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EQUILIBRIUS® Quarterly Newsletter

Yang FAMILY Tai Chi Chuan





This is a quarterly electronic publication by

EQUILIBRIUS® – Centro de Tai Chi Chuan, Acupuntura e Cultura OrientalYANG CHENGFU TAI CHI CHUAN CENTER BRAZIL

R. Cerqueira César, 1825 - Jd. Sumaré - Ribeirão Preto - SP - CEP 14025-120Fone/Fax: (16) 3911-1236 – E-Mail: [email protected]

DIRECTORS: Fernando De Lazzari and Dra. Cenira Braga BarrosGRAPHIC DESIGN AND TRANSLATIONS: Cyntia S. Levy / EDITING: Cyntia S. Levy and Fernando De Lazzari

SUPPORT: RTBC (Tai Chi Brasil Magazine) -

This publication and its contents may not be utilized or reproduced, in any form (electronic or mechanical), without the Editor’s prior permission.

EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan


Talking with my Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung and Meditation students over the last years,

many of them told me they’ve been suffering with several health issues, emotional

disturbances and lack of inner peace, due to various reasons, such as unbalanced lifestyles

and social and relationship problems.

Many students acknowledge that regular Tai Chi Chuan and Meditation practice has

been helping them to get through some of these problems, because the practices de-

liver mental balance and inner peace, and also makes them look to what’s internal,

getting to know themselves better, hence giving them mental clarity. This mental clarity

initiates a gradual transformation of one’s values and the search for a better lifestyle,

where BEING is more importante than HAVING.

Many Masters say that when our minds are truly peaceful and present, we free

ourselves from the desires which cause great excitement, so that we can then connect

ourselves with our spirit and essence. Confucius used to say: “The wise man is he who

has few desires.”

I notice that, generally speaking, people have a great urge in finding a true path,

which will help them to bring harmony and inner tranquility to their lives. Many lost

their way and don’t really know their true purpose in life, and that’s what makes them

seek outside – through incessant desires and spending habits – for that which really

resides inside themselves.

Many people waste a lot of their life’s energy, because of their anger, jealousy, fear,

envy, worries, gossip – and place themselves as victims, blaming everything and everyone,

but, in truth, we are solely responsible for our inner state. Only when we decide to follow

a true path and train ourselves to nourish our patience, love, tolerance, serenity, inner

peace and wisdom, we will be able to better live with other people and with ourselves.

In an honest way, we have to wish for and seek for good things in our lives, because

we are responsible for our destiny. Every aspect of our future, happiness and success are

dependant of whatever we’re doing now – of our actions and thoughts.

So, my advice to all my students, Instructors and to everyone is: follow the ex-

amples of the Great Masters and Sages; practice mental calmness; nurture your spiri-

tual virtues and don’t waste your time and your life – because life and inner peaceful-

ness are our most precious assets.

Prof. Fernando De Lazzari





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang FAMILY Tai Chi Chuan

Graduated in Psychology in 1978, this same year she began

her Tai Chi Chuan studies with Master Liu Pai Lin, and in

1979 continued studying with Prof. Roque E. Severino, obtain-

ing a graduation in Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan,

becoming an Instructor in 1982.

When in China in 1998, she received personal instructions

directly from Master Yang Zhenduo – 4th generation in the Tra-

ditional Yang Style lineage transmission.

She brings the Master to Brazil the following year, being

responsible for organizing the first Tai Chi Chuan Seminar –

event which will celebrate its 17th edition in 2016. In 1999,

she also receives a Certificate that authorizes the inauguration

of the Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Chuan Center – Brazil, official Yang

Family representative in Brazil.

During her study travels, she attended Bare-Hands Forms,

Weapons Forms and Tui Shou refinement classes. She led the

brazilian team in China’s Traditional Yang Style International Cham-

pionships in 2002, 2007 and 2012. During a ceremony in China in

2012, she was accepted as Master Yang Jun’s direct Disciple.

For more information about the Sociedade Brasileira de Tai

Chi Chuan e Cultura Oriental, visit the website:

Interview with Prof.

Angela Soci

Prof. Angela Soci granted us this interview in july, 2016. She is

Director of the Sociedade Brasileira de Tai Chi Chuan e Cultura

Oriental (Brazilian Tai Chi Chuan and Eastern Culture Society), Direc-

tor of the São Paulo, Brazil and Latin America’s Yang Chengfu

Tai Chi Chuan Centers, Director of Latin America affairs and of

the International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association’s

Teacher’s Academy Department, and Master Yang Jun’s Disciple.


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Biography’s source:

“Tradition means

a teaching faithfull

to its origins,

and the lineage

is what guarantees

this fidelity.”

“Tradition means

a teaching faithfull

to its origins,

and the lineage

is what guarantees

this fidelity.”

1 • EQUILIBRIUS®: Thank you very much for this

opportunity of interviewing you and learn

with your experience. How and when did you

get to know Tai Chi Chuan, and why did you

decide to teach this chinese Art?

PROF. ANGELA: I came to know Tai Chi Chuan

during a very difficult time in my life, when I

was searching myself deep inside in the midst

of an existencial crisis. I was totally receptive

to whatever the world had to offer, but com-

pletely lost… That’s when I found Tai Chi

Chuan, and my first experience with the Art

was amazing!

When I began practicing it, I noticed many

physical and energetic changes, and my spirit

recognized the practice as something I had to

do for the rest of my life. Without bounds,

I submitted myself to Tai Chi Chuan – body and

soul, and since then I knew the Art would be

part of my life.

From then on, I started practicing dili-

gently, every day; I didn’t consider giving

classes, but as I began to feel confidence in my

training, people came asking to learn it.

I started helping the beginners, until, in 1979,

I got involved with the Instructors Graduation

Course together with Professor Roque,

my Teacher and Master.

2 • EQUILIBRIUS®: You and Prof. Roque E.

Severino were responsible for introducing

Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan in Brazil. How did

it happen?

PROF. ANGELA: Truly, Professor Roque was the

one who introduced Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan

in Brazil, in 1978. I started collaborating as soon

as I became his student and his wife! When

we met, both of us had the same goals, and

we gathered our strenghts in order to fulfill


Since 1972, Professor Roque practiced

Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan in Argentina, even

though he hadn’t direct contact with the Yang

Family members. He was faithfull to the teach-

ings of his Master – Ma Tsun Kwen, who stud-

ied with Master Yang Chengfu – and follow-

ing this path, we were blessed to meet the

Yang Family members in 1990.

Our relationship with the Yang Family got

stronger since then, and we invited their Mas-

ters to teach Seminars in Brazil. They were sur-

prised to know that an argentine and a brazilian

were dedicating their lives to promote Yang

Family’s Tai Chi Chuan in this continent!

As we got more involved, there was an

important acknowledgement from the Yang

Family, as we became Disciples of Master Yang

Jun, the world’s 5th lineage inheritor of the

Yang Style!

Prof. Angela in the Traditional Yang Style“Single Whip” posture of the Bare-Hands Form


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EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan


Interview with

“The apprentice’s spirit is

what will allow you to evolve

and develop in this Art.”

“The apprentice’s spirit is

what will allow you to evolve

and develop in this Art.”

3 • EQUILIBRIUS®: It is a great honour, a merit

and also a great responsibility to represent a

tradition as rich as Yang Family’s Tai Chi Chuan.

What is the importance of following and prac-

ticing a Traditional Style of Tai Chi Chuan,

and being in direct contact with the lineage of a

Traditional Family of Tai Chi Chuan Masters?

PROF. ANGELA: Tradition means a teaching

faithfull to its origins, and the lineage is what

guarantees this fidelity. Tai Chi Chuan is an Art,

and so being, is alive and fluid, helping hu-

manity as time goes by, and expressing itself

through its inheritors, who respect and adapt

themselves to the different historical contexts

in which they live.

That’s why the inheritors have the impor-

tant commitment of keeping the tradition alive

and reassure the highest virtues in which this

Art has its roots! Consequently, this responsi-

bility is assumed by all serious practitioners,

who truly understand the great benefits that

Tai Chi Chuan has to offer to humanity.

It’s duration throughout time and its ser-

vice which grows and knocks down all fron-

tiers – either of culture, language, religion, cli-

mate – and brings together people of all ages

and countries, is what establishes the true

power of a tradition kept preserved!

The living presence of the Masters and

their Disciples guarantees that the teachings

faithfull to their origin continues. Being so,

every practitioner who’s seeking a good de-

velopment and also guidance to better access

and express his potencial should be integrated

with the traditional teachings, and, in so do-

ing, can be considered part of the lineage

transmission, enjoying the Art’s benefits and

spreading them to all!

Today, regarding the Yang Family, we are

blessed to have a living lineage, which ex-

presses itself through Grandmaster Yang

Zhenduo – 4th generation, and Master Yang Jun

– 5th lineage inheritor. As their Disciples, we

engage in the preservation and continuity of

the teachings, sharing the wonderful benefits

of the Art of Tai Chi Chuan with brazilians and


Leading Southern Cone’s 4th International Seminar,in Montevideo – Uruguay, in May, 2016


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EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang FAMILY Tai Chi Chuan

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4 • EQUILIBRIUS®: How do you harmonize your

leadership responsibiities (teaching, managing,

organizing events and many others) with your

studies and personal practices?

PROF. ANGELA: One of the skills that a good Tai

Chi Chuan practitioner acquires through his

dedication to the Art is managing time and con-

flicts. We should be able to find time to dedi-

cate ourselves to

technical trainings,

studies and integrat-

ing Tai Chi Chuan into

all of our daily tasks.

There will come

a time when we

hardly distinguish

our different activi-

ties, because the Art

will be present in ev-

ery aspect of our

lives. Tai Chi Chuan

is part of all of our

daily actions. How-

ever, constant disci-

pline is still needed,

and there’s no ex-

cuses for flaws!

I try to stick to

this principle every

single day, and train

for several hours.

Even if training isn’t

possible for some ex-

ternal reason, the

mind establishes a

connection and I already feel accompanied by

the Masters, engaged in deep inner training!

5 • EQUILIBRIUS®: According to your experience,

why is Tai Chi Chuan a precious Art,

recommended to improve people’s health and


PROF. ANGELA: Precisely because it’s an Art!

Every single Art has this important aspect –

because its lineage inheritors preserve and pass

on the tradition, paving ways to various

expressions, and adapting it to different con-

texts and to the needs of humanity!

That’s what makes the Art so precious!

Time, distance, cul-

tural differences,

weather – none are

obstacles to learn or

teach this Art, and

those who dedicate

themselves to it will

feel its benefits! Gen-

erally speaking,

nowadays – because

of the real necessities

of the modern world,

the benefits are re-

lated to what you

mentioned above:

health improvement

and well-being!

But, in truth, the

benefits can be much

more profound, since

this Art encompasses

the human spirit and

produces incredible

changes, initiating a

real inner revolution

and discoveries which

can unfold the

practitioner’s highest potentials! The results go

way beyond the person itself, who becomes

tranquil, pacient and compassionate, able to

harmoniously manage the conflicts, be them

personal, with other people or due to exter-

nal causes!

Prof. Angela and Prof. Roque training “Push Hands”(Tui Shou) - Tai Chi Chuan’s two-person practice


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EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan


Interview with

6 • EQUILIBRIUS®: What are your suggestions

for those interested in or begginning to learn

Tai Chi Chuan?

PROF. ANGELA: Come and experience the prac-

tice of Tai Chi Chuan, and according to your

identification with the Art, find time to dedi-

cate yourself to diligently train! Be conscious

of your goals and follow your Instructor’s

advices throughout!

7 • EQUILIBRIUS®: And for those who have more

experience in the Art of Tai Chi Chuan?

PROF. ANGELA: Be loyal to the Style chosen,

apply yourself to your Instructor’s suggestions,

and understand that the apprentice’s spirit is

what will allow you to evolve and develop in

this Art. Don’t neglect any instructions given

for your development, and be aware of your

inner changes. And finally, never think that you

know everything, but be conscious of what you

do know – and try to help, with tenderness

and humbleness, whoever seeks you!

8 • EQUILIBRIUS®: Would you like to leave a

message for our readers?

PROF. ANGELA: Dedicate yourselves to Tai Chi

Chuan, as you dedicate yourselves to the most

important things in your lives. Accordingly to

your identification and acknowledgement of

the benefits obtained through its practices,

studies and trainings!

Being receptive and trying to understand

the deepness of this Art makes us better hu-

man beings, and allows us to experience

unconceavable values of the highest degrees,

making us feel escorted by the spirits of the

Masters of all times!

Official photo of Master Yang Jun’s Disciple Ceremony,where Prof. Angela (Yang Yajing) receives the Disciple sword – Taiyuan – China, august, 2012


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EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang FAMILY Tai Chi Chuan

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“Therefore, don’t satisfy

yourselves with what’s

superficial, always seek a

deeper understanding!”

“Therefore, don’t satisfy

yourselves with what’s

superficial, always seek a

deeper understanding!”





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan ETIQUETTERecommendations

Confucian Ethics

Confucius, one of China ’s great sages, established a system of

ethics, morals, hierarchy and behavior, that sets rules for people

dealing with other people and establishing each person’s proper place

in society. Respect is a major theme in the Confucian model of rela-

tionships. Students are expected to show respect to Disciples; Dis-

ciples are expected to show respect to senior Disciples; and everyone

shows respect to the Teacher. This respect is shown by simple cour-

tesy and is an acknowledgment that those above you have invested

more time with the Teacher.General RecommendationsThese are simple conduct rec-

ommendations for Classes,

Workshops, Simposiums, Semi-

nars with the Master and other

Events. Following them, you

help creating a harmonious, or-

ganized and productive atmo-

sphere for all.

Before it Begins• Seminars, Workshops and

Classes begin on time. Arrive

at least 10 minutes before the

scheduled time. If you want to

do warm-ups, please arrive

earlier to the venue.

• Turn off all electronic devices

(cell phones, pads, tablets,

notebooks, etc).

• Wear appropriate footwear

and clothing for the practice.

• Place personal items along the

walls and keep the training

area open.

• Follow the venue manager’s

instructions to line-up for the

Grandmaster’s/Teacher’s en-

trance. Those in the front row

should keep a sideways dis-

tance equivalent to a

stretched arm from the col-

leagues at their side, and then

remain in position, so that the

others can follow the rows

and columns alignment.

Master’s Entrance/Exit• Applaud as the Master/Teacher

walks in or as he is introduced,

and at the end of class.

• At the start of the class, the

Grandmaster/Teacher will do

the hand salute and greet you

with “Tongxuemen hao”. You

salute in return and respond

with “Yang Laoshi hao” (if it is

Master Yang Jun)

• At the end of the class, the

Grandmaster/Teacher will do

the hand salute and say

“Tongxuemen zaijian”. You

salute in return and respond

with “Yang Laoshi zaijian” (if

it is Master Yang Jun)

• Allow the Master/Teacher to

stop at the end of class – don’t

detain him with additional

requests or questions.

During the Event• Follow the Master’s/Teacher’s

instructions, and remain in

position until he proceeds to

another movement, ou tells

you to stop.

• Don’t interrupt the practice to

take notes; do them at a free

time or the intervals.

• Don’t talk while the Master/

Teacher is giving instructions,

not even when he is talking

to someone in particular.





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang FAMILY Tai Chi Chuan

Focus and Attentiveness• Listen to the instructions with

focus and attentiveness, even

if the material seems familiar.

It’s still is a great learning op-

portunity for you, as well as

for those with less experience

than you.

• Be accepting of the pace of

instruction, whether you think

it’s too slow or too fast.

During the Intervals• Don’t approach the Master/

Teacher during a break; it’s

their free time.

• It is also your free time: rest,

take notes, train ou talk, keep-

ing a respectful tone of voice.

Asking Questions• Ask questions only if he Mas-

ter/Teacher invites questions.

• Raise your arm or stand to

present your question, and

remain standing until the an-

swer has been completed.

• Ask in your own language –

don’t ask it in english. Leave

this to the Translator/Inter-

preter, so that everyone can

understand the question and

its answer.

• At the end of the Master’s/

Teacher’s answer, you can

thank him in your own lan-

guage, or by saying “Xie xie”.

At the End of Class• After the final salute, remain

in alignment, until the Master/

Teacher exits the venue.

• If there are Certificates to be

given, wait until you are called,

and avoid agglomeration

around the Master/Teacher.

Master Yang Jun is the sixth generationof the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan,current President of the InternationalYang Family Tai Chi Chuan Associationand one of today’s greatestTai Chi Chuan Masters.

Every year, he teaches Seminarsin many countries, working non-stopto promote the Yang Style Tai ChiChuan, which is becoming a popularand worldwide recognized Chinese Art,furthermore helping to improvepeople’s health.

This is the fourth time thatEQUILIBRIUS® has the honourof welcoming Master Yang Junto Ribeirão Preto and theTai Chi Chuan Seminar. Any interestedperson can attend, even withoutprevious experience in the Art.


Date: November 18th, 19th and 20th, 2016Place: EQUILIBRIUS® / Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Chuan Center – BrazilRegistrations: EQUILIBRIUS® Ribeirão Preto Unit – SP

(55-16) 3911-1236 or send an e-mail to [email protected] Information: now! Reserve your vacancy!


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EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan

Taiwanese researchers

have identified one pos-

sible reason that practitioners

of the Martial Art Tai Chi

Chuan tout its health ben-

efits: apparently it’s practice

reinvigorates stem cells.

Tai Chi Chuan helpsreinvigorate stem cells

Study suggests that regular practiceincreases stem cells counts

Stem Cells – They are cells that

have the remarkable potential

to develop into many different

cell types.

In many tissues, they serve

as a sort of internal repair system,

dividing essentially without limit to

replenish other cells. When a stem cell

divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain

a stem cell or become another type of cell, with a more

specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood

cell or a brain cell.

They are distinguished from other cell types by two

important characteristics: they are unspecialized cells ca-

pable of renewing themselves through cell division, some-

times after long periods of inactivity.

Second: under certain physiologic or experimental

conditions, they can be induced to become tissue or or-

gan specific cells with special functions.

Given their unique regenerative abilities, stem cells

can offer new potentials for treating diseases such as dia-

betes and heart disease.

pital at China Medical Univer-

sity, noted that the public has

long considered Tai Chi

Chuan to be good for the

body, and practitioners say it

helps them live a longer,

healthier life.

Dr. Lin and a team of re-

searchers put the theory to

the test with three years of


In the study, 60 subjects

were divided into three

groups, two of which under-

took Tai Chi Chuan and speed

walking, respectively, and a

control group that did no ex-

ercise at all.

The researchers con-

cluded that the Tai Chi Chuan

practitioners saw their indi-

vidual stem cell counts in-

crease by increments of three

to five times.

Regular Tai Chi Chuan ex-

ercises helped the subjects

with heart function, reinvigo-

rated neural cells in the brain,

balanced excitement and in-

hibition controls, and helped

with mental trauma and

nerve exhaustion.

In a study published in

the international medical

journal Cell Transplantation,

a research team found that

Tai Chi Chuan can increase

the number of stem cells in


Dr. Lin Hsin-jung, a neu-

ral surgeon at Beigang Hos-


From the article “Tai Chi Intervention IncreasesProgenitor CD34+Cells in Young Adults”,published at


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EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang FAMILY Tai Chi ChuanStudent Testimony

Personal views about the practice of Tai Chi Chuan

At age seven, I began my first steps in the

world of Martial Arts. During these years

of practices and profound experiences, I came to

know the Martial Art that would change my life –

Tai Chi Chuan.

At my hometown – Brasília, I had my first ex-

perience, with Grandmaster Moo Shong Woo.

In the first few classes, I already felt how much

those soft movements began to change my en-

ergy and state of mind. After that, my curiosity

and interest grew, and I sought to deepen my

knowledge. I ended up moving to the city of Belo

Horizonte, but didn’t stop training; I searched for

a place to practice, and came across the Tai Chi

Chuan project at the Park, organized by Prof.

Marcelo Giffoni.

I realized that Tai Chi Chuan was starting to

become my way of life; it greatly changed my body

awareness and also my emotional and physical

health. Then I thought of becoming an Instructor

and teach this Art. I wanted people to experience

the same well-being and mental tranquility as I

previously had. Seeking for a renowned school,

which would help me to deepen my knowledge,

I found EQUILIBRIUS® at Ribeirão Preto.

When I began training Traditional Yang Style,

I was awed with the greatness and deepness of

its teachings, and, at the same time, with its sim-

plicity and softness. I started to study the various

areas in which this ancient Art has its roots –

Daoism, Buddhism, Confucionism, I-Ching, Tradi-

tional Chinese Medicine, among others.

I’m very happy and proud to be a part of this

Family today, and eternally grateful for the teach-

ings of the Great Masters, so diligently transmit-

ted by Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo and Master

Yang Jun. Also thankful to Professors Fernando

De Lazzari and José Luiz de Castro Júnior, for their

patience and dedication in class.

My wish and commitment is to continue to

evolve and provide health and well-being to as

many people as possible, through the ancient

teachings of the Art of Tai Chi Chuan.”

Tiago Vieira Tosi

“ I have always adored Martial Arts, but due

to a training injury, I had to stop it for a

while. A few years ago, I got back to my passion,

when I found EQUILIBRIUS®. I confess that, at first,

I sought it because of the Kung Fu – Art that I’ve

practiced since childhood.

Because of some personal problems, I had to

drop the Kung Fu classes, but the atmosphere at

EQUILIBRIUS® made me feel so good, that I didn’t

want to leave the place. The choice was the Tai

Chi Chuan practice, and after a while, I found in it

a new passion.

The deeper I got into its practices and phi-

losophy, the more I could feel its benefits. After

some time, I noticed a significant health improve-

ment. My body became more flexible and relaxed;

my mind was more calm and increasingly far away

from stress and anxiety.

Today I can refer to my life as: before and

after Tai Chi Chuan. I’m continuously awed with

its benefits. The philosophy behind its practice fas-

cinates me. Tai Chi Chuan’s most simple meaning

is to go always beyond, to try to be better than

before, and to never stop seeking the knowledge

which makes this Art the most complete and fas-

cinating I’ve ever had the pleasure to practice.

Speaking like this, many can say that it’s like

trying to touch the horizon – something impos-

sible. Maybe they’re right, but the most impor-

tant thing is not the destination, but the journey

itself. And, as Professor Fernando always tells us,

“If it’s difficult, relax; if it’s easy, relax!”.

Daniel Madruga





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan

TIPS FROM MASTER YANG JUNFacial expression, eyes and ears


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About the mouth, what should you do

when you’re practicing the Hand Form?

Basically here I’m talking about the Hand Form,

because in different areas you do it differently.

In the Hand Form, we want your mouth

slightly closed, your tongue touching the top

of the roof – basically like your normal, natu-

ral feeling. So you don’t want to open your

mouth during practice, that’s

very strange; sometimes even

close your mouth, that’s also not

very natural.

So, to balance yourself,

there are two parts: one is the center bal-

ance, one is your expression – they need to

be balanced. The inside feeling also needs

to be balanced. Everytime you show some-

thing, your mind is not centered. We would

like your face to be neutral.

When they do the technique – like strik-

ing, many Martial Artists open their eyes big-

ger and open their mouth, and some even do

a face expression, to show they have that kind

of power, but not in Tai Chi Chuan. So we do

the strike, we do the movement, we do the

technique, but we still want you to feel bal-

anced, not to overdo it. That’s why we say:

body moves, mind needs to be stable and calm.

And the ears? What do we do with the

ears? In China, we have a saying – how can

you say a person is smart? You look at a per-

son and you say – that person is smart? From

what do you get that feeling?

From two things: one actually is

their eyes, their spirits look very

agile. The other is – when they

hear things, they have a re-

sponse. So when they hear things, they

rightaway bring their attention into it, so we

say “that person is very sensitive, very smart.”

In Chinese there’s a character that defines

someone who sees with very bright eyes and

whose ears are very sensitive. We have the

eight directions, but you cannot cover eight;

when you look, you cover about six – in China

we say that the eyes can see in six directions,

but the ears can hear in eight directions.

So when you’re practicing, you have to

make your eyes look in front, clear and bright

enough; and your ears always alert to all the

things around you, to understand that the

things around you change. Don’t think you’re

just practicing to yourself, and everything is

closed into yourself, like there’s nothing

around you and you’re totally by yourself.

This point of view is not from the Martial

Arts. I know many people who do this and they

don’t care for anything around them, but this

is not right from the Tai Chi Chuan. Tai Chi

Chuan is originally a Martial Art. And when

you practice Martial Arts, actually you kind of

need to clear everything around you, need to

be alert enough. How can you get informa-

tion? From people who are close to you – one

is seeing, one is listening. These are the two

directions you need to be clear.”

“You need to cleareverything around you,

need to be alert enough.”

Video of Master Yang Jun published at





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang FAMILY Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan and Ailing JointsStudy shows that the practice is as effective as Physical Therapyfor patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (from the greek ósteon = bone / arthron = joint / ite =

inflamation) – The age-related, “wear-and-tear” form of degen-

erative joint disease – is the most common type of arthritis.

And the knee is the most commonly affected joint. In fact, al-

most half of the population will have knee pain due to osteoar-

thritis by age 85. There is no cure; the only permanent treat-

ment is a total knee replacement. More than 700.000 of these

operations are performed in the U.S. each year. Since surgery is

a last resort, what can you do in the meantime? The mainstays

of treatment include losing weight if you need to, exercise,

various pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications, and

Physical Therapy. But these approaches don’t always work well.Image:

A study published online on

May 2016, and led by

Chenchen Wang – professor at

Tufts School of Medicine, fo-

cused on osteoarthritis patients

who reported significant pain.

The average participant was 60

years old and the study included

204 patients and four Instruc-

tors – the largest group in any

Tai Chi Chuan study.

Patients were randomly as-

signed to either do Tai Chi

Chuan twice a week for 12

weeks with an Instructor with

10 to 30 years of experience, or

undergo Physical Therapy twice

a week at Tufts Medical Center

for six weeks and then do six

weeks of exercise at home.

At the end of the 12 weeks,

the Tai Chi Chuan and Physical

Therapy groups reported equal

improvement in pain and re-

lated health outcomes, effects

that remained 52 weeks after

the start of the study.

“Six weeks is very expensive

with a Physical Therapist,” says

Wang. By comparison, “Tai Chi

Chuan is relatively cheap, and

you can get it in a lot of places,”

she notes.

The effects were the same

across the four Tai Chi Chuan

Instructors, she adds, showing

the protocol is easy to learn and

perform successfully. “Everyone

can do this,” she says.

Further, the Tai Chi Chuan

group showed significantly

more improvement than the

Physical Therapy group when it

came to quality of life. “By in-

tegrating physical, psychosocial,

emotional, spiritual and behav-

ioral elements, Tai Chi Chuan

may systematically promote

health by its effect on both the

body and the mind.”

“These people never knew

what Tai Chi Chuan was. But

week by week, we saw them

changing to become happier,

healthier people,” says Wang,

who watched patients’ progress

on video. “It was very exciting

to see every day.”

The study conclusion:

“Standardized Tai Chi Chuan

should be considered as an ef-

fective therapeutic option for

knee osteoarthritis.”


In her studies, Dr. Wang

defines Tai Chi Chuan as a multi-

component traditional Chinese

mind-body practice that com-

bines meditation with slow,

gentle, graceful movements,

deep diaphragmatic breathing,

and relaxation.

Wang has seen a greater

accommodation in the medical

world’s attitude toward Tai Chi

Chuan. “After 10 to 20 years do-

ing this work, I think integrated

medicine is becoming popular

now,” Wang says. “Everyone

realizes its importance.”

Now Wang is planning on

studying the mechanism by

which Tai Chi Chuan produces

its benefits.

From the article “Tai Chi and Ailing Joints”,published at





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan

Retrospective of

Instructor’s Reunion and AdvancedTai Chi Chuan Training, Ribeirão Preto, SP

Participants of the10th groupof EQUILIBRIUS®’s Intructors

Graduation Course

Jun 11th

Jun 10th-12th

Tai Chi Chuan Lecture and Seminarat SBTCC’s Campinas Unit – SP

Jun 3rd-5th

Tai Chi Chuan Lectureand Seminar at SBTCC’s

Canoas Unit – RS





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang FAMILY Tai Chi Chuan


Jun 22th-26th

Directors / InstructorsTai Chi Chuan Seminar withMaster Yang Jun – Greece

Palestra sobre os benefícios da Meditação para alunosda liga de Fisioterapia da USP de Ribeirão Preto, SP

Jun 23th

Prof. Everton’s last class and gathering atRibeirão Preto’s Commerce Employees Sindicate, SP

Class for the employeesof Ribeirão Preto’s

Hospital das Clínicas, SP

Jun 24th

Tai Chi Chuan for Peace,conceived by Prof. Paula Faro,

for the first time in RibeirãoPreto, at Nove de Julho

Avenue’s central walkway

Jul 16th

Instructor’s Reunion and AdvancedTai Chi Chuan Training, Ribeirão Preto, SP





EQUILIBRIUS® NewsletterYang family Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan Instructor’sGraduation CourseProfessional Graduation Courserecognized by the InternationalYang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association.

Monthly Graduation CourseStarts: February, 2017

Intensive Graduation Course1st Module: October 7th – 16th, 2016

Meditation CourseDate: August 18th, 2016

Pa Tuan Chin CourseEight pieces of the brocadeDates: August 6th and September 24th, 2016

Tai Chi Saber Intensive CourseDate: August 20th and 21st, 2016

Instructors Reunion & AdvancedTai Chi Chuan TrainingDate: September 17th, 2016

Meditation and BreathingExercises WorkshopStarts: October, 2016

Chinese Phytotherapy CourseGraduation and Post Graduate CourseOrganizing a new group.

Introduction to Do-In (Acupressure)

and Traditional ChineseMedicine Fundamentals CourseStarts: March, 2017


other places

at EQUILIBRIUS® • Ribeirão Preto • SP

Where to Practice /Representatives

EQUILIBRIUS® Ribeirão Preto – SPPROF. Fernando De Lazzari

(16) [email protected]

EQUILIBRIUS® Ribeirão Preto – SPPROF. José Luiz de Castro Junior

(16) [email protected]

EQUILIBRIUS® Ribeirão Preto – SPPROF. Patty Brown

(16) [email protected]

Belo Horizonte – MGPROF. Tiago Vieira Tosi

(31) [email protected]

Boituva – SPPROF. Cyntia S. Levy

(15) [email protected]

Goiânia – GOPROF. Geraldo Alves Teixeira Júnior

(62) [email protected]

Guaíra – SPPROF. Lucas Saraceni

(17) 99976-9696 / (48) [email protected]

São Carlos – SPPROF. Débora Ferreira Leite

(16) 3306-9862 / [email protected]

São Manuel – SPPROF. Simone Destro

(14) [email protected]

Saquarema – RJPROF. Maria Therezinha M. Firmo

(22) [email protected]

Sertãozinho – SPPROF. Daniel Henrique S. Madruga

(16) [email protected]



Individual Registry US$ 30/yrFamily Registry US$ 50/yr- The prices are in US$ dollars.- The annuity payment can be made through bankdeposit in brazilian currency (Reais - R$).

To become a member of the International TaiChi Chuan Association, fill the form on the link:

Member Benefits:

• Access to the download of Association Journalsand electronic publications

• Right to an Association’s Member Credential• 10% discount on Seminar tuition• 10% discount in monthly fees for Tai Chi Chuan classes


• Discount on Association products• Discount on EQUILIBRIUS® products• Right to participate in Ranking System• Right to be a Certified Instructor• Members may apply to establish a Yang Chengfu

Tai Chi Chuan Center

EQUILIBRIUS® / Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Chuan Center - Brasil -Ribeirão Preto represents the Association and is authorized toregister any person who wishes to become a member.

ADVANCED INSTRUCTORS SEMINAR:Date: November 14th, 15th and 16th, 2016

Place: Zhi Jing Xuan - Cotia - SP

LONG FORM 103 MOVEMENTS:Date: November 18th, 19th and 20th, 2016

Place: Ribeirão Preto - SP

International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Seminar

TAI CHI SWORD FORM:Date: November 11th and 12th, 2016

Place: São Paulo - SP

TAI CHI SABER FORM:Date: November 13th, 2016

Place: São Paulo - SP