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The sun is shining. The grass is green. The orange and palm trees sway. With apologies to Mr. Berlin, the trees don’t really sway un-less there’s awfully strong wind. But there is a gentle breeze rustling the palm fronds. Yep, it’s Christmas in Florida.

Last year, I came to Florida right after Christmas to visit Jimmy’s sister and her husband. I intended to stay a week. Stayed a month. And came back in March and went halves on a place here in Arcadia (in an over-55 mobile-home park) with my cousin Michelle from Michigan. We named it “Dos Verandas” as it has two screened porches. One is dubbed the “Dog Pound” and the other is the “Catio.” Of course the dogs and cats much prefer our living spaces.

Buzzer, Scooter and I arrived the weekend before Thanksgiving. Those two 12-year-olds are immensely enjoying being indoor kit-ties. Buzzer has taken over a footstool as his throne. Scooter likes sunny window perches. (Sherman, Shirley, Mo’ Kitty and newly ar-rived stray Leon are holding down the fort in Back Swamp. Jimmy’s junk yard cat, K.C., developed cancer in her mouth this fall and had to be put down. She was a tough but sweet girl, and got to spend her final weeks at the cabin.)

Spent a lot of time in the mountains this year, including nearly six weeks this fall. Saw the leaves go from green to colors to the ground. And then it snowed a couple inches. It was beautiful — and gone by the next after-noon. That’s the kind of snow I like!

Wishing you much love and joy and peace this Christmas and throughout the New Year. Come visit — I’ll be here, at the cabin or at the Swamp!

Lots of love,

It was love at first sight. I wanted him the moment I saw him, with that hair stick-ing up rakishly all over his head. He loved the beach, where he’d dig a nice cool bed, and the mountains, where he’d hike as long as you wanted to go. Hated my driving (but was fine with Jimmy’s). Was ready to go camping any time. Hogged the sleeping bag. Loved grilling and especially juicy T-bone. Ran in fear when power tools came out.

He was a loyal and faithful friend, al-ways showing unconditional love, no matter what.

Little Bear slipped the surly bonds of earth in the wee hours of Sept. 15. He’d lost his hearing, most of his sight, and much of his mobility. In one last act of kindness, he spared me taking him to the vet one last time. For that — and the nearly 18 years he gave me — I’m grateful.

Merry Christmas from the Sunshine State