Download - World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Page 1: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

World War II

Page 2: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Dictators Dictators Threaten Threaten

World PeaceWorld Peace

Page 3: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Treaty of Versailles • Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler• stripped them of overseas colonies and border territories • Soviets did not like carving up parts of Russia either• People turned to authoritarian leaders because democratic

governments were not working. • Dictators took over

Failures of WWI Peace Settlements• Why did Hitler oppose the Treaty of Versailles?

Page 4: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

The settlement of World War I established new parliamentary governments in Germany and Austria and created several new countries carved out of the former empires. These countries were established as parliamentary democracies or democratically governed constitutional monarchies. As the map shows, in 1925 most of Europe was still governed democratically. However, authoritarian regimes had begun in Russia, with the Communist revolution; in Italy, with fascism; and in Spain, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Albania. The map on the right shows the further progression of authoritarianism in Europe in the last years before World War II. By 1939 less than half the territory of Europe had a parliamentary form of government.

Collapse of European Democracies

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The U.S.S.R.The U.S.S.R.&&


Page 6: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Political Party: Communism

A theory advocating the elimination of private property, a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed.

Joseph Stalin- Soviet Union

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Joseph Stalin Transforms the Soviet Union

Rise to Power:

1.Wanted to create a model communist state

2.By 1937 The Soviet Union became the world’s 2nd largest industrial power.

3. Stalin eliminated anyone who threatened his power.

a. Responsible for deaths of 8-13 million people. many of these died by famine

Military Action:

1. Signs non-aggression pact w/Germany. Invades Latvia, Lithuania, & Estonia

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Italy, Mussolini,Italy, Mussolini,&&


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Benito Mussolini’s Political Party

• Mussolini establishes the Fascist Party in Italy• Fascism stressed nationalism and placed the

interests of the state above the individual • Believed power must rest with a single strong

leader and a small group of devoted party members.

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Fascist Philosophy

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October, 1922- Mussolini marched on Rome with followers in “Black” uniforms. a. followers were known as the “Black Shirts” b. Italian king appointed him head of

government when army and police sided with


Mussolini’s Rise to Power

c. Made Italy a totalitarian state d. He named himself “ Il Duce” (The leader)

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Military Action: Italy Invades Ethiopia

1936 Italy Invades Ethiopia -The Italians had claimed Ethiopia as their territory. With economic conditions worsening at home, Mussolini needed to take actions that would distract the Italian people. In 1936, the Italians fought against poorly-armed Ethiopian troops in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital. The League of Nations censured Italy, but that comprised the extent of world reaction.

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Germany, Hitler, Germany, Hitler, andand


Page 14: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

• State of economic despair and political instability.

• German government - Weimar Republic could not cope

• Germany forced to pay reparations, limit military, accept blame for war.

• Printed more money-led to MASSIVE inflation

• 1914 it took 4.2 German marks = 1 U.S. dollar by 1923 It took 4.2 trillion German marks = 1 U.S. dollar

Germany after WWI

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• (1919) Hitler joined Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party- (NAZI) party

• Charismatic Speaker- became the party’s Der Fuhrer

• Promised to bring Germany out of chaos• Hitler wrote the book Mein Kampf

(My Struggle)- set forth the basic

beliefs of Nazism that became the

plan of action

Nazi Party/Hitler - Rise to Power

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• By 1932 - Nazi party was the largest single party in German Congress-(Reichstag)

• Hitler named chancellor

• Reichstag burns- Hitler becomes President

• Hitler established the Third Reich- Third German Empire that would last 1,000 years

Nazi Party/Hitler - Rise to Power Cont.

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1. Uniting all German-speaking people in a great German empire.   

2. Hitler also wanted to enforce racial “purification” at home. In his view, Germans—especially blue-eyed, blond-haired “Aryans”—formed a “master race” that was destined to rule the world. “Inferior races,” such as Jews, Slavs, and all nonwhites, were deemed fit only to serve the Aryans.

3. National Expansion. Hitler believed that for Germany to thrive, it needed more lebensraum, or living space.

Political Party- Nazism

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Page 19: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Military Actions

• Takes the Rhineland, Sudetenland, & Czechoslovakia

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Hitler at Nuremburg

Page 21: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Nationalism is the belief in the superiority of one’s nation over all others.In the extreme, it can lead to major conflicts between nations.Hitler, Mussolini, & Tojo each touted their nation’s ability to dominate all others in the years leading up to WWII.

Hitler at Nuremberg

Page 22: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Spain, Francisco Franco, Spain, Francisco Franco, andand

Civil WarCivil War

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• Military group led by Francisco Franco rebelled against the Spanish Republic.

• Hitler’s and Mussolini’s forces backed Franco’s forces with troops, weapons, tanks, and fighter planes. This has become known as the “Dress Rehearsal.”

• War forged a close relationship with Hitler and Mussolini:

– Signed a formal alliance- Rome-Berlin Axis

– By 1939 Franco became the Fascist dictator in Spain.

Rise to Power- Civil War Breaks Out in Spain

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Military Actions

• Neutral in WWII

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Rome Berlin Axis (1936)

Page 26: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Japan, General Hideki Tojo, Japan, General Hideki Tojo, & Militarist& Militarist

“The Pacific Theater”“The Pacific Theater”

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•The pursuit and glorification of military ideas.

•The tendency to regard military efficiency as the supreme ideal of the state and to subordinate all other interests to those of the military.

Political Party: Militarism

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Rise to Power:Militarists rose to power

Military Actions:•Nationalistic military leaders were trying to take control over the imperial government in Japan.

•Militarists launch a surprise attack against the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931 for coal and iron. This helped them gain control of the Japanese government

•League of Nations condemned Japan’s actions, Japan withdrew from the League Japan had depended on world markets for their products- depression hurt exports.

Militarists Gain Control in Japan

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Early Defensive Agreement

The Anti-Comintern Pact Germany and Japan agree to oppose communism and the Soviet Union . This was basically a defensive agreement that stated that if either country was attacked by the Soviet Union, the other would immediately attack the Soviet Union. Italy joined two weeks later.

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Page 31: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

The Outbreak of War

The European Theater

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Hitler’s Aggressions-Austria

Austria was Hitler's first target. The majority of Austria's 6 million people were Germans who favored unification with Germany. On March 12, 1938, German troops marched into Austria unopposed. A day later, Germany announced that its Anschluss, or “union,” with Austria was complete. The United States and the rest of the world did nothing.

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German Reichstag hails Hitler for his peaceful annexation of Austria, March, 1938

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Hitler’s Aggressions-Sudetenland

Hitler then turned to Czechoslovakia. About 3 million German-speaking people lived in the western border regions of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland. Hitler wanted to annex Sudetenland. Hitler charged that the Czechs were abusing the Sudeten Germans, and he began massing troops on the Czech border.  Just when war seemed inevitable, Hitler invited French premier Édouard Daladier and British prime minister Neville Chamberlain to meet with him in Munich. When they arrived, the führer declared that the annexation of the Sudetenland would be his “last territorial demand.” In their eagerness to avoid war, Daladier and Chamberlain chose appeasement. On September 30, 1938, they signed the Munich Agreement, which turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a single shot being fired.    

1. Giving up principles to pacify an aggressor is call ___________________?

2. What was the Munich Aggreement?

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Page 36: World War II. Dictators Threaten World Peace Treaty of Versailles Thought to be unfair by Germany and Hitler stripped them of overseas colonies and border.

Winston Churchill Warns Against Appeasement

•  Chamberlain's satisfaction was not shared by Winston Churchill, Chamberlain's political rival in Great Britain. In Churchill's view, by signing the Munich Pact, Daladier and Chamberlain had adopted a shameful policy of appeasement—or giving up principles to pacify an aggressor. As Churchill bluntly put it, “Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war.”

• As Churchill had warned, Hitler was not finished expanding the Third Reich. As dawn broke on March 15, 1939, German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia. At nightfall Hitler gloated, “Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist.” After that, the German dictator turned his land-hungry gaze toward Germany's eastern neighbor, Poland.

3. Giving up principles to pacify an aggressor is called _________?

4. Who opposed the Munich Pact?

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Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

In 1939, Adolf Hitler was preparing for war. Though he was hoping to acquire Poland without force (as he had annexed Austria the year before), Hitler was planning against the possibility of a two front war. Since fighting a two front war in World War I had split Germany's forces, it had weakened and undermined their offensive; thus, played a large role in Germany losing the First World War. Hitler was determined not to repeat the same mistakes. So, he planned ahead and made a pact with the Soviets, even though he hated communism, called – the Non-Aggression Pact. They also made a secret pact to split Poland.


5. Which nation signed a Non-aggression Pact with Germany that led to the invasion and division of Poland?

6. Which politics does Hitler hate?

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As day broke on September 1, 1939, the German Luftwaffe, or German air force, roared over Poland, raining bombs on military bases, airfields, railroads, and cities. At the same time, German tanks raced across the Polish countryside, spreading terror and confusion. This invasion was the first test of Germany's newest military strategy, the blitzkrieg , or lightning war. Blitzkrieg made use of advances in military technology—such as fast tanks and more powerful aircraft—to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition with overwhelming force. In the last week of fighting, the Soviet Union attacked Poland from the east grabbing some of its territory. On September 3, two days following the terror in Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Attack on Poland7. What was the German strategy of Blitzkrieg?

8. Which country joined Germany in attacking Poland?

9. Which Countries declared war on Germany after the German invasion of Poland?

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The Soviet Union & Germany Invade Poland

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Declarations of War

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When Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931, the League of Nations protested but took no further action.When Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935, the League organized an ineffective economic boycott.When Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938, England and France followed a policy of appeasement, hoping Hitler would stop there . . .But when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, WWII officially began in Europe.

What should the League of Nations have done?10. When did WWII officially begin?

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Germany and Soviet Union Invade

• For the next several months after the fall of Poland, French and British troops sat on the Maginot Line, a system of fortifications built along France's eastern border, staring into Germany, waiting for something to happen.    

• After occupying eastern Poland, Stalin began annexing the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Late in 1939, Stalin sent his Soviet army into Finland. After three months of fighting, the outnumbered Finns surrendered.   

• Suddenly, on April 9, 1940, Hitler launched a surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway in order “to protect [those countries'] freedom and independence.” But in truth, Hitler planned to build bases along the coasts to strike at Great Britain. Next, Hitler turned against the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, which were overrun by the end of May.

11. What does Hitler plan to build in Denmark and Norway?

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THE FALL OF FRANCE• France's Maginot Line proved to be ineffective; the German army bypassed the

line during its invasion of Belgium. Hitler's generals sent their tanks through northeast France, thereby avoiding British and French troops. The Germans continued to march toward Paris.

The German offensive trapped almost 400,000 British and French soldiers as they fled to the beaches of Dunkirk on the French side of the English Channel. In less than a week, a makeshift fleet of fishing trawlers, tugboats, river barges, pleasure craft—more than 800 vessels in all—ferried about 330,000 British, French, and Belgian troops to safety across the Channel.   

 12. How were Allied troops rescued at Dunkirk?

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• A few days later, Italy entered the war on the side of Germany and invaded France from the south as the Germans closed in on Paris from the north.    After France fell, a French general named Charles de Gaulle fled to England, where he set up a government-in-exile. De Gaulle proclaimed defiantly, “France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war.”

13. Which French general set up a government in exile?

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Battle of Britain

In the summer of 1940, The Luftwaffe began making bombing runs over Britain. Its goal was to gain total control of the skies by destroying Britain's Royal Air Force (RAF). Every night for two solid months, bombers pounded London.   The Battle of Britain raged on through the summer and fall. Night after night, German planes pounded British targets. The RAF fought back brilliantly. With the help of a new technological device called radar. Six weeks later, Hitler called off the invasion of Britain indefinitely. “Never in the field of human conflict,” said Churchill in praise of the RAF pilots, “was so much owed by so many to so few.”   

14. Every night for two solid months, bombers pounded London. This became known as ___________.

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The HolocaustThe Holocaust

The Beginning

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Jews Targeted

• Anti-Semitic views began to purvey Nazi Germany. Many Germans were willing to support Hitler’s assertions that the Jews were to blame for many of the problems they were facing since their defeat in WWI.

•In 1935, The Nuremburg Laws were a series of laws put in place to strip German Jews of citizenship, jobs, and private property. German Jews also had to identify themselves by wearing the Star of David attached to their clothing.

15. What were the Nuremburg Laws?

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Kristallnacht (or) Night of Broken Glass

16. Kristallnacht marks the beginning of the ______________________?

The pogroms(riots) marked an intensification of Nazi anti-Jewish policy that would culminate in the Holocaust—the systematic, state-sponsored murder of Jews. Some have even begun to say that Kristallnacht is the start of the Holocaust. The name Kristallnacht refers to the glass of the shop windows smashed by the rioters.

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The Ghettos

Ghettos were segregated Jewish areas in Poland surrounded by stone walls, barbed wire and German soldiers. The primary purpose of the ghettos was simply to isolate Jews from the rest of society. Conditions in the ghettos were so horrific. The dead would be piled up like cordwood in the streets so that they could be removed faster. Many Jews were used for work in factories built alongside the ghettos. The ghetto was basically a concentration camp.

17. What were the Ghettos?

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The HolocaustThe Holocaust


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Concentration Camps

• Eventually, Jews in ghettos were dragged from their homes and herded onto trains or trucks for shipment to concentration camps, or labor camps. Families were often separated, sometimes forever.   Life in the camps was a cycle of hunger, humiliation, and work that almost always ended in death.   •The prisoners were crammed into crude wooden barracks that held up to a thousand people each. They shared their crowded quarters, as well as their meager meals, with hordes of rats and fleas.  Inmates in the camps worked from dawn to dusk, seven days a week, until they collapsed. Those too weak to work were killed.

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The Final Solution• At a meeting held near Berlin, Hitler's top officials agreed to begin a new

phase of the mass murder of Jews. To mass slaughter and starvation they would add a third method of killing—murder by poison gas.  

   As deadly as overwork, starvation, beatings, and bullets were, they did not kill fast enough to satisfy the Nazis. The Germans built six death camps in Poland Each camp had several huge gas chambers in which as many as 12,000 people could be killed a day.       At first the bodies were buried in huge pits. But the decaying corpses gave off a stench that could be smelled for miles around. Worse yet, mass graves left evidence of the mass murder.      •At some camps, to try to cover up

the evidence of their slaughter, the Nazis installed huge crematoriums, or ovens, in which to burn the dead. At other camps, the bodies were simply thrown into a pit and set on fire.   18. What was the third method used by the Nazis for the mass murder?

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“Work Brings Freedom”

Concentration Camps

Once in the custody of the SS guards at the camps, the “undesirables” or Jews were beaten, tortured, starved, and often murdered through the so-called "extermination through work" which used mass execution gas chambers and furnaces.

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These type of death Camps had three primary purposes:1) to incarcerate real and perceived enemies of the Nazi regime and the German occupation authorities in Poland for an indefinite period of time2) to have available a supply of forced laborers for deployment in SS-owned, construction-related enterprises (and, later, armaments and other war-related production)3) to serve as a site to physically eliminate small, targeted groups of the population whose death was determined by the SS and police authorities to be essential to the security of Nazi Germany.

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Between 9 and 12 million people—including about 6 million Jews—died in concentration camps from 1939 to 1945.The record of this slaughter is a vivid reminder of the results of racism and intolerance.

The Tragedy of the Holocaust19. How many Jews died in the concentration camps?

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U.S. Neutrality

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Could The U.S. Remain Neutral?

•After WWI, the U.S. wanted to retreat to our former isolationist policies.•We watched the rise of dictatorships around the

world.•Mussolini established a fascist government in Italy in 1922, crushing all opposition.•A military tribunal took over the government of

Japan, ignoring the protests of elected officials.•Hitler was elected chancellor in Germany in 1933 and the Nazis gained full power.

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Before WWII broke out in Europe, the U.S. had passed Neutrality Acts.

Despite these restrictions, the U.S. gave assistance to our former allies by following the policy of Cash and

Carry and eventually

sending aid under the

Lend-Lease Act.

Could the U.S. remain neutral?20. How did the U.S. stay neutral but still help?

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The Enemy of My Enemy, is My Friend

Britain was not the only nation to receive lend-lease aid. In June 1941, Hitler broke the agreement he had made in 1939 with Stalin not to go to war and invaded the Soviet Union. Acting on the principle that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Roosevelt began sending lend-lease supplies to the Soviet Union. Some

Americans opposed providing aid to Stalin; Roosevelt, however, agreed with Winston Churchill, who had said “if Hitler invaded Hell,” the British would be prepared to work with the devil himself.

21. How did Hitler break the non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union?

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America moves Towards war

1. Neutrality Acts- Outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war

2. Cash & Carry Policy• Paid cash & carry wartime supplies on own ship

3. The Lend Lease Act • It took over when Britain began to run out of money. It allowed

us to provide arms to any country whose security is vital to the U.S.

4. The Selective Service Act• Peace time Draft• 16 million Men Registered

5. Shoot on Site Presidential OrderA. German U-boats fire on the U.S.S. GreerB. FDR orders U-boats shot on siteC. U-boats fire the first shots sinking three ships over the next

couple of weeks.

22. What policy allowed the president to provide arms to certain foreign countries?

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• The meeting took place aboard the U.S.S. Augusta.• Attended by Roosevelt & Churchill• Roosevelt agreed to “force an incident “ in hopes of swaying

congress to declare war. • Both men pledged

A. Collective SecurityB. DisarmamentC. Self-determinationD. Economic cooperationE. Freedom of the seas

• The Atlantic Charter is the basis for the United Nations Charter• The United Nations are those countries that fought the Axis powers.• It was signed by 26 nations.

23. Who were the United Nations?

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•Isolationists 1919-1937•Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937•Cash and Carry 1939•Lend-Lease Act-1941•Atlantic Charter-1941

United States Policy

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The Outbreak of War

“The Pacific Theater”

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To gain access to resources such as food crops, rubber and oil, Japan invaded more of China in 1937 and began to take over Southeast Asia in 1941.The U.S. responded by sending arms and supplies to China and by stopping shipments of oil and scrap metal to Japan. Japan then regarded the U.S. as an enemy.

Japan Invades China

24. How did the U.S. respond to Japan’s invasion of China?

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Where will Japan attack?

• The U.S. military had broken Japan's secret communication codes and learned that Japan was preparing for a strike. What it didn't know was where the attack would come. Late in November, Roosevelt sent out a “war warning” to military commanders in Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines. If war could not be avoided, the warning said, “the United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act.” And the nation waited.    

25. What did Japan’s secret military codes NOT reveal to the U.S.?

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On Dec. 7th, 1941, Japan bombed the U.S. bases at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Roosevelt asked congress to declare war on Japan.

This surprise attack united Americans in the decision to join the Allies in their fight against the Axis Powers in World War II.

The Attack on Pearl Harbor26. What day did Japan attack

U.S. at Pearl Harbor?

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Pearl Harbor attack“The next day, President Roosevelt addressed Congress. "Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy," he said, "[the Japanese launched] an unprovoked and dastardly attack." Congress quickly approved Roosevelt's request for a declaration of war against Japan. Three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. For all the damage done at Pearl Harbor, perhaps the greatest was to the cause of isolationism. Many who had been former isolationists now supported an all-out American effort. After the surprise attack, isolationist senator Burton Wheeler proclaimed, "The only thing now to do is to lick the hell out of them."

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Japanese Aggressions – December 1941

• December 7, 1941 - Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; also attack the Philippines, Wake Island, Guam, Malaya, Thailand, Shanghai and Midway.

• December 8, 1941 - U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan. Japanese land near Singapore and enter Thailand.

• December 9, 1941 - China declares war on Japan.• December 10, 1941 - Japanese invade the Philippines and also seize Guam.• December 11, 1941 - Japanese invade Burma.• December 15, 1941 - First Japanese merchant ship sunk by a U.S. submarine. • December 16, 1941 - Japanese invade British Borneo.• December 18, 1941 - Japanese invade Hong Kong.• December 22, 1941 - Japanese invade Luzon in the Philippines.• December 23, 1941 - General Douglas MacArthur begins a withdrawal from Manila

to Bataan; Japanese take Wake Island.• December 25, 1941 - British surrender at Hong Kong.• December 26, 1941 - Manila declared an open city.• December 27, 1941 - Japanese bomb Manila.

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Japanese Territorial Expansion

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The The Home FrontHome Front

Mobilizing for Defense

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Great Britain France United States Soviet Union China


Germany Italy Japan

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Americans Join the War• The Japanese had attacked

Pearl Harbor with the expectation that once Americans had experienced Japan's power, they would shrink from further conflict. The day after the raid, the Japan Times boasted that the United States, now reduced to a third-rate power, was "trembling in her shoes." But if Americans were trembling, it was with rage, not fear. Uniting under the battle cry "Remember Pearl Harbor!" they set out to prove Japan wrong.

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The American Home Front

While Americans were fighting overseas, the U.S. transformed itself.Our top priority shifted to producing the tremendous amount of arms and supplies needed by our troops and our allies. The War Production Board decided which companies would convert from peacetime to wartime production and allocated raw materials to key industries.

27. What was the purpose of the War Production Board?

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Americans participated in voluntary programs to reduce consumption and help wartime production by recycling items and by growing their own food.

Additionally, the U.S. government imposed a mandatory rationing system whereby citizens were limited in the amount of food and gas they could buy.

Conserving Scarce Resources28. What system did the government use to conserve resources?

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As war production increased, there were fewer consumer products available for purchase. Much factory production was earmarked for the war. With demand increasing and supplies dropping, prices seemed likely to shoot upwards.   Roosevelt responded to this threat by creating the Office of Price Administration (OPA). The OPA fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods.

Stopping Inflation29. Which agency fought inflation during


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Women enlisted in special branches of the service set up for women (WAAC) Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps. WACs worked as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators, electricians, and pilots - nearly every duty not involving direct combat.

On the home front, they worked in factories, many times in jobs traditionally performed by men.

The Contribution of Women to the War Effort

30. What jobs were WAACs given in the army?

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 Defense plants also hired more than 2 million minority workers during the war years. Like women, minorities faced strong prejudice at first. Before the war, 75 percent of defense contractors simply refused to hire African Americans, while another 15 percent employed them only in menial jobs. To protest such discrimination both in the military and in industry, A. Philip Randolph, organized a march on Washington.   Fearing that the march might provoke white resentment or violence, President Roosevelt called Randolph to the White House and asked him to back down.     In the end it was Roosevelt, not Randolph, who backed down. In return for Randolph's promise to cancel the march, the president issued an executive order calling on employers and labor unions "to provide for the full and equitable participation of all workers in defense industries, without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin."

Discrimination On The Home Front31. Which group advanced in finding better jobs during the war?

32. Who organized a march on Washington on July 1, 1941, to protest discrimination in defense industries?

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In the first months after Pearl Harbor, Japanese-Americans or Nisei, on the west coast were ordered to leave their homes and jobs and were relocated to internment camps.This was justified at the time as being for the sake of national security. It is now known, however, that this group was never a threat, and people were just reacting to strong anti-Japanese sentiment.This action was a violation of their constitutional rights. Japanese-Americans suffered great inconvenience and financial loss as a result of this move.

The Japanese Internment33. Nisei who lived on the West Coast were subjected to ______ during the war.

34. Roosevelt's decision to remove people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps was a response to________.

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World War II

Marches on!

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Theaters of WWII

Terms:• A Front is a series of battle lines.• A Theater of War can contain multiple fronts.

(example: The European Theater had a Western & Eastern Front)

Theaters• Europe• North Africa (sometimes counted as part of the European Theater)

• Asia and Pacific Islands

Axis powers- Italy, Germany, Japan-nine nations

Allied Powers-49 nations- U.S., Great Britain, France, Soviets.

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Fighting a War on Two Fronts (1941-1945)

American forces would face the challenge of fighting a war with Japan in the Pacific theater and assisting the Allies fighting against fascism in the European theater.

35. What were the 2 front wars?

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Battle Of The Atlantic

• After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler ordered submarine raids against ships along America's east coast. The German aim in the Battle of the Atlantic was to prevent food and war materials from reaching Great Britain and the Soviet Union..

•Unprotected American ships proved to be easy targets for the Germans.  Roosevelt responded to these “Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic by organizing our cargo ships into convoys. Convoys were groups of ships traveling together for mutual protection, as they had done in the First World War. With improved tracking, the Allies were able to find and destroy German U-boats faster than the Germans could build them.           

36. What was Germany's goal in the Battle of the Atlantic?

37. What were "the rattlesnakes of the Atlantic"?

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Eastern Front

The Germans had been fighting in the Soviet Union since June 1941. The German army confidently approached Stalingrad in August 1942. A furious Stalin ordered them to defend his namesake city no matter what the cost.     By the end of September, the Germans controlled nine-tenths of the city—or what was left of it. Then winter set in. The Soviets saw the cold as an opportunity to roll fresh tanks across the frozen landscape and begin a massive counterattack. The Soviet army closed around Stalingrad, trapping the Germans in and around the city and cutting off their supplies. The Germans' situation was hopeless, but Hitler's orders came: "Stay and fight!  

The German commander surrendered on January 31, 1943. Two days later, his starving troops also surrendered.     In defending Stalingrad, the Soviets lost a total of 1,100,000 soldiers— more than all American deaths during the entire war. Despite the staggering death toll, the Soviet victory marked a turning point in the war. From that point on, the Soviet army began to move westward toward Germany.

38. How did the Soviets defeat the German army In Stalingrad?

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North African Front

• While the Battle of Stalingrad raged, Stalin pressured Britain and America to open a "second front" in Western Europe. He argued that an invasion across the English Channel would force Hitler to divert troops from the Soviet front. Churchill and Roosevelt didn't think the Allies had enough troops to attempt an invasion on European soil. Instead,

they launched Operation Torch, an invasion of Axis-controlled North Africa, commanded by American General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

39. What was Operation Torch? And who was the Supreme Commander of the U.S. forces in Europe?

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November 8th, 1942

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North African CampaignIn November 1942, some 107,000 Allied troops, the great majority of them Americans, landed in Casablanca, Oran, and Algiers in North Africa. From there they sped eastward, chasing the Afrika Korps led by General Erwin Rommel, the legendary Desert Fox. After months of heavy fighting, the last of the Afrika Korps surrendered in May 1943.

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Battle of ItalyEven before the battle in North Africa was won, Roosevelt, Churchill, and their commanders met in Casablanca. The two leaders also discussed where to strike next. Churchill thought it would be safer to first attack Italy.     The Italian campaign got off to a good start with the capture of Sicily in the summer of 1943. Stunned by their army's collapse in Sicily, the Italian government forced dictator Benito Mussolini to resign. On July 25, 1943, King Victor Emmanuel III summoned Mussolini to his palace, stripped him of power, and had him arrested. "At this moment," the king told Mussolini, "you are the most hated man in Italy." Italians began celebrating the end of the war.     Their cheers were premature. Hitler was determined to stop the Allies in Italy rather than fight on German soil. German armies continued to put up strong resistance. The effort to free Italy did not succeed until 1945, when Germany itself was close to collapse

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Operation Overlord

Even as the Allies were battling for Italy in 1943, they had begun work on a dramatic plan to invade France and free Western Europe from the Nazis. Under Eisenhower's direction in England, the Allies gathered a force of nearly 3 million British, American, and Canadian troops, together with mountains of military equipment and supplies. Eisenhower planned to attack Normandy in northern France.

40. What was Operation Overlord?

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Operation Overlord

The Allied invasion was code-named Operation Overlord. Eisenhower gave the go-ahead for D-Day —June 6, 1944, the first day of the invasion. Shortly after midnight, three divisions parachuted down behind German lines. They were followed in the early morning hours by thousands upon thousands of seaborne soldiers— the largest land-sea-air operation in army history.     Despite the massive air and sea bombardment by the Allies, German retaliation was brutal, particularly at Omaha Beach. "People were yelling, screaming, dying, running on the beach, equipment was flying everywhere, men were bleeding to death, crawling, lying everywhere, firing coming from all directions,"

41. What was D-Day?

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D-Day landingsDespite heavy casualties, the Allies held the beachheads. After seven days of fighting, the Allies held an 80-mile strip of France. Within a month, they had landed a million troops, 567,000 tons of supplies, and 170,000 vehicles in France. On August 23, General George Patton and the Third Army reached the Seine River south of Paris. Two days later, French resistance forces and American troops liberated the French capital from four years of German occupation. Parisians were delirious with joy. By September 1944, the Allies had freed France, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

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Battle of the BulgeIn October 1944, Americans captured their first German town, Aachen. Hitler responded with a desperate last-gasp offensive. Hitler ordered his troops to break through the Allied lines and to recapture the Belgian port of Antwerp. This bold move, the Führer hoped, would disrupt the enemy's supply lines and demoralize the Allies.     On December 16, under cover of dense fog, eight German tank divisions broke through weak American defenses along an 80-mile front. Tanks drove 60 miles into Allied territory, creating a bulge in the lines that gave this desperate last ditch offensive its name, the Battle of the Bulge . As the Germans swept westward, they captured 120 American GIs, herded the prisoners into a large field and mowed them down with machine guns and pistols.     The battle raged for a month. When it was over, the Germans had been pushed back, and little seemed to have changed. But,

in fact, events had taken a decisive turn. The

Germans had lost 120,000 troops, 600 tanks

and assault guns, and 1,600 planes in the

Battle of the Bulge—soldiers and weapons

they could not replace. From that point on, the

Nazis could do little but retreat.

42. What happened at the Battle of the Bulge?

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The Battle of The Bulge

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V-E Day

By April 25, 1945, the Soviet army had stormed Berlin. As Soviet shells burst overhead, the city panicked. "Hordes of soldiers stationed in Berlin deserted and were shot on the spot or hanged from the nearest tree In his underground headquarters in Berlin, Hitler prepared for the end. On April 29, he married Eva Braun, his longtime companion. The same day, he wrote out his last address to the German people. In it he blamed the Jews for starting the war and his generals for losing it. The next day Hitler shot himself while his new wife swallowed poison. In accordance with Hitler's orders, the two bodies were carried outside, soaked with gasoline, and burned.     A week later, General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich. On May 8, 1945, the Allies celebrated V-E Day —Victory in Europe Day. The war in Europe was finally over

43. What was V-E Day?

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The Death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

• President Roosevelt did not live to see V-E Day. On April 12, 1945, while posing for a portrait in Warm Springs, Georgia, the president had a stroke and died. That night, Vice President Harry S. Truman became the nation's 33rd president.

44. Who seceded FDR after his death as the next U.S. president?

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The Pacific Theater

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Japanese Advances• In the first six months after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese conquered an

empire that dwarfed Hitler's Third Reich. On the Asian mainland, Japanese troops overran Hong Kong, French Indochina, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, and much of China.     

They also swept south and east across the Pacific, conquering the Dutch East Indies, Guam, Wake Island, the Solomon Islands, and countless other outposts in the ocean, including two islands in the Aleutian chain, which were part of Alaska.

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We Will Have To Take A Good Many Defeats

•  In the Philippines, 80,000 American and Filipino troops battled the Japanese for control. At the time of the Japanese invasion in December 1941, General Douglas MacArthur was in command of Allied forces on the islands. When American and Filipino forces found themselves with their backs to the wall on Bataan, President Roosevelt ordered MacArthur to leave. On March 11, 1942, MacArthur left the Philippines with his wife, his son, and his staff. As he left, he pledged to the many thousands of men who did not make it out, "I shall return."

45. Who vowed to return to the Philippines after the Japanese took control?

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Doolittle’s Raid On Tokyo

• In the spring of 1942, the Allies began to turn the tide against the Japanese. The push began on April 18 with a daring raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities. Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle led 16 bombers in the attack. The next day, Americans awoke to headlines that read "Tokyo

Bombed! Doolittle Do'od It.

" Pulling off a Pearl Harbor

style air raid over Japan

lifted America's sunken

spirits. At the same time,

it dampened spirits in Japan.

46. What were the Doolittle Raids?

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BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA    • The main Allied forces in the Pacific were Americans and

Australians. In May 1942 they succeeded in stopping the Japanese drive toward Australia in the five-day Battle of the Coral Sea. During this battle, the fighting was done by airplanes

that took off from enormous aircraftcarriers. Not a single shot was fired by surface ships. For the first time since Pearl Harbor, a Japanese invasion had been stopped and turned back.

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• Japan's next thrust was toward Midway, a strategic island which lies northwest of Hawaii.  Admiral Chester Nimitz, the commander of American naval forces in the Pacific, moved to defend the island. The Japanese were caught with their planes still on the decks of their carriers. The results were devastating. By the end of the Battle of Midway, the Japanese had lost four aircraft carriers, a cruiser, and 250 planes. In the words of a Japanese official, at Midway the Americans had "avenged Pearl Harbor."      The Battle of Midway was

a turning point in the Pacific War. Soon the Allies began "island hopping." Island by island they won territory back from the Japanese. With each island, Allied forces moved closer to Japan.

47. Why was the Battle of Midway a turning point for the Allies?

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Island Hopping Towards JapanIsland hopping strategy- take back one island at a time all the way to Japan

General MacArthurLed allied troops in battles

• Guadalcanal (Aug 1942- Feb 1943

• Leyte Island (October 1944)

• Iwo Jima (Feb-March 1945)

• Okinawa (April- June 1945)

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The Kamikaze

• During the Island Hopping campaign, Japan tested a new tactic, the kamikaze, or suicide-plane attack in which Japanese pilots crashed their bomb-laden planes into Allied ships. In the Philippines, 424

kamikaze pilots embarked on suicide missions, sinking 16 ships and damaging another 80.


48. What were Japanese Kamikazes?

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The Manhattan Project

• The taking of Iwo Jima and Okinawa opened the way for an invasion of Japan. However, Allied leaders knew that such an invasion would become a desperate struggle. Japan still had a huge army that would defend every inch of homeland.

President Truman saw only one way to avoid an invasion of Japan. And save American lives. He decided to use a powerful new weapon that had been developed by scientists working on the Manhattan Project—the atomic bomb.

49.What was the Manhattan Project? And what was its purpose?

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Manhattan Project

• President Truman now faced a difficult decision. Should the Allies use the bomb to bring an end to the war? The United States warned Japan that it faced "prompt and utter destruction" unless it surrendered at once. Japan refused. On August 6, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay released an atomic bomb, code-named Little Boy, over Hiroshima , Forty-three seconds later, almost every building in the city collapsed into dust from the force of the blast. Hiroshima had ceased to exist. Still, Japan's leaders hesitated to surrender. Three days later, a second bomb, code-named Fat Man, was dropped on Nagasaki , leveling half the city.

50.What 2 Japanese cities did the U.S. bomb target?

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Aerial Shot Of Hiroshima

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Aerial Shot Of Nagasaki

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Ground View of Hiroshima After Little Boy

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August 15th, 1945

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The Occupation of Japan• Japan was occupied by U.S. forces under the command of

General Douglas MacArthur. In the early years of the occupation, more than 1,100 Japanese, from former Prime Minister Hideki Tojo to lowly prison guards, were arrested and put on trial. Seven, including Tojo, were sentenced to death. During the seven-year American occupation, MacArthur reshaped Japan's economy by introducing free-market practices that led to a remarkable economic recovery. MacArthur also worked to transform Japan's government. He called for a new constitution that

would provide for woman suffrage and guarantee basic freedoms. To this day, their constitution is known as the MacArthur Constitution.

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The Yalta Conference

• In February 1945, as the Allies pushed toward victory in Europe, an ailing Roosevelt had met with Churchill and Stalin at the Black Sea resort city of Yalta in the Soviet Union. The three leaders discussed the fate of Germany and the postwar world. The historic meeting at Yalta produced a series of compromises.

• To appease Stalin, Churchill to agreed to a temporary division of Germany into four zones

• Stalin promised "free and unfettered elections" in Poland and other Soviet-occupied Eastern European countries.

• Stalin also agreed to join in the war against Japan. • Stalin agreed to participate in the United Nations


51. What were the compromises that prevailed at the Yalta Conference?

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The Nuremberg Trials

• Besides geographic division, Germany had another price to pay for its part in the war. The discovery of Hitler's death camps led the Allies to put 24 surviving Nazi leaders on trial for crimes against humanity, crimes against the peace, and war crimes. The trials were held in the southern German town of Nuremberg.     At the Nuremberg trials , the defendants included Hitler's most trusted party officials, government ministers, military leaders, and powerful industrialists. In the end, 12 of the 24 defendants were sentenced to death, and most of the remaining were sent to prison.

52. What were the Nuremberg Trials?

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Wrapping UpWrapping Up

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1. WWII brought the Great Depression to an end by providing jobs for all.

2. During the war, the U.S. spent 330 billion dollars, producing arms, ships, airplanes, and supplies.

3. American industries out-produced and outlasted our opponents and, ultimately, won the war.

The Impact of WWII on the U.S. Economy

53. What were 3 impacts of WWII on the U.S. economy?

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Pacific Theater Battle of Midway- the Americans launched a surprise attack on the Japanese fleet, destroying 4 aircraft carriers and handing Japan their first major defeat (1942).

European Theater• Battle of Stalingrad-

the Soviets turned the tide against Nazis (1943).

• Invasion of Normandy- (D-Day) the Allies captured the Northern coast of France from the Nazis (1944).

Major Turning Points in World War II54. Describe the turning points in both the Pacific Theater and the European Theater.

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In 1944, to help ease the transition of returning servicemen to civilian life, Congress passed the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, better known as the GI Bill of Rights. This bill provided education and training for veterans, paid for by the federal government. Just over half the returning soldiers, or about 7.8 million veterans, attended colleges and technical schools under the GI Bill. The act also provided federal loan guarantees to veterans buying homes or farms or starting new businesses.

G.I. Bill Of Rights55. What was the GI Bill?

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The End