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INSTRUCTIONS • Split students into two teams. • Have each team send 1 contestant to the front of the room. • Instruct contestants to hold their hands behind their backs. Place a “buzzer” in front of each student. (You can purchase battery operated lights from discount stores for $1.) • Call out a definition from the current vocabulary list. • Instruct contestants to slap the “buzzer” if they know the correct word. • Have the contestant who hit the “buzzer” first to shout out the word within 1 second of their buzz. If the student takes longer than 1 second, let the other contestant guess. • Give 1 point to the correct guesser’s team. • Keep playing until 1 team reaches 20 points.

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Although Analyze Anticipate Cause Characterize Claim Classify

Collect Comparison Completely Conclude Constant Contrast Create

Critical Defend Define Determine Disagree Discuss Draw

Effect Event Evidence Former Frequently General However

Identify Include Information Investigate Justify Label Maximum

Minimum Occur Organize Place Prior Process Question

Reason Recall Regularly Request Require Research Respond

Response Review Sequence Significant Specific Strategy Structure

Summarize Support Various

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Although – in spite of the fact that; even though; though

• Analyze – to examine critically, so as to bring out the essential elements or give the essence of

• Anticipate – to expect; look forward to; be sure of

• Cause – a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result;

the producer of an effect

• Characterize – to mark or distinguish as a characteristic; be a characteristic of

• Claim – to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due

• Class – a number of persons or things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes,

characteristics, qualities, or traits; kind; sort

• Collect – to gather together; assemble

• Comparison – the act of comparing

• Completely – having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full

• Conclude – to bring to an end; finish; terminate

• Constant – not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable

• Contrast – to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of

• Create – to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made

by ordinary processes

• Critical – inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily

• Defend – to ward off attack from; guard against assault or injury

• Define - to state or set forth the meaning of (a word, phrase, etc.)

• Determine – to settle or decide (a dispute, question, etc.) by an authoritative or conclusive decision

• Disagree – to fail to agree; differ

• Discuss – to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc.; talk over or write about , especially to explore

solutions; debate

• Draw – to sketch (someone or something) in lines or words; delineate; depict

• Effect – power to produce results; efficacy; force; validity; influence

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Event – the outcome, issue, or result of anything

• Evidence – something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign

• Exclude – to shut or keep out; prevent the entrance of

• Former – preceding in order; being the first of two

• Frequently – often; many times; at short intervals

• General – of, relating to, or true of such persons or things in the main, with

possible exceptions; common to most; prevalent; usual

• However – nevertheless; yet; on the other hand; in spite of that

• Identify – to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of

• Include – to contain, as a whole does parts or any part or element

• Information – knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news

• Investigate – to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine

into the particulars of; examine in detail

• Justify – to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right

• Label – a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.

• Maximum – the greatest quantity or amount possible, assignable, allowable, etc.

• Minimum - the least quantity or amount possible, assignable, allowable, or the like

• Occur – to happen; take place; come to pass

• Organize – to form as or into a whole consisting of interdependent or coordinated

parts, especially for united action

• Place – a space, area, or spot, set apart or used for a particular purpose

• Prior - preceding in time or in order; earlier or former; previous

• Process – a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner

• Question – a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply

• Reason – a statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action

• Recall – to bring back from memory; recollect; remember

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Regularly – according to plan, custom, etc.

• Request – the act of asking for something to be given or done, especially as a

favor or courtesy; solicitation or petition

• Require – to have need of; need

• Research – to make an extensive investigation into

• Respond – to reply or answer in words

• Review – a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation

• Sequence – something that follows; a subsequent event; result; consequence

• Significant – having or expressing a meaning; indicative; suggestive

• Specific – having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite

• Strategy – a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result

• Structure – something built or constructed, as a building, bridge, or dam

• Summarize – to make a summary of; state or express in a concise form

• Support – to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for

• Various – of different kinds, as two or more things; differing one from another

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Abstract Academic Alter Assess Assume Assumption Brief

Clarify Confirm Consider Consistent Contradict Current Develop

Display Dispute Distinguish Effective Essential Exaggerate Examine

Form Highlight Influence Inform Information Informative Involve

Judge Likely Logical Maximize Minimize Modify Monitor

Notice Oppose Optional Original Perhaps Possibility Possibly

Presume Previous Produce Propose Reaction Recent Refer

Report Represent Series Significance Standard State Suppose

Typical Typically Utilize Vary Version

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Abstract – difficult to understand; abstruse

• Academic – of or relating to a college, academy, school, or other educational

institution, especially one for higher education

• Alter – to make different in some particular, as size, style, course, or the like; modify

• Assess – to estimate officially the value of (property, income, etc.) as a basis for taxation

• Assume – to take for granted or without proof

• Assumption – the act of taking for granted or supposing

• Brief – lasting or taking a short time; of short duration

• Clarify – to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible; to free from ambiguity

• Confirm – to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify

• Consider – to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on

• Consistent – agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-contradictory

• Contradict – to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically

• Current – new; present; most recent

• Currently – at the present time; now

• Develop – to cause to grow or expand

• Display – to show or exhibit; make visible

• Dispute – to engage in argument or debate

• Distinguish –to set apart as different; be a distinctive characteristic of; characterize

• Effective – adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result

• Essential – absolutely necessary; indispensable

• Exaggerate – to magnify beyond the limits of truth; overstate; represent disproportionately

• Examine – to observe, test, or investigate, especially in order to evaluate general health or determine the cause of


• Form – the shape of a thing or person

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Highlight – to emphasize or make prominent

• Influence – the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior,

opinions, etc., of another or others

• Inform – to give or impart knowledge of a fact or circumstance to

• Information – knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news

• Informative – giving information; instructive

• Involve – to include, contain, or comprehend within itself or its scope

• Judge – to decide or settle authoritatively

• Likely – seeming like truth, fact, or certainty; reasonably to be believed or expected; believable

• Logical – reasonable; to be expected

• Maximize – to increase to the greatest possible amount or degree

• Minimize – to reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree

• Modify – to change somewhat the form or qualities of; alter partially; amend

• Monitor – to oversee, supervise, or regulate

• Notice – to perceive; become aware of

• Oppose – to stand in the way of; hinder; obstruct

• Optional – leaving something to choice

• Original – belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning

• Perhaps – maybe; possibly

• Possibility – the state or fact of being possible

• Possibly – perhaps; maybe

• Presume – to take for granted, assume, or suppose

• Previous – coming or occurring before something else; prior

• Produce – to make or manufacture

• Propose - to offer or suggest (a matter, subject, case, etc.) for consideration, acceptance, or action

• Reaction – action in response to some influence, event, etc.

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Recent – of late occurrence, appearance, or origin; lately happening, done, made, etc.

• Refer – to hand over or submit for information, consideration, decision, etc.

• Report – to carry and repeat, as an answer or message; repeat, as what one has heard

• Represent – to serve to express, designate, stand for, or denote, as a word, symbol, or the like does; symbolize

• Series – a group or a number of related or similar things, events, etc., arranged

or occurring in temporal, spatial, or other order or succession; sequence

• Significance – importance; consequence

• Standard – a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment

• State – to say

• Suppose – to consider (something) as a possibility suggested or an idea or plan proposed

• Typical – conforming to a particular type

• Typically – characteristic or distinctive

• Utilize – to put to use; turn to profitable account

• Vary – to change or alter, as in form, appearance, character, or substance

• Version – a particular account of some matter, as from one person or source, contrasted with some other account

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Accurate Additionally Address Advantage Analyze Arguably Assert

Available Citation Cite Complement Complex Condition Contradiction

Contrary Coordinate Correspond Crucial Data Debate Discriminate

Drawback Eliminate Emphasize Encounter Establish Evaluate Eventually

Excess Expand Focus Fundamental Including Infer Interact

Interaction Issue Limited Negate Note Overall Persuade

Primary Procedure Product Properties Quality Reflect Restrict

Result Significantly Source Suggest Transition Ultimately Valid

Variation Volume

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Accurate – free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact

• Additionally – added; more; supplementary

• Address – to direct a speech or written statement to

• Advantage – any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to

success, interest, or any desired end

• Analyze – to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.

• Arguably – susceptible to debate, challenge, or doubt; questionable

• Assert – to state with assurance, confidence, or force; state strongly or positively; affirm

• Available – readily obtainable; accessible

• Citation – the act of citing or quoting a reference to an authority or a precedent

• Cite – to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), especially as an authority

• Complement – something that completes or makes perfect

• Complex – characterized by a very complicated or involved arrangement of parts, units, etc

• Condition – state of health

• Contradiction – direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency

• Contrary – opposite in direction or position

• Coordinate – any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position

of a point, line, or the like, by reference to a fixed figure, system of lines, etc.

• Correspond – to be in agreement or conformity

• Crucial – involving an extremely important decision or result; decisive; critical

• Data – individual facts, statistics, or items of information

• Debate – to engage in argument or discussion, as in a legislative or public assembly

• Discriminate – to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the

basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit

• Drawback – a hindrance or disadvantage; an undesirable or objectionable feature

• Eliminate – to remove or get rid of, especially as being in some way undesirable

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Emphasize – to give emphasis to; lay stress upon; stress

• Encounter – to come upon or meet with, especially unexpectedly

• Establish – to install or settle in a position, place, business, etc.

• Evaluate – to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess

• Eventually – finally; ultimately; at some later time

• Excess – more than or above what is necessary, usual, or specified; extra

• Expand – to increase in extent, size, volume, scope, etc.

• Focus – to concentrate

• Fundamental – being an original or primary source

• Including – to contain, as a whole does parts or any part or element

• Infer – to guess; speculate; surmise

• Interact – to act one upon another

• Interaction – reciprocal action, effect, or influence

• Issue – to put out; deliver for use, sale, etc.; put into circulation

• Limited – confined within limits; restricted or circumscribed

• Negate – to deny the existence, evidence, or truth of

• Note – to write or mark down briefly; make a memorandum of

• Overall – covering or including everything

• Persuade – to prevail on (a person) to do something, as by advising or urging

• Primary – first or highest in rank or importance; chief; principal

• Procedure – a particular course or mode of action

• Product – a person or thing produced by or resulting from a process, as a natural, social, or historical one; result

• Properties – that which a person owns; the possession or possessions of a particular owner

• Quality - an essential or distinctive characteristic, property, or attribute

• Reflect – to cast back (light, heat, sound, etc.) from a surface

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Restrict – to confine or keep within limits, as of space, action, choice, intensity, or quantity

• Result – something that happens as a consequence; outcome

• Significantly – important; of consequence

• Source – any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin

• Suggest – to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc.) for consideration or possible action

• Transition – movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage,

subject, concept, etc., to another; change

• Ultimate – maximum; decisive; conclusive

• Valid – legally sound, effective, or binding; having legal force

• Variation – a different form of something; variant

• Volume – a collection of written or printed sheets bound together and constituting a book.

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Accuracy Additional Advocate Analysis Appeal Appropriately Assemble

Basically Characteristic Clarification Collaborate Common Comparable Competent

Compile Concur Contend Context Contribute Converse Credible

Debatable Decline Demonstrate Despite Development Elaborate Eligible

Emphasis Equip Essentially Evidently Extended Extent Fundamentally

Genuine Given Justification Likelihood Maintain Negativity Obvious

Positivity Prevent Productive Prompt Require Reveal Status

Strategic Subtle

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Accuracy – the condition of quality of being true, correct, or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or

exactness; correctness

• Additional – added; more; supplementary

• Advocate – to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly

• Analysis – a presentation, usually in writing, of the results of this process

• Appeal – an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc; entreaty; petition; plea

• Appropriately – suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.

• Assemble – to put or fit together; put together the parts of

• Basically – fundamentally

• Characteristic – a distinguishing feature or quality

• Clarification – to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible; to free from ambiguity

• Collaborate – to work, one with another; cooperate, as on a literary work

• Common – widespread; general; ordinary

• Comparable – having features in common with something else to permit or suggest comparison

• Competent – having suitable or sufficient skill, knowledge, experience, etc, for some purpose; properly qualified

•Compile – to gather together

• Concur – to accord in opinion; agree

• Contend – to struggle in opposition

• Context – the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.

• Contribute – to give (money, time, knowledge, assistance, etc.) to a common supply, fund, etc., as for

charitable purposes

•Converse – to talk informally with another or others; exchange views, opinions, etc., by talking

• Credible – capable of being believed; believable

• Debatable – open to question; in dispute; doubtful

• Decline – to fail or dwindle; sink or fade away

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Demonstrate – to describe, explain, or illustrate by examples, specimens, experiments, or the like

• Despite – in spite of; notwithstanding

• Development – a significant consequence or event

• Elaborate – to add details in writing, speaking, etc,; give additional or fuller treatment (usually followed by on or


• Eligible – meeting the stipulated requirements, as to participate, compete, or work; qualified.

• Emphasis – special stress laid upon, or importance attached to, anything

• Equip – to furnish or provide with whatever is needed for use or for any undertaking

•Essentially – absolutely necessary; indispensable

• Evidently – obviously; apparently

• Extended – stretched out

• Extent - the space or degree to which a thing extends; length, area, volume, or scope

• Fundamentally – serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying

• Genuine – possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin; not counterfeit; authentic; real

• Given – an established fact, condition, factor, etc.

• Justification - a reason, fact, circumstance, or explanation that justifies or defends

• Likelihood – a probability or chance of something

• Maintain – to keep in existence or continuance; preserve; retain

• Negativity – characterized by the absence of distinguishing or marked qualities or features; lacking positive


• Obvious – easily seen, recognized, or understood; open to view of knowledge; evident

• Positivity – the state or character of being positive;

• Prevent – to keep from occurring; avert; hinder

• Productive – causing; bringing about

• Prompt – done performed, delivered, etc., at once or without delay

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WORD WHACK Definitions

• Require – to have need of; need

• Reveal – to make known; divulge; disclose

• Status - the position of an individual in relation to another or others, especially in regard to social or

professional standing.

• Strategic – pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of strategy

• Subtle – fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand

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Affect Articulate Aspects Assertive Authority Capture Clearly

Conceivable Conditional Consideration Contradictory Correlate Credibility Criteria

Design Determined Differentiate Draft Establish Exclusive Exercise

Factor Feature Generally Generate Illustrate Impact Imply

Incorporate Indicate Influence Inquire Integrate Intense Interpret

Isolate Literal Maturity Notorious Phase Portray Potential

Preclude Prospect Recollection Relate Reserve Rigid Secure

Strategic Subjective Sufficient Unify

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• Affect – to act on; produce an effect or change in

• Articulate – using language easily and fluently; having facility with words

• Aspects – appearance to the eye or mind; look

• Assertive – confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive: aggressive; dogmatic

• Authority – the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to

control, command, or determine

• Capture – to take by force or stratagem; take prisoner; seize

• Clearly – in a clear manner

• Conceivable – capable of being conceived; imaginable

• Conditional – imposing, containing, subject to, or depending on a condition or conditions; not absolute; made

or allowed on certain terms

• Consideration – something that is or is to be kept in mind in making a decision, evaluating facts, etc.

• Contradictory – asserting the contrary or opposite

• Correlate – to place in or bring into mutual or reciprocal relation; establish in orderly connection

• Criteria – a standard of judgment or criticism; a rule or principle for evaluating or testing something

• Design - to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be

executed), especially to plan the form and structure of

• Determined – to settle or decide (a dispute, question, etc.) by an authoritative or conclusive decision.

• Differentiate – to form or mark differently from other such things; distinguish

• Draft – to draw the outlines or plan of; sketch

• Establish – to found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis

• Exclusive – limited to the object or objects designated

• Exercise – bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health

• Factor – one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation

• Feature – a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic

• Generally - usually; commonly; ordinarily

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• Generate – to bring into existence; cause to be; produce

• Illustrate – to clarify one's words, writings, etc., with examples

• Impact – influence; effect

• Imply – to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated

• Incorporate – to unite or combine so as to form one body

• Indicate – to point out or point to; direct attention to

• Influence – the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the

actions, behaviors, opinions, etc., of others

• Inquire – to seek information by questioning; ask

• Integrate – to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do

• Intense – existing or occurring in a high or extreme degree

• Interpret – to give or provide the meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate:

• Isolate – to set or place apart; detach or separate so as to be alone

• Literal – in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative

or metaphorical

• Maturity – full development; perfected condition

• Notorious – widely and unfavorably known

• Phase – a stage in a process of change or development

• Portray – to depict in words; describe graphically

• Potential – possible, as opposed to actual

• Preclude – to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of; make impossible

• Prospect - anticipation; expectation; a looking forward

• Recollection – the act or power of recollecting, or recalling to mind; remembrance

• Relate – to bring into or establish association, connection, or relation

• Reserve - to keep back or save for future use, disposal, treatment, etc.

• Rigid – stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard

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• Secure – free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe

• Strategic – pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of strategy

• Subjective – existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought

• Sufficient – adequate for the purpose; enough

• Unify - to make or become a single unit; unite

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Accordingly Accurately Acquire Adequate Allocate Alternative Analytical

Anticipation Applicable Approach Articulate Assertion Assumptions Authentic

Availability Capacity Coherent Complexity Conceivably Concurrent Consequently

Considerably Constitutes Consult Convey Correlation Depict Detect

Determination Devise Diminish Disputable Dynamic Employ Equate

Ethic Evident Exceedingly Exhibit Focal Inclined Inconceivable

Influential Invariably Marginal Perception Plausible Presume Requisite

Specify Speculate Subsequently Susceptible Thereby Validity Virtual

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• Accordingly – therefore; so; in due course

• Accurately – free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact

• Acquire – to come into possession or ownership of; get as one's own

• Adequate – as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purposefully sufficient, suitable, or fit

• Allocate – to set apart for a particular purpose; assign or allot

• Alternative – a choice limited to one of two or more possibilities, as of things, propositions, or courses of action, the

selection of which precludes any other possibility

• Analytical – pertaining to or proceeding by analysis

• Anticipation – realization in advance; foretaste; expectation; hope

• Applicable – applying or capable of being applied; relevant; suitable; appropriate

• Approach – to come near or nearer to

• Articulate – uttered clearly in distinct syllables

• Assertion – a positive statement or declaration, often without support or reason

• Assumptions – something taken for granted; a supposition

• Authentic – not false or copied; genuine; real

• Availability – suitable or ready for use; of use or service; at hand

• Capacity – the ability to receive or contain

• Coherent – logically connected; consistent

• Complexity – the state or quality of being complex; intricacy

• Conceivably – capable of being conceived; imaginable

• Concurrent – occurring or existing simultaneously or side by side

• Consequently – as a result, effect, or outcome; therefore

• Considerably – to a noteworthy or marked extent; much; noticeably; substantially; amply.

• Constitutes – to compose; form

• Consult – to seek advice or information from; ask guidance from

• Convey - to carry, bring, or take from one place to another; transport; bear

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• Correlation – mutual relation of two or more things, parts, etc.

• Depict – to represent by or as if by painting; portray; delineate

• Detect – to discover or catch (a person) in the performance of some act

• Determination – the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose

• Devise – to contrive, plan, or elaborate; invent from existing principles or ideas

• Diminish – to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc.; lessen; reduce

• Disputable – capable of being disputed; debatable; questionable

• Dynamic – pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic

• Employ – to hire or engage the services of (a person or persons); provide

employment for; have or keep in one's service

• Equate – to regard, treat, or represent as equivalent

• Ethic – the body of moral principles or values governing or distinctive of a particular culture or group

• Evident – plain or clear to the sight or understanding

• Exceedingly – to an unusual degree; very; extremely

• Exhibit – to offer or expose to view; present for inspection

• Focal – of or relating to a focus

• Inclined – deviating in direction from the horizontal or vertical; sloping

• Inconceivable – unbelievable; incredible

• Influential – having or exerting influence, especially great influence

• Invariably – not variable; not changing or capable of being changed; static or constant

• Marginal – situated on the border or edge

• Perception – the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the

senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding

• Plausible – having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval

or acceptance; credible; believable

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• Presume – to take for granted, assume, or suppose

• Requisite – required or necessary for a particular purpose, position, etc.; indispensable

• Specify – to name or state as a condition

• Speculate – to engage in thought or reflection; meditate

• Subsequently – occurring or coming later or after

• Thereby – by that; by means of that

• Validity – the state or quality of being valid

• Virtual – being such in power, force, or effect, though not actually or expressly such