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Page 4: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Weird New Year’s Tra-


Where can you meet


Gifts for New

Year’s day

Bed-time story:

The Autobiography of

Santa Claus

8 Truly

bad santas

Eggless New year


How to cut the

Festive season


Meet Santa

New YearNew Year




Regenerating Massage

Tips on learning English

Investigation report

Studying advice

The diary of success








Page 5: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Xmas by numbers

Help and advice

for last minute


Christmas origami

The history behind

many of Christmas


Kids at Christmas

Match game:

Symbols of

the XMAS Season

Meet three ladies called

Mary Christmas

5 funny things you can

do this xmas

Guide to cooking

Christmas lunch

How to out the cheer

back into Christmas

Author of the month: Patterson

Horoscope 2011

The art of sending greeting


Puzzle taxi

Dear Diary

Be cool

Hotel for tourists









Page 6: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

A relatively new tradition, Polar Bear Diving on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day is becoming increasingly popular in North Amer-ica. Groups of people gather around large bodies of water, like lakes or rivers, and jump in, with or without their clothes on. According to tradition, the closer to mid-night you dive, the more luck you’re going to have in the next year. Though most Polar Bear divers get out of the water quickly, there is a danger of hypothermia or catch-ing a really bad cold.

In Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela, it’s considered lucky to wear special underwear on New Year’s Eve; in cities like Sao Paulo and La Paz, market vendors start displaying brightly colored underpants a few days be-fore the holiday. The most popular colors are red and yellow: red is supposed to bring love in the coming year, and yellow is supposed to bring money.

Make sure you pack an umbrella if you plan

to be in Puerto Rico when the clock strikes

midnight, because you'll most definitely

need it. People clean their homes and deco-

rate the outside with streamers, balloons

and lights for New Year. While at midnight

children throw pails of water out the win-

dow to rid their homes of evil spirits.

Effigies of well-known people—called mune-cos - are traditionally burned in New Year’s

bonfires in Panama. The figures can include

everyone from television characters like

“Ugly Betty” to political figures like Fidel

Castro. The effigies represent the old year;

immolating them is meant to drive off evil

spirits for a fresh New Year’s start.

At midnight on New Year’s Eve, it’s custom-

ary in Spain to quickly eat 12 grapes (or

uvas)—one at each stroke of the clock. Each grape supposedly signifies good luck for

one month of the coming year. In Madrid,

Barcelona, and other Spanish cities, revelers

congregate in the main squares to gobble

their grapes together and pass around bot-

tles of cava.

Charles Dickens 5

Page 7: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Pack your Polkas and book a flight to Manila

to celebrate the New Year. Here wearing

polka dots are not only accepted, but

highly encouraged. Wearing clothes with cir-

cular patterns is believed to attract money

in the future to those in the Philippines.

Continuing with the theme, most households

try to serve circular fruits. The theme is

meant to remind celebrants of the “round”

shape of coins and prosperity.

Danes have another wacky way of welcom-

ing the New Year. In case you choose to

take a vacation to Copenhagen during the

New Year, be ready to find a pile of bro-

ken dishes on your doorstep. The locals

throw old dishes at the doors of friend’s

homes for good luck. Finding a big pile of

broken dishes on the morning of January 1

means you have lots of friends.

Many Danes ring in the New Year by stand-

ing on chairs and then jumping off them

together at midnight. Leaping into January is

supposed to banish bad spirits and bring

good luck.

It’s a longtime Finnish tradition to predict

the coming year by casting molten tin into a

container of water, and then interpreting

the shape the metal takes after hardening.

A heart or ring shape means a wedding in

the New Year; a ship forecasts travel; and

a pig shape signifies plenty of food.

Hogmanay is Scotland’s New Year’s Eve holi-day, and Edinburgh is the epicenter of cele-brations that include fireworks and a “stunning” torchlight procession.

During Hogmanay, “first-footing” is practiced

all over Scotland. The custom dictates that

the first person to cross the threshold of a

home in the New Year should carry a gift

for luck (whiskey is the most common). The

Scots also hold bonfire ceremonies, most

notably in the small fishing village of Stone-

haven, where townsmen parade while

swinging giant fireballs on poles overhead

(supposedly symbols of the sun, to purify

the coming year).

In Wales, the boys of the area go around

from house to house at around 3:00 or

4:00 on the new years morning using ever-

green twig to sprinkle all over the house

and people of the houses. This was be-

lieved to bring good luck. Then at around

noon they go around singing songs all over

the place, and are given coins, pies, apples,

and other sweets in return. This must be

done by noon, otherwise the singer will be

called “fools”.


Page 8: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Пакуйте свою одежду в горошек и резервируйте перелет до Мани-

лы, чтобы отпраздновать Новый год. Здесь носить одежду в горошек

не просто приемлемо, но и очень даже актуально. Считается, что

одежда с изображением кружочков привлечет деньги в будущем.

Продолжая тему, в большинстве домов стараются подать на стол

круглые фрукты. Тематика должна напомнить празднующим о

«круглой» форме монет и процветании.

У датчан свой странный способ встречать Новый год. В случае, ес-

ли вы решите поехать в отпуск в Копенгаген во время Новогодних

праздников, будьте готовы найти кучу разбитой посуды на пороге

своего жилья. Местные жители бросают на удачу старую посуду

возле дверей домов своих друзей. Если вы находите большую кучу

разбитой посуды утром 1 января, это значит, что у вас много дру-


Многие датчане на Новый год становятся в круг на стульях и спрыги-

вают с них вместе ровно в полночь. Впрыгивание в Новый год долж-

но отгонять злых духов и приносить удачу.

Это давняя финская традиция – предсказывать будущее Нового

года, выливая расплавленное олово в емкость с водой, а затем

толкуя форму, которую приобретает металл после застывания.

Форма сердца или кольцо означают свадьбу в Новом году; ко-

рабль предвещает путешествия; а форма свиньи пророчит

много еды.

«Хогменей» - так называется новогодняя ночь в Шотландии, а Эдин-

бург становится эпицентром празднований, которые включают

праздничные фейерверки и сногсшибательную процессию фа-


На протяжении новогодней ночи встреча «первого гостя» практику-

ется по всей Шотландии. Традиция говорит, что первый человек, ко-

торый переступает порог дома в Новый год, должен принести с

собой подарок на удачу (самый популярный подарок - виски).

Шотландцы также проводят церемонии с кострами, особенно за-

мечательно это событие проходит в маленьком рыбацком посел-

ке Стоунхэвен, где жители городка устраивают парад, размахивая

гигантскими огненными шарами на шестах (предположительно –

символ солнца, для очищения приходящего нового года).

В Уэльсе местные мальчишки ходят от дома к дому около 3 – 4

утра в первое новогоднее утро, используя веточку вечнозеленого

растения, чтобы обрызгивать дома и людей, которые в них живут.

Считалось, что это должно приносить удачу. А затем около по-

лудня они ходят повсюду и поют песни, получая взамен за это

деньги, пироги, яблоки и другие сладости. Это должно быть сде-

лано до полудня, иначе певца будут называть «дураком».

Eva K. Logue

Page 9: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

1. Аккуратно подведите пациента к ближайшему мягкому месту. 2. Разожмите руки пациента скрещенные вокруг его головы, при этом избегая резких звуков, таких как зажигание спички или расчесывание волос. 3. Выключите лампы, затушите свечи, опустите шторы и предупредите пациента о том, что глаза нужно зажмурить плотно. 4. Скройте зеркала. 5. Приложите лед ко лбу пациента, задней части шеи пациента или ко всему телу пациента, как указано на картинке > > > > 6. Дайте пациенту аспирин и питьевую соду, чтобы он не хныкал. 7. В крайних случаях, возможно целесообразно предложить пациенту бан-ку холодного пива. Примечание: после этого, возможно будет целесообразным быстро наклонить голову пациента. 8. Часто необходимо будет связаться с ближайшими родственниками пациента, чтобы сгладить острые углы. Такие ситуации лучше проходят на слух. 9. Сообщите работодателю пациента, что нынешняя эпидемия гриппа забрала еще одну жертву. 10. Воздерживайтесь от проповедей. По крайней мере до завтра.


Дата неограниченная




ПАЦИЕНТ Мистер По Хмелье ВозрМуж.



Page 10: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A b c d e u o f

i k g m h v z p

q r l t n w

j s x


Hebrew Numerological Code

Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

Page 11: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Timothy Dudley-Smith 13

Page 12: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

A spell based on ancient Druidic beliefs to lift your spirits.

METHOD Gather or buy your vervain leaves on the day of the full moon, then charge them with the moon's rays by facing the moon, holding the leaves in your outstretched hands, and repeating:

Vervain (verbena officinalis) was one of the Druids' most

sacred herbs, and was used to cleanse their altars, for divination, as amulets, and for their most important spells. It was also men-tioned in witch trials, where it was thought to make the wearer invisible and able to fly. This spell will not enable you to fly, but can certainly raise your spirits.

“Imbue my sacred herb with light, with power full both day and night."

You will need:

Magic Vocabulary

vervain - вербена

divination - гада-


imbue - проникать

infuse - настаи-


dilute - разбавлять

rose otto - розовое


sandalwood - сан-

даловое дерево

infusion - настой

soak - погружать

(ся) (в воду)

stroke - гладить


thigh - бедро

Now the vervain is charged, you may keep it to use whenever you wish. Before the massage, put the vervain leaves in boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Meanwhile, dilute 2 drops of rose otto oil and 5 drops of sandalwood oil into 1 oz. (25ml) of sunflower oil. Next, strain the infusion, add it to your bath water, and soak for at least 10 minutes to gain its full effect. In a warm room lit with the blue candles, massage yourself with the oil. Start with your legs, stroking from ankle to thigh, and travel up your body. Finish by covering your eyes with your hands and breathing deeply for a few seconds.


Page 13: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Joan Winmill Brown

Слушайте музыку и смотрите телевизор так часто, как только это возможно на этом языке. Ваше подсознание будет записывать звуки и действия, связанные со словами, которые вы слы-шите и видите. Вскоре вы будете узнавать основные слова; ваш ум создан так, что он сам соз-дает эти связи. Ребенок учится говорить, наблюдая и слушая. Он связывает действие со зву-ком, который слышит; если он голоден, он учится что-то сказать, связанное с едой, потому что это то, что он слышал. Непросвещенный ум ребенка еще не в состоянии рассуждать и пони-мать времена глаголов или определения слов, но его врожденные навыки общения помогают ему связывать физические ощущения с соответствующими словами. Мы должны активизиро-вать наши возможности позволять мыслям проходить сквозь мозг спонтанно, что создает эти связи с миром вокруг нас в этом новом языке.

Найдите учебный словарь вашего нового изучаемого языка и учите по одному новому слову каждый день. Начните день с него и используйте это слово в течение всего дня. Когда вы разговариваете с кем-то, и вы произносите слово на вашем родном языке, подумайте об этом же слове на языке, который изу-чаете. Визуализируйте его и произнесите (вам не обязательно делать это вслух, но если можете, произнесите вслух.)

Иногда для того, чтобы запомнить новое слово, необходимо связать его с чем-то, что поможет вам вспомнить его потом. Трюк, используемый древними и средневековыми учеными, - выду-мать какие-то странные и необычные образы, каламбур на какие-либо странные фразы на родном языке, популярную песню, что-либо. Чем более странным это будет, тем лучше. Когда вам необходимо вспомнить это слово, очень часто вы можете использовать образ или игру слов, или какую бы то ни было привязку к этому слову, придуманную вами, как способ досту-па к ним. После небольшой практики, вы удивитесь, как эффективно можно использовать эту технику для вспоминания тех или иных незнакомых слов. Постепенно вы научитесь вспоми-нать новые слова без необходимости использования вспомогательных средств.

Для овладения базовым словарным запасом, детские книги являются прекрасным средством для начинания. Спросите вашего местного библиотекаря о том, как найти книги на нужном языке. Доктор Сьюз была переведена практически на каждый живой язык и хотя бы один мертвый (латинский). Вы можете читать их параллельно с английской версией, если хотите, но постарайтесь прочитать их в переводе, если это возможно. Комиксы на иностранном языке являются еще одним хорошим выбором; каждый комикс, как правило, хорош, по крайней ме-ре, для пары десятков новых слов. Далее продвигайтесь к популярным романам. Джеймс Бонд, любовные романы, Луи Амор... все, что вам захочется. Такого рода книги не пишутся для самых умных литераторов, так что они станут посильной задачей для изучающих язык от начального до среднего уровня, и помогут вам овладеть многими новыми словами.

Page 14: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Доклад о расследованииДоклад о расследованииДоклад о расследовании



Давным-давно в мирной долине Афон Дифрдвай, которую саксы называют Река Ди, набожные жители района Эдейрниона решили построить церковь. Она будет не очень большая (так как в то время было не так много людей в тех краях), но это будет церковь Всех Святых, - так они решили построить ее на месте, куда весь христианский народ долины мог добраться по воскресеньям.

Три седовласых старейшины возглавили работу, и многие молодые люди помогали носить камни и очищать землю. Они выбрали место, где пересекались пути нескольких де-ревень, место, в котором строительные материалы имелись в большом количестве под ру-кой, и собрав всех людей, способных работать, и начав на рассвете одним летним днем, они сильно преуспели. Первый ряд из огромных камней был уже заложен, когда стемнело.

На следующее утро строители снова встретились там, желая воздвигнуть церковные стены на два или три уровня выше. К их удивлению, не было никаких признаков работы, которую они так хорошо начали накануне. Куча сырья по-прежнему была там, но все кам-ни, которые были помещены на места с таким трудом, исчезли. Понадобилась бы армия мужчин, чтобы отнести большие камни, поэтому строители поняли, что вмешались какие-то сверхъестественные силы. После серьезных обсуждений, три старейшины решили присту-пать к строительству церкви снова. Работникам удалось вернуть всю основу, что они потеря-ли от этого таинственного вмешательства, и пошли домой к вечеру усталые, но преиспол-ненные чувства выполненного долга.

На второе утро опять не было никаких признаков работы за день. Все камни исчезли. И снова, упорно отказываясь пугаться или впадать в уныние, они восстановили первый ряд церковных стен. На третье утро все было точно так же - вся их работа была уничтожена. Но на сей раз три старика, после горячих переговоров, сказали строителям церкви разойтись по своим домам и ждать от них решения. Так как старейшины обнаружили, что в ту ночь каж-дый из них видел то же видение - яркий свет, сияющий сверху, и голос, который сказал: «Ищите белого оленя, и на месте, котором увидите его, стройте свою церковь». Ни один из них не сомневался, что, только следуя этой команде, им удастся достроить свою церковь, и единодушно они отправились в разные стороны искать оленя этого необычного цвета.

Весь день они бродили в поисках через леса, заросли, и чащи, что покрыли склоны Бервина вдоль долины реки Дифрдвай, все те многие звери, что в тот день попадались до темноты, с первого взгляда оказывались рыжевато-коричневого цвета, и ни один из них не был белым оленем. Они договорились встретиться в оговоренном месте, в долине реки ря-дом с местом, где поток Алвен впадает в Дифрдвай, и там в сумерках трое стариков собра-лись вместе, усталые и отчаявшиеся. Немного поговорив, они уже собирались отправиться по своим домам, когда, вдруг, они все увидели большого белого оленя, который стоял на склоне горы немного выше на берегу реки. Какое-то мгновение он стоял, как будто глядя на них, потом исчез, никогда не появившись вновь.

На следующее утро, по призыву старейшин, рабочие начали переносить строитель-ные материалы к месту, где стоял олень. Когда они начали строить, работа казалась в два раза легче, чем раньше и никогда ничего не мешало этому. Стены поднимались с удивитель-ной скоростью, крыши, казалось, почти растут из стен, и вскоре церковь была закончена.

Она была надлежащим образом освящена как церковь Всех Святых. Но все народы Эдейрниона знали ее как Ллан-Гар-Гвин – где «гар» означает "олень", а «гвин» - "белый". Че-рез много лет название было сокращено, сначала превратившись в Ллангарв, а затем в Ллан-гар. И по сей день, старая церковь стоит на своем чудном месте.


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O.S. REFERENCE 063424.




If you come into Corwen from the Llangollen direction, bear left off the A3 before crossing the river bridge at the end of the town. If you come from the Betws-y-coed direc-tion, cross this bridge; don't en-ter the town, but at once turn sharp right, uphill, on B4401.

Llangar Church from the River Dee

Llangar Church

In about half-a-mile this road curves to the right across a stone bridge. Beyond the bridge it has wide grass verges, and when these show themselves look out for a lane on the right - the first you come to. The car can be parked on the verge.

Walk down the lane, towards the river, passing a farm on the left. 50 yards past the farm turn right, across a brook and through an iron gate. The rough way beyond is the old approach to the church and soon ends at an ancient lychgate. The church is tiny, and is now disused. Its churchyard is a chaos of ex-tremely aged tombstones, some of which have stone rests near them for the comfort of those offering prayers for the dead. The tall yew-trees that over-shadow it must also be an im-mense age.

It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. W.T. Ellis

Page 16: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

on the stickers

on the earrings

on the shoes

on the soap

on the curtain hooks

on the wine glass

on the toilet paper

on the chair

inside the mouse

Page 17: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

This time of year is stressful enough without last-

minute problems cropping up. So whether it’s fix-

ing broken chairs or the turkey being too big for

your oven, these ideas might just be a lifesaver if

you are about to hit the panic button.

Did you wake with a start? Realising you’d forgot-

ten all manner of things in the run up to the big

day tomorrow.

Time to make a planTime to make a plan

before you hit those shopsbefore you hit those shops

one last time!one last time!

1. If you….forgot to dig out that heater to warm up your freezing cold dining room only to find

it’s not working. Don’t panic, log on and look up a new electric radiator and

call whoever you know is shopping today to add it to their to-do list. Convector timer heater,

£24.99, Argos.

2. If you…remembered the spare chairs in the shed are still not repaired from last

New Year’s Eve party. It’s a simple task to pop down to B&Q for a tube of super

wood glue and get dad to fix it this afternoon. He likes to be called upon in times of

need. All B&Q stores are open today from 8am until 5pm (some open at 7am)!

3. If you… just took delivery of the world’s largest turkey, then

you need to delegate someone, anyone to go buy a big enough

roaster from Lakeland. Oh and a baster and thermometer, be-

cause you probably can’t find the ones you bought last year.

Turkey roasting trays from 99p, forks, £13.99 and carving tray, £13.99. All

Lakeland stores are open today from 9am until 3pm (some will be open all

day so check the website for your nearest store

4. If you…just scratched the mother in law’s prized heirloom table that you know she will notice,

resolve it with a first aid kit of Rustins’ special scratch and water mark removers. Hide

scratches with Scratch Cover £2.70 (comes in 3 colours), Wipe out water marks with Finish Re-

viver, £2.70, Homebase.


Page 18: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"























Page 19: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

11, 12, 13






11 12


14 15







, 1

5, 1




Page 20: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

£1billion is spent on Christmas

toys which children are bored

of by the end of January.

2 is the


age a






4th is where Father

Christmas sits in the

world's famous people

list after The Queen,

Harry Potter and God

in a poll of primary

school children. Jesus

comes sixth.

8 is the average age

that children stop

believing in Santa.

10 per cent of children say

they get absolutely every-

thing on their Christmas list.

11 per cent

of children

believe that


25 is Father



16 is the



of pre-

sents a

child gets





18 per cent of parents say

they find it stressful having

to keep kids entertained

over the Christmas period.

22 November

is the day

that parents

notice how

children start

behaving bet-

ter in order

to impress

Santa Claus.

33 per cent of families have

decided that Father Christmas

will only visit kids this year -

and not partners or pets -

because of the credit crunch.

34 per cent of parents visit

a church at Christmas time

for school carol services or

nativity plays.

£50 is

the av-


value of





with £18

a gen-



Xmas by numbers


Page 21: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Подарок – это предвкушение. Ожидание, радость, которыми мы можем наполнить

сердца близких и любимых нам людей. Французский социолог Марсель Мосс писал, что да-

ровать – универсальный способ создания и поддержания дружеских отношений между

людьми. Преподнесение подарка является древним способом выразить свою любовь и ува-

жение дорогим людям, проявить внимание и заботу, укрепить отношения с партнерами.

На заре существования человечества люди придавали подаркам особое значение, по-

скольку каждый дар подразумевал послание. Первоначально подарки были своеобразным

способом общения. К примеру, у племен американских индейцев дарование определенной

вещи служило позитивным шагом в контакте между людьми, разными племенами, нация-

ми, государствами. Потому выбор подарка представляет собой один из самых важных мо-

ментов, в котором отображается Ваше послание, проявляются вкус и фантазия дарителя.

Накануне Новый год, зимние праздники, время подарков и сюрпризов, а, следователь-

но, пора подумать о самом лучшем и неожиданном презенте близким людям. Чтобы облег-

чить задачу в таком непростом деле как выбор подарка, мы предлагаем Вам несколько све-

жих идей и гарантируем уникальность и незабываемость каждого из них.

Такие подарки в магазинных витринах Вам точно не найти, ведь он должен быть не-

обычным и неповторимым. Преподнесите в подарок картину, где калли-

графически вписан иероглиф с именем человека, которому предназначает-

ся такой оригинальный шедевр. А главная изюминка лежит в том, что в ие-

роглифическом написании имени скрывается тайный смысл, толкование

которого способно определить и менять судьбу. Изображение иероглифов

возможно способом вышивки, изображением на витраже, или инкруста-

цию стразами Сваровски.

Вы могли бы преподнести подарочный сертификат на посещение мас-

тер-класса по оригами, которое не имеет сходство с другими видами ис-

кусства. Это подарок воплощения творчества в жизнь. Создание фигу-

рок из бумаги своими руками улучшает пространственное воображе-

ние, учит совершать последовательные действия, концентрировать вни-

мание, стимулирует развитие памяти, терпения, творческого потенциа-

ла, а соответственно, сколько полезного и интересного будет открыто

вместе с Вашим подарком!


Page 22: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Можно было бы подарить дорогому человеку ознакомление с таким нетради-

ционным видом искусства как мраморная роспись. Краски, использующиеся для роспи-

си, являют собой настоящее технологическое диво, не имеющее аналога во всем мире.

Проникая в текстуру на молекулярном уровне, краска остается навечно, сохраняя яр-

кость цвета и точность линий, будь то картина или элемент одежды, декора. Это искус-

ство принесет массу незабываемых впечатлений от процесса и результата творения.

Внедрить защитную функцию в подарок можно с помощью дарова-

ния своеобразного амулета, приносящий удачу и ограждающий от нега-

тива. Необычным вариантом элитного талисмана станут красивые япон-

ские куклы, изготовленные из бумаги, ткани, фарфора и других материа-

лов. Уникальным презентом будет неваляшка Дарума – японский бог,

приносящий счастье. Кукла делается из дерева, папье-маше или бумаги и

чаще окрашивается в красный цвет. Владелец Дарумы, загадав желание,

рисует зрачок в одном из глаз куклы. За то, что Богу дали возможность

прозреть хотя бы на половину, он должен помочь осуществиться задуман-

ному. В течение года Дарума хранится дома на видном месте. Если к сле-

дующему новому году желание сбывается, Даруме дорисовывают второй глаз, а если

нет - сжигают и приобретают новую куклу.

Возможно, ли сделать такой сюрприз? – спросите Вы. Безусловно! С

древних времен понятие гармонии непосредственно связано с приро-

дой. Развитие близости человека и природы – прямой путь к обретению

созвучия с миром. Воплощение гармонии возможно, преподнеся его в

виде посещения занятия создания икебаны – аранжировка цветов. Ком-

позиция икебаны раскрывает внутренний мир, настроение и мировоз-

зрение человека, составившего букет. Такое занятие помогает обрести

гармонию, воспитывать высокий художественный вкус и утонченные


Даровать путь к познанию высших истин можно с помощью искусства восточной

каллиграфии. Речь идет не о простом искусстве красиво писать. Каллиграфия учит терпе-

нию, мудрости, помогает осознать жизненные истины, развивать ясность мысли и чет-

кость движений. Посещение мастер-класса по каллиграфии стало бы неповторимым пре-

зентом, который привносит в жизнь нечто новое.

Именно такой сюрприз можно воплотить, пригласив дорого человека на чайную

церемонию, которая соблюдена по всем японским традициям. Изысканность подарка до-

бавит новые незабываемые впечатления, ведь для нас восточное чаепитие представляет

собой прежде всего древний экзотический ритуал, красивое приготовление чая и духов-

ную практику. Чайная церемония способна отвлечь от повседневности, привести дух в

состояние умиротворенности, равновесия. Спокойствие японской чайной церемонии в

подарок близкому человеку будет настолько неоценимо, что ещж долго в вашей жизни не

найджтся аналогов таким подаркам! 32

Page 23: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Уйти от каждодневной рутины и позволить волшебству дотронуться

внешнего облика возможно в превращении! Если же Ваш друг мечтает по-

бывать в Японии, прикоснуться к восточной культуре и войти в образ на-

стоящего самурая, ассасина, императора, тогда уникальный подарок-

превращение станет для него самым подходящим! Неповторимый образ

девушке создаст настоящий японский макияж гейши – символ аристокра-

тической, изысканной и совершенной красоты на Востоке.

Преподнести в подарок новые кулинарные навыки – интересная и нестандартная

идея, которая, несомненно, порадует любителей приготовления экзотических блюд. Та-

кой презент можно вручить с помощью совместного посещения мастер-класса, где Мас-

тер восточных блюд раскроет тайны приготовления таких экзотических лакомств, как

суши или рамен. Узнав все тонкости их приготовления, можно устраивать пир по-

японски и дома, сделав это доброй традицией.

Настоящий романтический ужин способен одарить любимого человека запоми-

нающимся сюрпризом. А если еще добавить восточные нотки искусно приготовленных

блюд, то такой ужин не в силах будет забыть никто. Мастер суши как искусный дири-

жер готовит для Вас лакомства, выкладывая их в форме сердца, а затем удаляется, чтобы

дать возможность влюбленным насладиться трапезой и обществом друг друга.

Знания иностранного языка с древности было признаком образованного человека.

Наверняка, вы подумали, что такой полезный подарок можно "спрятать" в книге или обу-

чающем аудио-видео курсе, но такой традиционный подход к языку не всегда эффекти-

вен. Часто у людей просто нет времени или интереса на такое домашнее обучение. Пото-

му необычайным подарком станет сертификат на языковой специализированный тре-

нинг. К тому же вы можете подобрать программу так, чтобы она полностью соответство-

вала цели изучения языка. К примеру это может быть английский для отдыха и путеше-

ствий, работы и светской жизни. А возможно программы, позволяющие изучить язык в

сжатые сроки, такие как «Магистр английского языка за 15 минут в день», «Английский

WeekEnd», «Интенсив английского языка», «Брак по-английски», «10 дней в Великобрита-

нии» и другие. Такой элитный подарочный сертификат гарантирует получение как зна-

ний, так и увлекательного времяпровождения.


Page 24: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"


Page 25: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

by Jeff Guinn My Earliest Memories

I live at the snowy North Pole now, but my life began surrounded by sand. I was born in a country that was

then called Lycia; it's since been absorbed into the na-tion of Turkey, which I sup-pose is appropriate, consid-ering what many families

like to eat for their Christmas dinner. Lycia was located along the southwestern border of the land across the Mediterranean Sea from Egypt and Israel.

T he year of my birth is recorded as 280 A.D., or two hundred and eighty years after what is now consid-

ered the "official" birth year of a much more important baby, whose name was Jesus. Actually, records weren't kept as care-fully in those days, so no one is really sure in which year Jesus was born. The main thing is, I was born about three centuries later in the Lycian town of Patara. Sometimes I find it odd, and other times amusing, that 1

know the exact details of when I came into this world, but have no idea how long I'm going to stay. Patara was a pros-perous village as villages went in those days, meaning many of the four hundred people living there got enough to eat and had houses to live in. Today my hometown would seem very primitive—no indoor bathrooms, no video games, no cars roaring up and down its streets. But everybody knew every-body else's name.

Santa was born in Lycia

Santa in childhood


The Autobiography of Santa Claus

Page 26: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"



Page 27: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

The World’s


Father Christmases

Page 28: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Tom Smith, a London sweet shop owner, invented the Christmas cracker. After spotting French bonbons wrapped in paper with a twist at each end in 1847, he sold similar sweets with a ―love motto‖ inside. He then included a trinket and a bang. His Bangs of Expecta-tion included gifts such as jewellery and miniature dolls. By 1900, he was selling 13 million a year


Ancient druids believed mis-tletoe could cure illness, aid fertility and protect against witchcraft. The tradition of kissing un-derneath mistletoe originates from Scandinavia. According to a Norse legend, Loki, an evil god, made an arrow out of mistletoe and used it to kill Balder, the sun god. The mistletoe repented and was planted on a tree so it could do no more harm. It became a symbol of love.


Before turkey took over, the popular Christmas dishes were goose and cockerel or, in the houses of the rich, pea-cock and swan. The turkey was introduced into Europe from the New World in the 15th and 16th Centuries and, because it was inexpensive and quick to fatten, it soon rose in popularity as a Christ-mas feast food.



Page 29: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"


Vocabulary on the last pages

Page 30: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Christmas Gift Wrap Relay Why does gift wrapping have to be holiday drudgery? Make a game out of it. Set up a pile of gift items, then

a pile of boxes, followed by a pile of scissors and wrapping paper (the tackier the bet-ter, this is a game), then lastly a pile of tape. Divide the players into teams. This is a relay race, and you can

play it in a few ways.

The first mode of play is to have each player on the team wrap one gift. The first player must complete his or her wrapping moving from each station to the next and then tag the next player who goes to wrap their gift and so on until each player has wrapped one pre-sent. Points can be awarded for neatness as well as


Christmas Pictionary

This is not your run of the mill picture drawing guess-ing game. The rules are the same, but the medium is different. For this game no pa-per or pencils are allowed. In-stead you get a frosting bag filled with frosting, and several sheets of paper towels, parch-ment paper, tinfoil if you really want to get tricky large sugar cookies. All the same rules ap-ply: divide into teams, select a clue and draw it so your team can guess. But you have to do this with frosting. The winners either accrued the most points, or if the game board is being used

reached the end the fastest.

Stocking Stuffer Surprise

This is an easy game to adapt for any age. The prepa-rations are simple and remain the same no matter who plays. You'll need stockings for each player and a few simple gifts or candies to put into the stockings. An-other great thing about this game is that it doubles as party favors and we all know that during the holiday season we can all use anything that does the job of two!

Youngest players can play like go fish. Hang two sheets and have someone hide behind it. To play give the children a stocking and have them "hang" it by put-ting their hands into an opening in the sheets. The stocking is then filled with a cry of "ho, ho, ho!", the child can pull their hand

out to see what they received. It is simple, but very


Players who are just a bit older can play this game rather like heads up seven up. Two to five children are "it" while the others put out their stockings and hide their eyes. As quietly as possible the children who are "it" place goodies in one stocking apiece. When they have finished those children who have received good-ies try and guess who filled their sock. If they guess correctly they take that child's place as "it". If the child playing "it" is not discovered they remain "it" Play continues until all children have had their stockings

filled, or all have had a chance to be "it".

It's Christmas, what better time of the year to get together

and PLAY nice?


Page 31: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"
Page 32: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

James James

Patterson Patterson

James Patterson is the first author to have #1 new titles simultaneously on The New York Times adult and children's lists and is the only author to have five new hard-cover novels debut at #1 on the list in one year—a record-breaking feat he's accom-plished every year since 2005. To date, James Patterson has had nineteen consecutive

#1 New York Times bestselling novels, and holds the New York Times record for most Hardcover Fiction bestselling titles by a single author (56 total), which is also a Guinness World Record. From his James Patterson Pageturner Awards (which rewarded groups and individuals for creative and effective ways to spread the joy of reading) to his website to his regular donations of thousands of books to troops overseas, Patterson is a lifelong champion of books and reading. His first foray into books for all ages was the critically ac-

claimed Maximum Ride series, which debuted on the New York Times bestsellers list at #1 and remained there for twelve straight weeks. The series has so far made appear-ances on The New York Times bestsellers lists ninety-four cumulative times, proving that kids of all ages love page turners. He captured the attention of boy readers with the Daniel X series, and his third series for readers of all ages debuted in December 2009 with Witch & Wizard, which spent five consecutive weeks a top the New York Times bestsellers list. Patterson is the creator of the #1 new detective series of the past dozen years, fea-turing Alex Cross and including the Hollywood-adapted "Along Came a Spider" and "Kiss the Girls", starring Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman. He is also the crea-

tor of the #1 new detective series of the past five years, featuring Lindsay Boxer and 55

James Patterson is the bestselling author of the past year, bar none, with more than 16 million books sold in North America alone. In 2007, one of

every fifteen hardcover fiction books sold was a Patterson title. In the past three years, James has sold more books than any other author (according to Bookscan), and in total, James's books have sold an estimated 170 mil-

lion copies worldwide.

Page 33: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

The Diary of Success

Sections for your goals

Don't lose time and start filling in your diary of success!

And may all your dreams come true this year!..

Page 34: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"
Page 35: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"
Page 36: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Match pictures with words from the box.

A. Advent wreth

B. Advent calendar

C. Lights

D. Carol

E. Mistletoe

F. Christmas wreth

G. Poinsettia

H. Christmas tree

I. Holly

J. Cracker

K. Yule log

L. Turkey

M. Greeting cards

N. Pudding

O. Candle

P. Stockings

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16







s in


t is



Page 37: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

The sound of laughter follows

wherever she goes.

“People do laugh a lot when I tell them my name,” says

Mary, of Willoughby, Hull. “But you get used to it after

a few years.”

Mary‟s name turned festive when she met and married

Leeroy Christmas in 1986.

“It never struck me what would happen to my name if

we got married,” says Mary. “But Leeroy was well


Leeroy, a 47-year-old postman, says: “It was actually a

running joke between me and my mum Valerie that it

would be very funny if I married someone with the

name Mary.. But neither of us thought it would actu-

ally happen. Everything happened so fast – we got

married five months after we met and before we knew

it she was a Mary Christmas.”

The couple – who have two children, James, 19, and

Elouise, 22 – have received so many prank calls that

they have asked British Telecom to bar any incoming

withheld numbers.

“At first I found it funny,” says Mary. “People would

ring up asking to speak to Father Christmas and I‟d

say, „He‟s out with the reindeers, all right?‟

“But in the end we decided enough was enough and

put a bar on the calls.”

And her unusual name has caused her intense embar-

rassment many times.

“I‟m disabled and went for an appointment at the Hull

Royal Infirmary hospital,” she recalls. “When they

read my name out in the waiting room everyone burst

out laughing. I made a beeline out of the room as quick

as I could.”

But the biggest problem Mary faces now is transport.

“Can you imagine what happens when I try to book a

taxi?” she says. “Nine times out of 10 they don‟t turn

up. And if I ring to complain they hang up, assuming

I‟m a prank caller.”

They both work at Tesco – but Mary

McCarthy had no idea what was in store

when she first went out with Paul Christmas.

“He works on the dairy section and I was on

the deli counter and I kept seeing him when I

went out with my mates,” says

from Gorseinon, Swansea.

“It was only when he asked me to go out with

him that I found out his full name. This was

18 years ago, and I wasn‟t even thinking

about getting married at the time, so it didn‟t

cross my mind I could end up being a Mary

Christmas.” But inevitably, when they tied

the knot 12 years ago, the jokes began.

“Before hand my girlfriends kept on saying to

me, „There‟s no way you‟re going to marry

him. You‟ll be a Mary Christmas!‟,” she says.

“But once he proposed it didn‟t bother me

what name I had as I love him. When we set a

date for the wedding the wisecracks started

at work. They‟d say, „You‟re going to be a very

Mary Christmas next year!‟” And since we‟ve

been married I get people pointing at me in

the shop and shouting Mary Christmas, espe-

cially at this time of year. It‟s a laugh.”


Page 38: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

1. Have kids? Giving them coal is a must. Yes, they will be disappointed, but it makes for a lifelong tale... and besides, they get enough presents under the tree anyway. Or, you can hide their real stocking somewhere else if they might not take it well.

2. Put a tiny box inside of a gigantic box, and wrap that. Give it to the recipient, and watch them dig around for their flat panel TV screen... while the real treasure lies at the bottom... brand new underwear, yay! 3. Make Santa's visit incredibly convincing. Nibble the cookies, leave reindeer prints in the snow, have Santa "forget" his hat, make the chimney messy... kids will love it. 4. Before you put those Halloween decorations away, keep that realistic looking fake spider and put it on the Christmas tree.

Watch everyone jump a mile! 5. If you give money as a gift in one of those moneyholders, cut the edge of a dollar bill off (don't cut the serial numbers, or the bill is officially useless!). Tape the corner into the card, so it sticks out, so it's visible when closed. Then, when they open it.... haha! No cash for you!


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Page 40: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"




The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciatedThe deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciatedThe deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated...

William JamesWilliam JamesWilliam James

Can writing notes on greeting cards ENLARGE your spirit?

ABSOLUTELY! Especially when they ring with authenticity!

This lens will focus on the :

of reaching out to touch someone with a

Heartfelt, Unexpected Greeting card!

(with some whimsical examples of places people like to

pick up those H.U.G.'s)

It's my intention that you leave inspired to surprise some-

one with a card that includes a note written from the

heart... touching theirs.

WHY send out cards? Love!

WHO do we send cards to?

The people in our lives...

Oh sure, the easy ones come to mind -- our chil-

dren, our parents, siblings, grandparents, and

friends. These are a few of the people that come

immediately to mind when thinking about send-

ing greeting cards.

But really... there are a whole lot more 'Who's'

out in Whoville than you've previously imag-

ined! Who all might appreciate and delight in

discovering a greeting card in among the daily

bills and circulars sitting in their mailbox. An

unexpected card for no particular reason is often

the most meaningful of all!

Acknowledge the people who inspire you

whether or not you personally know them: Neighbors Co-workers

Friend's children Children's friends

Your church organist Teachers

Your favorite store clerk Your Florist

Business Partners Online Friends

Local Store Managers Employees

Former neighbors Employers

Reconnect with Classmates Authors

Your Favorite Librarian Volunteers

Community Leaders

..your network is large...start noticing!

WHAT can I say?!?

HOW heartfelt notes

are crafted?

Selecting a greeting card and writing a note

switches our attention to the other person.

Whether to nurture personal or business rela-

tionships, I think one of the reasons people don't

make the time is because they don't know what

to say.

Don't assume that people already receive a lot

of praise and positive reinforcement and ac-

knowledgement. Most people mean well but

tend to forget to pass along those words of

praise. Remember how good you feel when

your contributions are noticed and appreciated.

Spending time to search for a card that will

speak to the recipient is valuable. It requires you

to give some thought to the other person and

what 'speaks' to them... while triggering the

words from you that acknowledge that very


Some ways to begin your notes: Thank you for...

I appreciated...

It was great to...

Your support yesterday...

I enjoyed reading about you (your company) in...

Congratulations on your recent...

One of my favorite things about you is...


Page 41: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Judy H. Wright offers 'Words of Encourage-

ment' that lend themselves well as a note in a

card sent to a child. I like the way you handled that

Wow, you really thought out the solution to that


I have faith in your ability

I appreciate what you did

I know you will figure out a good way to do it next


I trust you to be responsible

It must make you proud of yourself when you ac-

complish something like that

You are a valuable part of the family (team, class-


It is okay to make a mistake, we all do

Complete your note by giving thought and put-

ting words to what you feel about who they are,

what they do/did and what makes that valuable

or important to you. Let people know!

Dear Gramma,

You are rely nice to sen me

the red truk. It goes fast

and krashes rely wham. I

love you Gramma. You sure

no yur truks.

Note that make grandmothers glow! [A proud grandmother saved this note and passed it

along to Letitia Baldrige, who included it in her Com-

plete Guide to the New Manners for the '90s.]


Here because sometimes it's only

on the tip of your tongue

Words to describe things and events appropriate - attractive - beautiful - charming -

decorative - delightful - elegant - entertaining - exquisite - fasci-

nating - favorite - glamorous - handsome - ideal - impressive -

lovely - magnificent - memorable - much-needed - one-of-a-kind

- pretty - remarkable - satisfying -superb - terrific - treasure -

treat - unique - useful - valuable - versatile - wonderful

Words to describe feelings admire - affection - appreciate - cautious - confused - delighted -

enchanted - enjoyed - exhausted - flattered - grateful - happy -

hopeful - impressed - indebted - lonely - love - mischievous -

moved - overjoyed - overwhelmed - pleased - stunned - surprised

- thrilled - touched

Words to describe people brilliant - charismatic - clever - creative - dear - fun - generous -

gracious - hospitable - kind - magical - persistent - silly - talented

- tender - thoughtful

Phrases to say Thank You thank you so much - thank you for remembering - many thanks -

both/all send our thanks - deeply/truly/really appreciate - can't

thank you enough - thanks a million - am/are so grateful - special

thanks to - particularly grateful because

Phrases to express gratitude for hospitality a great pleasure to spend time - delicious/luscious food - delight-

ful evening - enjoyed myself enormously - great/stimulating con-

versations - nice break - rare treat - still talking about - such fun -

thoroughly enjoyed - will always remember

Phrases to express gratitude for condolences I/we appreciate your...



kind words/remarks

love and support

standing by me

taking the time

thoughtful expression of sympa-


helped me get through

know how much you care

more important than you may know

Phrases for gifts converstaion piece - delighted to receive - distinctive accessory -

enjoy using - excellent idea - fun to use - just what I need - per-

fect for... - place of honor - plan to use it for - terrific idea - wel-

come addition to - will always treasure - will think of you

from The Art of Thank You by Connie Leas

When Christmas bells are swinging

above the fields of snow,

We hear sweet voices ringing

from lands of long ago,

And etched on vacant places

Are half-forgotten faces

Of friends we used to cherish,

and loves we used to know. Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Page 42: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Logic problemsLogic problems

Five travellers, who had arrived at London's Euston Station from different sta-tions,

occupied the first five places in the taxi queue. From the information given be-

1. The person at the head of the queue had travelled further than the woman bound for Bayswater.

2. Molly Wood's departure station was further south than that of both the fourth person in the queue and the traveller making for Camden.

3. Both the second person in the queue and Polly Woodnutt, who was immediately behind the passenger from Preston, were concerned

about missing their next connections.

4. One of the five was feeling rather tired and hoped that her room at the Cumberland Hotel would be ready.

5. Mr Ali Khan, who was one place ahead of the traveller from Crewe and one place behind the one from Carlisle, had had a longer journey than Polly Woodnutt, but not as long as the per-son going on to Victoria Station.


AN Khan

Alice Karnt

Molly Wood

Polly Woodnutt

John Will





Liverpool St


Victoria Station










































d H






l S

t S




a S



Traveller Order Departure station Destination



g t











E 5

















Great little One!

whose all-

embracing birth lifts

Earth to Heaven, stoops

Heaven to Earth. Richard Crashaw


Page 43: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"


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If we apply a little calculation to the information given in clue 6, we shall see that the upper-row total prices must be 141 p and the lower, 164p;

if we add together the five lowest prices, we get 140p, and to raise this to 141p we have to transfer the 30p to join the

four highest prices and take over the 31 p to join the four lowest. We can now go on to establish: that the 32p sweets must be in jars 6 or 10, and the wine gums, therefore, in 1 or 5 (clue 1); that the cream toffees, being the dearest (clue 1), must be on the lower shelf; that since the 30p sweets are on the lower shelf, so also must be the ani-seed balls and chocolate drops (clue 2); and that since the liquorice allsorts are next to the cheapest sweets (clue 2), they and the humbugs (clue 2) must be on the upper shelf. The fruit drops, as we know, could not cost more than 34p, so clue 3 tells us that the mint imperials could not cost more than 32p, the jelly babies more than 29p and the dolly mixtures more than 28p (clue 3); so the last two must be on the upper shelf and the mint imperials and fruit drops on the lower shelf. The sum of the prices of the sweets in jars 5 and 10 is 58p (clue 4); this could not be made up of 28p and 30p, since we know that over the 30p sweets are the 31 p sweets; so it must be made up of 26p and 32p. The wine gums must therefore be in jar 1 (clue 1). The cheapest sweets could not be the wine gums in jar 1 (clue 2), the liquorice allsorts or the humbugs (also clue 2), or the jelly babies (clue 3), so they must be the dolly mixtures. So the liquorice allsorts must be in jar 4, and the humbugs must be in jar 3 (clue 2), and, by elimi-nation, the jelly babies must be in jar 2. Their cost must be 27p (clue 3), so the mint imperials must be 30p and the fruit drops, 32p (also clue 3), the latter being therefore in jar 10.

The 35p cream toffees, in an even-numbered position (clue 1), could not be in jar 8 without destroying the sequence described in clue 2, so they must be in jar 6. The aniseed balls must therefore be in jar 8; the 30p mint imperials cannot, as we know, be in jar 7, under the 27p jelly babies, so they must be in jar 9, under the liquorice all-sorts, which must therefore cost 31 p. Hence the chocolate drops must be in jar 7. From clue 4, we see that they must cost 34p, so that, by elimination, the aniseed balls must cost 33p.

The sum of the prices of the sweets in jars 3 and 8 must therefore be 62p (clue 4), requir-ing the humbugs' price to be 29. The price of the wine gums must, by elimination, be 28p. In summary: 1 wine gums, 28p 2 jelly babies, 27p 3 humbugs, 29p 4 liquorice allsorts, 31p 5 dolly mixtures, 26p 6 cream toffees, 35p 7 chocolate drops, 34p 8 aniseed balls, 33p 9 mint imperials, 30p 10 fruit drops, 32p.

Fantasy VS RealityFantasy VS Reality

Christmas is not in tinsel and lights

and outward show.

The secret lies in an inner glow.

It's lighting a fire inside the heart.

Good will and joy a vital part.

It's higher thought and a greater plan.

It's glorious dream in the soul of man.

Wilfred A. Peterson


Page 44: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

And besides, Angeline is in that Mega-Popular category where she can probably go and work her wicked charms against boys like Chip, who is the number one cutest boy in the school.

So why does she always have to perform acts of Beauty around Hudson?

(Chip, like Madonna and Cher and Moses, only goes by his first name. I'm not sure anybody knows what his last name is.)

The science of Boy-ology CHIP Cuteness — Ranking 1 Non-mean and handsome to be in a shaving cream commercial HUDSON RIVERS Cuteness — Ranking 8 Easily tricked into thinking Angeline is pretty. Otherwise excellent ROSCO (chip’s dog) Cuteness — Ranking 19 Strictly speaking not a boy but cuter and way more popular than most true boys.

Mike Pinsetti Cuteness — Ranking Almost last Mean and mouthy. If you meet him tell him all about soap. That one Kid Cuteness — Ranking last Does he ever have a name who knows he doesn’t seem to need one.


Page 45: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

It's the family’s most important meal of the year. So, no pressure on the Christmas chef then... Even experienced cooks who happily produce a roast Sunday lunch can be daunted by the challenge of preparing a mountain of mouth-watering festive food. It also doesn’t help that everyone else seems more interested in playing with gifts,

watching TV or refilling their glass.

Clear out the fridge, ready for all the

lovely Christmas grub you’re going to

prepare – and all those leftovers.

Wash and prepare the veg. Peel the po-tatoes and put them in a pan of salted water overnight. Peel and prepare the

carrots and sprouts and store them in a bag in the fridge.


Page 46: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

It'’s dinner time!

Pull a cracker, put on a paper hat and carve the turkey which has been so lovingly prepared all day. Don’t forget it’s also obliga-tory to tell the silly jokes in the crackers too.

30 min. later...

Microwave the Christmas pudding according to the instructions. Serve with cream, custard, brandy butter – or all three!

1 hour later...

Make sure it’s someone else who does that final mountain of washing up.

How to avoid a festive fiasco?

Make sure the frozen turkey’s defrosted in time Large birds can take days to thaw out in the fridge, so make sure you use our guide on weights and defrosting times

Undercooked turkey can cause food poisoning Cut into the thickest part of the meat – none of the meat should be pink. If the juices run clear when you pierce the turkey, it’s ready to eat.

Don’t overcook the turkey After all this effort don’t ruin the bird by cooking it for too long. To stop the meat drying out, baste it every hour during cooking.

The veg is too hard/soggy Tender but crisp should be the goal – and about eight minutes boiling should achieve this with the carrots and sprouts.


Page 47: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"



The beginning is in

the previous issue

Repeat after me: I am a she-magnetizer in the making!

"I am a she-magnetizer in the making!" Now say grrrrrrrrr!

"Grrrrrrrrr!" Now look in the mirror and say it again.

"Grrrrrrrrr! Grrrrrrrrr! Grrrrrrrrr!" What are you?

"A sheep who'll do anything you tell me?"

Yes! I mean no! You're a tiger!

"I'm a tiger!" That's better. Well done. But nobody never got nothing through no

work. Getting to the promised land of cool where the rivers flow with sweet sounds and the honeys are thick on the ground is going to be tough. Be-ing cool is not just a face you wear - it requires inner change as well.

Meet Geek!

Geek is

the un-


boy in the


This is Geek

after a po-

lice photo-

fit expert

has been let

loose with

his bag of


Calvin Coolidge

Page 48: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

CHILDREN: Make sure the kids have a great

Christmas – and let you have one too!

Sit the children down to breakfast before the madness begins. Give them their stockings first thing, and keep them away from all the big presents until they’ve had a piece of toast at least. And if you have to resort to threats, tell them Santa’s running late, he’s still in

the living room and if he sets eyes on them, he’ll take all their goodies back to the North Pole!

Get the kids out of the house for some fresh air. All the running about inside can lead to everyone getting way too hot and bothered, so a nice walk in the

cold air will calm them down and work up an appetite.

magic: Create a little bit of extra Christmas

magic this year!

Remember to lay out some mince pies and a drink for Santa. Then leave the crumbs for the morning so the children can see that he

enjoyed his snack. Make some reindeer food by mixing porridge oats with glitter and sprinkle them outside your front door.

When the kids are really tucked up in bed, sneak outside and ring some little bells if you’ve got some so they can hear Father Christ-

mas on his sleigh. Put some talcum powder footprints on the floor so the children can see the mess Santa’s snowy boots left behind.

visiting: If you’re heading to someone’s house

over the holidays, make sure it goes smoothly

When you go to a friend or relative’s house on Christmas Day bring a starter, dessert or a nice bottle. They’ll be forking out a lot to feed eve-

ryone, so any help you can give will be much appreciated. Try to help as much as you can with the cooking and tidying up – but if you get the feeling that you’re getting under the hostess’s feet, you

probably are! Don’t get too merry and know when you’ve outstayed your welcome. If everyone around you is stifling yawns and looking at the clock, it might be time to make a move.


Page 49: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"


New Year’sNew Year’s

Cake Cake Preparation Time - 10 min.

Baking Time - 180 degree for 15 - 18 min.


For the dry ingredients : All purpose flour / Maida - 1 cup Baking powder - 3/4 tsp Baking soda - 1/2 tsp Spice powder (Clove, Cinnamon, Nutmeg) - 1/2 tsp* For the Fruit Mix: Black and Golden Raisins, Cranberries, Cashews, Walnuts, Currants, Tutti fruity, Apricot,- 1 cup Brown Sugar/ Demerara Sugar - 1/2 cup Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp Butter - 3/4 tbsp Water - 3/4 cup For mixing the cake batter: Curds/ Yogurts - 3tsp Milk as required if the batter gets thick Potatoes - 1/2 cup

Chop all the dry fruits and buts that you are doing to use.

Melt demerara sugar and then add the dry fruits, cook till done.

Spice powders used, cloves, cinnamon and Nutneg

The Fruit Mix: In a thick bottom pan, take sugar add water and bring to boil. Once it melts, add all the chopped fruits and nuts. Bring to boil and simmer for 10 mins. If the water evaporates completely go ahead add little more to make it liquid. Once the syrup is cooled, add the soda.


Page 50: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

There's little you can do about the food on offer at someone else's do. However, there's plenty you can do to stop it turning into a calo-rie-fest. If there's going to be a buffet, have some-thing small before you go. Try a cup of vegetable soup (tomato is a good choice) an hour before you leave. Or save half your sand- wich from lunch and eat it at 4pm. Anything that stops you arriving at the buffet table light-headed with hunger. "When you get there, fill up half your plate

with low-cal foods such as chopped carrots, cu-

cumbers, celery, grapes and cherry tomatoes,"

says nutritionist Carina Nor- ris. "Then have a

palm-sized portion of lean protein, such as

chicken drumsticks (with the skin removed), ham or prawns." If you opt for a sandwich, don't have more than four quarters - after all, you wouldn't have more than that normally. Go for brown or granary bread, with fillings such as tuna and cucumber, chicken, or egg mayo, which is surprisingly low in calories.

The average woman gains 5lbs over


Fill up half your plate with low-cal foods

Have a palm-sized por-tion of lean pro-


Brown bread is low in calories


Page 51: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Hotel for Tourists


Dear travelers! Let’s improve our communication skills in tourism!

Choosing a holiday The easiest way to __________(1) a holiday is through a travel agency. The procedure usually ____________(2) loking through a number of glossy ____________(3) to find a suitable holi-day _____________(4). The ___________(5) adent is able to offer valuable information and advice. Once you’ve chosen the ideal holiday spot you can _____________(6) about tick-ets, lenth of ______________(7) and type of ____________(8) available. If you find what you’re looking for you can pay a deposit to _____________(9) your reservation.

1. A. order B. book C. reserve D. plan 2. A. involves B. includes C. presupposes D. aims 3. A. books B. magazines C. leaflets D. brochures 4. A. destination B. places C. spots D. centre 5. A. tourist B. tourism C. travel D. travelling 6. A. ask B. acquire C. enquire D. accept 7. A. visit B. visiting C. staying D. stay 8. A. accommodation B. living C. flats D. hotels 9. A. ensure B. secure C. assure D. acquire

Read the ext given below and decide which

answers A, B, C or D best fits each space

Page 52: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Did you know we have fish fingers and ice cream for Christmas lunch, and Santa flies around on a big present? Neither did we until we asked these four-year-olds to tell us what they know about


Bethan: He lives where

it’s snowing. It’s quite

near here, actually. He

lives by the sea, under the snow.

Thomas: In the North Pole. It’s a long way

away. You have to go on an aeroplane

or a boat but it takes 100 hours. I haven’t

been yet as it’s too far.

Tom: The South Pole. It’s very cold there.

Penguins live there, too, but they’re not

friends with Father Christmas. They’re not

part of his family. Reindeer live there, too,

and they are good friends with Father


Where does Santa live?

Tom: You write a list and

then phone him and tell

him. Mums

have the

phone number.

Thomas: We go to his shed and tell him

what we want for Christmas. His shed is in

the North Pole. He goes there on his

sleigh and builds a little cottage, then he

flies over here and all the children tell him

what they want.

Seyuri: I don’t know because I don’t give

him a list even though I want a Sponge

Bob twisty straw and a sandwich-maker.

He just knows by magic what you want.

How does Father Christ-mas find out what pre-

sent you want?

Where does he get the presents from?

Della: The reindeer help him

make them but they’re not very

good at making presents as they

have hooves. Father Christmas is

very nice to them though and

doesn’t get cross about it.

Kit: He has lots of catalogues and he goes to the

toy shop but he doesn’t have to pay for them.

Tom: He gets them from his shed. It’s the same

size as a big window.

Seyuri: He has helpers and a little shop where

they make them.

How does he deliver pre-sents to everybody the

same night?

Bethan: He comes down the

chimney but he has to be quick

because there are so many houses

– about 100. He has a sleigh with

pedals and he pedals really quickly.

The reindeer help him, too.

Tom: He gets his tray sledge, puts his bags next

to him and the reindeer help him to fly. Some-

times he flies on a present. It’s a very big present.

Kit: He can’t deliver them all the same night, so

he delivers some of them the next night. He goes

to children’s houses at Christmas and to the

grown-ups the next night, so the children don’t

get sad. He’s very fast but Lewis Hamilton is



Page 53: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"

Fridge: milk, eggs, cheese, carrots, nut butter, apple

Freezer: ice cream, meat, frozen pizza, ice lolly

Cupboard: pastry, crops, bread

Questions from Our Readers

How Much Foreign

Language Study is


It all depends on your goals.

Many people study a foreign lan-

guage as preparation for travel

abroad. Even if you just know a

few words like “please”, “thank

you” and “hello” the locals will

appreciate that you're trying to

make the effort. You'll get a

warmer reception than if you just

grunt and point, or worse, try

speaking English louder and

louder as if volume improved

comprehension. Although

“knowing just a few words” is a

start, it is not the ideal goal. Baby

-talking your way through a for-

eign culture might be charming

at first, but if you need to explain

to a local doctor about your al-

lergy to antibiotics, baby talk will

only frustrate everyone. If you

are going to learn to communi-

cate in a foreign language, your

goal is to understand and be un-

derstood in almost every likely

situation. How much is enough?

When you feel that you can talk

easily about those things that you

would normally discuss with

your stateside friends, you've

probably got as much as you'll

need for most circumstances.

How long will it take

before I can speak a

new language?

If you get started on a program

to learn a foreign language, how

long will it take before you can

really use it? It depends on how

much time you have to spend.

The more time you spend ex-

posed to your new language, the

faster you'll pick it up. A quality

immersion program can have

you speaking a new language on

roughly the grade school level or

perhaps even a middle-school

level in two or three months.

Working on your own with tapes

or CD will take longer, but it isn't

impossible for you to become

good enough to carry on simple

conversations, meet basic travel

requirements, and avoid some of

the more common cultural mis-

takes in three months or so. Two

things to keep in mind are that

you must expose yourself to your

language and study it regularly

and often. Study every day if at

all possible. As you learn more of

your new language, your ability

to pick up more of the language

will increase. You will be able to

learn much more during your

tenth week of study than you did

in your first.

Do Children Learn

Languages Faster

Than Adults?

You've probably heard that chil-

dren have a natural ability to

learn languages. For them it is

literally child's play. This is be-

cause humans are born with spe-

cial internal “wiring” in the lan-

guage centers of the brain that

literally drives them to learn to

speak at an early age. Even in-

fants who are born deaf still try

to make talking sounds. You've

probably also heard that once a

child reaches a certain age, that

window of opportunity to learn a

second or third language closes,

and as an adult it's much, much

harder to pick up a new lan-

guage, right? Wrong! Research

shows that adults retain the hard

wiring they used as children and

can learn a second language sur-

prisingly easily if they use good

learning methods. In fact, in

about six months an average

adult can reach the same profi-

ciency level that a child reaches

in about five or six years.



He who has no Christmas in his


will never find Christmas under a tree.

Sunshine Magazine


Page 54: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"







Read in next issue:Read in next issue:

indian love

love vocabulary

top 10 romantic movies

in search of a soulmate

love spell

Page 55: X-mas VS New Year! Double issue of "BigChilli"



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