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Page 1: Web viewRoselyne Bosch. Agnès Varda. ... students could try to give an example by quoting Sissako, if they have room within the word count)[3 marks]

Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

Page 1 of 35


Language Grammar Skills Page

6.1 Pourquoi le septième art?

Consider a variety of aspects of French cinema

Use infinitive constructions

Summarise from listening


6.2 Évolution du cinéma: les grandes lignes

Consider the major developments in the evolution of French cinema from its beginnings until the present day

Use si sentences (pluperfect / conditional perfect)

Use persuasive language (speaking)


6.3 Le cinéma: une passion nationale

Consider the continuing popularity of French cinema and film festivals

Use connectives followed by the subjunctive

Write with a purpose


Résumé 122

Pour commencer

The boxed text provides an introduction to the history of cinema. Since its beginnings at the end of the 19th century, cinema (or le septième art) has become a leisure activity, an industry and a means of communication. During the 20th century, it developed into the number one cultural industry, and its popularity continues to grow.

1 Écoutez le reportage. Répondez aux questions en essayant d’utiliser vos propres mots.

Students listen to a short report celebrating a century of French cinema. They answer questions in French.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the ‘Pour commencer’ folder for Unit 6.

Suggested answers

1 En 1995 le cinéma a célébré / fêté ses cent ans / son centième anniversaire.

2 La qualité des films français est une réussite nationale.

3 Les cinéphiles du monde entier connaissent les films français.

4 Les acteurs et les actrices français sont aussi bien connus dans le monde / Ils ont un talent prodigieux reconnu mondialement / Ils capturent et captivent les audiences partout dans le monde.

5 Les frères Lumière ont inventé le Cinématographe dans leur usine à Lyon.

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Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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2 À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

In pairs, students discuss their attitudes to the cinema: Do they consider themselves cinema lovers? Why (not)? Do they know any French films? If so, which ones? What is their favourite (and least favourite) genre of film, and why? What do they think is the best way to watch films (e.g. cinema, TV, DVD, computer) and why is this the best way?

The questions aim to generate a general discussion, with the emphasis on encouraging students to explain and justify their opinions. A list of film genres is provided beside activity 2, for reference. When considering whether or not they are a cinéphile, students might take into account how often they go to the cinema, buy or watch films on DVD or Blu-ray, whether they have a home cinema system or subscribe to streaming services (such as Netflix), and whether they buy film merchandise, read film magazines / reviews, follow film news, etc.

Le saviez-vous?

This section presents some interesting facts about French cinema, focusing on: the Lumière brothers and the beginnings of French cinema; the popularity of film festivals in France; the number of new films produced each year in France; the Cannes film festival and the prestigious Palme d’Or award; the number of cinemas in Paris – it may surprise students to learn that Paris has more cinemas than any other city.

3 Considérez ces chiffres et notez si les phrases sont vraies (V) ou fausses (F).

Students read some facts and figures about French cinema and work out whether statements 1–5 are true or false.


1 F 2 V 3 V 4 F 5 V

4 Reliez les définitions 1–8 aux mots a–h. Travaillez avec un(e) partenaire pour vérifier vos réponses.

Students match definitions 1–8 to the corresponding words and phrases (a–h). They work with a partner to check their answers.


1 g 2 c 3 f 4 b 5 a 6 h 7 d 8 e

5 Faites des recherches si nécessaire et mettez ces noms du monde cinématographique français dans les bonnes catégories. Quelques noms peuvent appartenir à plus d’une catégorie.

Students read a list of famous names associated with the world of French cinema. They categorise them as actors / actresses or film directors, or both. Students may need to search online for any names they don’t know.


acteur / comédien actrice / comédienne réalisateur réalisatrice

Mathieu Kassovitz Coline Serreau Mathieu Kassovitz Coline Serreau

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Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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Omar Sy

François Truffaut

Jean Reno

Gad Elmaleh

Dany Boon

Jean-Pierre Léaud

François Cluzet

Daniel Auteuil

Romain Duris

Juliette Binoche

Catherine Deneuve

Mélanie Laurent

Audrey Tautou

François Truffaut

Louis Malle

Cédric Klapisch

Dany Boon

Laurent Cantet

Daniel Auteuil

Roselyne Bosch

Agnès Varda

Two self-marking interactive activities and a worksheet to introduce Unit 6 can be found on Kerboodle: Unit 6 Introductory activity 1, Unit 6 Introductory activity 2 and Unit 6 Introductory worksheet.

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Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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6.1 A: Pourquoi le septième art?

Spread number 6.1 A (pages 110–111)

Language covered Consider a variety of aspects of French cinema

AQA Theme Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

Topic Le septième art

Grammar Use infinitive constructions

Vocabulary Pages 126–127

Audio files and transcripts 6.1A Student Book audio: activity 2

6.1A Student Book audio transcript: activity 2

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list audio

Unit 6 Key expressions list

Unit 6 Key expressions audio

6.1A Listening activity: Mathieu Kassovitz

6.1A Listening activity transcript: Mathieu Kassovitz

6.1A Grammar worksheet: Infinitive constructions

6.1A Grammar worksheet: Infinitive constructions

6.1A Translation worksheet

6.1A Listening worksheet

6.1A Listening worksheet audio

6.1A Listening worksheet transcript

Unit 6 Worksheet answers

1a Lisez le texte et notez si les phrases sont vraies (V) ou fausses (F).

Reading activity. The text Le 7e Art explains the origin of this expression for referring to the cinema. Students read the text together with five statements based on the text. They identify which statements are true and which are false.


1 F 2 V 3 V 4 F 5 F

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Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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1b Corrigez les phrases de l’activité 1a qui sont fausses.

Reading activity. Students correct the false statements from activity 1a.

Suggested answers

Corrections are shown in italics:

1 Ce sont les anciens Grecs qui proposaient six catégories d’art.

4 La musique est l’un des trois arts rythmiques.

5 C’est surtout en France que le cinéma est connu sous le nom du septième art.

2 Écoutez les cinq personnes qui parlent du cinéma. Quels aspects du cinéma sont les plus attirants pour chaque personne (et pourquoi)? Écrivez vos réponses en essayant d’utiliser vos propres mots.

Listening activity. Students listen to five people talking about their attitudes to the cinema. Students note down in French what each person likes most about the cinema, and why.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.1.

Suggested answers

1 Annette aime le spectacle (des films d’aventure ou fantastiques) car elle trouve les images géantes éblouissantes et inoubliables.

2 Henri aime les bandes sonores mémorables car cela provoque de fortes émotions en lui.

3 Julie aime les beaux acteurs qui jouent des rôles de héros. Les gens ordinaires n’arrivent pas à leur mesure.

4 Saïd aime les effets spéciaux dans les films de science-fiction, c’est son genre préféré.

5 Julien n’aime pas le cinéma et n’aime pas les films non plus. Il préfère le sport (surtout le foot).

An accompanying self-marking activity can be found on Kerboodle: 6.1A Listening activity: Mathieu Kassovitz. A transcript is also provided.

Infinitive constructions

This grammar section focuses on the following infinitive constructions:

• pour + infinitive, afin de + infinitive

• verbs followed by à or de + infinitive, e.g. réussir à + infinitive, venir de + infinitive

• the perfect infinitive: après avoir / être + past participle, e.g. après avoir réfléchi, après être arrivé(e).

Students are referred back to page 31 of the Student Book for a reminder of verbs followed by an infinitive, e.g. aider à + infinitive, permettre de + infinitive, vouloir + infinitive. More detailed coverage of infinitive

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Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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constructions is given on pages 154–155 of the Student Book.

For further practice, a worksheet and self-marking interactive activity are provided on Kerboodle: 6.1A

Grammar worksheet: Infinitive constructions and 6.1A Grammar worksheet: Infinitive constructions. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

3 Traduisez en français.

Translation activity. This activity provides an opportunity to practise infinitive constructions. Students translate six sentences into French.

Suggested answers

1 Je préfère regarder les films sur le grand écran d’un cinéma plutôt qu’à la maison / chez moi à la télé.

2 Une bonne bande sonore aide à transmettre les messages émotionnels d’un film.

3 Le nombre de spectateurs de cinéma continue à augmenter chaque année / annuellement.

4 Je viens de voir un nouveau film d’horreur. C’était terrifiant.

5 Beaucoup d’actrices rêvent de gagner un prix pour leur rôle dans un film.

6 Après avoir vu ce film deux fois maintenant, je dirais sans hésitation qu’il est excellent.

4a Lisez l’article sur le Ciné Cité les Halles à Paris et trouvez les synonymes ou les expressions équivalentes dans le texte.

Reading and vocabulary activity. Students read an article about the Ciné Cité les Halles, a huge cinema complex in Paris. They search the text for synonyms of the words and phrases listed.


1 est situé

2 la variété

3 par an

4 cinéphiles

5 orienté vers

6 illimité

7 au-dessus de

8 au deuxième rang

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Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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4b Écrivez vos réponses aux questions suivantes en français.

Reading activity. Students read the text again and answer questions in French.

Suggested answers

1 Il se trouve au Forum des Halles dans le premier arrondissement de Paris.

2 On peut y voir des films 7 jours sur 7 et 365 jours par an.

3 C’est une voie souterraine (au Forum des Halles) où on trouve le Forum des images, la Bibliothèque de cinéma François Truffaut et le Ciné Cité les Halles.

4 On organise des événements orientés vers le monde du cinéma.

5 Il faut payer €35.

4c Traduisez le dernier paragraphe du texte en anglais.

Translation activity. Students translate into English the final paragraph of the text (from L’Union Générale Cinématographique… to the end of the text).

Suggested answer

The General Cinematographic Union (now simply UGC) was created in 1971 following a merger of several regional cinema companies. It has 45 sites and 488 screens situated in three countries (France, Belgium and Spain). Ticket sales are above 65 million annually, (a fact) which puts this company in second place in Europe just behind Odeon UCI.

An accompanying worksheet can be found on Kerboodle: 6.1A Translation worksheet. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

5a À l’écrit. Trouvez et regardez la bande annonce d’un film français sur Internet. Préparez vos réponses à ces questions. Écrivez environ 200 mots.

Writing activity. Students find and watch online the trailer for a French film of their choice. They write approximately 200 words about it in French, responding to the following questions:

• What genre is the film? When was it released? Who are the main actors?

• Who is the director? What do students know about the director, e.g. age, date and place of birth, what other films has he or she made?

• According to the trailer, what is the film about?

• Would students like to see this film? Why (not)?

Ideally, students should choose different films and a range of genres, to ensure plenty of variety in the presentations in activity 5b. It is best to avoid any titles on the list of set films: see AQA specification for details.

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Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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5b À l’oral. Présentez vos réponses à l’activité 5a à la classe.

Speaking activity. Students use the information from activity 5a as the basis for a presentation to the class. They could introduce it by showing the trailer for their chosen film (e.g. if the trailer is available on YouTube or elsewhere online). If students require support in preparing and structuring their presentation, teachers may wish to provide a model.

An accompanying worksheet can be found on Kerboodle: 6.1A Listening worksheet. An audio file and transcript are also available. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher

Support folder.

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Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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6.1 B: Pourquoi le septième art?

Spread number 6.1 B (pages 112–113)

Language covered Consider a variety of aspects of French cinema

AQA Theme Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

Topic Le septième art

Skill Summarise from listening

Vocabulary Pages 126–127

Bilingual vocabulary list (Word) for Unit 6

Unit 6 vocabulary builder

Audio files and transcripts 6.1B Student Book audio: activity 2

6.1B Student Book audio transcript: activity 2

6.1B Student Book audio: activity 3

6.1B Student Book audio transcript: activity 3

6.1B Student Book audio: activity 5

6.1B Student Book audio transcript: activity 5

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list audio

Unit 6 Key expressions list

Unit 6 Key expressions audio

6.1B Strategy worksheet

6.1B Strategy worksheet audio

6.1B Strategy worksheet transcript

Unit 6 Worksheet answers

1a Lisez le texte et indiquez si, selon le premier paragraphe, les phrases suivantes sont vraies (V) ou fausses (F) ou si l’information est non-donnée (ND).

Reading activity. Students read the text about French actress Marion Cotillard. They consider five statements based on the first paragraph of the text and work out whether they are true, false or not mentioned.


1 V 2 ND 3 F 4 F 5 V

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Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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1b Résumez le deuxième paragraphe du texte.

Reading and writing activity. Students write a summary in French of the second paragraph of the Marion Cotillard text. The bullet points prompt them to mention:

• the awards won by Marion Cotillard for her work in films, from 2008 onwards (a César, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA and an Oscar)

• what she did after her success in La Môme (she worked with famous directors such as Tim Burton, Woody Allen, Jacques Audiard and Xavier Dolan, and began to receive very high salaries)

• what happened in 2011 (she became the best-paid actress in France and the best-paid non-American actress in Hollywood).

If time allows, a worthwhile activity alongside students’ work on this text would be to watch a selection of scenes from La Môme, focusing on Marion Cotillard’s performance.

(See also the notes for activity 4 below: students will need to watch at least some of La Môme, and ideally the whole film, in order to do activity 4.)

Summarising from listening

This skills box provides guidance on writing a summary of a listening passage. Students are advised to listen for key facts and to focus on identifying the specific information requested.

The following step-by-step approach is suggested:

• listen to the whole passage for gist

• listen again, focusing on the section that needs to be summarised

• identify and note down the key words

• listen again, focusing on the words near to the key words – they might affect the meaning

• write the summary, being careful to include the specific information requested and using your own words

• listen again to check your summary

• read your summary again to check that it makes sense.

Activities 2, 3 and 5 provide opportunities to put these strategies into practice.

An accompanying worksheet can be found on Kerboodle: 6.1B Strategy worksheet. An audio file and transcript are also available. Answers to worksheets can be found

in the Teacher Support folder.

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Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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2 Écoutez deux cinéphiles qui parlent du rôle de l’acteur. Répondez aux questions suivantes. Essayez d’utiliser vos propres mots.

Listening activity. Students listen to two cinema lovers talking about the qualities of a good actor. They summarise in French the six qualities mentioned by each speaker.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.1.

Suggested answers

1 Il interprète bien son rôle, il comprend le personnage qu’il joue, il capture la façon de bouger et les traits de personnalité du personnage de façon convaincante, il est talentueux, il est plein de ressources.

2 Il est crédible et à la hauteur de son travail, il comprend la nature humaine, il est captivant, il est engagé (à perfectionner sa technique), il est confiant.

3 Écoutez ces deux autres cinéphiles qui parlent des qualités d’un bon film et répondez aux questions suivantes en français.

Listening activity. Students listen to two more cinema lovers talking about the qualities of a good film. They summarise in French the five qualities mentioned by each speaker.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.1.

Suggested answers

1 Il faut avoir un scripte bien écrit, un scénario intrigant (ou complexe mais pas ambigu), une fin imprévisible, des scènes mémorables; les acteurs / actrices doivent être talentueux.

2 Le film ne doit pas avoir trop d’effets spéciaux, il ne doit pas avoir trop de trucages numériques; le film doit être intéressant / pertinent (et crédible), le casting doit être bon, l’interprétation des rôles doit être de bonne qualité.

4 À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. This activity provides an opportunity for students to express their own thoughts on the qualities of a good actor or actress and a good film, with reference to Marion Cotillard’s role in the film La Môme. The bullet points prompt students to discuss:

• Marion Cotillard’s portrayal of Édith Piaf in the film

• what they consider to be the qualities of a good actor / actress and a good film

• their favourite actor / actress and favourite film, including reasons for their choice

As a minimum requirement, students should watch the trailer of the film, but ideally they should watch the whole film: this could be a possible homework activity. If time is short, choose three or four short sequences from the film, featuring Marion Cotillard in different situations to exemplify the range of her acting, and watch them together in class.

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Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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5a Écoutez ce critique qui parle d’une nouvelle adaptation cinématographique du livre Le Petit Prince. Écoutez encore la première partie et complétez les blancs avec les mots dans la liste. Attention! Vous n’avez pas besoin de tous les mots.

Listening activity. In this recording, a critic talks about the film Le Petit Prince. Students listen to the first part of the recording and fill in the gaps in six statements based on the critic’s review, choosing from the words and phrases provided. (Not all of the words and phrases will be needed.)

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.1.


1 ambition

2 un mélange

3 un contraste

4 un budget

5 leur voix

6 certaine

5b Écoutez encore la deuxième partie et résumez ce que dit la critique.

Listening and writing activity. Students now focus on the second part of the recording. They write a summary in French, referring to:

• who the film is aimed at (it is aimed at children, especially those aged between eight and ten years old)

• the film’s faults, according to the critic (it only has two memorable scenes and the music is often too loud)

• what the critic would have preferred (more subtlety and calm during the touching moments of the film).

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Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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6.2 A: Évolution du cinéma: les grandes lignes

Spread number 6.2 A (pages 114–115)

Language covered Consider the major developments in the evolution of French cinema from its beginnings until the present day

AQA Theme Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

Topic Le septième art

Grammar Use si sentences

Vocabulary Pages 126–127

Audio files and transcripts 6.2A Student Book audio: activity 4

6.2A Student Book audio transcript: activity 4

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list audio

Unit 6 Key expressions list

Unit 6 Key expressions audio

6.2A Grammar worksheet: Si sentences

6.2A Grammar worksheet: Si sentences

6.2A Translation worksheet

6.2A Listening activity: Le cinéma IMAX

6.2A Listening activity transcript: Le cinéma IMAX

Unit 6 Worksheet answers

1 Faites des recherches et complétez l’activité suivante.

Research activity. Students research answers to questions about the Lumière brothers and their films.

Suggested answers

1 Auguste Lumière est né le 19 octobre 1862 à Besançon et il est mort le 10 avril 1954. Louis Lumière est né le 5 octobre 1864 à Besançon et il est mort le 6 juin 1948.

2 Ils ont montré dix courts métrages: La Sortie de l’Usine Lumière à Lyon, Le Jardinier (l’Arroseur arrosé), Le Débarquement du Congrès de Photographie à Lyon, La Voltige, La Pêche aux poissons rouges, Les Forgerons, Le Repas de bébé, Le Saut à la couverture, La Place des Cordeliers à Lyon, La Mer (Baignade en mer).

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3 Durée du programme: entre 7 et 8 minutes. (Note that different online sources indicate different times for some of the films, so students’ answers will vary depending on which sources they refer to. Each film is around 40–50 seconds long so the total time is 7–8 minutes.)

4 Paris, Bruxelles, Bombay, Londres, Montréal, New York et Buenos Aires

5 Ils ont dit / pensé que le cinématographe était une invention sans avenir.

2a Lisez le texte et trouvez les équivalents.

Reading and vocabulary activity. Students read the text about the early years of French cinema (page 114). They search the text for synonyms of the words and phrases listed.


1 il voulait

2 fuir

3 prestidigitateur

4 de cette époque

5 sur le territoire français

6 majeure

7 reconnue

8 aujourd’hui

2b Complétez les phrases en essayant d’utiliser vos propres mots.

Reading activity. Students complete sentences based on the text about the early years of French cinema.

Suggested answers

1 Thomas Edison voulait monopoliser l’exploitation du cinéma aux États-Unis / du cinéma américain.

2 La police américaine a confisqué les appareils des frères Lumière.

3 En France les frères Lumière avaient trois concurrents.

4 Georges Méliès tournait des films de ses illusions.

5 Ses projections duraient moins d’une minute.

6 Les appareils utilisés par les compagnies de Gaumont et Pathé ressemblaient à l’invention des frères Lumière.

Si sentences

This grammar section explains the sequence of tenses used in sentences with si:

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• when something will happen if something else happens: the main verb is in the future tense and si is followed by the present tense (students are referred back to page 75 for a reminder of this)

• when something would happen if something else were to happen: the main verb is in the conditional and si is followed by the imperfect tense

• when something would have happened if something else had happened, the main verb is the conditional perfect and si is followed by the pluperfect tense (see Student Book page 117 for more on the conditional perfect and the pluperfect)

• when making a suggestion: use the imperfect tense after si, e.g. Si on allait au cinéma?

Students will find more detailed coverage of these tenses and verb forms on pages 149–151 of the Student Book.

For further practice, a worksheet and self-marking interactive activity are provided on Kerboodle: 6.2A Grammar worksheet: Si sentences and 6.2A Grammar

worksheet: Si sentences. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

3a Traduisez en anglais.

Translation activity. Students translate some si sentences into English. They will need to read through the grammar box on ‘Si sentences’ before doing activities 3a and 3b.

Suggested answers

1 How about watching a romantic film?

2 If we have time, we will be able to visit the François Truffaut museum.

3 My friend would be delighted if she were to meet her favourite film star.

4 If it were up to me to decide, all my favourite actors would win a César (award).

5 We will not go to the cinema any more if they continue to increase the entrance prices (the cost to get in).

3b Traduisez en français.

Translation activity. Students translate some si sentences into French.

Suggested answers

1 Plus de gens iraient au cinéma si c’était moins cher.

2 S’il pleut cet après-midi, nous resterons à la maison pour regarder un film.

3 La qualité des images dans les films s’améliorera aussi si la technologie s’améliore.

4 Si j’avais assez d’argent, j’achèterais tous mes films favoris / préférés sur DVD.

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5 Si on allait voir un film fantastique?

An accompanying worksheet can be found on Kerboodle: 6.2 Translation worksheet. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

4a Écoutez les six personnes qui parlent des avancements technologiques du cinéma. Ils parlent de quelle technologie? Notez vos réponses de 1 à 6.

Listening activity. Students listen to six people talking about developments in film technology. They note down in French which particular technology is mentioned by each speaker.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.2.


1 les larges écrans incurvés de télévision

2 les vidéocassettes

3 le cinéma numérique / la projection numérique

4 le cinéma en 3D

5 les DVD et disques Blu-ray

6 la technologie ultra haute définition

4b Écoutez encore une fois et indiquez si chaque opinion 1–6 est positive (P), négative (N), ou positive et négative (P+N).

Listening activity. Students listen again and identify whether each person’s opinion is positive, negative, or both positive and negative.


1 P 2 P+N 3 P 4 N 5 P 6 P

4c Identifiez les avantages et les inconvénients dont on parle. Essayez d’utiliser vos propres mots.

Listening activity. Students listen to the recording again and identify the pros and cons of each type of technology.

Suggested answers

1 Les larges écrans incurvés permettent l’installation d’un cinéma à domicile.

2 Avec les vidéocassettes on avait libre accès aux films (surtout aux classiques du cinéma) mais la qualité du son et de l’image était mauvaise.

3 La projection numérique offre une qualité supérieure du son et de l’image.

4 Les films en 3D lui donnent toujours une migraine.

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5 Les DVD (surtout les disques Blu-ray) permettent de profiter d’une bonne qualité de son et d’image.

6 La technologie ultra haute définition donne des images encore plus précises avec des couleurs aussi vraies que nature.

An accompanying self-marking activity can be found on Kerboodle: 6.2A Listening activity: Le cinéma IMAX. A transcript is also provided.

5 À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. Students discuss the following questions in pairs:

• What are the advantages of DVDs and Blu-ray? What are the advantages of streaming?

• Do students prefer high-definition films or 3D films?

• What is their opinion of digital cinema?

• Do students have a widescreen flat TV at home? What is the advantage of this kind of screen?

Students should refer to activities 4a–c for support with ideas and key vocabulary. If appropriate, provide them with a copy of the activity 4 transcript for reference.

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6.2 B: Évolution du cinéma: les grandes lignes

Spread number 6.2 B (pages 116–117)

Language covered Consider the major developments in the evolution of French cinema from its beginnings until the present day

AQA Theme Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

Topic Le septième art

Grammar Use the pluperfect tense and the conditional perfect

Skill Use persuasive language (speaking)

Vocabulary Pages 126–127

Audio files and transcripts 6.2B Student Book audio: activity 3

6.2B Student Book audio transcript: activity 3

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list audio

Unit 6 Key expressions list

Unit 6 Key expressions audio

6.2B Writing activity: La Nouvelle Vague

6.2B Strategy worksheet

6.2B Grammar worksheet: Pluperfect and conditional perfect

6.2B Grammar worksheet: Pluperfect and conditional perfect

Unit 6 Worksheet answers

1 Trouvez l’intrus dans chacune de ces listes et justifiez votre choix.

Vocabulary activity. Students identify the odd one out in each list of five words or phrases relating to the cinema.

Point out that in this sort of activity there may not necessarily be any definitive right or wrong answers – all answers that can be justified are acceptable.


1 spectateur (c’est une personne)

2 pellicule (ce n’est pas une personne associée au cinéma)

3 applaudissement (ce n’est pas un élément d’un film)

4 metteur en scène (ce n’est pas un avancement technologique du cinéma)

5 Molière (ce n’est pas un trophée associé au monde du cinéma)

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2a Lisez le texte qui parle du mouvement cinématographique le plus connu en France, et complétez les phrases.

Reading activity. Students read the text La Nouvelle Vague. They complete four sentences based on the text by choosing from the multiple-choice options provided.


1 b 2 c 3 b 4 b

2b Répondez aux questions en français, en utilisant vos propres mots.

Reading activity. Students answer questions in French about the text La Nouvelle Vague.

Suggested answers

1 François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, Éric Rohmer et Jacques Rivette

2 La « Nouvelle Vague » était composée d’auteurs, d’événements, d’œuvres, d’idées et de conceptions de la mise en scène extrêmement divers.

3 Ils voulaient renouveler le cinéma français / ils voulaient se démarquer du cinéma de qualité (de la norme).

4 On a accordé le prix de la mise en scène à François Truffaut pour Les Quatre Cents Coups.

5 Ils ont préféré soutenir des films plus commerciaux / plus conformes aux critères du grand public.

6 Ses films sont devenus des films de référence pour les jeunes cinéastes dans le monde.

2c Traduisez en français.

Translation activity. Students translate a paragraph into French. Encourage them to refer to the text of La Nouvelle Vague (page 116) for support with key vocabulary.

Suggested answer

Dans les années 1950, beaucoup de jeunes réalisateurs avaient envie de / voulaient révolutionner le cinéma français et (de) le libérer du moule des studios. Ils s’intéressaient aux scénarios plus personnels tournés avec des équipes plus réduites et des acteurs inconnus dans des décors plus naturels et réalistes. Le travail / L’œuvre de ces réalisateurs est maintenant connu(e) sous le nom de la « Nouvelle Vague », un phénomène bref / de courte durée dominé par des cinéastes comme François Truffaut et Jean-Luc Godard qui ont tourné leurs premiers longs métrages durant l’hiver et le printemps de 1958–59.

A follow-on self-marking activity can be found on Kerboodle: 6.2B Writing activity: La Nouvelle Vague.

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3a Écoutez les trois jeunes qui parlent des comédies de Francis Veber. Répondez aux questions en utilisant vos propres mots.

Listening activity. Three young people talk about the comedy films of Francis Veber. Students listen and answer questions in French.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.2.


1 Ce sont toujours les mêmes gags physiques, les mêmes situations, les mêmes attitudes et expressions, c’est répétitif, prévisible, l’humour téléphoné – ce n’est pas son genre.

2 La comédie est sophistiquée, l’humour est dans des dialogues bien écrits et pleins d’esprit, les acteurs sont extraordinaires.

3 Ce sont toujours les mêmes acteurs / des rôles stéréotypes – sauf Daniel Auteuil, un excellent comédien qui peut s’adapter à plusieurs rôles.

Persuasive speaking

This skills box encourages students to consider not only the content of what they say in French but also the way they deliver it, e.g. by:

• being confident in what they say

• taking ownership of what they say by expressing their opinions (students are referred back to page 97 for a list of useful expressions)

• giving examples to support any points they make

• justifying their opinions

• offering explanations

• reinforcing their point of view with further examples.

Finally, students are encouraged to try to predict what questions they might be asked on a particular topic and to think about how they might respond. This helps them to prepare for having their views challenged.

Activities 3b and 3c provide opportunities for students to apply these suggestions.

An accompanying worksheet can be found on Kerboodle: 6.2B Strategy worksheet. Answers to worksheets can

be found in the Teacher Support folder.

3b À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. In pairs, students discuss comedy films: What do they think of them? Why? They should suggest examples to support their opinions.

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Encourage student to use ideas from listening activity 3a. If appropriate, provide them with a copy of the transcript for reference.

3c À l’oral. Préparez un débat à deux. L’un(e) de vous proposera les qualités d’un genre de film tandis que l’autre proposera les qualités d’un genre différent.

Speaking activity. In pairs, students debate two genres of film: each partner chooses a different genre and puts forward its qualities. Each must try to persuade the other of the merits of their chosen genre.

Ideally, to ensure coverage of a wide variety of genres throughout the class, each pair of students should debate different genres. Encourage them to use vocabulary, ideas and structures from activities 3a and 3b.

Pluperfect / Conditional perfect

This grammar section explains when to use and how to form the pluperfect tense and the conditional perfect. Students are referred to pages 150 and 151 of the Student Book for more on these two structures.

For further practice, a worksheet and self-marking interactive activity are provided on Kerboodle: 6.2B Grammar worksheet: Pluperfect and conditional

perfect and 6.2B Grammar worksheet: Pluperfect and conditional perfect. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

4 Traduisez en anglais.

Translation activity. Students translate sentences into English. Before they begin, they should read through the grammar box on the pluperfect tense and the conditional perfect.


1 Without the invention of the Cinematograph, the history of cinema would have been completely different.

2 I would have gone to see the film but I didn’t have (the) time.

3 When my mother / mum had finished her work, she met us in town.

4 I would never have thought about / of that.

5 My dad adores film biographies. He would have loved the film Mesrine.

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6.3 A: Le cinéma: une passion nationale

Spread number 6.3 A (pages 118–119)

Language covered Consider the continuing popularity of French cinema and film festivals

AQA Theme Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

Topic Le septième art

Grammar Use connectives followed by the subjunctive

Vocabulary Pages 126–127

Audio files and transcripts 6.3A Student Book audio: activity 3

6.3A Student Book audio transcript: activity 3

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list audio

Unit 6 Key expressions list

Unit 6 Key expressions audio

6.3A Grammar worksheet: Connectives and conjunctions followed by the subjunctive

6.3A Grammar worksheet: Connectives and conjunctions followed by the subjunctive

6.3A Reading activity: Le Pass Gaumont-Pathé

6.3 Reading activity: Le cinéma français en chiffres

6.3 Reading activity: Les ciné-clubs

6.3 Listening activity: Le cinéma: une passion nationale

6.3 Listening activity transcript: Le cinéma: une passion nationale

6.3 Reading worksheet

6.3 Translation worksheet

6.3 Writing worksheet

Unit 6 Worksheet answers

1a Lisez le texte et remplissez les blancs avec les mots de la liste.

Reading activity. This text considers whether the success of television has had a negative impact on cinema. Students fill in the gaps in five sentences based on the text, choosing from the words provided. (There are more words provided than are needed to fill in the gaps.)

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1 augmenté

2 continue

3 stéréotypés

4 franchises

5 supplémentaires

1b Traduisez en anglais le dernier paragraphe du texte.

Translation activity. Students translate into English the final paragraph of the text.

Suggested answer

If these multiplexes leave increasingly less room for intelligent cinema where arthouse / auteur films have a very short lifespan in cinemas, there is a genre (of film) that still survives the tidal wave of television, and that is comedy. This is the most profitable genre. It is not particularly expensive to make and it brings in a substantial return. On television, the comic tradition systematically takes the form of sitcoms. Whatever the quality of the episodes (lasting about twenty minutes and with canned laughter), this purely televisual format cannot compete with feature-length films watched / seen in a cinema.

1c Corrigez les phrases suivantes selon l’article.

Reading activity. Students read five false statements based on the text. They correct the statements with reference to the text.

Suggested answers

1 Les séries de télévision empruntent le sens de spectacle des films.

2 Les studios ne tournent plus de films de niche / de films stéréotypés.

3 Le cinéma est menacé par la qualité de la programmation à la télévision.

4 Au cinéma, la plupart des spectateurs sont des adolescents.

5 Au Québec / Au Canada il y a quelques salles de cinéma où on peut prendre un repas / manger en regardant un film.

Connectives and conjunctions followed by the subjunctive

This grammar section provides a list of connectives and conjunctions that are followed by the subjunctive. Students are referred to page 151 of the Student Book for full coverage of the subjunctive.

For further practice, a worksheet and self-marking interactive activity are provided on Kerboodle: 6.3A

Grammar worksheet: Connectives and conjunctions followed by the

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subjunctive and 6.3A Grammar activity: Connectives and conjunctions followed by the subjunctive. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

2 Traduisez en français.

Translation activity. Students translate the sentences into French. Each sentence contains a connective or conjunction that is followed by the subjunctive, so students will need to read through the grammar box before they do this activity. They may also need to refer to pages 151–152 of the Student Book for a reminder of how to form the subjunctive.

Suggested answers

1 Le cinéma français sera toujours populaire en admettant que la qualité de ses films continue à s’améliorer.

2 L’industrie cinématographique produit des bandes annonces pour des films qui sont passionnantes et intrigantes pour qu’elles puissent capter l’intérêt du public.

3 La fin d’un film reste toujours un secret jusqu’à ce qu’il sorte.

4 Pourvu que j’aie assez d’argent, nous pourrons aller voir un film en 3D ce soir.

5 Je regarde toujours un film jusqu’à ce qu’il finisse même s’il est ennuyeux.

3 Écoutez cette publicité pour le Pass Gaumont-Pathé. Faites le résumé de la publicité. Écrivez environ 70 mots et essayez d’utiliser vos propres mots.

Listening and writing activity. Students listen to an advertisement for the Gaumont-Pathé cinema pass. They summarise the advertisement in approximately 70 words in French, referring to:

• what the pass offers

• additional offers that the pass gives you access to

• how to sign up online

• how to sign up in person.

Students might include the following information:

• The pass offers unlimited entry to more than 100 cinemas for a small monthly price.

• Pass-holders also have access to special offers and activities such as pre-screenings, cultural events and discounts on ticket prices.

• You can sign up online by filling in an online form and paying by monthly direct debit or by cheque. You receive the pass by post within 15 days.

• You can sign up in person at a cinema and can use the pass immediately. You have to provide some form of identification.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.3.

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A follow-on self-marking activity can be found on Kerboodle: 6.3A Reading activity: Le Pass Gaumont-Pathé.

4 À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. Students discuss the questions in pairs:

• What are the advantages of a cinema subscription?

• If they were running a subscription scheme, what special offers and benefits would they make available?

• Do they think the history of cinema and the films of the past are important? Why? Or why not?

Students can refer to their summary in activity 3 to support their responses to the first two bullet points, or you could provide them with a copy of the activity 3 transcript. For the third bullet point, they should refer to the text Le cinéma français: Les première années (1895–1900) on page 114 of the Student Book, and to La Nouvelle Vague (page 116) and their own responses to activity 2b on page 117.

5 À l’écrit. Faites des recherches pour préparer une présentation sur le cinéma français et son influence dans le monde.

Research activity. Students research the French cinema and its influence throughout the world, and put together a presentation. The bullet points prompt them to focus on: important and influential French films; cinema movements (such as Nouvelle Vague); key actors and film directors; film studios; and important genres.

This activity is designed to help students organise their thoughts and ideas on Unit 6 by focusing on the history and evolution of French cinema. Students’ responses will require judicious choice of material to ensure that all the bullet points are covered concisely and clearly, with examples and justification where appropriate.

Three accompanying self-marking activities to accompany spreads 6.2A and spread 6.3B can be found on Kerboodle: 6.3 Reading activity: Le cinéma français en chiffres, 6.3 Reading activity: Les ciné-clubs and 6.3 Listening activity: Le cinéma: une passion nationale. A

transcript is also provided.

Three accompanying worksheets to accompany spreads 6.2A and spread 6.3B can be found on Kerboodle: 6.3 Reading worksheet, 6.3 Translation worksheet and 6.3 Writing worksheet. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

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6.3 B: Le cinéma: une passion nationale

Spread number 6.3 B (pages 120–121)

Language covered Consider the continuing popularity of French cinema and film festivals

AQA Theme Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

Topic Le septième art

Skill Write with a purpose

Vocabulary Pages 126–127

Audio files and transcripts 6.3B Student Book audio: activity 2

6.3B Student Book audio transcript: activity 2

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list

Unit 6 Bilingual vocabulary list audio

Unit 6 Key expressions list

Unit 6 Key expressions audio

6.3B Strategy worksheet

6.3 Reading activity: Le cinéma français en chiffres

6.3 Reading activity: Les ciné-clubs

6.3 Listening activity: Le cinéma: une passion nationale

6.3 Listening activity transcript: Le cinéma: une passion nationale

6.3 Reading worksheet

6.3 Translation worksheet

6.3 Writing worksheet

Unit 6 Worksheet answers

1a Lisez le texte et complétez chaque phrase en choisissant dans la liste en bas.

Reading activity. Students read the text Les festivals de cinéma. They complete five sentences based on the text, choosing from the words provided.


1 rencontre

2 réussite

3 privées

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4 talent

5 de l’aide

1b Choisissez la bonne réponse pour compléter les phrases.

Readig activity. Students choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence, with reference to the text Les festivals de cinéma.


1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c

1c Traduisez en français.

Translation activity. Students translate into French a passage about film festivals. Encourage them to refer to the text Les festivals de cinéma for some of the key vocabulary.

Suggested answer

Un festival de film peut représenter un des moments clefs pour un film. La projection d’un film à Cannes, par exemple, est une opportunité de promouvoir un film globalement / dans le monde entier puisque le festival est si / tant médiatisé chaque année. Pendant douze jours au mois de mai / en mai, des centaines de réalisateurs / metteurs en scène / cinéastes, producteurs et artistes se rassemblent / se réunissent pour / afin de célébrer / fêter le cinéma en espérant gagner une Palme d’or prestigieuse.

2 Écoutez ce reportage. Faites le résumé en 70 mots environ.

Listening and writing activity. Students listen to a report about French film director Agnès Varda. They summarise the report in approximately 70 words in French, focusing on what the report says about Agnès Varda and what it tells us about the Palme d’Or award since 1975.

Students might include the following key information:

• Agnès Varda won an honorary Palme d’Or award at the 68th Cannes Film Festival. She is the first female director to win this award.

• Since 1975, the Palme d’Or has been the enduring symbol of the Cannes Film Festival. The Palme d’Or for the best film is always the last award to be presented at the festival.

You could discuss with students a possible English translation of Palme d’Or (Golden Palm).

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for 6.3.

3 À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. In pairs, students discuss film festivals. The bullet points prompt them to focus on: what they know about French film festivals; the advantages of film festivals; whether students feel it is important for film directors to win awards for their work.

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Students can refer to the text Les festivals de cinéma on page 120 as source material, but encourage them to explore different francophone film festivals as preparation for activity 4.

Writing with a purpose

This skills box provides strategies to help students improve their written responses. Strategies include:

• careful planning, e.g. identify key points, plan the development of each point, note down examples to illustrate each point

• keeping the writing relevant to the theme, topic and task title

• EXEXEX (EXpress a point, EXplain it, give an EXample)

• using a wide range of topic-specific vocabulary, along with a range of adverbs, adverbial phrases, connectives and conjunctions to ensure interest and variety

• using purposeful and non-contrived vocabulary.

Encourage students to follow these suggestions when preparing their presentation in activity 4.

An accompanying worksheet can be found on Kerboodle: 6.3B Strategy worksheet. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

4 Travail de recherche. Choisissez un festival de cinéma d’un pays francophone. Présentez le festival.

Research activity. Students choose and research a French film festival, either in France or in another French-speaking country, and present it to the class. The bullet points prompt them to include information about:

• the genres of films shown at the festival

• where and when the festival takes place

• the awards

• the kind of audience who attend the festival

• something unusual or remarkable that happened at this festival in the past.

If students choose to give their presentation using PowerPoint or similar software, it can be enhanced by photos or other visuals.

For the final bullet point, students can consider a range of possibilities, e.g. a particular guest who made an appearance at the festival, a particular award that was presented, or the acknowledgement of a major contribution to the cinema world; or even the kind of event or incident that might appear in a gossip magazine, such as an outrageous choice of outfit, an unusual pairing of celebrities, etc.

Encourage students to follow the suggestions in the skills box ‘Writing with a purpose’ when preparing their presentation.

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Three accompanying self-marking activities to accompany spreads 6.2A and spread 6.3B can be found on Kerboodle: 6.3 Reading activity: Le cinéma français en chiffres, 6.3 Reading activity: Les ciné-clubs and 6.3 Listening activity: Le cinéma: une passion nationale. A

transcript is also provided

Three accompanying worksheets to accompany spreads 6.2A and spread 6.3B can be found on Kerboodle: 6.3 Reading worksheet, 6.3 Translation worksheet and 6.3 Writing worksheet. Answers to worksheets can be found in the Teacher Support folder.

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Résumé Démontrez ce que vous avez appris!

This is a page of activities revising the language, grammar and vocabulary of Unit 6.

1 Reliez les expressions 1–10 aux explications a–j

Students match the definitions (a–j) to the words and phrases (1–10).


1 e 2 h 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 i 7 g 8 d 9 j 10 c

2 Reliez le début et la fin des phrases.

Students match the sentence halves.


1 f 2 i 3 b 4 c 5 g 6 h 7 a 8 d 9 j 10 e

3 Traduisez en français.

Students translate sentences into French.

Suggested answers

1 Si on visitait la Cinémathèque pendant que nous sommes à Paris?

2 Mon ami / copain m’a dit qu’il était allé à Futuroscope pendant les vacances.

3 Après être arrivé(e) au cinéma, je me suis tout de suite inscrit(e) à un abonnement mensuel.

4 Nous serions allés voir un film en 3D mais ils donnent toujours mal de tête à mon père.

5 Si le jury y est favorable, le réalisateur de ce film gagnera une Palme d’or.

6 Les chiffres de fréquentation du cinéma parmi les jeunes adultes continuent à augmenter chaque année / annuellement.

7 Les avancements technologiques ont réussi à améliorer la qualité des films.

8 La sortie de beaucoup de longs métrages est précédée par une bande annonce captivante / passionnante afin / pour que le film puisse capter l’intérêt d’un grand nombre de gens / personnes.

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4 Écoutez cinq personnes qui parlent du « cinéma à domicile » et complétez les phrases en essayant d’utiliser vos propres mots.

Students listen to five people talking about home cinema. They complete five sentences based on what each person says, using their own words.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for Unit 6 ‘Démontrez ce que vous avez appris!’.

Suggested answers

1 Grâce aux nouvelles technologies, il est facile d’installer un cinéma à domicile / chez vous.

2 L’Internet offre une grande quantité de films sur demande qu’on peut télécharger.

3 Pour une famille il est beaucoup moins cher de rester à la maison que d’aller au cinéma.

4 Pour voir les films récemment sortis il faut quand même aller au cinéma.

5 À la maison vous manquez les effets spéciaux qui sont meilleurs sur un écran plus grand (avec un système sonore qui est aussi meilleur).

5 À l’oral. Jeu de rôle. Vous voulez persuader votre partenaire qu’aller au cinéma est la meilleure façon de voir un film. Votre partenaire préfère le cinéma à domicile. Préparez vos arguments.

In pairs, students perform a role play: one partner prefers going to the cinema to see films, whereas the other prefers home cinema. They each put forward their arguments, focusing on: image and sound quality; atmosphere; comfort; other advantages that they feel are important.

When preparing their arguments, students should consider their responses to earlier activities in Unit 6, particularly activities 4a–c on page 115. They may also find it helpful to revisit the following texts: UGC Ciné Cité les Halles (page 111) and Le succès des séries télé nuit-il au cinéma? (page 118).

A self-marking interactive activity to accompany this page can be found on Kerboodle (in the Assessment tab): Unit 6 Test yourself.

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Résumé Testez-vous!

These three pages provide a mixture of exam-style activities relating to Unit 6.

Spread title Résumé – Testez-vous! (pages 123–125)

AQA Theme Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

Topic Le septième art

Total score 68 (excluding free writing and speaking activities)

Tip Answer comprehension questions

Audio files and transcripts Unit 6 Résumé, Testez-vous! Student Book audio: activity 2

Unit 6 Résumé, Testez-vous! Student Book transcript: activity 2

Unit 6 Discussion 1

Unit 6 Discussion 1 transcript

Unit 6 Discussion 2

Unit 6 Discussion 2 transcript

Unit 6 Listening and writing assessment worksheet

Unit 6 Listening and writing assessment audio

Unit 6 Listening and writing assessment transcript

Unit 6 Reading and writing assessment worksheet

Unit 6 Speaking assessment worksheet (1)

Unit 6 Speaking assessment worksheet (2)

Unit 6 Translation assessment worksheet

The above assessment activities can be found on the Assessment tab. Answers to worksheets are provided in the Teacher Support folder.

1a Lisez le texte. Notez les quatre phrases vraies.

Reading activity. Students read the text Cannes. They look at eight statements based on the text and identify the four that are true.


The four true statements are: 3, 4, 7, 8 [Total: 4 marks]

Page 33: Web viewRoselyne Bosch. Agnès Varda. ... students could try to give an example by quoting Sissako, if they have room within the word count)[3 marks]

Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

Page 33 of 35


Answering comprehension questions

This tip provides guidance on answering comprehension questions in French. Students are advised to:

• read the questions carefully before reading the text or listening to the passage, identifying key words and phrases to look or listen for

• answer the questions in their own words and avoid copying or transcribing large sections from the original

• read carefully through their responses, checking the French for accurate grammar and spelling.

Encourage students to put these suggestions into practice in activities 1b and 2b.

1b Écrivez vos réponses aux questions en français en essayant d’utiliser vos propres mots. Il n’est pas toujours nécessaire de faire des phrases complètes.

Writing activity. Students answer questions in French about the text Cannes.

Suggested answers

1 Sept ans ont passé. [1 mark]

2 Le réalisateur est autrichien. Les acteurs sont français. [2 marks]

3 Il démontre que les films français possèdent un dynamisme indéniable. [1 mark]

4 Les films sont un thriller, une analyse sociale et une comédie de mœurs. [3 marks]

5 Parce qu’il n’y avait qu’un ressortissant français au jury. [1 mark]

[Total: 8 marks]

2a L’institut Odoxa a interrogé en ligne un échantillon de 999 individus représentatifs de la population française, âgées de 18 ans et plus. Écoutez le reportage. Complétez les blancs en choisissant les bons mots de la case.

Listening activity. Students listen to a report on the results of a poll carried out by Odoxa, focusing on how the Cannes Film Festival is perceived by a representative sample of the French population. Students fill in the gaps in six sentences summarising the report, choosing from the words and phrases provided.

A transcript of this recording can be found on Kerboodle in the folder for Unit 6 ‘Testez-vous!’.


1 le weekend

2 élitiste

3 une bonne opinion

4 l’influence

Page 34: Web viewRoselyne Bosch. Agnès Varda. ... students could try to give an example by quoting Sissako, if they have room within the word count)[3 marks]

Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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5 superficiel

6 gâché [Total: 6 marks]

2b Réécoutez le reportage. Écrivez en français un paragraphe de 70 mots maximum où vous résumerez ce que vous avez compris selon les points suivants. Écrivez des phrases complètes.

Listening and writing activity. Students listen again to the report. They write a summary of up to 70 words in French, focusing on:

• the composition of the sample of people who took part in the poll (999 people aged 18 or over were interviewed) [2 marks]

• the public’s opinion of the festival (largely negative: inaccessible, elitist, superficial and a big waste of money)[4 marks]

• the advantages of the festival for France (it helps to improve France’s influence in the world). [1 mark]

Draw students’ attention to the 5 additional marks available for quality of language. [5 marks]

[Total 12 marks]

Point out to students that the guidance given in the tip ‘Answering comprehension questions’ is just as relevant to this kind of activity: students should read the bullet points carefully (and their responses to activity 2a) before listening, identifying key words and phrases to listen for, answer in their own words, and finally check their response carefully for accurate grammar and spelling.

3 Regardez les statistiques à droite. Pour chaque phrase, écrivez V (vrai), F (faux) ou ND (information non-donnée).

Reading activity. read the statistics comparing the popularity of French and American films between 2005 and 2014. They read eight statements interpreting the statistics and identify whether each statement is true, false or not mentioned.


1 V 2 V 3 F 4 F 5 ND 6 F 7 V 8 F [Total: 8 marks]

4 Traduisez en anglais.

Translation activity. Students translate the paragraph into English.

Suggested answer

The National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image (CNC) collects a tax on box office receipts (11% of the ticket price) as well as a tax on DVD sales (25% of the sales price). It then / subsequently redistributes this money to producers. The money is used to promote young directors by means of an ‘advance on receipts’. The assistance of the CNC represents 15% of the average budget of a film, divided between payments (for actors, scriptwriters, directors and technicians), film-making costs (including sets and costumes) and technical costs.

[Total: 10 marks]

Page 35: Web viewRoselyne Bosch. Agnès Varda. ... students could try to give an example by quoting Sissako, if they have room within the word count)[3 marks]

Unit 6

Unit 6 Le septième art


Oxford University Press

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5 À l’oral. Discutez avec un(e) partenaire.

Speaking activity. Students discuss the questions in pairs:

• What technological developments have taken place in the world of cinema?

• What do students think of 3D films and IMAX cinema?

• What do students consider to be the qualities of a good film (aside from technology)?

Encourage students to draw on the technological developments they’ve learned about in Unit 6, throughout the history of cinema from its early beginnings to the present day. Ask them to consider the future of developments such as 3D and IMAX: do students think they will last?

This activity is designed to offer preparation for the AS and A level oral exam. To reflect the marks available for each stimulus card discussion in the exam, teachers might mark this activity out of 30, evaluating students on fluency and conversation skills, quality of language, interpretation of the stimulus material, and knowledge and understanding of the sub-theme.

6a Lisez le texte « La soirée des Césars ». Pour chaque phrase, écrivez V (vrai), F (faux) ou ND (information non-donnée).

Reading activity. Students read the text La soirée des Césars. They identify whether statements 1–8, based on the text, are true, false or not mentioned.


1 V 2 F 3 V 4 F 5 V 6 ND 7 ND 8 F [Total: 8 marks]

6b Écrivez en français un paragraphe de 70 mots maximum où vous résumerez ce que vous avez compris selon les points suivants. Écrivez des phrases complètes.

Writing activity. Students read the text again. They summarise it in up to 70 words in French, focusing on:

• what Abderrahmane Sissako did when he received his César (he thanked Mauritania, France, and the Cannes audience – students could try to give an example by quoting Sissako, if they have room within the word count)

[3 marks]

• who presented the César for best film (Dany Boon) [1 mark]

• why the film Timbuktu was the biggest success of the evening (it won seven César awards, including best original music, best director and best film). [3 marks]

Draw students’ attention to the 5 additional marks available for quality of language. [5 marks]

[Total: 12 marks]