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Page 1: World Cultural Landmarks

World Cultural Landmarks

By: Ms.Iwasaki6th Grade Teacher 2015-16

Definition of Landmark (noun): a highly recognizable . . .

Page 2: World Cultural Landmarks

Moais (12)

• The ancient volcanic statues surround the perimeter of the Chilean-Polynesian island called Easter Island.

• These statues represent deceased ancestors in the form of oversized monolithic heads and are believed to protect from destruction and famine.

• The physical feat of moving the statues weighing hundreds of tons & standing up to 70 feet tall is considered remarkable.

Page 3: World Cultural Landmarks

Machu Picchu (17)

• The 15th century citadel Machu Picchu is located in Peru, South America and is acknowledged as a unique testimony of the Incan empire.

• Believed to be sacred, Macchu Picchu means “Old Peak” and sits about 8,000 feet above sea level hidden from Spanish conquer.