Download - XD10116 Installation Guide for Citrix XenServer 5

  • 8/3/2019 XD10116 Installation Guide for Citrix XenServer 5

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    See or the XenServer 5

    install guide. This guide covers XenServer 5.5.

    1.0 IntroductionA XenServer installation requires a minimum o two

    separate, physical computers; one to be the XenServer host

    and one to run the XenCenter management application.

    XenServer is a 64-bit, x86 server-class platorm devoted

    to hosting multiple Virtual Machines (VM); XenCenter is

    a Windows client application that manages XenServer

    hosts. While the XenServer machine must be dedicated

    to the task o hosting VMs, XenCenter can run on any

    general-purpose machine, alongside other applications.

    This Xtravirt guide details the process o perorming a

    basic installation o Citrix XenServer 5.5 and XenCenter 5.5,

    plus the registration and licensing o the XenServer host.

    2.0 Pre-RequisitesConguration inormation:

    Citrix XenServer installation media (Base Pack and

    Linux Pack)

    Citrix XenCenter installation le

    A ully qualied domain name (FQDN) or the

    XenServer host

    TCP/IP conguration inormation or the XenServer

    management interace DNS server IP address/es or the XenServer host


    NTP server IP address/es or the XenServer host

    (optional) 2009 | 1

    Illustration 1-1: XenServer architecture

    white paper

    Installation Guide or Citrix XenServer 5.5

    Title: Installation Guide or Citrix XenServer 5.5

    Author(s): Xtravirt (Paul Buckle)

    Target Audience: Technical - Novice

    Current Revision: 1.0 (Jul 2009)

    First Published: Jul 2009

    Product(s): Citrix XenServer 5.5

    UID: XD10116

    Content Overview:

    Installation o XenServer 5.5

    Installation o XenCenter 5.5

    Registration and Licensing

    Guest OSGuest OS

    Guest OSGuest OS


    Xen Hypervisor

    XenTM Hypercall API

    Virtualization Stack



    Xen Tool


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    2/[email protected] 2009 | 2

    XenServer system requirements:

    Processor One or more 64-bit x86 CPUs, 1.5 GHz minimum,

    2 GHz or aster, multicore CPU recommended

    (maximum o 32 CPU cores).

    Windows VMs can be created only on XenServer

    hosts equipped with Intel VT-enabled or AMD-V

    CPUs and this eature must be enabled in the BIOS.

    It is possible your BIOS might have virtualisation

    support disabled. Consult your BIOS documentation

    or more details.

    To support VMs running supported paravirtualised

    Linux, a standard 64-bit x86-based system with one

    or more CPUs is required. Linux VMs do not require

    XenServer hosts that are equipped with Intel VT-

    enabled or AMD-V CPUs.

    Memory 1 GB minimum, 2 GB or more recommended.

    Disk Locally attached storage (PATA, SATA, SCSI) with

    16 GB o disk space minimum, 60 GB o disk space


    Network 100 Mbit/s or aster network interace card (NIC).

    A gigabit NIC is recommended or aster P2V and

    export/import data transers and or live relocation

    o VMs.

    XenCenter system requirements:



    Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows

    Server 2008 or Windows Vista SP1 or SP2 with .NET

    ramework 2.0 or above

    Processor 750 MHz minimum, 1 GHz or aster recommended

    Memory 1 GB minimum, 2 GB or more recommended

    Disk 100 MB minimum

    Network 100 MB or aster NIC

    3.0 Installation Process

    3.1 XenServerThis procedure assumes that installation is rom a local

    CD and that Citrix XenServer has not been installed on

    the machine previously.

    On the machine that will be the XenServer host, boot

    rom the XenServer CD.

    1. At the Welcome to XenServer screen, press


    2. The installer will initialise and detect the host

    hardware. for the

    t version of this document

    Online resources for the virtualization industryWe simplify complex concepts and make them valuable, practical

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    3/[email protected] 2009 | 3

    3. At the Select Keymap screen, select the required

    keymap and clickOk. In this example, ukwill be


    4. At the Welcome to XenServer screen, select

    Install or upgrade XenServer Host and clickOk.

    5. At the Welcome to XenServer Setup screen, click


    6. At the End User License Agreement screen,

    review the Citrix License Agreement and click

    Accept EULA.

    7. I the machine has more than one suitable disk,

    the Select Primary Disk screen appears. In this

    example, the local disk will be used. Select /dev/

    cciss/c0d0 and clickOk.

    Note: The name o the local disk ID will vary between dierent

    machine vendors.

    8. I the machine has more than one suitable disk, the

    Guest Storage screen appears. In this example,

    only the local disk will be used.

    Note: The remote SAN disks would typically be used or VM

    storage and that their use can also be congured ater installation.

    Select /dev/cciss/c0d0 and clickOk.

    Note: The name o the local disk ID will vary between dierent

    machine vendors. for the

    t version of this document

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    4/[email protected] 2009 | 4

    9. At the Select Installation Source screen, select

    Local media and clickOk.

    10. At the Linux Pack screen, i the XenServer will

    host Linux VMs, clickYes.

    Note: The Linux Pack can be also be added ater installation.

    11. At the Veriy Installation Source screen, i the CD

    has not previously been used to install XenServer,

    it is prudent to veriy the installation source. In this

    example, select Skip verifcation and clickOk.

    12. At the Set Password screen, enter the required

    root password twice and clickOk.

    13. I more than one NIC is available, the Networking

    screen appears. Select which NIC to use or the

    management interace. Typically this is the rst

    NIC, eth0, but any o them can be used. In this

    example, select eth0 and clickOk.

    14. At the Networking screen, select Static

    confguration, enter the required details in the IP

    Address, Subnet maskand Gateway elds and


    Note: While the management interace can be congured to use

    DHCP, it is recommend to use a static conguration. for the

    t version of this document

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    5/[email protected] 2009 | 5

    15. At the Hostname and DNS Confguration screen,

    enter the required ully qualied hostname in the

    Hostname eld, replacing the auto-generated

    one. Enter the required DNS TCP/IP address/es in

    the DNS Server eld/s and clickOk.

    16. At the Select Time Zone screen, select the

    appropriate time zone geographical area and click

    Ok. In this example, Europe has been selected.

    Note: XenServer assumes the machines BIOS time setting is the

    current time in UTC.

    17. At the Select Time Zone screen, select the

    appropriate time zone city and click Ok. In this

    example, London has been selected.

    18. At the System Time screen, i use o NTP is

    required, select Using NTP, clickOkand enter the

    relevant inormation on the subsequent screen. In

    this example, select Manual time entry and click


    19. At the Confrm Installation screen, all the

    requirement installation parameters have been

    collected. ClickInstall XenServer.

    20. Some nal preparation or the installation will be

    perormed. for the

    t version of this document

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    6/[email protected] 2009 | 6

    21. The installation rom the CD will proceed.

    22. I the Linux Pack was elected to be installed, the

    New Media screen appears. Install the relevant

    CD, let it settle and clickOk.

    23. The installer will examine the CD and conrm the

    correct one, Linux Pack, has been provided. I the

    CD has not been used to install XenServer beore it

    would be prudent to veriy the installation source.

    In this example, clickUse media.

    24. The installation rom the CD will proceed.

    25. As the installation nears completion, the Set Local

    Time screen appears. Enter the current date and

    time and clickOk.

    Note: I NTP is being used, this prompt will not appear.

    26. At the Installation Complete screen, remove the

    CD and clickOk. for the

    t version of this document

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    7/[email protected] 2009 | 7

    27. The installer will initiate a system reboot.

    28. The XenServer boot progress is refected in a

    progress bar on the loader screen.

    29. When the Confguration screen appears,

    XenServer has nished loading.

    3.2 Install XenCenterThis procedure assumes that installation is rom a local

    CD and that Citrix XenCenter has not been installed on

    the machine previously.

    1. On the machine that will run XenCenter, run

    FREE_XenServer-5.5.0-XenCenter.msi .

    2. At the Welcome to the XenCenter Setup Wizard

    screen, clickNext.

    3. At the Custom Setup screen, clickNext.

    4. At the Destination Folder screen, accept the

    deault installation path, select All Users and clickNext. for the

    t version of this document

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    5. At the Ready to install XenCenter screen, click


    6. At the Completed the XenCenter Setup Wizard

    screen, clickFinish.

    3.3 Register and License XenServerWhile XenServer is ree, it still requires the application

    o a license. Beore this can be done, register XenServer

    with XenCenter as described below.

    1. Start XenCenter, right click the XenCenter object

    in the let hand pane and select Add.

    2. At the Add New Server screen, enter the

    hostname or IP address o the XenServer host

    in the Hostname eld, the account root in the

    User name eld and the root password in the

    Password eld and clickConnect.

    3. XenCenter will attempt to connect to the

    XenServer host.

    4. At the License Manager screen that will appear

    ater a successul connection, check the XenServer

    host and clickActivate.

    5. The Citrix XenServer Activation request orm

    will load into your deault browser. Complete the

    elds as required and clickRequest Activation. for the

    t version of this document

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    9/[email protected] 2009 | 9

    6. Notication that the license le has been e-mailed

    to you will be displayed. The browser window can

    now be closed, but leave XenCenter running.

    7. On receipt o the e-mail, double click the license.

    xslic attachment and elect to open it. At the

    Install License Key screen, select the XenServer

    host and clickInstall.

    8. Select Tools -> License Manager. At the License

    Manager screen, conrm the XenServer host is

    now licensed or 12 months and clickClose.

    Note: At the end o the 12 month period, you will be promptedto re-activate the license.

    9. ClickHelp -> Check or Updates. The XenServer

    Updates page will load into your deault browser

    and advise i any XenServer or XenCenter updates

    are available.

    4.0 Resolution/Common Errors

    1. XenServer installer repeatedly reboots

    The XenServer installer does not progress beyond

    the initialise installer and detect hardwarestage without repeatedly rebooting.

    Solution: This is likely to be because the machine does

    not have at least 784MB o memory installed.

    2. Hardware virtualization assist support is not


    The ollowing screen appears ater the Accept End

    User License Agreement screen.

    Solution: This is because either the machine is not

    equipped with Intel VT-enabled or AMD-V CPUs or

    because the eature is turned o in the BIOS. I the

    CPUs do not support this eature then the XenServer

    installation can continue but it will not be able to host

    Windows VMs. I the CPUs do support this eature and

    it is to be used to host Windows VMs then enable

    virtualization assist in the machine BIOS and restart the

    installation process.

    This concludes the white paper. for the

    t version of this document

  • 8/3/2019 XD10116 Installation Guide for Citrix XenServer 5


    Reerences1. Citrix XenServer 5 install guide,

    Useul Links1. XenServer Documentation,


    2. XenServer Downloads,


    TagsCitrix, XenServer, XenCenter, install guide, deploy, how-to for the

    t version of this document

    About XtravirtXtravirt is a knowledge-based company that delivers its expertise in virtualization online and in person. We have developed a reputation or astuteleadership and expertise through our work with an impressive array o organisations. It is this real-world experience that drives our ability to provide

    independent, current and ree advice online.

    We work with organisations whose IT sta are rustrated with how hard it is to ind detailed inormation and skills around virtualisation. We help our clients

    deliver the true beneits o vir tualization, resulting in cost and time savings.

    For more inormation contact:

    Dorset House, Regent Park

    297 Kingston Road, Leatherhead

    Surrey KT22 7PL

    t +44 (0) 1372 824 296

    +44 (0) 1372 824 576

    e [email protected]


    Copyright 2009 Xtravirt Ltd. All rights reserved. The inormation contained herein is subject to change without notice. Xtravirt Ltd shall not be liable or technical or editorial errorsor omissions contained herein. Xtravirt and the Xtravirt logo are registered trademarks o Xtravirt Ltd. The names o actual companies and products mentioned herein may be thetrademarks or registered trademarks o their respective owners.

    This document remains the property o Xtravirt Ltd. Contents may not be copied, reproduced or modiied without written consent rom Xtravirt Ltd.
