Download - Worship Guide-Respond 40

Page 1: Worship Guide-Respond 40








Which site are you attending?

[ ] Longwood [ ] Mount Dora [ ] Oviedo

[ ] Other____________________________________________________________________

[ ] I am a new believer. I recently trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

[ ] I would like to receive more information about Northland.

New to Northland?



Thanks for gathering with us in worship today —

we’re so glad you’re here!

Welcome! Please tell us a little about yourself. Just drop this card in an offering box or stop by an Info Kiosk in the foyer on your way out — we’d love to get to know you!

Want to know more about Northland?

Our website has hundreds of archived worship services, stories about

the great work God is doing through Northland and ways for YOU to

Be the Church Everywhere, Every Day.

The heartbeat of Northland, A Church Distributed is to Respond to

God for the Benefit of Others. Our Vision is to see people coming

to Christ and growing in Him. Our Mission is to equip the church to

worship and serve together.

Please join us.

Children’s Ministries WEEKLY HAPPENINGSChildren’s Church during all worship services:

•GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5)

•EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 3 – Kindergarten)

•Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2)

•ChildrenwithSpecialNeeds (Age 3 – Grade 5)

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGSChildren’s Church during 9 and 11 a.m. worship services:

•GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5)

•EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 3 – Kindergarten)

•Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2)

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS•GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5) during 11 a.m. service

•EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 2 – Kindergarten) during 9 and

11 a.m. services

•Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2) during 9 and 11 a.m.



MIDDLE WEEKLY HAPPENINGS•LUGRoxSaturdays, 6:30 p.m., The Rink, SMCC.

•Connectwithyourmiddleschoolstudent: Check out Next Steps

(Sermon Companion) at You’ll

find a short video and conversation starter to use with your student.

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGS•Kinect(Middle and High School) Sundays,

9 to 10 a.m.; and Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m.

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS•Evolve Sundays, during 11 a.m. service.

•Axis Sundays, 6 to 8 p.m., NOCC.

HIGH WEEKLY HAPPENINGS•i-3(Iamthird)YouthGroupWednesdays, 6:30 p.m.,

The Rink, SMCC.

•ServantLeadershipMinistry We offer servant leadership training

and opportunities to serve for 9th-graders (setup crew), 10th- to

12th-graders (LUGRox captains) and college students (small group

leaders and work crews).

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGS•Kinect (Middle and High School) Sundays,

9 to 10 a.m.; and Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m.

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS•Axis Sundays, 6 to 8 p.m., NOCC.

Tithes & Offerings

Electronic giving is available at the kiosks located in the lobby or online at Offering envelopes are at all giving boxes. Contact Twila Roberts at 407-949-4000 with questions.

Financial Report — September 20 to 26, 2011

This Week This Year

Need . . . . . . . . . .250,505 Need . . . . . . . .9,769,695

Received . . . . . . .207,215 Received . . . . .9,375,759

Difference . . . . . .(43,290) Difference . . . . .(393,936)

Pick up this month’s issue of Respond

to get details on classes, care

groups, and local and global service


Prefer to get your information online? connects you

with all this information and more.

Get the OCTOBER issue today!

NORTHLAND, A CHURCH DISTRIBUTED WORSHIP TIMES: Saturday at 5 p.m.; Sunday at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.; Monday at 7 p.m.

530 Dog Track Road, Longwood, FL 32750 | 407-949-4000 | [email protected]

Prepare for Next Week’s Worship:

Page 2: Worship Guide-Respond 40








Which site are you attending?

[ ] Longwood [ ] Mount Dora [ ] Oviedo

[ ] Other_ ___________________________________________________________________

[ ] I am a new believer. I recently trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

[ ] I would like to receive more information about Northland.

New to Northland?


Thanks for gathering with us in worship today —

we’re so glad you’re here!

Welcome! Please tell us a little about yourself. Just drop this card in an offering box or stop by an Info Kiosk in the foyer on your way out — we’d love to get to know you!

Want to know more about Northland?

Our website has hundreds of archived worship services, stories about

the great work God is doing through Northland and ways for YOU to

Be the Church Everywhere, Every Day.

The heartbeat of Northland, A Church Distributed is to Respond to

God for the Benefit of Others. Our Vision is to see people coming

to Christ and growing in Him. Our Mission is to equip the church to

worship and serve together.

Please join us.

Children’s Ministries WEEKLY HAPPENINGSChildren’s Church during all worship services:

• GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5)

• EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 3 – Kindergarten)

• Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2)

• ChildrenwithSpecialNeeds (Age 3 – Grade 5)

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGSChildren’s Church during 9 and 11 a.m. worship services:

• GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5)

• EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 3 – Kindergarten)

• Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2)

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5) during 11 a.m. service

• EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 2 – Kindergarten) during 9 and

11 a.m. services

• Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2) during 9 and 11 a.m.



MIDDLE WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• LUGRoxSaturdays, 6:30 p.m., The Rink, SMCC.

• Connectwithyourmiddleschoolstudent: Check out Next Steps

(Sermon Companion) at You’ll

find a short video and conversation starter to use with your student.

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Kinect(Middle and High School) Sundays,

9 to 10 a.m.; and Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m.

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Evolve Sundays, during 11 a.m. service.

• Axis Sundays, 6 to 8 p.m., NOCC.

HIGH WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• i-3(Iamthird)YouthGroupWednesdays, 6:30 p.m.,

The Rink, SMCC.

• ServantLeadershipMinistry We offer servant leadership training

and opportunities to serve for 9th-graders (setup crew), 10th- to

12th-graders (LUGRox captains) and college students (small group

leaders and work crews).

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Kinect (Middle and High School) Sundays,

9 to 10 a.m.; and Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m.

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Axis Sundays, 6 to 8 p.m., NOCC.

Tithes & Offerings

Electronic giving is available at the kiosks located in the lobby or online at Offering envelopes are at all giving boxes. Contact Twila Roberts at 407-949-4000 with questions.

Financial Report — September 20 to 26, 2011

This Week This Year

Need . . . . . . . . . .250,505 Need . . . . . . . . 9,769,695

Received . . . . . . . 207,215 Received . . . . . 9,375,759

Difference . . . . . .(43,290) Difference . . . . . (393,936)

Pick up this month’s issue of Respond

to get details on classes, care

groups, and local and global service


Prefer to get your information online? connects you

with all this information and more.

Get the OCTOBER issue today!

NORTHLAND, A CHURCH DISTRIBUTEDWORSHIP TIMES: Saturday at 5 p.m.; Sunday at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.; Monday at 7 p.m.

530 Dog Track Road, Longwood, FL 32750 | 407-949-4000 | [email protected]

Prepare for Next Week’s Worship:

Page 3: Worship Guide-Respond 40

Responding to God A MESSAGE FROM SEAN COOPER, MINISTER(Read about Northland’s minister of service and equipping at northlandchurch .net/staff/sean_cooper/ .)


John 1:1-5 (NIV)“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was

with God, and the Word was God . He was with

God in the beginning .

“Through him all things were made; without him

nothing was made that has been made . In him was

life, and that life was the light of men . The light

shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not

understood it .”


Worship Christ today as the great I Am . He has

revealed Himself to us through nature, through His

Word, and through our own lives . When we see His

nature we must respond . Our response is a life of

worship in which we decrease as He increases .

How can we help? Need to update your contact information, or want more information about a particular ministry or opportunity? Let us know — just drop this card in an offering box, or stop by an Info

Kiosk in the foyer on your way out!

Name(s) _____________________________________________________________________

E-mail _______________________________________________________________________

Address _ ____________________________________________________________________


Phone _______________________________________________________________________

[ ] The above is an update.

Prayer request: ____________________________________________________________



I’d like more information about: _________________________________________


[ ] I am a new believer. I recently trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

Let Us Know!


FREE Health Event!Friday, October 14, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Longwood.

If all of life is worship ... your HEALTH matters! Come hear information and inspiration from a lineup of best-selling authors and speakers! Bring a friend AND a bag of food.

Details at


We’re on Facebook and Twitter!Are you? If so, let’s connect!

Get the latest in ministry news and opportunities, and encourage one another!

Find us at and

Join the Movement!Saturday, October 8, 8 a.m., Longwood.

Encourage your friends and family to join you for this community service event, and remind them to bring a hygiene item for donation!

Sign up to serve at!


What’s Current


THINK ABOUT IT.How many ways can you think of that we respond to who

God is and what He has done? How is our response to Him

both a one-time decision and an ongoing pattern? How do

our responses benefit those around us?

TALK ABOUT IT.Use these questions in your community group this week to get things started .

• Read the story in Luke 24 . How did Jesus share His story

with His two traveling companions? How did He open

up Scripture?

• How did the two men in the story respond to Him

initially? Eventually?

• How did their response benefit others?

• How will you respond to what you see of Christ in this


I give you praise, O Great Invisible God, for the

moon in the space of the dark night, for the smile

on a face in the sunlight . I give you praise, O Great Invisible God, for the sound of the storm on the

window, for the morning adorned with a new snow,

for the tears on the face of the old man made clean

by the grace of the good Lamb.

And oh, I long to see your face, Invisible God . All

the works that you have made are clearly seen and

plain as day, so mighty and tender . O Lord, let me

remember that I see you everywhere, Invisible God,

in the seed that descends to the old earth and arises

again with a new birth; in the sinner who sinks in the

river and emerges again, delivered .

And oh, I long to see your face, Invisible God . All

the works that you have made are clearly seen and

plain as day, so mighty and tender . O Lord, let me

remember your power eternal, your nature divine .

All creation tells the tale that Love is real and so alive .

I feel you, I hear you, Great God Unseen, I see you

in the long, cold death that the winter brings and the

sweet resurrection Spring .

(Lyrics from Invisible God, by Andrew Peterson)

How will you respond?

Make this your prayer and your song this week:

Page 4: Worship Guide-Respond 40








Which site are you attending?

[ ] Longwood [ ] Mount Dora [ ] Oviedo

[ ] Other_ ___________________________________________________________________

[ ] I am a new believer. I recently trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

[ ] I would like to receive more information about Northland.

New to Northland?



Thanks for gathering with us in worship today —

we’re so glad you’re here!

Welcome! Please tell us a little about yourself. Just drop this card in an offering box or stop by an Info Kiosk in the foyer on your way out — we’d love to get to know you!

Want to know more about Northland?

Our website has hundreds of archived worship services, stories about

the great work God is doing through Northland and ways for YOU to

Be the Church Everywhere, Every Day.

The heartbeat of Northland, A Church Distributed is to Respond to

God for the Benefit of Others. Our Vision is to see people coming

to Christ and growing in Him. Our Mission is to equip the church to

worship and serve together.

Please join us.

Children’s Ministries WEEKLY HAPPENINGSChildren’s Church during all worship services:

• GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5)

• EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 3 – Kindergarten)

• Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2)

• ChildrenwithSpecialNeeds (Age 3 – Grade 5)

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGSChildren’s Church during 9 and 11 a.m. worship services:

• GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5)

• EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 3 – Kindergarten)

• Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2)

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• GradeSchoolClasses (Grades 1 – 5) during 11 a.m. service

• EarlyChildhoodClasses (Age 2 – Kindergarten) during 9 and

11 a.m. services

• Infant&ToddlerCare (Infants – Age 2) during 9 and 11 a.m.



MIDDLE WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• LUGRoxSaturdays, 6:30 p.m., The Rink, SMCC.

• Connectwithyourmiddleschoolstudent: Check out Next Steps

(Sermon Companion) at You’ll

find a short video and conversation starter to use with your student.

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Kinect(Middle and High School) Sundays,

9 to 10 a.m.; and Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m.

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Evolve Sundays, during 11 a.m. service.

• Axis Sundays, 6 to 8 p.m., NOCC.

HIGH WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• i-3(Iamthird)YouthGroupWednesdays, 6:30 p.m.,

The Rink, SMCC.

• ServantLeadershipMinistry We offer servant leadership training

and opportunities to serve for 9th-graders (setup crew), 10th- to

12th-graders (LUGRox captains) and college students (small group

leaders and work crews).

MOUNT DORA WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Kinect (Middle and High School) Sundays,

9 to 10 a.m.; and Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m.

OVIEDO WEEKLY HAPPENINGS• Axis Sundays, 6 to 8 p.m., NOCC.

Tithes & Offerings

Electronic giving is available at the kiosks located in the lobby or online at Offering envelopes are at all giving boxes. Contact Twila Roberts at 407-949-4000 with questions.

Financial Report — September 20 to 26, 2011

This Week This Year

Need . . . . . . . . . .250,505 Need . . . . . . . . 9,769,695

Received . . . . . . . 207,215 Received . . . . . 9,375,759

Difference . . . . . .(43,290) Difference . . . . . (393,936)

Pick up this month’s issue of Respond

to get details on classes, care

groups, and local and global service


Prefer to get your information online? connects you

with all this information and more.

Get the OCTOBER issue today!

NORTHLAND, A CHURCH DISTRIBUTEDWORSHIP TIMES: Saturday at 5 p.m.; Sunday at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.; Monday at 7 p.m.

530 Dog Track Road, Longwood, FL 32750 | 407-949-4000 | [email protected]

Prepare for Next Week’s Worship:

Page 5: Worship Guide-Respond 40

N O R T H L A N DA C H U R C H D I S T R I B U T E Dw w w. n o r t h l a n d c h u r c h . n e t


Respond.BE ThE ChuRCh. eveRywHeRe. EvERy day.


Take worship out into the community!

Service opportunities abound at, with and beyond Northland.

Find your fit on pages 5 and 9 or


PRAYEngage in a conversation with God.

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer.”

– Peter, an eyewitness (1 Peter 3:12, NIv)

Post a prayer request and pray for others daily at

CHILDREN’SMINISTRIESNEEDS YOU!If you have a heart for children, please partner with us in teaching the next generation all about God! No experience is required and training is provided!

Learn more on page 6.

Page 6: Worship Guide-Respond 40



Worship God: Glorify God for Who he is and What

he has done. “A time is coming and has now

come when the true worshipers will worship

the Father in spirit and truth.”


read the BiBle: study God’s messaGe to you often. “I am

watching over My word to perform it.”


Pray: enGaGe in a conversation With God.

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and

his ears are attentive to their prayer.”


serve others: meet the needs of the PeoPle around

you. “Whatever you did for one of the least of

these brothers of mine, you did for me.”


Live Generously: Give What God’s Given you. “For where

your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


Be in community: foster environments for relationshiP.

“All men will know that you are my disciples, if

you love one another.”


share Your story: tell others What God is doinG in your

life. “Always be prepared to give an answer to

everyone who asks you to give the reason for

the hope that you have.”


who needs prayer in your life? Create a prayer list here:


Page 7: Worship Guide-Respond 40

Jesus said in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (NASB). Prayer is not our idea; it’s His. Don’t ever say, “I don’t wanna

bother God.”In the Greek, the original language the New Testament was written

in, there is a present imperative. Jesus is saying, “Keep on asking until it’s answered; keep on seeking until you find; keep on knocking until the door is opened” (emphasis added). We are to be persistent. That’s what God expects, and that’s what He wants.

When we pray, we need to remember that it’s God who’s answering, and it’s God who loves us. As verse 11 says, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!”

We pray in order to entrust ourselves to the One who knows best. Will He always give us exactly what we’re praying for? No, not unless it’s the very best thing. We are His children, and we can entrust ourselves to the perfection and the completion of God.

Now, how do we pray? Constantly. First Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” Don’t save up your prayers for when you really “need” them.

John Stafford tells of growing up on a farm that had been passed down from generation to generation. There was a well on the farm that gave the best, coolest, purest water he’d ever tasted. It didn’t matter

how hot it was in the summer; he could depend on that water being cold. It didn’t matter how long a drought would last; he could always depend on that well never running dry.

Eventually, the farm was modernized, and they put in running water. It was decided they wouldn’t need the well anymore, so they boarded it up. As an adult, John went back to visit the farm. Remembering his boyhood, he wanted one more drink from that well. So he pried the boards off and lowered the pail. And he could tell from the thud it was dry. He was so surprised because in all of those droughts, it had never dried up.

He asked the neighbors, some of those old farmers who knew how things worked, and they said, “Well, of course it is! There are hundreds of little rivulets that feed into a well, rushing through and purifying. But when it’s no longer being used, the rivulets get clogged up, and it goes dry.”

Friends, the refreshment we can find in always turning to Him can be difficult to access if we haven’t drawn on Him for a long, long time. “Pray without ceasing,” the Bible says.

Formal times of deep, holy prayer are fine. But spontaneous prayer is just as valuable. Ninety-eight percent of my prayers aren’t more than a sentence or two. They don’t start out with “Our Father,” and they don’t end with “Amen.” They’re just a running stream of communication, and all day long, I never feel outside of the presence of God simply because I’m praying without ceasing.

Remember, the essence of prayer isn’t trying to overcome the distance between us and God. There is no distance. The essence of prayer is grasping the nearness of God that is already there. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” How much of an effort is that? None. He’s closer to us than our very breath.

James 4:2 says, “You do not have because you do not ask.” It’s very important to ask, but it’s very important in the midst of asking to remember that God has three basic answers: yes, no and not yet.

Prayer is not about changing God’s mind. God’s purposes are perfect just like they are. Prayer is not about changing God. It’s about changing us.

Pray with me ... Lord, thank You for this moment in which we can consider coming further into Your realm and more eagerly into Your presence. We pray, Lord God, that as we make our requests known to You by prayer, You will give us not just Your answers, but Yourself ... not just what we hope to see, but what we could never have anticipated. Give us intimacy with You. Amen.


ENGAGE in prayer for others.

SHARE your prayer requests.

TRACK your prayers and post updates.



Page 8: Worship Guide-Respond 40

SERvE GLOBaLLyServing in Sri LankaBy Sean Cooper

As the alarm sounded at 3 a.m. Friday, September 5, my mind woke up to the reality of a very long flight itinerary: Orlando to New York, New York to Dubai,

Dubai to Male, and Male to Colombo. Some 26 hours later, our group landed in Sri Lanka on Saturday evening, the weather feeling much like in Orlando: warm and humid. The 9 ½-hour time difference reminded me just how alive the world is at every hour of the day. The taxi ride to our accommodations opened our eyes to the amazing vitality of Sri Lankan culture, filled with busy nightlife, Asian food vendors on the streets, and a friendly culture of people.

Five of us from Northland went to Sri Lanka to serve alongside an organization that is helping to rebuild the chasm between two ethnic groups: the Tamils and the Sinhalese. Over the course of eight days, we would meet with other international delegates from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, the United States, South Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. As part of this trip, we also would serve at a conference where more than 800 student leaders were gathering to discuss issues of reconciliation between the people groups.

At this conference, students, volunteers and staff consist of Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and Christians. Everyone there is asking difficult questions about uniting young people around the efforts of building a better nation. The hope is to never return to the 39 years of civil war that ripped the country apart and only ended three years ago.

The work that is taking place in Sri Lanka is through a variety of people. Our first connection to Sri Lanka was through Adrian De Visser, a pastor who is doing amazing works of justice through incredible acts of service. Over the last several years, that relationship has grown to include others who are helping in unique ways to reach out and unite young people to build a new Sri Lanka.

This particular conference had tremendous challenges before the first session began. Security concerns the day before the conference was to begin caused the location of the conference to change. The massive team of volunteers pulled together and recreated the new venue to match the previous one. A conference for 800 to 900 people is massive in any building, but this conference was taking place outdoors on a cricket field under a large tent. Sound, lighting and video equipment was crammed into tight spaces.

A television station set up camp in a nearby locker room and streamed all the sessions live through the Internet. Students were formed into teams, met in small groups, mixed with others from different parts of the island, and learned how to become friends with someone who was once labeled their enemy. The generation before them had grown up divided, hating one another, and literally creating a nation that lived in terror of suicide bombings, random shootings and other violent acts of retribution.

This conference brought together a massive group of diverse young people to explore what it means to respect the other person, understand others’ values and perspective, and treat one another with dignity rather than hatred. This endeavor was a challenge. Yet over the five days together, students made new friends, students

experienced the opposite of what they were taught from the other ethnic group, and lifelong relationships were established.

In addition, these student leaders are trained and given resources to return to their schools and begin reconciliation clubs. They are given tools, including curriculum and other resource materials, to lead a club for an entire year. The club is launched by selecting a place or people in their community that need service. After three years, more than 5,000 of these students are serving in clubs and making a visible difference in their neighborhoods and schools.

So how does God fit into all of this? We know from Scriptures that our Creator is one of peace, and one who heals and restores that which is broken. We are called to love one another, to serve together for the good of our communities, and to bring good news into every situation. In Sri Lanka, we have a great gift in coming alongside others, learning from one another, and living out the gospel in a way that reflects the great character of God.

Please continue to pray for Sri Lanka and our friends serving there. For security and confidentiality reasons, no names of people or organizations (with the exception of our partnering pastor, Adrian De Visser) are mentioned in this article.

Yes, 800 to 900 actually did fit underneath that tent!Girls from Kithu Sevana show their adorable pillowcase dresses!

International panel members discuss specific issues of rec-onciliation in their own country. Pastor Xola Skosana, one of Northland’s partners in South Africa, shares about similar struggles faced in his own country.

Students rally at one of the large group sessions.

Sew and ServeBy Patti Harshey

Serving globally. Those words conjure up images of one joining a Distributed Journey team, flying to a foreign land around the world, ministering to the

people there and making your someday today.While that is certainly true, and Northlanders will have

many exciting opportunities in the coming year to do just that, serving globally doesn’t necessarily involve a passport. A new ministry is beginning that gives Northlanders a chance to serve globally without leaving their backyard. In Sew and Serve, a project being spearheaded by our Service Team and Northlander Joan Siegel, pillowcase dresses are sewn by hand and distributed to little girls in countries all over the world where Northland has ministry partners. What a beautiful way to serve a very practical need!

Pastor Vernon Rainwater and Alan Chantelau, director of Missionary Care and Development, recently traveled to Sri Lanka to meet with our partners at Kithu Sevana. While there, they were able to distribute hundreds of dresses to little girls in need. Our hope is to send these dresses with every Distributed Journey team in 2012. If you are a seamstress and have an interest in this ministry, contact Patti Harshey at [email protected] for more information.


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uPCOmiNG SERviCE OPPORTuNiTiESOctober 1. . . . . . . . . . . .Ronald McDonald HousePrepare dinner and serve it to families of sick children staying at the Ronald McDonald House.

October 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Local Serve DayVisit to sign up.• Harvest Time International• ECO-Garden Planting• Love Grows Seed Packing• Playground Remodeling• Red Bug Lake Park Cleanup• Lake Mills Restoration

October 15. . . . . . . . . . .Ronald McDonald HousePrepare lunch and serve it to families of sick children staying at the Ronald McDonald House.

October 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Give Kids the WorldCreate magical memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families by serving dinner to them.

October 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pathways to CarePrepare lunch and serve it to recovering residents. Minister and pray with the residents.

To register for or to find out more about these and other serve projects, visit Dana Kobosky at 407-949-7156 or dana.kobosky@

By Dana Kobosky

At Northland, we talk a lot about taking worship “beyond these walls.” We know worship is not just something we do in the sanctuary, but it’s also

something we can take into our community. Recently, Northland has been blessed with ample opportunities to reach beyond our walls and connect with schools, businesses and organizations in the community with the focus of impacting our local community for the better. Below are just a couple of examples of what we’re doing and how you can become involved!

Adopt a School — In response to the rising numbers of homeless children in Seminole County, Northland and other churches and organizations are working together to “adopt” the schools that have some of the highest percentages of homeless kids in attendance. By supporting these schools with food, clothing, school supplies and hygiene items, the schools not only can identify kids in need, but also will have resources to meet their needs where they are. In the coming months, many Seminole County schools will be opening food pantries and “resource closets” that will allow teachers to connect kids and families at their school directly with the resources they need.

As part of this effort, Northland will adopt both Hamilton and Idyllwilde elementary schools. Our first opportunity to

Connect on Facebook! Northland’s Serve projects are now on Facebook. View pictures from recent events, and find out about opportunities to serve locally and at Northland on our Facebook page! Just search for Northland Serve!

serve these schools is on our Local Serve Day, October 8. We ask that everyone who comes on Local Serve Day consider bringing a hygiene item to donate. We will have collection bins at check-in that morning, and items collected will be given to our adopted schools and put directly into the hands of the kids who need them. Visit Northland’s calendar page for more information on Local Serve Day and a list of items to donate.

In the coming weeks and months, look for information from Northland about other opportunities to support these schools through donating, volunteering at the schools and more!

Local Serve Day — Local Serve Day has always been a great opportunity to gather with our Northland family to serve the local community. Now, thanks to our friends at Z88.3, we have been able to extend an invitation to all of Central Florida to be part of Local Serve Day! Z88.3 has started sharing with its listeners details about Local Serve Days and how listeners can sign up. We are excited about the opportunity to have people from various parts of the community join us in a morning full of fun, fellowship and serving others! So be sure to let your friends and family know that Local Serve Day is not just for Northlanders, and invite them to join you!

Beyond Our Walls Northland Serve is now on Twitter. Follow us and get the latest on upcoming projects!!/northlandserve

Look for the “Check-in” flag on Local Serve Day.Helping with the cleanup at Sylvan Lake. Everyone can get involved in serving!


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MiDDLE SCHOOL MiNiSTRYTo register for any of these activities and for more detailed info, visit

Shaylynn Stoner at 407-949-7194 or [email protected]

LUGRoxSaturdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., The Rink, Student Ministries and Care Center. LUGRox is an evening full of high energy, high impact and just plain fun! Students will find thrilling games, solid teaching, rockin’ worship and friend-connecting small groups. Optional dinner (two slices of pizza, chips and lemonade) is available for $3.

MiDDLE SCHOOL DOULOSDo you take a class or volunteer during the 11 a.m. service? If so, there is a new class for your sixth- or seventh-grader in The Rink (meet the leaders in the foyer) during the 11 a.m. service. Middle School Doulos will help students connect what they experience in worship service to their daily lives.

TAKE iT HOMEAt Northland, we believe that parents are designed to be the primary spiritual leaders in their student’s life. We are honored to serve alongside parents with some awesome supplemental programs.

We are always looking for ways to encourage parents in their role. There are a couple of tools on our middle school website we would like to make parents aware of:Message in a Minute (LUGRox Companion Series) Looking for a way to connect with your student regarding what was covered at LUGRox? Check out the Message in a Minute weekly video, along with the parents conversation starter (designed for parents to help deepen their relationship with their student and encourage spiritual growth) and the full message shared at LUG.Next Steps (Sermon Companion Series) Looking for a way to connect with your middle school student regarding this weekend’s message? Check out the Next Steps weekly video and the parents conversation starter to use with your student.

HiGH SCHOOL MiNiSTRY To register for any of these activities and for more detailed info, visit Shaylynn Stoner at 407-949-7194 or [email protected]

i-3 (i am third) Youth GroupWednesdays, 6:30 to 8:45 p.m., The Rink, Student Ministries and Care

Center. An evening of worship and teaching for high school students.

Servant Leadership MinistryWe offer servant leadership training and opportunities to serve for 9th-graders (setup crew), 10th- to 12th-graders (LUGRox captains) and college students (small group leaders and work crews).

ACCESS MiNiSTRiES fOR STUDENTSYoung Life CapernaumLast Friday of each month, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., The Rink, Student Ministries and Care Center. An evening for teens with special needs that includes worship, dinner, fun and an opportunity to grow in faith! TEENS, volunteer to serve at Capernaum. Laura Lee Wright at 407-937-0549 or [email protected]

COLLEGE MiNiSTRY fusion (For students ages 18-25)Sundays, 6:30 p.m., The Rink, Student Ministries and Care Center. Dinner ($2 donation), Bible study and small group connection. Michael Walker at [email protected]

Mark Your Calendar!Teacher TrainingMonday, October 10, 6 to 9 p.m., rooms 4213-15.With back to school come many new faces to Northland. We have opened every classroom to accommodate the growing number, but we need more teachers and helpers! All the materials are provided, and no experience is needed. Debbie Blahnik at 407-949-7162 or [email protected]

family fall festival — Western NightFriday, October 28, 6 to 9 p.m.Northland at LongwoodChildren’s Worship Wing and parking lot$5 per person (age 2 and under free).Tickets available in the Northland Bookstore.Games, snow cones, bounce houses, petting zoo, cotton candy, pony rides, entertainment, popcorn.Other food (burgers, hotdogs, drinks) may be purchased for an additional fee. Debbie Blahnik at 407-949-7162 or [email protected]

Mark Your Calendar!

Christmas CampDecember 29 through January 1All high school students (9th to 12th grade) Where: Sharp Top Cove, Young Life Camp

(Jasper, Georgia)Cost: See registration online. (Discount if you

register and make payment by November 1)Deadline: December 14Balance: Due at check-in if it is not paid beforehandRefunds: Until December 7Check-in: 6:30 a.m. Thursday, December 29, The RinkDeparture: 7 a.m., Thursday, December 29, via Coach

BusesReturn: 10 to 10:30 p.m., Sunday, January 1, The RinkRegister at

Rival of the VerseFriday, October 14, 7 p.m., The RinkSinger/songwriter competition for high school soloists, duets or trios. This is not a Battle of the Bands (we have one of those in the spring). Participants will perform two original songs for a panel of judges in hopes of winning the grand prize of $300. Judging will be based on vocal ability, song originality and stage presence. Register at

Children’s Church Debbie Blahnik, director of Children’s Ministries, at

407-949-7162 or [email protected]• Grade School Classes (Grades 1 – 5) During all worship services in the Children’s Worship Wing. Northland’s 5-day Bible study for children, The Daily Way,

is available at or at Children’s Church.• Early Childhood Classes (Age 3 – Kindergarten) During all worship services in the Early Childhood Wing. • infant & Toddler Care (infants – Age 2) During all worship services in the Early Childhood Wing. • Children with Special Needs (Age 3 – Grade 5) A variety of options are available. Laura Lee Wright at

[email protected] or 407-937-0549

Volunteer of the Month: Heather HainesOn Sunday morning serving in Children’s Church is where you’ll find Heather Haines. Heather has been teaching fourth grade for more than a year, and is a wonderful asset to our team. She is kind and caring, while also fun, energetic and personable. Heather, we love and thank you for your faithfulness and dedication to teaching the children each weekend who God is and what He has done.

Northland Early Learning CenterA weekday cooperative learning environment The Northland Early Learning Center will enroll children who have reached the age of 2, 3 or 4 by September 1 into the 2-, 3- or 4-year-olds class, respectively. As classes fill up, children will be placed on a waiting list and put in a class on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure your child’s spot in a class, there is a $65 nonrefundable registration fee.

Pam Anderson at 407-949-7179 or [email protected]

Why did you make that?Jesus taught Nicodemus that God loves the world so much He sent His Son, Jesus, to us.


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There are limitless opportunities to grow in God and connect with others in and through Northland. Here are some great places to start!WAYS TO RESPONd

BaptismsAdult BaptismsSunday, October 9, 2 p.m., Ken and Diane Watkins’ home. Get baptized by immersion or sprinkling as a public profession of personal faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). Call to sign up. Sharon Ferreira at 407-949-7189 or [email protected]

Child Baptisms Northland recommends the Steps for Young Believers course for grade school-aged children prior to baptism, but it is not mandatory. Diane Jones at [email protected] or 407-949-7188

infant Baptism/Dedication ClassSaturday, November 12, 7 p.m., room 4206. Child care is available upon request.

Diane Jones at 407-949-7188 or [email protected]

Bible Studies & Prayer GroupsADULT BiBLE STUDiES

Gospel of John Bible StudySundays, 10:45 a.m., rooms 4206-07. Discover more about the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and learn more about who God is. Come early for refreshments and fellowship. John and Carolyn Jones at 407-831-5822

HebrewsSundays, through December 18, 9 to 10:30 a.m., rooms 4206-07. Join Pastor Dan as you take a verse-by-verse look at one of the most theologically rich books in the Bible.

[email protected] or 407-937-1832

Discipleship GroupWednesdays, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., Welcome Center. Study for new believers and those who want to grow in their faith using the book of John. Bob Ek at [email protected]

Evening Prayer GroupThursdays, 6 to 7 p.m., prayer room.

Elaine Harland at 407-949-4002 or [email protected]


Hanging Out With JesusTuesdays, 6:45 to 8 a.m., room 1118, Student Ministries and Care Center. Men’s Bible study on Man in the Mirror, by Patrick Morley. Bob Shoemaker at [email protected] or 407-599-3132

PhilippiansThursdays, 6:30 a.m., Student Ministries and Care Center, room 1118. Join this open-forum discussion on the book of Philippians: 45 minutes of study and 15 minutes of prayer. Leo Carrier at [email protected]


Ephesians (Precept Study)Mondays, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., rooms 4209-10. (No class Labor Day.) Learn who and what you are in Christ, and you’ll want to walk God’s way the rest of your life! Workbook: about $24. Child care provided with advanced registration. Registration and

Melody Ringenberg at [email protected]

Revelation—Here and Now … There and Then, by Beth MooreAn 11-week class of discovery on the book of Revelation. Child care is availablewith registration. Workbook is available in theNorthland Bookstore for $11.• Mondays, through November 21, 9:45

a.m. to 12:15 p.m., The Rink, Student Ministries and Care Center. Cherrie Rowe at 407-322-6850, or Anne Sullivan at 407-332-8318 or [email protected]

• Tuesdays, through November 22, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., The Rink, Student Ministries and Care Center. Cherrie Rowe at 407-322-6850, or Marlene Ross at 407-833-0094 or [email protected]


Children’s Ministries Prayer Team Pray weekly from your home for needs in Children’s Ministries. Carol Moss at [email protected] or 407-949-7180

Prayer Group Thursdays, 6:30 a.m., room 1116, Student Ministries and Care Center. Jean Sherwood at 407-796-4705

Classes & Training Check the Northland website ( for the most up to date information on all classes.


Alpha CourseThursdays, through October 27, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., room 4204. Alpha is a course for everyone. Tackle questions about the existence of God, the purpose of life, the afterlife, the claims of Jesus and more. Registration: $10 per individual or $15 for two. Child care available by contacting Linda Campbell at [email protected]. Register at Jamila Millette at 407-937-1832 or [email protected]

Belong/Membership Opportunities• One-day seminar: Saturday, January

28, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., The Rink. Hear Pastor Joel and other senior leaders describe what it means to belong to Christ and to Northland. Child care is available. Ruth Sapp at [email protected] or 407-949-4039

• Six-week class: Sundays, starting October 16, 11 a.m., room 4209. Hear

Pastor Kevin Urichko and other Northland leaders describe what it means to belong to Christ and to Northland. Child care is available. Jamila Millette at [email protected] or 407-937-1832

• Online: Anytime at

Buddy Break Training 101Wednesday, October 26, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., room 2211. Train to learn how to give parents/caregivers of children with special needs a break for just a few hours one Saturday a month. Debbie Grindstaff at 407-937-1828 or [email protected]

Growing Kids God’s WayTuesdays, through October 25, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., fellowship hall, Student Ministries and Care Center. Learn to speak to the heart and mind of your child through biblical and practical teaching for parents. Book is available in the Northland Bookstore ($22). Registration fee: $5. Child care is available by contacting [email protected]. Registration required at Kim or Rob Andrescik at [email protected] or 407-921-5621

Life’s Healing ChoicesSundays, through October 30, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., rooms 4204-05.Gain freedom from hurts, hang-ups and habits using the Beatitudes of Jesus as a foundation for eight healing choices that promise true happiness and life transformation. Materials cost: $8.50. Registration fee: $5. and registration: Laurie Jean Harrington at [email protected] or 407-927-4393

Made to Crave, by Lysa TerKeurstWednesdays, through October 26, 6:30 to 7:45 p.m., rooms 4206-07. Learn to biblically satisfy your deepest desire with God, not food or other cravings. Cost for book: $18 in the Northland Bookstore. Registration fee: $5. Registration is required at Child care is available by contacting [email protected]. Mary Lou Caskey at [email protected], or Jamila Millette at 407-937-1832 or [email protected]

Marriage Oneness — Class for Struggling Marriages (familyLife)Wednesdays, through October 26, 7 to 9 p.m., rooms 4213-15. Learn and practice practical ways to love better, connect better and be better—together in your marriage. Cost for workbook: $43 for two workbooks in the Northland Bookstore if you pre-order by September 1. Register at Child care is available by contacting [email protected]. Rick and Jolene Burns at [email protected] or 407-462-5130

Navigating Your finances God’s Way (Compass)Thursdays, through October 20, 7 to 9 p.m., rooms 4213-15. This nine-week small group study provides a deep understanding of what Scripture says about managing money and possessions. Cost for materials, available in the Northland Bookstore: $39 single/$49 couple. Doug Allen at [email protected]

Sacred Marriage, by Gary ThomasThursdays, October 6 through November 10, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., rooms 4206-7. Discover God’s plan for enriching and making your marriage sacred! Optional: Bring your dinner at 6:15 p.m. Cost for workbook is $7.50. Registration fee is $5 per couple. Register at To register for child care, contact Linda Campbell at [email protected]. James Price at [email protected]


God’s Amazing Creation, by Kay Arthur and Janna ArndtWednesdays, starting October 12, 6 to 7:30 p.m., room 5110, CWW. Join this six-week Bible study for kids on Genesis 1 and 2. Dig up evidence about how heaven and earth, people and animals all began. Workbook is available in the Northland Bookstore for $10. Debbie Blahnik at [email protected] or 407-949-7162

Steps for Young Believers (Grades 2-5) and Their ParentsThese courses in basic discipleship include classroom sessions and daily at-home devotionals. Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Materials cost: $5. Registration is required.

Diane Jones at 407-949-7188 or [email protected]• STEP 1—BECOMING A PART OF

GOD’S FAMILY: TBA. Focus: Salvation and assurance. Includes Communion instruction.

• STEP 2—THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: October 12 to November 9. Focus: Jesus’ Life A-Z, a basic discipleship theme and learning about the life of Christ. Baptism offered at end of course.

• STEP 3—LIVING BY THE BOOK, “C-ING” MY WAY THROUGH THE BIBLE: October 5 to November 9. Focus: to develop skills in exploring the Bible.


Great Dad ClassWednesdays, through November 2, 7 to 8:15 p.m., Welcome Center. Discover the six elements of effective fathering as you learn to build relationships with children from toddler to teen, from adolescent to adult. To register for child care, contact Linda Campbell at [email protected].

Bob Keiderling at [email protected]


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BoundariesMondays, October 17 through December 5, 7 to 9 p.m., rooms 1116-18, Student Ministries and Care Center. Cost of materials: $11.25 in the Northland Bookstore. Child care registration: [email protected]. and registration: Debby Smith at 407-830-1123 or [email protected]

Living Supernaturally in Christ, by Bill BrightThursdays, through November 3, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., rooms 4209-10. Learn to experience the supernatural life Jesus promises instead of a life of worries, fears and difficult circumstances that rule our emotions and diminish our hopes and dreams. Study books available at the Northland Bookstore for $12.75. No child care provided. and registration: Cherrie Rowe at 407-322-6850 or [email protected]

Care GroupsADULTS

Celebrate RecoveryFridays, 7 to 9 p.m., Children’s Worship Wing. Gain freedom from life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups over dinner, fellowship and share groups, which include Newcomers 101, Men’s and Women’s Chemical Dependency and Women’s Co-Dependency. Laurie Jean Harrington at [email protected]

Coping with Addictions/Codependency His Way Thursdays, 7 p.m., fellowship hall, Student Ministries and Care Center. A Christ-centered, 12-step program dealing with issues such as alcohol, drugs, relationships, food, sexual addictions, codependency and issues affecting adult children of addiction. Child care is available. His Way, Frank Turner at 407-599-9770

DivorceCareTuesdays, call for time and location. This support group walks alongside individuals who have been through a divorce and helps them to experience personal growth and healing. Registration and assessment are required. Cost: $5, and $19 for the book (available in the Bookstore). Child care available. Donna Delzingaro at 407-937-1749 or [email protected]

GriefShareCall for time and location. This healing ministry walks you through the steps of grief. Workbook is available at Northland’s bookstore for $19. GriefShare voiceline at 407-949-7152 or [email protected]

GriefShare – Surviving the HolidaysMonday, October 31, 7 to 9 p.m., rooms 4206-07. If you have lost a loved one and the coming holidays are a struggle, come hear new methods of coping and creating new memories, and receiving healing support.

Jan Stenstrom at 407-949-7152

PRAXiS (Conquering Fear, Anger, Anxiety)Tuesdays, 7:15 p.m., room 1111, Student Ministries and Care Center. Conquer fear, anger and anxiety through biblical principles. Child care is available. Skye Engel at 407-834-3158

PeaceSeekersThis ministry takes the biblical approach to handling all levels and types of conflict and making a difference in relationships. Mediation and biblical conflict coaching are available. Rich Arndt at 407-221-8955 or [email protected]

Stephen Ministry Fourth Sunday of every month, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., room 4213. Next meeting September 25. For all formally trained and commissioned Stephen Ministers. Elaine Harland at 407-949-4002 or [email protected]

Support for the SeparatedTuesdays, call for location. New session begins September 6. Support group for those who are separated with court papers pending, for healing, hope and reconciliation in the Lord. Cost: $5, and $19 for the book (available in the Northland Bookstore). Child care available. Assessment required. Donna Delzingaro at 407-937-1749


faithful and True Mondays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Student Ministries and Care Center, fellowship hall. Join a fellowship of men pursuing sexual integrity. Workbook cost: $17 at Northland’s bookstore. Bryce Hagedorn at 407-227-3072 or [email protected]; or Kevin Urichko at 407-949-7166 or [email protected]

Struggling with Same-sex Attraction? Thursdays, 8 to 10 p.m., call for confidential location. Among Friends is a weekly support group that provides a safe and caring environment for Christian men who are struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction. Jim at 407-949-4000, ext. 1754


BCAUSE—Breast Cancer Survival Any woman touched by breast cancer desiring prayer, fellowship, information and/or encouragement, contact Susan Diener-Blando at 407-488-5941 or [email protected].

Women’s Healing Ministry Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m., room 1111. This group will provide hope and a safe place to heal if you have experienced sexual betrayal, deception and lies of secrecy that keep you in bondage. Vicki M. Wotring at 520-631-0886 or [email protected]

Special Interest GroupsAMEN (A Meeting of Men)Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., rooms 5108-9, Children’s Worship Wing. Learn to apply

God’s Word to real-life situations. Dan Bogdan at 407-702-5358 or [email protected]

Bicycling for Christ (Women)First and third Saturday of each month. Registration for fall for beginners and intermediate riders. Naomi James at [email protected]

Buddy BreakSaturday, October 8, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Children’s Worship Wing. Three hours of free respite for parents and caregivers of special needs children. Drop off your child with our trained volunteers. Debbie Grindstaff at 407-937-1828 or [email protected]

Common Ground Adult Ministry (Ages 25-45)Mondays, 7:15 to 8:15 p.m., The Rink, Student Ministries and Care Center. Build authentic Christian community, grow spiritually mature and affect the surrounding community with Christ’s love, reflected by serving God. Child care available upon request. Susan Perry at [email protected] or 407-878-5599

Divine Reflection Art GroupSecond Thursday of each month, 7 to 9 p.m., rooms 5108-9, Children’s Worship Wing. Join other artists to reflect God’s truth and beauty through the visual arts. Laura Bates at [email protected] or 407-622-6873

Kingdom AdvisorsFourth Thursday of each month, noon to 1:15 p.m., room 4209. Financial professionals, join this lunch study group to learn how to build your practice on biblical principles. Philip van Staden at 407-339-9090

Moms4MomsGet connected with other moms for friendship and encouragement through meetings and playgroup activities. Registration required. Tiana Bouley at [email protected] or visit

Motorcycle Group Saturday, October 22, 9 a.m., call for start location. Feed the Firefighters Run. There will be a short ride before they head to an Orlando fire station. The group will fellowship with the firefighters before making and serving them lunch (and eating with them). Come and serve those who selflessly serve others every day. The ride donation is $10 per person to cover the cost of the food (please bring cash). Register by October 20 to give us a head count so we have enough food. Lori Landers at 407-333-2612

Single Purpose (Singles age 35 and up)Fourth Sunday of each month, 3 p.m., rooms 4206-07. Join us for the our new study The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond, by Bill Hybels. Workbook ($7.50) available at the Bookstore. Attend, or e-mail to find out more about weekly small groups. Dave Mullen at [email protected]

Northland en Español Monthly GatheringThird Friday of each month, 7 p.m., fellowship hall, Student Ministries and Care Center. Bring a dish to share and any

Spanish-speaking family and friends. Child care is available by contacting [email protected] or by calling Ivan at 407-949-4000Northland en Español Reunión MensualNos reunimos el tercer viernes de cada mes, 7 p.m., fellowship hall, Student Ministries and Care Center. Traiga un plato para compartir y traiga su familia y amigos que hablan español. Cuidado de niños está disponible contactando [email protected] o llamando Ivan al 407-949-4000

SoftballJoin other Christian men and women on this adult coed team or the men’s team to compete in local leagues. or [email protected]

Spanish MinistrySundays, 9 and 11 a.m. services. Spanish interpretation is avaliable online and listening devices are available at the Welcome Center. Join the Facebook page at Ivan Portillo at 407-937-0549 or [email protected]

Tennis Saturdays, 8 a.m., Red Bug Lake Park.

Jeff Rossmeissl at 407-489-6096

Wantok Sports MinistrySaturday, October 8, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Championship. $80 per team. Register online at [email protected]

Word WeaversSecond Saturday of each month, 9:30 a.m., fellowship hall, Student Ministries and Care Center.

Serve at NorthlandQuestions about serving at Northland?

[email protected] or 407-949-4000 or

Congregational Care Call CenterWeekday volunteers are needed for this tele-ministry. No prior phone experience necessary, just a passion to connect with God’s people. You will be trained. Flexible hours. Donna Thornton at [email protected] or 407-937-0567

Communion Servers Communion servers are needed the first weekend of each month. Training provided. Lori Holton at [email protected] or 407-949-4000

Musicians NeededCelebrate Recovery is looking for a keyboard player, guitarist and bass player to join its worship team. Must be willing to join groups and studies as required by leaders, which is approximately two hours a week, every Friday night. Trina at 407-808-4586 or [email protected]

Medical first Responders During worship services and special events. BLS-trained or medical professionals,


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especially EMTs, are needed. Lori Holton at [email protected] or 407-949-4000

Parking and Traffic AttendantsWeekend volunteers are needed to help control traffic on Northland property before and after services. Help out as often or as little as you want. Jeff Hess at [email protected] or 407-272-9111

Phone AssistanceWeekday volunteers are needed to answer phones and greet visitors. Flexible hours.

Lori Holton at [email protected] or 407-949-4000

Special Needs Children and Teens Sundays, assist during the 11 a.m. worship service. Laura Lee Wright at 407-937-0549 or [email protected]

Ushers and GreetersGreet and seat those attending worship services. Serve for 2 1/2 hours every other weekend. No experience necessary. Lori Holton at [email protected] or 407-949-4000

Serve with NorthlandAccess Ministries Steering CommitteeSeeking community professionals and stakeholders who have a heart for addressing community-based options for affordable housing and care for people with disabilities in Central Florida to serve on a steering committee. Laura Lee Wright at 407-937-0549 or [email protected]

Blood Drive Sunday, October 2, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 to 8 p.m.; Monday, October 3, 5:30 to 9:15 p.m., Northland at Longwood. In September, 113 people donated 97 units, and as a result 285 lives were saved. To reduce your waiting time, you may schedule a time slot at

Ruth Sapp at [email protected] or 407-949-4039

Dentists and Dental Assistants Needed November 5 and 6 for the Central Florida Dental Outreach. Help put smiles on more than 200 faces of people in need! Learn more at Dr. Andy Greenberg at [email protected] or 407-772-5120

Disaster Response TeamsMedical professionals, licensed CDL drivers, culinary professionals, veterinarians or vet techs, licensed mental health counselors and those interested in providing mental health services needed. Training provided.

Gretchen Kerr at 407-949-7190 or [email protected]

free Clinic Volunteers NeededHarvest Time International’s Medical Care Center will open this fall. It is currently looking for volunteers who would like to commit to serve at least once a month. It needs doctors, nurses and other medical staff as well as clerical volunteers to qualify the families (does require one-time training). The clinic will serve needy families without

health insurance in our community. The hours are Monday through Saturday. [email protected] or 407-328-9900, ext. 135

Help incarcerated MenMen needed to come alongside incarcerated men. No experience necessary. Minimum commitment: one hour per week. Greg Kerr at 407-770-8503 or [email protected]

Jail MinistryMinister to inmates in Seminole County or Orange County jails during the Sunday 9 a.m. worship; Celebrate Recovery for women, Thursday afternoons; assist women with long-term planning; prayer team; pen pals. Training provided. Jail Ministry voice mail at 407-949-4007

Longwood Health Care CenterSundays, 9 a.m., sanctuary. Give hugs and show love to the residents of the facility behind Northland on Grant Street. People are needed to bring the residents to the Sunday 9 a.m. service at Northland at Longwood.

Patsy Grannan at 407-538-5209 or [email protected]

Men Mentoring fatherless BoysNo age limit or experience required. Must be able to devote at least one hour per week. Take the challenge, and build a life-changing relationship. David Keys at [email protected]

PetPals Saturdays, except the fifth Saturday of the month. Share your pets with people in nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, etc.

Becky Yeager at [email protected] or 407-699-4903

Recovery MinistryVolunteers with a heart for the hurting, and recovery or 12-step experience needed to help with a ministry. Laurie Jean Harrington at 407-977-6742 or [email protected]

find other ways to serve in your community at

Beyond NorthlandADULTS

Abortion RecoveryBible study for post-abortive men or women that meets in a confidential, supportive setting.

Reveille Ministries at 407-333-0404

Central florida’s Job fair (, November 9, noon to 4 p.m., Central Florida Fairgrounds & Exposition Park, 4603 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando. Visit to preregister, get job fair tips, research the companies listed, get directions or search Central Florida’s Online Job Board.

Christian HELP at 407-834-4022 or

Desire StreetNorthland’s ministry partner Desire Street is transforming impoverished neighborhoods throughout the United States. Learn more at

Gripped by the Greatness of GodThursdays, 7 to 9 p.m., Rodriguez home, Lake Mary. Rediscover the wonder of God’s attributes and spur your spiritual walk into a consistent life pattern of worship and service to God! Luis Rodriguez at 407-687-7173

Healing GraceTuesdays, 6:30 to 8 p.m., TLC Women’s Center, 2992 Edgewater Drive, Orlando. This post-abortion ministry shares the healing grace of Jesus without judgment. Coorie Moore at 407-244-5527

Love Like You Mean it Marriage CruiseMonday, February 13 to Friday, February 17, 2012. Sail with other Northland couples on Norwegian Cruise Line from Miami on this four-day FamilyLife cruise for fun and practical biblical ways to enrich your marriage. Save $200 on all bookings if you register now! Jolene Burns, group leader, at 407-462-5130 or [email protected]

Readers MinistryTuesdays, 1 to 3 p.m., Goldsboro Elementary School in Sanford. Read to kindergarteners and first-graders. Elaine Gritter at [email protected] or 407-327-1474, or Candy Guernsey at [email protected] or 407-323-9433

Visit israel with Pastor Gus DaviesMarch 22 to April 1, 2012. Join this spiritual pilgrimage to Israel to see where many of the Bible events took place. Felipe Santos of Universal Travel at 407-831-0062 or [email protected]• informational Meeting Thursday, October 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

rooms 4213-17.


Christian Businessmen’s Connection Tuesdays, 7 to 8 a.m., Denny’s, Lee Road exit off Interstate 4. A worldwide men’s ministry for 78 years ( that meets for fellowship, prayer and discussion of God’s principles for business. Armand Dauplaise at 407-221-3114 or [email protected], or Larrie Kitchen at 407-290-5642

faithful and TrueWednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m., room 3-215, Reformed Theological Seminary, Oviedo.Join a fellowship of men pursuing sexual integrity. Matt Casada at [email protected] or 407-949-4000, ext. 1770


NearHim Home EducatorsSupports and encourages families that God has called to teach their children at home.


Community Bible StudyWednesdays, through May 2, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., hosted at Community United Methodist on 17-92. Registration is open for our fall class. Please join women from all backgrounds and levels of Bible knowledge to study Genesis. A children’s program is available from nursery to primary. Karen

Cunningham at 407-679-7072 or

Divorced/Widowed Women’s fellowshipSecond and fourth Sundays of each month, 3 p.m., Nancy Petitto’s home, Casselberry. Join other women for prayer and discussion at this potluck fellowship. Children welcome. Nancy Petitto at 321-972-2255

Women’s Connection LuncheonThird Wednesday of each month, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., DeBary Golf & Country Club, 300 Plantation Drive. All women are invited to the monthly luncheon, designed to connect women with God, their community, and each other. Judy Ann Mumford at [email protected] or 386-753-9376

Workplace MinistryFirst Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m., Orlando. J4 Leaders (, an interdenominational ministry for women to help encourage one another to succeed with a biblical worldview. Pam Oldham at [email protected] or 407-522-4797

Wounded HeartTuesdays, 6 to 7:30 p.m., chapel, Reformed Theological Seminary, Oviedo. Join other sexual abuse survivors as they embark on an honest, hopeful and healing exploration using the book The Wounded Heart and its workbook, by Dan Allender. Belinda Thrift at [email protected] or 407-949-4000, ext. 1799

DonationsPlease take clean, usable clothing, toys, household items, nonperishable food items and supplies to The Sharing Center, Fairmont Plaza, 600 N. Highway 17-92, Longwood. 407-260-9155 or

Nonperishable food items can be placed into the designated wooden boxes in the lobby of the Worship Center and in the Student Ministries and Care Center. 407-949-4000 or [email protected]

Christian and classic children’s books as well as parenting and marriage books are needed for the Northland Children’s and Family library. Bethany Durys at [email protected] or 407-937-0541

Backpacks, blankets, tennis shoes, hygienic supplies, and men’s and women’s casual clothes are needed by Downtown Homeless ministry at St. George’s Orthodox Church, a ministry to the homeless in Orlando.

Dave Mullen at [email protected]

Vehicles are needed at Recovery House of Central Florida ( It also needs pressure-washing equipment, power tools and hand tools.

Erik Robinson at 407-323-5857 or [email protected]

Bed sheets, pillowcases and other items are needed at Safehouse of Seminole for battered women and their children. Complete needs list at

[email protected] or 407-302-5220


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A host will be there to connect with you.

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WORShiP TimESSaturdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 p.m.

Sundays . . . . 9 (hi)(sp), 11 a.m.(sp); 5 p.m.

Mondays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 p.m.

(hi) Hearing-impaired interpretation available(sp) Spanish interpretation available

Join us for LIvE online worship during any of our worship times!

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¿Habla español?Traducción simultánea al español en nuestra sede en Longwood y en linea durante los servicios de adoracion los domingos a las 9 y 11 a.m.!

Live Concurrent WorshipNorthland at Oviedo and Northland at Mount Dora worship with us concurrently at the 9 and 11 a.m. worship times.

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OuR PuRPOSE: WHy We ARe HeReFrom its inception in 1972, Northland has been unwavering in its purpose:To bring people to maturity in Christ.

OuR viSiON: WHAt We seeA vision is a clear mental picture of a preferable future. It sees the future through the eyes of faith. It shares the perspective of the biblical writer when he wrote the following words: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1, NASB).Northland’s vision is to see people coming to Christ, and to be transformed together as we link locally and globally to worship and serve everywhere, every day.

OuR miSSiON: WHAt We doAt Northland, we believe God’s call to us as a body of believers is to respond to Him for the benefit of others. There are countless ways that one can respond to God’s grace and goodness. We have identified the following ways that we, as a church, regularly want to respond together:

Worshiping God — John 4:21 Glorify God for who He is and what He has done.

Reading the Bible — Jeremiah 1:12 Study God’s message to you often.

Sharing our stories — 1 Peter 3:15 Tell others what God is doing in your life.

Being in community — John 13:35 Foster environments for relationship.

Praying — 1 Peter 3:12 Engage in conversation with God.

Serving others — Matthew 25:40 Meet the needs of the people around you.

Living generously — Matthew 6:21 Give what God’s given you.

We believe that as we respond to God together we will be transformed into the image of Christ.


The Bible — We believe the Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, is verbally inspired of God, is inerrant in the original writings, and is the Christian’s final authority in faith and conduct. (2 Timothy 3:16)

God — The Trinity — We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:26; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 6:8)

Jesus Christ — We believe by miracle of the virgin birth that the Lord Jesus Christ, eternal Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God in order to reveal God and to redeem man. He is the substitutionary sacrifice for our sins and arose bodily from the dead for our justification. He is now exalted at the right hand of God, Head of the Church and Lord of the individual believer, fulfilling His ministry as our Great High Priest and Advocate. (Matthew 1:18-23; John 1:1-3)

Holy Spirit — We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of sin, regenerates and converts sinners, and baptizes them into the church, which is the body of Christ. We believe that He indwells, guides, instructs and empowers the believer for godly living and service, and that He seals and keeps him until the Lord comes. We believe that He bestows spiritual gifts upon each one. We believe that the believer has received one or more spiritual gifts so that he might exercise them for the strengthening and outreach of the body of Christ. The practice of any gift in any gathered body shall be in keeping with the Scripture. (John 14:16-17; Ephesians 4:30; 1 Corinthians 12:7)

The means of Salvation — We believe that salvation from the guilt and condemnation of sin is possible only as the gift of God’s grace. It cannot be gained by good resolutions, sincere efforts, or submission to the rules, regulations or ordinances of any church, but is freely bestowed on all who put their faith in Christ and trust in the work that Christ accomplished on the cross of Calvary. All who so trust the Savior pass from death unto life, and are forgiven of their sins, accepted by the Father, and born into His family by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. (John 5:24; Ephesians 1:6-7; 2:8-9; Titus 3:5; 1 Peter 1:23)

Security, assurance and Responsibility — We believe that all the saved, those in whom God has accomplished His transforming work of grace, are kept by His power and are thus secure in Christ forever. It is their privilege to rejoice in the assurance of their salvation. However, this assurance must not be the occasion for sin, for God in His holiness cannot tolerate persistent sin in His children, and in infinite love He corrects them. True faith in Christ is expressed by a fruitful, God-pleasing life. (John 10:27-29; Romans 8:19-39; 1 John 5:13; Hebrews 12:6; Matthew 7:20; James 2:20)

man — We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that he sinned, incurring not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God and which is inherited by every member of Adam’s race. We believe that man is subject to the power of the devil and has within himself no possible means of recovery or salvation. (Genesis 1:26; 1 John 1:8-10; Romans 6:23)

The Church — We believe that the true church is composed of all who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ, have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, that those who are members of the true church will be eligible for membership in the local church. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are to be observed by the church during the present age. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are acts of obedience to the Lord. Participation in them, though, is not to be regarded in any sense as a means of salvation. (Acts 2)

The Christian’s Walk — We believe that we are called with a holy calling to walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, and so to live in the power of the indwelling Spirit of God. The flesh (our natural desire), which in this life is never fully eradicated, must be kept by the Spirit (through our walk of faith), constantly in subjection to Christ, or it will surely manifest its presence in our lives, to the dishonor of our Lord. (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:16)

The Eternal State — We believe that the souls of those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation do, at death, immediately pass into His presence and there remain in conscious bliss until the resurrection of the body at His coming for the church, when soul and glorified body, reunited, will be associated with Him forever in glory. We believe that unbelievers will be punished with everlasting separation from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power. (John 3:15-16; Hebrews 9:28; Matthew 25:41-46)

Find out more at

about Northland, a Church distributed10

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WhOm do I CONTaCT If:I am in crisis? Northland’s main line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4000

I want to seek counseling? Counseling referral line . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7204

I have a prayer request? Prayer request line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4025


I need the Hospital Ministry to pay a visit? Elaine Harland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7149

or [email protected]

I want to become a member? Ruth Sapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4039

or [email protected]

I have accepted Christ into my heart and wish to be baptized? Sharon Ferreira (adult/student) . . . . . . . .407-949-7189

or [email protected] Diane Jones (infants–grade school) . . . . .407-949-7188

or [email protected]

I need information on Student Ministries? Shaylynn Stoner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7194

or [email protected]

I need information about Children’s Ministries? Debbie Blahnik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7162

or [email protected]

I am interested in Distributed Journeys? Patti Harshey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-937-0573

or [email protected]; or visit

I want to help at Northland? Lori Holton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4000

[email protected]

I want to get involved in a serve project? Dana Kobosky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7156

or [email protected]; or visit

I am getting married? Sharon Ferreira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7189

or [email protected]

I need to plan a funeral? Sharon Ferreira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7189

or [email protected]

I want to learn more about your Spanish Ministry?Quiero aprender más acerca de su Ministerio en Español. Ivan Portillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4000

or [email protected]

I have a special needs child or if I have special needs? Laura Lee Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-937-0549

or [email protected]

GOvERNiNG eLdeRsPeter Katauskas, Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-937-1809

[email protected] Thom Willis, Vice Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4000

[email protected] Marcus Mennenga, Secretary-Treasurer . . . . . . .407-949-7169

[email protected] Owusu Amaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-937-1797

[email protected] Fred Franz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-937-1766

[email protected] Danny Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-937-1763

[email protected] Dan Hardaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4000

[email protected] Dr. Don Pederson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-937-1804

[email protected] Felipe Santos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-949-7168

[email protected]

PaSTOR’S BIoDr. Joel C. Hunter has served as Northland’s senior pastor since 1985. During Pastor Hunter’s tenure, Northland has grown from 200 faithful souls to a community of 15,000 that worships around the globe. An internationally respected evangelical leader, Dr. Hunter approaches today’s issues in a biblical and balanced manner, and has championed the cause of “Compassion Issues” found in Scripture, including pro-life concerns, justice, poverty and creation care. He serves on the boards of the World Evangelical Alliance (with 420 million constituents) and the National Association of Evangelicals (with 30 million members), and is regularly featured on local and national media outlets. A longtime bridge-builder who seeks common ground for the common good, he is a frequent consultant to U.S. agencies and served during the inaugural year on the U.S. president’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He has been married to his best friend and ministry partner, Becky, since 1972. They have three married sons and six grandchildren, including one in heaven.

Learn more about Pastor Hunter’s life in ministry at

hOmE CHURCHesBridgewater, NJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 9 a.m.Jorge De La Rosa: [email protected] or 407-748-2421

Cape Canaveral, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mondays, 7 p.m.David Heck: [email protected] or 407-385-0108

Crystal River, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturdays, 5 p.m.Tom and Alice Austin: [email protected] or 352-270-8764

DeLand, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 11 a.m.Jeff and Cindy Reinertsen: [email protected] or 386-736-9746

Marco Island, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturdays, 5 p.m.Sam Lewis: [email protected] or 407-310-1719

Ocoee, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 9 a.m.Marty McCoy: [email protected] or 407-733-5989

Ponce Inlet, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 9 a.m.Joe and Donna Leonardo: [email protected]

or 386-236-8871

Salisbury, NC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 4:30 p.m.Laurie and Tim Klaus: [email protected] or


Tyngsboro, MA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 11 a.m.Debbie Miller: [email protected] or


Utica, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 11 a.m.Terri McDowell: [email protected] or


Venice, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays, 5 p.m.Ron and Marcy Burth: [email protected] or


diSTRiBuTEd sItesMOUNT DORA SITEThe Seventh-Day Adventist Church . . . . . . . . . 9 and 11 a.m.18440 Highway 441, Mount Dora, FL 32757The church is on the south side of Highway 441. Look for the “Northland” sign. . . . . Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-7184Bill Chapman, Site Minister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352-434-4116

or [email protected] SITEHagerty High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 and 11 a.m.3225 Lockwood Blvd., Oviedo, FL 32765The school is located on Lockwood Blvd., between E. Mitchell Hammock and E. McCulloch roads.Northland at Oviedo Community Center (NOCC)561 E. Mitchell Hammock Road, #300, Oviedo, FL 32765Oviedo Blog Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-949-4000Jeremy Jobson, Site Minister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407-929-3053

or [email protected]

CONTaCT Info530 Dog Track Road, Longwood, FL | [email protected] Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-949-4000Main Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-949-4020Northland Bookstore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-949-7199

Send newspaper correspondence to: [email protected].


We have programs and services for individuals with disabilities. These efforts are being led by Laura Lee Wright, Northland’s Access Ministries team leader who can be reached at 407-937-0549 or [email protected]. Find out more at

LIFEhOPEHours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Northland’s Student Ministries and Care Center. LifeHope is a benevolence ministry that serves people in need in our church family and community for the purpose of connecting them to a relationship with God and Christian community through worship, equipping and service. It is the privilege of our ministers to love, listen to, pray with and serve you during your first visit. They will help assess your priority needs and eligibility to be considered for assistance. Our LifeHope staff will then guide you toward your next steps. This may require an additional visit. Our strongest desire is to empower and equip you to live the life God has for you. LifeHope at 407-949-7151 or [email protected] out more at


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