Download - WORDS OF THE WEEK IX€¦  · Web viewsynonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language 16. antonym a word opposite in meaning to another 17. acronym

Page 1: WORDS OF THE WEEK IX€¦  · Web viewsynonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language 16. antonym a word opposite in meaning to another 17. acronym


Lesson: Prefixes are attached to a base word at the beginning of the word. A prefix will modify the meaning of a base word.


un- re- dis- mis- pre- fore- post- after- (not) (do again) (not) (badly) (before) (before) (after) (after)

For Example: The word “unopened” = un + opened, meaning not opened.

Word Definition1. unattached not attached; not connected2. unplanned not planned; not intended; unintentional3. reinstall to install again; to put in place ready for use again4. reassure to assure again; to restore confidence5. discontinue to put an end to; stop; terminate6. disengage to release from attachment; loosen; unfasten7. misfortune an adverse fortune; bad luck8. misstep a wrong step9. preoccupied completely engrossed in thought; absorbed10. preposition to position in advance or beforehand11. preexisting to exist before something; precede12. foreword a short introductory note in a book13. forewarn to warn in advance14. postcolonial relating to the period following a state of colonialism15. postdate to put a date on something that is later than the actual date16. afterthought a later or second thought; reconsideration17. afterward at a later time18. affable pleasantly easy to approach and talk to; friendly; polite19. anonymous having an unknown or unacknowledged name20. atrocious extremely evil or cruelWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 1 & 2

Page 2: WORDS OF THE WEEK IX€¦  · Web viewsynonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language 16. antonym a word opposite in meaning to another 17. acronym


Lesson: Suffixes are attached to a base word at the end of the word. A suffix will modify the meaning of a base word.

Suffixes: (these suffixes compare, as in “kinder” and “kindest”)

- er -ier -est -iest Note: when a word ends in “y,” (compares two things) (compares more than two) change it to “i” before adding “est”

For Example: The word “kinder” = kind + “-er”, meaning more kind than another.

Word Definition1. quieter more quiet than another2. quietest most quiet of all3. harsher more harsh than another4. harshest most harsh of all5. emptier more empty than another6. emptiest most empty of all7. earlier more early than another8. earliest most early of all9. trickier more tricky than another10. trickiest most tricky of all11. fancier more fancy than another12. fanciest most fancy of all13. crummier more crummy than another14. crummiest most crummy of all15. murkier more murky than another16. murkiest most murky of all17. shinier more shiny than another18. shiniest most shiny of all19. disease a thing interfering with normal body functioning20. cooperative working together willingly for a common purpose WTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 3

Page 3: WORDS OF THE WEEK IX€¦  · Web viewsynonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language 16. antonym a word opposite in meaning to another 17. acronym


Lesson: Suffixes are attached to a base word at the end of the word. A suffix will modify the meaning of a base word.


-ness -ful -less Note: when a base word ends in “y,”(state of being) (full of/having) (without) change it to “i” before adding suffix

For Example: The word “kinder” = kind + “-er”, meaning more kind than another.

Word Definition1. massiveness the state of being large in scale, amount, or degree2. attentiveness the state of giving attention, of being observant3. politeness the state of showing good manners towards others4. emptiness the state of containing nothing, of being unoccupied5. rigorousness the state of being strict, severe, or harsh6. delightful giving great pleasure7. disgraceful bringing or deserving disgrace; shameful, dishonorable8. bountiful marked by abundance; plentiful9. insightful exhibiting clear or deep perception10. fanciful indulging in or influenced by fancy; not based on fact, unreal11. tactful exhibiting tact; being considerate and discreet12. respectful showing politeness13. thoughtless lacking consideration for others; inconsiderate14. priceless having a value beyond price15. flawless without flaw; without defect or fault16. tactless lack of sensitivity to what is appropriate in dealing with

other; the inability to speak or act without offending17. thoughtlessness the state of lacking consideration for others18. flawless without flaw; without defect or fault19. vicinity the area or region about or near a place20. surreptitiously done by clandestine or stealthy meansWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 4

Page 4: WORDS OF THE WEEK IX€¦  · Web viewsynonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language 16. antonym a word opposite in meaning to another 17. acronym


Lesson: Suffixes are attached to a base word at the end of the word. A suffix will modify the meaning of a base word.


-ion -ian Note: when the base ends in “ic”(the act or result of) (a person who does something) the suffix is “-ian” not “-ion”

For Example: The word “detection” = detect + “-ion”, meaning the result of detecting.

Word Definition1. distinct different in nature or quality; dissimilar2. distinction the recognizing or noting of differences3. elect to choose or select by a vote; to determine in favor of4. election the act of electing5. extinction the act of extinguishing; no longer in existence6. prediction a statement made about the future7. oppression the exercise of authority in a cruel or unjust manner8. congressional concerning (about) a congress9. possession the act or fact of ownership10. confession the act of admitting11. assert to state with assurance, confidence, or force12. assertion a positive statement or declaration, often without support or reason

13. insert to put or place in14. insertion the act of putting or placing in15. optic concerning (about) the eye or sight16. optician a person who makes/sells eyeglasses or contact lenses17. logic the science that investigates the principles governing

correct or reliable inference18. logician a person who is skilled in logic19. clinic a medical establishment run by several specialists working

in cooperation and sharing the same facilities20. clinician a health professional involved in the treatment of living patientsWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 5 & 6

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Lesson: Suffixes are attached to a base word at the end of the word. A suffix will modify the meaning of a base word. Sometimes, the base word’s spelling will change before adding a suffix, as in “congratulate” and “congratulation.” Drop the “e” before adding “-ion.”


-ion (the act or result of)

For Example: The word “detection” = detect + “-ion”, meaning the result of detecting.

Word Definition1. congratulate to express pleasure to a person, as on a happy occasion2. congratulation an expression of joy in the success or good fortune of another3. imitate to mimic; impersonate4. imitation a thing derived or copied from an original5. indicate to show the way to or the direction of; point out6. indication a thing that serves to show the way or point out; a sign7. translate to turn from one language into another8. translation the change of something from one language into another9. reduce to bring down into a smaller size, amount, or number10. reduction the act or process of reducing11. introduction the first section of communication12. creation the act of producing or causing to exist13. decoration a thing used for decorating; adornment; embellishment14. illustration the act of clarifying or explaining15. generation a group of individuals born and living at about the same time16. vicious being evil or immoral17. zealous marked by active interest or enthusiasm18. scrawny excessively thin; lean19. doubt to be uncertain about20. leisure the freedom from the demands of work or dutyWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 7

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Lesson: Suffixes are attached to a base word at the end of the word. A suffix will modify the meaning of a base word. Sometimes, the base word’s spelling will change before adding a suffix, as in “explode” and “explosion.” Words that end in “de”, drop the “de” before adding “-sion.” Words that end in i+t, drop the “t” and add “ss.”


-ion (the act or result of)

For Example: The word “explode” = explo + “-sion”, meaning the result of exploding.

Word Definition1. explode to cause to burst with a violent release of energy2. explosion the act of exploding or bursting3. decide to solve or conclude, to determine or settle 4. decision the act or process of deciding5. invade to enter forcefully, as an enemy6. invasion an act of invading, as an enemy7. conclude to bring to an end; finish; terminate8. conclusion the end or close; the final part9. intrude to thrust or bring in without invitation or permission10. intrusion an act or instance of entering without invitation11. protrude to push or thrust outward12. protrusion the act of protruding13. allude to refer (to something) casually or indirectly14. allusion a passing or casual reference15. admit to allow to enter; to permit; to confess16. admission the act of allowing to enter; the confession of a charge, an error, or

a crime.17. omit to leave out; fail to include or mention18. omission the act of omitting19. submit to give over or yield to the power of another20. submission the act of instance of submittingWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 8

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Lesson: Silent/Sounded Consonants

Silent letters, such as the “g” in “sign”, come from sounded consonants in a related word, such as “signature.”

For Example: The unsounded “t” in “soften” comes from the sounded “t” in “soft.”

Word Definition1. bombard to attack with bombs, shells, or missiles2. bomb an explosive weapon detonated by impact, proximity to a

object, a timing mechanism, or other means3. soft yielding readily to touch or pressure4. soften to make soft or softer5. muscular concerning (about) muscle6. muscle a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of

which produces movement in the body7. condemnation an expression of strong disapproval8. condemn to express an unfavorable judgment on; to indicate strong

disapproval of9. designate to mark or point out; indicate; show; specify10. design to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully11. columnist the writer or editor of a newspaper or magazine column12. column a regular written feature in a newspaper or magazine13. autumnal characteristic of, or occurring in, autumn14. autumn the season of the year between summer and winter15. resignation a formal statement stating that one gives up a job16. resign to give up a job (or office or position)17. haste swiftness of motion; speed18. hasten to move or act with speed; to hurry19. solemnity the quality or condition of being serious20. solemn deeply earnest, serious, or soberWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 9

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Lesson: Vowel Change from Long to Short or Schwa

As the word form changes in some words, the vowel sound changes from long to short, with a schwa, an unaccented, short letter sound.

For Example: The long vowel “i” sound in “define” changes to the schwa sound in “definition.” The long “a” sound on “volcano” changes to a short “a” sound in “volcanic.”

Word Definition1. volcano an opening in the earth’s crust through which molten lava, ash, and

gases are ejected2. volcanic concerning (about) a volcano3. reptile any cold-blooded, usually egg-laying vertebrate of the class

Reptilia, including tortoises, turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and extinct forms

4. reptilian concerning (about) a reptile5. rite a formal or ceremonial act or procedure6. ritual an established ceremonial act or procedure7. divine concerning (about) a god8. divinity the state of being divine (like God)9. serene calm, peaceful, or tranquil10. serenity the state or quality of being calm, peaceful, or tranquil11. conspire to plan together secretly12. conspiracy an agreement to perform together an illegal or wrongful act13. page one side of a leaf of something printed or written14. paginate to number the pages of (a book, manuscript, etc)15. compose to make or form by combining things, parts, or elements16. composition the act of combining parts or elements for form a whole17. admire to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval18. admiration a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval19. custodian a person entrusted with guarding or maintaining a property20. custody the direct responsibility for care and control of a person or thingWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 11

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Lesson: While vowel sounds may be pronounced differently across related words, the spelling remains the same.

For Example: The word “type” is pronounced using a long-i sound. The word “typical” (a ‘derivative’ of the word “type”) is pronounced using the short-i sound. The words “type” and “typical” are related in meaning and their spelling remains the same, however, the “typ” sound is pronounced differently in both words.

Word Definition1. revise to change, make corrections, improve, or update2. revision the act or process of changing, correcting, improving, or

updating3. nation a territory or country4. national having to do with a territory or country5. athlete a person possessing traits such as strength, agility and

endurance that are necessary for physical exercise or sports6. athletic physically active and strong; good at sports7. grateful deeply appreciative; thankful8. gratitude the feeling of being grateful or thankful9. precise definite or exact10. precision an exactness11. fragile easily broken, shattered or damaged; delicate12. fragility the quality of being easily damaged or destroyed13. metal a substance that conducts heat and electricity14. metallic the quality of a metal15. oppose to act against 16. opposition the action of opposing or resisting17. preside to hold the position of authority18. president the chief executive of a republic or officer of an organized

group19. prohibit to prevent or forbid an action or activity20. prohibition the act of preventing or forbidding an action or activityWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 10 & 12

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Lesson: The suffix “-ity” means ‘state’ or ‘quality.’ With this list of words, the unaccented final syllable in each base word, /al/, becomes accented when the “-ity” is affixed.

For Example: The word “general” has an unaccented final syllable. When pronouncing “general,” the emphasis is placed on the “gen” sound. However, when you affix the “-ity” suffix, the /al/ sound is accented.

Word Definition1. brutal cruel; harsh; demanding2. brutality the state or quality of being cruel, harsh or demanding3. eventual happening at some future time4. eventuality a possible occurrence5. personal having to do with a particular person or individual6. personality the traits that make a person who they are7. mental having to do with the mind8. mentality the view or outlook of one’s mind9. neutral belonging to neither side10. neutrality the state of being “in the middle”; not belonging to a side11. original existing at the beginning; first12. originality the quality of being new; the ability to act and think

independently13. moral following rules or habits of conduct with consideration of

right and wrong14. morality the quality of being in accord with standards of right or

good conduct15. acquire to get as one’s own; to obtain; to get16. amateur a person who does the activity for fun, not for pay17. anxious uneasy because of thoughts or fears of what may happen18. belligerent showing an eagerness and willingness to fight or argue19. colonel an officer below a general and above a lieutenant colonel 20. conceit a too high opinion of oneselfWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 13

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Lesson: As with the previous weeks, vowel sounds may alternate between related words when a suffix is added, but the spelling remains constant.

For Example: The word “humid” has an unaccented final syllable. When pronouncing “humid,” the emphasis is placed on the “hu” sound. However, when you affix the “-ity” suffix, the “i” sound is accented.

Word Definition1. suffice to be enough or to satisfy one’s needs2. sufficient enough for one’s needs3. mediocre poor or inferior4. mediocrity the state of being poor or inferior5. ferocious savagely fierce or violently cruel6. ferocity the state of being fierce or cruel7. specify to mention or state particularly8. specific of a special or particular kind9. comedy a play, story or occurrence of a humorous or funny kind10. comedian a performer who tells jokes or acts in humorous or funny

ways11. emphasis something that is given stress or great importance12. emphatic strongly expressive; firm; definite13. labor a physical or mental work14. laborious requiring or characterized by much work or effort15. rigid unbending; firm; stiff16. rigidity the state of being firm or stiff; inflexibility17. tutor a private instructor; someone who helps or teaches another18. tutorial a class, session or book that gives individualized

instruction on a particular topic 19. major of great importance; great in number or size20. majority the greater number or partWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 14 & 15

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Lesson: This week’s list examines words in which the pronunciation and the spelling of the vowel pattern within the base changes when a suffix is added. In some cases the spelling pattern does not change, but the pronunciation of the vowel pattern is still altered.

For Example: The vowel pattern in the base word “conceive” changes when the suffix “-ption” is added = “conception.” Notice also that the long-e sound in “conceive” changes to a short-e sound in “conception.”

Word Definition1. exclaim to call out suddenly and loudly2. exclamation the act of calling out something suddenly and loudly3. proclaim to announce or state publicly4. proclamation the act of announcing or stating publicly5. acclaim to praise or acknowledge enthusiastically6. acclamation the act of praising or acknowledging enthusiastically7. consume to eat or drink up; to absorb8. consumption the act of drinking or eating up; absorption9. receive to take into one’s possession10. reception the act of taking into one’s possession11. assume to take or accept as true12. assumption the act of taking or accepting as true13. explain to make something clear or easy to understand14. explanation the act or process of making something clear or easy to

understand15. counselor someone who gives advice about problems16. cryptic mysterious in meaning; puzzling17. cynical inclined to believe the worst; pessimistic18. definitely for sure; certainly19. discipline training in an orderly way of life; rules20. embarrass to cause to feel uneasy or self-consciousWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 16

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Lesson: This list addresses a particular class of spelling uncertainties – the sounds of “c,” “s” and “ch.”

For Example: Take the word “critic.” The ending sound in “critic” is a hard-c sound. The derived word, “criticize,” is also spelled with a “c”, however, it is pronounced with a soft-c sound. So, the spelling remains constant while the pronunciation changes.

Word Definition1. prejudice an opinion for or especially against something, formed

unfairly or unreasonably2. prejudicial causing prejudgment or prejudice3. physics the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force4. physicist a scientist who specializes in physics5. public open to all people6. publicize to make open to all people; to make widely known; to make public7. toxic poisonous8. toxicity the degree to which something is poisonous9. cosmetic a product used for beautifying the face, skin, hair, etc.10. cosmetician a person who sells or applies cosmetics11. office a place of business where professional duties are

performed12. official a person who holds an office or position13. political having to do with politics14. politicize to make political15. politician a person involved in politics or holding political office16. criticize to find fault with; to make judgments17. exaggerate to make something appear to be greater than it is18. facetious not meant to be taken seriously or literally19. foreign about another country or nation20. guarantee a promise or assuranceWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 17

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Lesson: When adding the suffix “-able” to a word that ends in “e,” sometimes the “e” is dropped and sometimes you keep the “e.” The “e” is kept in cases when omitting it would result in a change in pronunciation.

For Example: Take the word “excuse.” If the suffix “-able” was added, the “e” would be dropped so as not to alter the pronunciation of the new word = “excusable” (correct) “excuseable” (not correct)

Word Definition1. consumable meant to be consumed as by eating, drinking, or using2. undesirable not wanted or desired3. confusable to make something unclear or incomprehensible4. pleasurable enjoyable; pleasant5. opposable able to be resisted, fought, or opposed6. reusable able to be used again7. noticeable able to be easily noticed8. manageable able to be controlled or managed9. danceable able to be used for dancing10. exchangeable able to be exchanged11. knowledgeable having a great deal of information; well-informed12. balanceable poise; composure; steady13. pronounceable able to be uttered or pronounced14. replaceable able to be replaced15. salvageable able to be saved from ruin16. inquisitive showing curiosity; eager for knowledge17. license a legal document giving official permission to do

something18. analyze to examine carefully19. mischievous playful in a troublesome or teasing way20. patience the ability or willingness to tolerate delayWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 47

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Lesson: This list examines the “-able” / “-ible” phenomenon. When adding this suffix to a base word, it is usually spelled “-able.” When adding this suffix to a root word, it is usually spelled “-ible.”

For Example: The word “predict” is the base word for the word “predictable,” hence it is spelled using the suffix “-able.” However, “credible” is spelled using “-ible” because “cred” is a root word.

Word Definition1. dependable trustworthy or reliable; able to be depended on2. profitable able to make a profit3. perishable likely to go bad quickly4. laughable humorous5. adaptable able to adjust to different conditions6. attainable able to be accomplished7. sustainable able to be continued or go on8. credible believable9. audible loud enough to be heard10. legible able to be read or deciphered11. plausible seeming reasonable or convincing12. irascible irritable; easily provoked or angered13. feasible able to be done or accomplished14. compatible able to exist together with someone or something else15. combustible capable of catching fire16. restaurant a place where meals are served to customers17. sporadically happening in scattered or isolated instances18. suspicious openly distrustful or doubtful19. thorough complete; attending to every detail20. unique not typical, or unlike any other; unusualWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 46

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Lesson: This list examines Greek and Latin number prefixes as well as Greek and Latin elements of size. The meanings of these prefixes and elements combine with base words to result in the meaning of a word.

Prefixes & Elements:

mono- bi- tri- micro- mega- super- hyper-(one) (two) (three) (small) (great) (over, above) (over, beyond)

For Example: The word “monolingual” means ‘one language.’ Mono means one and lingual means language. Combine the two together and you have the meaning of the word “monolingual.”

Word Definition1. monologue a long speech given by one person2. monotone a succession of sounds uttered in a single tone of voice3. monopod a single-legged support used for holding a camera4. bilingual able to speak two different languages5. biennial happening every two years6. biceps the large muscles in the front of the upper arm7. trilogy a group of three literary works within the same subject or theme8. triathlon an athletic contest consisting of three sports, usually swimming,

bicycling and running9. trigonometry the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions10. microcosm a little world11. microscope an instrument that magnifies the image of very small objects12. micrometer a device for measuring small distances13. megaphone a funnel-shaped device used for speaking through that causes

sounds to be made louder14. megabyte a unit of computer memory or information15. superimpose to place on top of or over something16. supercomputer a mainframe computer considered one of the most powerful at any

given time17. hypervigilant an overactive awareness of things around you18. hyperventilate to breathe excessively hard and fast; to breathe abnormally19. hypercritical inclined to judge too severely; overly critical20. hyperactive more active than normalWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 20 & 21

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Lesson: Greek Roots help to build the meaning of the words. Some objects are named by using Greek roots that describe what they actually do.

auto- bio- geo- graph- meter- peri- phon- photo- tele-(self) (life) (earth) (write) (measure) (around) (sound) (light) (distant)

For Example: The word television = vision from a distance. The television delivers visions from a cable, satellite, or antenna that have traveled a distance.

Word Definition1. photograph an image recorded by a camera and reproduced on another surface

2. photosynthesis The process in green plants and certain other organisms by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water using light as an energy source.

3. television an electronic apparatus that receives visual images on a screen

4. telegraph a communications system to send messages in the form of short, rapid electric impulses

5. telecommunication a system used in transmitting messages over a distance electronically 

6. telescope an optical instrument for making distant objects appear larger nearer

7. periscope a tubular optical instrument containing lenses and mirrors to see around corners

8. geothermal about the internal heat of the earth

9. geology The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth

10. biology the science of life or living matter in all its forms

11. perimeter the border or outer boundary of a (two-dimensional) figure

12. thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature 

13. barometer an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure

14. autobiography a history of a person's life written or told by that person

15. biography a written account of another person's life

16. autograph a person's own signature

17. automobile a vehicle with four wheels propelled by an internal combustion engine

18. symphony a concert performed by a symphony orchestra

19. phonograph a machine that reproduces sound by means of a stylus in contact with a grooved rotating disk

20. telephone an apparatus for transmission of sound to a distant point

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Lesson: Latin Roots help to build the meaning of the words when they are combined with other affixes and roots.

-spect- -port- -dic- -aud- ( to look at) (to carry) (to say or speak) (to hear)

For Example: The word “inspection” = into + to look at + the act of – so inspection means the act of looking into.

Word Definition1. spectrum the band of visible and non-visible light2. perspective the ability to see all the relevant data in a meaningful

relationship3. spectator a person who watches an event; onlooker; observer4. prospect a potential or likely candidate, customer, or client5. spectacular impressive to the senses6. export to ship commodities to another country for sale or exchange7. transport to carry or move from one place to another8. portfolio a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc9. heliport a landing place for helicopters, often on a limited area10. opportune occurring or coming at an appropriate time; well-timed11. dictate to read aloud something to be written down by another person12. contradict to go against the statement of (someone)13. unpredictable not able to foresee or foretell14. dictionary a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words and

their meanings15. dictator a person exercising absolute power, esp. a ruler 16. audible able to be heard17. auditorium a large room to accommodate an audience in a building 18. audience the group of spectators at a public event; listeners or viewers

collectively19. inaudible not able to be heard20. audition a trial performance by an individual to demonstrate ability or

skillWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 24 & 25

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Lesson: Latin Roots help to build the meaning of the words when they are combined with other affixes and roots.

-gress- -rupt- -tract- -mot- ( to go) (to break) (to draw or pull) (to move)

For Example: The word “progress” = “forward” + “to go” – so progress literally means to go forward.

Word Definition1. regress to move backward; go back2. aggression a hostile or destructive behavior or action3. digress to wander away from the main topic or purpose in speaking

or writing4. transgress to violate a law or command5. interrupt to stop (a person) in the midst of doing or saying

something6. erupt to release violently; burst forth with7. rupture the act of breaking or bursting8. abrupt sudden or unexpected9. disrupt 1. to cause disorder or turmoil in; 2. to break apart10. tractor a vehicle used for pulling11. detract to draw away or divert; distract12. distract to pull attention away from13. traction the ability to stay in contact with a surface14. attract to pull towards another body15. protract to make something last longer16. promote to move someone or something to a higher position17. promotion the result of movement to a higher position18. demote to move someone or something to a lower position19. demotion the result of movement to a lower position20. emotion a feeling of joy, sorrow, fear, hate, love, etc.WTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 26

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Lesson: Latin Roots help to build the meaning of the words when they are combined with other affixes and roots.

-fract- -flect- / -flex- -ject- -mis- / -mit- ( to break) (bend) (to throw) (to send)

For Example: The word “fraction” = “to break” + “the act or result of” – so fraction literally means the act of breaking apart.

Word Definition1. fracture the act or process of breaking2. infraction a breaking of the law3. refract to deflect light from a straight path by refraction4. reflect to bounce back (light, heat, sound, etc.) from a surface5. flexible able to be bent, usually without breaking; easily bent6. deflect to turn from a straight line course; swerve7. reflex 1. occurring in reaction; responsive 2. bent or turned back8. reject to refuse to accept9. project to throw or cast or push forward10. injection the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a

syringe11. eject to drive or force out; to expel from a place 12. projectile a fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object13. objection a reason offered in opposition to something14. transmit to send or forward across a distance15. emit to give off light, heat, or sound16. remit to send money back to a person17. permit to allow to do something18. submit to present for the approval19. mission a self-made duty or task20. submission the condition of giving oneself to another’s controlWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 27

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Lesson: Latin Roots help to build the meaning of the words when they are combined with other affixes and roots.

-man- -scrib / script- -cred- -fac- ( hand) (to write) (to believe) (to make)

For Example: The word “manuscript” = “hand” + “to write” – so manuscript literally means to write by hand.

Word Definition1. manure any natural or artificial substance for fertilizing the soil2. manicure a cosmetic treatment of the fingernails3. mandate a command or instruction from a higher authority4. maneuver an act of changing the direction of a moving ship or vehicle5. manual involving or using human effort, skill, power, or energy6. prescribe to lay down rules7. prescription a formula directing the preparation of something8. inscribe to write, print, mark, or engrave on a surface9. transcribe to copy (from one thing to another)10. postscript a writing added to a letter that has already been concluded by the

writer11. incredible so extraordinary as to seem impossible; (not believeable)12. credible able to be believed; believable13. credence a belief as to the truth of something14. discredit to show to be undeserving of trust or belief15. incredulous showing unbelief16. factory a building or group of buildings with facilities for the manufacture

of goods17. manufacture the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery,

esp. on a large scale18. facsimile an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript19. facilitate to make easier or less difficult20. artifact any object made by human beingsWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 28

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Lesson: Latin Roots help to build the meaning of the words when they are combined with other affixes and roots.

-jud- -leg- -mod- -biblio - (to judge) (law, to read) (model, moderate, mode) (book)

For Example: The word “judgment” = the act of judging or making a wise decision

Word Definition1. prejudice an negative opinion formed beforehand or without thought2. judiciary the judicial branch of government3. legalistic a strict, literal adherence to the law 4. legislate to make or enact laws5. allegiance the loyalty or devotion to some person, group or cause6. privilege an advantage granted to a person7. legible able to be read or deciphered8. legend a collection of stories about an admirable person9. legion any great number of persons or things; multitude10. bibliography a list of writings used by an author in preparing a particular

work11. bibliomania an exaggerated preoccupation with the acquisition and

ownership of books12. moderate of medium quantity, extent, or amount13. mode a manner of acting or doing; method; way14. modern about the present and recent time; not ancient or remote15. modality one of the primary forms of sensation, as vision or touch16. accommodate to do a kindness or a favor to; oblige17. adequate barely sufficient or suitable18. ambitious strongly desirous of fame, money, success, etc.; eager19. appreciate to be grateful or thankful for20. breathe to take air into the lungs and expel it; inhale and exhale;

respireWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 29

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Lesson: Latin Roots help to build the meaning of the words when they are combined with other affixes and roots.

-bene - -mal - -ante - -post - (good or well) (bad) (before) (after)

For Example: The word “postscript” = after + writing

Word Definition1. benefit a thing that is advantageous or good; an advantage2. beneficial producing a favorable result; advantageous3. benefactor a person who helps people or institutions4. benevolent desiring to help others; charitable5. malfunction a failure to function properly6. malevolent wishing evil or harm to another or others7. dismal causing gloom or sadness; gloomy; dreary8. malcontent not satisfied or content with what’s currently happening9. malefactor a person who violates the law; criminal10. malice a desire to harm others or to see others suffer11. malicious shows malice (the wishing of bad things on another)12. antebellum before the war, esp. the American Civil War

13. antedate to be of older date than; precede in time14. anterior before (in time, sequence, or position); preceding; earlier15. postdate to date (a check, invoice, letter, etc.) with a date later than

the actual date.16. postbellum after a war, esp. after the American Civil War17. posterior situated behind or at the rear of18. complacency the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself;19. conscience the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct

or motives20. courageous possessing or characterized by courage; braveWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 30

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WORDS OF THE WEEK XXIVLesson: Greek and Latin Roots help to build the meaning of the words when they are combined with other affixes and roots.


-cap - -ped/pod - -ped- -corp - -onym- -gen- (head or to seize) (foot) (child) (body) (name) (beginning)

For Example: The word “pedicure” = feet + care of

Word Definition1. capitol a building occupied by a state legislature 2. capital the city or town that is the official seat of government3. captivity the state of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined4. pedestrian a person who travels on foot; walker5. pedestal a supporting structure or piece; base6. centipede any of various flattened, wormlike arthropods of the class Chilopoda,

whose bodies are divided into many segments, each with one pair of legs

7. impede to block passage8. expedition a voyage or trip made for some specific purpose, as of war or

exploration9. podiatry the care of the human foot10. podium a small platform for the conductor of an orchestra, for a public speaker,

etc11. pediatrician a physician who specializes in children’s health12. pediatric about the health of babies and children13. corporation any group of persons united in one body14. corporal of the human body; bodily; physical15. synonym a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the

language16. antonym a word opposite in meaning to another17. acronym a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name 18. generator a machine that converts fuel into energy, and therefore, motion 19. generic any product, as a type of food, drug, or cosmetic commonly marketed

under a brand name, that is sold in a package without a brand20. hydrogen a colorless, odorless, flammable gas that combines chemically with

oxygen to form waterWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 33 & 34

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Lesson: Greek and Latin roots.

-ling- -voc- -mem- -psych- (language) (voice) (mind) (mind or mental)

For Example: The word ‘remember’ means ‘to bring the mind back’… re-BACK… mem-MIND. ‘Commemorate’ means ‘to remember with others’…com-WITH…mem-MEMORY

Word Definition1. vocal giving forth sound with a voice2. linguist a person who speaks several languages fluently3. memory the mental capacity of retaining and recalling information4. psychology the science of the mind, or of mental states and processes5. vocabulary a collection of the words of a language6. multilingual able to speak several or languages with some ease7. memorial a thing/event designed to preserve the memory of a person,

event, etc.8. psyche the human soul, spirit, or mind9. advocate to speak, or write, in favor of something/someone10. commemorate to honor the memory of someone/something by some

observance11. memorandum a short note about something to be remembered12. invoke to call for with earnest desire13. invocation a petition (asking for) for help 14. provoke to anger, enrage, exasperate, or stir up15. provocation a thing that incites, instigates, angers, or irritates16. achieve to get something by effort17. adolescent a young person between childhood and adulthood; a

teenager18. amiable friendly; sociable19. antagonize to do something to make someone unfriendly towards you20. audacious extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearlessWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 35

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Lesson: Greek and Latin Roots.

-sens-/-sent- -med-/-medi- -sol- -sec-/-sect- (sense) (heal) (alone) (to cut)

For Example: ‘Remedy’ and ‘remedial’ both mean ‘to heal again’…re-AGAIN…med-HEAL.‘Medevac’ is a “blended” form constructed from ‘medical’ and ‘evacuation’

Word Definition1. sympathy an expressed feeling for the distress of another2. sensor a specialized organ/device that acts as a receptor3. medicinal having the properties of a medicine; curative4. solitary alone; without companions5. dissect to cut apart to examine the structure6. apathy the lack of interest/concern for things that others find

moving/exciting7. sentient having sense perception; conscious8. remedy a thing that cures or relieves a disease or bodily disorder9. solitaire a precious stone, esp. a diamond, set by itself, as in a ring10. bisect to cut or divide into two equal or nearly equal parts11. empathy an understanding, and entering into, another's feelings 12. sentiment a thought influenced by feeling or emotion13. remedial intended to correct or improve one's skill in a specified

area14. desolate deserted; uninhabited; solitary; lonely15. intersect to cut, or divide, by passing through or across16. dissent to take an opposing view/position17. medevac a vehicle equipped for emergency transport of medical

patients18. solitude the state of being or living alone19. brusque abrupt in manner; blunt20. comprehend to understand the meaning ofWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 37

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Lesson: Latin Roots.

-ver-/-vers-/-vert- -ven-/-vent- -junct- -spir- (to turn) (to come) (to join) (to breathe)

For Example: You have to be careful about literal translations with the root –spir- (to breathe). ‘Expire’ literally means ‘to breathe out’, but for us it means ‘to breathe out for the last time’. “Conspire’ literally means ‘to breathe with’…which reflects the close working relationship in a ‘conspiracy’.

Word Definition1. avert to prevent; to ward off2. circumvent to go around (bypass); to avoid by deception3. conjunction a connector between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences4. expire to come to an end (terminate); also, to breathe out5. convert to transform (change) something6. convention a formal meeting of representatives7. junction a place (or point) where two or more things are joined8. respiration the act of breathing9. advertise to give information to the public about (something)10. convene to come together (assemble) in a formal meeting11. adjunct a thing added to another thing but not essential to it12. inspiration an idea or concept that comes quickly after thought13. vertigo a dizzying sensation of tilting or spinning surroundings14. intervene to come between groups/people in dispute: to mediate15. juncture the point (or line) at which two things are joined16. conspire to work together toward the same goal17. aversion a strong feeling of dislike towards something18. cordial friendly, warm and gracious19. courtesy a polite behavior; an excellence of manners20. curiosity the desire to learn about something; inquisitiveness WTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 38

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Lesson: Prefixes

intra- inter- intro- (within) (between or among) (in or inward)

For Example: An ‘introvert’ is literally someone who ‘turns inward’…intro-INWARD…vert-TURN. ‘Intervene’ literally means ‘come in between’…inter-BETWEEN…vene-COME (lesson XXVII)

Word Definition1. intramural involving only students at the same school2. intermural involving students between two or more schools3. introvert a shy person (a person who turns inward)4. intravenous within a vein5. introspection an examination of one’s own thoughts and emotions6. intragalactic occurring within a single galaxy7. interpersonal about the relations between people8. intrastate occurring within the boundaries of a state9. international between or among nations10. intracellular within a cell (or cells)11. intercept to cut off from an intended destination12. internet a vast computer network linking computer networks

worldwide13. decision the act of making up one’s mind14. devious departing from the most direct way; sly; sneaky15. effervescent bubbling, vivacious, lively16. envious painfully desirous of another's advantages/things17. exasperate to annoy extremely18. familiar commonly known or seen (…like family…)19. gracious pleasantly kind and courteous20. inconceivable not imaginable; hard to believeWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 39

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Lesson: Latin Roots

-press- -purge- -fuse- -pend- -pet-(to press) (to cleanse) (to pour) (to hang) (to go forward or to seek or strive for)

For Example: ‘Transfusion’ literally means “to pour across”…we know it to mean ‘from one body to another’Notice how the root –purg- (to cleanse) is so close to “pure”

Word Definition1. compression the state of being squeezed into a smaller size/shape2. purge to get rid of impurities ; to cleanse; to purify3. transfusion the direct transferring of blood or plasma4. pendulum a body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings

freely back and forth under the influence of gravity5. appetite a regular desire or liking for something, often food or drink6. oppression the exercise of power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust

manner7. purgatory a place of temporary punishment8. diffuse to spread (or scatter) widely (or thinly)9. suspend to hang by attachment to something above10. repetition a repeated action or performance11. suppress to put an end to the activities of a person or group12. Puritan a person who is strict in moral/religious matters13. infusion a penetration/addition of a gas or liquid into something14. pendant a hanging ornament like an earring or a necklace15. perpetual continuing or enduring forever16. expressive full of meaningful expressions17. effusive pouring out excessive emotions/words18. appendage an external body part that projects from the body19. perpendicular vertical; straight up and down20. competitive having a strong desire to succeedWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 40

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Lesson: Latin Roots

-pos- -loc- -sist- -sta-/-stat-/-stit- (to put or place) (place) (to stand) (to stand)

For Example: The words ‘insist’ and ‘persistent’ both have a sense of ‘standing firmly’ on an idea or opinion. The prefix ob- means against, so ‘obstacle’…meaning ‘stand’ (-sta)…’against’ (ob-). An obstacle ‘stands against’ you going ahead.

Word Definition1. proposition a thing stated for discussion or consideration2. local about a city, town, or small area rather than an entire state

or country3. insistent emphatic in demanding something4. stability a firmness to stay in a position5. constitution the document explaining the principles of the government6. preposition a word beginning a prepositional phrase (to modify a noun,

verb, or adjective)7. locality a particular neighborhood or place,8. persistent keeps going despite opposition, obstacles, or

discouragement9. statistics the mathematical science that analyzes number data10. substitute a person or thing taking the place of another11. juxtaposition the act of positioning things close together (or side by

side);12. locomotion the ability to move from place to place.13. assistance the act of helping or supporting someone14. obstacle a thing that blocks or hinders progress15. restitution the giving back of property or rights previously taken away16. expository serving to set forth or explain17. establish to build on a firm foundation18. decomposition the process of decaying (breaking down)19. typical showing the characteristics that identify a group20. loquacious talkative; characterized by excessive talkWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 41

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Lesson: Latin Roots

-duce-/-duct -ced-/-cess-/-ceed (to lead) (to go)

For Example: ‘Introduce’ means “to lead in” and ‘introduction’ means “the act or result of leading in”.

Word Definition1. induce to cause (something) to happen2. proceed to move forward or onward3. education the process of acquiring knowledge4. procession a line of persons/things moving along in an order5. recede to move away; to retreat6. induction the act of joining (something)7. recession a withdrawal; a pulling back8. deduction the act of figuring something out9. exceed to go beyond the limits of10. abduction a kidnapping; a taking by force11. secede to remove oneself from a formal group12. secession the act of withdrawing from something13. reduction a lessening of an amount14. intercede to act as a mediator in an argument15. aqueduct a structure built to transport water large distances16. succeed to accomplish what was intended17. viaduct a bridge to carry a road over a valley18. miscellaneous made up of a variety of things19. obnoxious very annoying or very objectionable20. persuade to try and change another’s mind/opinionWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 42

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Lesson: Predictable spelling changes in word roots

-ceiv-/-cep -tain-/-ten -nounce-/-nunc (to take) (to hold) (to report)

For Example: Note how the verb form receive has a spelling change when in the noun form reception.

Word Definition1. deceive to mislead; to tell a lie2. retain to keep possession of something3. pronounce to articulate sounds, words, sentences, etc.4. perceive to become aware of by way of the senses5. detain to keep someone from going on; to delay6. renounce to give something up voluntarily7. preconceive to form an opinion of something ahead of time8. abstain to hold back voluntarily from doing something9. denounce to condemn openly10. deception a misleading statement; a trick to fool someone11. sustain to keep up or keep going12. pronunciation the act of speaking words13. perception the act of noticing something using the senses14. abstention an intentional holding-back of an action15. attention an ability to maintain concentration16. denunciation a public condemnation17. preconception an opinion formed before getting information18. scrupulous extremely careful, precise, or exact19. sufficient enough; adequate for the purpose20. tenacious holding fast; persistent; stubborn; obstinateWTW Sorts for Derivational Spellers 43