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Written by: Branislav 6SR, Vladimir 6SR, Miki 6SREyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

Consequently, Rose inched closer and closer to the florescent light. Furthermore, she saw and heard unusual creatures and eerie sounds. On the outside she was brave and solid (however, inside she felt terrified and worried). Furthermore, the twigs underneath her leg cracked and echoed in the distance. As if she would be cursed two red eyes appeared in front of her face. Her heart was beating so fast that she thought it might explode. Am I dreaming? she thought to herself. Will I survive?

Written by: Marmoona 6SR, Maryam 6SR, Marta 6SREyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

Rose is a very mischievious girl (but from the inside she is scared of lots of things especially in forests except deers). Rose loves deers so much that if she sees any then she cant stop her self trom stroaking them. But she had to be careful because this particular deer was very magical and mysterious. Rose was in a very precarious position.

Written by: Amira 6SR, Zainab 6SREyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

Rose was a soft girl from the outside (however she was mischievous from the inside). To Rose rules were to be broken not to be used. Rose loved the glowing flys so much that she had to catch them and put them in the jar. Unfortunately as she went closer the deer vanished and she got scared, the jar fell and cracked opened. The dassling flys escaped as everything slowly disappeared in thin air. Rose saw a

Written by: Malaika 6SR, Laiba 6S, Ishrat 6S

Eyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

She crept through the misty woods. As quick as a flash, a ghastly figure swept through the cold winters breeze.Woooaah! This is so cool! Hee hee heee! A voice echoed in the distance. The hairs on the back of Roses neck stood on end. A shiver ran down her spine. Nasty thoughts bombarded her. Suddenly, a cold, lifeless hand rested on her shoulder. Rose didnt dare to look back, for she was afraid of what might have approached.The skeletal, gaunt hand slithered up towards Roses face. Rose tried to scream but no sound came out. Once again, she heard the brutal sound, hee, hee hee! But this time, the sound was much louder, longer, and sinister.She tried to conceal her tears, (however, inside she longed to be home in her mothers caring arms).Eee aww! said the donkey-like reindeer. Roses heart nearly fell out of her mouth. She stared in shock at the goulish donkey. It eee awed once more. At that very moment, darkness fell upon the forest. This is surely the end. Whispered Rose.

Written by: Faiza 6S, Saima 6S, Iffah 6SR

Eyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

As Rose approached, deeper in Watchwood Forest, glistening eyes surrounded her. Rose couldnt believe what she saw. Brilliant, this is so brilliant, Rose spoke out in amazement.She strolled further into the eerie forest around the pond, past the derelict trees and beneath the crooked branches of an old oak tree which lead her to a ghostly figure of a deer.Filled with apprehension, she walked closer to the deer. Outside, she wanted to be brave, (however, inside she began to think she should have listened to her mother.) Suddenly, queer noises emerged from beneath logs, on branches and any place around her.As the wind whistled through the green grass, it ferociously howled amogst the branches. Shadows lengthend deapening the darkness as it began to get colder and colder. Out of the darkness mysterious shadows appeared

Written by: Shahzeb 6S, Amaan 6S, Fahad 6SEyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

One misty and magical, dank and rainy morning, Rose got up from bed, got her jacket and went outside. Outside, Rose felt it was time to break the rules and enter the magical forest, (however, inside Rose felt afraid that something would happen to her.) Behind her left shoulder she felt someones presence. She didnt dare look back, she kept walking. Rose turned a corner. The presence she felt was an actual glowing deer. Rose walked through the emerald trees, the park and past her grandmas cottage forest. When she reached the dense forest it was guarded with a fence. The fence was as tall as a 12 foot giant. Rose didnt know how to get past it. She said to herself, how do I get past this?

One morning, Rose got out of bed and decided to ignore her parents and secretely enter the mysterious, enchanted forest. This was the first time she left home without permission. Rose felt very excited. (However, inside, she was worried shed not return home.) Couple of minutes later, Rose climbed through her window and carefully jumped down onto the emerald grass.She ran and ran until her saphire eyes caught a collosal tree which had a sign that said Warning do not enter. Rose thought that maybe her parents were right, but this was her only chance. Palms sweaty, eyes widened, she walked past the tree Noises. All she could hear were strange noises. As she walked through the mystical but creepy forest she caught a glimpse of imaginary creatures unicorns, glowing reindeers and trolls which were fascinating.Written by: Radoslav 6S, Zohaib 6SR, Adil 6SREyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

Lets do this! said Rose to herself as she stepped into the dark, mistirious and neglected forest. She looked brave. (However, she was terrified, like an insect that was about to be slaughtered.)As she entered the forest she stopped and went through her rucksack so she can check if all her things were there: torch, food, water-bottle, T-shirt and other clothing she needed to survive the night, and her only pet dog called Demon.Suddenley, an eerie howl echoed from an unknown direction. She turned around and had a quick glance around. As quick as a flash, she felt something poke her back, she turned and said something Written by: Samuel 6S, Saram 6S, Dhanish 6SREyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

In fact she broke rules all the time. Lets do this she spoke to herself. She got her torch, tent, sleeping bag and last but not least dog Bill.Finally she began her journey down the stairs, along the corridor and out of the house.Quietly, she tip-toed through the gate and along the path. She reached her destination. Wow, whispered Rose in amazement. She walked through the dense forest scratching her cheek. Then, just then she saw illuminating and glowing white deer. It was buitiful. All of a sudden the animals started to emerge.Written by: Qasim 6S, Sahil 6SEyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

As Rose approached closer and closer into the forest, she recognised a glowing deer and followed it. In Watchwood Forest eyes began to light up, knarled trees waved their branches through foggy air and the rippling water sparkled in the sunlight it was amazing. Enchanting, this is just enchanting. Gasped Rose.All of a sudden, the deer disappeared into the mist and viscious growls began to engulf Rose. Then there was an alarming rumble and angry expressions appeared on the trees faces. On the outside Rose was trying to be extremely brave. (However, on the inside she began trembling with terror.) Slowly, the forest began to lose its sparkle and Rose wished shed listened to all the boring grown-ups, who were advising her not to step foot in the forest. Rose shook like an epi-centre of an earthquake when she saw the dark silhouette hovering over her, with red, blazing eyes. She was paralysed with fear, what was she going to do next? .Written by: Katie 6S, Mariam 6SEyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

Rose was determined to complete this adventure, to show she was courageous and independent. As the scorching sun plummeted behind the distant moors, the glowing moon hung like a patient, pale face. Rose took her first steps into Watchwood Forest. Mouth opened, eyes bulging, Rose glanced at the fluorescent wildlife. A thousand fireflies lit up the sky casting shadows against the rippling channel of water. On the outside she felt strong, (Inside, she had no idea what was going to happen).Rose, - an amazing explorer, a unique school-girl who was clever but sometimes badly behaved walked onwards through the cluster of trees, bewildered in her thoughts.Amazing, this is just amazing! exclaimed Rose to no-one in particular. As she sauntered on, Rose felt an ominous feeling spread across the atmosphere. A huge, gnarled tree stared straight into her icy-blue eyes. The branches blew in the whistling wind, causing her hair to blow in every direction. A shadow

Written by: Saniya 6S, Zakera 6SEyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.

She was in the mystical forest, leaves crunching, twigs snapping, trees groaning, Rose had run away from home wanting to explore this enchanted forest. Outside, Rose looked as brave as a lion. (However, she was trembling with fear wondering what was going to happen next.)All of a sudden, darkness had fallen upon her. Out of thin air someone called her name. Echoing in the darkness. A figure had approached.Unbelievable, it was just unbelievable, Rosie thought.Many hours later she stopped and took a break. Then out of nowhere a glowing deer arrised from under below infront of Roses face.Rose started walking towards the deer. It turned towards her both glaring into each others eyes. An awkward silence lay between them.Then the figure occurred again but this time with a dagger a very large one Written by: Juvaira 6S, Jawyria 6S, Aisha 6SREyes. Wherever you went in Watchwood Forest there were eyes.It was home to the most beautiful and mysterious creatures in the entire realm, yet very few human eyes had ever seen it.One day, at the time of year where it stays sunny and warm well into the evening, a little girl called Rose decided she would explore Watchwood Forest. Rose had been told by her parents and by numerous other bossy grown-ups that she was never to go into the Forest.Now, to you and me (as the kind of people that always follow the rules), it might seem a little careless and a bit reckless and maybe even a bit foolish for Rose to find herself in such a place, especially after been told such a thing!However, Rose was not that sort of girl. In her mind, rules were there to be broken.