Download - Women in Technology_Presentation - 30 March 2015

  • 8/9/2019 Women in Technology_Presentation - 30 March 2015


    Women and the Web

    Unleashing a global opportunity

  • 8/9/2019 Women in Technology_Presentation - 30 March 2015




    1. Introduction

    2. Summary Insights - Women & the Webreport 2012

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    Context and background

    • Inte Corporation engaged !a berg " oba !e#e opmentAd#isors to conduct a study on the re ationship bet$eengender and the Internet in de#e oping countries , inconsultation with individuals at UN Women; the State Department’sOfce o !lo"al Women’s Issues, #$perience Insi%hts &a", I'(, Intel&a"s; and World )ulse

    • *his stud+ speci%ca y exp ored the barriers andopportunities re ated to on ine access Internet usage andgender in order to 'uanti(y imp ications and identi(yrecommendations (or the pri#ate sector the socia sectorand the de#e opment community

    ocused on the -emer%in% middle class’ rather than .o)/2,000 women surve+ed across India, #%+pt, 1e$ico andU%andaOver 0 interviews with %lo"al %ender and I * e$perts#$tensive literature review and %lo"al data anal+sis

    • *he resultin% report revealed an ur%ent and untapped opportunit+in reachin% the underserved se%ment o women and %irls in

  • 8/9/2019 Women in Technology_Presentation - 30 March 2015


    !a berg is a strategy and ad#isory %rm dedicated to" oba !e#e opment

    Wor d )ank

    Ser#ices and sam

    p e o(c ients

    4 ounded in 2005

    4 !rown to 5 %lo"al ofces, with in 6 rica

    4 Sta7 drawn rom top8tier mana%ementconsultin% 9rms in the private sector

    4 #$pertise in "oth "usiness anddevelopment strate%+, and on8the8%roundimplementation e$perience in rontier andemer%in% mar:ets

    4 Identi9cation o investment opportunities "usiness case creation

    4 1ar:et easi"ilit+, entr+ %rowth strate%ies

    4 Or%aniO?6NN#S.U(







    N#W BO(@ W6S?IN!*OND


    N#W D#&?I6.U D?6.I

  • 8/9/2019 Women in Technology_Presentation - 30 March 2015



    *he Internet is the %lo"al %atewa+ to ideas, resources andopportunities

    and +et not all people have eEuita"le access to the Internet

    On avera%e across the developin% world, nearl+ 2CF ewerwomen and %irls are online than men and "o+s, and this %ender

    %ap clim"s to a"ove 0F in re%ions li:e su"8Saharan 6 rica

    *o begin to bridge the Internetgender gap

    the number o( $omen and gir son ine can and shou d be doub ed

    in the coming three years

    Introduction+ *he Internet "ender "ap

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    Internet penetration in the de#e oping $or d isgro$ing rapid y

    5 #stimation o 5H F annual Internet penetration %rowth, "ased on 38+ear historical %rowth rom 200 855, 5 2CFannual population %rowth "ased on 9ve8+ear historical %rowth in 5 developin% countries 2 I*U reports that

    "etween 200 855, Internet penetration 6!( in developin% economies was 5H F while in developed economies itwas JFSourceK I*U, UN )opulation data"ase

    L L5C

    5 .

    L L5C

    2 C.

    L L5C

    2 5.

    L L5C

    5 H.

    Internet ,sers in !e#e opingCountriesr of Internet users

    !e#e oping $or d Internet penetrationgro$th is outpacing the de#e oped $or d

    by x

    • Improved in rastructure e % ,3!

    • )roli eration o accessplat orms includin%"roadenin% spectrum o entr+points e % , smarphones

    • Increased a7orda"ilit+ oplat orms and services

    • Increased pu"lic sector andN!O support to acilitateawareness, education andaccess e % WOU!N#* inU%anda

    !ri#ers o( "ro$th

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    *his gap is (orecasted to perpetuate and $iden

    5 6ssumes 5H F annual Internet penetration %rowth, "ased on 38+ear historical %rowth rom 200H82055, 5 2CF annualpopulation %rowth "ased on 9ve8+ear historical %rowth in 5 developin% countriesSourceK I*U, UN )opulation data"ase

    I n t

    e r n e

    t U

    s e r s

    5 C.



    L L5C

    3 04 1 "ender gap

    2004 "ender gap

    L L5C

    5 .

    5 0C.

    L L5C


    L L5CL L5C

    5orecasted Internet access (or $omen and men in

    de#e oping countriesber of Internet users

    I( Internet usage increases at the same rate (or bothmen and $omen

    in 3 years the gender gap $i ba oon (rom 200 to 3 0

    mi ion

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    Causes and e6ects o( the Internet gender gapoccur at the e#e o( the indi#idua hercommunity and her countryCA,S7What (actors in8uence or hinder

    Internet access and use among$omen and gir s9

    7557C*What are the anticipated

    bene%ts as a resu t o( increasedaccess and use9

    Indi#idua or:4icro;

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    Ana ysis across country data re#ea s regiona#ariations

    L L5C

    L L5C L L5CL L5C L L5C

    L L5C L L5CL L5C L L5C

    L L5C L L5C

    L L5C L L5CL L5C L L5C

    L L5C L L5CL L5C

    /o$ ong ha#e you beenusing the Internet (or9

    o f respondents

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    *o $hat extent is the Internet(unB9

    electing, “Describes very well”

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    /o$ important is access to Internetto your dai y i(e9

    % of respondents selecting, “Essential” or “Very Important”

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    *o $hat extent does the Internetgi#e me greater (reedomB9

    % of respondents selecting, “Describes very well”

    SourceK Intel unded surve+s in U%anda, #%+pt, India and 1e$ico, 6u%ust8Septem"er 2052; #$pert interviews;Dal"er% anal+sis

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    *here are regiona #ariances (or non-use o(internet

    4y (ami yD(riends$ou d disappro#eB

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5CL L5C

    L L5C

    Why do you not current y use the Internet Emore o(tenF9t non-user respondents, multiple selections okay

    Gack easy access toa p at(orm $ith InternetB

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5CL L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    I;m not (ami iar orcom(ortab e $iththe techno ogyB

    L L5C

    L L5CL L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C L L5C

    L L5C

    L L5C

    C,G*,@7 A)IGI*H I>5@AS*@,C*,@7

    SourceK Intel unded surve+s in U%anda, #%+pt, India and 1e$ico, 6u%ust8Septem"er 2052; #$pert interviews;Dal"er% anal+sis

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    “Internetempowers themasses andespecially thewomen”

    “Because of the

    Internet, I feel Iam moreconfident”

    If a family buys a computer, it will be forthe son because he may end up with a jobin IT. But if a family has two or threedaughters, they don’t want them onlinebecause of fears they may meet boys.”

    “ What is often percei edas technophobia in realityresults primarily fromgender norms andune!ual opportunities ”

    “Internet is notappropriate forme. "or me, it isnot needed#thatis my parent’sthin$ing.”

    SourceK Intel unded surve+s in U%anda, #%+pt, India and 1e$ico, 6u%ust8Septem"er 2052; #$pert interviews

    /o$e#er consistent themes emerge

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    Across a demographic and geographic di#isionsthe bene%cia impact o( the Internet is c ear. . .

    Internet access empo$ers $omen

    boosts income and raises incomepotentia


    the Internet pro#idesmore


    J0 9ndthe Internet


    CF use theInternet to

    search (or andapp y (or a Kob

    0 use theInternet to impro#e



    30 use theInternet to earn


    SourceK Intel unded surve+s in U%anda, #%+pt, India and 1e$ico, 6u%ust8Septem"er 2052; #$pert interviews;Dal"er% anal+sis

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    . . . and interesting y accessing the Internet #iamu tip e p at(orms is key to un eashing thesebene%ts


    ?ave earnedadditional income

    Improved educationLstudies

    reater emplo+ment opportunities

    "+ e$pandin% networ:s

    ?ave used to searchLappl+ or a =o"

    DLD1 more bene%ts

    DLD1 more bene%ts

    DLD1 more bene%ts

    DLD1 more bene%ts

    1o"ile or Non8mo"ile plat orm onl+ use1ulti8plat orm users

    Which describe bene%ts Internet access has

    brought to you9% of respondents

    4u ti-p at(orm respondents $ere a so M30 more ike yto cite the

    Internet as essentia B to their dai y i#es than otherusersSourceK Intel unded surve+s in U%anda, #%+pt, India and 1e$ico, 6u%ust8Septem"er 2052; #$pert interviews;

    Dal"er% anal+sis

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    *here is a need to create 1 04 additiona $omeninternet users

    L L5C

    L L5C1

    L L5C.

    L L5C

    L L5C1

    L L5C

    L L5C1

    L L5C

    1.2 ) Women and gir s on the internet $ithin threeyears

    #stimation o 5H F annual Internet penetration %rowth, "ased on 38+ear historical %rowth rom200 855, 5 2CF annual population %rowth "ased on 9ve8+ear historical %rowth in 5developin% countries 2 I*U reports that "etween 200 855, Internet penetration 6!( indevelopin% economies was 5H F while in developed economies it was JF2 *he %ender %ap represents 2001 women and %irls toda+, "ut %iven continued %rowth o

    Internet access it willrepresent M3C01 women and %irls in three +ears *he 5C01 women are 0F o the 3C01

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    *he %nancia and economic case that emerges ise'ua y compe ing

    1.2bi ion

    0-J0 bi ion,S! untappedmarketopportunity (ordata and


    13-1 bi ion,S! inadditiona "!?across 1countries

    N00mi ion

    SourceK Intel unded surve+s in U%anda, #%+pt, India and 1e$ico, 6u%ust8Septem"er 2052; #$pert interviews;Dal"er% anal+sis


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    1F)ui dcoa itions(or actionandad#ocacy

    1 1F!eepenandexpandpartnerships $ithmobi eoperators

    Incenti#iOeentrepreneursto create$omen-centriccontent

    1FIdenti(y(oster andengage$omen

    IC*eaders in

    1F*rackho$$omenand gir s

    accessand use

    2 3

    In conc usion doub ing the $omen and gir s on ine$ithin three years is an urgent imperati#e (or a

    SourceK Dal"er% anal+sis

    Initia ?ath$ays (or Action

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    Contact In(ormation

    or urther in ormation, please contactK

    • (enee Wittem+er, Intel (enee Wittem+er intel com• 6ndria *homas, Dal"er%6ndria *homas dal"er% com• 6nne 1a:hulo, Dal"er%6nne 1a:hulo dal"er% com

    *han: +ouP

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]