Download - Writers Block - How to Avoid It or Get Rid of It

Page 1: Writers Block - How to Avoid It or Get Rid of It

Writers BlockHow to avoid it or get rid of it

Tiffany T.J. Craig and Zoe A. Craig

Smashwords EditionCopyright 2012 Tiffany T.J. Craig and Zoe A. Craig

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Writers block has to be the most annoying affliction in the world. It makes you feel like you're hitting your head against a brick wall every time you try to write. But, how do you avoid it? Or, get rid of it once you've got it? I think I have finally found the answer.

Writers block, in my opinion, is caused by boredom. Remember back in high school, when you had a fifteen-page paper due and you couldn't think of a thing to write? That's because you were bored out of your mind! Writing is a creative process, which doesn't happen if the mind isn't engaged and interested. It's the same with writing a book, the daunting amount of work, complicated plots and characters can leave the brain utterly boggled and therefore not engaged, resulting in writers block. Unless, of course, you can find some way to avoid it.

The best way to avoid getting writers block is to treat your writing as a fun creative exercise, rather than work. Have fun with your prose! Don't dwell on the blank pages before you, just relax and start writing. Also, don't be afraid of messing up, that's what second and third drafts are for.

If you do happen to get writers block don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Take a deep breath then take a break. Go for a walk; see a movie, anything to get your mind off writing. Once you've cleared away the cobwebs you can take another crack at it, but start slowly. Think of a book you've read, and then imagine what one of your characters would think about it. Or, put yourself in a situation from your book. How would you react, the same or differently than your character? As you work your way back into your story, writing should come easier and, if all goes well, effortlessly.

I hope these tips work for you, but everyone is different. What works for some won't work for others. So if you have any other methods that help you get over writers block or keep you from getting it, drop me a line at [email protected].


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