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Alternate sets of the bench press and seated cable row. So youll do one set of 1A, rest, then one set of 1B, rest again, and repeat until all sets are complete. Perform the remaining exercises as normal straight sets.1A. BENCH PRESSSets: 4 Reps: 10 Rest: 60 sec.Grasp the bar just outside shoulder width and arch your back so theres space between your lower back and the bench. Pull the bar out of the rack and lower it to your sternum, tucking your elbows about 45 degrees to your sides. When the bar touches your body, drive your feet hard into the floor and press the bar back up.1B. SEATED CABLE ROWSets: 4 Reps:10 Rest: 60 sec.Attach a straight or lat-pulldown bar to the pulley of a seated row station. Sit on the bench or floor with your feet against the foot plate and knees slightly bent. Keeping your lower back flat, bend forward at the hips to grasp the bar and row it to your sternum, squeezing your shoulder blades together in the end position. Extend your arms and feel the stretch in your back before beginning the next rep.2. DUMBBELL ROMANIAN DEADLIFTSets: 4 Reps: 10 Rest: 90 sec.Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with feet hip width. Push your hips back and, keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend your torso forward, lowering until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, bending slightly at the knees as needed. Squeeze your glutes as you come back up.3. PALLOF PRESS ISO HOLDSets: 3 Reps: Hold for 30 sec. (each side) Rest: 30 sec.Attach a single-grip handle to a cable pulley and set it at about shoulder height. (You can also use a band.) Grasp the handle with one hand over the other and step away from the machine to put tension on the cable; turn to your left 90 degrees so your right side is now facing the machine. Stand with feet shoulder width and extend your arms in front of you. The cable will try to twist your body toward itresist.4. STANDING CALF RAISESets: 4 Reps: 10 Rest: 60 sec.Use a standing calf raise machine, or hold onto a sturdy object and stand on a block as shown. Lower your heels toward the floor until you feel a stretch in your calves. Drive the balls of your feet into the foot plate and contract your calves, raising your heels as high as possible. Control the descent on each rep.- See more at: