Download - World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

Page 1: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

Veritas No 14, 11 November 2017 Dear Parent/Carer, Students & Friends of San Clemente

Veritas 15, 26 October 2018

World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers’ Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication and profes-sionalism of those staff responsible for educating our young people at San Clemente. To all our teachers, we express our sincere gratitude. You are an absolute blessing to our school!

Teaching is a demanding profession. In this rapid, changing global world of technology, teachers are forever having to

reinvent themselves. Teachers can sometimes tend to be misunderstood and, on occasions, they are a much-maligned

community. There needs to be a sensitivity that respects the teacher as a well-trained, hardworking professional, who

on any given day, is required to wear many hats in the roles they play!

Teaching is also, I believe, one of the noblest professions in society. World Teachers’ Day is an opportunity for our school community to acknowledge the valuable contribution made by our teachers. I express my sincere gratitude for our teaching and support staff at San Clemente. They are compassionate, hardworking and genuinely love working with our students, and also very committed to working with you, their parents. To be delegated the daily task of caring for your children, and educating future generations, is ultimately a great honour.

We must not forget, however, that a school and its teachers can only build on the teaching a child receives at home. The home should not reinforce the school, it should be the other way around.

Education is about valuing and nurturing every young person’s uniqueness and assisting them to fulfil their capabilities

as students and later as adults. If education is valued in the home and seen as life-enhancing, then children will view

their schooling as being positive for them and worth investing their energies in. Parents and teachers working in collab-

oration can present education as a happy, meaningful and fulfilling experience for children.

In the past, I have at times referred to the following quote by educator Rita Pierson.

“Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connec-

tion and insists they become the best they can possibly be”

I encourage all parents on this special day to reflect on, and acknowledge, at least one staff member at our school that

has been a “champion” for your child. When such gratitude is expressed, it reinforces to our staff, and celebrates, the

important work they do in supporting and nurturing your children.

A Prayer for Teachers Lord, bless the teachers who give their heart to teach-ing. Thank you for the special gift that You have given them and for giving them a spirit of grace and compas-sion. May they have strength and endurance to perform their many tasks, and may they know and feel the deep gratitude of those whom they teach. AMEN.

Scott Donohoe, Principal

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Assistant Principal - Wellbeing

On a day to day basis within a school community we are faced with a variety of challenges. Particularly working with young people who are prone to making mistakes and judgement errors. Learning from our mistakes is essential, given we are a teaching and learning community. It’s my experience that there are 2 key areas to address when learning from our mistakes:

Maintaining positive relationships

The power of conversations

Maintaining relationships and authentic connections during times of crisis take patience, energy and resilience. However, when young people require guidance, authentic positive regard is essential. Similarly, the power of what we say or ask during negative times can also have a huge impact on the outcome. Altering the mindset toward a positive outcome filled with hope and optimism, rather than looking back at the negative that has occurred is what we call a “Solutions Focused” approach at San Clemente.

It is also a mindset that we can adopt at a personal level. Conversations, with others or ourselves can often be divided into two areas.

Positive or negative

Past, present or future

If we are able to focus on the positive and angle conversations away from the errors of our past then we can head to-ward our goal of a positive future. Below are some practical examples of shifting our language and the questions we can ask our young people, or ourselves, in moments of error or distress.

Being Problem Focused Being Solution Focused

What I don’t want What I do want

When things go wrong When things go right

Forces beyond my control Forces within my control

I’m stuck I’m progressing

More troubles to come Positive possibilities and differences

Nathan Beckett, Assistant Principal (Wellbeing)

Page 3: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning

At our assembly last week I welcomed our students to Term 4, a term that I believe is about consolidation: consolidating all that the year has been; whether that is putting in the final effort after a year of dedication; maybe it’s realising you need to make some changes to achieve the best you know you are capable of but haven’t yet succeeded in achieving...

I shared with students insights I gained after reading a book last year about a young girl who fought for education in a country where not everyone could afford an education or had the right to an education. Mallala’s story recounted her life experiences from a small child and the absolute passion and yearning that she had that everyone (including girls who were denied education in this country) have the right to an education in any country.

Mallala who is now only 21, considers her life’s work to be an activist for education for all, which she referred to as her “mission” and her “dream” to achieve. I was really moved by this young girl’s passion, selflessness (not to mention her insightful recognition of the importance and value of education for such a young person) and I suppose impressed by her determination to achieve something she felt so strongly about… Whilst Mallala’s story was both moving and inspira-tional, Mallala herself was inspired to achieve her goal by the influences of key people and experiences in her world…and some of these involved tragedy many of us couldn’t imagine facing, but she continued to fight for what she believed in…

On her 16th birthday she was invited to speak in New York at the United Nations. She called on the world leaders to pro-vide free education to every child in the world She said she didn’t write the speech for UN delegates only in mind but wanted to reach every person around the world who could make a difference.

Mallala has been described as a “global symbol of peaceful protest…”

At the age of 17 this girl was awarded the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

An inspirational story and an inspiring young person…

This term is the final term of your schooling for 2019, Year 7 will finish their first year of high school, Year 8 will move into studying elective subjects of their choice, Year 9 will become our school leaders and Year 10 will finish their junior years of schooling…

Mallala’s story is a reminder of how privileged we are to be educated. The fine educational opportunities at San Clemente were initially founded by the Dominican Sisters and this legacy has continued to be upheld by the many teach-ers and students that have gone before us…

To quote Mallala,

“Let us pick up our books and our pens…they are the most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world…”

I encourage our students to be inspired by this young girl’s story to be the best they can be and in doing so achieve their best.


Year 10- Week 5 (November 12- November 16)

Year 9- Week 6 (November 19- November 23)

HSC Minimum Standard Tests – Year 10

The final opportunity for testing will take place in Week 4. Students who have not yet met the standard are asked to see

Ms Wakely to check their eligibility to sit a test/s again this year.

Emma Tierney, Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)

Library and Book Hire loans

Attention YEAR 10 students: the school year is coming to a swift close and all loans must be re-turned to school. Please bring your outstanding Library and Book Hire loans to the Library ASAP, or please pay for any lost / damaged items. Students with outstanding loans will not be issued with graduation tickets until all loans are reconciled.

Thank you,

Kristy Hüber, Library & Book Hire

Page 4: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

Year 8 News

Welcome back to the final term of Year 8 2018! I trust that everyone enjoyed a restful break, and took the opportunity

to recharge the batteries for Term 4! What a busy term it is going to be.

Last Thursday, parent teacher interviews were conducted at school. It was lovely to speak to so many parents about

how their son or daughter has been progressing. I would like to remind parents that you are able to email your child’s

teacher or phone the school office to make contact if you have any concerns or questions.

The Year 8 assessment schedule has been published and is available on the school website. I encourage all students to

print off the schedule and highlight the appropriate dates and make a study plan and also to publish those where they

are easily visible as a reminder to keep on task for Term 4.

Upcoming Events:

19th November 2018 – Year 8 community day to Luna park

20th November 2018 – Year 8 community day at Dixon Park Surf Club with Australian renowned presenter Chris Doyle

The aim of the two days are to build on the community spirit that the Year 8 group has developed at San Clemente

and also to take the time to take notice of themselves, each other and their environment.

All important information and details are in the letter sent home and emailed home.

A thought to finish the term Year 8:

“A steady pace and consistent state is needed to finish the race”

Kate Tolfree, Year 8 Student Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Year 9 Students

Term 4 has commenced and already two weeks have passed. This term will see Year 9 complete their Semester Examina-tions which start on Monday 19th November and conclude on Friday 23rd November. I have challenged Year 9 to start preparing for their examinations now. A simple strategy is to walk into every class with the right mindset. Be attentive, work hard and engage in the learning process. Follow this up by revising each lesson taught every day for ten minutes at night. This is only one hour each evening. Even break it up into two 30 minute sessions. Make brief summary notes of key ideas/concepts taught in class and continue to follow this process. It is highly achievable and recommended.

On Friday 2nd November Year 9 will be involved in their Leadership Day. The aim of this day is to commence the leader-ship process for 2019 but also to instil leadership qualities/expectations into all Year 9, as in 2019 they are all the leaders of San Clemente. In 2019, 16 Year 10 students will form the Student Leadership Team. This will include 4 School Captains (2 male and 2 female), 4 House Captains and 8 Portfolio leaders who will be responsible for the Sport, Cultural, Ministry and Stewardship Portfolios. All students interested in being a part of the Leadership Team will be required to complete an application form highlighting their suitability for the position. Candidates will be shortlisted and then interviewed by the school executive team and myself. This process has been employed to raise the profile and standard of student leader-ship at San Clemente.

Shout Out – To all the Year 9 classes that I have visited in the first two weeks of this term. I have been impressed by your work ethic, attitude, sense of humour and mostly your smiles, even the ones that had to be forced. Please keep it up.

A reminder to Year 9 parents, if you have any concerns at all please contact me at school on 4014 7300 or on the follow-

ing email address; [email protected]

A final thought Year 9,

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,

do more and become more, you are a leader." Patrick Doyle, Year 9 Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Page 5: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

Year 7 Students

Welcome back to Year 7 and families for the final term of 2018! I cannot believe our Year 7 students are only 8 weeks away from completing their first year at San Clemente. Looking ahead it is going to be a very busy term but an exciting one as well.

It was lovely to talk to so many parents on Parents /Teacher day last week. I encourage all families, when possible, to take the opportunity to check in with teachers on our parent teacher interview days as it continues to build on our partnership allowing us to bring out the best in every student.

At the moment, our Year 7 students are busily working on assessment tasks that are due in the next few weeks. A remind-er that copies of their tasks and their assessment schedule can be found on our school website. If students are having difficulty understanding or completing a task I strongly encourage them to seek help from their classroom teachers or Teaching and Learning Coordinator (TLC) for the relevant faculty. Both teachers and TLC’s can be contacted via email or by phoning the school if families have any questions as well.

A big congratulations to Ella Howarth who received a GOLD AWARD on assembly last week – a massive achievement and very well deserved.

It is very pleasing to see the majority of Year 7 students wearing their uniform correctly and I thank parents for their sup-port with uniform issues. If a student is wearing the incorrect uniform they will be asked (usually by their mentor teacher) to attend a lunchtime detention. If there are any issues with uniform please contact me and we can work together.

A final reminder to all Year 7 families to please contact me if you have any concerns via email [email protected] or by phoning the school.

Bronwyn Denham, Year 7 Student Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Year 10 News

Awareness Week/ Graduation: Please take particular note of the dates below outlining the end of year program for Year

10 prior to graduating. Specific details and costs for the activities have been distributed to students. Awareness Week and

Graduation will cost $170, with the opportunity to complete a First Aid Course an additional $70. Payments are to be made

by the Qkr! App or to the Finance Office by Friday 9th November.

Important Dates for the remainder of 2018:

November 12th – November 16th: Semester Two Examinations

November 19th – November 23rd: Work Experience

November 26th – December 5th: Awareness Week

December 6th: Graduation at Wests City

A reminder to all parents/ carers, if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s wellbeing, please don’t hesi-

tate in contacting me on 4014 7300 or at [email protected]

Nicholas Marsh, Year 10 Coordinator (Wellbeing)

Sleep research suggests that a teenager needs between 8 and 10 hours of sleep every night. This is

more than the amount a child or an adult needs. Yet most adolescents only get about 6.5 – 7.5 hours

sleep per night, and some get less.

The typical teenage brain wants to go to bed late and sleep late the following morning, which is usually

hard to manage. You may be able to adjust your body clock but it takes time. Suggestions include:

Choose a relaxing bedtime routine; for example, use meditation or mindfulness activities.

Avoid screens such as computers, TV or smart phones, loud music, homework or any other activ-

ity that gets your mind racing for at least an hour before bedtime.

Avoid stimulants in the evening like coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks.

Do the same bedtime routine every night for at least four weeks to make your brain associate

this routine with going to sleep.

Avoid staying up late on the weekends. Late nights will undo your hard work.

Get active during the day so you are more physically tired at night.

Page 6: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

San Clemente P&F Association—Fundraising Raffle

Don’t miss out on our raffle with tickets on sale next week.

Prizes are fabulous and you can’t win if your are not in!

First prize—Thermomix

Second prize—Rustica eight course banquet for four people

Third prize—Peter Lehmann wine pack from Whitebridge cellars.

Tickets available from the Canteen, Finance Office or P&F Members

Purchase your tickets

through the Qkr! app

Coffee Morning for Parents or Carers of Students with Additional Needs

The Feldt Centre invites parents or carers of students with additional needs to

come along for a coffee morning to meet with San Clemente staff. This is an infor-

mal chat where you can ask questions and meet other parents and staff. This date

coincides with the Year 6 Feldt Centre Transition Day for selected students.

Tuesday 6 November at 9am

Please go to the front office to sign in

Please RSVP to Gay McDonell

[email protected]

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Page 8: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

This term in Science …………………….

Year 7 will look at an introduction to Physical World. They will study forces, including gravity, magnetic forces, buoyan-

cy and more to keep them both balanced and uplifted.

Year 8 will be studying Our Earth, investigating the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. They will also

look at our Earth’s resources. Year 8 will undertake an excursion to the Awabakal Centre at Dudley to look at compo-

nents of Earth’s spheres in particular elements of our local biosphere.

Year 9 will be studying Ecology then leading to cycles that effect ecosystems such as the carbon and nitrogen cycles.

This will then finish with plate tectonics and the study of activities on the Earth’s crust including earthquakes, tsunamis

and volcanoes. Year 9 will also undertake an excursion to the Wetlands to complement the Ecology topic.

Year 10 will have a closer look at space and what is in our Universe. They will learn about the life cycle of a star and the

Big Bang theory.

Ms Jillian Davy demonstrating forces with her Year 7 class.

Year 7 are studying forces as part of their Physical World unit

The San Clemente ISTEM class are busily preparing for the Electric Vehicle bike festival next Wednesday, at the Camer-on Park raceway. We have two teams competing - the San Clement Rockets and the San Clemente Doves. The student teams have worked together and have built the bikes virtually from scratch.

We wish them all the very best of luck.

The Science Faculty

Aidan and Ethan

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School vaccination clinics continue into Terms 4


If your child has missed any vaccinations they will be offered any missed doses at the next clinic at their school.


Any year 7 student with missed doses of HPV vaccine can be caught up in 2019.


Any 2018 year 8 student who commenced HPV vaccination while in Year 7 and are yet to finish the course of HPV (and who has not received any from their local doctor) can still receive this at the next clinic at their school.

Any year 10 or 11 student who returned a signed consent card for Meningococcal ACWY vaccine and has not receive this in 2018 (and who has not received it from their local doctor) can still re-ceive this at the next clinic at their school.

Please note:

As of July 2017 any student who has missed school program vaccines or any childhood vaccines can now receive these vaccines from their local doctor. For more information please refer to and click on “National immunisation program – expansion”.

Don’t forget a Record of Vaccination is given to each student for each vaccination. Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept for future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination. Any questions, visit the NSW Ministry of Health website at:



n P




Pull up your socks this Socktober and help sock it to poverty! Every year San Clemente supports Catholic Mission through Socktober - socking it to social justice in October. The theme

for this year’s project is ‘Healing a nation through education’. Funds raised will go towards the important work of Catholic

Mission in Myanmar; through programs aimed to improve education for children, specifically through teacher training and

the implementation of alternative, child-centred education around the country.

For more information please go to:

On Tuesday October 30, the San Clemente community are encouraged to support Catholic Mission, by wearing colourful socks, bringing a gold coin donation and getting involved in the activities and stalls in the afternoon.

Page 10: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

The Library will be open after school every Monday until

4pm with teachers available to assist with Assessment Tasks

and homework.

The Maths ASAP program also operates on Monday after-

noons in D3 for Year 9 and 10 students.

The final session for 2018 will be Week 8, 3rd December.

For more information, please contact Mrs McDonell (02) 4014


Permission to attend Homework Hub I give permission for:

Student Name: ________________________________

Year: ________ Mentor Group: _______________________ to attend Homework Hub in the Library at San Clemente High School every Monday afternoon until 4pm. This student will be travelling home from San Clemente by: _______________________________________________

Parent Name: ____________________

Contact Phone Number: ______________________


Office Hours

Mon – Thu 8.00 am – 3.00 pm

Friday 8.00 am – 2.30 pm



All fees for Term 3 should have now been paid.

If you have not received a copy of your statement, please contact the school asap.

Fees were due for payment by Friday 17 August 2018.

If you are paying by Direct Debit or Bpay, please ensure your weekly/fortnightly payments are enough to finalise fees by Mid December.

Canteen Lunch Orders:

Student lunches can be ordered using QKR! App. All orders must be placed before 8am of day required.

QKR is now our preferred method of payment. Details are available on school website.

Page 11: World Teachers Day - San Clemente High School€¦ · World Teachers’ Day This Friday, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day. This is a day when we acknowledge the dedication

The construction of our new Hall is progressing and we are planning to make the Centenary

Bricks part of the project.

This is the final opportunity to be included in the project and ‘Etched in Stone’. Please complete

the form below and send it back to the Finance Office with payment before end of September.

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For Parents/Caregivers At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.

Using the COS-P model developed by the Circle of Security originators, our trained Facilitators work with parents and care-givers to help them to:

Understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs Support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions Enhance the development of their child's self esteem Honour the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure

Dear Parent:

I invite you to a 6 week programme I will be running at Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre

on Thursdays from 15 November 2018. This course helps parents appreciate the vital role

they have in helping children develop into secure adults. I hope you will be able to


What: Circle of Security

Where: Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre, 44 Mordue Parade, Jesmond

When: THURSDAYS November 15, 22, 29; and 6, 13 and 20 December 2018

Time: 10.30 to 12.30

Cost: No cost to parents/caregivers

However it is necessary to commit to attending the 6 week programme from the

start date. Tea and coffee provided but please note no child care available.

Reply: Sue Walkom (Child, Youth and Family Counsellor) Jesmond Neighbourhood

Centre tel: 4979 8555 and [email protected]

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Canteen Roster



Memorabilia for Sale

GLASSES $10.00 MUGS $10.00

KEY RING $5.00

San Clemente High School—Uniform Shop Calendar Dates to note

29/10-2/11 ASPIRE Auditions

30 Oct Socktober activities

31 Oct Staff Spirituality Day—Pupil Free

31 Oct iSTEM Electrical Vehicle Challenge

1 Nov Immunisation Yr 7 (HPV & Catchups)

2 Nov Year 9 Leadership Day

12 Nov YEAR 10 EXAM Week

14/15 Nov Awabakal Edu Centre Dudley Yr 8

14 Nov Sight & Sound Exhibition Opening

19 Nov Year 8 Community Day Luna Park

20 Nov Year 8 Community Day Dixon Park

19-23 Nov Orientation Groups Year 6

19 Nov YEAR 9 Exam Week

19-23 Nov Work Experience Year 10

23 Nov Year 7 Maths Assessment

26 Nov Awareness Week Year 10

26 Nov Year 8 Maths Assessments

28 Nov SFX Orientation Year 10

6 Dec Year 10 Graduation

17 Dec School Mass

19 Dec Final Day 2018, years 7-9


31 Jan Year 7s

1 Feb Years 8, 9, 10

06 Feb School Photos 7 & 10

11/13 Feb Yr 7 Camp

20 Feb School Photos 8 & 9

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 3

29 Oct

Jody Gill Carmel Sharah STAFF SPIRITUALI-


OK Wendy Williams

Joan McBride

Week 4

05 Nov

Karen Graham Sue Hamilton Carmel Sharah OK Carol deVos

Michelle Corling