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Work Habits and the Ontario Skills Passport

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Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)

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Work Habits in the OSP

Working Safely Initiative

Teamwork Self-advocacy

Reliability Customer Service

Organization Entrepreneurship

Working Independently

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OSP Work Habits

• Each work habit has performance indicators• There are no skill levels associated with work


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Working Safely

• Working in a manner that prevents injury to self and others

• Reporting unsafe conditions • Participating in health and safety training, as

required • Using and wearing all required protective

equipment and devices

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Working Safely

Work I report unsafe working conditions to my supervisor.

Learning I know the WHMIS symbols and what they stand for.

Life I regularly replace the batteries in my smoke detectors at home.

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• Working willingly with others • Showing respect for the ideas and opinions of

others • Taking responsibility for his or her share of the

work • Contributing to the team effort by sharing

information, resources, and expertise

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Work I always help co-workers but especially when they are overloaded with work.

Learning In a group assignment, I do my fair share of the work.

Life I listen attentively to the ideas of others.

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• Being punctual • Following directions • Giving attention to detail • Using time effectively and producing work on

time • Acting in accordance with health and safety


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Work I meet my deadlines.

Learning I regularly attend classes and am on time.

Life I am on time for appointments.

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• Organizing work priorities when faced with a number of tasks

• Devising and following a coherent plan to complete a task

• Revising the plan when necessary to complete a task or to make improvements

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Work I plan my day so I know which task I need to complete first.

Learning I use a planner to record all due dates for assignments and projects.

Life I plan my weekly menu so that I make fewer trips to the grocery store.

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Working Independently

• Accomplishing tasks independently • Independently selecting, evaluating, and using

appropriate materials, tools, resources, and activities

• Using prior knowledge and experience to solve problems and make decisions

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Working Independently

Work I complete my job tasks with little or no direction.

Learning I am self-motivated to complete tasks.

Life I complete daily chores around the house without being reminded.

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• Beginning and completing tasks with little prompting

• Approaching new tasks with confidence and a positive attitude

• Seeking assistance when necessary

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Work If I finish a task, I look for other work to do.

Learning I help a classmate who needs assistance.

Life I look for ways to help my family, friends and community.

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• Asking questions and seeking clarification, where appropriate

• Identifying and making use of appropriate resources and support when needed

• Being proactive regarding individual rights and responsibilities, where appropriate

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Work I know my legal rights as an employee or employer.

Learning I research a variety of educational opportunities before I make a decision about which one will suit me best.

Life I know my consumer rights and know whom to contact if I need help.

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Customer Service

• Listening effectively to determine and meet clients’ needs

• Interacting positively with both co-workers and clients/customers

• Endeavouring to meet and exceed expectations • Creating a positive impression of the company

or organization

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Customer Service

Work I reply to a customer’s e-mail in a timely manner.

Learning I am respectful to my instructors and classmates.

Life I try to be friendly with people, even if I’m having a bad day.

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• Recognizing and acting on opportunities • Showing perseverance • Being innovative and creative • Being versatile and resourceful

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Work I research new product ideas for my employer.

Learning I make suggestions for new extra-curricular activities in my school and offer to lead these activities.

Life I create and run a fundraising event in the community.

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Choose That Work Habit

Decide which Work Habit is being demonstrated:Description Work Habit

I like to brainstorm ideas for new projects and make them happen...


I use “To Do” Lists... Reliability

I keep my promises... Initiative

I am self-motivated to complete tasks... Organization

I always help my co-workers, especially when they are overloaded with work...

Customer Service

I read the label on cleaning products before using them...


If I finish a task, I look for other work to do... Entrepreneurship

I reply to a customer’s e-mail in a timely manner...

Working Independently

I know my consumer rights and know whom to contact if I need help.

Working Safely

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Choose That Work Habit

Decide which Work Habit is being demonstrated:Description Work Habit

I like to brainstorm ideas for new projects and make them happen...


I use “To Do” Lists... Organization

I keep my promises... Reliability

I am self-motivated to complete tasks... Working Independently

I always help my co-workers, especially when they are overloaded with work...


I read the label on cleaning products before using them...

Working Safely

If I finish a task, I look for other work to do... Initiative

I reply to a customer’s e-mail in a timely manner...

Customer Service

I know my consumer rights and know whom to contact if I need help.


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1. Work habits have performance indicators

2. Work habits do not have skill levels