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by christopher davis

The names of the gallery’s or exhibition that i will be viewing are the print club (london), brick lane gallery and the reverting to type exhibition.

i also planned a second day on going to the V&A museum on south kensington high street to view some of the work they have on show including the shadow capture exhibition.

For the exhibition brief i chose to go down brick-lane where i found 2 small gallerys/studios. Mainly forcusing on screen print-ing and type.


Day 1: first stop is the print club, which has been organized to ad-vertise and sell new/old print artists work to the publc. It also has a print sceening station for members to use.


The main forcus of the medium is print screening with the finish design famed and placed on the wall for the public to view. Here are a few examples of the qauilty and workmanship the artist had

I really enjoyed this gallery with all the different designs, it opened up my mind to many ways of designing and using a dif-ferent element or style of processing idess. It also has inspied me to be more invovle print screeening.

Based in a small shop in the center of brick-lane, the two floor gallery of artistic painting framed proffesional on the wall. Look-ing around i would see new but familiar paintings that i would think to myself ive seen that before.



Personally the work did not reach out to me or make me think about the painting in more depth, so im afaid this gallery did nothing to me.

I really enjoyed this gallery with all the different designs, it opened up my mind to many ways of designing and using a dif-ferent element or style of processing idess. It also has inspied me to be more invovle print screeening.


more examples or the many styles of typeface they had come up with and designing a range of different posters with there own style. i really enjoyed looking at the different fonts,styles and col-ours they had on show.

i think this was the best gallery on the day because of the differ-ent fonts i saw and as the first studio it opened my mind up again and showed me what i could be able to do in my own work.

another image on the day of exhibitions and gallerys

At the dawn of photography, various image-makers explored camera-less tech-niques, and today there are a number of artists who continue to challenge the belief that a camera is necessary to create a photograph. Shadow Catchers presents the work of five leading practitioners Pierre Cordier, Susan Derges, Adam Fuss, Garry Fabian Miller and Floris Neusüss who, by casting shadows on light-sensitive paper or by chemically manipulating its surface, capture the presence of objects, figures or glowing light. The results are powerful im-ages, often with surreal effects and symbolic content. This is the first book to gather together the exciting works of these key contemporary artists, revealing the technical processes and creative practices involved in their art. In an age of mass-produced imagery, Shadow Catchers offers hand-crafted photographs that are both haunting and thought-provoking.

My thoughts on Adam Fuss within this work he has created some sublime pho-togram images, including that of a baby in a shallow bath of water, which is showen in this range of work. He has an amazing way of making the ordinary, extra ordinary...Life, looked at sideways.

I really enjoyed my self and also understanding the different methods of pho-tography, and gaining new images in the ways.

Shadow Catchers: Camera-less Photography

my thoughts

After looking at the shadown capture section in the V&A i went to look around the museum and its drawing, painting and imag-ing sections. Here are view pictures of what i found


After looking at the shadown capture section in the V&A i went to look around the museum and its drawing, painting and imag-ing sections. Here are view pictures of what i found

The three gallerys/rooms we visted in the V&A that showcased work related to the title in show. I found each one different and enjoyable to view.

