Download - Wrexham Early Years Centre School Improvement · 4 Wrexham Early Years Centre Evaluation of 2013 -2014 School Improvement


1 Wrexham Early Years Centre

Wrexham Early Years Centre

School Improvement Plan

2014 - 2015

2 Wrexham Early Years Centre

Introduction This plan sets out the agreed priorities for Wrexham Early Years Centre over the academic year 2014/15.

It is the culmination of our ongoing evaluation of school effectiveness, including a review of the previous School Improvement Plan.

Our Vision Statement

Hand in Hand - together we can

Our Aims

We aim to create:

A caring and happy learning environment where all achievements are celebrated

A family school where all are welcomed

A place where curiosity and independence are encouraged – where learning is fun!

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Our strategic plan is to make links with WCBC's plan and with Welsh Assembly priorities.

Wrexham County Borough Council's Plan

All children and young people have positive aspirations, learn and achieve their potential.

Safeguarding our children.

Welsh Government

Improving standards of literacy and numeracy.

Reducing the impact of deprivation on educational improvement.

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Evaluation of 2013 -2014 School Improvement Plan

Area identified for improvement Progress / Impact Other comments / next steps To raise standards in speech, language and communication.

Relevant policies rewritten. Staff have visited a range of schools to look at good practice in other settings. Ipads purchased and now used in setting to support learning. Assessment data from Speech Therapist indicates improvement in all pupils’SL & C skills. School based Speech and language assessments show an improvement in all childrens’ language skills. Outdoor classroom areas evaluated and enhanced to promote the development of children’s language skills.

Next steps: Continued focus on oracy to ensure that the needs of the new cohort of pupils are met. Ensure staff’s skills are further developed .

Continued focus in School Improvement Plan – 2014 -15

To raise standards of achievement in Numeracy.

PLC completed with Borras Infant School – targets identified and new number resources purchased and profile of number raised in the classroom eg captions, displays,resources.

Planning shows innovative ways of delivering lessons.

Data shows all children have made good progress in this area.

Inset day – numeracy focus area.

Staff’s skills in Numeracy much improved. Staff showing an increased confidence in using number in the classroom.

Next steps:

Need to develop a Numeracy Policy.

Continued focus in School Improvement Plan – 2014 -15

To further improve self evaluation mechanisms by

building on data analysis procedures and auditing

practice in order to improve outcomes for learners.

Data outcome group established. Data produced and analysed in order to plan school improvements.

Questionnaires issued to parents of Nursery and Flying Start children to inform self evaluation procedures.

Staff questionnaires indicated a high level of staff well being and that all feel well supported in work.

All practitioners undertook self audit of classroom practice during Autumn Term. Areas for strength and development were identified, recorded and addressed.

Next steps:

Continue to collect and analyse data.

Issuing questionnaires to new parents and to all members of staff.

Conduct new self audit for all practitioners in the Autumn Term.

Devise questionnaires for professionals visiting WEYC in order to identify ways that we can further improve inter agency communications .

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To further develop PLC's between schools in order to raise standards in both language and numeracy.

PLC established with Borras Infant School – Numeracy in the Continuous and Enhanced provision. PLC evidence compiled

by PLC coordinator. Targets identified and new number resources purchased and profile of number raised in the classroom eg captions, displays,resources.

In house PLC - creating Communication Friendly Spaces in the outdoor classroom. New resources purchased. Importance of creating a language rich environment recognised by all practitioners.

Successful PLC with Borras Infants now completed. New PLC on Numeracy in the Outdoor Classroom to be established.

Partnership working with local schools – Foundation Phase Leaders / Outreach support with Rhosymedre.

To further improve practitioners skills in Welsh


Staff - vocabulary prompts now used on a daily basis. Increased awareness of opportunities to use Welsh in the classroom. Greater confidence in using Welsh with children.

Continued focus on improving bilingual skills of staff. Staff to attend training opportunities led by LA. Staff encouraged to attend social evenings in order to hear Welsh spoken and to practice their Welsh skills. Welsh Language Development Team to monitor staff use of Welsh within the classroom.

To continue to develop strategies to improve attendance

Parent Coordinator monitors performance - makes daily first day phone calls and together with Home School Link Coordinator works closely with parents to offer support . School offers home visits if there are concerns re attendance.

Attendance affected by the chronic illnesses of a small cohort of children.

Develop Transport Coordinator role in order to tighten procedures and help to ensure that taxis arrive in school on time in order to improve punctuality. Ensure that parents have clear guidelines on when to keep children at home

Produce data to identify patterns of attendance.

Continued focus in School Improvement Plan – 2014 -15

To develop a greater understanding of additional needs with specific focus on autism and Down’s Syndrome.

Staff attended a Down’s Syndrome conference. Greater understanding and awareness of the needs of children with D.S.

School developed effective strategies of communication when working with children on the autistic spectrum following PECS training.

ALNco’s to access all relevant courses, speakers etc

Continue to ensure that staff are kept informed of SEN practices and procedures through regular meetings and sharing of information.

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Areas identified for improvement in our Self Evaluation Report - July 2014

Key Question 1: How good are outcomes

To develop more robust recording and assessment procedures to monitor and evaluate results and to provide further performance data. To develop practitioners observational skills in the classroom. To further develop the skills and confidence of staff and parents in the use of Welsh. To enhance all pupils’ levels of attainment in literacy and numeracy. Attendance - to improve unauthorised attendance To gain the Silver award Dental SMILE scheme.

Key Question 2 :How good is provision

To develop staff and parents skills in use of the Welsh language

To develop a ‘Language Routes’ system, organising children into groups based on their speech and language skills, in order to provide specific focussed input.

To develop the use of Ipads to aid the communication skills of children.

To work towards achieving the Eco Silver award

To further develop the environmental area.

To further develop the tracking / target setting system to ensure robust systems in place.

To further develop the use of electronic systems to record assessments of pupil progress.

To further develop individual On Entry profiles for Nursery pupils.

To use new technologies to develop systems in order to ensure more focused feedback and monitor impact

To ensure that all new members of staff / Governing Body receive training in Child Protection.

For all members of staff to access further training opportunities in ALN.

To promote more effective , consistent and proactive school / parent communication and cooperation.

To further develop the Centre’s work on placement outcomes for ALN pupils and to look at primary needs trends in order to inform planning and provision.

To further develop the Environmental area of the outdoor classroom.

To monitor and assess the outdoor environment through risk assessment procedures to ensure that the highest levels of health and safety are adhered to.

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Key Question 3: How good are Leadership and Management

To further develop Governor knowledge and skills through tailored courses,workshops and learning walks.

To ensure that Governors are aware of national priorities in literacy and numeracy – National Literacy and Numeracy framework.

To achieve the Bronze Quality award – Governing Body.

To continue addressing national priorities such as raising standards in literacy and numeracy.

To ensure that school’s Performance Management procedures are robust and effective To continue developing the Professional Learning Community / Learning Partnerships.

To improve self evaluation mechanisms by developing further data analysis procedures.

To further develop the role of the Governing Body sub committees.

To further develop the Hand in Hand Support Network group for parents.

To further develop the Outreach support scheme To further develop the recording of resources purchased / disposal procedures.

To further develop Governor involvement in the Curriculum teams.

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Key Development Priorities for 2014 - 2015

To further raise standards in speech, language and communication. To further raise standards of achievement in numeracy. To develop more robust recording and assessment procedures to monitor and evaluate results and to provide further

performance data.

Other priorities for 2014 - 2015

To continue to develop strategies to improve attendance. To further improve Welsh language skills for all stakeholders. To develop a greater understanding of additional needs with specific focus on autism and Down’s Syndrome. To develop closer links with local businesses and community groups

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Key Priority 1

What is our vision? What do we want our children to achieve?

To develop, extend and enrich the skills of communication of each individual child, in order to enable the child to function more effectively.

To support all young children's communication skills.

To further raise the skill levels of all practitioners in all aspects of language and communication.

To provide a quality and consistent environment which supports communication and language in both the indoor and outdoor classroom.

Development Priority Tasks or activities Requirements/Provision for addressing professional needs of all staff

Target date for completion

Lead Person Success Criteria

To further raise standards in speech, language and communication.

To assess all children using LA and school based assessments.

To organise children into groups using assessment procedures. To provide a range of language activities according to need.

To work in partnership with the Speech Therapist and Educational Psychologist to assess individual needs

To further develop individual tracking and target setting sheets to identify specific measurable goals that help to improve standards for all children.

Resources - to purchase and make a range of resources to support speech, language and communication.

To timetable Elklan coordinator to work with children on speech and language activities.

To purchase Communication apps for Ipads

To ensure communication friendly places exist in the outdoor classroom.

To provide staff training opportunities in the area of speech, language and communication,

Finance / Resources

SEG funding - £300

CPD needs

As required


To share details

To discuss and moderate judgements

To receive data analysis

To discuss with parents

October 2014

September - July 2015

On going



Cass Jones- Speech Therapist

Literacy, Language and Communication Curriculum Team

ELKLAN Coordinator


Children able to use language skills including the spoken word and or signing. Pupils make expected progress in lessons and reach their individual target

Tracking systems show that all children are making good progress. Tracking grids shows improved attainment and achievement

Enhanced learning environment for all children.

All tasks / activities will have been successfully completed and evaluated.

Staff with increased understanding of speech, language and communication needs.

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To look at strategies practioners can use to support and develop communication.

To hold monthly meetings to discuss progress of individual children.

To offer practical advice and strategies to support parents in promoting speech and language skills.


Family Learning Coordinator

Parents given opportunities to learn about ways in which they can support their children’s language skills.

Record of Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring/Review Notes Evaluation (making judgements against the defined success criteria)

Identify if tasks are on track or if there is a varation and what the reasons are for this. Progress towards achieving the aims of the plan will be reviewed on a 3 week basis by the Senior Management Team. Analysis of standardised tests and professional discussion.

Report on outcomes / impact. Refer to success criteria. Use judgements made to update Self Evaluation report The HT and members of the appropriate governors committee will formally evaluate the overall effectiveness of this priority against the stated success criteria. Use judgements made to update Self Evaluation report.

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Key Priority 2

What is our vision? What do we want our children to achieve?

To support children in further developing core numeracy skills

To promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activity and exploration.

To further improve the teaching skills of all practitioners

To provide advice and support for parents on the ways they can build learning activities into everyday routines to support their child's numeracy skills

Development Priority Tasks or activities Requirements/Provision for addressing professional needs of all staff

Target date for completion

Lead Person Success Criteria

To further raise standards of achievement in Numeracy.

To undertake a range of assessments in order to identify individual needs.

To analyse data on pupil progress, including benchmarking data, and use the information more effectively to target improvements in teaching and learning.

To group pupils according to ability and to plan appropriate activities to ensure progression in learning.

To further develop staff’s understanding of mathematics so they can better identify what pupils need to learn next.

To provide detailed information to governors about pupils’ attainment in mathematics to enable them to monitor standards more effectively.

For staff to observe good practice in the teaching of numeracy by visiting other schools.

To purchase and create new and relevant numeracy and mathematics resources

To participate in PLC working with a

local school to develop Numeracy in the

Finance / Resources

£300 SEG

Apps for Ipads

Resources including materials for Number sacks

Staffing / Staff time

Non contact time to input pupil assessments


To share details

To discuss and moderate judgements

October 2014



Mathematical Development Curriculum Team.

Resource Coordinator

Family Learning Coordinator

Based on Autumn Term base line information – tracking grids used show clear progression Learning gaps are quickly identified

All tasks / activities will have been successfully completed and evaluated.

Pupils make expected progress in lessons and reach their individual target .

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outdoor classroom.

To work in partnership with a local

school in developing a Numeracy policy

To work with parents in helping them to

support their child in Maths

To receive data analysis

PLC coordinator - Liz Jones

Record of Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring/Review Notes Evaluation (making judgements against the defined success criteria)

Identify if tasks are on track or if there is a varation and what the reasons are for this. Progress towards achieving the aims of the plan will be reviewed on a 3 week basis by the Senior Management Team. Analysis of standardised tests and professional discussion

Report on outcomes / impact. Refer to success criteria. Use judgements made to update Self Evaluation report The HT and members of the appropriate governors committee will formally evaluate the overall effectiveness of this priority against the stated success criteria. Use judgements made to update Self Evaluation report

13 Wrexham Early Years Centre

Key Priority 3

What is our vision? What do we want our children to achieve?

To identify an agenda for improvement in order to raise standards.

To develop the observational skills of all practitioners.

To develop skills of reflective practice in order to refine and improve techniques.

To raise standards in all areas of teaching and learning.

Development Priority Tasks or activities Requirements/Provision for addressing professional needs of all staff

Target date for completion

Lead Person

Success Criteria

To develop practitioners skills in observation and assessment in order to support all areas of children's development

To create new assessment, recording and reporting policy following consultation with all staff and governing body.

To develop all practitioner’s skills in observing, assessing and planning procedures.

To formalise observation procedures in order to create more robust systems

To devise new observation and assessment sheets following staff consultation.

To ensure that all staff

Finance / Resources

To be funded if required from school budget eg stationary costs


As required.

September 2014

October 2014

Inset day – Observation, assessment and planning - discuss main findings




All staff to be involved

Effective observation and assessment procedures established, leading to improvement in the quality of education and in learners' experiences and achievements.

Effective identification of learning needs leading to appropriate learning and teaching with suitable tasks and activities. Staff able to recognise their own skills and expertise thereby increasing their confidence and motivation.

All stakeholders to have an overview of how WEYC is

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receive training in making and recording effective observations

To organise regular meetings in order to review progress.

To use assessment evidence to identify the needs of all learners.

To share assessment findings with all



Record of Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring/Review Notes Evaluation (making judgements against the defined success criteria)

Identify if tasks are on track or if there is a variation and what the reasons are for this. Progress towards achieving the aims of the plan will be reviewed on a 3 week basis by the Senior Management Team. Analysis of standardised tests

Tests and professional discussion

Report on outcomes / impact. Refer to success criteria. Use judgements made to update Self Evaluation report To ascertain views of professionals to provide information for future development. The HT and members of the appropriate governors committee will formally evaluate the overall effectiveness of this priority against the stated success criteria. Use judgements made to update Self Evaluation report.

15 Wrexham Early Years Centre

Other priorities 2014 - 2015

Development priority Tasks or Activities Requirements/ Provision for addressing professional needs of all staff

Target date for completion

Lead person Success Criteria

To further develop PLC / partnerships between schools, in order to raise standards in numeracy.

Family of Schools PLC – Numeracy. Arrange initial meeting with Borras Infant School in October 2014 - Numeracy focus

Finances / Resources

To be identified in PLC and funded if required from school budget – SEG

Staffing / Staff time

To be funded from SEG.


Initially required to set up the groups and later to monitor their effectiveness.

July 2015

July 2015

Liz Jones – PLC coordinator

Mathematical Development Curriculum Team.

Rhian Hughes

Secure improvement through collaboration.

Willingness to innovate and change practice.

Distributed leadership practices.

To further improve the Welsh language skills of practitioners, parents and members of the school community.

Staff meetings / workshops held to discuss good practice / next steps etc.

Teaching Assistants to receive LA training in use of Welsh in the classroom.

Half termly words and phrase sheets produced for parents.

Finance / Resources

As required

Supply costs.

Regular meetings to discuss and monitor progress .

July 2015 Welsh Language Curriculum Development Team

Increased confidence and competency of staff in using Welsh in the classroom. All staff using Welsh consistently throughout the session. Parents given opportunities to enhance their own skills in order to support their child’s language development.

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To continue to develop strategies to improve attendance and punctuality of children.

To continue to focus on improving attendance through close monitoring, liaising with the ESW and supporting parents who struggle to bring their children to school.

As required Ongoing - 2014 to 2015 Rhian Hughes

Emma Dransfield - Parent Coordinator

Sara Williams - Home / School Link Coordinator

Improved attendance and punctuality in Nursery, Early Education, Flying Start children .

To develop a greater understanding of additional needs with specific focus on autism and Down’s Syndrome.

To organise training opportunities for staff

To organise training opportunities for members of the governing body.

To organise guest speakers to talk to staff and governors

Finance / Resources

Cost of courses - £200 - School budget

Supply cover - if required

Purchase resources - £100

On going 2014 - 2014 ALNcos - Rachel Costeloe and Liz Jones

Increased staff awareness of autism and Down's Syndrome. Greater expertise in working with ALN children leading to improved outcomes for all children.

To improve links with local businesses and community groups

To appoint a Community Development Coordinator - member of staff.

To look at ways in which WEYC can further involve the local community eg sharing our SIP / seeking their views etc

To establish links with the local community .

Supply cover - possible non contact time to release member of staff

Ongoing 2014 - 2015 Community Development coordinator

Rhian Hughes

All members of the school community will be well supported and will have access to community matters to discuss any problems or concerns.

Local community members will feel valued and involved.

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Monitoring Schedule 2014 - 2015

Autumn Term 2014 Spring Term 2015 Summer Term 2015










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The School Improvement Plan will be monitored in the following ways:

By the Senior Management Team : The Senior Management Team regularly monitor and evaluate the SIP. Reports are prepared to share with the Governors, Staff and parents. A copy of the SIP will be placed in the Meeting room for easy reference by staff and in the Community Room and foyer for access by parents.

By all staff: All staff will be involved in the Monitoring and Evaluation system. This will enable everyone to take a full and active role in the SIP.

By the Governing Body: The SIP will be placed on the Agenda for half termly meetings. The Headteacher will provide a report of progress on the SIP and will indicate future areas to be developed. As part of the monitoring progress, Governors will be invited in to school.

By GwE - Will be discussed in termly meetings with the Systems Leader