Download - World War 1 3 Continents 31 Countries 65 Million Soldiers 37 Million Casualties 91,198 Deaths by Gas 6,395 Allied and Neutral Ships lost

Page 1: World War 1  3 Continents  31 Countries  65 Million Soldiers  37 Million Casualties  91,198 Deaths by Gas  6,395 Allied and Neutral Ships lost


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World War 1

3 Continents 31 Countries 65 Million Soldiers 37 Million Casualties 91,198 Deaths by Gas 6,395 Allied and Neutral Ships lost $186.3 Billion Financial Losses

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M.A.I.N. causes of WWI



Imperial nations built up bigger and more powerful

armies and navies which allowed them to conquer land

Example: The size of France

and Germany’s militaries

doubled from 1870-1914.

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Economic and political rivalries set up a system

of alliances

Triple Alliance – Central Powers

○ Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy

Triple Entente – Allies Powers

○ Britain, France, & Russia

Europeans believed this created a balance of


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Newly united countries (Germany & Italy)

wanted to establish colonies to gain New

Markets and Raw Materials which created

WEALTH! $$$$

Both countries pursued colonies in Africa. The

Germans wanted the Congo !

The Italians wanted Ethiopia !

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Nationalism Was the Driving Force! Behind WW I

Many Ethnic people wanted independence from their


Especially in the Balkans From the (Austro-Hungarian &

Ottoman) Empires

They wanted Nation States. One Nationality -- One State

The Differences led to conflict and an assassination which

caused WW I to Begin

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Outbreak of World War I

Austro-Hungary and Ottoman Empires had ruled over the Balkan Peninsula for years.

Result= Nationalism in the Balkans! Serbia gained independence from

Ottoman Empire. Serbia wanted to unite with Bosnia

which was part of the Austro- Hungarian Empire.

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The “Powder Keg” & “Spark”

‘Powder Keg’ was the unstable Balkans Region

The “Spark” That started WW I was…….

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to

the Austro-Hungarian Empire) In Bosnia by a Serbian


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The Fight between Austria-Hungary

and Serbia quickly involved many

European Countries.

Nations honored their agreements to back one

another! !

Russia=Serbia’s ally and they declare war on Austria-Hungary.

Germany= Austria-Hungary’s ally and they declare war on Russia. France and Great Britain= Russia’s ally and they declare war on


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The WESTERN FRONT( French / German border )

THE EASTERN FRONT( Russian / German Border )

THE ITALIAN FRONT( Northern Italy Bordering France & Austro- Hungary )

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The Fronts and Alliances


Most Trench Warfare took place on the Western Front

Fighting was between France, England & USA vs. Germany

Ended in a Stalemate in 1917

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Fighting between Russia & Germany

Russia Pulled out of the War in 1917

and signed a treaty with Germany.

Germany can now focus on the Western Front

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Italian Front

Italy Switched Sides

( Sided with the Allied Powers)

Fought with France

Fought against Germany and Austro-Hungary

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New Weapons Industrial Revolution developed new weapons which

made the war more deadly Development of trench warfare New Weapons

Long range artilleryPoison gasesGas masksSubmarinesTanksMachine gunsAirplanesFlame throwers

Both sides thought the war would be over quickly

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WW I Technology