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Natural cancer treatment

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Cancer has become a major threat to the modern society. The

number of those affected keeps on rising every day. New

strains of cancer are being detected with no effective

prevention or cure being discovered. However there are some

very effective natural cancer treatment methods that can be

used to cure cancer. It is very possible to make use of

alternative medicine to cure cancer. Some of these methods can

be used hand in hand with the normal medications. For pain

relieve one can make use of aromatherapy, hypnosis, music

therapy, and acupuncture among others. To control fatigue one

can do exercises, massage, yoga and any other relaxation

techniques. To solve sleep problems once can make use of

relaxations techniques, yoga, and exercise.

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The cancer treatment options mostly depend on advancement

stages of the cancer growth. The doctor involved should give

proper advice to the patient. This will make the patient aware of

the available options and what each operation involves. When it

comes to surgery, it can be used to diagnose if it is cancer, for

treatment, and also for prevention. It is usually effective when

cancer has not spread much. Chemotherapy where drugs are

administered is also another way being employed to combat


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. Radiation therapy is also used where high energy levels are

used to destroy the cancer cells. It can be used by itself or in

combination with the other methods. Sometimes target therapy

is also used which targets specific cells and not damaging the

good normal cells. There is also another treatment method

known as immunotherapy where one’s own immune system is

used to fight off cancer. There are other remedies for cancer

for cancer being used such as hyperthermia, where heat is

used to treat cancer. Others methods being employed are

photodynamic therapy stem cell transplant, laser treatment,

blood transfusion among others.

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Biological therapy is also being used as a therapy for cancer.

It involves the use of some substances derived from living

organisms or sometimes organisms produced in a laboratory

with the aim of treating cancer. Gene therapy can also be used

to treat some types of cancers.

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There are a number of foods that have been found to prevent

cancer. It is good for people to know about these foods. It has

been found that a number of foods prevent cancer. Plant

based foods have been found to be very effective. These are

fruits, nuts, grains, beans, vegetables, and also whole grains.

The foods one takes should be less processed. Increasing the

amount of fiber has also been found to be very effective.

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. Fiber ensures that the digestive system is clean thus removing

cancer causing compounds from the body before they can start

growing. People are also supposed to cut down on meat. Meat

does not have cancer protection and prevention properties.

There is also no fiber in meat. When eating meat make sure you

go for leaner meat such as chicken fish and turkey. These can

help to provide alternative cancer treatment and also help

people keep away from cancer.

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