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    Excerpt from Moors and Masonry by Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey

    Noble Drew Ali Removes the Scimitar

    by t eaching the M oors that they are not Negro, Colored or Black

    as the Moors have been classified as such in the United States Census from

    1790 to 2010 and as Black in the Federal Race and Ethnic Standards

    for Statistics and Administrative Reporting (Directive #15)

    by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

    (European Shriner wearing Moorish Fez)

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    In 1913, Noble Drew Ali began the battle of political tug of war by establishing the Old Cannanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey and the Moorish Divine and National

    Movement in 1916 to restore the Moorish Nationality, Moorish Birthright Inherited Land and Moorish Sovereignty. He taught the Moors in the United States that they are not

    negro, colored and black. This nat ional sovereign act addresses the constitut ional and international law violation of classifying humans with a skin color race paradigm. The United

    States has classified the defeated Moors who are prisoners of war in their own land as negro, colored and black in the United States Census from 1790 to 2010 and created a Black

    category for the Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting (Directive #15) in 1977 under the direction of the Office of Management and Budget

    in the United States Census Bureau, a branch of the Commerce Department.

    Does Race Mean Nationali ty or Skin Color?

    This racial classification system and terminology of black, negro and colored, having no basis in nat ionality, consanguinity , bloodline, national origin, descent, ancestry , genealogy,

    pedigree, parentage and lineage, violate the United States Const itution, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights

    of the Child. Article 15, Section 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, everyone has a right to a nationality. Principle 3 of the Rights of the Child

    states, the child shall be entitled to a name and nationality. This negative and artificial sociopolitical state puts the Moors [Moors / Al Moroccans the true Americans] in the

    political category or s tatus known as Civiliter Mortuus. The 4th Edition of the Blacks Law Dictionary, edited by Henry Campbell Black, defines the term Civiliter Mortuus as that

    political state of one being civilly dead, dead in the view of the law. The condition of one who has lost his civil liberties and capacities, and is, therefore, accounted as dead in the

    eyes of the law.

    Noble Drew Ali Removes the Scimi tar by Calling the Moors to National Attention in his Constitutional Enforcement Address to the Moors in the United States

    I Love my people and I desire their unity and mine back to their own National and Div ine standard because day by day they have been violating the national and constitutional laws

    of their government by claiming names and principles that are unconstitutional. If Italians, Greeks, English, Chinese, Japanese, Turks, and Arabians are forced to proclaim their free

    national name and religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America, it is no more than right that the law should be enforced upon all other American

    citizens alike. In all other governments when a man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled.

    Any group of people that fail to answer up to the constitutional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national

    descent name. Because they place their trust upon issue and names formed by their forefathers."

    Civiliter Mortuus

    This negative political status does not afford the Moors / Moroccans (the true Americans), who are neutralized by branding, any constitutionally secured protections, but instead, in

    such a stat e, the M oors are governed by Color of Law or what is commonly called Negative Law. The Blacks Law Dictionary defines Color as an appearance, semblance,

    or simulacrum, as distinguished from that which is real. Thus, color is a p rima facia or apparent right. Hence, color is a deceptive app earance; a plausible, assumed exterior,

    concealing as in a lack of reality ; a disguise or a pretext. This negative political state of affairs has been disguised as, or hidden within t he misnomer, racism. In his const itutional

    enforcement address, Divine Warning, Noble Drew Ali addresses what occurs to any body of people, who violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government.

    The citizens of all free national governments according to their national const itution are all of one family bearing one free national name. Those who fail to recognize the free national

    name of their constitutional government are classed as undesirables, and are subject to all inferior names and abuses and mistreatments that the citizens care to bestow upon them.
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    And it is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery.

    Noble Drew Ali Remove the Moorish Scimitar from above the Moabitess Head Masonically Known as Rut h, the Moabitess and the Widow.

    Noble Drew Ali Remove the Moorish Scimitar from above the Moabitess Head

    Masonically Known as Ruth, the Moabitess and the Widow

    Noble Drew Ali makes it very clear to the M oors / Moroccan (the true Americans) in his Divine Warning that M oors are in violation of constit utional and governmental principles

    and gives the Moors a clear direction to get back in National Order, Se lf - Authority and Sel f Responsibility and Power of Attorney Over Se lf.

    I am hereby calling on all true citizens that stand for a National Free Government, and the enforcement of the constitution to help me in my great missionary work because I need

    all support from all true American citizens of the United States of America. Help me to save my people who have fallen from the constitutional laws of government. I am depending

    on your support to get them back to the constitutional fold again that they will learn to love ins tead of hate, and will live according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice,

    supporting our free national constitution of the United States of America.

    Race and the 14th Amendment The Political Tools used by Europeans to Subjugate the Moors
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    Since 1868, the Moors using the European political appellations black, negro and colored have been deceived in believing that they are citizens of the United States by virtue of

    the 14th Amendment. Noble Drew Ali stat ed that the 14th Amendment is not necessary t o bring the Moors back into the constitut ional fold of government.

    And at that time, 1865, the free national constitutional law that was enforced since 1774 declared all men equal and free, and if all men are declared by the free national constitution

    to be free and equal since that constitution has never been changed, there is no need for the application of the 14th and 15th Amendments for the salvation of our people and citizens.

    And through it they and their children can receive their Divine rights, unmolested by other citizens that they can cast a free national ballot at the polls under the free national

    constitution of the States Government and not under a granted priv ilege as has been the existing condition for many generations.

    Moreover, Noble Drew Ali revealed to Moors their true political and historical connection to their ancient Moroccan Government and to the modern evolution of the United States

    of America, the contemporary Republic. Refer to the Questionnaire of The Moorish Holy Temple Science. In Question number 21, Noble Drew Ali made the Moors aware of

    when their ancestors, the ancient Moabites, established their Moroccan / Moorish ancient government. Question 21 reads, in reference to Morocco, How old is our flag? The

    answer is It is over 10,000 years old. A flag is the standard symbol of the national sovereign of a free national constit utional government. It becomes clearly evident that , the

    Moors, had a government that their ancestors established over 10,000 years ago, for a national flag does not exist outside of the national sovereignty of a free national constitutional


    A Constitutional and Lawful Q uestion:
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    What is your nationality?

    Constitutional and Lawful Responses

    (in accord with the United States Constitution, the United Nations Universal Proclamation of Human Rights and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child)

    I am Moor / Moroccan.

    I am Chinese.

    I am Japanese.

    I am Jamaican.I am Haitian.

    I am Mexican.

    I am Cuban.

    I am Dominican.

    I am Spaniard.

    I am Portuguese.

    I am English.

    I am Scottish.

    I am Irish.

    I am French

    I am German.

    I am Dutch.

    I am Italian.

    I am Russian.

    I am Polish.

    Unconstitutional and Unlawful Ques tions

    (which violate the United States Constitution, the United Nations Universal Proclamation of Human Rights and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child)

    What is your color?

    What color are you?

    Unconstitutional and unlawful Responses:

    I am white.

    I am black.

    I am brown.
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    I am yellow.

    I am red.

    Excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I have a Dream Speech

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their sk in but by the content of their character.

    The Race Question and Race Categories in the United States Census from 1790 to 2010 and the Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting

    (Directive #15) violate the United States Constitution, the United Nations Universal Proclamation of Human Rights and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

    Critical Thinking Questions

    Does nationality mean skin color or national origin?

    Nationality ident ifies a persons ethno-geography, nat ional land, national country, national sovereignty, national constit ution, national government seal, national government flag and

    national government representatives.

    Does race mean skin color or nationality?

    The race terminology used in the United States does not identify a persons ethno-geography, national land, national country, national sovereignty, national constitution, national

    government seal, national government flag and national governmental rep resentatives.

    Does Black mean Race, Color or National Origin?

    Does White mean Race, Color or National Origin?

    Does the term White People refer to a peoples skin color, nationality or national origin?

    Does the term Black People refer to a peoples skin color, nationality or national origin?

    Is a persons skin color / skin tone / complexion the basis for a peoples national identity / national origin / nationality?

    Citize nship and Race

    Is a persons skin color / skin tone / complexion the basis for United States Citizenship?

    Why does the United States Government use the terms 'White' and 'Black' in the United States Census and the Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative

    Reporting (Directive #15) to classify people in the country by skin color / skin tone / complexion?

    How do the skin color terms, such as, 'white' and 'black' relate to United States Citizenship?

    Why 'White' used both as a noun in the sense to identify a people and as an adjective in the sense to describe a people?

    Is 'White' a term used to describe a physical feature, such as, skin color / skin tone / complexion of a people?
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    What are the defining characteristics of being 'White' in the United States? Is it skin color / skin tone / complexion? Or are there other factors?

    Think about the foll owing questions and terms.

    Why does the United States Government use the term white instead of nationalities of Europe, such as, English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, French, German, Russian, Polish, Swedish,

    Danish, etc. to which to identify and classify people of European descent?

    Is White an identity of a people or a description of a peoples skin color / skin tone / complexion?

    White People

    The White Race

    White Culture

    White Civilization

    Do the terms White People, The White Race, White Culture, and White Civilization indicate a peoples national identity / nationality / national origin / ancestry / national

    descent? Or do the terms White People, The White Race, White Culture and White Civilization refer to a peoples skin color / skin tone / complexion?

    Why is 'Black' used as a noun in the sense to identify a people and as an adjective in the sense to describe a people?

    Is 'Black' a term used to describe a physical feature , such as, skin color / skin tone / complexion of a people?

    What are the defining characterist ics of being 'Black' in the Unit ed States? Is it skin color / skin tone / complexion? Or are there other factors?

    Think about the foll owing question and terms.

    Why does the United States Government use the term black instead of nationalities, such as, Moor/Moroccan, Haitian, Jamaican, Nigerian, Senegalese, Egyptian, etc. to which to

    identify and classify the aboriginal and indigenous peoples of the Americas and the continent of Africa?

    Is Black an identity of a people or a description of a peoples skin color / skin tone / complexion?

    Black People

    The Black Race

    Black Culture

    Black Civilization

    Do the terms Black People, The Black Race, Black Culture, and Black Civilization indicate a peoples national identity / nationality / national origin / ancestry / national

    descent? Or do the terms Black People, The Black Race, Black Culture and Black Civilization refer to a peoples skin color / skin tone / complexion?
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    Nationality and Citizenship

    What makes someone Chinese, Japanese, Jamaican, Haitian, Cuban, Dominican, Columbian, English, Irish, Scott ish, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Spaniard, Italian, Russian,

    Cuban, M exican, etc.?

    Is it skin color?

    Is it national origin?

    It is ancestry and national descent?
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    What is Race Discrimination?

    What is Color Discrimination?

    What is the difference between color and race?

    Constructive Fraud (Fraudulent Conveyance of Language)

    United States Census Bureau Places Nationalities in the Race Categories in the United States Census

    In 1970, the United States Census had nine racial categories.

    1. White

    2. Negro or Black

    3. Indian (American)

    4. Japanese

    5. Chinese

    6. Filipino

    7. Hawaiian

    8. Korean

    9. Other Race

    By 1990, the race categories had expanded to 15 categories.

    1. White 6. Chinese 11. Asian Indian

    2. Black 7. Japanese 12. Samoan

    3. Indian (American) 8. Filipino 13. Guamanian

    4. Eskimo 9. Korean 14. Other Asian or Pacific Islander

    5. Aleut 10. Vietnamese 15. Other Race

    Question 9 of the 2010 United States Census

    9. What is Persons 1s race? Mark x one or more boxes.


    *Black, African Am., or Negro

    *American Indian or Alaska Native Print name of enrolled or principal tribe.

    *Asian Indian *Japanese *Native Hawaiian
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    *Chinese *Korean *Guamanian or Chamorro

    *Filipino *Vietnamese *Samoan

    *Other Asian Print race, for example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so.

    Other Pacific Islander Print race, for example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on.

    Is Chinese a skin color / skin tone / complexion or a nationality identifying the national origin and consanguinity of the Chinese People?

    Japanese the nationality of the Japanese People and not their skin color
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    Filipino the nationality of the Filipino People and not their skin tone

    Korean the nationality of the Korean People and not their complexion

    Vietnamese the nationality of the Vietnamese People and not their skin color

    Hawaiian the nationality of the Hawaiian People and not their complexion

    Constructive Fraud (Mixing Nationality and Race)

    Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, Eskimo and Aleut do not refer to skin color but ident ifies the resp ective peop les national origin,

    descent, ancestry , consanguinity, genealogy, pedigree, parentage and lineage. Race is used in the United States to classify members of t he human families with nationalities by

    phy sical app earance skin color / skin tone / complexion. The race terminologies of white, black, brown, red and yellow do not identify the national lands, national sovereignties,

    national constitutions, nat ional government seals, national government flags and national government rep resentatives of any members of t he human family.

    Francois Bernier, Carl Linneaus and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - The Fathers of the Modern Race Paradigm

    Francois Bernier, Carl Linneaus and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach are the fathers of the modern race paradigm which classifies t he human family with recognized nationalities based

    on skin color / skin tone / complexion . White and black have been used in the United States Census from 1790 to 2010 and the Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and

    Administrative Reporting (Directive #15).

    Natio Nasci







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    Nationality is biological and is tied to Inheritance and National Sovereignty . Research the definitions for the following words:


    National Origin

    National Descent






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    A Divine Warning by Noble Drew Ali for the Nations

    A Call to Moorish National Sovereignty, Moorish Self - Authority and Moorish Self - Law

    The citizens of all free national governments according to t heir national constitut ion are all of one family bearing one free national name. Those who fail to recognize the free national

    name of their constitutional government are classed as undesirables, and are subject to all inferior names and abuses and mistreatments that the citizens care to bestow upon them.

    And it is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery.

    I, the Prophet, was prepared by the Great God Allah to warn my people to repent from their sinful ways and go back to that state of mind of their forefathers Divine and National

    principles that they will be law abiders and receive their divine right as citizens, according to the free national constitution that was prep ared for all free national beings. They are

    to claim their own free national name and religion. There is but one issue for them to be recognized by this government and of the earth and it comes only through the connection of

    th M i h Di i N ti l M t hi h i i t d i thi d i d b ll th ti f th ld A d th h it th d th i hild i th i
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    the M oorish Divine National Movement, which is incorporated in this and recognized by all other nations of the world. And through it they and their children can receive their

    Divine rights, unmolested by other citizens that they can cast a free national ballot at the polls under the free national constitution of the States Government and not under a granted

    privilege as has been the existing condition for many generations.

    You who doubt whether I, the Prophet, and my principles are right for the redemption of my people, go to those that know law, in the City Hall and among the officials in your

    government and ask t hem under an intelligent tone, and they will be glad to render you a favorable reply, for t hey are glad to see me bring you out of darkness into light. Money

    doesnt make the man, it is free national standards and power that makes a man and a nation. The wealth of all national governments, gold and silver and commerce belong to the

    citizens alone and without your national citizenship by name and principles, you have no true wealth, and I am hereby calling on all true citizens that stand for a National Free

    Government, and the enforcement of the constitution to help me in my great missionary work because I need all support from all true American citizens of the United States ofAmerica. Help me to save my p eople who have fallen from the constitutional laws of government. I am depending on your support to get them back to the const itutional fold again

    that they will learn to love instead of hate, and will live according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice, supporting our free national constitution of the United States of


    I Love my people and I desire their unity and mine back to their own National and Divine standard because day by day they have been violating the national and constitutional laws

    of their government by claiming names and principles that are unconst itutional. IfItalians, Greeks, English, Chinese, Japanese , Turks, and Arabians are forced to proclaim

    their free national name and religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America, it is no more than right that the law should be enforced upon all other

    American citizens alike. In all other governments when a man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or

    exiled. Any group of p eople that fail to answer up to the constitut ional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim yournational descent name. Because they place their trust up on issue and names formed by their forefathers.

    The word Negro deludes in the Latin language to the word nigger; the same as the word colored deludes to anything that is painted, varnished and dyed. And every nation must

    bear a national descent name of their forefathers, because honoring thy fathers and t hy mothers, your day s will be lengthened upon this earth. These names have never been

    recognized by any true American citizen of this day . Through your free national name you are known and recognized by all nations of the earth that are recognized by said national

    government in which they live. The 14th and 15th Amendment brought the North and South in unit, placing the Southerners who were at that time without power, with the

    constitutional law that was enforced since 1774 declared all men are declared by the free national constitution to be free and equal since that constitution has never been changed,

    there is no need for the application of the 14th and 15th Amendments for the salvation of our people and citizens.

    So, there isnt but one sup reme issue for my p eople to use t o redeem that which was lost, and that is t hrough the above statements. Then the lion and the lamb can lie down together

    in yonder hills. And neither will be harmed, because Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice will be reigning in this land. In those days the United States will be one of the greatest

    civilized and prosperous government of the world, but if the above principles are not carried out by the citizens and my people in this government, the worst is yet to come, because

    the Great God of the Universe is not pleased with the works that are being performed in North America by my people and this great sin must be removed from the land to save it

    from enormous earthquakes, diseases, etc. And, I, the Prophet, do hereby believe that this administration of the government being more wisely prepared by more genius citizens that

    believe in their free national constitution and laws and through the help of such classes of citizens, I, t he Prophet , truly believe that my peop le will find the true and Divine way of

    their forefathers, and learn to stop serving carnal customs and merely ideas of man, that have never done them any good, but have always harmed them.

    So I the Prophet am hereby calling aloud with a Divine plea to all true American citizens to help me to remove this great sin which has been committed and is being practice by my
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    So, I, the Prophet, am hereby calling aloud with a Divine plea to all true American citizens to help me to remove this great sin which has been committed and is being practice by my

    peop le in the United States of America, because they know it is not the true and Divine way and, without understanding they have fallen from the true light into utt er darkness of

    sin, and there is not a nation on earth today that will recognize them socially, religiously, p olitically or economically, etc. In their present condition of their endeavourment in which

    they themselves try to force upon a civilized world, they will not refrain from their sinful ways of action and their deeds have brought jim-crowism, segregation, and everything that

    brings harm to human beings on earth. And they fought the Southerner for all these great misuses, but I have traveled in the South and have examined conditions there, and it is the

    works of my p eople continuously practicing the things which bring dishonor, disgrace, and disrespect t o any nat ion that lives the life. And I am hereby calling on all true American

    citizens for moral support and finance to help me in my great missionary work to bring my people out of darkness into marvelous light.

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