Download - wp4 factsheet minatura · 2018. 3. 19. · 2020 Mineral Deposits of Public Importance MINATURA WORK PACKAGE 4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s

Page 1: wp4 factsheet minatura · 2018. 3. 19. · 2020 Mineral Deposits of Public Importance MINATURA WORK PACKAGE 4 This project has received funding from the European Union’s

2020Mineral Deposits of Public Importance


Mineral Deposits of Public Importance



minatura2020.euThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 642130.

The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


-Demonstration was implemented to test the developed safeguarding methodology, taking into account different national policy scenarios and their impacts to ensure robustness at all levels (local/regional, national and EU), and for transferability across all Members.

-The viability of the new methodology was tested through a series of pilot tests in selected case-study countries: -Onshore: Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden; -Offshore: Ireland, UK.

-Creating a list of potential protected areas at the case-study level: the task was focused on determining “eligible” mineral deposits on national/regional level in case-study countries which fit into the framework of protecting policy with selection by qualified conditions of Mineral Deposits of Public Importance (MDoPI).

-Testing process of selected case-studies: the testing process involved various case-study scenarios which were used to test the application and applicability of the proposed Minatura Harmonised Mapping Framework.

-Feedback from the testing process: the testing process in case-study countries revealed the adequacy and deficiency of developed methodology, reflecting how selected regulative instruments should be applied in practice.

-The process developed in WP2 has been interactively tested in case studies (D4.2: Results of Testing the Proposed MDoPI Assignment Methodology & Harmonised Mapping Framework - HMF).

-Feedback and recommendations on how to improve the process were provided (D4.3: Recommendations for adapting primary version of methodology/qualifying conditions).

-Lists of potential protected areas in each case-study country were created (D4.1: List of potential protected areas that suit the selected safeguarding criteria in selected case-study countries).

-Lists of potential protected areas in each case-study country were created (D4.1: List of potential protected areas that suit the selected safeguarding criteria in selected case study countries)

-The process developed in WP2 has been interactively tested in case studies (D4.2: Results of Testing the Proposed MDoPI Assignment Methodology & Harmonised Mapping Framework (HMF)

-Feedback and recommendations on how to improve the process were provided (D4.3: Recommendations for adapting primary version of methodology/qualifying conditions).

Figure 1: Suggested areas of MDoPI in case-study of Slovenia (based on Geological Map of Slovenia 1:1 000 000 after Bavec et al., 2013).

How was the demonstration and pilot-testing done?

What are the results?