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Page 1: Wright Ups July 2015


September 2014 edition

JULY 2015 ISSUE Dear loved ones;

I hope this email finds you filled with the joyous energy of summer. It is a glorious

time of sunshine, warm weather, and bar-b-ques. This is the traditional time to celebrate our

country’s rich heritage. We are challenged as Christians and as Americans to look at our nation

with critical joy.

This is especially important for Congregationalists. We founded this country. We are

the descendants of the Puritans. They ran from religious persecution seeking freedom to

worship as they were called. They often struggled to live out their own principles.

Famous Congregationalists such as Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams worked hard

to perpetuate liberty and religious freedom. Hutchinson was an outspoken female who refused

to remain silent, and simply obey the hierarchical power structure. Williams constantly

criticized the colonies’ rulers for being in charge of both church and state. Hutchinson and

Williams’ prophetic dissent forced them to flee the Massachusetts colony.

These two prophetic Congregationalist Americans were only the beginning.

Congregationalists were fundamental in challenging slave laws and working for abolition. The

Congregational church was the first to ordain both women and African-Americans. This

challenged the American social norms that both were second-class citizens. This tradition

carried on when it became the first church to ordained openly gay clergy. Congregational

Americans have a deep, vibrant history of serving the marginalized and those with minimal

power in society.

The original Congregationalists, the Puritans who founded the colonies, were human.

They needed to be challenged and reminded of the principles that brought them to America.

When Congregationalists entered dialogue and focused on their principles the church

prospered. It helped to shape local communities and the entire country. The churches served

as prophetic voices of justice, equality, and liberty for all God’s children.

Wright was founded out of this same spirit of service toward all. There is a wonderful

book called The American Missionary, Volume 68 that talks about Minnie Dickinson’s mission

work. Many of you know Rev. Minnie was the founder of our church. Her foundational

ministry included serving Spanish immigrants on the frontier, rowdy 4th

of July crowds, and

women. Shortly after she began leading the church it became known as a resting place for both

rural and urban women. We all know the cultural separation between the rural and urban, the

bench and downtown. Minnie’s early ministry worked to bridge the gaps between different

people. She worked to show that Christ unites all.

Let us celebrate this country. During this festive time may we deeply reflect on our

identity as Congregationalist Americans. This is a culture that works to ensure liberty, equality,

and justice for all people. Every day in the news we are reminded of this beautiful land’s

diversity. We are also reminded that many of our neighbors are left out and pushed to the side.

It is our heritage as Congregationalists, as the inheritors of Rev. Minnie’s legacy, to serve all

people. It is our call as Christians to make sure all of God’s children have access to life,

liberty, and love.

Where ever God calls you this summer know my prayers are with you.


Rev. Drew Terry

Wright Congregational United Church of Christ

4821 Franklin Rd, Boise, ID 83705 Office: Tues-Thurs 9-Noon and 1-3:00

208-343-0292 email: [email protected] web:

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JULY Worship Team

Lay Worship Leader Carol Card and Tom Eubanks

Ushers Frank Capshaw, Wes Andrews, Dan VanderVeen,

Will Patterson

Care Givers Meredith Pond

Altar Care Meredith Pond

Communion Servers Carol Card, Jane Penrod, Carol Rivers, Carl Van Slyke

Date Greeters Altar Flowers Coffee Hosts July 5 Dale & Mary Ellen Parsons John & Maxine


Carol Rivers &

Carl Van Slyke

July 12 Anne Schnebly & Ethel


July 19 Debbie Turner and Shirley


July 26 Deb Carlson & Lois Wade


Monthly Celebrations

BIRTHDAYS: July 1-Robin Canning; July 9-Jerry Schwarzhoff; July 11-Kathy Smith; July 15-Janine Balfour; July 16-Jennifer Makinson; July 20-Carol Card; July 22-Janice Aagaard;

July 24- Betty Ramsey and Sammy Musselman.


Missing out on all the wishes? You don't appear in our celebration list.

Let the office know your info and we will get your dates in the Wright Ups.

Our Food Pantry Needs Your Attention, please.

Your help is needed to keep the food pantry stocked. The following non-perishable items are always welcome: chili, stew, canned meats, soups, veggies and fruits, plus paper goods, baby powder, deoderents, wet wipes, tooth brushes/ paste, foot powders, razors and feminine hygiene items. Thank you to everyone who has been helping. The personal care items have been greatly appreciated.

Lunch Bunch

The group will not meet in July. The August bunch will gather at Miss Tami's in Meridian on Aug. 13 at 1:00 pm. All are

welcome. Great lunch and fellowship are always on the menu.

Women's Fellowship Women's Fellowship will not meet July or August, but will begin again in September 2

at 1:00 pm in the social hall.

LADIES MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Women’s Retreat at Pilgrim Cove Camp - August 1st, 2nd, 3rd

More information to follow on times and cost.

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NO All Church Potluck- In July

Our all church potluck has fallen on the same Sunday as the Pilgrim Cove Thanksgiving Dinner celebration and many of our folks will be there.

Next potluck will be AUGUST 16.

Wright 1's-Singles Group All single people are welcome to this fun and active group.

July 1, (Wed) We are going to Lowman for lunch at Sourdough then to Robins cabin

for cake to celebrate her brithday. (Happy 21st!) We will be meeting at the church at

10:15 and carpooling. Call Carol Rivers to RSVP.

Stay tuned for up coming activities for August and September.

MAHJONG FOR ALL INTERESTED Whether you play or want to learn – this is the place for you.

Friday's, July 10 and 24 at 1:00pm at the home of Ethel Farnsworth.


All articles for the August issue will be due in the office by Sunday, July 26 – please.

Bench Community Suppers Our supper is in need of funds. On average it costs around $100 to put on a supper for approx. 75+ guests. If you would like to contribute please note "Bench Supper" on the

memo line of your check. It will touch the tummy's of many folks in our community.

Our supper for July will be on Thursday, July 23 at 6:00 pm. Please sign up to lend a hand. This is a great community


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Evening Worship Tuesday evenings at 6 :00 pm Pastor Drew will offer an

evening worship time. Scripture, communion, and prayer.

All are welcome. 6:00 pm on Tuesday evenings in the upper room.

General Fund Honorarium Having a problem getting a gift for that person who has everything?

We have a solution. Now you can give a donation to the Wright Church General Fund in someone's name. It is a great way to honor them and support your church.

Locataed in the Narthex you will find honorarium cards. Fill it out and attach your donataion. This is great for Christmas, birthday, anniversary or just to say I love you.

PILGRIM COVE Events and camps coming up

July 12 to 18 UCC kids and friends camp July 19 2nd Annual Thanksgiving in July dinner and fund raiser. Thanksgiving dinner, all the trimmings, and a dessert auction. Dinner at 2pm. Please RSVP to the camp. $20 per person. Aug. 1 to 3: UCC Women's Retreat-hosted by Mt. Home ladies. More info coming. Sept. 5 to 7: LaborDay Family and Friends Camp. Check out more details at

CALLING ALL CRAFTERS Saturday, November 7, 2015

We have some tables still available for our craft fair. Let Carol Rivers or Robin know if you want a table or if you have any questions.

Crafters will be from the chruch only. The public will be invited to shop.

News from around the church:

Robin is on vacation from June 26 thru July 7. The office will be staffed from 10am to 2pm if you need to contact the church. Pastor Drew is attending General Synod 30 from June 26 thru June 30. Jack Brown will be covering the pulpit on June 28.

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Honorariums Honorarium gifts have been given to the church by:

Jack Hansen in honor of Carol Hansen Dale & Mary Ellen Parsons in honor of Dale & Mary Ellen Parsons & Dakota Hunt

Carl Van Slyke in honor of Elizabeth Shockley, Drew Terry

Memorials Loving memorial gifts have been given by:

Jerry Lawson in memory of Janice Burch

BOARD MEETING NOTES: All are welcome to the monthly board meetings, held the third Wednesday of each

month. Have a topic you would like to discuss with the board? Contact Robin in the office by noon the day of the meeting so you can be on the agenda.

ATTENTION KITCHEN CREWS It has come to our attention that our dishes and utencils are not being

cleaned properly. If you are doing any clean up from any function please take note.

Our dishes and utensils must be washed in hot soapy water before placing in the sanitizer – Yes, it is a sanitizer NOT a dish washer.

We will all be thankful for this important announcement.

In Memoriam of LaVern Collard.

Friday, July 3, 2015 at 9:30am at the Rookery at Kathryn Albertson Park. Lunch will follow at McGrath's Fish House.

Please RSVP by June 25 via email: [email protected] or phone her at 281-788-8618 if you plan on attending the lunch.

Book Club News

The book club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm in the church library.

All are welcome to come and enjoy a cup of tea, a snack and an interesting discussion. July 9 (one week later because of the July 4th holiday) – 1:00 pm at the home of Ethel Farnsworth. All attending are asked to bring one or two poetry items to share. (Something you wrote yourself would be most welcome!) Future programs include: Aug. 6: "Wonder", by R. J. Palacio Sept. 3: "The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind", by Kam Kwamba and Bryan Mealer Oct. 1: "The Glass Kitchen", by Linda Francis Lee

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Fa l l Done Wr ight

Commun i ty Ce lebrat ion

September 12, 2015 Wright’s Annual Fundraiser will

Start at 4:30

D i n n e r w i l l b e s e r v e d a t 5 : 0 0

F o r $ 6 . 0 0 y o u c a n h a v e a G r i l l e d H o t D o g

o r H amb u r g e r , C h i p s , S i d e D i s h , C h o i c e o f

S o d a , Wa t e r o r L em o n a d e a n d D e s s e r t

S i l e n t A u c t i o n F i n a l B i d d i n g 6 : 1 5 - 6 : 3 0

S i l e n t A u c t i o n W i n n e r s a n n o u n c ed

6 :30 – 8 :00

8 :00 g a t he r f o r g ame s .

Y o u c a n p l a y b o a r d g ame s o r

wa t c h BSU v s BYU

For this to be a successful fund raiser for the church we

need your help. Please get your crafts ready, solicit Gift

Certificates from your favorite establishment and/or bake

a dessert for the Silent Auction. We also need volun-

teers to bring your favorite dessert item for the dinner.

Then finally we would ask that you come with your family

and friends to have a great time. It’s always fun.

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Treasure's Report


INCOME May-15 YTD 2015 Budget % YTD


Pledged Income $5,318.00 $24,502.10 $60,437.00 40.54%

Unpledged Income $1,242.00 $5,820.28 $15,000.00 38.80%

Interest on Checking Acct $0.23 $1.17

General Fund Income $6,560.23 $37,213.93 $92,637.00 40.17%

Special Funds Income $1,443.65 $4,530.93 $5,700.00 79.49%

TOTAL Special Funds Income $1,443.65 $4,530.93 $5,700.00 79.49%

Total Gross Income $8,003.88 $41,744.86 $98,337.00 42.45%


TOTAL Building & Grounds $866.50 $8,254.54 $22,607.00 36.51%

TOTAL Church Office $1,689.89 $9,381.24 $21,841.00 42.95%

TOTAL Church Payroll Liabilities $1,031.46 $5,612.72 $1,848.00 303.72%

TOTAL Church Program $55.50 $140.41 $750.00 18.72%

TOTAL Ministry $2,844.91 $16,351.63 $39,298.00 41.61%

TOTAL Music Department $300.00 $1,440.00 $3,620.00 39.78%

TOTAL Our Wider Mission $0.00 $1,000.00 $2,190.00 45.66%

TOTAL Religious Education $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 0.00%

TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENSES $6,788.26 $42,180.54 $92,704.00 45.50%

General Fund Income $6,560.23 $37,213.93 $92,637.00 40.17%

General Fund Expenses $6,788.26 $42,180.54 $92,704.00 45.50%

Increase (Decrease) ($228.03) ($4,966.61) ($67.00)

Special Fund Expenses

Income $1,443.65 $4,530.93

Spent $469.98 $5,024.11

Total Change for Month $973.67 -$493.18


Beg. Bal-ance Income

Paid Out Adjust Balance

5/1/2015 May May 5/31/2015

Altar Flowers 699.04 20.00

(200.00) 519.04

Background Check 125.00


Building Loan & Capital Improve 927.90 302.00 390.39


Camperships 510.52


Carpet Replacement



Coffee Hour 621.35 30.44 79.59 (200.00) 372.20

Community Suppers 57.57 40.00

400.00 497.57

Endowment Fund Principal 5,072.71


Food Pantry 198.08


General Fund Honorarium 50.00


Huntington's Disease



Library 995.21


Maundy Thursday Offering 173.50


Memorial Fund 2,295.00


Music Fund 80.00


R Oliason Estate Cornerstone 15,000.00


Scholarship Fund 185.00


Unimproved Parking Lot 15,000.00


Wedding Reception 582.15


Youth Group/Sunday School 542.21 1.21


43,115.24 1,443.65 469.98 0.00 44,088.91

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Janice & Donald

Request the pleasrue of you compnay as they Exchange Vows

SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 3 o'clock in the afternoon

Wright congregational Church, UCC

Reception to follow immediately after ceremony

Wilth all that we have we are truly blessed Your presence and prayers are all we request.

But if you desire to give, non-the–less, a donation to Pilgrim Cove Camp is one we suggest.

Pilgrim Cove Foundation P.O.Box 867, McCall, ID 83638

July Diaconate Meeting---July 12 The Diaconate will meet on Sunday, July 12 at 10:15 AM, before worship, in the choir room. We are meeting before worship so that the September fundraiser committee can meet after worship. Our main task will be filling the responsibilities for August, September, and October. These include communion, lay leader, care giver and alter

care. DEACONS—if you cannot make it please let Carl Van Slyke know

Idaho Interfaith Roundtable Against Hunger – IIRAH

from Carl Van Slyke Wright church became an endorser (a part of) IIRAH last fall. I am our representative to that organization. I was also elected as an endorser (board of driectors). In that role I said that I would update you about IIRAH and what we are doing. The conveners recently held their 2015 Strategic Planning Meeting. We identified 20 plus successes in 2014. These include such things as recruiting "Friends of IIRAH", more involvement of community and conveners in planning the spring gathering, updating by laws, and IIRAH was quick to respont to legislative issues as they came up in 2015 – testifying on many of them. And we made a difference. We have identified issues which we will address in the next year. We will hold a fall and spring gathering, we will address food deserts-there are some in the Treasure Valley, build stronger relationships with endorsers (like Wright Church), and identify and respond to issues coming before the 2016 Idaho Legislatuare. If you have question please contact me. For more information on IIRAH go to:

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JULY 2015

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat


Wright 1‘s- Lowman road trip




5 11- WORSHIP Communion Noon-Fellowship/coffee

6 7

6pm Evening Prayer


7pm- Alanon


6:30pm Huntington's Support Grp


1pm- BookClub


1pm Mahjong


12 10:15 Diaconate 11am- WORSHIP Noon-Fellowship/coffee

13 14

7pm- Alanon


7pm-Board of Directors




19 11- WORSHIP NoonFellowship/coffee (No Potluck today) 2pm-Pilgrim Cove Thanksgiving Dinner

20 21

6pm Evening Prayer




Wright Up Articles Due


6pm Bench Community



1pm Mahjong

Wedding Reh.


3:00 Wedding

26 11-WorshipNoon-


27 7 pm-CBNA


6pm Evening Prayer



29 30

31 Aug. 1 Women's Retreat begins at Pilgrim Cove

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The Wright Ups Wright Community Congregational Church United Church of Christ 4821 Franklin Rd Boise, Idaho 83705

Return Service Requested

July 2015 Vol. 2015 Issue 7

Contact us: Phone: 208.343.0292 e-mail: church web: Ministers: All Of Us Pastor: Rev. Drew Terry Office Admin: Robin Canning Board Chair: Chuck Pond Organist: Ann Burkholder Moderator: Carl Van Slyke

10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Worship Noon: Fellowship Communion: 1st Sunday of each month Cry room available for restless little ones