Download - World Nutrition Facts. Nutrition Information: The things you eat, and the things you don't eat, can affect your health in detrimental ways. Avoiding the.


World Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Information:

The things you eat, and the things you don't eat, can affect your health in detrimental ways. Avoiding the sun can lead to vitamin deficiency, and some herbal concoctions can be toxic if swallowed. Some carbohydrates you can't digest may keep your bowel movements regular and lower your cholesterol. From the sun to plants to raw meat, nutrition is everywhere.

Can Humans Digest Glucose?

The entire process of digestion -- from ingestion to elimination -- takes anywhere from 24 to 72 hours, depending on what foods you've eaten. Sugars, like glucose, are digested in one step, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Because glucose is in its simple form -- one that is already usable by the body -- it is absorbed right from the small intestine and into the bloodstream.

Can Excess Glucose in the Human Diet Result in Accumulations?

Three things happen to glucose after it's absorbed from your small intestine. Insulin takes whatever glucose it needs for energy into your cells. Excess glucose is converted into glycogen and taken to your liver and skeletal muscle where it is stored. The glycogen in your skeletal muscles provides the energy your muscles need to contract. The glycogen in your liver is converted back into glucose and released for energy during times of fasting -- in between meals or during sleep. Your body has a limited ability to store glucose, however, particularly if you consume an excessive amount of it. The glucose that cannot be stored in your liver or muscle tissue is converted into triglycerides or fat.

What Vitamin Is Produced When Human Skin Is Exposed to Sunlight?

Your skin is able to synthesize vitamin D with exposure to ultraviolet-B rays from the sun. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, the form of vitamin D produced by the sun is not biologically available until it undergoes two changes. The first, which takes place in the liver, converts vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D or calcidiol. The second, which takes place in the kidney, converts calcidiol to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D or calcitriol, which is the biologically active form.

Can Humans Get Vitamin C From Meat?

Raw animal protein, especially organ meats like liver, contains small amounts of vitamin C. This vitamin C is destroyed during the cooking process. Because of this, humans can't get a significant amount of vitamin C from meat. The best sources of vitamin C are fruits and vegetables, such as mango, papaya, pineapple, kiwi fruit, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and winter squash.

Can Humans Store Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K is fat-soluble, so humans are able to store excess amounts of the vitamin. There are two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K: vitamin K-1, or phylloquinone, and vitamin K-2, or menaquinones. Vitamin K-1 comes from plants and is the main form you get from your diet. You get vitamin K-2 from animal foods as well as the bacteria in your gut. Most of the stored vitamin K-2 is located in the liver.


While some foods are universal, others are more popular in specific areas of the world. Whether you are in search of a healthy new snack or want to figure out where the foods you eat fit in with world trends, understanding a few key world nutrition facts can help you make better food choices no matter where you are from.

What is the mildest pepper in the world?

Sweet bell peppers are the mildest pepper in the world because they contain no capsaicin, the compound that burns your tongue and gives most peppers their spiciness. On the Scoville scale, which measures how hot a pepper is, sweet bell peppers come in at a completely neutral zero on a scale of zero to 16 million. If you want a pepper with just a little bit of spice, try a pimento, which has a Scoville level of 100 to 500.

What Are the Most Abundant Carbs in the World?

While the most abundant carbohydrate in nature is actually cellulose, this form of carb isn't digestible. When it comes to carbs your body can actually use, starches take top billing. These complex carbohydrates don't taste sweet like simple sugars do, but they still get broken down into glucose in the body. Potatoes, rice, grains, pasta and legumes all contain starches.

Can All Carbohydrates in Nature Be Digested and Absorbed by Humans?

Humans are not able to digest and absorb all carbohydrates that are produced in nature. Indigestible carbohydrates include cellulose and fibers, such as inulin, oligofructose and lignans. Cellulose has no nutritional function and is used in manufacturing rather than in food. Even though it's indigestible, fiber has numerous nutritional roles. It contributes to healthy bowel movements, helps you maintain or lose weight, lowers blood cholesterol levels and keeps blood glucose levels steady.

What Has the Most Protein in the World in It?

Soy protein isolate and whey protein isolate have a higher ratio of protein to calories than anything else in the world because they are so concentrated. Both of these isolates can be added to shakes, smoothies, soups or other liquids to give you a quick and easy protein boost. They are also common in processed foods because they boost the protein content and help extend the shelf life of food products.

What Is the Most Popular Dish in the World?

Around the world, more people include a bowl or scoop of rice with their meal than any other food. Rice consumption per capita in 2008 was about 57 kilograms a person, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Whether it is boiled into a porridge or topped with a stir-fry, rice is a staple food for people in countries all over the globe. Because rice doesn't contain all of the essential amino acids you need, it's best to serve rice with complementary foods, such as beans or meat.

What Is the Worst Junk Food in the World?

While deep-fried Twinkies and super-sized sundaes don't do anything positive for your waistline or your health, the true king of junk food is the “Triple-Bypass Burger" at Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas. This 8,000-calorie burger packs almost a week's worth of calories into one sandwich. Even worse, the establishment lived up to its name in February 2012, when a customer eating one of these burgers had an actual heart attack right in the restaurant. Other contenders for the worst junk food include deep-fried butter and chocolate-covered bacon.

What Is the Most Abundant Carbohydrate in the World?

When it comes to carbohydrates that are food crops, more acres of wheat are harvested than any other carbohydrate source. About 211 million acres of farmland are dedicated to wheat production. In addition to being found in breads, cakes, cookies, pasta and cereals, wheat is also used in plenty of processed foods.

Largest Source of Carbohydrates for Human Food in the World

Carbohydrates make up the foundation of diets all over the globe. The primary sources of carbohydrates in the world are grains, like rice and pasta, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. According to "Nutrition and You" by Joan Salge Blake, rice accounts for 80 percent of peoples' daily calories in Asia. In the Mediterranean, most carbohydrates are consumed in the form of pastas, breads and couscous. In the United States, the potato is one of the top carbohydrate sources.

Largest Salt Flats in the World

The largest salt flats in the world are the Salar de Uyuni salt flats in Bolivia. This 4,086-square-mile site is one of the least polluted salt flats in the world. The salt produced here is fine and powdery with an intense flavor. The salt flat produces 25,000 tons of salt each year. While the American Heart Association recommends limiting sodium intake, an occasional sprinkling of this unique salt makes a pleasant treat.

The Best Fiber in the World

The body needs multiple types of fiber, and no single food contains all of the fiber you need. For soluble fiber, the type that benefits heart health, some of the best sources are oatmeal, beans, and dried plums. Wheat bran has extremely high levels of insoluble fiber, the type that relieves constipation and benefits the digestive tract. If you prefer your fiber in supplement form, psyllium, which contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, is probably your best bet. Aim for a total of 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day from many different sources.

Can Humans Digest & Absorb Dietary Fiber Such as Cellulose & Hemicellulose?

Cellulose is the most abundant plant polysaccharide, followed by hemicelluloses which make up 25 to 30 percent of a plant's structure. Both of these carbohydrates exist in the cell walls of plants, but they are structurally different. Humans cannot digest cellulose and hemicelluloses -- unlike other carbohydrates, such as starch, which they are able to digest.

The Best Muscle-Building Protein in the World

When it comes to building muscle, you need a complete protein source, which contains all of the necessary amino acids in order to ensure proper muscle growth. Eggs are an excellent, and easily available, complete protein. Eggs contain everything you need for muscle building, and they are also 100 percent bioavailable, which means that your body doesn't waste any of the protein because it is all in a usable form. In addition, eggs contain other vitamins and minerals that help build muscle, including vitamins A and B-12.