Download - WW II Pacific Theater of Operations

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Pacific Theater of Operations

Page 2: WW II Pacific Theater of Operations

The Japanese in the Pacific

• By 1942 the Japanese controlled much of the Pacific

• US Navy (aircraft carriers) started to turn the tide at the Battle of Wake Island

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*Bataan Death March: April, 1942

• 76,000 prisoners [12,000 Americans] Marched 60 miles in the blazing heat to POW camps in the Philippines.

• April 9, 1942 – Japan captures the Philippines

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War in the Pacific…Island Hopping: invade Japan by capturing

islands in the Pacific along the way

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Island Hopping

• i. Navajo


help US






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*Battle of Midway Island:June 4-6, 1942

American Aircraft Carriers- Sink 4 Japanese Carriers

Turning point in the Naval war, U.S. now has control of the Skies of Midway video #16)

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*Japanese Kamikaze Planes:The Scourge of the South Pacific

Kamikaze Pilots

Suicide Bombers

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*US Marines on Mt. Surbachi,Iwo Jima [Feb. 19, 1945] (Battle of Iwo Jima video #17)

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*The Beginning of theAtomic Age

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“Little Boy” dropped by the Enola Gay on Hiroshima

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Hiroshima – August 6, 1945* 70,000 killed

immediately.* 48,000 buildings.

destroyed.* 100,000s died of

radiation poisoning & cancer later.

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“Fat Man” Dropped on Nagasaki

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Nagasaki – August 9, 1945

* 40,000 killed immediately.

* 60,000 injured.* 100,000s died of

radiation poisoning& cancer later.

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*Japanese A-Bomb Survivors (atomic bomb video #18)

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*V(ictory)-J(apan) Day (September 2, 1945)

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*V-J Day in Times Square, NYC

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Post War

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Yalta Conference (February, 1945)• Leaders of the

three allied nations agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation controlled by the allies– Poland and the

Soviets in the East

– The US and Britain in the West

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*The Division of Germany:1945 - 1990

Division of Berlin

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*The Division of Europe: The Beginning of the Cold War

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*The Creation of the U. N.

Currently 193 nations

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*The Marshall Plan

The Marshal Plan. • channeled over $13

billion to finance the

economic recovery of


• The Plan successfully

sparked economic recovery

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*The Nuremberg War Trials:Members of the Nazi Party

were charged with Crimes Against Humanity