Download - Word Power Chapter 11 Sessions 28-31 How To Insult Your Enemies Basic 10 Words

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Word Power Chapter 11

Sessions 28-31How To Insult Your Enemies

Basic 10 Words

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Session 28• Martinet- strict disciplinarian, drill-sergeant• Sycophant- kiss-up, bootlicker, brown-noser• Dilettante- one who dabbles in the fine arts; not a

professional• Virago- a loud-mouthed, shrewish woman• Chauvinist- absurdly devoted to your own beliefs and

affiliations• Monomaniac- obsessed with one thing• Iconoclast- going against established traditions and beliefs• Atheist- one who doesn’t believe in God or a higher power• Lecher- a promiscuous person (usually a male)• Hypochondriac- a person who always believes (incorrectly)

that they are sick• Exercises pg. 287-289

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Session 29• Sykon- Greek- fig• Phanein- Greek- to show (pg. 290)• Dia- prefix- through• Diaphanous- English- describing material that is filmy, gauzy, or see

through• Diletarre- Italian- to delight• Tyro- English- inexperienced beginner• Virtuoso- English- one who is exceptional in a field, highly-skilled• Libretto- Italian/English- the story of an opera• Concerto- Italian/English- a musical composition• Vir- Latin- man• Termagant & Harridan- English- synonyms for Virago

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More Session 29• Patriotic- English- to be normally proud of one’s country• Pater/patris- Latin- father• Mony- Latin- from the Roman Goddess Juno Moneta who guarded the

temples of finance• Patrimony- English- an inheritance from one’s father• Onyma- Greek- name• Patronymic- English- a name formed from the father’s name (usually with –

son on the end)• Syn- prefix- with or together• Synonym- English- a word similar in meaning to another• Anti- prefix- against• Antonym- English- a word of opposite meaning• Homos- Greek- the same• Homonym/ Homophone- English- a word that sounds like another but has

different meanings

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Even More Session 29

• Paternity- English- fatherhood• Patriarch- English- a man in a ruling position;

head of the family• Archein- Greek- to rule• Caedo- Latin- to kill• Patricide- English- the killing of one’s father

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Session 29 Never Dies• Mater/Matris- Latin- mother• Matriarch- English- the mother-ruler• Maternity- English- motherhood• Maternal- English- motherly• Matron- English- an older woman, usually out of child-bearing

years• Alma- Latin- spirit, soul• Alma Mater- English/Latin- the school or college from which

one has graduated• Matrimony- English- marriage (notice the root mony in the

word. What’s the literal meaning of this word?)• Matricide- English- the killing of one’s mother

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Session 29 As long as we’re talking about murder anyway…

• Sui- Latin- oneself• Suicide- English- the killing of oneself• Frater/fratris- Latin- brother• Fratricide- English- ???• Soror- Latin- sister• Sororicide- English- ???• Homicide- English- the killing of another person• Murder- implies intent and premeditation• Manslaughter- accidental and without intent

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Session 29- Almost there!• Rex, regis- Latin- king• Regicide- English- killing of a ruler• Uxor- Latin- wife• Uxoricide- English- killing of one’s wife• Maritus- Latin- husband• Mariticide- English- ???• Infans/ Infantis- Latin- ???• Infanticide- English- ???• Genos- Latin- race, kind• Genocide- English- the killing of a whole race or nation• Parricide- English- the killing of either or both parents• Exercises- pg. 297-305

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Session 30• Fraternize- English- to have a brotherly relationship with• Fraternal- English- brotherly• Fraternity- English- a men’s organization usually found in

college• Sorority- English- ???• Uxorious- English- describing a man who caters to his wife’s

every wish and demand• Marital- English-referring to marriage• Extramarital- English- referring to something outside of the

marriage• Premarital- English- referring to something that happens

before a marriage

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More Session 30• pg. 307 of Cabbages and Kings• Regal- English- splendid, fit for a king• Regalia- English- the dress or insignia of royalty or the military• Monos- Greek- one• Dipsa- Greek- thirst• Dipsomania- English- more commonly referred to as alcoholism• Klepte- Greek- thief• Kleptomania- English- a morbid compulsion to steal• Pyros- Greek- fire• Pyromania- English- an obsession with setting fires• Incendo, incensus- Latin- to set fire• Incendiary- English- a typically antisocial person who sets fires for revenge• Ardo, arsus- Latin- to burn• Arson- English- the felony of setting fire to property for monetary gain• Megas- Greek- big, large• Megalomania- English- morbid delusions of grandeur, power, and importance

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Session 30- Are you scared yet?

• Phobia- Greek/ English- morbid fear• Claustrum- Latin- enclosed space• Claustrophobia- English- ???• Agora- Greek- market place• Agoraphobia- English- dread of open spaces• Akros- Greek- highest• Acrophobia- English- fear of heights• See pg. 527 for more phobias• Exercises pg- 311-317

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Session 31• Eikon- Greek- a religious image• Klaein- Greek- to break• Theo- Greek- God• Gnostos- Greek- known• Agnostic- English- does not believe or disbelieve in God• Diagnosis- English- knowing through testing or screening• Prognosis- English- a prediction of how a disease or disorder will develop• Monotheism- English- belief in one God• Polytheism- English- a belief in many Gods• Pan- Latin- all• Pantheism- English- the belief that God is everything in the universe, not

in man’s image• Theology- English- the study of God or religion

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More Session 31• Hypos- Greek- under• Chondros- Greek- the cartilage of the breastbone• Hypothyroidism- English- one who has an under-working

thyroid gland• Hypotension- English- abnormally low blood pressure• Hyper- Greek- over• Hypercritical- English- one who is excessively fault-finding• Hyperacidity, hyperactivity, hypersensitive, etc.• Exercises pg. 322-329

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• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus et magna. Fusce sed sem sed magna suscipit egestas.