Download - Word of Mouth - A Prescription for a Bad Economy

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Word of Mouth – A Prescription for a Bad Economy

A Presentation by Agent Wildfire – Canada’s Word of Mouth Experts

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This economy is bad…like really bad…

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It looks like we’re in the big R…

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Yikes, Advertising is taking it on the chin...

- Group M forecasts media spending down 3.2% in 2009- Zenith Optimedia forecasts 5.7% down in 2009- Morgan Stanley could envision a +10% drop in spending depending on the economy

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How will we carve up the media pie?...

Well, we’ll be eating less media:- 93% of CMOs believe the economy will have a significant/moderate impact on their budgets- 70% of CMOs plan on reducing their marketing spending Source: Epsilon

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Perhaps a premature announcement, but why wait.

2009 Anticipated Declines:

- 15% Newspapers- 13% Consumer Magazines- 10% Terrestrial Radio- 4% Network TV

Source: Jack Myers Media Report

The Long Slow Decline into Irrelevance

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Smart Marketers are Now Rethinking Traditionally Held Views...

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Crisis requires radical shifts in thinking

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You Can Believe

In Is Coming

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Here Comes the Next Wave of Marketing & Media…

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The Fastest Growing Marketing/Media Segments

Expected 5 year Compound Annual Growth Rate

Word of Mouth 27%Internet/Mobile 14%Branded Entertainment 13%Custom Publishing 11%Out of Home 10%

Source: Veronis Suhler Stevenson

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Word of Mouth is Catching On…in All Its Forms

Buzz Marketing Social MediaCustomer Collaboration Brand Communities

Influencer Marketing

User Generated Content

Influencer Marketing Social Networks Referral Programs



Viral Marketing

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Fact - Most Traditional Media is an Inefficient Cost…

…Word of Mouth is a Wise Investment

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12 Reasons Why Word of MouthDeserves Your Consideration

In This Economy

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Advertising Attention Deficit Hurdles

3,000 ads get pushed at us each day - 6 times the volume vs. 40 years ago…the tougher it is to

breakthrough, the more we do and invest

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Reason #1 – Word of Mouth Gets Noticed

- 4% any ad recall from last TV show watched(down from 34% in 1965)

Source: NBA

-70% of people frequently consume multiple media simultaneously

Source: eMarketer

- 93% of people believe word of mouth isthe most reliable way to find out information about products and services (up +26 pts. Vs. 25 years ago)

Source: NOP World

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One-Way Communication Hurdles

Customers demand interaction and customization,Marketers require it

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Reason #2 – Word of Mouth Taps The Values of New, Customer Participation Culture

Mass Media Word of Mouth

Customers Now Want:FreedomCustomization ScrutinyIntegrityCollaborationEntertainmentSpeedInnovation

Participation Values Grade2/102/103/102/101/108/105/102/10

Participation Values Grade9/108/109/109/10


Evaluation Score 25/80 70/80

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In a bad economy, marketing has to punch harder and create action…

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Reason #3 – Word of Mouth Stimulates Action

- 90% - proportion of people who canskip ads, do skip ads

- 69% - percentage of people who are interested in skipping ads completely Source: Yankelovich

- 70% - percentage of people affected byword of mouth conversations

- 37% buy it/try it- 24% consider it- 9% avoid it

Source: Keller Fay

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Lifetime customer value trumps short term lift

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Reason #4 – Word of Mouth Has Longevity

- Over 30% of the broadcast content we see in mass media is advertising or promotion

- How much is conscious? Low- How much is attentive/lean

forward? Low- How much is well-received? Low- How much is retained? Low- How much is banked in

memory? Virtually nil

- Average people have 17 word of mouth conversations each day

- How much is interactive? High- How much is spoken? High- How much is internalized? High- How much is retained? High- How much is behaviour altering?


-Brand Communities don’t reach full maturity to 18 months

- 82% of community members refer more people to a brand after joining

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Ad inflation is running wild

In a down economy, advertising is a tougher discretionary expense to justify

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Reason #5 – Word of Mouth Costs Less Per Impact

- Cost to Produce a National TV Ad- $360,000

- Min. Media Cost to Air a National Campaign in Canada

- $1,200,000

- Typical Research Cost Associated with TV-Campaign

- $25,000 - $100,000

Choose Your Flavour:- Year Round Community - $100-500k

- 26 week Word of Mouth Campaign - $40-150k

- Blog/Social Media Outreach $30-100k

- Advisory Panel - $15-75k

- Buzz Marketing Tactic $5-100k

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In a bad economy, few markets increase, it’s a battle for share growth

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Reason #6 – Word of Mouth is a Competitive Advantage

- Canadian advertisers spend $19 billionon media - $674 per adult

- Advertising is spent on very similar formats: TV – 30 second ad

Print – Full page, ½ pageWeb – Banner, SearchRadio – 30, 60 seconds

- 10% - Percentage of CFOs who believe marketers can assess impact of budget on sales

Source: Canadian Marketing Association, MMA

- Only 1-2% of marketing budgets arecurrently spent directly on creating word of mouth

- Marketers are just beginning to activate word of mouth variants, but still low - Influencer programs - 22% of marketers executing - Buzz/Stunts - 15% - Branded Entertainment 14%

- A 7% increase in positive word of mouth equates to 1% business growth

Sources: VSS, Agent Wildfire, London School of Economics

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In today’s connected economy, grassroots influence is key

Less than 10% of your customer base controls a big chunk of what the rest of us buy, think and do…

why not target them?!

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Reason #7 – Word of Mouth Targets Influence

- With rare exception (i.e. magazines), mainstream media has a tough time targeting audiences and specifically influencers

- 70% of Wikipedia’s content is produced by 1.7% of its audience

- Top ranked Influencer belief – “I love talking to others about things I’ve just discovered”

- Influencers are 2x more active, more conversational and/or more brand-involved than the mainstream consumer

Sources: Agent Wildfire, Keller Fay

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Need for ROI for marketers in a bad economy is a mantra

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Reason #8 – Word of Mouth is More Measurable and Linked to Growth

- Mass media has challenges auditing its own traffic

- Mass media weight cannot be linked to sales

- When measured, it only measures presumed eyeballs not real engagement

-Word of mouth activities have much better measurement ability because of their digital nature and opportunity to mine relationship with customer/member

- The #1 factor linked to business growth is word of mouth referral

- Word of mouth measures the key business drivers of engagement and advocacy

Sources: Agent Wildfire, Bain

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Trust has eroded in our institutions, a bad economy will accelerate this contempt

…but we still trust our friends and “people like me”Source: Edelman Trust Barometer

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Reason #9 – Word of Mouth is More Trusted

60% of people have a much more negative view of marketing and advertising than a few years ago

27% trust manufacturers

14% trust ads

8% trust celebrities

Word of mouth is the #1 trusted source, up 50% vs. a generation ago

61% of people claim to buy the same brands as their friends (+28 pts. Vs. 4 years ago)

90% trust their spouse

82% trust their friends

Sources: Yankelovich/Henley Centre Sources: Keller Fay/Yankelovich/Henley Centre

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Who do you trust?

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The Customer is the New Battleground

Word of Mouth gets you closer to your customer frontlines

Percentage of executives who

believe the Customer Experience is the new

battleground - 95%

Percentage that believe they are

delivering a positive customer experience

- 80%

Percentage of their customers who agree

- 8%

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Reason #10 – Word of Mouth is More Customer Centric

Entertainment Value Information Value

Entertainment Value Informational Value Explicit value (rewards) Intrinsic value (feeling of belonging) Extrinsic value (ego/reputation) Experiential value (immersion) Social value (making connections) Talent value (expressing skills/creativity) Service value (adds to the product) Collaborative value (1+1=3)

Mass Media Provides: WOM Provides:

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CEOs are Expecting More From their Marketers – Marketers need to be Leaner and Keener

Word of Mouth accommodates those needs

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Reason #11 – Word of Mouth Simply Provides More

Communication Communication Advocacy Ambassadorship Buzz Insight Real world feedback Solutions Innovation Support Operational Improvements User Generated Content

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Marketers want WOM for a variety or reasons

Internal External



Awareness/Buzz 35%

Referrals/Leads/Members 32%

Participate in a conversation 26%

Drive brand loyalty 32%

Seed influencers 32%

Launch a product 22%

Build a better customer experience 21%

Accelerate sales 19%

Target tough to reach audience 19%

Generate user generated content 19%

Support a cause 6%

Support a cause 6%

Deliver visitors/traffic 17%

Enhance credibility 14%

Get Insight /solutions 10%

Provide learning 6%

Source: Agent Wildfire Question - What are the top 3 objectives for launching a word of mouth based initiative?

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Don’t skate to where the puck is , skate to where it is going to be

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Reason #12 – Word of Mouth is the Now & the Future

Canadian Marketers plan on spending more/less in 2009:

More LessNewspaper 5% 32%Radio 5% 33%TV 4% 37%Magazines 3% 39%Social Media 23% 16%

58% of marketers agree thatword of mouth influence will overtake traditional media influence within a generation

73% of marketers believe marketers will become much more important in an organization by leveraging word of mouth strategies and tactics

Source: Veritas Source: Agent Wildfire

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A Palette of New Strategies & Tactics Await

Source: Agent Wildfire

What forms of word of mouth will experience the most growth in the next few years ? (top 3 choices)

Social media marketing 37%Social network marketing 35%Mobile marketing 34%User-generated Content 31%Influencer marketing 28%Brand communities 20%Customer forums 17%Branded entertainment 16%Cause-related marketing 14%Brand microblogging 14%Buzz marketing 13%Corporate/brand blogging 11%

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Recap – The 12 Reasons Why Word of Mouth (WOM) is Primed for this Economy

1 ) WOM Gets Noticed2) WOM Taps Participation Values3) WOM Stimulates Action4) WOM has Longevity5) WOM has Less Cost/More Value6) WOM is a Competitive Advantage7) WOM Targets Influence8) WOM is More Measurable9) WOM is More Trusted10) WOM is More Customer Centric11) WOM Provides More12) WOM is the Future

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…Don’t Despair

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Integrated Brand Community-building Advisory Panel Influencer-driven Challenge/intervention Referral-driven Grassroots sponsorship/cause-driven

Offline Experiential Buzz/Guerrilla

Online Social Media Production/Outreach Social Network Production/Outreach Viral Affiliate/Referral -driven User-generated Advergaming

We plan, seed, incubate execute, measure, live and breathe the spectrum of word of mouth

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Let’s Start Your Next Brand Conversation…Inquire: info (at)

Phone: 416-255-4500


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