20, the Marquis of Head-

fort, accompanied by his newly wed­ded bride, paid « visit to lids pictur­esque seat in Virginia. The party drove from Keils to Virginia in the after­noon, the. road being overspanned l»y floral arches at frequent intervals, and at various points large knots of coun­try folk had assembled. At Virginia they were met by a large concourse, headed by the Kells and Oldoastle Brass Bands. A halt was made at the •parochial house, where the Marquis and Marchinaipss were received by Fa­ther John O'Reilly, P. P., and an ad­dress was read by Mr. Laurence Gillie on behalf of ithe people of Virginia, to which Lord Ileadfort appropriately responded. A salver salver was then •presented by the employes of the Vir­ginia estate. At night a display of fireworks was given in tlie park; and the town was illuminated.

CORK. Mr. Thomas Barry, of Kilavullen,

has scored a signal victory over the Castle harpies. Over a year ago, Mr. Barry; at a United Irish League meet­ing, denounced the immoral war in South Africa. Some Mallow shoneen reported the matter to Dublin Castle, and Mr. Barry, who, by virtue of being chairman of the Mallow urban council,

, was a "J. P.," was deprived of the "commilissioai." The lord chancellor has at length thought fit to climb down and rehabilitate Mr. Barry on the ju-

' dicial bench. The mackerel fishery at Baltimore

continues to show unabated success; : so much so, indeed, that the price has /run down to a very low figure, some­

times as low as 5s. or 6s. per hundred; wtliile such has been' the glut at times that tihe buyers have requested the fishermen to remain in harbor for a night to give them a chance of clearing

, out the markets.

CARLOW. , Most Rev. Dr. Foley, bishop of Kil-

: dare and Leighliin, commenced the W hitsuutide ordinations in connection with St Patrick's college, at the Ca­thedral, Carlow. on June 1 at 8

' o'clock. On the three last Sundays of May the bdshop also conferred Minor Orders and Holy Orders in the church

. attaohed to St. Patrick's college. On May 19 he conferred Minor Orders on

'.the following; James McGuhmess (Auckland), Edward Longhlln (KH-dare). John Shanalban (Dubuque), Pe-

- ter McKlernaa (Kingston, Can.), Pat­

rick Donagher (Perth). The bishop also promoted to sub deaconsliip Rev. James McGuinness (Auckland), Rev. Edward Loughiin (Ivildare), and Peter MeKlernau (Kingston, Can.).

On May 20 the bishop promoted to deaconsliip Rev. Patrick Reynolds (Du­buque), Rev. James McGuinness (Auck­land), Rev. Edward Loughiin (Kildare), Rev. James O'Connor (Christ church). Rev. Peter McKiernan (Kingston, Can.)

DERRY. On Sunday, May 20, the new Church

of the Assumption of the Blessed Vir­gin Mary, at Agliadowey, was solemn­ly dedicated by the bishop, Most Rev. Dr. O'Doherty. The old cliurc'li had become inadequate for the congrega­tion, which is connected with the par­ish of Killowen, Coleraine, and the es­teemed parish priest, Rev. Bernard Mulholland, courageously set himself to tihe task of erecting a new one, which he has had the happiness to know was opened entirely free of debt. The dedication mass was celebrated by Rev. John O'Kane. C. C„ at noon, an im­mense congregation being present. The sermon was preaclred by Rev. Father Doherty, Carlidonagh. The 'collection alone amounted to about £200, and in •returning thanks to the bishop, the jireaclier and others, Father Mulhol­land announced that the church did not owe a penny to anyone.

DUBLIN. The latest fashionable fad in Dublin

is the adoption, by a number of so­ciety people, of the "bare-foot" fad for their children. Considerabl atten­tion is aroused, now and then, in the streets about the fashionable squares, by the appearance of ismartly-clad children, walking bare-legged and bare­footed. all but a slight sandal sole. The idea is that the children are made hardier, and less likely to take cold, by this exposure; while their feet are allowed to grow freely, undeiformed by the compression of shoes, in their developing stage. For residents in the country the idea seems to possess its good points, as the people there have the warm earth and kindly grass un­der their feet. But. for city children, who have nothing but cold stone pave­ments on which to stand, the ease is entirely different. Even the inhabi­tants of Terra del ,Fuego, who are sup­posed to use less clothing than any

| otiher people on earth, would find rea 1 son to kick against such an absurd | fad. What is the Society l'or the 1're-| ven.tion of Cruelty to Animals" oceu-i vying itself with just now'/ The law insists that horses, and even asses and nmles. must lie shod. Are Christian ciliiildren of less account than beasts?

GAL WAY. The sale of the magnificent property

of Kylemore, which includes the most picturesque portion of the Connemara Highlands, was advertised to take place on .Tune 4, by public auction, in Dublin. Like the long-advertised sale of Kiillarney. it is not likely that an actual sale was intended. The Lon-

j don .Tews, who have held the estate in I ilieir clutches for years, are trying to j find out what they can realize on the : now teinantless acres—even the "slioot-, ings" of which have ceased to have a I marketable value, under the benign in-; fluence of English coercion rule in Ire­land;

KERRY. On May 27 the Hamburg-American

| line twin-screw steam yaclit Prinaes-• sin Victoria Luise arrived in Qn-eens-; town from Hamburg, via Soutliamp-| ton, with one hundred German tourists

on board. They at once disembarked, aaid left Queenstown by special train

j for Killarney. They comprised bank­ers and professional men, on a three weeks' tour of rest from Imsiness. Amongst the number was Admiral Koch, of Magdeburg. On arrival at

| Killarney, after lunch, they drove ; through Muekross Demesne, to Muck-ross Abbey, over Brickeen Bridge, then

j to I)in,is, along the shore of the Lower j Lake, to Tore Cascade, and thence re­turned to their hotels. Next morning

j they drove to the Gap of Dunloe for a grand tour of the lakes. They proceeil-

i ed through the Gap on ponies to Lord Brandon's cottage, and then rowed through the Upper Lake, Long Range, under the Old Weir Bridge, to blie Mid­dle Lake, thence to Ross Castle. The party expressed themselves highly pleased with their visit, and were charmed witih the magnificent scenery. They extended their tour to other parts of Ireland.

KING'S COUNTY. On May 30 a serious accident oc­

curred at the new Bin- Rifle Range. A large squad, composed of men of the 10th and 21»t Lancers, were practicing with Lee-Enfleld carbines. One of the 21st, named Moran, a private from Marlborough Barracks, Dublin, was noticed by the musketry Inspector to be shooting badly, and when asked threw the blame on the gun,which had become jammed. He was allowed to use -a comrade's carbine, for a few rounds, and with this he shot off straight. Reverting to his own, aiml apparently forgetful of the fact that the magazine had not been exhausted, he was getting ready to try it again, when it went off. Within a few yards, in recumbent positions, were Privates Johnston and Dooley, both of the same regiment. The bullet from Moran's carbine struck Johnson under the nip­ple of the right breast, penetrated and passed through liis right lung, and, passing out, struck Dooley, shattering his thigh bone. The wounded men were at once attended by Brigade Surgeon Kearns, who found both in a critical condition. Johnston is in the hospital at Crinkle, awaiting amputation of the leg, If he survives to be strong enough to undergo the operation; and the other man's critical condition arises from Internal hemorrhage. Although two of them have Irish muna»—Dooley

•and Moran—all three are Englishmen. LIMERICIv.

On the evening of May 25 a sad fatal­ity occurred in Robert street, Limerick. A man named Michael Rena'han, aged 05, with another laborer, in the employ­ment of Messrs. J. P. Evans & Co., seed and implement merchants, was engaged In hoisting machinery to a loft in the store in Robert street, when the crank of the windlass slipped, and the handle struck Renalian on the center of the forehead, cutting him to the bone. Renahan's companion, a man named Doyle, at once came to his as­sistance, but the man did not speak after he had received tlie blow. He was at once conveyed to Harrington's hospital, where the resident surgeon, Dr. McGratli, found that Renalian was dead.

LOUTH. On June 2, the Derry branch of the

Irish National Foresters visited Dun-dalk, and were met at the railway station by tlieir brethren of the Dun-dalk Lord Edward Fitzgerald branch of the same society. The excursion­ists had an enjoyable time. The Dun-dalk men greeted with Irish hospitality and fraternal cordiality their fellow Nationalists from the Maiden City.

MAYO. On May 30 Most Rev. Dr. McEvill.v,

archbishop of Tuam, arrived at Ball.v-haunts, on liis triennial visitation. His Grace was on his confirmation tour, wlhicli embraced the most remote par­ishes of Ids extensive archdiocese. Tlie event of his arrival in Ballyliaunis brought out the whole Catholic popu­lation. On the 31st the sacrament was administered to about 300 children; and the archbishop took occasion to compliment the priests and teachers oil the excellent answering of the pu­pils from the various schools in the parish. All tlie candidates voluntarily took the total abstinence pledge. This circumstance was a source of much gratification to His Grace, who has tlie cause of temperance so much at heart. The archbishop in his address to the vast congregation referred in powerful language to the king's blasphemous coronation oath, in which the most cherished tenets of the Catholic reli­gion were attacked, and Catholics themselves described and denounced as idolaitors. An impressive and elo­quent sermon on "Confirmation" was delivered by Rev. J. Grealy, C. C.

QUEEN'S COUNTY. A splendid demonstration, under tlie

auspices of the United Irish League, was hold in Mountrath, on May 20. Contingents were present from all parts of the county, and great entiiusi-aism was manifested.

ROSCOMMON. At the weekly meeting of tlie Ros­

common board of guardians, on May 2.>, the decision of tlie local govern­ment board, on the report of their in­spector, relative to the death of Dr. O'Brien, in tlie workhouse, was read. The local government board pointed, out that evidence given at the inquiry showed that Dr. O'Brien had died in great pain, and as it was proved he had been in tlie habit of getting drugs brought in to him, tlie local govern­ment board concluded that he must have died from having taken some drug. The system of permitting mes­sengers to leave the house and stran­gers to visit the hospital without being searched, tlie local government board held was evidence of negligence on the pari of tlie master and porter; but in tlie present instance the board would take no further action in the matter beyond warning those officials against a repetition of the occurrence.

SLIGO. Mr. P. A. McIIugh, wilio is entitled

to receive one visitor each day during his incarceration in Kilniainham prison, was visited on May 20 by Mr. Thomas Sexton, who, in (lays gone by, was confined in the same prison. The niom-lier from North Sligo looked rather pale; but lie appeared to be in good spirits, and conversed freely on gen­eral topics. Mr. McIIugh is bearing his confinement well.

TIPPEItARY. At the last Nenagli fair 31 head of

cattle were purchased, on behalf of the landlord of Mr. Adam Birney, Jr.'s, farm, from .\vhich the latter had been evicted. The cattle were put on tlie evicted farm; but on tlie same evening it was found that 13 of them were missing. The police subsequently dis­covered them 'about seven miles from the town and drove tliem back to the farm. The county inspector is investi­gating the matter, and there are ru­mors of a prosecution in connection with tlie affair.

WICKLOW. Late on the night of May 25, or

eatlly next morning, a shocking acci­dent occurred at: Shankill railway sta­tion, on the Dublin, Wicklow and Wex­ford railway, resulting in the death of Mr. George Searight, C. E., son of Mr. Graves Searight, of Springfield House, Loughlinstown, county Dublin. The circumstances have not been made quite clear, tout so far as can be ascer­tained two trains must have run over the unfortunate gentleman before he was discovered lying in the permanent way, with his right leg completely se­vered from the body. He was conveyed at once by train to the Meath hospital, Dublin, but he died there a few hours later, without recovering conscious­ness. He had traveled from Dublin by the 10:30 p. m. train, to Shankill; and it is supposed tlxat in crossing the line he was knocked down and run over by a passing train. The deceased, who was a civil engineer, had been at busniess in South Africa until the dis­location of public works by the war, and be Intended returning in a few months.

WEXFORD. At Wexford petty sessions, an May

29, an amusing case was heard, in which Win. Murray, a butler, sued Lady Hughes, of Barntown House, for £2, balance of wages due, and £2 com­pensation for time lost in attempting to recover tlie debt. It was the usual case of the terrible cook. Murray said he had no fault to find with Lady Hughes; he liked her remarkably well and sihe liked him; but there was a cook in the house—a. terrible woman, who would not give liim his meals properly, and kept him waiting in the hall like an under-servant; and, more­over, called him names! That he could not stand; but Lady Butler unsympa-tlietically discharged him with the cus­tomary month's notice. Sir William Paul, R. M., said the bench would give a decree for the full amount and co9ts, £1 5s. Od. Mr. O'Connor was for the complainant, and Mr. Eigee for the defendant


tnP»"IP t/y


NATIONAL OFFICERS. John 1'. Keating, National President, Chi­

cago, III. James B. Dolan, National Secretary, New

Haven, Connecticut. James B. Bree, National Secretary, New

HaTen, Coaa. P. X. Uorau, National Treasurer, Wash­

ington, D. C.

NATIONAL DIRECTORS. P. J. O'Connor, Savaunab, Oa. M. J. Burnt, Indianapolis, lnd. Will. J. Crouln, Boston, Mass. Patrick O'Neill, Philadelphia, Pa.

STATE OFFICERS—MINNESOTA. President—C. 3. O'Brien, Owatonna. Secretary—Thomas Connolly, 242* Pleat-

aut av., Minneapolis. Treasurer—John Flood, Duluth. President of Insurance Fund—R. J.

Clarke, St. Paul. Vice President—T. H. llurphy, Bralnerd. Secretary ot Insurance—John Matiouey,

120 Central av., Minneapolis. Treasurer oil Insurance—John Slievhy,

Montgomery. State Ueulcul Director—Dr. E. W. Buck­

ley, St. Paul. Directors of Insurance Fund—W. T. Fa­

hey, Ureeu Isle; W. A. Kennedy, Mont­gomery; J. J. Daley, Minneapolis; John T. iioyluii, Minneapolis; J. 12. McUovem, Rochester.

State Board of Audit—T. J. Doyle, St. Paul; Austin Kennedy, Rochester; John Kennedy, Minneapolls-


President—Mrs. J. J. Daley, 1804 Central av., Minneapolis.

Vice President—Mrs. Mary Rellly, Braln­erd.

Secretary—Ella Keating, 147 Pleasant av., St. Paul.

Treasurer—Mrs. Kutherlus McDonald, Duluth.

Insurance Secretary—Miss Margaret Gra­dy, Stillwater.

Insurance Treasurer — Mary Sullivan, Rochester.

State Medical Director—Dr. E. W. Buck­ley, St. Paul.

MINNEAPOLIS, HENNEPIN COUNTY. County President, J. J. Fltsgerald, Plym­

outh Clothing House; County Secretary, Felix McNauiee, 1IU7 Uth st. S.; County Treasurer, John Moran, 406 27th av. NK.

Division No. 1—President, G. J. Molan, 1018 Jefferson St. Nl£.; Vice Pres., J. J. Lane, 201E> Bryant ay. N.; Recording Sec., Thomas O'Neill, 242U 11th av. S.; Flu. Sec., M. E. Conlln, V27 Washington av. S.; Ins. Sec., W. M. Archer, Paluce Clothing House; Treas., T. Flynn, 25& 1st av. S. Meets ttrut Sunday afternoon and third Thursday even­ing of month ut K. of C. hull, 322 Nicollet av.

Division No. 2—President, John O'Grady, 2611 17th av. S.; Vice Pres., J. J. Regan, 1105 0th st S.; Recording Sec., fcV'llx McNamce, 1527 9th st. S.; Treas., M. J. GUI, 1320 Washington av. S.; Fin. Sec., Martin H. Jennings, &1/J 12th av. S.; Ins. Sec., James Kelly, 202& 18th av. S. Meets Urst Monday evening and third Sunday afternoon of mouth at Labor Temple, cor. ner 4th st. and 8th av. S.

Division No. a—Presideut. 11. J. Hayes, IBS 8th av. NE.; Vice Pres., J. L. Douughue, 418 Uth av. NE.; Hoc. Sec., E. A. Malone, 114 Uth av. NE.; Flu. See., Dan O'Counell, 1600 ad at. NE.; Treas., John Moran, UO& 27th av. NE.; Ins. Sec., J. J. Daley, 1804 Central av. Meets ttrxt Suuduy afternoon at 2:30 and third Xhurtiduy evening of the month at 7:30 at A. O. U. w. hall, 225 Cen­tral av.

Division No. 4—President, I. F. Illce, P. O.; Vice Pres., Geo. F. Murray, 1414 4th St. N.; liec. Sec., Thos. Devery, 1818 Oth St., N.; Flu. Sec., John L. Gleasou, 2EKI5 Uiuer-kou av. N.; Int. Sec., Joseph McDeruiott, 202 WeBtern av. Treas., J. V. Mitchell, 627 Plymouth av. Meets first and third Tues­days of month at 7:30 p. m., at Odd Fel­lows' hall, corner 10th av. N. and Washing­ton.

Division No. 6, Edlna—President, Michael Gleason, Edlna; Vice Pres.. Frank Wren, Cahlll P. O.; Rec. Sec., D. J. Ryan, Cahlil P. O.; Fin. Sec., T. M. O'Meara, Cahlll; Treas., J. Delaney, Cahlll; ins. Sec., T. J. Morlarlty, Cahlll. Meets second Sunday of each month at 7:80 p. m., In school house, Cahlll.

Division No. 6—President, J. T. Boylan, 1826 14th av. S.; Vice Pres., J. It. Buckley, 2688 15th av. S.; Rec. Sec., F. E. GrlWu, 2108 Bloomlngton av.; Fin. Sec., Dennis Bow, 2610 17th av. B.; Treat., J. J. McCar­thy, 2924 17th av. 8.; Ins. Sec., M. F. Cra-hen, 2646 16th av. 8. Meet! every second Thursday and fourth Sunday at Forester Hall, 1600 E. Franklin ar.

Division No. 7—Pres., Thos. Jordan, 1111 Holden St.; Vice Pres., J. F. Lyons, 614 7th av. N.; liec. Sec., W. J. Donahue, 611 Du-Pont av. N.; Fin. Bee., i. B. Permoylc, 1126 etli st. N.: Trsaa.. J. W. Bully, SM fit-mont av. N.; Ins. Sec., T. D. Walls, 404 7th ar. S. Meets second and fourth Thursdays of month at Klstler's Hall, corner 6th av. N. and Lyndale, at 7:80 p. m.

D'vlslon No. 8—President, John C. Shee-haL, 27 1st St. 8.; Vice Pres., H. C. McMa-hon, 8816 1st av. 8.; Rec. Sec., T. J. Flynn, 824 Nicollet av.; Fin. Sec., J. W. Vander-hoof, Central Market; Ins. Sec., T. J. Cor-bett, 2821 Blalsdell av.; Treas., J. H. Night­ingale, 1620 7th st. SE. Meets third Thurs­day of month, corner Nicollet av. and 8d St., at 8 p. m.

HENNEPIN COUNTY L. A. County President, Mrs. M. H. Cummlngs,

2720 14th av. 8. Division No. 1—President. Miss Mary Boy­

lan, 1826 Uth av. 8.; Vice Pres., Mrs. Miles, 10 8th st. N.; Rec. Sec., Miss Katie Curran, 2200 Cedur av.; Flu. Sec., Miss Mary Gnrvey, 1201 1st st. 8.; Treas., Mrs. Dean, 8149 Bloomlngton sr.; Ins. Sec., Mrs. Mary Mogan, 241S 18th av. S. Meets first and. third Thursday evenings of month at K. of C. hall, 322 Nicollet a v.

Dlrlslon No. 2.—President, Mrs. P. L. Collins, 606 2d St. NE.; Vice Pres., Mrs. Ellen Muoson, 650 Uulncy St. NE.: Rec. Bee., Mrs. Frank Bulllvan, 760 Washington St. NE.; Fin. 8ec., Mrs. Mary Turner, 1218 Jefferson st. NE.; Treas., Mrs. Tlerney, 221 8th av. NE.; Ins. Sec., Miss Susie Collins, 1601 Oth st. NE. Meets second and fourth Thursday evenings of month at A. O. U. W. ball, 226 Centraf av.

Dlrlslon No. 8—President, Mrs. James Best, 625 6th st. N.; Vice Pres., Mrs. Agues Keboe, 726 Bradford ar. N.; Rec. See., Mrs. J. Rice, 2023 Bryant a v. N.; Fin. Sec., Miss Jennie Oubblns. 627 6th at N.; Ins. Sec., Mrs. Mary LTMcBreen, 2024 Aldrlch ar. N.; Treas., Mrs. W. L. Harold, 1021 11 tb are. N. Meets second and fourth Tuesday erenlngs of each month at corner of 10th ar. N. and Washington.

DlrlstM No. 4—President, Mrs. 3, Foley, lt» B. S24 at.; Vice Pres., Mrs. 3. M. Lynch, ano 16th ar. B.; Bee. See., Mrs. Frank B. Grlffln, 2108 Bloomlngton ar.; Via. IK, Miss Bay Broderlek, 1ST 2d ar.

Treas., Mrs. Wn. Boekley. 1870 B. 26th las. Bee.. Miss Nellie flsharan. 2S85

UU ar. & Meets first and thlrtf Tbanday

tfvcuui£» vi ettcU iiiuuiii «i fvieoier lull. 10SV Jfc. Jfrmufciiii ftve.

A^i»*OAVAA *>V. u— 1'lVOlUCUl, Mr&, li. C. iHkllj, AO-U OIU ot. WCC i'tUD., ALlb. V. uttMwu, iovu uuuiu av. «\., itev. ecu,, Alia*

duvcbau, xuuo t>iu. «Ut*o .U«u4tc Aju&txu, 1-4tii av. 4\,, xictto!, skiito. Akutc AicUAUtij, iviU J.1U1 uv. A., xun. •dev., Ail ft. tlOilli \jitrUDOU, diwo feiUt'l'Auii «V»

Aleei* lU'ol uuu LUU'U MulUlaj eveutiiga vi LITE UIOUIU at —WUIUKVUU av. A.

i^iWftluii i>o. O—JL'l-tttfiUcuii Allrso a, *ln-Olii ml. o., Vict? i'leo., Alfa. r.

4iaw*i, 44* ioi.ii av. A.; Dtu. Aiioe a. Juv/oiv, luuo olii ot. Xicaa., All's, j. j, iwefciiii, -UUU Olii ol. lu». dec., Aiie» Al. l>>iuee, Oaii JLiSiu ar. ivec. Oec., Alio* Al. Aiot iejr, o—J luiii O. Alec la Ural XueaUu/ evening vi liiuiilU ai LttUvr Iviupiv.

UAAl&hil CUUMl. Uouucjr i'leoiueut—i". n. Aictjue/, 20 Uar-

mi., *>eu, Win. Li. feurua, ioo iruui at. 1/lYiauii *Nu. l~i/reBiaeiH, joiiu H. lew

leia, *K>I ttaOa&iia 61.; Vice i're*., Cliria. uiuitttfuci-, no ivuio av.; ivec. oec., AiircU AlcuoiiuiQ, cuuuli ai.; flu, dec., Jouii luaieiio, oiiu UUigeaa ireua., J->ure, diu a. *raui£Uii »u; lut». bee., oweii AlcUii*

410 Carroll au Metu at Cvuirai Uuu Ural una liura WedneoUttya.

lHvialou Mo. 2—rrtttlduut, 1\ H. McMuu-ua, Wabttalia »U; vice iTea., JoUu U. Uitfuiua, ». 7m at.; liec. bee., Uciirj U. WuoUa, lift** Auitioujr; b'lu. ticv.. JoUu li. iNuiau, iloO itavoui ai.; Xreaa.. iioti-ert i'urceil, mI E, iiu ai.; laa. «Sec., J. J. fciiupp, i'leubuut av. MeeU at Central Hall aecuuil and lourtu Tuesdays.

Lnvisiuu Mo. i'reritdeut, Jaa. F. Ualou-ey, 14 >V. at.; Vice Trea., 41. bcaulau. •44U iiooilUue Kt.; Itec. Sec., Jua. F. idcNal-ly, 4SI liruaiiway; flu. Bee., M. Cleary, 878 k'ark uv.; Treus., M. Mullaue, liurr at.; lutt, A'liua. UcMaUou, 625 si. Kraukliu at. Meeu at Creiiu llali Urat aud tkird Fridays.

Llylsion No. 4-Presiilent, Jas. J. Kegau, 7«i lglehart St.; Vice Pres., U. J. Couuolly,

oouUhue st.; Itec. Sec., M. J. Moraii; blu. Sec. und lus. Sec., John Cavanagh, 20 All. \ernoii St.; Treas., W. J. ltegau, 25a Alurtiu si. Meets at Knights of UoluuiOlu Hull second aud fuurth Tuesdays.

Division No. 6—President, T. J. Doyle, 428 Edmund st.; Vice Pres., U. T. Breuuau, cor. University and Suelllug avs.; Itec. Sec., Lliuer Mclveunu, St. Paul's Semluary; Fiu. but., Jus. lluwklus, 400 Falrview si.' 1'reus., Jus. Uuoley, 1888 Charles St.; lus. Sec., A. J. MtCariliy, a Li Slulih av. Meets at eor. University and Prior on third Fri­day.

Division No. 0—President, T. P. Sheehan. 800 Allieniurle St.; Vice Pres., G. W. An­derson, 1010 Main st. NE., Minneapolis; liec. Sec., U. T. Campion, OKI Uaudolph st.; 1< lu. Bee. aud lus. See., A. E. Thomas, 1^41 E. 4th st.; Treas., F. Id. Urant, 7a« Logan st. Meets at Central liall second aud lourlh Tuesdays. vLtivisiou No. 7—President, Dauiel Kciine-

dy, *00 E. Page st; Vice Pres., Jauies Preu-dergast, lou Slurkey st.; Itec. Sec., M. Mo-Nally, 21_Chicago uv.; Flu. See., Thus. Tracy, 107 E. Cougress St.; Treas., J. J. Trodden, 42 IS. Imliana uv.; lus. See., Jus. J. Urllliii, ISO l'reseolt si. Meets secoud and fourth Fridays at Wlttick's hall, cor. of ICoUle st. aud tireenwood av.

Division No. 8—l'resldeut, P. M. Moron-ey.101 La Foud si., or 1*. o.; Vice Pres., J. 11. McNaily, Otso Charles st.; Kec.Sec.. Thos. White, load Burr St.; Flu. Sec. and lus. Sec., Muriln J. Lee, 838 Sherburne av.; Treas., James Tracy, 487 "°;pplng St. Meels at Knight* of Coluuiblu liall second aud fourth Fridays.

Division No. &—Presldeut, K. 3. Clarke, 107 Litclitlcld av.; Vice Pres., Win. J. Long, 08 Lllclillcld av.; Itec. Sec., Jehu Lootjy, 054 tiaullier si.; Flu. Sec.. J. J. Degnuu, 107 Uiiuttobu av.; Treas., Joliu M. White, 117 Muuiiolm uv.; Ins. Sec., J. P. Connolly, TOO Purktuv. Meets at Twin City liall, eor. nice and Uuiversliy, lirsl uud third Wed­nesday evenings.

Division No. It)—President, Peter W. To-biu; \ ice l'res., N'iueent J. Ijouei'gau; ltoc. See., Aliciiael F. Walsli, I'.M tiruve hi.; Ii'iu. aud liis. See., Martin J. Lee, sas Sherburne av.; Treas., William J. Shieiy; Kxauiiulug Physician, Dr. 1J. W. UueUiey. Meets lirsl and third Thursday evenings of month ut K. ol' C. hall, Koiiert st.


County President, Miss Mury L. A. Smith, ia»Vj E. Congress; Couuty \ lee Presldeut, Miss J. Cook, iUo Valley st.; Couuty Secre­tary, Miss Nellie McColl, 012 Temperance St.; County Treusurer, Mrs. Mury McUuey. 25 Uurlleld st.

Dlvlson No. 1—President, Mrs. Mury Mc-Goey, 25 Garlleld St.; Vice Pres., Manila Fuller, Waimsliu aud lgiehurt sis.; Itec. Sec., Llszle Powers,878 Smith ar; Flu.Sec., Mra. Ellen Couroy, 84 E. Ctb at.; lus. Sec., Mrs. S. Douahue, 1105 Case St.; Treas., liau-uah lteurdou, GU8 St. l'eur st. Meets sec­oud aud fourth Tuesday evenings, C'entrul liall.

Division No. 2—President, Mra. Mary Mc­Donnell, 802 Burgess St.; Vice Pres., Mrs. Alius White, 117 Mauitoba ar.; Kec. Sec., lieleu Mylen, 80 Sycamore St.; Flu. Sec., Cella Corrlgan, 61 W. Cook at.; las. Sec., Mra. May Sbeehau, 002 Courtland at.; Treas., Mrs. Anna English, 00 Litchfield ar. Meets secoud and fourth Tbursduy even-lugs, liedniau'a liall.

Division No. 8—President, Josle Cook, 166 Valley at.; Vice Pres., Mrs. J. McDonald, St. Paul's Semluary; itec. See., Mrs. Nellie Sessions, 802 Charles St.; Flu. Sec., Mrs. J. F. McNally, Broaday and Oth at.; Ins. Sec., Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, 834 St. Autbouy av.; Treas., Mrs. W. Mitchell. 681 Selby ar. Meets first uud third Thursdays of each uioulli at Central hull.

Division No. 4—President, Mrs. Helen McUrslh, U50 Oskdale ar.; Vice Pres., Mrs. Mary M. McGuIre, 751 Woodbury at.; liec. Sec., A. McKlllup, 751 Woodbury st.; Fin. Sec., U. Foley, 801 S. Wabasha ct; lus. Sec., Mrs. it. Gallagher, 187 E. Congress; Tress., Mrs. Jane Grant. 807 Andrew ct. Meels secoud and fourth Wednesday ereulngs, Wlltieh'a Dull.

Division No. 6—President, B. McDonough, 1048 IJ. 4th; Vice Pres., Mrs. Mary Norton, 218 Norrls St.; Itec. Sec., Bertha Slater, 738 Conway st; Flu. Sec., Mrs. N.McMiihon, 284 Williams st; lus. Sec., Mrs. Nellie J. Slu-ter, 733 Couway st; Treas., Mrs. Mury Haw­kins, 108 Maple St. Meets secoud aud fourth Monday evenings, Odd Fellows' hull.

Division No. 6—President, Mrs. Nellie Dixon, 470 University ar.; Vice Pres., Mary A. yulnn, 148 Charles st.; Itec. Sec., Ger­trude Balwes, 621 Capitol boulevard; Fin. Sec., Mrs. A. B. Eshelby, 771 Wsbasba at.; Treas., Mrs. Marg. Nolan, 148 Cliurles st.

Division No. 7—President, Mrs. McCarthy, 147 Pleasant av.; Vice Pres., Bridget Ken-eully, 817 S. Frauklln; Itec. 8ec., Miss Nel­lie Hnuly, 125 lglehart st.; Fin. Sec., Mrs. Mary Newell, 105 W. University; lus. Sec., Mra. A. Newcombe, 156 Pleasant ar.: Treas., Nellie McColl, (112 Temperance st. Meets first aud third Thursday erenlngs. Central Hall. ' 8TILLWATEB, WASHINGTON COUNTY.

County President, Thos. J. Organ; Pres., £• W" Wflah; Vice Pres., D. F. Dnyle; Uec. Sec., Philip ltyan: Fin. See., Thos. Curley; Tress., J. W. Cleary; Ins. Bee., Danlei Brennan. Meets every Monday evening at A. O. H. ball, in Grand Opera House bldg.

Ladles' Auxiliary—County Pre*.. Mrs. Jauies Forcela; Pres., Mra. A. Wright; Vice Pres., Mrs. P. Connors; Bee. Bee., Mrs. M. Donalds: Fin. >ec., Miss A. H! Se""r;Bee., kra. P. H. Brau; Treas., Miss M. Gsrrlty. Meets second sad fourth Friday erenlngs at Opera ball.

MOKKI8, STEVENS COUNT*. County President, Win. Blordsn; Pres..

D. Hennessy; Vice Pres., J. 8. Walsh; Rec. Sec., T. F. McCanney; Fin. Bee., T. A. Cal-laghan; Treas. and Ins. Sec., Timothy Mur­phy. Meets first Sunday of mouth.

Ladies' Auxllsry—County President, Miss M. McIIugh; Pres., Mlsa Nellie Moran; Vice Pres., Mrs. Alice See; Uec. Bee., Miss Msr-

8oret Callahan; Flo. Bee., Mlsa Nellie IcHugh; Tress., Mrs. Elizabeth Maboney.

Meets at Morris, Minn. DAKOTA COUNTY.

County President—T. P. Moran, Hastings. Division No. 1, Hastings—President, Pat-

trick Carolan; Vice Pres., D. McNaniara; Uec. Sec., J. F. Stevens; Fin. Sec., Thos. McSliaue; Treas., W. H. Faby; Ins. Sec., J. F. Cavanaugli. Meets second and fourth Thursdays of month.

Ladles' Auxiliary—Couuty President, Mrs. T. E. Devltt, ItoHcinounl; Pres., Margaret Molamiihy; Vice Pres., Miss J. Thome; Uec. Sec., Clara Faliey; Flu. Sec., Mrs. Thomas Moran; Trnas.. Mrs. James McShnne; Inn. Sec., Mrs. J. Pettinglli. Meets first Friday evei'lng ut A. O. II. hall.

Dlrlslon No. 2, Itosemount—President, W. D. Carroll; Vice Pres., E. J. Dunn} Uec. Sec., M. F. Mullen; Fin. Sec., M. J. Cor­coran; Ins. Sec., B. O'llara; Treas., T. B. Derltt. Meets second Tuesday and fourth Sunday.

Daughters of Erin, Rosemount—President, Miss Uarr Garry; Vice Pres., Miss Nellie Moran; Itec. Sec., Mlas Anna Delaney; Treas., Mrs. T. B. Derltt; Ins. Sec., Miss Katie Fallon; Fin. 8ec„ Miss Maggie Kel­ler. Meets first Sunday of montb at 2:80 p. m. and third Wedneaday at 7:80 p. m.

BT. CLOUD, STEARNS COUNTY. County President—T. C. Bcollan. Dlrlslon No. 1. St. Cloud—Meets third

Tuesday of month at M. W. A. ball, Hun-stlger block.

DULUTH, 8T. LOUIS COUNTY. County President—P. McCsbe, Duluth. Division No. 1, Dulnth—President, F. L.

Bysn; Vice Pres., U. F. Kelllher; Bee. See., I. J. Fltsgerald; Fin. and Ins. Bee., A. 3. Beers; Treaa.. J, H. BalUvan. Meets first

ami third Wednesday evenings of month at Odd Fellows' hall, Lake ave.

Division No. 4, West Duluth—Presldeut, Wm. Murnlan; Vice Pres., S. C. Bolger; Uec. Sec., T. J. Godfrey; Treas., Thomas Doyle; Fin. and 1ns. Sec., J. J. Moran. Meets first and third Tuesdaya, 7:30 D. m.. at A. O. U. W. hall.

LADIES' AUXILIARY. County President—Mrs. J. H. Sullivan. Dlrlslon No. 1—Presldeut, Mrs. D. P.

McDonald; Vice Pres., Mrs. E. Gurney; Uec. Sec., May Sweeny, 127 W. 4th st.; Fin. Sec., May Uorrlgan; Ins. Sec., Agnes Calla­han; Treas., Mrs. Minnie Brown. Meets first aud third Wednesday evenings at Kalamazoo hall.

Division No. 2—President, Mrs. J. P. Hammill; Vice Pres., Mrs. G. A. Coleman; Itec. Sec., Mrs. Joseph Burns; Fin. and Ins. Bee., Mrs. 3. Clyne; Treas., Mrs. William Gavagau. Meets first Sunday afternoon and third Tuesday evening In A. o. U. W. hall.

WASECA, WASECA COUNTY. County Presldeut, Thos. Boucher; Pres.,

James Conway; Vice Pres., M. Lambert; Uec. Sec., Chas. Splllane; Fin. Sec., B. J Lilly; Ina. Sec., D. O'Keefe; Treas., P. McLooue. Meets first Sunday and third Thursday.

PIPESTONE COUNTY. County Presldeut—C. B. Dougherty. Division No. 1—President. P. Powers;

Vice Pres., Con. McConray; Itec. Sec., Bdw. Carroll; Fl». Sec., J. Barrett; Ins. Bee., C. K. Dougherty; Treas.. M. lleffron. Meets first Kuuday of mouth. Address Box 118. Pipestone City.

LYON COUNTY. Ladlea' Auxiliary — County Prealdent,

Mra. Emma McElrufn: Pres., Mrs. Margaret White; Vice Pres., Mrs. Elisabeth Cahlll; Uec. bee., Mrs. Mury Young; Fin. Sec., Mlsa Annie Kennedy: lus. Sec., Mrs. Mary Mar­tin; Treas., Airs. Theresa Uarron. Meets first Sunday ct month.

McLEOD COUNTY. County President-J. W. Hulloran, Glen-

coe. President, P. J. O'Connell; Vice Pres., B.

T. Connelly; Uec. Sec., A. J. O'Donnell; Fin Sec., A. M. O'Donnell; Treas., I>atrlck Glides; Ins. Sec., J. W. Halloran. Meets flrnt and third Sundays of mobth. after mass. Address, Gleucoe, MIuu.

F1U-MOKE COUNTY. County rrvKidtfut—Johu (ialllg&u. DIVIHIOU NO. 2, Lanesboro— I'retrident, aJt.

Scauluti; Vice Pres.. J. O'Mura; K*c. Hec., J. OiiillKun; Kin. Keo.. Jauies Lynch; Ins. bee., Jamos Oalllgan; Treas., D. Thorotou. Meets first aud fourth Suudtiy orer Labea* boro bank.

Division No. 1, Daughters of Briu, Lnue* boro—Pres.. Mrs. S. SnlUane; Vice Pres.. Mrs. E. Lynch; Itec. See., Marie MoCor-mlek; Kin. Sec.. Neiile Uafferty; Treas., Maggie Itafforty; lus. Sec., Mrs. Krayne.

STEELE COUNTY. County Presldeut—Jainea O'Brien. Division No. 1, Owatonna—President, W.

H. Kilty; Vice Pres., John Devlny; Rec. Sec., Thos. K. Cashtuan; Tin. See., W. H. Llebe; Inn. Sec., JHS. E. Muloue; Treas., K. J. Mctirath. Mi'ds secoud and fourth Thursduys at K. P. hall.

Ladles' Auxiliary, Oivntonnn — County I resident. Nova Toiler: PITH.. Mrs. Mar­garet Malone: Vice Pres., Mrs. J. O'Brien; liec. Sec., Small Scliulzo; Kin. Sec., Julia Connor; Ins. Sep., Etta llottan; Treas., Mrs. M. J. Met;ratli. Meet.s second Tues­day at K. 1>. hull.

Division No. 2, Blooming Prairie—Presl­deut, M. J. Keenau; Vice Pres.. I>. F. Dol lywood; Kec. Bee., Ed. Fitzgerald; Fin. See., O. O'Connor; Ins. Sec., ICd. O'Connor: TrenH., T. J. Ilaulou. Meets first Sunday, Blooming I'ralrle.

NOBLES COUNTY. Couuty President—W. M. Fluley. Dlvlslou No. 1, Ellsworth—Presldeut, Pat­

rick O'Connor; Vlee Pres., T. Cnrey, Jr.; lice. See., M. Burke. Jr.; Fin. Sec.. W. M. Fluley; Ins. Sec., M. P.. Burke; Treaa, M. Gulnan. Meets first Sniuluy afternoon sutl fourth Thursday evening lu A. O. 11. hall.

Ladles' Auxiliary—County President, Miss M. lleddy; Pres., Mrs. M. Halloran; Vice Pres., Mrs. F. J. Ash; Hec. Sec., Mlas N. O'Connor; Fin. Sec., Mrs. C. A. Bird; Treas., Miss M. Burke; lus. Sec., Miss A. O'Connor. Meets first Thursdny evening nixl third Sunday ufternoou at A. O. II. hall, Ellsworth.

ltOCK COUNTY. County President, P. II. Kelly, Luverne;

Pres., jami'S MeKeon; Vice Pres., Murtln llyan; Uec. See., James Fitzgerald: Fin. See., J. T. Coveny; Treas., P. It. Kelly.

UOCIIESTEU, OLMSTED COUNTY. County President—M. lleffron. DIVIHIOU NO. 1—President, J. E. McOov-

ern; Vice Pres., ICilw. Fitzgerald: Fin. Sec., James Degnon; l!ee. See., Win. Kelly: Ins. See., T. J. I.uwlcr: Treas., D. J. Cudmore. Meets first and third Tuesday ereulngs at K. P. hall.

Ladles' Auxiliary—County President, Miss Angcllnc I'urcell; Pres., Miss Margaret H. Sullivan; Vice Pres., Mrs. n. Murray; Uec. See., Miss M. Ilartney; Fin. Sec., Mlsa Kntle Donovan; Treas., Mra. J. M. Norton; Ins. Sec., Miss Clara Kennedy. Meet* sec­ond und fourth Tuesdaya at K. P. ball.

ANOKA COUNTY. County President, Thos. Coleman; Pres.,

Thomas Clark; Vice Prea., William Ward; Uec. Sec., Jos. Richards; Fin. Bee., D. K. Shannon* Ins. Sec., D. M. Shanuon; Treaa., John McDonald. Mecta second Sunday at G. A. It. hall. Second ar.

SWIFT COUNTY. County Pres.—D. F. McDcrmott, Clontarf. Division No. 1, Clonturf—President, Wm.

Keunn; Vice Pres., A. Itobertson; Rcc. Sec., A. Karanaugli; Fin. See., M. H. Con-logue; Trons. and Ins. Sec., Patrick Foley. Meets first Sunday, In tows hall.

Division No. 2—President, J. C. Collins; Vice Pres.. James O'Connor; Itec. Sec., W. II. Douncily; Fin. Bee., T. H. Donnelly; Ins. Sec., M. McSliaue; Treas., E. Hoban; Sergt.-et-Armi, Charles Qui tin. Meets sec­oud Sunday. Address, Benson, Minn.

WINONA COUNTY. Division No. 1—President, Hon. P. Flta-

Ssi rick; Vice Pres., James B. Burk; Bee. ec., John ltowau, Sr.; Flu. Sec., J. W.

Rowan; lus. Sec., Geo. Fockens; Treas., M. J. ltyan. Meets Urst and third Tuesday evenings at St. Thomas hall.

Division No. 2, Wltoka— President, Luke Nagle; Vice Pres., Wm. McCaffrey; Bee. Sec., J. E. Mohan, Ilushford P. O.; las. Sec., Jeremiah Moran, Sr. Meets second Sunday ut Wltoka.

Daughters of Erin, Winona—President, Mlsa Muy McDonnell; Vice Pres., Mlsa An­nie Green: Hec. Sec., Miss Hose Donahue: Fin. ec.. Miss Nellie Stacks; Treaa., Mist. Nellie Fockcns; Ins. Sec., Miss Annie Mc-Guau; County President, Miss Nellie Han-ley. Meets first and third Wednesday even­ings at St. Thomas hall.

MORTON, HENVILLE COUNTY. County President—T. H. McGlnty. Division No. 1—President, J. H. Rsagaa;

Uec. Sec., C. J. Reagan; Fin. Sec., D. F. Keefe; Treas., T. M. Keefe; Ins. Sec., A. H. Keefe. Meets second Sunday at 2 p. m.

BltAINEltD, CllOW WING COUNTY. County President—J. F. McGlnuts. Division No. 1 .Bralnerd—President, n.

P. Duuu; Vice Pres., T. H. Cannon; Rec. Sec., J. E. Wallace; Fin. and Ina. Bee., Tim Uellley; Treas., S. O. Elliott. Meets ses-ond Wednesday evening and fourth Sunday afternoon In McKay'a hall.

Ladles' Auxiliary—County President, Mia. Kathleen Eurly; Pres., Mlsa Nellie Bnraa; Vice Pres., Mrs. Marguerite Hemps tea ff; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Jennie Hawkins; Via. Sea., Sadie Rellly; Treas., Mamie Carney. Masts first and third Wednesday evenings, Colum­bian Hall.

BLUB EARTH COUNTY. County President—T. B. Murtaugh, Mad­

ison Lake. Division No. 1, Msnkato—President, M. J.

Cuddy; Vice Pres., C. F. Glblen; Bee. Bes.. Patrick Kennedy; Fin. Bee., Daniel Coun-lau; Treas., Thos. Coughlan; Ins. 8ec., Jon. McCnll. Meets second Bunday at 8 p. m. and fourth Monday at 8 p. m. at A. O. H. hall, 802 S. Front St.

Division No. 2, Madison Lake—Prealdent, Robert Madlgan: Vice Pres., C. T. McCar­thy; Hec. Sec., J. J. McCarthy; Fin. See., J. C. Brown; Ins. Sec., John white; Treas., John McNuinara. Meets second and fousth Sundays at Hibernian ball.

LADIES' AUXILIARY. County President—Mrs. Kate McNamara,

Mudlson Lake. Division No. —, Msnkato—President, Mra.

J. McCall; Vice Prea., Mra. N. FltageraM; Rec. Sec., Laura Kelly; Flu. Hec., Mrs. J. Hennesy; Ins. Sec., Mrs. L. Belanger: Treas., Mrs. Anna Ulley. Meets first and third Monday evenings at A. O. II. ball.

Dlrlslon No. —. Madison Lake—President, Mrs. Gllbrlde; Vice Pres., Mrs. B. Bmlth: Hec. Sec., Mrs. Ella Farmer: Fin. Sec., Mrs. 3. Banes: Treas., Mra. J. white; Ins. He*., Mrs. L. Doran. Meets second and fonrta Sundays, at Hibernian hall.

GUACEVILLE, BIO STONE COUNTY. County President, M. J. McDonnell:

Pres., Janes Conway; Vie* Pres., Hagk Helly; Ree. See., P. H. Caw ley; rin. W. fi. Boland; Trass., P. McNamara; las. Bee., Michael Fahey. Msets first Bunday of month.

Daughters of Erin, jOracerlll*—Prealdent,

Cost . Be s a . .

Boeteher. Meets second Friday and fow

Division No. 1—President, 3. Dwyer; Vice Pres., J. J. Tevlln: Uec. Sec., W. P. Moraii. lona; Fin. Sec., P. T. Morris; Treas.. p Dwyer, Sr.; Ins. Sec., D. J. Sullivan. Meets third Sunday of the month at Aroca.

Division No. 1, L. A.-County President, Mrs. Annie Kennedy: Pres., Mrs. Auule Culien; Vice Pres., Mrs. Mary Farrell; Uee. Sec.. Mrs. Catherine Crowley; Flu. Sec,, Mrs. Alice Mahouey; Ins. Sec., Mrs. Julia Fogarty; Treas., Mrs. Mary Brady. UeeCi third Suuday of month after mass.

Division No. 2, Currle—President, J. B Keary; Vice Pres., John Donnelly; Res. bee., M. Farrell; Fin. Sec., O. Drlurlifg; Ins. Sec., W. Sweetmuu; Treas., D. E Gtf viu. Meets second Suuday at Currle's hall.

Ladles' Auxiliary, Dlvlslou No. 2—Presl­deut, *r.r>, E. McAvory; Vice Pres., Mrs. P. — . Flu. Sec., Miss Susie SwcenJ; Rec. Sec., Miss Mury E. Gorman; Treiut Mrs. JoBeph By rues; lus. Sec.. Miss B McCormlck.

LE SUEUR COUNTY. County President— Eugeue Osborn, Le

Sueur. Division No. 1, St. Thomas-President. D.

W. Burns; Vice Pres.. C. Ivllducr; Uec. Sec., W. H. Burns; Mil. See., Juuies HouavuS; Ins. Sao., J. s. O'Donnell; Treas., J. S O'Nell. Meets first Suuduy at 2 o. m mi. St. Thomas hall. v ' ^

Division No. 2—President, M. Bkelly; Flo Sec., Eugene Orborne; Treas., U. DoraS. Meet, first Sunday. Address, Le Sueur,

Division No. 3, Montgomery—Meets see-oud Suuduy.

SIBLEY COUNTY. County President—W. T. Fahcy. Cr^t

Isle. Division No. 1. Green Isle—Presld^ot,

Daniel Myers; Vice Pres.. M. McM»h..o: Kec. Sec., Frank Cosgrove: Fin. Sec.. W T. f«hey; Treas., Thos. Morrln; Ins. Bee.. VC McMahon. Meets first Suuday it i n. tn at St. Brendan's halL

LADIES' AUXILIARY. County President—Mrs. Emma K. Lltcb

Bed. President, Mlaa B. Fahey; Vlee Prea.

Mrs. Frank Cosgrove: Bee. Bee., Mia *" J. Martin; Fin. Sec., Mra William Marvin; Ins. Sec., Mlas Anna 8. Brie; Treaa., Mra. Thomas Dolau. Meeta secoud Sunday at month at • p. m., at St. Brendaa's Hall.

SCOTT COUNTY. County President—F. J. Leonard, Jordan

n'J1T,,8l;'n 1. Belle Dr. G. It. Molouey; Vice Pres., D. W. tint nT*u nc" "uJ' J1* 8t™«on: Fin. IW.. D. U. Cuvanauirh; Ins. S«-e.. J. R. Htraf Simday'*1"1" Callahan. Meets tlrai

IUCE COUNTY. DIVIKIOII NO. L, Faribault-Place of

lug, Faribault. Dlvlslou No. 2. Shleldsvllle—Meeta tuird Suuday.



Abell, Ace 1'., 301-2 ltsak of Coui. Bids Arctauder, Ltidvig. Temple Court. Ankeny, A. T.. Olobe ltldg. llat.'H. w. K.. 311 Sykes lllock. Illeeeker, Geo. M.. 831 Hontou Bloek. Ilrady, M. C., Temple Court. Itrlce, A. L.. Guaranty lydHU. Canty, ThoH.. (ioarsuty Loan. (.'orrlgan. J. It., Snlle -tint N. Y. Life Ulda. Daveniiurt A Thlan, Phoenix Bldg. Darellns, A. II., Ul'f. N. Y. Life Bldg. I W«utHCJI, 11*MIrv. Otmruut r Loan, Donahut, W. U„ 614 Phoenix B'Pd'g. I't ed U. Snydi r At Ezra U. Smith.

701 New York Life llldg. Fort III. Geo. K., 402 Gi.ilie llldg. FllU'hl. Flcti'her «t Fltleld. I«t Lumber Ki. Oallaclo'r, ('lii-itt A.. Guaranty I^osn Hlrts GJeriHeii & Kami, ill 7i;t N. Y. Life l»:<ia Heiilg, Wendell. N. Y. Life HMg. llobliH. I1'- K., Temple Court. Joliu Llnd St A. Uelaud. I01UN'. Y. Life H a* Leary, W. C., Andrus B'I'd'g. Monro. Weed. I.ouo S- Trosl Bldg. Malioney, Strplien, «« Guar. Loaa Bid* Niithon»'y. .1. L„ bin N. Y. Life Bldg.

Mellale, John J., R01-R02 B'k of Com. (I da Ny<>, I'nink \1., Guaranty Loan. O'Brien. J. E., Oneldu Itlk. Pllgraio, \V. 11. li., Bin Temple Court. Itlord l'lill J., 7H4 Oneida Itlock. Siulth, Ceo. II.. 610 KORUIU Itlk. Steele, John II., 710 I'hocnlx ltldg. YUIIIIK. II. W„ 4112 Glolie Bldg. Van Fossen «• l-"r<>iit. X-'tO Gnai-uuty lona Welch & llnliachek, B'k of Com. Bldg

KliAUTii'in, SOCIKTY BAIXi ir.S. We have SM-UIMVI the ac»Micy for the

Wiiiteiiond & Hong coiiiii:inj''» liand-Bome and cotniilcte line or tmdgeis for every CuUiolle socloty in tlio North-wpKt, iiii'ltiilin^ A. O. 11.. C. O F.. Holy Nil mo, Youittf I.IKIICS' tvKliiilty. UOBIU-y Sdolety, ail I'VPUCII, German. I'olisli, ilohoiulan godeting, and in fuct t-aii furnis.ii imdgcs for uny society of any ikitioiinllty. We lmve a full Une of BfunpW'B of those liunilaorue baiiges at our oliice. CnU anil see them and lio convinood that we have Just what you want. Out of town parties cas Bftcure any Information desired rejrnrd-ing iwdfjeH by wTiting to us. All of thus* badKeR ai-e of eKjulslte work­manship anil (ICKIKII and ore jtist whitt i-'very sooiety needs for the luetnlier-Kllill.

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The most popular railway from tlie Northwest to the great show at Buffalo will be tli« Ciiiengo, Milwaukee & St. Paul.

It runs, every day, flvo beautiful trains from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Chicago, connecting directly with ail Eastern lines.

Its celebrated Pioneer Limited (tlie famous train of the world) leaves Min­neapolis at 7:30 p. m. and St. Paul 8:10 p. m. daily, arriving Chicago 0:30 next morning.

Special features of the "Milwau­kee's" service are the observation, buffet parlor cars on day trains, pri­vate compartment and standard sleep­ers on night trains, as well as buffet smoking cars and the best dining ser­vice in the world.

Tickets at cheap rates will be on sale every day at all points on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul By. to Buffalo and return, and the maximum comfort can be obtained by using this line.

Write to J. T. Conley, Ass't Gen'l Pcssgr. Agent, St. Paul, for the "Mil­waukee's" Pan American folder (one of the completest and most comprehen­sive guides yet published ot the expo sltion) and oil Information concerning rates, etc.

Kra. W. Strong; Vlee Pres., Mlas Mag­gie Coetello; Rec. Bee., Mra. If. •. NoonaX; Fin. Bee., Mlsa Nellie Downs; Ina. lea, lllss Grace McDonnell; Treaa., Mra. JL Boeteher. Meets second FrMay and fourta Sunday.

AVOCA, MDBBAY COUNTY. Cooatr President—J. H. Mahoaay.


way will place In effect a low fimt-class round trip rate of $45 from east­ern terminals to Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. Dates of sale at eastern terminals will be from July 0 to July 13 Inclusive, and the final limit for return will be Aug. 31, 1901. Destina­tion must be reached not later than July 18, stopovers being allowed IN EITHER DIRECTION within th* transit limits.

This offers an unsurpassed opportu­nity for those desiring to hunt new homes and farms, to go Into the north­west and look over the country, or for those wishing to visit relatiTW ar friends or to make pleasure trips, to do so.


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