Download - WORLD WAR LOOMS Chapter 16. Conflicts Arising After WWI didn’t bring prosperity Brought economic depression and struggle Rise of powerful dictators.



Chapter 16

Conflicts Arising

After WWI didn’t bring prosperity Brought economic depression and struggle

Rise of powerful dictators driven by nationalism Nationalism- loyalty to ones own country

above all else

After WWI

The Weimar Republic was upset Democratic government set up in Germany

Soviets were mad about splitting up parts of Russia

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty of Versailles

It created nine new nations Shifted boundaries of other nations Five areas came from the Ottoman Empire Germany could not have a army Germany had to return the region of

Alsace-Lorraine Germany also had to pay reparations Germany also had to admit responsibility

to starting WWI

Treaty of Versailles

It didn’t secure a “just and secure peace”

It cases anger and resentment Germany :

Wasn’t fair for being blamed for starting the war

No security in stripping them of their overseas colonies

Stripping them of their overseas colonies and bordered territories

Joseph Stalin “Man of Steel”

1924 took control of the country after Lenin died

He focused on creating a model communist state

Main goals were agricultural and industrial growth

Wanted to move from a rural nation to great industrial power

Stalin and the Soviet Union

Came up with the “5 years plan” this was to move to industrialization

1937 Became the second largest industrial power

1939 he established a totalitarian government There are no rights, and the government

suppresses all opposition

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Benito Mussolini in Italy

Establishing a totalitarian regime 1921 created the fascist party

Stressed nationalism and placed the interest of the state above those of the individual

To strengthen the nation, power must rest with a single strong leader Small group of devoted members

Will call himself Il Duce Spread fascism to all aspects of life

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1922- Mussolini marched to Rome with supporters Black shirts

Will then become head of the government

Adolf Hitler

After WWI he was drifting from job to job A soldier

1919 he joined a group National Socialist German Workers Party

Nazi Powerful speaker Wrote a book Mein Kampf

Basic beliefs of Nazism

Hitler and Germany

He wanted to unite all German speaking people

He wanted to enforce racial purification Master race An inferior race

Third element Germans economy during the 1920’s 1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor


Prime Minister He dismantled the Weimar Republic

Democratic government Replaced it with the Third German Empire


League of Nations 1931- Japan militarist seize control of

Manchuria Surprise attack Chinese province Japan no longer in the League of Nations

1933- Hitler pulled Germany out of the League of Nations

1935- Hitler starts to build up Germany’s military

1936- Sent troops into the Rhineland

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Mussolini starts building the New Roman Empire

He wants Ethiopia 1936 Ethiopia is now Italy's

Francisco Franco

Led the group of officers that rebelled against the Spanish Republic

Western Democracies remained natural Hitler and Mussolini backed Franco

Formed a close relationship between the Germans and Italians Signed an alliance known as Rome-Berlin axis

1936 Europe is ruled by a totalitarian government

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United States

Most Americans did not want to get involved

1928- U.S signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact Was an effort to prevent another World War

Isolationism Good Neighbor Policy


1934- He pushed for the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act This would lower trade barriers by giving

the President the power to make trade agreements with other nations and was aimed at reducing tariffs by 50%

Neutrality Acts

Passed in 1935 Passed in an effort to stay out of war First two acts

Outlawed arms sells or loans to nations at war

Third acts Passed in response to the fighting in Spain

Hard for Roosevelt to stay out of the war

Section 2

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Austria and Czechoslovakia

Austria: Hitler’s first target Was created after WWI in the Paris Peace

Conference 1938 Hitler marches into Austria unopposed

Day later Hitler declared unification was complete

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Czechoslovakia Next target More living space and natural resources France and Britain had promised to protect

them Munich agreement

Gave the land over the Germany Winston Churchill did not agree

Appeasement Giving up principles to pacify an aggressor

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1939 Hitler gained control of Czechoslovakia

Next target was Poland 1939 started his same routine By attacking Poland would bring in the

Soviet Union, Britain and France into the war Fighting war on two fronts

Non-aggression Pact Secret Pact Soviet Union

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Lightning war Took advantage of military technology Faster tanks Powerful aircrafts

1939 German air force roared over Poland

Tanks were going across the country Two days later France and Great Britain

declared war on Germany

Phony War

Britain and France sat on the French boarder staring into Nazis on the German boarder

Once Poland was occupied Hitler started to focus on the Baltic States

Hitler invades Finland Denmark Norway

He next attacked Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg

He then went to Paris

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France Falls

Hitler goes through Ardienns As Hitler marches toward Paris he

trapped the British and French soldiers in Dunkik

Italy will now enter the war German Side Will invade France from the South

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June of 1940 Hitler hands French officers his terms of surrender

Germans: Northern France Nazi puppet government: Southern

France Vichy

Battle of Britain

Summer of 1940 Germany started to assemble their troops on the coast of France

Hitler’s main goal was to control the skies RAF- Royal Air Force For 2 months straight German plans

bombed London RAF fought back through radar

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1933- Ordered that “non-Aryans” be removed from government jobs

Jews were the main group that was targeted Anti-Semitism

Hatred of the Jews Scapegoat

Looking for someone to blame their failures on

1935- Nuremberg laws Stripped Jews of German citizenship, jobs

and property To identify the Jews better they were

required to wear a bright yellow star of David on their clothes


November 9-10, 1938 Night of Broken Glass

Troopers attacked Jewish homes, business, and synagogues

The Nazis blamed the Jews of the destruction

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The Nazis tried to speed up the emigration. They found great difficulty

France- 40,000 British- 80,000 Palestine- 30,000 United States- 100,000

Albert Einstein Thomas Mann Walter Gropius Paul Tillion

Final Solution

1939- there was about a quarter of a million Jews still in Germany

Wanting to get rid of all the Jews proposed this final solution A policy of genocide

The deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population

Wanted to preserve the master race

They did not solely after the Jews they also went after Gypsies- viewed as an inferior race Freemasons- viewed as supporters of the

Jewish conspiracy to rule the world Jehovah Witnesses- refused to join the armies

and to solute Hitler Political opponents Homosexuals, mentally ill, mentally deficient,

physically disabled, and incurably ill

There were a few things that the Nazis would do. They would They would be killed by security squadrons Sent to ghettos Sent to concentration camps

Security Squadrons

Started in Poland S.S They would round up the Jews Shot them on spot


Forced in to these dismal and over crowded towns

There was segregated areas in Polish cities just for the Jews

Sealed off with barbed wire and stone walls

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Concentration Camps

They were labor camps Families would often be separated Originally set up to imprison political

opponents and protesters They would live in wooden barracks with

about a 1,000 people in them

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Final Stage

1942- the final solution would reach the final stage

This would be a new way to mass murder the Jews and undesirables Poison gas The overwork, starvation, beating, and

bullets were not killing the Jews fast enough Could kill 12,000 a day

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Largest death camp When arriving at the camps the Jews would

Walk past the S.S doctors would separate them. They would either Go to work Go to die

They were told that they were going to shower, and were told to undress and were given a bar of soap

Then they went into the chambers and gas would fill the room

Section 4

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1935- Germany was moving across Poland and Roosevelt decided to revise the neutrality acts

1939- “Cash- and- Carry” were passed This allowed warring nations to buy U.S

arms as long as they paid cash and transported them in their own ships

Axis Powers

1940 Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the

Tripartite Pact These countries became known as the Axis

Powers The pact aimed at keeping the U.S out of the

war The pact said that one of the countries were to

become under attack that the other nations would come to their aid

U.S and Roosevelt

Congress passes the first peacetime military draft Selective Training and Service act

Men between the ages of 21 and 35 were to registrar for the draft

If they were selected by the draft lottery they were required to give their services for one year

Once war started their services were extended for the duration of the war

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He ran for a third term Ran against Thomas Dewey

He felt that it was his duty to stay and continue serving while there was a mounting crisis in Europe

His promise was to keep the U.S out of war

Lend Lease Plan

Roosevelt told the people that it was going to be impossible to negotiate peace with Hitler

Said that if Great Britain was to fall then the U.S would be living at a point of a gun

This plan would lend arms and other supplies to any countries whose defense was vital to the United States


In 1941 Hitler invade the Soviet Union and the United states started to lend to them as well

Getting the supplies to Britain and the Soviet Union was hard They were being delivered across the

Atlantic Ocean

Wolf Pack Attack

Hitler wanted to prevent delivery he sent U-boats to attack the supply ships Submarines

1941 individual surface attacks by the U-boats happened Wolf Pack Attack September Navy got permission to attack

the German U-boats in self defense

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Atlantic Charter

Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly They agreed on:

A joint declaration of war aims Pledge:

Collective Security Self determination Disarmament Economic cooperation Freedom of the seas

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“United Nations”

The charter gave way to the Declaration of the United Nations An expression of common purpose Allies

Those countries that fought against the Axis Powers

26 nations signed

German submarines were firing on American Merchant ships

Senate would repeal the ban against arming merchant ships

This is an undeclared Naval war with Hitler


With Germany’s victories this gave Japan the opportunity to expand

They wanted to take the colonial islands July 1941 Japan took the French military

bases in Indochina Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

U.S saw this and cut off all trade with Japan Oil embargo

Peace Talks

With the oil embargo, this hurt Japan They were having to ration

The Prime minister said he would attempt to preserve peace

November 5,1941 U.S decoded a code from the Japanese Navy was preparing to attack Didn’t know where

Roosevelt sent warning to Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines Japan would have to be the first to act

December 6,1941- Another message decoded Japan would not accept any peace


Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941 Japanese dive bombers swoop low over

Pearl Harbor Largest Naval bases in the Pacific Sunk or damaged 21 ships 8 battleships 300 aircrafts were destroyed or damaged 3 aircraft carriers survived

Reaction to Pearl Harbor

Roosevelt addressed congress on December the 8th

Congress approved a Declaration or War 3 days later Germany and Italy declared

war on the U.S
